Fonds pour la chirurgie cardiaque asbl progresser par la recherche Fonds voor hartchirurgie vzw vooruitgang door onderzoek Jacqueline Bernheim Prize Call for completed fundamental or clinical research work in the field of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery or Thoracic Organ Transplant 2015 Brussels, January 15, 2015 Mr Dean, Dear Colleague, Prize-Winners Dr Dirk Van Raemdonck (KUL) Dr Olivier Detry (Ulg) Dr Philippe van de Borne (ULB) Dr Bernhard L. Gerber (UCL) Dr Benoit Rondelet (ULB) Dr Patrizio Lancelotti (ULg) Philip Moons (KUL) Dr Bart L. Loeys (UGent) Dr An Van den Bergh (KUL) Dr Bart Vanaudenaerde (KUL) Dr Myrielle Mathieu (ULB) Dr Philip Rega (KUL) Dr Antoine Bondue (ULB) Dr Sébastien Knecht (ULB) Dr Céline DEWACHTER (ULB) Dr Laurence DEWACHTER (ULB) Dr Stijn VERLEDEN (KUL) Every year, the Foundation for Cardiac Surgery (Fonds pour la Chirurgie Cardiaque Fonds voor Hartchirurgie) awards the Jacqueline Bernheim Prize to a young researcher, for his or her completed fundamental or clinical research work in the field of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery or Thoracic Organ Transplant. The candidates must not have exceeded 40 years when submitting their work, and must belong to a Belgian University Institution. The prize money will be 12.500 € for the year 2015. The deadline for submission of applications is March 30, 2015. The scientific paper (level of PhD degree) drafted in English, will be sent to the Foundation for Cardiac Surgery, to the attention of Doctor Martine Antoine, Secretary of the Prize, as ten paper copies and by e-mail to The Jury of the Jacqueline Bernheim Scientific Prize, composed of Professors from various Belgian Universities will meet and deliberate at the end of June. The Prize will be awarded during the 4th quarter of 2015. You will find in attachement the rules of the Prize. Please be kind to forward this call for applications to the research services concerned. Best regards, Pr Jean-Louis Leclerc, President Conseil d’administration - Raad van bestuur Pr Georges Primo, Président Honoraire | Erevoorzitter Pr Jean-Louis Le Clerc, Président | Voorzitter Freddy Berger, Trésorier | Penningmeester, Etienne Heilporn, Philippe Van Halteren, Pr Pierre Viart, Pr Pierre Wauthy rue Tenbosch 11 Tenbosstraat - Bruxelles 1000 Brussel T. 02 644 35 44 - F. 02 640 33 02 iban be15 3100 3335 2730 - bic: bbrubebb
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