Hasan Shriners First Quarter 2015 Potentate Tony D. Morris and Lady Kay HASAN SHRINERS 2015 ELECTED DIVAN Potentate Tony D. Morris and First Lady Kay 5342 Golf Drive Lake Park, GA 31636 Cell: 229-561-9070 tonyd533@yahoo.com Chief Rabban E.L. Sprayberry and Lady Jetta 960 Parten Road Home: 229-567-3811 Ashburn, GA 31714 Cell: 229-317-2781 jetspr1@windstream.net TABLE OF CONTENTS Potentate’s Message………………...……..….….2 Divan Messages…………………..……..….….3-5 Spring Ceremonial Information……………….…..6 Flower for the Living……..………………........7-8 2015 Potentate’s Appointments………...……...9-10 Club and Unit Messages…………………..…11-12 2015 Clubs and Unit Officers……………...…13-14 2014 Transportation Report……………..….…..15 Boosters………….……………….......................17 Potentate’s Ball Information………………..….18 Assistant Rabban John H. “Johnny” Walker Sr. and Lady Andrea 318 Paschal Street Home: 229-824-5817 Plains, GA 31780 Cell: 229-938-0640 walkerjsr@yahoo.com High Priest & Prophet Paul Massey and Lady Cindy P.O. Box 338 Home: 229-378-8254 Cairo, GA 39828 Cell: 229-224-0463 c2nnmassey@windstream.net Oriental Guide David “Ricky” Hortman and Lady Robin 1412 North Iasbella Street Sylvester, GA 31791 Cell: 229-347-3417 rickyhortman@ymail.com Treasurer Dorsey Holt,P.P. and Lady Mary (Shangie) 1001 Bear Creek Road Home: 229-896-7356 Adel, GA 31620 Cell: 229-561-7373 dorseyholt1@hotmail.com Recorder Wesley D. Pantone, P.P. and Lady Jackie 156 Kinchafoonee Ck Rd Home 229-439-0360 Leesburg, GA 31763 Cell 229 -886-4169 wpantone@bellsouth.net Appointed Divan 2015 1st Ceremonial Master Joe Futch 3470 Egg & Butter Road N. Home: 229-574-5051 Ochlocknee, GA 31773 Cell: 229-403-4503 joefutch@windstream.net 2015 Elected Imperial Council Reps Potentate Tony D. Morris Chief Rabban E.L. Sprayberry G. David Powell, P.P. Emeritus Robert E. “Bob” Hughes, P.P. Hospital Emeritus Robert E. “Bob” Mathis, P.P. Hospital Emeritus Gene H. McDowell, P.P. 2015 Elected Southeastern Reps Potentate Tony D. Morris Chief Rabban E.L. Sprayberry Recorder Wesley D. Pantone, P.P. 2015 Dixie Shrine Assoc. Reps Vice President Dorsey Holt, P.P. Potentate Tony D. Morris Chief Rabban E. L. Sprayberry Assistant Rabban Johnny Walker, Sr. Recorder Wesley D. Pantone, P.P. 2nd Ceremonial Master Doug Head and Lady Emily 16 Joe Fletcher Road Home: 229-386-2420 Tifton, GA 31794 Cell: 229-848-2663 deahead@gmail.com Director Tim Crimmins and Lady Alanda 1590 Lovers Lane Road Cell: 229-435-2784 Leesburg, GA 31763 tmcrm@bellsouth.net Marshal Joe Battles and Lady Darinda 1011 Foxwood Drive Office: 229-243-7446 Bainbridge, GA 39819 Cell: 229-220-1962 jfbattles@gmail.com Captain of the Guard Edwin “Brad”Hurst and Lady Kristie 704 W. 10th Street Home: 229-326-8360 Tifton, GA 31794 bhurst@lasallebristol.com Outer Guard Elmer “Dan ”Daniels and Lady Cathy 132 Tallassee Trail Home: 229-759-1533 Leesburg, GA 31763 Cell: 229-809-2145 danielselmer@yahoo.com Nobles, I would like to say how much Lady Kay and I appreciate your support this year. We look forward to working with you and serving as Potentate and First Lady for Hasan Shrine Temple in 2015. We take our responsibility very seriously, yet at the same time we want to have fun and want you to have fun too. Please, make plans to attend the Spring Ceremonial March 13th and 14th in Adel. We hope each of you will attend the Potentate Nobles' Ball April 17th and 18th in recognition of your hard work and dedication to Shriners Hospitals and Shrine Temple Fundraising activities. Please come be a part of all our activities and fundraisers to enjoy the Brotherhood and Fellowship. Yours in the faith Black Camel Down Memory Lane Ralph Edwards Charles Luke Joel Carrington Donald Ward Billy Jas Hancock Jesse W. Luke James C. Duke Wayne Holt Lucius Jacobs Gary W. Nelms Donald “Don” Olin John Dewitt Tommie Clark Roy McDonald Frank Haile Marion Holloway, Jr Barney J. Glass Lawrenceville, GA Valdosta, GA Tifton, GA Melbourne, FL Adel, GA Gulf Shores, AL Bainbridge, GA Bainbridge, GA Willacoochee, GA Nashville, GA Albany, GA Barney, GA Fitzgerald, GA Waycross, GA Nashville, GA Bainbridge, GA Blakely, GA 2 01/18/2013 10/11/2013 11/14/2013 01/28/2014 02/25/2014 05/27/2014 08/22/2014 09/20/2014 09/27/2014 10/04/2014 10/05/2014 11/01/2014 11/14/2014 11/26/2014 12/13/2014 12/22/2014 01/20/2015 to Albany Ladies of Nasah Meetings 1st Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. All Ladies of Shriners are Invited to Attend Jetta Sprayberry, President, 229-567-3811 Christine Fowler, Membership, 229-869-6744 From your Recorder Thank you to everyone for having confidence in me and re-electing me as your Recorder. This year as in the past Hasan Shrine will have many new opportunities. Our membership is still dropping. We have a membership chairperson, Brad Hurst. We all need to work with him to make membership one our most important issues. Hasan currently has 840 members. Let us set a goal to increase our membership. You know where we get new members; it is from your Blue Lodge. Look around and see if you can find someone that wants to be a Shriner. Sign him up, also on that same note, if you know someone that was a Shriner. Get him to agree to be reinstated. Call the office and find out how much it will cost. The trips to take patients to the Shrine Hospitals have increased over the years and our Transportation Fund needs your help to provide these trips for our children. Your donations help to pay for the constantly increasing cost of fuel and maintenance of the vehicles. Contributions to the transportation fund are always welcome and are tax deductable. We always need more drivers to take a child and a family member to and from the hospitals. If you can drive the vans, and have time, stop by the office and talk to Jim. Just let him know when you are available to drive. He will help you with the paper work. This project is one of the most rewarding opportunities you will ever have. Potentate, Tony Morris, has some new and some old events and moneymaking plans. We need your help to make it all work for him in 2015. This will be a very exciting year. Let us all work together and keep the fun in Shrine. Wesley Pantone Recorder, PP 2015 Past Potentates *C.W. Pidcock, 1950-51 *R.E. Coleman, 1952 *Clyde Howard, 1953 *J.R. Belflower, 1954 *Dr. Jack Standifer, 1955 *David L. Paulk, 1956 *D. Albert Murphy, 1957 *Julian Webb, 1958 *H.H. Goodman, 1959 *Leonard J. Doyal, 1960 *Cleve S. Mincy, 1961 *Don E. Hodges, 1962 *John C. Butler, 1963 *Rufus C. Johnson, 1964, Jean *H.M. Barry, 1965 *E.E. “Gene” Hodges, 1966 *Toby Royal, 1967 *L. Broughton Powell, 1968 *Wayne D. Seaman, 1969 *Dr. T.B. Cobb, 1970 *Joe P. Davis, 1971 *O. Fletcher Thompson, 1972 *Dr. Roy T. Puckett, 1973 *W.T. Hawkins, 1974 *Ray Randall, 1975 *O.H. P. Juhan, 1976 *R. E. Blue, 1977 *Ray W. Willingham, 1978 *Dr. W.E. Wynens, 1979 Robert E. Hughes, 1980, Carolyn Joel A. McNair, 1981, Ramona *James R. Harrell, 1982, Sandra *H. Joe Nichols, 1983, Frances *M.E. “Jack” Cole, 1984, Catherine * Robert C. Huggins, 1985, Carolyn *Dr. Robert W. Wilson, 1986 Olin F. Thompson, Jr., 1987, Mary *William “Bill” Maxwell, 1988, Marideane *Vernon T. Shaw, 1989, Evelyn Jack F. Lee, 1990, Barbara H.J. “Skip” Nichols, 1991, Lavon *Rance J. Taylor, Jr., 1992, Avie Allen L. Parrish, Jr., 1993, Elsie *Andrew F. Kinard, 1994, Edie Daniel J. Griffin, 1995, Lonnie G. David Powell, 1996 *Paul R. Baker, 1997, Jolyn *John L. Goodroe, 1998 *Travis W. Thompson, 1999, Azalea E.R. “Rudy” Rigsby, 2000 H. Larry Wimberly, 2001, Lavonia Dennis J. Blair, 2002, Ann G. David Powell, 2003 Gene H. McDowell, 2004 Dwayne T. Culpepper, 2005, Gloria Robert E. “Bob” Mathis, 2006, Elaine Robert E. “Bob” Hoffman, 2007, Sharon Fred A. Burt, 2008, Judy Gary A. Rogers, 2009, Carol Dorsey E. Holt, 2010, Shangie Wesley D. Pantone, 2011, Jackie B. Keith Laney, 2012, Chris Allen Jernigan, 2013, Peggy William W. Willingham 2014 *Deceased 2015 PROGRAM FOR NOBLES Friday March 13, 2015 1 p.m. – 6 p.m. Registration at Days Inn I-75 (Exit 39) and Hwy 37 1200 West Fourth Street 6 p.m.-7p.m. 1st Session at Delle Beaumgard Center 8 p.m.-12 p.m. Entertainment at Days Inn Court Yard Saturday March 14, 2015 7:00 a.m. Registration at Days Inn 9 a.m -10 a.m. Candidates’ street work 10 a.m. Parade Lineup 11 a.m. Parade 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m Candidates Lunch –Delle Beaumgard Center 1 p.m.-3 p.m. 2nd Session at Delle Beaumgard Center 4 p.m -6 p.m. Potentate’s Treat at Days Inn Courtyard 8 p.m. – till Entertainment at Days Inn Courtyard Honoring all New Nobles NOBLES PROGRAMS &COMMITTEES Chairman: Jon Sands Co-Chairman: James Taylor, Sr 2015 PROGRAM FOR LADIES Friday March 13, 2015 1 p.m.- 6 p.m. Registration at Days Inn. Purchase Ladies Luncheon Tickets 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Entertainment at Days Inn Courtyard Saturday, March 14, 2015 7:30.a.m-10 a.m Registration at Days Inn. Purchase Ladies Luncheon Tickets 9:00 a.m. -10a.m. Enjoy street work of candidates 11 a.m. View parade downtown 12 p.m.-until Ladies Luncheon ($25 per person) 4 p.m.-6 p.m. Potentate Treat at Days Inn Courtyard 8 p.m.-till Entertainment at Days Inn Courtyard LADIES PROGRAMS & COMMITTEES Chairperson: Frana Taylor Co-Chairperson: Nicole/ Stacy REGISTRATION Chairman: Tifton Shrine Club Cook County Shrine Club HOSPITALITY ENTERTAINMENT Chairman: Chairman: Danny Saturday Danny Saturday Tony Morris PARADE Chairman: Joey Shiver Co-Chairman: James Taylor INITIATION FACILITIES Chairman: Dorsey Holt, P.P. Co-Chairman: David Sands PUBLICITY Chairman: Joey Shiver Co-Chairman: James Taylor, Sr. TRANSPORTATION Chairman: Bill Willingham Co-Chairman: Chris & Craig Burt BANNER SALES John Wilson Cook County Shrine BANNER INSTALLATION Chairman: Beau Daniel Sinclair Cook County Shriners REGISTRATION & LUNCHEON TICKETS Chairperson: Tifton Ladies of Nasah Co-Chairperson: Ladies of Cook Co. Shrine Club HOSPITALITY Ladies of Cook County Shrine Club LUNCHEON Chairperson: Frana Taylor Co-Chairperson: Nicole/ Stacy MORNING COFFEE Chairperson: Emily Head Co-Chairperson: Kay Morris ENTERTAINMENT Chairperson: Frana Taylor Co-Chairperson: Kay Morris DECORATIONS Chairperson: Kristie Hurst and Roadrunner Wives HOSTESSES Ladies of Cook County Shrine Club 50 ROOMS AT DAYS INN –ADEL 16 Smoking Rooms and 34 Non-Smoking 54.99 + TAX **IDENTIFY YOURSELF AS A SHRINER** CALL DIRECTLY TO DAYS INN FOR RESERVATIONS 229-896-4574 FLOWERS FOR THE LIVING In Memory of: Charles Luke Presented by Hasan Shriners H.B. Edwards III In Memory of: Cory Bell Presented by Bill Willingham In Memory of: Don Olin Presented by Hasan Shriners Wesley & Jackie Pantone Bill Willingham Bob & Sharon Hoffman Katherine Jeschke Lori & Lexy Cravens Dorsey & Shangie Holt Dwayne & Gloria Culpepper Julian & Janis Webb Juanita Lawson Allen & Peggy Jernigan John H. McDuffie United Methodist Women's Circle David Powell & Margie McLelland Susan Watson Ray & Diane Campbell Sarah S. Moore In Memory of: Ernest T. Brooks Presented by Wesley & Jackie Pantone Bill Willingham Dorsey & Shangie Holt In Memory of: Gary Nelms Presented by Hasan Shriners In Memory of: GaryLee Royal Presented by Dwayne & Gloria Culpepper 2015 In Memory of: Ira Harper Presented by Wesley & Jackie Pantone Bill Willingham Dorsey & Shangie Holt Cabiri G. David Powell & Margie McLelland In Memory of: Larry Hancock Presented by Carolyn Hollis & Family J. Stewart Champion Jr. Larry & Barbara Delbridge In Memory of: J. Frank Haile Rhonda Lambert Presented by Kay & Dean Hayman Hasan Shriners Jim, Marilyn & Jimmy Allison Dorsey & Shangie Holt Patsy & Charles Webb In Memory of:James E. Willingham F & W Forestry Services Engineering & Equipment Company Presented by Bill Willingham In Memory of: Lucius Jacobs Presented by In Memory of: James V Duke Hasan Shriners Presented by Ralph & Shari Dorminey Hasan Shriners Bill Willingham William & Virgie Barber Wesley & Jackie Pantone In Memory of: Janet Bailey Bob & Sharon Hoffman Presented by Allen & Peggy Jernigan Bill Willingham Dorsey & Shangie Holt Allen & Peggy Jernigan Dwayne & Gloria Culpepper David Powell & Margie McLelland In Memory of: Jim Hinson Presented by In Memory of: Marinell Melton Larry & Barbara Delbridge Presented by Wesley & Jackie Pantone In Memory of: John Dewitt Presented by In Memory of: Mildred Caldwell Hasan Shriners Presented by Dwayne & Gloria Culpepper Allen & Peggy Jernigan David Powell & Margie McLelland Wesley & Jackie Pantone Bill Willingham Don Tyner Dwayne & Gloria Culpepper In Memory of: April Summerlin Presented by Lori and Lexy Cravens FLOWERS FOR THE LIVING In Memory of: Mildred L. Harvey Presented by Leon & Dena Blair In Memory of: Bill Wimberly Presented by Gene Paris and Melba Howard In Memory of: Robert Huggins, P.P.In Memory of: Jackson O'quinn Presented by Presented by Bob & Sharon Hoffman Wesley and Jackie Pantone Allen & Peggy Jernigan Bill Willingham Fred and Judy Burt In Memory of: Ron Hinesley Donald & Janet Koechlein Presented by Shawn & Kara Spare and Family Bill Willingham Chuck and Carla McNeil In Memory of: Sherry Banghart Presented by Wesley & Jackie Pantone In Memory of: Tom Mitchell Presented by Larry & Barbara Delbridge In Memory of: Vasser Goode Presented by Wesley & Jackie Pantone In Memory of: Vergil Newberne Presented by Paul & Debi McNeal Rick & Emily Williams Mike &Deane Williams Steve & Lynn Williams In Memory of: W.L. Maddox Presented by Larry & Barbara Delbridge In Memory of: Walter Mathews Presented by Bill Willingham Wesley & Jackie Pantone Ray & Diane Campbell Marvin & Shari Dorminey Tony & Sue Parr Allen & Peggy Jernigan In Memory of: Kimberly Ann Douglas Robbins Bill Willingham Wesley and Jackie Pantone Gene Paris and Melba Howard Albany Shrine Club Tim and Alanda Crimmins John Sedberry Ron and Marsha Bryant Joe and Vivan Borom David and Gigi Carmichael Laura Peterson Director's Staff John and Christine Fowler Johnny and Andrea Walker 2015 COULD YOU USE AN ADDITIONAL $1200 A YEAR? There are medicare savings programs available to people with limited income and resources pay out of pocket. Medicare expenses such as: *Premiums * Deductibles *Co-payments The help you may receive from Medicare savings programs could put $1,200 a year back in your Social Security check. Call Debbie Mitchell (229)894-4579 Office (229) 430-9100 Senior Resource Center of Georgia, Inc In Memory of: Mrs. P.H. Watson Presented by Cook County Shrine Club In Honor of: P.H. Watson Presented by Cook County Shrine Club In Memory of: Ross Smith Presented by Dwayne and Gloria Culpepper In Memory of: Sam Thompson Presented by Dwayne and Gloria Culpepper 6 2015 POTENTATE APPOINTMENTS Trustees (Elected) 1 Year: G. David Powell,P.P. 2 Year: Gene McDowell,P.P. 3 Year: Skip Nichols, P.P. Executive Advisory Staff Fred A. Burt, P.P. G. David Powell, P.P. Dennis J. Blair, P.P. Chaplain John Jacobs Joe Abernathy, Emeritus Housing Director Wesley Pantone, P.P. Colonel of Units Craig Hart Major of Units Richard Kirkland Mark “Possum” Johnson Chief Aide John Fowler Aides Billy Brooks Ron Bryant Matt Hall Roy Harden Doug Head Kerry Helms Jason Holt Brad Hurst Jeff Lewis Ron Marcinski Jerry McKellar Charles Moore Gene Paris Larry Price John Sedberry Geoffrey Smith Roger Stewart Jamie Tharpe 5/8 Tillery Robert Ellis Henry Ellis Bobby Ellis Dan Baker Joe Maine II Hospital Committee Tony Morris,Chairman G. David Powell, P.P.,Tampa Board Gary Rogers, P.P. Dennis Blair, P.P. J.C. “Pete” Bentley Leon Blair Dwayne T. Culpepper, P.P. Johnny Davis Ray C. Power Robert E. “Bob” Mathis, P.P. Gene H. McDowell, P.P. Fred Burt, P.P. Bennie Brookins Bill Vest Bus Transportation Committee Fred Burt, P.P., Chairman Chris Burt Craig Burt Bill Willingham, P.P. Doug Head Deputy Chief Aide Bill Brott Tim Crimmins Miles O’Quinn Lynwood Sheffield Aide Emeritus J.C. “Pete” Bentley H.E. “Bo” Everson Hospital Transportation Committee Jim Adam, Tom Wright Temple Photographer John Ogburn, Chair Parliamentarian G. David Powell, P.P. Chief Aide Emeritus James Snellgrove Ken Phillips Insurance Committee Wesley PantoneP.P., Chair Mitch Cothron Temple Attorney H.B. Edwards, III Chief Executive Aide Tom Wright Security Deputy Executive Aide Wayne Hobby Executive Aide Emeritus Leon Blair Executive Aides Justin Fost Mark Johnson Personal Aide Dennis Pantone Chuck McNeil Chris Burt Craig Burt Charles Moore Miles O’Quinn Provost Guard Building & Grounds E.L. Sprayberry Potentate’s Escorts Red Devils Roadrunners Albany Shrine Club Mitchell County Shrine Club Thomasville Shrine Club Legion of Honor Worth County Shrine Club Membership Committee Brad Hurst, Chairman Divan Ambassadors Finance Committee 1 Year: H.J. “Skip” Nichols, P.P. 2 Year: Dorsey E. Holt, P.P. 3 Year: G David Powell, P.P. Grievance Committee Gene H. McDowell, P.P. Robert E. “Bob” Mathis, P.P. H.J. “Skip” Nichols, P.P. Fred A. Burt, P.P. Gary Rogers, P.P. Public Relations Gary Mathews, Chairman Jurisprudence & Laws Committee Gene H. McDowell, P.P., Dwayne T. Culpepper, P.P. Robert “Bob” Hughes, P.P. G. David Powell, P.P. Masonic Relations Committee J. C. Bentley, Chairman Dennis Pantone, Co-Chair Tim Crimmins Leon Blair Emeritis Cabiri Divan Justin Fost Moultrie Car Show Ricky Hortman, Chairman Tony Morris, Co-Chairman Chris Burt, Co-Chairman Pot of Gold Paul Massey, Chairman Ricky Hortman Chuck McNeil Joe Futch Haunted Trail Dennis Pantone Chris Burt Craig Burt Hospital Crusade J.C. “Pete” Bentley, Chairman All Divan Medical Staff Dr. Clay Lee, Waycross Dr. Steve Zeigler, Valdosta Long Range Planning Committee Gary Rogers, P.P., Chairman Gary Mathews G. David Powell, P.P. Tony Morris Street Collections Craig Hart, Chairman Roger Stewart, CoChairman Mark Johnson Jeff Lewis Special Events Committee Tony Morris, Co-Chairman Johnny Walker, CoChairman 2015 AMBASSADORS Emeritus John C. Allen, Blakely Clyde Andy” Anderson, Albany Jack Baker, Mitchell Co. Everett Bailey, Mitchell Co. Leon Blair, Thomasville Ferrell Brooks, Tifton Hershell Brown, Thomasville Leon Burch, Douglas C.A. Burdett, Ashburn Ray Campbell, Albany Bo Everson, Colquitt Harvey Hatcher, Tifton Wayne Johnson, Thomasville Mike Moorman, Leesburg Ray Power, Albany John Odom, Blakely John Ogburn, Thomasville Don Olin, Blakely Marion Padgett, Lenox Jimmy Phillips, Tifton Harold Ragan, Cairo John Tinsley, Valdosta Lynwood Sheffield, Colquitt Thomas Wright, Fitzgerald At Large Emeritus Howard Lawson James Snellgrove William Vest Brooks County Tom Wheeler Barney Danny Strickland Scottish Rite Jim Adams Justin Fost Cairo Max Davis At Large Emeritus Joe Abernathy J.C. “Pete” Bentley Bennie Brookins E.D. Billy Raines Albany A.W. Holton, Jr. Gary Mathews At Large Carl Duren Dennis Harrell William E. Marsh Retired Military J.B. Davis Dan Daniels Tony Morris Red Cross of Constantine H.B. Edwards III Ashburn E.L. Sprayberry Bainbridge Bobby Pollock Keith Pollock Jim Potter Colquitt Lavon Chandler Richard Williams William R. Cox, Jr. Doerun Masonic Blue Lodge A.W. Holton Dennis Pantone Joe Maine Adel Danny Saturday Don Baker Joe Maine Joey Shiver Ken Tate Douglas Elmer Alexander Russell Clark Durden Fitzgerald Jason Holt Georgetown Jimmy Duke Leesburg Robert Holloway Gene Paris John Sedberry Moultrie Leroy Gray C.S. “Pete” Ingram Ralph Dorminey Gordon McDowell Jimmy Owens Tommy Rabon Thomasville Forrest Van Cowart Wayne Johnson Tifton Marcus Clements Johnny Davis John Jacobs Sylvester Jerry McKellar Valdosta Lynn Charles Mitch Cothron, Sr. Alan Davis Herb Lunden Keith Stewart Jimmy Sublett Raymond Sutton, Sr. Waycross Mark Johnson Out of State Norman “Joe” Earls, Texas Keith Eppes, Florida William R. Fry, Ohio Albany Shrine Club Meets on the 1st Wednesday & 3rd Saturday Past Potentate William “Bill “Willingham presents J.C. “Pete” Bentley with a Distinguished Service Award in 2014 Miles O’Quinn -President Tim Crimmins- Secretary “Thomasville Shrine Club Happenings” “2015– New Faces - A year of Growth” Shriners Recognize President Jimmy Carter Thomasville Shrine Club operates under the jurisdiction of the HASAN Shrine Center in Albany, GA. We were fortunate in 2014 to have one of our members, Noble Bill Willingham, serve in the leadership of HASAN as Potentate. The community of Plains, GA, experienced a flood of Red FEZs from all around Georgia on December 1st for the event held at the Plains High School Auditorium. As reported by WALB TV…… “PLAINS, GA (WALB) - President Jimmy Carter has teamed up with the Hasan Shrine to help children internationally. President Carter was made Honorary Ambassador for Hasan Shrine Center in Albany. A proclamation was given among guests from temples around Georgia at Plains High School last week. Now, the Carter Center will be working with Shriners' Hospital for Children to expand medical care for kids around the world.” “It’s just going to be unlimited the amount of additional children we will be helping," said Noble Johnny Walker, Ed.D., Hasan Shrine High Priest and Profit for the Shrine Center. "With President Carter on board, he reaches around the world and we can identify more children and help more children," said Potentate Bill Willingham. Our many thanks to our 39th President, Jimmy Carter, for his support of our Fraternity and the work of the Shriners Hospitals for Children, as well as Dr. Johnny Walker, another member of the Thomasville Shrine Club and a resident of Plains, for his untiring efforts in getting this recognition coordinated and completed. As we open up the New Year we find several new faces in the leadership of the Thomasville Shrine Club. Our incoming president, Noble Ron Marcinski, is relatively new (we seem to count anyone with less than 10 years as such!) as a Shriner and brings fresh thoughts and ideals to a fraternity that is over 100 years old. Although not new to Masonry nor to serving as a Shriner, Noble Bruce Fykes has taken over the role as Treasurer and has already hit the ground running since he assumed the position during the last term. Our outgoing president, Noble Larry Price, has graciously accepted the Secretarial responsibilities from Noble Bill Becknell. Bill, who holds the title of the longest serving member in the club (48 years as of last December) has been our faithful Secretary for as long as anyone cares to remember! Coming to Thomasville in 1966 as part of the mobile home company management team, he is still active today in his Mobile Home and RV Services business. Many of our readers may remember when the shrine club had a parade group riding articulated bicycles and were called the Rose Pedals. Both Bill Becknell and Bruce Fykes were members of that group, as were Ray Glass, John Carr, John Booth, Denny Blair and Ray Baker. Each, demonstrating a lot of skill in keeping the front and rear wheels of the cycles going in the same direction! Completing the rest of our elected officers are 1st Vice Noble Tom Moore and 2nd Vice Noble Joe Futch. Although both are considered relatively new (like Noble Ron) Futch is starting his second go-round in the club leadership line. So, the Thomasville Shrine Club looks forward to 2015 with the new faces and welcome another year of growth. Installation of the newly elected club officers will be held at the end of January and after submission deadline for this edition of Scene. Pick up a copy of the April Scene edition for more on the installation. Familiar sights each year in and around Thomasville during the Christmas season are the Salvation Army “Bell Ringers.” Again in 2014, as in years past, club members assisted with collections as did many organizations and individuals within Thomasville. This time we were in front of Wal-Mart and enjoyed some good crisp weather as we greeted the many shoppers each day. We so enjoyed seeing some of the most generous Thomasvillians give unselfishly to the mission of the Salvation Army. Our thanks to Noble Wayne Johnson for coordinating our volunteer efforts and times with the Salvation Army leadership. If you have never participated in this endeavor or in any one or more of the many volunteer opportunities in Thomasville, we encourage you to offer your time and support in 2015. It sure helps to get one in the spirit of giving. The Thomasville Shrine Club membership hope that your 2014 events find a favorite spot in your bucket of memories and bring smiles to your face as you think of times past. As well, we hope that 2015 will see your bucket overflow! Honorary Ambassador Carter addresses the Shriners Road Runners 2014 was a year of the rebirth of the Road Runners. It was a great joy to be exciting the children at the parades and providing a lively spirit to our fraternal fellowship. It was all culminated with the honor of standing by the side of one of our own as Tony Morris was sworn in as the Potentate in January of this year. In our elections, Doug Head was elected as president, Don Baker was elected as vice-president, and Brad Hurst was retained as our treasurer and secretary. The unit voted as a whole to become members of the Dixie Motor Corp and we have plans on participating in the competitions in Panama City in May of this year. We anticipate continued growth in 2015 and are planning on being the center piece for our parade events, starting with the ceremonial in Adel. Beep-Beep! Tifton Shrine The Tifton Shrine closed out a fantastic 2014 with a New Year's Eve Bash. We rang in the New Year with live entertainment and the dance floor rocking. If you missed this great event, be sure to put it on your calendar early this year! The club continued its growth with the addition of a new member just after midnight on the 1st of January, by welcoming Hector Rodriguez into the fold. Elections brought forth a new president (Doug Head), vice-president (Allen Jernigan), and treasurer (Brad Hurst). Danny Saturday was elected to remain as our secretary, as he still looks the best in a dress. We have many events planned for the year and we would like to invite all Shriners to participate. Our first poker tournament will take place in March (details will follow soon). This event will help to finance our planned construction projects, which include a new deck, pig roasting pit, camper hookups, and children's playhouse. It is our hope to use these improvements in order to provide recreational opportunities for our local children serviced by our shrine hospitals. Thank you for your support. Provost Guard Elections have been held and Colonel Charles Sprat will be C.O. of the guard for 2015. Still looking for a few good men, rank is fast but, the pay is not all that great, you start with nothing but it will double each year after that. Our Goal for the year, support our Potentate and Divan, pray for our military and keep at Zero bubbles. Hello Nobles and Ladies, All too often we forget to say thank you to an individual or group that have gotten out and worked their butts off for Hasan Shrine. There is one group that we are all familiar with since we see them at out temple meetings and at every parade. They are a pretty rough looking bunch and they ride around in a truck that looks like it should have been sent to the scrap yard long ago. This group may look rough but they have a heart of gold and that truck will outrun almost any vehicle on the road. Several groups (Clubs and Units) get out and collect money for our Hospitals or the Transportation fund. Both of these are a necessity to keep our hospitals and our shrine center in operation. The Unit I am talking about is the Ben Hillbillies based in Fitzgerald, GA. This year they have gotten out on several occasions and held a paper sale and have sent checks to Hasan totaling $6,540.50. Since the Hillbillies started collecting in 1983, they have sent $63,983 to Hasan. I feel very strongly that his group of nobles need to be commended for this work. The next time any of us see a Ben Hillbilly, we need to shake their hand and say Thank you. Fraternally, Allen Jernigan, P.P. And a member of the Hillbillies 2015 CLUB OFFICERS Albany Shrine Club Grady Co. Shrine Club Tifton Shrine Club Miles O’Quinn, President 113 Carillon Ct. Leesburg, GA 31763 229-886-6958 Elmo Israel, President 9765 Walker Rd. Albany, GA 31705 229-787-5034 Doug Head, President 16 Joe Fletcher Drive Tifton, GA 31794 229-848-2663 Tim Crimmins, Sec-Treas 1590 Lovers Lane Rd. Leesburg, GA 31763 229-435-2784 Max Davis, Sec-Treas 287 Marie Circle Cairo, GA 39828 229-377-2558 Danny Saturday, Sec 14625 Valdosta Highway Quitman, GA 31643 229-630-2021 Bainbridge Shrine Club Lee Co. Shrine Club Anthony Miller, President 1201 Brenda Street Bainbridge, GA 39817 229-246-5022 Dennis Pantone President, Sec-Treas 205 Kinchafoonee Creek Rd. Lot 40 Leesburg, GA 31763 229-886-3526 Brad Hurst, Treasurer 704 West 10th Street Tifton, GA 31794 229-386-8360 Bruce Mann, Sec-Treas P.O. Box 1921 Bainbridge, GA 39818 229-246-8930 Ben Hill Shrine Club Harry Singletary, President 157 Lindy Road Fitzgerald, GA 31750 229-423-8256 Donald During, Sec. 123 Preston Dr. Fitzgerald, GA 31750 229-325-8088 Blakely Shrine Club Wayne Parker, President 135Baptist Branch Blakely, GA 39823 229-359-0598 John C. Allen, Sec-Treas P.O. Box 310 Blakely, GA 39823 229-723-3071 Brooks Co. Shrine Club Hilman Walden, President 106 South Clay St. Quitman, GA 31643 229-263-7681 Daniel Graham, Sec-Treas 14796 Moultrie Hwy. Barney, Ga 31625 229-775-2148 Cook Co. Shrine Club James Taylor Sr., President 2429 McConnell Bridge Rd. Adel, GA 31620 229-896-4486 Dwayne Culpepper, P.P., Sec 601 Plantation Dr. Adel, GA 31620 229-896-2686 Miller Co. Shrine Club Billy Kimbrel, President 735 Oak Drive Colquitt, GA 39837 229-758-2245 W.R. “Bill” Cox, Sec-Treas 460 Thompson Town Rd. Colquitt, GA 39837 229-416-5743 Mitchell Co. Shrine Club D. Jack Baker, President 296 Highway 37 Sale City, GA 31784 229-336-5380 Irwin Horne, Sec-Treas 1545 Wade Rd. Pelham, GA 31779 229-294-8962 Moultrie Shrine Club Jack Gordon, President 220 Nandia Drive. Moultrie, GA 31768 229-985-8506 Gordon McDowell, Sec-Treas 130 McDowell Rd. Doerun, GA 31744 229-782-5665 Thomasville Shrine Club John Everett, President 660 Baldwin Road Ochlocknee, GA 31773 229-403-1594 Bill Becknell, Sec. 274 Timber Ridge Dr. Thomasville, GA 31757 229-226-0321 Turner Co. Shrine Club Lester Adkison, President 2135 Adkison Rd. Rebecca, GA 31783 229-643-7621 Kenneth Bryan, Sec. 411 Lakeview Dr. Sycamore, GA 31790 229-567-4915 Valdosta Shrine Club Richard Brown, President 2405 Spring Valley Circle Valdosta, GA 31602 229-563-7263 Dale Turner,Treasurer 5818 Coleman Road. N.W. Hahira, GA 31632 229-560-0642 Waycross Shrine Club Mark Johnson 2824 Beulah Curch Road Alma, GA 31510 912-281-1286 Dale Oglesby, Secretary P.O. Box 1232 Nahunta, GA 31553 912-462-7067 Worth Co. Shrine Club V. Craig Hart, President 1596 Jewel Crow Road Sylvester, GA 31791 229-881-9787 Billy Brooks, Sec-Treas 1061 Story Rd. Sylvester, GA 31791 229-349-0285 2015 UNIT OFFICERS Colonel of Units Craig Hart 1596 Jewel Crowe Road Sylvester, GA 31791 229-881-9787 Majors of Units Richard Kirkland 245 Camp Osborn Road Sylvester, GA 31791 229-347-4011 Provost Guard Charles Spray, Colonel 4725 Nashli Drive Valdosta, GA 31601 229-561-5508 Elmer Alexander, Captain 610 Pine Valley Rd. Douglas, GA 31533 912-384-6394 Red Devils Mark “Possum” Johnson 2824 Beulah Church Road Alma, GA 31510 912-548-3394 Dennis Pantone, President 205 Kinchafoonee Creek Rd. Lot 40 Leesburg, GA 31763 229-886-3526 Ben Hillbillies Harry Singletary Raban of the Clan 157 Lindy Rd. Fitzgerald, GA 31750 229-423-8256 Fred Burt, P.P., Sec-Treas 9880 Vines Rd. Baconton, GA 31716 229-395-0610 John Jacobs Keeper of the Cob 5703 Forest Lake Dr. Tifton, GA 31794 229-563-8049 Doug Head, President 16 Joe Fletcher Drive Tifton, GA 31794 229-848-2663 Road Runners Blakely Drum & Bugle Corps Olin Thompson, P.P., President 183 N. Main St. Blakely, GA 39823 229-723-3731 John C. Allen, Sec-Treas P.O. Box 310 Blakely, GA 39823 229-723-3071 Directors Staff Tim Crimmins, Director 1590 Lovers Lane Rd. Leesburg, GA 31763 229-435-2784 John Sedberry, Sec-Treas 158 Westfield Rd. Leesburg, GA 31763 229-886-2087 Legion of Honor Andy Anderson, Commander 6101 Dogwood Circle Albany, GA 31705 229-347-1786 Gary Rogers, P.P., Adjutant 1388 Cook Road Moultrie, GA 31788 229-324-2765 Brad Hurst, Sec-Treas 704 West 10th Street Tifton, GA 31794 229-386-8360 Transportation Unit Jim Adam, President 124 Southhill Dr. Leesburg, GA 31763 229-436-4393 Tom Wright, Secretary 613 West Central Fitzgerald, GA 31750 229-424-2988 Hospital Transportation Report Our divan and general nobility send a special “thank you” to our drivers whose dedication is recognized and greatly appreciated! Jan 8 Feb 5 Trips in 2014 Mar 8 April 7 May 4 June 8 Aug 6 Sept 4 Oct 5 Nov 3 Dec 3 July 11 Trip Destination in 2014 –59,078 miles Tampa-50,820 miles New Orleans-850 miles Cincinnati-6,390 miles Atlanta-360 miles Van Drivers 2014 Jim Adam Steve Bailey Charlie Brown Danny Dollar Dwayne Culpepper, P.P. Clayton Gardner Danny Gardner Wayne Hobby Roger Holleger Lon Livington Mike Kilgore Wesley Pantone, P.P. David Powell, P.P. Ray Power Wayne Parker Charles Taylor Jonathan Turner Tom Wright Thank you, ladies, for allowing your noble to drive, with special recognition for those of you, ladies, who accompanied your noble on a trip. WE NEED DRIVERS URGENTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: If you did not drive during 2013-2014 and you wish to remain a driver, please call Jim Adam at (229)436-4393, Tom Wright at (229)424-2988 Bennie Brookins (229)246-1270 or the Temple office 229-432-1011 in order to bring your record up to date. No contact indicates your desire to be removed from our drivers’ pool. Compliments…… Of Tifton Ladies of Nasah New 2015 Potentate addresses Nobles Noble of the Year 2014 Tom Wright 1st Ceremonial Master Joe Futch thinks about making a mad dash during the Installation of officers. Thomasville Shrine Club of the Year 2014 Captain of the Guard and Membership Chairman Brad Hurst and Lady Kristie Dorsey Holt, PP Treasurer and Lady Shangie Left to right is Noble David Sands, First Lady Kay, Potentate Tony Morris, Noble Johnathan Sands and Granny Jean If you haven’t already sent in your contribution for 2015 please do so now. Also, if you think your name should be listed and isn’t, please call the Temple Office. As you must know, the costs of printing and mailing this publication continue to increase each year. We do need and appreciate your support. 2015 FEZ SEZ BOOSTERS Name:_______________________________________________________________________________ Phone#:___________________________________Amount:___________________________________ Please specify where you would like to be listed: __________________________________________ Please mail to 1822 Palmyra Road, Albany, GA 31701 $10.00 PER PERSON ANNUALLY HASAN SHRINE TEMPLE Cordially Invites You And Your Lady To Join Us At The 2015 Potentate Nobles’ Ball Honoring Illustrious Sir Tony Morris And First Lady Kay The Divan, All Nobles and Their Ladies Call the Temple office at 229.432.1011 to make your room Reservations at Merry Acres Quality Inn Hasan Shriners 1822 Palmyra Road Albany, GA 31701 Dated Material Please Expedite Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 163 Albany, GA 4 Annual Bass Tournament th April 11, 2015 Lake Seminole - Big Jim’s Entry Fee: $150 per 2-Person Team Cash Prizes Dave Leonard’s Fisherman’s Paradise & Valdosta Bassmasters will be hosting and are the Weigh Masters For More Information Contact Miles O’Quinn 229.886.6958 or Dan Blaker 229.834.0168
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