James A Haslam II Business Building Building Use Request Thank you for your interest in using the Haslam Business Building (HBB). In order for us to consider your request, please complete the form below. The information provided would allow us to accurately determine the appropriateness of your request and the availability of space that may accommodate your needs. The College of Business Administration (CBA) Dean’s Office will consider your request in a timely manner, and we will contact you within two business days of receiving your request. Because HBB has become a very popular place for meetings and events, we have established a set of priorities and policies regarding its use—these policies are summarized below. A copy of our policies document is available upon request. Building Use Policies An administrative unit of the University of Tennessee must sponsor all building usage. Priority use of HBB’s conference rooms, team rooms, special event rooms, and classrooms is for CBA instruction and programs. Use by other UT colleges, departments, and programs are on an “as available” basis. Neither personal nor corporate event reservations are allowed. Prioritization of use is generally accomplished through the timing of reservations. Except for special events sponsored by the campus or system administration, reservations for classrooms and conference rooms will not be scheduled more than 1 month in advance. Reservations for the West Wing may be made up to 6 months in advance for UT Administration, but a number of other restrictions apply to that room as well as the Stokely Hospitality Suite. Multiple reservations to hold several potential times for a single meeting or event are not allowed. The standard furniture configuration in each room will not be changed unless otherwise requested. All changes in furniture or serving arrangements must be specified at the time of the initial request and will require a logistics fee. The amount of the logistics fee will be determined at the time your request is made. All users of HBB are expected to leave the space in the same or better condition than how they found it. If your use is outside of regular business hours, this includes taking out the trash, turning off the lights, and securing the space. All classrooms, conference rooms, and team rooms are equipped with high-‐resolution AV technology. Use of this technology requires scheduling with a CBA Technology Integration Services (TIS) technician prior to a meeting or event, and must be coordinated through the Dean’s Office. This requires a logistics fee. Please see Fees on page 2. Food and Drink: Food and drink (except water) are prohibited in all classrooms. Food and drink may be served in conference rooms, team rooms, the West Wing, Stokely Hospitality Suite, Atrium, Plaza, Terrace, and occasionally in some hallways. Prompt removal of leftovers and trash is required after normal business hours. You must coordinate this on your own through Facilities Services or have your group carry out the trash as you leave. Caterers other than Campus Catering Services (974-‐2406) must be approved well in advance of a meeting or event. A list of approved caterers is available upon request. Alcohol is permitted for special events. Prior approval by the Dean’s office is required. Students are not allowed to attend events where alcohol is served. Haslam Business Building Reservation Request Form General Information Contact Name: Campus Phone: UT Email: Sponsoring Department or Organization: Department or Program Head: Department Account Number: (See fees below) Campus Address: Event Information Event Date: Beginning time you will need access to the room: Event Start time: Event End Time: Ending time when your group will be cleaned up and out of the space: Description of Event: Specific Room(s) you are requesting: Estimated Number in attendance: Will food be served? If yes, will Campus Catering Aramark be used? If not Aramark, who? Will any HBB audio/video equipment be used? Please list A/V equipment that will be used? (Our policies prohibit any groups bringing their own technology equipment other than laptops. You must use the equipment in HBB. This includes, microphones, screens, projectors, computers (see note), cables, etc. You must use our technicians from our Technology Integration Services office. NOTE: The only exception is in the West Wing; you must bring a laptop, as no computer is left in this room.) Special Requests, other notes: Fees Use of technology Monday-‐-‐Friday 8am-‐-‐5pm $50 Programs beginning after 5:00 pm $200 Weekend use of the building (includes technology) $500 (this includes technology) Room arrangement/Table & Chairs resetting To be determined at time of request Contact Information If you have additional questions, please contact: Jennifer Horner Office of the Dean College of Business Administration 974-‐5061 (O) 974-‐1766 (F) jhorner@utk.edu Please allow 2 business days to process your request. If we have not contacted you in two business days, please call our office. Thank you!
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