The Messenger First United Methodist Church 614 North Hastings Avenue - Hastings, NE 68901 Church (402) 463-6733 Fax (402) 462-9906 E-mail: Website: Facebook: Vol. 52, No. 68 , 2013 Greg Lindenberger, Lead Pastor Dr. Sam Rathod, Pastor of Congregational Care Judy Aspen, Christian Education Dir. Paige Skillett, Youth Ministry Assistant Tanjie Petr, Admin. Assist. The Messenger (USPS 592-580) is published semimonthly by the First United Methodist Church, 7th and Hastings Ave, Hastings, NE 68901. Periodicals postage paid at Hastings, NE 68901. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Messenger, 614 N Hastings Ave, Hastings, NE 68901 Barb Peck 402-462-5256 Janet Hibbs 402-463-2198 Sharon Stonecipher 402-462-6507 Margaret Pierce 402-462-0419 Lay Led Ministry of Pastoral Care Our Mission is to Look Up, Build Up, Reach Out, and Invite In May 7, 2015 Thoughts from the Pastor’s Desk: And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. – Hebrews 10:24-25 2015 Confirmation Class Back row-left to right: Thane Waite, Christopher Carpenter, Shelby Lagueux, Katherine Strickland, Drake Vorderstrasse, Sarah Spilinek, Brooke Aspen, Haley Schram. Front row: Josh Bertrand, Sadie Carpenter, Tyler Rowe, Connor Story, Patrick Ford Hastings High School Graduates: Alexus Fleharty, Corey King, Collin Spilinek,* Madeline Warrick* College Recipients: Lacey Johnson* (University of Nebraska at Kearney), Brogen Shea,* (University of Nebraska at Lincoln) Brycen Shea* (Hastings College) Mason Spilinek* (University of Nebraska at Lincoln), Rachelle Steiner* (Dakota Wesleyan University) College Graduates: Jaimie Fast, from Morningside College with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Maggie Johnson, from Morningside College with a Bachelor of Arts in Developmental Psychology with a minor in Spanish (*2015 FUMC Scholarship Recipients) Come Join Us 12 Hour Prayer Vigil Friday, May 15th 7:00am until 7:00pm First United Methodist Church Jones’ Chapel “Prayer Continually” 1 Thessalonian 5:17 COME EXPERIENCE THE “G-FORCE” WITH US! Monday, June 1st – Friday, June 5th 8:30 – 11:30 am REGISTER BY MAY 15 to be guaranteed a T-shirt. Registration forms available in church office or at G-Force VBS Volunteers Needed June 1st – 5th Contact Judy at the church office (402-463-6733) or I had a Great Aunt Alene that was a sister-in-law to my Mother’s Mother. Aunt Alene was a bit of a bitter person. Her husband had passed away at an early age, (42 years), and he had left her with a daughter to care for. Aunt Alene was a good person, but she lived most of her life with an attitude that life was not fair and the ‘gods’ were out to get her. I loved to spend time with Aunt Alene as a child. My family all thought she was hilarious. Her words of ‘wisdom’ often brought us to tears with laughter. However, as the years went by, her daughter did not see things that way. Aunt Alene would often invite company for weekend visits with an easy-out. She concluded her invites with “I don’t expect you to come, but come if you can.” We enjoyed Aunt Alene and we went. Her daughter rarely came. Her mother always told her she didn’t expect her and she lived up to those expectations. The Worship Committee at First United Methodist Church, in consultation with the Pastor, has decided to have two Worship services this summer. They will be at the same time as all of the rest of the year. I realize this may disappoint some of you. We have several reasons for coming to this decision. First of all, when we have gone to one service, we are essentially telling people that we don’t expect them to come. Attendance numbers indicate a good number of people have accepted that offer. We are also charged by Jesus in Matthew 28 with ‘going into the world … to make disciples for Jesus Christ.’ Have you ever wondered how many folks who are on summer vacation have come to our church based on our sign out front only to find worship is not at 9:00 or 11:00 am? In our pursuit of bringing quality to our worship, we will make some adjustments to accommodate vacations and other summer events, but we promise to give worship a priority throughout this summer. Finally, I know that we want to get to know other people that we don’t see every Sunday with two services. We will try to be creative in finding ways to do that. More importantly, I want everyone to know, I expect you to be in church this summer. Some of your schedules will make that a challenge. Some will be sporadic at best. I know that whatever else is going on, the Lord God will be with us and I will be here as well. I look forward to seeing you as we seek to add to the kingdom of God. Remember, It’s all about Jesus! Pastor Greg United Methodists Respond To Nepal Quake NEPAL DISASTER FUND: There is still time for you to contribute. Please write a check to our church or send directly to the UMCOR as directed in the following link. Thank you for reaching out! respond 4th Annual Golf Tournament Plan to attend the FUMC golf tournament on Friday, May 29th at the Southern Hills Golf Course. Shot gun start at 10am with registration and a chance on the putting green at 9am. Lunch will be provided. Our current hole sponsors: Kershner’s Auto Korner, Eugene & Barbara Peck, Computer Hardware, Woodward’s Disposal Service, Conway, Pauley & Johnson, P.C., Ellerbrock-Norris Insurance, KDA Farms, Inc., Family Medical Center of Hastings, Herbert & Dee Galitz, Bank of Doniphan, Charter Title & Escrow by Dan Wiebe, Companion’s Choice, Fred & Brenda Catlett, Advanced Eye Care – Steven Nicholson, Andrea Eigenberg, Nathan Bolen, Five Points Bank of Hastings, Raymond James by Rick Nelson, Rich & Connie Halloran, Rader Insurance, Dr. David & Brandee Schram. Additional sponsors: Kmart, Richard & Connie Anderson, Allen’s of Hastings, Inc. We have hole sponsorships available and are now accepting golfer registrations. If you would like to be a sponsor or make a cash/merchandise donation to our 4th Annual Golf Tournament contact the church office at 402-463-6733 or fill out the information below and mail or drop off to the office at 614 N Hastings Avenue, Hastings NE 68901. YES! I want to participate in the FUMC 4th Annual Golf Outing: ____Hole Sponsor $200 ____Golf Participant ($75 per golfer, $300 per team of four) Golfers receive one chance on the putting green, cart, bucket of practice balls and 18 holes of golf. ____I am unable to golf but would like to make a cash/merchandise donation (suggested minimum $50 value please) In The Mail… Thank you very much for the effort and the Easter flowers after the Holiday, it’s a wonderful thing. I still love have blooms on it. Caroline Dyer Dear Pastor Lindenberger & FUMC Congregation, Thank you for the beautiful Easter lily. It’s always brings me such comfort to be thought of. Sincerely, Susan Campbell Dear Friends, Gene and Pauline Craft have brought me flowers several times in the last few months and it’s so uplifting to be remembered. Thanks so much. Dee Galitz Dear Church Family, Thank you so much for the beautiful cyclamen plant and to Judy Aspen and her daughter, Brooke for bringing it to the Homestead from the church altar on Easter Sunday. You are so thoughtful and caring. Love, Jewel Parr I would like to thank all the ladies from the FUMC that baked the cakes for the funeral on April 9th. They were all appreciated very much. Thanks again, Work Chairman for Group 3, Dee Getz Dear Church Members, Thank you so much for the pretty red kalanhoe that Charlene Turner delivered to me after Easter. I appreciate that you were thinking of me. Pam Reichstein Dear SPRC, Thank you for the vibrant bouquet of flowers, they add a beautiful touch to my office, and the gift card will come in handy many ways. Thank you for making my administrative position appreciated. Thanks again and God bless you all! Tanjie Petr A great big thanks to my church family for the cards, telephone calls and the get well wishes after my surgery in March, also the signature sheets, and Pastor Sam’s visit at the hospital. What a warm and caring church we have at First United. God Bless You All, Elaine Kershner We want to send a special letter to thank you for your generous donation of over 100 cans of fruit given to the Hastings Food Pantry from your 100th Anniversary Celebration. What a wonderful donation! And congratulations on 100 wonderful years!! So many people will be blessed with your giving. Thanks so much for thinking about us as this helps so much! Hastings Food Pantry, Board of Directors May Driver Don Sergeant 402-463-3600 Laity and Music Ministry Saturday, May 9, 2015 6:00 p.m. Worship Pianist: Joanne Choate Sunday, May 10, 2015 Five Habits for Living Joyfully Message by Pastor Greg Lindenberger “The Most Important Commandment” Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Mark 12:28-31 9:00 a.m. Praise Service Ushers: Stan & Marcy Knudson Greeters: Wayne & Kay Kloppenborg, Val & Elaine Kershner 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service Ushers: George Spencer, Carol Gill, Ben Kohler Greeters: Lloyd Kitrell, Robert Frank, Don Gronemeyer Chimes: Karyn Nicholson Saturday, May 16, 2015 6:00 p.m. Worship Pianist: Elayne Landwehr Sunday, May 17, 2015 Message by Pastor Greg Lindenberger Who We Are: Methodists “A Longing for Holiness” Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:31; Acts 2:42, 1 Peter 1:14-16, 9:00 a.m. Praise Service Ushers: Stan & Marcy Knudson Greeters: Richard & Connie Halloran, Homer & Margaret Pierce 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service Ushers: George Spencer, Carol Gill, Ben Kohler Greeters: Barbara Zaroban, Elfi Fleharty, Donna Dill Chimes: Carol Kleppinger Editorial Policy: the content, news, events and announcement information distributed in The Messenger is not sponsored or endorsed by the First United Methodist Church unless specifically stated.
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