The General Election (7th May 2015) will decide who becomes your local Member of
Parliament (MP) and who forms the next Parliament and UK Government. Whoever you
vote for and whoever wins, this is a really important opportunity to engage with your
local candidates on issues that matter to older people in your area.
Age UK’s ambition for the next Parliament (2015-2020) is that politicians address the
issues to ensure that the UK can be ‘a great place to grow older’ for older people today
and tomorrow. This document summarises points raised by older people during our
campaigning work. It is designed to support you to engage with your local candidates
on your priorities and ensure your voice is heard.
Meet your Candidates
If a candidate knocks on your door, you meet them in the street, you attend a local event
in your area, it’s a great opportunity to make your voice heard. You can help them
understand the issues facing people in later life? You can help explain what they can do,
if elected as your MP, to help make your area and the UK a great place to grow older as
an Age Champion?
Make your voice heard
When speaking to candidates, you might find this document a helpful guide to explain
the kind of issues people face and our vision for later life. Overleaf are some suggested
questions you might like to ask your local candidates, related to the campaign. You
might also want to ask your own questions, based on your local experience and area.
Make sure your candidates know what a ‘great place to grow older’ means to
There are lots of ways you can support the campaign:
 Ask questions when you meet with local candidates or attend local
hustings with candidates
 If you’re online, send AGE UK’s e-action and ask your candidates to
become an Age Champion
 Complete and return Age Champion campaign postcard (available from
your local Age UK)
 Talk to your friends and encourage them to participate
 To find out if your local Age UK is running a hustings event, please
contact them directly, email or telephone Age
UK on 0800 169 65 65 for their contact details
Enough Money
All current and future pensioners should have enough money from state and private sources to live
comfortably and participate fully in society
 How will you ensure the state pension provides a decent income for all?
 How will you support current and future pensioners to ensure older people do not fall into
 How will you support those approaching state pension age, and later in older age, to be sure
they are receiving adequate guidance on good quality financial products?
Older people should be fully supported to maintain good health and wellbeing throughout their lives
 How will you make sure people know how to stay as physically and mentally fit as possible
through later life?
 What will be done to improve health care services for older people at a local and national
Social Care
Older people must be able to expect high quality social care services that are co-ordinated and
joined up around their needs and circumstances
 How will you make sure the NHS and social care services meet the needs of our ageing
 How will you tackle the crisis in social care to ensure that support is available to all who need
 What will be done to improve the quality of care and support currently available?
Energy and Housing
Older people should be able to live safely and with dignity in good quality, warm housing, that
meets their needs.
 How will you ensure that housing is accessible and can be easily adapted for people with
reduced mobility, so that people can stay in their own homes for longer?
 How will you ensure that older people have access to a wider range of housing options to suit
their needs and maintain their independence?
 What will you do to tackle the problem of too many older people living in cold homes?
Work and Retirement Choices
A world where every older person can contribute to the economy and society, in a way that suits
them, and can fulfil their aims and ambitions without being judged because of their age
 What will be done to ensure access is provided to really good training and support for older
workers at risk of long-term employment, from day one of a Job-Seekers Allowance claim?
 How will you encourage employers to support and retain older workers within the
 How will you assist older people to overcome boundaries that prevent them from playing a
full and active role in society and the economy?
Your questions