HAWICK HIGH SCHOOL BULLETIN UPDATE Friday 20th March 2015 ALL PUPILS MUSIC DEPARTMENT CONCERT Tickets for the Music Department Concert on Wednesday 1st April at 7.30pm in the Assembly Hall are now on sale from the school office. Cabaret style seating, wine and soft drinks will be available. Ticket prices: Adults £4, Children £2. Mrs. Petry MSYP ELECTION Congratulations to Cian Gullen 4S2 who has been elected as MSYP for the local area. Mr. Taylor SKI TRIP FRANCE 2016 Those pupils who missed the recent meeting should collect the letter of information from the Pupil Office and return it to the Pupil Office as soon as possible or by 23rd March at the latest. Mr. Cockburn SKI TRIP FRANCE 2016 – SKI LESSONS Pupils who originally said they were beginners and who have not been to Jed Ski Slope with us yet or two have never been in touch with me yet should attend a meeting in the Games Hall at 10.35 on Friday 20th March. Mr. Wright U15 AND U18 GIRLS RUGBY During the first week of the Easter Holidays if any girls wish to attend a free Rugby Camp run by the SRU, then please see the poster on the noticeboards in PE for more details. The camp is on Wednesday and Thursday, 8th and 9th April at Penicuik RFC from 10am-2pm both days. Mr. Renwick S1/S2 S2 UNIFORMED AND EMERGENCY SERVICES COURSE Any student who is in the cadets in the community and would like to choose a skills for work course ‘Uniformed and Emergency Services’ next year, please see Mr. Beaton as soon as possible. Mr. Beaton S1-2 DANCE PHOTOS If you had a photograph taken at the Christmas Dance and haven’t picked up your photo – please collect it from the Pupil Office as soon as possible. S3/4 SENIOR COURSE CHOICE Senior Course Choice event is scheduled to take place w/c 23rd March 2015 for all S3, S4 & S5 pupils. The event will take place in the Assembly Hall. See attached memo and pupil times. Information will also be made available on the information screens and outside the Pupil Office. Mr. Lees UNIFORMED AND EMERGENCY SERVICES COURSE Any student who is in the cadets in the community and would like to choose a skills for work course ‘Uniformed and Emergency Services’ next year, please see Mr. Beaton as soon as possible. Mr. Beaton S4 CHOICE OF COURSE BOOKLET A Choice of Course Booklet can be picked up from the Reprographics room. Mrs. Lothian BASE INFORMATION SESSION – 1st April from 1.00-2.45pm This information session is available at Borders College highlighting the undernoted courses – Sport & Exercise s Coaching & Developing Sport s Football s Mountain Biking s Rugby – BTEC/SQA/HNC/HND Qualifications If you are interested in attending see Mr. Cockburn NOW! Mr. Cockburn S4 JOB OPPORTUNITIES Trainee Carpet Fitters: There are now 2 vacancies for trainee carpet fitters available within the town. Both posts have the possibility of the appointed person progressing towards measuring / estimating floor coverings and both are with very good and well established local companies. For further details speak to Mr Cockburn ASAP. BATTLEFIELDS 2016 Please be aware that this notice is for the trip NEXT YEAR To find out levels of interest for this potential English/History 4-day visit to France and Belgium, could anyone in S3-S5 who would like to go on the trip please come to a lunchtime meeting in D6 on Thursday 26th March at 1.30pm. No money required at this stage, just you! Mr. Taylor PERFORMING ARTS LEADERSHIP COURSE Sunday 9th – Saturday 15th August 2015, 9.30am-5.00pm daily, Volunteer Hall, Galashiels. £30 Fee for the week. Are you aged 14-25 years, and hold an interest in youth theatre or dance? Improve your confidence, communication and delivery skills as you learn what it takes to be a good leader. An intensive but rewarding practical and theory based accredited training where you will make friends, have fun, acquire new skills and build up a bank of resources to teach others. You will receive a Certificate Leadership and Bronze Youth Achievement Award. No previous experience necessary. Subsidised travel costs available. Enrolment is by application with forms upon request from Scottish Borders Council artservice@scotborders.gov.uk Tel: 01740 726400 S4 BATTLEFIELDS TOUR 2015 Final Battlefields payments for this year’s trip should be made to the school office (or Mrs. Thornborrow) by Tuesday 31st March. Mr. Simpson S4 MEDIC INSIGHT DAY Applications for Edinburgh University’s yearly event are now open to S4 pupils interested in pursuing a career in medicine. This event will run on Saturday the 28th of March at St George's School, Edinburgh. The link for pupils to follow and apply is below: http://students.medicinsight.com/apply/edinburghday.php Mrs. Richardson S3 WORK EXPERIENCE Could any pupil who has not returned their self-found work experience form please do so as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in your placement being declined. Thank you, Mrs. Paterson S3-4 DANCE PHOTOS If you had a photograph taken at the Christmas Dance and haven’t picked up your photo – please collect it from the Pupil Office as soon as possible. CAREERS INTERVIEWS The following pupils have Careers Interviews as follows: Monday 23rd March in the Modern Languages Staffroom: 9.40 – Glen Yule 4D3, 10.45 – Jack Mulholland 4S1, 11.35 – Steven Wharton 4T1 Tuesday 24th March in the Modern Languages Staffroom: 12.25 – Kriss Fletcher 4S2, 2.05 – Brandon Thomson, 2.55 – Shinese McGillivray 4D2 Miss Rennie S5/S6 S5 SENIOR COURSE CHOICE Senior Course Choice event is scheduled to take place w/c 23rd March 2015 for all S3, S4 & S5 pupils. The event will take place in the Assembly Hall. See attached memo and pupil times. Information will also be made available on the information screens and outside the Pupil Office. Mr. Lees S5 CHOICE OF COURSE BOOKLET A Choice of Course Booklet can be picked up from the Reprographics room. Mrs. Lothian S5 BATTLEFIELDS 2016 Please be aware that this notice is for the trip NEXT YEAR To find out levels of interest for this potential English/History 4-day visit to France and Belgium, could anyone in S3-S5 who would like to go on the trip please come to a lunchtime meeting in D6 on Thursday 26th March at 1.30pm. No money required at this stage, just you! Mr. Taylor BASE INFORMATION SESSION – 1st April from 1.00-2.45pm This information session is available at Borders College highlighting the undernoted courses – Sport & Exercise s Coaching & Developing Sport s Football s Mountain Biking s Rugby – BTEC/SQA/HNC/HND Qualifications If you are interested in attending see Mr. Cockburn NOW! Mr. Cockburn JOB OPPORTUNITIES Trainee Carpet Fitters: There are now 2 vacancies for trainee carpet fitters available within the town. Both posts have the possibility of the appointed person progressing towards measuring / estimating floor coverings and both are with very good and well established local companies. For further details speak to Mr Cockburn ASAP. BATTLEFIELDS TOUR 2015 Final Battlefields payments for this year’s trip should be made to the school office (or Miss Thornborrow) by Tuesday 31st March. Mr. Simpson PERFORMING ARTS LEADERSHIP COURSE Sunday 9th – Saturday 15th August 2015, 9.30am-5.00pm daily, Volunteer Hall, Galashiels. £30 Fee for the week. Are you aged 14-25 years, and hold an interest in youth theatre or dance? Improve your confidence, communication and delivery skills as you learn what it takes to be a good leader. An intensive but rewarding practical and theory based accredited training where you will make friends, have fun, acquire new skills and build up a bank of resources to teach others. You will receive a Certificate Leadership and Bronze Youth Achievement Award. No previous experience necessary. Subsidised travel costs available. Enrolment is by application with forms upon request from Scottish Borders Council artservice@scotborders.gov.uk Tel: 01740 726400 CAREERS INTERVIEWS The following pupils have Careers Interviews as follows: Monday 23rd March in the Modern Languages Staffroom: 2.05 – Taylor Smith 4S1, 2.55 – Corrie McCaig 5D1 Tuesday 24th March in the Modern Languages Staffroom: 10.45 – Leanne Wharton 6T1, 11.35 – Lyle Murray 6T2 Miss Rennie MR McCLORY HEADTEACHER
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