October SOUTHPAW 2013 Come to St. Louis in June! Explore our Lefty Roots and the Link to Old Tom Morris NEWSLETTER www.NALG.org THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL GOLFERS ComeASSOCIATION to St. LouisOF inLEFT-HANDED June! The Association of Left Handed Golfers to St.National Louis in June! Explore ourCome Lefty Roots and the Link to Old Tom Morris (NALG) cordially invites you to the 79th National Championship NALG/USA BOARD Explore our Lefty Roots and the Link to Old Tom Morris of Left Handed Golfers to be held at Glen Echo Country Club in St. Louis (Normandy), Missouri June 16-19 2014. The NALG Jon Flowers (OK) The National Association of LeftofHanded GolfersGolfers The National Association Left Handed Chairman was founded in 1936 in St. Louis by golf professional Ben th (NALG) (NALG) cordially cordially invites invites you you to to the the 79th 79 National Champions 405.275.1198 Richter, thus the tournament returns to its founding city. The Championship Left Handed Golfers to be heldCountry at of Left HandedofGolfers to be held at Glen Echo Club tournament will feature 72 holes of medal play golf with 8 am Glen Echo(Normandy), Country ClubMissouri in St. Louis St. Louis June(Normandy), 16-19 2014. The NALG Jim Bradley (NC) shotgun starts daily. Sec/Treasurer Missouri Junein16-19 The NALG was founded Ben was founded 19362014. in St. Louis by golf professional 910.383.0339 in 1936 inthus St. the Louis by golf professional Richter,city. The Richter, tournament returns to itsBen founding thus the tournament returns to its founding city. Thewith 8 am tournament will feature 72 holes of medal play golf Joe Brogdon (GA) Glen Echo is steeped in golf history and is a traditional classic course that promises to give us all tournament willdaily. feature 72 holes of medal play golf shotgun starts 478.477.9264 a tremendous challenge. The club has graciously afforded us a prime spot in their golf schedule and we with 8 am shotgun starts daily. eagerly look forward to the privilege of playing this historic course. Moreover, the efforts of golf John Dourgarian (NJ) Richter resulted ininone-hundred lefties (147) competing in the inaugural 609.324.0406 professional GlenBen Echo is steeped in golf history and isforty-seven a traditional classic course that promises to to give us Glen Echo is steeped golf history and is a traditional classic course that promises give us all tremendous challenge. Thegraciously club a prime spot their championship in aSt. Louis in 1936! honor himhas andgraciously honor our National Association byincompeting a tremendous challenge. The Let’s club has afforded usafforded a primeus spot in their golf schedule and Frank Hunter (NC) golf schedule and we eagerly look forward to the privilege of playing this historic course. in this historic event! Learn more about Glen Echo at www.gecc.org. eagerly look forward to the privilege of playing this historic course. Moreover, the efforts of golf 336.956.6868 Moreover, the efforts of golf professional Ben Richter resulted in one-hundred forty-seven professional Ben Richter resulted in one-hundred forty-seven lefties (147) competing in the inaugura (147) competing in the inaugural championship in St. Louis in 1936! Let’s honor him Don Lightburn (NM) lefties The host Hotel, Casino Spa St.him Charles, is situated about 20Association minutes from Glen championship in Ameristar St. Louis in 1936!Resort Let’s honor and honor our National by competi and honor our National Association by competing in this historic event! Learn more about 505.286.8667 Echo Country Club and aboutLearn half that distance and time Lambert St. Louis International Airport. in this historic event! more about Glen Echofrom at www.gecc.org. Glen Echo at www.gecc.org. st Automobile Four Diamond Hotel in St. Charles; is recognized the 1 American Dick Martin (TX)The hotel The host Hotel,as Ameristar Casino Resort Spa St.Association Charles, is situated about 20 minutes 214.522.4245 its 397from luxurious suites are comfortable versatile with over-sized baths, sunken livingSt. rooms Glen Club andand about half that distance and time Lambert Louisandfrom G TheEcho hostCountry Hotel, Ameristar Casino Resort Spa St. Charles, is from situated about 20 minutes floor-to-ceiling windows the Missouri river or1st theAmerican city ofLambert St.Automobile Charles. International Airport. The hotelhalf is recognized as and the Association Echo Country Cluboverlooking and about that distance time from St. Louis International Airpo Terry Martin (NC) st Four Diamond Hotel in St. Charles; its 397 luxurious suites are comfortable and versatile with to learn more about thisDiamond fabulous Hotel resort… Association Four in St. Char The hotel is recognized as the 1 American Automobile 828.754.4007 Go to http://www.ameristar.com/St_Charles_Hotel.aspx over-sized baths, sunken living rooms and floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Missouri its 397 luxurious suites are comfortable and versatile with over-sized baths, sunken living rooms and Jim Mason (WV) river or the city of St. Charles. And keep reading for the links tooverlooking Ben Richterthe and Old Tom Morris… floor-to-ceiling windows Missouri river or the city of St. Charles. 304.489.9648 Go to http://www.ameristar.com/St_Charles_Hotel.aspx to learn more about this fabulous Go to http://www.ameristar.com/St_Charles_Hotel.aspx to learn more about this fabulous resort… resort… Wally Mattson (CA) In 2014, celebrates the founding ofMorris… St. Louis and And St. keepLouis readingMissouri for the links to Ben Richter and Old Tom WALG Rep And keep reading for the links to Ben Richter and Old Tom Morris… 925.736.8774 anniversary. In 2014, St. Louis Missouri celebrates the founding Jim Pfrogner (FL) 941.360.6967 St. Louis and its 250-year anniversary. its 250-year of JOIN US FOR A FANTASTIC CELEBRATION OF LEFT-HANDED GOLF! In 2014, St. Louis Missouri celebrates the founding of St. Louis and its 250-year JOIN US FOR A FANTASTIC CELEBRATION OF LEFT-HANDED GOLF! anniversary. Rick Rodriguez (CA) 510.326.4795 JOIN US FOR A FANTASTIC CELEBRATION OF LEFT-HANDED GOLF! Paul Sprunk (OH) 419.351.3342 Bob Wolf (MI) Vice Chairman 248.624.6997 Phone 910.383.0339 Email jymjoy@bellsouth.net Website www.NALG.org SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER Our Founder – Ben Richter October 2013 Our Founder – Ben Richter “The National Association of Left-Handed Golfers came into being “The National Association Golfers into being in 1936 mainly by the effortsofofLeft-Handed one man. The man, came Ben Richter, golfin 1936 mainly by the efforts of one man,Club, Ben Richter, professional, then professional, then at man. TripleThe A Golf St Louis,golf Missouri set about to at Triple A Golf Club, St Louis, Missouri set about to organize a southpaw organization organize a southpaw organization and succeeded with the organization’s and and succeeded withfounding the organization’s tournament’s founding that year. In 1923, Ben tournament’s that year. and In 1923, Ben became the head became the head Professional Triple A Louis, Golf Club St Louis, from Professional at Triple A Golf at Club in St and in from there inand 1935, hethere in 1935, he the sentclarion out thecall clarion to all left-handers to assemble, unite, organize and sent out to allcall left-handers to assemble, unite, organize and get get the the southpaw southpaw show show on on the the road. road. Richter out toall attract all left-handers in the Herequests mailed for names to Richter set out tosetattract left-handers in the land. Heland. mailed requests for names to one-thousand three hundred (1300) fellow PGAhome clubs; he one-thousand three hundred (1300) fellow PGA professionals at their professionals at their home clubs; he enlisted representatives of golf enlisted representatives of golf equipment manufacturer’s to carry blank forms in their equipment manufacturer’s toout carry blank forms theira sample casesgolfer. and toAltogether, sample cases and to fill them whenever they in found left-handed fillsecured them out whenever they found a left-handed Altogether, he to participate he about five-thousand names (5000) andgolfer. sent them invitations secured about five-thousand names (5000) and sent them invitations to in the First National Left-Handed Championship Tournament at the Norwood Hills participate the Norwood HillsinCountry Country Clubininthe St First LouisNational County.Left-Handed One hundredChampionship and forty-sevenTournament (147) leftiesatassembled to play September 1936 in St Hills.” Louis County. One hundred and forty-seven (147) lefties assembled to play in September atClub Norwood 1936 atHistory Norwood Hills.” Article: of NALG Contributed by Rick Rodriguez Article: History of NALG Glen Echo EchoCountry CountryClub Cluband andthe theLink LinktotoOld OldTom TomMorris Morris Contributed by Glen Rick Rodriguez Glen Echo Country Club, a historic venue, was founded in 1901 and is the Glen Echowest Country Club, a historic venue, was founded in oldest golf course of the Mississippi! 1901 and is the oldest golf course west of the Mississippi! St. Louis Golf Historian, James F. Healy writes “Glen Echo played host to the St. Louiswon Golfby Historian, F. Healy writeshe“Glen EchoChicagoan 1904 Olympics, CanadianJames George Lyon when defeated played host to the 1904 Olympics, won by Canadian George Lyon and Harvard golfer H. Chandler Egan 3&2 in the finals. Egan, the defending when he defeated Chicagoan and Harvard golfer H. Chandler Egan U.S. Amateur Champion, had been the heavy favorite to defeat the 46-year old 3&2 in the finals. Egan, the defending U.S. Amateur Champion, had Lyon, but Lyon’s strong driving and Egan’s erratic play combined to doom the been the heavy favorite to defeat the 46-year old Lyon, but Lyon’s 22-year old golfer. strong driving and Egan’s erratic play combined to doom the 22-year old golfer. Designed by the 1896 U.S. Open Champion Jim Foulis, and built by he and his brother Robert, Glen Echo is among a handful of great classic courses that have Designed by the 1896 U.S. Open Champion Jim Foulis, and retained the charm and characteristics not found in many of today’s ‘modern’ built by he and his brother Robert, Glen Echo is among a handful of layouts. Robert would design and/or build over a dozen St. Louis area and midgreat classic courses that have retained the charm and characteristics western courses, including the‘modern’ original Bellerive CC, Onwentsia in Chicago, not found in many of today’s layouts. Robert would design Lake Geneva CC, Minikahda, Jefferson City CC, Sunset CC just to name a few. and/or build a dozen Louis areainand Jim, who wasover the first golf St. professional themid-western western U.S.courses, when hired by C.B. Layout of the Course circa 1904 including the original Bellerive CC, Onwentsia Chicago, Lake Macdonald at the Chicago GC in 1894, designedinsuch courses as the original St. Geneva CC, Minikahda, Jefferson City CC, Sunset CC just to name a few. Jim, who was the first golf Louis CC, Denver CC and several in the Chicago area. Born and raised in St. Andrews, Scotland, the brothers were professional in thebywestern U.S.than when hired C.B. Macdonald at the Chicago GC in taught their craft none other Old TombyMorris, as Robert worked in his shop for1894, yearsdesigned and it was Old Tom such courses as the original St. Louis CC, Denver CC and several in the Chicago area. Born and raisedCharles Blair who gave him his first design contract in the early 1890′s for a nearby club. It was also Old Tom who in St. Andrews, Scotland, the brothers were taught their craft by none other than Old Tom Morris, as Macdonald contacted looking for a professional for his new Chicago GC. Old Tom initially recommended Robert, Robert worked in his shop for years and it was Old Tom who gave him his first design contract in the but when he respectfully declined, Jim came in his place. Robert followed shortly in 1895 and his first contract was early 1890′s nearby club.GC, It was also Oldtoday.” Tom who Charles Blair Macdonald contacted looking for the nine holesforataLake Forest Onwentsia aSource: professional for his new Chicago GC. Old Tom initially recommended Robert, but when he http://www.golfclubatlas.com/in-my-opinion/glen-echo-country-club/ respectfully declined, Jim came in his place. Robert followed shortly in 1895 and his first contract was Contributed by Rick Rodriguez the nine holes at Lake Forest GC, Onwentsia today.” 2 Source: http://www.golfclubatlas.com/in-my-opinion/glen-echo-country-club/ SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 2014 JAMES CUP CHALLENGE A new edition of the JCC will return to the Escena Golf Club in Palm Springs in 2014. The format will be three days of best-ball stroke play with handicap flights made up of individual lefty-guest teams. Guests can be either a lefty or righty. The dates are February 14-17, Presidents’ Day weekend. What a great weekend for some fun in the sun with your significant other and your favorite playing partner. It all begins with a Valentine’s Day player registration and closes with the traditional Awards Luncheon on Presidents’ Day. The JCC information and entry was sent to lefties on our email list in late September. If you would like to join us or to be added to our contact list for James Cup Events, please send your request to jcevents@att.net. For 2014 JCC, NALG and WALG updates visit www.jamescup.org. We are looking forward to seeing old friends and welcoming first time players. Submitted by, James Cup Committee 2014 JAMES CUP INTERNATIONAL The James Cup Committee is proposing an exciting new event for 2014, the James Cup Can/Am Championship. This event would bring the natural rivalry of Lefty Teams from the United States and Canada in a Cross Border Match Play Battle for what would be the Can/Am Cup. If the Committee receives enough support (12 players per team) to move ahead, the Matches will be played in the Northwest in late July or early August. Several courses being considered in Washington are: Chambers Bay, site of the 2015 U.S. Open near Tacoma; Gold Mountain Golf Club – Olympic Course, Bremerton; PNGA’S Home Course, DuPont; and Washington National, home of the University of Washington’s Men’s and Women’s golf teams located in Auburn. The Committee is also exploring the idea of a 2014 JCI in South Africa preceding the WALG Championship. If played the dates would be October 22-24 (Wed. - Fri). A course under consideration is the Pearl Valley Golf Club located 50 minutes northeast of Cape Town. In 2011 the course was named one of the three top courses in South Africa by Golf Digest. For updates on both events please visit www.jamescup.org. Submitted by, James Cup Committee 3 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 WALG POTPOURRI The 2013 WALG Championship was hosted by the 5-Star Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa in Belek, Turkey. The 72-Hole Championship was played 9 10, 12 and 13 of September. Listed below are the 2013 WALG Division Champions. For complete results visit www.walg.org. Open Championship Division: Senior Division: Super Seniors Division: Ladies Division: Tyler Hodge Pat Butler Geoff Ingram Gloria Mbaguta Kamazima New Zealand Ireland New Zealand Uganda 278 307 322 370 2013 brought about changes in the WALG leadership. After 34 Years at the helm, Doug Crosby stepped down as Chairman. It all began in 1979 when the 1st WALG Championship was played in Australia. From that point on Doug’s vision, dedication, leadership and strength of character has guided and molded the WALG on to the World Stage. In tribute to Doug’s contribution and genuine passion for the game of Lefty Golf, the delegates recognized him as an Emeritus Life Member. Although stepping down as Chairman, Doug will be taking on the responsibility of President for the 2014 WALG Championship in Cape Town, South Africa. This will be an opportunity to show Doug our support and thank him for his accomplishments that have enriched each of us through the WALG and the game of Lefty Golf. Other leadership changes: Chairman: Richard Davison of New Zealand; Vice Chairman: Tom Waki of Japan. Peter Read of Australia will continue in the role of Secretary. The 2016 WALG Championship has been awarded to NALG-Japan. The 24th Championship will be played April 18-22 in Miyazki, Japan. 2014 WALG CHAMPIONSHIP The 23rd WALG Championship will be played in Cape Town, South Africa, October 27, 28, 30 and 31. The courses to be played are Milnerton G.C., Mowbray G.C., Rondebrosch G.C. and Royal Cape G.C. The Cullinan Hotel located at the entrance to the Victoria and Alfred (V&A) Waterfront will serve as headquarters for the Championship. For entry information please visit www.walg2014.co.za. Submitted by, Wally Mattson United States Rep to WALG 4 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 50th National Lefty-Righty Amateur Golf Tournament September 4-7, 2013 Cedar Rock Country Club The 50th Anniversary of the National Lefty-Righty Amateur Golf Tournament held at Cedar Rock Country Club concluded Saturday afternoon September 7, 2013. Brad Pryce of Clemmons, North Carolina and Robbie Venable of Pilot Mountain, North Carolina were declared overall champions with a four day total of 279. Following close behind with a total of 280 were runner-ups Rudy Berumen of Tempe, Arizona and Greg Marrs of Glendale, Arizona. First Flight winners with a total of 290 were Kenny Lane of King, North Carolina and Gary Moore of Dobson, North Carolina. Second Flight winners with a score of 313 were Jim Bradley of Leland, North Carolina and Bill Dawson of Pinehurst, North Carolina. Below are scores for the tournament. CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT Brad Pryce – Robbie Venable 70-67-71-71 = 279 Rudy Berumen – Greg Marrs 66-68-76-70 = 280 Tom Nix – Greg Stamey 74-71-71-65 = 281 Linwood Hedgepeth – Junior Nance 69-69-75-71 = 284 Matthew Green – Scott Hammond 73-73-66-74 = 286 Chip McIntyre – James Fender 75-71-73-74 = 293 Jim Redman – Ned Smith 76-72-79-76 = 303 Douglas Young – Don Burkhardt 72-76-80-77 = 305 Paul Sprunk – Bill Arps 74-72-80-79 = 305 Championship Flight Winners: Brad Pryce & Robbie Venable FIRST FLIGHT Kenny Lane – Gary Moore 74-75-68-73 = 290 Russ Balderson – Carl Balderson 74-78-73-73 = 298 Dallas Peoples – George Hough 76-73-77-73 = 299 Terry Martin – Christopher Martin 78-76-74-72 = 300 Robert Luper – Dale Wilson 75-76-70-83 = 304 Max Gnagy – Loren Gnagy 75-80-74-76 = 305 Joe Amperano – Bob Rule 74-81-80-74 = 309 Ron Bumgarner – Lee Bumgarner 76-77-83-79 = 315 First Flight Winners: Kenny Lane and Gary Moore 5 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 SECOND FLIGHT Jim Bradley – Bill Dawson 79-80-75-79 = 313 D.R. Smith – Ed Theobald 81-84-76-79 = 320 Billy Storms – Billy Welch 82-79-81-80 = 322 Ron Schipansky – Paul Schipansky 82-77-80-83 = 322 David Cornett – John Gabbard 81-83-82-78 = 324 Harold Pruitt – Richard Workman 85-85-79-77 = 326 Bob Duvall – Vinny Atkison 87-79-78-82 = 326 William Mesenbrink – Bill Berry 80-82-79-86 = 327 Second Flight Winners: Jim Bradley and Bill Dawson Thanks to Terry and Delma Jean Martin for hosting this tournament for 50 years! 6 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 2013 Carolinas Lefty-Partner, Lefty, and Righty Tournaments July 28, 2013 Sapona Ridge Country Club GROSS NET Lefty Flight 1 Jim Mason Tommy Saunooke Brodie Baker Wayne Barker Carl Wade Frank Hunter Dan Penny Lefty Flight 2 Jim Redman Cecil McClary Wade Peoples Tom Nix Jim Bradley Dallas Peoples Tom Fleming Terry Martin Righty Flight 1 Mike Nygren Jim Pridgen Bob Pitzer Jesse Goodwin Jack Huss Rick Goudy Righty Flight 2 Lawson Newton Don Corry Fred Reiber Bill Dawson Gary Winkler Ned Smith Floyd Pridgen 74 77 78 80 81 81 82 70 69 71 70 73 72 75 83 84 84 86 88 90 94 114 73 70 65 72 74 76 83 86 72 72 74 77 78 79 64 69 70 72 69 72 83 85 86 86 91 92 98 70 74 74 76 74 82 83 GROSS Teams- Flight 1 Jim Mason/ Bob Pitzer Dan Penny/ Mike Nygren Brodie Baker/Jim Pridgen Tommy Saunooke/Jack Huss Tom Nix/ Carl Wade Cecil McClary/Jesse Goodwin Frank Hunter/ Don Corry Dallas Peoples/ Rick Goudy Teams-Flight 2 Wayne Barker/Floyd Pridgen Jim Bradley/ Bill Dawson Wade Peoples/ Fred Reiber Tom Fleming/ Lawson Newton Jim Redman/ Ned Smith Terry Martin/Gary Winkler NET 68 68 70 70 73 73 74 74 64 61 64 61 62 62 65 63 76 77 78 78 80 87 65 66 62 66 70 71 Pictured above (left to right): Tournament Director Frank Hunter with Lefty-Partner Overall Winners Bob Pitzer (righty) and Jim Mason (lefty) 7 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER Cincinnati Lefty Kentucky Invitational October 2013 Cincinnati Lefty Kentucky Invitational August 2013Invitational Cincinnati Lefty10-11, Kentucky August 10-11, 2013 Griffin Gate 10-11, Golf Course August 2013 Griffin Gate Golf Course Griffin Gate Golf Course Best Ball Net - Saturday Best Ball Net - Saturday Best Ball Net - Saturday 8 Dennis Day Dennis Day Bob KaseeDay Dennis Bob Kasee Bob Kasee Milt Plunkett Milt Plunkett Keith MiltO'Leary Plunkett Keith O'Leary Keith O'Leary Ben Parrett Ben Parrett Herman Bowling Ben Parrett Herman Bowling Herman Bowling Paul Brock Paul Brock Larry Burgess Paul Brock Larry Burgess Larry Burgess Bill Lorman Bill Lorman TimBill Listermann Lorman Tim Listermann Tim Listermann Bob Gerde Bob Gerde Bob Schoenig Bob Gerde Bob Schoenig Bob Schoenig Dave McCann Dave McCann Tom Brose Dave McCann Tom Brose Tom Brose Jon Coleman Jon Coleman John JonTrent Coleman John Trent John Trent Vernon Roush Vernon Roush Ron BrownRoush Vernon Ron Brown Ron Brown Andy Willis Andy Willis Dave Gerde Andy Willis Dave Gerde Dave Gerde Bil Wallrawe Bil Wallrawe Bob BilLittner Wallrawe Bob Littner Bob Littner Vic Sexton Vic Sexton Brandon Brown Vic Sexton Brandon Brown Brandon Brown Don McIntosh Don McIntosh Bob Hartman Don McIntosh Bob Hartman Bob Hartman Fred Garrett Fred Garrett Rick Weber Fred Garrett Rick Weber Rick Weber Bruce Zepf Bruce Zepf Rick VoltzZepf Bruce Rick Voltz Rick Voltz 58 58 58 58 62 62 56 56 57 57 66 66 59 59 66 66 62 62 62 62 64 64 64 64 63 63 60 60 61 61 58 4th 4th 4th 58 3rd 3rd 3rd 62 56 1st 1st 1st 57 2nd 2nd 2nd 66 59 5th 5th 5th 66 62 62 64 64 63 60 6th 6th 6th 61 7th 7th 7th Best Ball Net - Sunday Best Ball Net - Sunday Best Ball Net - Sunday Vernon Roush Vernon Roush Rick Voltz Roush Vernon Rick Voltz Rick Voltz Milt Plunkett Milt Plunkett Dave MiltGerde Plunkett Dave Gerde Dave Gerde Andy Willis Andy Willis Bob Kasee Andy Willis Bob Kasee Bob Kasee Don McIntosh Don McIntosh Keith DonO'Leary McIntosh Keith O'Leary Keith O'Leary Bob Gerde Bob Gerde Tom Brose Bob Gerde Tom Brose Tom Brose Bruce Zepf Bruce Zepf Herman Bruce Bowling Zepf Herman Bowling Herman Bowling Bill Lorman Bill Lorman Brandon Brown Bill Lorman Brandon Brown Brandon Brown Bill Wallrawe Bill Wallrawe John BillTrent Wallrawe John Trent John Trent Paul Brock Paul Brock Rick Weber Paul Brock Rick Weber Rick Weber Fred Garrett Fred Garrett Larry Burgess Fred Garrett Larry Burgess Larry Burgess Vic Sexton Vic Sexton Bob VicHartman Sexton Bob Hartman Bob Hartman Jon Coleman Jon Coleman Ron Brown Jon Coleman Ron Brown Ron Brown Dave McCann Dave McCann Bob Schoenig Dave McCann Bob Schoenig Bob Schoenig Ben Parrett Ben Parrett TimBen Listermann Parrett Tim Listermann Tim Listermann Dennis Day Dennis Day Bob LittnerDay Dennis Bob Littner Bob Littner 59 59 59 59 65 65 61 61 58 58 61 61 56 56 67 67 58 58 59 59 67 67 64 64 62 62 58 58 61 61 59 5th 5th 5th 59 7th 7th 7th 65 61 58 2nd 2nd 2nd 61 56 1st 1st 1st 67 58 3rd 3rd 3rd 59 6th 6th 6th 67 64 62 58 61 4th 4th 4th Pictures from the tournament may be found on the NALG website: www.nalg.org SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER 2013 2013 Michigan Michigan Left-Handers Left-Handers State State Tournament Tournament 2013 Left-Handers State Tournament 2013 Michigan Michigan Left-Handers State Tournament August August 17-18, 17-18, 2013 2013 August 17-18, 2013 August 17-18, 2013 University University of Michigan of Michigan GolfGolf Course Course University of Michigan Golf Course University of Michigan Golf Course October 2013 Two great Two days greatofdays golfofwere golf played were played in AnninArbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan Michigan at the at University the University of Michigan of Michigan Golf Course. Golf Course. Thirty-eight Thirty-eight lefties lefties Two great days of golf were played in Ann Arbor, Michigan at the University of Michigan Golf Course. Thirty-eight participated participated on a difficult on a difficult golf course golf course designed designed by Alister by Alister MacKenzie MacKenzie in 1931. in 1931. Mark McConnell Mark McConnell (Hudsonville, (Hudsonville, MI) topped MI) topped the field the field Two great days of golf were played in Ann Arbor, Michigan at the University of Michigan Golf Course. Thirty-eight lefties lefties participated on a difficult golf course designed by Alister MacKenzie in 1931. Mark McConnell (Hudsonville, MI) topped the field as Open as Open Champion - shotgolf -76 shot each 76 day each - day repeating -by repeating for theMacKenzie for fourth the fourth timeinin1931. time a row!! inMark a row!! JimMcConnell Still Jim(Whitestown, Still(Hudsonville, (Whitestown, IN) was IN)the was Senior thethe Senior participated on Champion a difficult course designed Alister MI) topped field as Open Champion shot 76 each day repeating for the fourth time in a row!! Jim Still (Whitestown, IN) was the Senior Champion Champion shooting shooting 82 & 79 82 with & 79 Ralph with Ralph Swanson Swanson (Grand (Grand Haven, Haven, MI) leading MI) leading the 1st the flight. 1st flight. John Carter John Carter (Greensboro, (Greensboro, GA) as Open Champion - shot 76 each day - repeating for the fourth time in a row!! Jim Still (Whitestown, IN) was the Senior GA) Champion 82 & Ralph Swanson (Grand Haven, leading the 1st flight. John Carter (Greensboro, repeated repeated asshooting theas Super the Senior Senior Champion Champion shooting shooting 81 & 83. 81 &John 83. MI) has John won hashis won division his for five forconsecutive five consecutive years.years.GA) Champion shooting 82Super & 79 79 with with Ralph Swanson (Grand Haven, MI) leading the 1st division flight. John Carter (Greensboro, GA) repeated as the Super Senior Champion shooting 81 & 83. John has won his division for five consecutive repeated as the Super Senior Champion shooting 81 & 83. John has won his division for five consecutive years. years. Division Division Saturday Saturday 8/17 8/17 Sunday Sunday 8/18 8/18 Total Total Division Saturday 8/17 Sunday 8/18 McConnell, McConnell, Mark Mark Open Open 76 8/17 76 Sunday 76 8/18 76 Total 152 1st 152 1st Division Saturday Total McConnell, Mark Open 76 76 152 1st Anderson, Anderson, Randy Randy Open Open 85 85 82 82 167 2nd 167 McConnell, Mark Open 76 76 152 1st 2nd Anderson, Randy Open 85 82 167 2nd Evans, Evans, Dennis Dennis Open Open 87 87 83 83 170 170 3rd Anderson, Randy Open 85 82 167 3rd 2nd Evans, Dennis Open 87 83 170 3rd Hazen, Blake Blake Open 87 84 171 4th Evans,Hazen, Dennis Open Open 87 87 83 84 171 170 4th 3rd Hazen, Blake Open 87 84 171 4th Clinkenbeard, Clinkenbeard, Joe Joe Open Open 86 86 85 85 171 171 Hazen, Blake Open 87 84 171 4th Clinkenbeard, Open 86 85 171 Wolf, Bob Wolf, BobJoe Open 83 90 Clinkenbeard, Joe Open Open 86 83 85 90 173 171 173 Wolf, Open 83 90 173 Caulfield, Caulfield, Mike Mike Open 86 91 Wolf, Bob Bob Open Open 83 86 90 91 177 173 177 Caulfield, Mike Open 86 91 177 Scruggs, Scruggs, Craig 89 94 Caulfield, Mike Craig Open Open Open 86 89 91 94 183 177 183 Scruggs, Craig Open 89 94 183 Mellendorf, Mellendorf, Dave Dave Open Open 98 98 99 99 197 Scruggs, Craig Open 89 94 183 197 Mellendorf, Dave Open 98 99 197 Yurasovich, Yurasovich, Robert Robert Open Open 85 85 DNF DNF Mellendorf, Dave Open 98 99 197 Yurasovich, Robert Open 85 DNF Still, Jim Still, Jim Senior-Champ 82 79 79 161 1st 161 1st Yurasovich, Robert Open Senior-Champ 85 82 DNF Still, Jim Senior-Champ 82 79 161 1st Ruhs, Ruhs, Jack Jack Senior-Champ Senior-Champ 87 87 76 76 163 2nd 163 2nd Pictured aboveabove (left to(left right): to right): Still, Jim Senior-Champ 82 79 161 1st Pictured Ruhs, Jack Senior-Champ 87 76 163 2nd Pictured above (left to right): Homovec, Senior-Champ 81 84 165 Senior 3rd Senior Champion Champion - Jim Still - Jim Still Ruhs, Homovec, JackDick Dick Senior-Champ Senior-Champ 87 81 76 84 165 163 3rd 2nd Pictured above (left to right): Homovec, Dick Senior-Champ 81 84 165 3rd Senior Champion Jim Still Yakey, Yakey, Milt Milt Senior-Champ Senior-Champ 87 87 83 83 170 4th 170 Tournament 4th Tournament Champion Champion Homovec, Dick Senior-Champ 81 84 165 3rd Senior Champion - Jim Still Yakey, Milt Senior-Champ 87 83 170 -McKenna, Senior-Champ 86 86 172 Tournament Mark McConnell MarkChampion McConnell Yakey,McKenna, MiltBill Bill Senior-Champ Senior-Champ 87 86 83 86 172 170 4th 4th Tournament Champion McKenna, Bill Senior-Champ 86 86 172 Mark McConnell Welch, Welch, Al BillAl Senior-Champ Senior-Champ 94 78 (4thinyear a row in a- 7th rowoverall!) - 7th overall!) McKenna, Senior-Champ 86 94 86 78 172 172 172 (4th Markyear McConnell Welch, Al Senior-Champ 94 78 172 (4th year in a row 7th overall!) Martinez, Martinez, Mike Mike Senior-Champ Senior-Champ 85 85 90 90 175 175 Senior Senior 1st Flight 1st Flight Ralph Ralph Swanson Swanson Welch, Al Senior-Champ 94 78 172 (4th year in a row - 7th overall!) Martinez, Mike Senior-Champ 85 90 175 Senior 1st Flight Ralph Swanson Witkowski, Witkowski, Gary Gary Senior-Champ Senior-Champ 87 88 Martinez, Mike Senior-Champ 85 87 90 88 175 175 175 Senior 1st Flight - Ralph Swanson Witkowski, Gary Senior-Champ 87 88 175 Wood, Wood, Ron Ron Senior-Champ Senior-Champ 88 88 90 90 178 Witkowski, Gary Senior-Champ 87 88 175 178 Wood, Ron Senior-Champ 88 90 178 Hill, Cindy Hill, Senior-Champ Senior-Champ 88 97 Wood, RonCindy Senior-Champ 88 88 90 97 185 178 185 Hill, Cindy Senior-Champ 88 97 185 Swanson, Swanson, Ralph Ralph Senior Senior 1st 1st 93 93 90 90 183 183 1st Hill, Cindy Senior-Champ 88 97 185 1st Swanson, Ralph Senior 1st 93 90 183 1st Brinker, Brinker, Dennis Dennis Senior Senior 1st 1st 90 90 95 95 185 2nd 185 Swanson, Ralph Senior - 1st 93 90 183 1st 2nd Brinker, Dennis Senior 1st 90 95 185 2nd Moore, Moore, Scott Scott Senior -- 1st 90 95 185 3rd Brinker, Dennis SeniorSenior 1st - 1st 90 90 95 95 185 185 3rd 2nd Moore, Scott Senior 1st 90 95 185 3rd Bowling, Bowling, Herman Herman Senior Senior 1st 1st 93 93 93 93 186 4th 186 Moore, Scott Senior - 1st 90 95 185 3rd 4th Bowling, Herman Senior 1st 93 93 186 Klinger, Klinger, Lou Lou Senior -- 1st 91 95 186 Bowling, Herman SeniorSenior 1st - 1st 93 91 93 95 186 186 4th 4th Klinger, Lou Senior 1st 91 95 186 Clark, Clark, Jerry Jerry Senior Senior 1st 1st 102 102 98 98 200 Klinger, Lou Senior - 1st 91 95 186 200 Clark, Jerry Senior 1st 102 98 Bowles, Thom Thom Senior -- 1st 100 100 109 209 209 Clark, Bowles, Jerry SeniorSenior 1st - 1st 102 98 109 200 200 Bowles, Thom Senior 1st 100 109 209 Dicks, Dicks, Lenny Lenny Senior Senior 1st 1st 120 120 102 102 222 Bowles, Thom Senior - 1st 100 109 209 222 Dicks, Lenny Senior 1st 120 102 222 Zuzga, Zuzga, Cornell Cornell Senior Senior 1st 1st 90 90 WD WD Dicks, Lenny Senior - 1st 120 102 222 Zuzga, Cornell Senior 1st 90 WD Carter,Carter, John SuperSuper Senior 81 81 83 83 164 1st 164 1st Zuzga, CornellJohn Senior - 1st Senior 90 WD Carter, John Super Senior 81 83 164 1st Hammond, Hammond, Jack Jack Super Super Senior Senior 84 84 85 85 169 2nd 169 Carter, John Super Senior 81 83 164 1st 2nd Hammond, Jack Super Senior 84 85 169 2nd Gnagy, Gnagy, MaxJack Max Super Senior 82 88 170 3rd Hammond, SuperSuper SeniorSenior 84 82 85 88 170 169 3rd 2nd Gnagy, Max Super Senior 82 88 170 3rd Wall, Ed Wall, Ed Super Super Senior Senior 82 82 90 90 172 4th 172 Gnagy, Max Super Senior 82 88 170 3rd 4th Wall, Ed Super Senior 82 90 172 Martinez, Martinez, Larry Larry Super Super Senior Senior 86 86 88 88 174 174 Wall, Ed Super Senior 82 90 172 4th 4th Martinez, Larry Super Senior 86 88 174 Modano, Modano, Mike Senior 96 90 Martinez, Larry Mike Super SuperSuper SeniorSenior 86 96 88 90 186 174 186 Modano, Mike Super Senior 96 90 186 Heasley, Heasley, Bill Bill Super Super Senior Senior 90 90 97 97 187 Modano, Mike Super Senior 96 90 186 187 Heasley, Bill Super Senior 90 97 187 Deters, Deters, John Super Senior 101 94 Heasley, Bill John SuperSuper SeniorSenior 90 101 97 94 195 187 195 Deters, John Super Senior 101 94 195 Stout, Stout, Rendal Rendal Super Super Senior Senior 103 103 92 92 195 Deters, John Super Senior 101 94 195 195 Stout, Rendal Super Senior 103 92 Open Open Senior Super SeniorSenior195 Stout, Rendal Super Senior 103 Senior Super92 195 Open Senior Super Senior Longest Longest Drive -Drive Sat - Sat R. Anderson R. Anderson M. Yakey M. Yakey B. Heasley B. Heasley Open Senior Super Senior Longest Drive --- Sat R. Anderson M. Yakey B. Closest Closest to Pin to Sat Pin - Sat R. R. Wolf M. M. Yakey M. Modano M. Modano Longest Drive Sat R. Wolf Anderson M. Yakey Yakey B. Heasley Heasley Closest to Pin Sat R. Wolf M. Yakey M. Modano Closest Closest to Pin Pin to Sun Pin - Sun J. Clinkenbeard J. Clinkenbeard M. R. Yakey Wood R. Wood J.M.Hammond J. Hammond Closest to -- Sat R. Wolf Modano Closest to Pin Sun J. Clinkenbeard R. Wood J. Hammond For more For pictures: more pictures: http://michiganlefties.weebly.com/2013-photos--univ-of-michigan-gc.html http://michiganlefties.weebly.com/2013-photos--univ-of-michigan-gc.html Closest to Pin - Sun J. Clinkenbeard R. Wood J. Hammond For http://michiganlefties.weebly.com/2013-photos--univ-of-michigan-gc.html For more more pictures: pictures: http://michiganlefties.weebly.com/2013-photos--univ-of-michigan-gc.html 9 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 48th Annual Minnesota Left-Handers Tournament July 13-14, 2013 River Oaks Municipal Golf Course The 48th annual Minnesota Left-Handers Golf Tournament was held July 13 & 14 at the River Oaks Golf Course in Cottage Grove, Minnesota. Twenty-eight lefties participated - some for the first time and others as veteran lefties. The tournament director was Jan Karlstrand of Cottage Grove. Pictured below: Left: The defending and 2013 Champion – Travis Peterson Right: 2013 Senior Winner and tournament director – Jan Karlstrand For many more photos from the tournament, please click on this link: http://mnlefties.weebly.com/2013-photo-gallery.html. 10 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 2nd Annual Mississippi Lefties Tournament 21-22, 2013 2nd AnnualSeptember Mississippi Lefties Tournament Colonial-Deerfield Country September 21-22, 2013 Club Earl Thornton of Brandon postedColonial-Deerfield a final round 4 over 76Country in route toClub a four shot win in the 2nd annual Mississippi Lefties tournament. Playing in his first Mississippi Lefties event, Thornton finished 6 over Earl ofChampion Brandon posted a final round 4 over 76 in route to a four win the 2nd annual par toThornton beat 2012 Johnny Brasher of Cropwell, AL. Brasher shotshot 79 in theinfinal round and Mississippi Lefties tournament. Playing in his first Mississippi Lefties event, Thornton finished 6 over finished 10 over par for the two days. Rusty Hampton of Madison finished in 3rd place, 11 shots back. par beat 2012 Champion JohnnyupBrasher Cropwell, AL. Brasher shot 79 inCountry the finalClub round and Theto two day tournament wrapped play onofSunday September 22 at Colonial in Jackson finished 10 over par for the two days. Rusty Hampton of Madison finished in 3rd place, 11 shots back. after opening play at the Colonial-Deerfield Course in Madison on Saturday September 21. The two day tournament wrapped up play on Sunday September 22 at Colonial Country Club in Jackson after opening play at the Colonial-Deerfield Course onwho Saturday September 21. than first The Senior Championship was won by Carnis Kellyin ofMadison Ridgeland was four shots better round leader Gene Van Every of Brandon. The Senior Championship was won by Carnis Kelly of Ridgeland who was four shots better than first round leader Gene Van Every ofwas Brandon. The First Flight Championship won by Joel Stevens of Hattiesburg. Stevens beat Stephen Lum and Compton Ross, each of Madison, by five strokes. The First Flight Championship was won by Joel Stevens of Hattiesburg. Stevens beat Stephen Lum and Compton Ross, each of Madison, by five strokes. 2013 Mississippi Lefties Final Leaderboard 2013 MississippiFlight Lefties Final Leaderboard Championship Earl Thornton 74-76 150 Championship Flight154 Johnny Brasher 75-79 Earl RustyThornton Hampton74-76 78-83150 161 Johnny Brasher 75-79 Bo Sandifer 76-86 162154 Rusty Hampton 78-83 161 162 Jonathan Van Every 78-84 Bo Sandifer 76-86 162 Jonathan Van2013 Every 78-84 162 Pictured right: Mississippi Lefties Champion Earl Thornton (C) with runner up and 2012 Champion Johnny Brasher (R) and third place finisher Rusty Hampton (L). Pictured right: 2013 Mississippi Lefties Champion Earl Thornton (C) with runner up and 2012 Champion Johnny Brasher (R) and third place finisher Rusty Hampton (L). Senior Flight Carnis Kelly 84-79 163 Senior Flight Gene Van Every 80-87 167 Carnis Kelly 84-79 163 Brian Hall 85-91 176 Gene Van Every 80-87 167 Brian Hall Pictured right:85-91 2013 176 Mississippi Lefties Senior Champion Carnis Kelly (C) with 2nd place finisher Gene Van Every (L) and 3rd place finisher and 2012 senior Pictured right: Lefties Senior Champion Carnis Kelly (C) with champion Brian2013 Hall Mississippi (R). 2nd place finisher Gene Van Every (L) and 3rd place finisher and 2012 senior champion Brian Hall (R). First Flight Joel Stevens 84-82 166 First Flight Stephen Lum 86-85 171 Joel Stevens 84-82 166 Compton Ross 84-87 171 Stephen Lum 86-85 171 Corey Winton 88-92 180 Compton Ross 93-105 84-87 171 Chuck Stinson 198 Corey Winton 88-92 180 Dean Applegate 118-111 229 Chuck Stinson 93-105 198 David Clark WD Dean Applegate 118-111 WD 229 Myron Van Landingham David Clark WD Myron Van WD Pictured right: Landingham 2013 Mississippi Lefties 1st Flight winner Joel Stevens (L) and runner up Stephen Lum (R). Pictured right: 2013 Mississippi Lefties 1st Flight winner Joel Stevens (L) and runner up Stephen Lum (R). 11 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 2013 Ohio Left-Handers 2013 Ohio Left-Handers State Tournament State Tournament July 21, 2013July 21, 2013 Hickory SticksHickory Golf Course Sticks Golf Course The 2013 Ohio Left-Handers The 2013 State Ohio Left-Handers Tournament was Staterained Tournament out on Day was 1rained - Saturday, out onJuly Day20th. 1 - Saturday, The July 20th. single round tournament single was round played tournament on Sunday, was played July 21st oninSunday, sunny skies July 21st at the in Hickory sunny skies Sticks atGolf the Hickory Sticks G Course in Van Wert,Course Ohio. inForty-seven Van Wert, Ohio. lefties participated, Forty-seven lefties the majority participated, from the thegreat majority statefrom of Ohio. the great state of Others were from Florida, Others Indiana, were from Kentucky, Florida, Indiana, Michigan,Kentucky, Virginia, and Michigan, Wisconsin. Virginia, and Wisconsin. The Open Championship The Open winners Championship (left to right): winners (left to right): Rick Roark (2nd), Grayson Rick Roark Loerke (2nd), (1stGrayson place and Loerke returning (1st place and returning champion from 2012), champion Al Welch from Tournament 2012), Al Welch Director, Tournament Chris Director, Chris Britt (3rd) and Robert BrittYurasovich (3rd) and (4th). Robert The Yurasovich low score (4th). shot The by low score shot by Grayson was a 68; Grayson he had four wasbirdies a 68; he andhad fourteen four birdies pars. and fourteen pars. Congratulations! Congratulations! For many more photos For many from the more tournament, photos from please the tournament, click on this please link: click on this link: http://ohiolefties.weebly.com/2013-photo-gallery.html. http://ohiolefties.weebly.com/2013-photo-gallery.html. Here from are the results from the tournament: Here are the full results thefull tournament: 12 Front Back Open Championship Open Championship Front Total Back Total Loerke, Grayson Loerke,35 Grayson 33 Roark, Rick Roark, Rick 35 37 Britt, Chris Britt, Chris 37 36 Yurasovich, Robert Yurasovich, 37 Robert 38 Willis, Richard Willis, Richard 38 38 Moog, Lyle Moog, Lyle 39 37 Ewing, Pat Ewing, 37 Pat 41 35 68 35 72 37 73 37 75 38 76 39 76 37 78 33 First 37 Second 36 Third 38 Fourth 38 37 41 68 72 73 75 76 76 78 First Second Third Fourth Open First Flight Open First Flight Kortokrax, Terry Kortokrax, 42 Terry 38 Moore, Chad Moore, 39 Chad 43 Bebout, Trevor Bebout,43 Trevor 40 Niehaus, Tom Niehaus, 43Tom 41 Miller, Richard Miller, Richard 43 42 Clark, John Clark, John 45 41 Volz, Rick Volz, Rick 42 44 Latimore, Tim Latimore, 46Tim 46 42 80 39 82 43 83 43 84 43 85 45 86 42 86 46 92 38 First 43 Second 40 Third 41 Fourth 42 41 44 46 80 82 83 84 85 86 86 92 First Second Third Fourth SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 Senior Championship McCann, Dave Still, Jim Willis, Andy Welch, Al Wolf, Bob Roush, Vernon Vielma, Tony 38 36 40 36 39 40 40 35 38 35 41 40 40 40 73 74 75 77 79 80 80 First Second Third Fourth Senior First Flight Brinker, Dennis Sponseller, James Bowling, Herman Moore, Scott McIntosh, Donald Wallrawe, Bill McCracken, James 41 41 39 39 42 42 43 40 40 44 44 43 44 43 81 81 83 83 85 86 86 First Second Third Fourth Senior Second Flight Gerde, Dave Zepf, Bruce Rudgers, Jim Brock, Paul Gerde, Bob Trent, John 43 45 44 45 47 53 44 42 43 44 45 52 87 87 87 89 92 105 First Second Third Fourth Super Senior Championship Gnagy, Max Stout, Rendal Darling, Roger Plunkett, Milt Lenhart, Don Sprunk, Paul 40 41 38 42 42 45 37 37 40 40 40 40 77 78 78 82 82 85 First Second Third Fourth Super Senior First Flight Luper, Robert Parrott, Ben McKenzie, Jerry Burgess, Larry Hartman, Bob Johnson, Heraldine 42 44 49 49 51 54 45 44 49 51 51 54 87 88 98 100 102 108 First Second Third Fourth 13 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 OKLAHOMA LEFTHANDED GOLFERS ASSOCIATION Final Results Open Division Round 1 Round 2 Total Senior Division Round 1 Round 2 Total Super Senior Division Round 1 Round 2 Total Jeff Josh Karl Doug Bill Tom Kenny Tony Gary Jim Jon Danny Jim Steve Ken Robert Ed Dick Roderic Gene Ron 14 August 4, 2013 Richter Evans Holliman Wallace Martin Stewart Bryan Dellinger Risner Crawford Flowers Cazzelle Breda Chapman Barnes McKenzie Abner Martin Ruggier Wallace Irwin 75 76 78 76 82 83 85 89 72 78 80 82 84 79 74 76 86 82 83 86 101 66 78 76 80 80 79 88 NC 70 77 78 81 93 WD 73 78 80 88 87 85 95 141 154 154 156 162 162 173 89 142 155 158 163 177 79 147 154 166 170 170 171 196 Closest to the Pin #8 Ken Barnes #14 Kenny Bryan SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER 2013 Oregon Lefties State Tournament July 20-21, 2013Tournament 2013 Oregon Lefties State Juniper Golf Course July 20-21, 2013 October 2013 Juniper Golf Course Open Flight Jim Dalton Open Flight Carl Leonard Jim Dalton Rick Rodriguez Carl ScottLeonard Smyth Rick Rodriguez Ethan Glaser Scott Smyth Ethan Glaser Senior Flight DAY 1 DAY 2 TOTALS 18 Gross 18 Net 18 Gross 18 Net 36 Gross 36 Net DAY DAY TOTALS 77 1 69 79 2 71 156 140 18 Gross78 18 Net72 18 Gross79 18 Net73 36 Gross 36 Net 157 145 77 69 79 71 156 140 86 72 83 69 169 141 78 72 79 73 157 145 93 82 86 75 179 157 86 72 83 69 169 141 81 76 DQ DQ DQ DQ 93 82 86 75 179 157 81 76 DQ DQ DQ DQ Will Curley Senior Bill Burk Flight Will MarvCurley Seelye Bill Burk Dave Kendall Marv Seelye Dennis Bruneau Dave Kendall Ron Griffin Dennis Bruneau Tom Milne Ron SteveGriffin Melnichuk Tom Milne Edward Welch Steve Melnichuk John Herring Edward Welch Ed Weitzel John JamesHerring Chisum Ed Weitzel David Foote James Chisum Bob Cooper David Foote Bob Cooper Super Senior Flight Dave DeMartino Super Senior Flight Jim Goad Dave DeMartino Chet Harrington Jim Goad John Hodecker Chet Gene Harrington Cartwright John Hodecker Rich Shuteroff Gene Cartwright Rich Shuteroff STATUS STATUS 1st Gross 1st Gross 1st Net 1st Net 78 78 78 83 78 84 83 88 84 90 88 92 90 86 92 89 86 95 89 99 95 95 99 111 95 114 111 114 72 67 72 74 67 75 74 74 75 73 74 76 73 72 76 70 72 80 70 81 80 69 81 87 69 84 87 84 80 81 80 79 81 85 79 85 85 85 85 83 85 97 83 96 97 91 96 97 91 108 97 113 108 112 113 112 74 70 74 70 70 76 70 71 76 68 71 67 68 83 67 77 83 76 77 79 76 82 79 89 82 82 89 82 158 159 158 162 159 169 162 173 169 175 173 175 175 183 175 185 183 186 185 196 186 203 196 224 203 226 224 226 146 137 146 144 137 151 144 145 151 141 145 143 141 155 143 147 155 156 147 160 156 151 160 176 151 166 176 166 1st Gross 1st Net 1st 2ndGross Gross 1st Net 2nd Gross 85 92 85 95 92 102 95 111 102 112 111 112 74 67 74 75 67 75 75 83 75 84 83 84 85 92 85 96 92 91 96 112 91 119 112 119 74 67 74 76 67 64 76 84 64 91 84 91 170 184 170 191 184 193 191 223 193 231 223 231 148 134 148 151 134 139 151 167 139 175 167 175 1st Gross 1st Net 1st Gross 1st 2ndNet Net 2nd Net 3rd Net 2nd Net 3rd Net 2nd Net 15 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 56th 56th Western Western 56th States States Western Team Team States Championship Championship Team Championship Hosted Hosted by:by: Norcal Norcal Hosted Lefties Lefties by: Norcal Lefties 56th Western States Team Championship Day Day 3 Western Results 3Norcal Results Day 3Team Results 56th Western 56th Western 56th States Team States Championship States Team Championship Championship Hosted by: Lefties Hosted Hosted NorcalHosted by: Lefties Norcal by: Norcal Lefties Lefties Dayby: 3 Results Day 3 Results Day 3Day Results 3 Results Gross Field GrossLow Gross Gross B.B. Hagins Hagins / J.B. / J. Jordan Hagins Jordan / J. Jordan Field Gross Low FieldGross Low Gross B. Hagins / J. Jordan B. Hagins B. / J.Hagins Jordan B. Hagins / J. Jordan / J. Jordan Net Field Net Low Net Net T.T. Martin Martin / J./T.J. Holmes Martin Holmes/ J. Holmes Field Net Low FieldNet Low Net T. Martin / J. Holmes T. Martin / J. Holmes / J. Holmes T. Martin T. / J.Martin Holmes Net Net Scores ScoresNet Scores Net Scores 64-68-70---202 64-68-70---202 64-68-70---202 Net Scores Net Scores Net Scores 64-68-70---202 64-68-70---202 64-68-70---202 64-68-70---202 Gross Gross Scores Scores Gross Scores Gross Scores71-75-76--71-75-76---222 71-75-76---222 Gross Scores GrossGross ScoresS 71-75-76---222 71-75-76---222 71-75-76---2 71-75- 63-68-63---194 63-68-63---194 63-68-63---194 63-68-63---194 63-68-63---194 63-68-63---194 63-68-63---194 80-84-80---244 80-84-80---244 80-84-80--80-84-80---244 80-84-80---2 80-8480-84-80---244 Donner DonnerLake Donner LakeFlight Flight Lake Flight Donner Lake Flight DonnerDonner Lake Donner Flight LakeLake Flight Flight w Gross Flight GrossLow Gross Gross J. Dalton Dalton /Low J.S. Mraule Dalton Mraule / S. Mraule 67-73-64---204 67-73-64---204 67-73-64---204 Flight wJ.Gross Flight Low/ S. Gross Gross J. Dalton / S. Mraule 67-73-64---204 J. Dalton / S. Mraule J. Dalton / S. Mraule 67-73-64---204 67-73-64---204 J. Dalton / S. Mraule 67-73-64---204 Net k Rank Net Net Scores ScoresNet Scores Net Net Net Scores Lewis Lewis 1 /Rank M. /D. M. Makara Lewis Makara / M. Makara 70-64-69---203 70-64-69---203 70-64-69---203 kD.D. Net Scores Rank Net Scores Net Scores D. Lewis / M. Makara 70-64-69---203 M.M. 2 /1/D. J.M. /M. J. Mason Avelar Mason / J.Makara Mason 67-75-64---206 67-75-64---206 D.Avelar Lewis 1Avelar Lewis Makara D. Lewis / M. / M. Makara 67-75-64---206 70-64-69---203 70-64-69---203 70-64-69---203 M. Avelar / J. Mason 67-75-64---206 M.M. Miller 3 / 2J. /M. Wiskerchen Wiskerchen Miller J. Mason Wiskerchen 71-70-68---209 71-70-68---209 M. Avelar / J. J.Avelar Mason M. Avelar / J. Mason 71-70-68---209 67-75-64---206 67-75-64---206 2Miller M. // J. 67-75-64---206 M. Miller / J. Wiskerchen 71-70-68---209 M.M. OBrien 4 /3M. J./J.J. Schroder OBrien Schroder Schroder 71-69-69---209 71-69-69---209 71-69-69---209 M. Miller /M. Wiskerchen M. Miller / J. Wiskerchen 71-70-68---209 71-70-68---209 3OBrien Miller / J./ J.Wiskerchen 71-70-68---209 M. OBrien / J. Schroder 71-69-69---209 D.D. Bruneau Bruneau 5 /D. W. W. Bruneau Curley Curley / W. 70-79-73---222 70-79-73---222 M. 4M. //J.OBrien Schroder M. OBrien /Curley J. Schroder 70-79-73---222 71-69-69---209 71-69-69---209 4OBrien / J. Schroder 71-69-69---209 D. -Bruneau /PMW. Curley 70-79-73---222 ng rogram Tournament Program 9/5/2013 - Pairing 9/5/2013 5:12 Program 5:12 PM- 9/5/2013 5:12 PM D. Bruneau 5D./Bruneau W.D. Curley Bruneau / W. Curley 70-79-73---222 70-79-73---222 5 / W. Curley 70-79-73---222 Program - 9/5/2013 5:12 PM ng ournament Program Tournament -Pairing 9/5/2013 Program Pairing 5:12 PM - Program 9/5/2013 -5:12 9/5/2013 PM 5:12 PM 16 74-79-71---224 74-79-71---224 74-79-71--74-79-71---224 74-79-71---224 74-7974-79-71---2 Gross Gross Scores Scores Gross Scores Gross Scores 79-73-79---231 79-73-79---231 79-73-79--Gross Scores Gross ScoresS Gross 79-73-79---231 75-85-74---234 75-85-74---234 75-85-74--79-73-79---231 79-73-79---2 79-7375-85-74---234 81-78-78---237 81-78-78---237 81-78-78--75-85-74---234 75-8575-85-74---2 81-78-78---237 80-78-78---236 80-78-78---236 80-78-78--81-78-78---237 81-7881-78-78---2 80-78-78---236 77-86-80---243 77-86-80---243 77-86-80--80-78-78---236 80-7880-78-78---2 77-86-80---243 Page: Page: 1 1 77-86-80---243 77-8677-86-80---2 Page: 1 Page: 1 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 56th 56th Western Western 56th States States Western Team Team States Championship Championship Team Championship Hosted Hosted by:by: Norcal Norcal Hosted Lefties Lefties by: Norcal Lefties 56th Western Day States Team Championship Day 3 Results 3 Results Day 3 Results Hosted by: Norcal Lefties Day 3 Results 56th Western 56th 56th States Western Western Team States States Championship Team TeamChampionship Championship Hosted by: Norcal Hosted Hosted Lefties by:by: Norcal Norcal Lefties Lefties Day 3 Results Day Day 3 Results 3 Results Net Net Scores ScoresNet Scores Gross Field GrossLow Gross B.B. Hagins Hagins / J.B. / J. Jordan Hagins Jordan / J. Jordan 64-68-70---202 64-68-70---202 64-68-70---202 Truckee River Flight Gross Net Field Net Low Net P.T. Brown Opinski T. Martin Martin //J.G. /T.J. Holmes Martin Holmes/ J. Holmes ow Flight Gross Flight Low Low Gross Gross P. Brown / G. Opinski Brown / G. Opinski P. P. Brown / G. Opinski ng rogram Tournament Program - 9/5/2013 - Pairing 9/5/2013 5:12 Program 5:12 PM PM- 9/5/2013 5:12 PM Program - 9/5/2013 5:12 PM ring Program Tournament Tournament - 9/5/2013 Pairing Pairing 5:12 Program Program PM - 9/5/2013 - 9/5/2013 5:125:12 PM PM 71-75-76---222 71-75-76---222 71-75-76--- 70-73-68---211 81-86-78---245 Truckee Truckee River Truckee Flight River RiverFlight Flight80-84-80---244 63-68-63---194 63-68-63---194 63-68-63---194 80-84-80---244 80-84-80--70-73-68---211 70-73-68---211 Net Scores 70-73-68---211 Donner Donner Lake Donner LakeFlight Flight Lake Flight 63-70-66---199 t R. Rodriguez Net/ J. Love Net w Gross Flight GrossLow Gross nk Net Scores Net Rank Scores Rank Net Scores M. Armstrong / A. Armstrong 68-75-66---209 J. J. Dalton Dalton Mraule Dalton Mraule / S. Mraule 67-73-64---204 67-73-64---204 R. Rodriguez 1/ S. 1/ J.S. R. /R. Rodriguez J. Rodriguez Love / J./ J. Love Love 67-73-64---204 63-70-66---199 63-70-66---199 63-70-66---199 T. Tesfayohannes / C. Pearson 68-74-69---211 M.Net Armstrong /Armstrong A.Armstrong Armstrong / A. Armstrong 68-75-66---209 68-75-66---209 2 2 M.M. / A. Armstrong 68-75-66---209 R. Campos / R. Tarvin 72-69-70---211 k Rank Net Net Scores ScoresNet Scores T. Tesfayohannes Tesfayohannes / C. Pearson/ C. / C. Pearson 68-74-69---211 68-74-69---211 3 3 T.T. Tesfayohannes Pearson 68-74-69---211 T. Billstrom / M. Bengtsson 72-70-72---214 D.D. Lewis Lewis 1 / M. /D. M. Makara Lewis Makara / M. Makara 70-64-69---203 70-64-69---203 70-64-69---203 R. Campos R.R. Tarvin Campos / R. Tarvin 72-69-70---211 72-69-70---211 4 4 /R. Campos / R. Tarvin 72-69-70---211 V. Dodson / F. Holmes 72-73-73---218 M.M. Avelar Avelar 2 / J.M. / J. Mason Avelar Mason / J. Mason 67-75-64---206 67-75-64---206 67-75-64---206 T. Billstrom / M. T. Billstrom Bengtsson / M. Bengtsson 72-70-72---214 72-70-72---214 5 5 T. Billstrom / M. Bengtsson 72-70-72---214 M.M. Miller Miller 3 / J./M. J. Wiskerchen Wiskerchen Miller / J. Wiskerchen 71-70-68---209 71-70-68---209 71-70-68---209 V. Dodson F.V. Holmes Dodson Holmes 72-73-73---218 72-73-73---218 6 6 /V. Dodson / F./ F. Holmes 72-73-73---218 M.M. OBrien OBrien 4 / M. J./ J. Schroder OBrien Schroder / J. Schroder 71-69-69---209 71-69-69---209 71-69-69---209 D.D. Bruneau Bruneau 5 /D. W. / W. Bruneau Curley Curley/ W. Curley Gross Gross Scores Scores Gross Scores 70-79-73---222 70-79-73---222 70-79-73---222 81-86-78---245 81-86Gross Scores 81-86-78 82-89-81---252 Gross Scores Gross Sco Gross Sc 80-88-79---247 74-79-71---224 74-79-71---224 74-79-71--82-89-81---252 82-89-81 82-8979-88-81---248 80-88-79---247 80-8880-88-79 86-82-86---254 Gross Gross Scores Scores Gross Scores 79-88-81---248 79-8879-88-81 82-81-84---247 79-73-79---231 79-73-79---231 79-73-79--86-82-86---254 86-8286-82-86 85-86-85---256 75-85-74---234 75-85-74---234 75-85-74--82-81-84---247 82-8182-81-84 81-78-78---237 81-78-78---237 81-78-78--85-86-85---256 85-8685-86-85 80-78-78---236 80-78-78---236 80-78-78--- 77-86-80---243 77-86-80---243 77-86-80--Page: Page: 1 1 Page: 2 Page: 17 2 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 56th 56th Western Western 56th States States Western Team Team States Championship Championship Team Championship Hosted Hosted by:by: Norcal Norcal Hosted Lefties Lefties by: Norcal Lefties Day Day 3Senior Results 3 Results Day 3 Results 56th Western States Team Championship Hosted by: Norcal Lefties Day 3 Results 56th Western 56th56th Western States Western Senior States States Team Senior Senior Championship Team Team Championship Championship Hosted by: Hosted Norcal Hosted by: Lefties Norcal by: Norcal Lefties Lefties Gross Field GrossLow Gross ield Low Gross B.B. Hagins Hagins / J.B. / J. Jordan Hagins Jordan / J. Jordan W. Coffman / N. Erickson ield Senior Low Senior Field Gross Field Low Low Gross Gross Net Field Net Low Net DayLittle 3 Results Day 3 Results 3 Results Biggest CityDay Flight Net Net Scores ScoresNet Scores Gross Gross Scores Scores Gross Scores Biggest Little Biggest Biggest CityLittle Flight Little CityCity Flight Flight 71-75-76---222 Net Scores Gross Scores 64-68-70---202 64-68-70---202 64-68-70---202 71-75-76---222 71-75-76--62-66-68---196 Net Scores Net Net Scores Scores 75-76-78---229 Gross Scores Gross Gross Score S T.T. Martin Martin / J./T. J. Holmes Martin Holmes / J. Holmes 63-68-63---194 63-68-63---194 63-68-63---194 W. Coffman W. /Coffman W. N. Erickson Coffman / N. /Erickson N. Erickson 62-66-68---196 62-66-68---196 62-66-68---196 ield Low Net 80-84-80---244 80-84-80---244 80-84-80--75-76-78---229 75-76-78-75-76- E. Welch / R. Snyder ield Senior Low Senior Field NetField LowLow Net Net 62-60-58---180 / R.Welch Snyder 62-60-58---180 E. Welch / R. Snyder / R. Snyder 62-60-58---180 62-60-58---180 t E. Welch E. Donner Donner Lake Donner Lake Flight Lake Flight nk Net Scores Flight w Gross Flight Gross t GrossLow Net Net R. Cossey / G. Henderson 59-67-62---188 nk Net Scores Rank Scores Rank Net Net Scores J. J. Dalton Dalton / S./ J.S. Mraule Dalton Mraule/ S. Mraule 67-73-64---204 67-73-64---204 67-73-64---204 M. /R. L. Magelitz R. Cossey 1Kritscher 1 R. / G. Cossey Henderson Cossey / G. /Henderson G. Henderson 61-67-64---192 59-67-62---188 59-67-62---188 59-67-62---188 Net R. Monroe Byrd 61-64-68---193 2Kritscher Kritscher / L. Magelitz 61-67-64---192 M. 2 M./ T. /M. L. Magelitz Kritscher / L. Magelitz 61-67-64---192 61-67-64---192 k Rank Net Net Scores ScoresNet Scores B. /Makara Barnett R.Lewis Monroe 3/D. /E. T. R. Byrd Monroe / T. Byrd 3 / M. R. Monroe / T.Makara Byrd D.D. Lewis 1Berray M. Lewis Makara / M. 84-82-80---246 84-82-80---246 84-82-80-84-82Gross Scores 75-83-76---234 Gross Scores Gross Sc Gross Score 74-79-71---224 74-79-71---224 74-79-71--92-98-94---284 75-83-76---234 75-83-76-75-83- 86-86-88---260 92-98-94-92-98-94---284 92-98Gross Gross Scores Scores Gross Scores 66-68-62---196 61-64-68---193 61-64-68---193 61-64-68---193 70-64-69---203 70-64-69---203 70-64-69---203 90-92-86---268 86-86-88---260 86-8686-86-88-79-73-79---231 79-73-79---231 79-73-79--- 66-66-69---201 66-68-62---196 66-68-62---196 66-68-62---196 67-75-64---206 67-75-64---206 67-75-64---206 85-85-89---259 90-92-86---268 90-9290-92-86-75-85-74---234 75-85-74---234 75-85-74--- W. P. Cocconi 70-68-64---202 L.Miller //Wiskerchen K. L.Norgard Toscano K. Norgard71-70-68---209 66-66-69---201 66-66-69---201 5Murphy L. Toscano K. /Norgard 66-66-69---201 M.M. Miller 3Toscano / 5J./M. J. Wiskerchen Miller / J./ Wiskerchen 71-70-68---209 71-70-68---209 92-91-85---268 85-85-89---259 85-8585-85-89-81-78-78---237 81-78-78---237 81-78-78--- L. /Avelar K. Norgard B.Avelar Berray /J. E. B. Barnett Berray / E. Barnett 4 /4J.M. Berray E.Mason Barnett M.M. Avelar 2Toscano /B. Mason Mason // J. R. T. Milne 65-71-68---204 W.OBrien 6/ M. /OBrien P. W. Cocconi Murphy / P. Cocconi71-69-69---209 70-68-64---202 70-68-64---202 6Murphy Murphy Cocconi 70-68-64---202 M.M. OBrien 4Griffin J.W. //J. Schroder Schroder / J./ P. Schroder 71-69-69---209 71-69-69---209 81-88-84---253 92-91-85---268 92-9192-91-85-80-78-78---236 80-78-78---236 80-78-78--- 68-71-65---204 65-71-68---204 65-71-68---204 65-71-68---204 70-79-73---222 70-79-73---222 70-79-73---222 87-91-84---262 81-88-84---253 81-8881-88-84-77-86-80---243 77-86-80---243 77-86-80--- L. J. DeVos R. Raffo Shuteroff / R. S. O'Connor Shuteroff / S. O'Connor 66-74-73---213 68-71-65---204 68-71-65---204 8 8 /R. Shuteroff / S. O'Connor 68-71-65---204 Page: Page: 1 1 83-91-88---262 87-91-84---262 87-9187-91-84-- L. Raffo J. Raffo DeVos L. Raffo / J. DeVos 9 9 /L. / J. DeVos 83-91-88---262 83-9183-91-88-- R. /Curley S. O'Connor R.Bruneau Griffin / T. R. Milne Griffin / T. Milne 7 7/D. R. Griffin //T. D.D. Bruneau 5Shuteroff W. W. Bruneau Curley W.Milne Curley ng rogram Tournament Program - 9/5/2013 - Pairing 9/5/2013 5:12 Program 5:12 PM PM- 9/5/2013 5:12 PM iring Program - 9/5/2013 3:16 PM iring Tournament Program Tournament -Pairing 9/5/2013 Pairing Program 3:16Program PM - 9/5/2013 - 9/5/2013 3:16 PM3:16 PM 18 66-74-73---213 66-74-73---213 66-74-73---213 Page: 1 Page: 1 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 New National Tournament Starts Off 2014 NALG Golf Season in April The NALG is pleased to announce that it will kick off the 2014 golf season with a National Lefty/Partner event. Your partner can be a lefty or righty. Lefties bringing a new lefty (not currently member or on mailing list) will receive two years free dues as will the new lefty. The tournament is being set up as a fun event with different two-player formats being used each of the three days. The tournament will be flighted and team handicaps will be utilized, which should help those players whose clubs have been in mothballs over the winter. The tournament will be held at Magnolia Greens Golf Plantation in Wilmington-Leland, N.C. (site of the 2011 National Lefty) on 4-6 April 2014. Since this is the beginning of the peak golf season in the Carolinas, the field is being limited to 50 teams to allow for other visiting golfers from around the Country to utilize the course. Prizes will be awarded to the first three places in each flight with the flight winners receiving a minimum prize equal to their entry fee. Tournament announcement and entry forms will be in the next Newsletter and will be on the NALG web site in early January, 2014. See you in Wilmington this Spring! Contributed by Jim Bradley 19 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 John Dourgarian of Bordentown, NJ had his second hole-in-one on July 10, 2013 at the Rancocas Golf Club in Willingboro, NJ. It was on the 11th hole, 130 yards with his On-Course 11 Wood hybrid -- 42 degree loft. Donald Lightburn of Albuquerque, NM had his third hole-in-one on August 18, 2013 at the UNM Championship Golf Course in Albuquerque. It was on the 16th hole, 199 yards with his 5-iron. We want to know about your hole-in-one! Who has had an ace this summer? Send the details to Margaret Hunter at Margaret@WOWPersonalVacation.com. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ICING ON THE CAKE Joe Brogdon finished 3rd in the Georgia State Senior Amateur (73-72-76) in August. He also finished first alternate in the Georgia qualifier for the USGA Senior Amateur that was held at Wade Hampton in September. Erv Froese qualified for the Canadian Men’s Senior Amateur that was held at the Briars Golf Club in August. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of LEFT-HANDED GOLFERS APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP/RENEWAL Lefty Name__________________________________ Birthdate_________________ Street Address__________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________ State____________________ Province_ _______________________ Zip / Postal Code_______________________ Phone ( )___________________________________ Hcp._ ___________________ EMAIL Address_ _______________________________________________________ Dues: $25.00 Send to: NALG ~ PO Box 640, Leland, NC 28451 20 SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER October 2013 Tournament Schedule • February 14-17, 2014 – 2014 James Cup Challenge – Escena Golf Club, Palm Springs, CA. Contact the James Cup Committee at jcevents@att.net for further details. • April 4-6, 2014 – 2014 National Lefty-Partner Tournament – Magnolia Greens Golf Plantation, Wilmington (Leland), NC. Contact Jim Bradley at jymjoy@bellsouth.net or 910-383-0339 for further details. • September 3-6, 2014 – 2014 National Lefty-Righty Amateur Golf Tournament – Cedar Rock Country Club, Lenoir, NC. Contact Terry Martin at 828-754-4007 or martinhouse@charter.net or popcorn1938@charter.net for further details. • October 26-31, 2014 – World Assn. of Left-Handed Golfers Championship – Cape Town, South Africa. Further details are available at http://www.walg2014.co.za/. • June 16-19, 2014 – NALG 79th National Championship – Glen Echo Country Club, St. Louis, MO. More details in the next newsletter or contact Rick Rodriguez at rrodriguez@rockcliff.com. Please Note: In order to remain a member in good standing with the National Association of Left-Handed Golfers, you must pay annual dues of $25. Checks should be sent to: NALG/USA, c/o NALG Treasurer Jim Bradley, P.O. Box 640, Leland, N.C. 28451. If you have questions about your standing, please contact Jim at jymjoy@bellsouth.net or 910-383-0339. Articles for Newsletters ~ Request articles for next newsletter to be submitted to Jim Bradley at jymjoy@bellsouth.net or Margaret Hunter at Margaret@WOWPersonalVacations.com. SOUTHPAW NEWSLETTER National Association of Left-handed Golfers / USA P.O. Box 640 Leland, NC 28451 “Email instead of Snail Mail – The NALG Board of Directors decided at its Annual Meeting in May 2012 to discontinue the printing and mailing of the quarterly newsletter, effective with the October 2012 issue. Henceforth it will be sent to you via email, or you may find it on the NALG website: www.nalg.org, under the “Newsletters” heading. The newsletter issue dates will remain the same: January, April, July, and October. If you do not receive your emailed copy of the newsletter within the first 10 days of these months, please contact Margaret Hunter at Margaret@WOWPersonalVacations.com.” http://www.facebook.com/GolfLefty
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