1 OUTREACH Volume 27 Issue 3 First United Methodist Church March 19th, 2015 “Yesterday & Today Changing In To A New Tomorrow” Once a wise man was asked a question, “What is time?” The wise man answered, “Yesterday, today, tomorrow…” The one who asked the question was disappointed, “That’s it?” “Well, the wise man said, listen to this story. “ Today wanted to become Always. Yesterday told her, “I also wanted that when I was you.” “Did you ask Always how she does that?” inquired Today. “I asked,” said Yesterday “and she said by changing.” “But that means,” Today thought, “that Always does not belong to herself. She is always someone else. What is making her do that?” Yesterday suggested, “Maybe it’s time? Time is only you and me and also tomorrow.” The one who was asking the wise man suggested that it means that time is what passes. And that is wrong. Time can also last by stopping. The wise man looked at him with curiosity and answered with a smile, “You are right. Sometimes today can last hundreds and thousands of years… before it passes. Sometimes it feels like yesterday has come back and we are living in it. There is a little bit of tomorrow in yesterday and in today, but we rarely recognize it.” In a moment our yesterday’s are gone. In a moment our today’s flash by. Our tomorrow’s are already here. God knows that. God travels with us from our yesterday’s into our today’s and through our tomorrow’s. During the last 40 days, we have been recalling days past and living completely within our today’s and looking ahead to our tomorrows. Easter Sunday morning is a brilliant reminder that the God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow has us all in the palm of his hand as the Risen Christ walks with us in to new tomorrows. During the next two weeks or so, and in to the entire month ahead, consider joining together with your church family as we celebrate the message of life giving power from yesterday, today and tomorrow of Easter as Resurrection people “Yesterday & Today Changing In To A New Tomorrow” All the best, Jerre Please email your OUTREACH item to haysumc@hotmail.com before Sunday, April 19th, 2015. Please place the name “Outreach” in the subject line...or place your item, clearly labeled for the Outreach, in the office by Sunday morning, April 19th. The next Outreach should be received by April 22nd, 2015. 2 Thank You Thanks to Don Forssberg, Larry Gilchrist, Josh Zweifel and Dave Hendrickson for their beautiful remodeling of the Bride’s Room restroom. Outstanding! My sincere thank you to all my church family for all the care that was shown to me while I was unable to get out on my own. I am so grateful to have such dear friends. Blessings to all, Lila Gilpin Thank you church family & Prayer & Praise group for the many cards, birthday wishes & calls. You have blessed and touched my life over & over. Love & Blessings, Nancy Berg Thank you for supporting me in Boy Scouts. Thank you for letting us use the church for our activities and letting us help out on Scout Sunday. Trey Lumpkins INTRODUCING OUR STAFF PROGRAM STAFF Pastor: Rev. Jerre Nolte Associate Pastor, Youth Pastor: Annie Ricker Director of Music: Johnny Matlock Special Music Coordinator: Meredith Cory Organist: Charlotte Rathke Pianist: Alexis Robinson Handbell Choir Director: Jalynn Nolte Children’s Ministry Director: Jo Swayne Asst. Children’s Director: Rebecca Kuehl Outreach Editor: Wendy Beougher SUPPORT STAFF: Administrative Secretary: Beverly Bearley Administrative Assistant: Wendy Beougher Financial Secretary: Don Forssberg Childcare Director: Kelsey Bieker Building Supervisor: Ron Herrman Sympathy Our sincere sympathy is extended to the family & friends of Tom & Debra McDonald on the death of Tom’s mother, Betty, on February 24th. Condolences to Thomas, Emily & Grayson Decker. Jim & Shirley Steinert on the death of Jim’s mother, Doris Lee, who died on March 2nd. Lucinda, John & Joseph Borra on the death of Lucinda’s father, Gerald Johnson, w h o died on March 5th. Loyde Imhof on the death of his wife Janice, on March 10th. Congratulations to Trey Lumpkins for receiving his Eagle Scout Award on March 1st. Second Annual Pulled Pork Fundraiser United Methodist Campus Ministry Sunday, April 12th 11:00-1:30 p.m. 507 Elm Menu: Pulled pork & bun Baked beans, Coleslaw Pie, Coffee, Tea By Advanced Ticket only Adults-$10, Students-$7 Children 5 & under-$5 Available in the church office Or contact umcmfhs@yahoo.com Steve Johnson 650-9743 Circle News Naomi Circle m et Mar ch 11 in the home of Melody Davidson with Nancy Jones as co-hostess, serving 9 members. Ruth Briney, chair, conducted the meeting with Verona Chapman leading the devotions. Pastor Annie Ricker presented the program, “Easter and Music Theory”. Rebekah Circle m et at th e church on Wednesday, March 11, with 14 members present. Carol Purdy gave the opening devotions. Pastor Annie gave the program on Easter. Rebekah Circle will serve the general luncheon on March 18. Directors of the local organizations receiving money from the Peddlers Fair funds have been invited. LaVaughn closed the meeting with prayer. Annual UMW Spring Brunch All women of the church are invited to the annual brunch on Saturday, April 18th at 9:15 a.m. The program will be presented by Kristin Johnson from Hoxie. Kristin is a gifted artist. She turns gourds into beautiful and inspirational works of art. Prayer & Praise You are invited to join us as we experience the Living God through the music, the silence and prayer. Prayer & Praise is open to all, Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. by the sanctuary piano. March Madness Make a donation to your favorite basketball team in the parlor. All monies go to No More Malaria. 3 The Kid’s Club will be singing for the 10:45 service on Palm Sunday. ALL kiddos are welcome to join us in Fellowship Hall (basement) at 8:15 and/or 10:30 on Palm Sunday to help with the Palm Processional. We get to play a very important role in the “Follow Me to the Cross” Lenten Journey for worship because WE get to place our palms at the foot of the big cross! Make plans now to attend our FUMC Family Passover Experience on Wednesday of Holy Week, April 1. Rev. Jerre, Pastor Annie and I have been planning a great church event for EVERYONE! There will be a meal of lasagna, salad, rolls and cake from 5:15 to 6:00 ish. Then we are asking everyone to join us for a Family Passover (Seder) Experience at 6:15. This will be a hands-on event that includes multi-generations at each table. Please plan to come and connect with other members of our church family during this important time leading up to Easter. On Easter Sunday, April 5, during the Sunday School hour (9:30), we are having our Annual Easter Egg Hunt on the West Lawn! Each Sunday School class will have their own time to participate so each kiddo is sure to get plenty of treats for their Easter basket. Wear your Easter finery, bring your Easter basket and parents, bring your cameras to capture the fun! Camp Sunday will be April 19. We have representatives from the Board of Camp Lakeside who will be speaking at both services and the Children’s Advisory Board will be hosting our 2nd Annual Camp Fund Bake Sale, All bakers in our church family are invited to bring baked goods to the Parlor Kitchen the morning of the 19th. Free will donations received will go to help our church kids go to camp! BLESSED TO SERVE-Jo Swayne, Children’s Director and Rebecca Kuehl, Children’s Ministry Assistant jswayne33@gmail.com or 316-204-6529 and rebeccarg@hotmail.com or 785-432-6477 A Note from Pastor Annie This is the announcement I made in church on March 1. Many of you know that I began work on my doctor of ministry degree in the fall. I am completing my doctorate at St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City to fulfill some of the requirements for my ordination. After beginning the work for my classes and meeting with my faculty supervisors, I began to be concerned that the scope of work required for the doctoral work, as well as the time it will require me to be in Kansas City, might negatively impact my ability to do effective ministry here. Eventually, I discussed my concerns with Jim Akins, the Hays District Superintendent, and he agreed. The Bishop has appointed me to be the pastor at Frontenac UMC, a smaller church in eastern Kansas, and I will move there when my appointment year ends in June. It has always been my hope to stay in Hays longer, but I am exited about this opportunity, even as I am sad to be leaving you. I want you to know that I have loved serving as your pastor. You have supported and encouraged me, and helped me to grow deeper into my call to ministry. Thank you for being the body of Christ to me, and with me. I will finish out the school year and Confirmation with UMYF, and my final Sunday at church will be June 21. With Christian Love, Pastor Annie 4 March OUTREACH First United Methodist Church 305 West 7th Hays, Kansas 67601 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID HAYS, KS. PERMIT NO. 97 (785) 625-3408 haysumc@hotmail.com www.kaysradio.com www.HaysFirstUnitedMethodistChurch.com Return Service Requested UpComing Events Saturday, March 21 Mission trip to Camp Lakeside Sunday, March 22 Spirit of Spring dinner, 11:45, dining room Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday Wednesday, April 1 Family Passover Experience Thursday, April 1 Maundy Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Friday, April 2 Good Friday Service, 7:00 p.m. Sunday, April 5 Sunrise Service, Easter Services Sunday, April 12 United Methodist Campus Center Fundraiser Meal—noon– 507 Elm Saturday, April 18 UMW Brunch, 9:15 a.m. Sunday, April 19 Bell Choir Fundraiser meal, Taco bar
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