The Hays Humm Texas Master Naturalist - Hays County Chapter June 2015 Chapter News: Chapter Board Meeting When: Thursday, June 11, 2015 Where: The Education Center at Jacob’s Well in Wimberley, TX Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (map link) Chapter Meeting When: Thursday, June 25, 2014 Where: To Be Announced…watch your e-mails for details! Time: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. How and Why Cultural Resources Become Endangered and How the Public Can Help Hosted by: Lost Pines Chapter Where: Buescher State Park Recreation Center Time: 6:00 p.m. (potluck) 6:30 p.m. (Event Starts) Date: June 15, 2015 For more information click HERE or contact Larry Gfeller at 512-294-6662 1 Project Update: Charro Ranch Park Workday Saturday May 9, 2015 The threat of rain kept most people away from the May workday. Only Garry, Anne, and Mary Frances braved the mud. But the rain held off, and it actually turned sunny. We managed to replace several plants in the Native Landscape, which had been killed by last winter's freezes, and added mulch around most of the plants in the landscape. Anne and Mary Frances also tackled some invasive Johnson Grass, and replaced the signs at the cut-down, invasive Chinaberry tree. We also discovered that Carpenter Ants or Acrobat Ants, had taken over the solar-powered water pump shed, and they needed to be eradicated and cleaned out. At least they weren't Fire Ants, but they did bite! So despite the low turnout and dreary conditions, we accomplished quite a bit. I was unable to acquire more mulch this month to complete the mulching of the Bird Viewing Station Trail, but hope to do that next workday. Unfortunately, we discovered that the city's crew, hired to cut the trails, mowed down some plants and all wildflowers in the Native Landscape. The cutting crew was not supposed to touch the Native Landscape, but apparently weren't properly instructed. The city has been notified. 2 Charro Ranch Workday Photos 3 Jacob’s Well st May 1 Workday Nine RRs showed up for the Workday and First Day the Park was officially opened for the summer. Beverly, Irene, Susan, Blaine, Robert M, Leigh, Jennifer, Christine and Tom were the brave Group…. Task One - Invasive’s: Bastard Cabbage, Johnson Grass and Horehound along the new path. The whole Group. Task Two - New Path from parking lot to trail. Beverly, Susan, Leigh and Tom. Task Three - Walk the complete trail, weeding, picking up trash, etc. The whole Group. Task Four - Weed around the nature center. Jennifer, Christine, Bob, Irene. -Tom Hausler Photos by: Tom Hausler 4 President’s Message: Our little part of the Hill Country will be dealing with the Blanco Flood and its aftermath for a long time. While we’re still grappling with the tragic loss of life and the devastation to property, I’d like to share how a small group of our fellow chapter members decided to help. On the Wednesday after the flood and after a community meeting of a local organization which is concerned with local water issues, a group of friends discussed and tried to figure out how best to help. Chris Middleton said, “It’s the trees. Everyone will first focus on the families as they should. We should focus on the trees and the river.” Gary Weeks had called Paul Johnson of the Texas Forest Service who came to town the next day, Thursday, to discuss river recovery with Gary. About 50 people, including 8 HCMNs packed City Hall to hear him. Paul said they couldn’t produce a flier for a few days. Our HCMNs knew the information had to get out sooner because homeowners were already cleaning up and volunteers were already clearing river debris. Left to Right: Jean McMeans, Susan Nenney, Lin Weber The Flyer Group! 5 M Presidents Message Continued… Based on Paul’s comments, Susan Nenney drafted a flier and a small group met to refine and finish it, and to get it printed. By Friday morning, the team had developed a plan and deployed a group of volunteers on Saturday. The volunteers went house to house along the river, distributing fliers, on Flite Acres Road, River Road, the Hub, and other locations. They also distributed fliers to every café, coffee shop, hardware store, and volunteer sign-up place. They had received the Texas Forest Service’s flier on Friday night and distributed that too. The team also got the word out through several organizations’ emails lists, social media, and property owners associations. The group hosted a table at the Wimberley Community Center on Saturday to reach flood victims who were coming for information on many topics. They also worked with other local groups to coordinate the effort. Among these were the Hill Country Alliance, the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority, the Texas Forest Service, the Nature Conservancy, TreeFolks, and the Meadows Center. The Nature Conservancy and the Texas Forest Service are holding a series of workshops, based on our fliers, to reach more people as they become able to concentrate on their riverside. Among the HCMNs who were key to this effort (in no particular order): Susan Neeney, Lin Weber, Jean McMeans, Mary Gilroy (trainee), Debi Bowers, Chris Middleton, Jeff Vasgaard, Martha Pinto, Jamie Kinscherff, Candy Spitzer, Linda Land, Chuck Curtis, and Jennifer Richmond. Apologies if I left someone’s name off! I’m extremely impressed and proud to have such members! They provide a fine example of caring for the local community, brainstorming, mobilizing and coordinating and sharing of valuable information. Their work will help our community and the Blanco River for many years to come. - Art Arizpe 6 Hays MN Forum Volunteer Opportunities Join the Forum! It’s a great way to connect with fellow naturalists, ask questions, and learn from each other. Find the link on our website! Watch your e-mails for upcoming opportunities! Check out the Projects Calendar for more information. HAVE A VOLUNTEER IDEA? Submit your idea, just fill out The form HERE! Contact Herb Smith, if you have suggestions or questions! Volunteer & Advanced Training Hours Whacha Got? Send your photos, musings, and other stuff to: PLEASE REPORT ALL HOURS BY THE END OF JUNE SO THEY CAN BE INCLUDED IN THE SECOND QUARTERLY REPORT! or Thank you! Thank you! Want to be in the Hays County MN Marching Kazoo Band? JOIN US…at the Wimberley July 3rd Parade! It is going to be a BLAST! Contact Lin Weber ( For more information! 7 To Spring Oh Spring! How you send us glorious colors How you bring a fresh day Filled with whimsical whispers Filled with tiny tinkers Spring Boasting blooms with beauty bright And magical evenings with twinkling lights The fresh feel The warm aura Of Spring -Hope Shimek 8 Member Photos Hyalophora cecropia (Cecropia moth larva)By: Dan Zinn This Cicada is waiting for its wings to dry. This giant got moved to a tomato plant that wasn’t doing so well. Caught in the act! A happy little tree frog… Argid sawfly larvae By: Dan Zinn 9 Links to Chapter Partners and Sponsors Sponsors Hill County Photography Club Agencies of Interest Partners Bamberger Ranch Native Plant Society of Texas San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance San Marcos River Foundation Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas Outdoor Women’s Network Texas Cooperative Extension -- Sea Grant Program Texas Forest Service U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S.D.A. Natural Resource Conservation Service Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Board of Directors President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past-President State Representative Training Committee Advanced Training Com. Membership Committee Web Master Newsletter Committee & Editor Outreach Committee Calendar Committee Host Committee Historian Volunteer Service AgriLife Agent TP&WD Rep 10 Art Arizpe Karen Archer Tracy Mock Beth Ramey Larry Calvert Dixie Camp Dick McBride Susan Kimmel-Lines Leah Laszewski To Be Announced Hope Shimek Helen Bowie Beverly Gordon Roxana Donegan & Mary Dow Ross Tom Watson Dixie Camp Richard Parrish Gordon Linam
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