HAZCOM-DGR (Pty) Ltd Lothlorien Industrial Park 490 Tedstone Road Wadeville, 1422 082 312 5525 Sharon - Postnet Suite 1550 Private Bag X1007 Lyttelton, 0140 Telephone: 084 320 4555 Johan Fax: 0865 951 247 - 084 810 6984 Brendan Email: brendan@hazcomdgr.co.za "PLACARD RULES" FOR LOADED DANGEROUS GOODS VEHICLES THE CORRECT MANNER TO DISPLAY PRESCRIBED PLACARDS ON VEHICLES TRANSPORTING DANGEROUS GOODS IN EXCESS OF EXEMPT QUANTITIES AS PER NATIONAL ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 2000 AND SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS (SANS) 10231 and 10232-1 WHAT ARE DANGEROUS GOODS? A placard with separate, delineated zones for goods identification, telephonic advice numbers and the appropriate hazard class diamond SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD 10232-1 PART 4: PLACARDING AND DOCUMENTATION OF VEHICLES 4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1.1 The vehicle placarding and documentation shall at all times be an accurate reflection of the dangerous goods being transported. SINGLE LOADS Dangerous goods cargo that comprises either a single substance or goods that have the same UN number MIXED LOADS – DIFFERENT HAZARD CLASSES 4.5.1 Vehicles that carry goods of more than one hazard class shall bear the words "MIXED LOAD" in the goods identification zone and the mixed load hazard class diamond in the hazard class diamond zone of the placard e.g. + = e.g. + = ©Placard Rules - Dangerous Goods Brochure: Reserved to Hazcom-DGR (Pty) Ltd® - 2015 Page 1 MIXED LOADS: SAME HAZARD CLASS & SAME ERG NUMBER 4.5.2 Vehicles that carry goods of a single hazard class and of the same ERG (Emergency Response Guide No) shall bear the UN No. of the most hazardous substance in the goods identification zone, and the hazard class diamond relevant to it in the hazard class diamond zone of the placard. Mixed loads of this type shall be placarded as for a single load. You need to obtain the 2012 Edition of the Emergency Response Guidebook Packing Group (PG) Some Classes are further divided into Packing Groups according to the degree of danger they present, as follows: PG I - (Packing Group I) - Extreme / Great Danger PG II - (Packing Group II) - Medium / Moderate Danger PG III - (Packing Group III) - Minor / Mild Danger e.g. You intend to load UN 1830 (Sulphuric Acid), Class 8 (Corrosive), Packing Group II (Medium Danger), with ERG No 137, with a second product UN 1817 (Pyrosulphuryl Chloride), Class 8 (Corrosive), Packing Group III (Mild), also with ERG 137. The Packing Group for Sulphuric Acid (PG II) indicates that this is the strongest of the two Class 8 products when compared to Pyrosulphuryl Chloride (PG III). You therefore placard according to the stronger product (UN 1830) and use the class diamond for the class common to both i.e. Class 8 - CORROSIVE. e.g. + UN 1830 ERG No 137 PG II Medium/Moderate = UN 1817 ERG No 137 PG III Minor / Mild MIXED LOADS: SAME HAZARD CLASS BUT DIFFERENT ERG NUMBERS 4.5.3 Vehicles that carry goods of a single hazard class but of different ERGs shall bear the words "MIXED LOAD" in the goods identification zone and the relevant hazard class diamond in the hazard class diamond zone of the placard e.g. You intend to load UN 1498 (Sodium Nitrate), Class 5 (Oxidizer), ERG No 140 - with a second product UN 2573 (Thallium Chlorate), Class 5 (Oxidizer), ERG 141. The ERG Numbers for these two products are NOT the same, i.e. 140 vs. 141. Your therefore placard using the words "MIXED LOAD" but you will use the class diamond that is common to both, i.e. Class 5.1 - OXIDIZER) e.g. + UN 1498 ERG No 140 = UN 2573 ERG No 141 ©Placard Rules - Dangerous Goods Brochure: Reserved to Hazcom-DGR (Pty) Ltd® - 2015 Page 2 REGULATED WASTE PRODUCTS – CLASSIFIED AS DANGEROUS GOODS 4.6 Waste products classified as dangerous goods 4.6.2 The word "WASTE" shall be added above the UN No. in the goods identification zone of the dangerous goods placard PETROLEUM-BASED PRODUCTS – GENERIC PLACARDING 4.7 Transport of petroleum-based products 4.7.1 The following petroleum-based products: diesel (UN 1202), petrol (UN 1203), kerosene (UN 1223) and aviation fuel (UN 1863) may be placarded with the generic UN NO. 1203, either singly or as a mixed load. NOTE It is recommended that a tank vehicle (TANKER), which is dedicated to any of these products, uses the appropriate UN number for the product on the placard. 4.7.2 When transporting petroleum-based products as in 4.7.1, transport emergency card(s) shall reflect the actual substance(s) on the vehicle. GOODS WITH A PRIMARY HAZARD CLASS & ONE (OR TWO) SUBSIDIARY-RISK CLASS/ES 5.4 Subsidiary risk diamond Subsidiary risk diamonds used in split placarding shall be identical to hazard diamonds. Subsidiary risk diamonds added to a hazard placard shall be of the same design and colour as hazard diamonds but reduced to 100 mm side dimensions. = MINIMUM DIMENSIONS OF PLACARDS 700 mm 350 mm 400 mm More than 3,500 KG Gross Vehicle Mass (Heavy Motor Vehicles) ©Placard Rules - Dangerous Goods Brochure: Reserved to Hazcom-DGR (Pty) Ltd® - 2015 200 mm Less than 3,500 KG Gross Vehicle Mass LDV (Bakkie or Panelvan) Page 3 VISIBILITY & PHYSICAL CONDITION OF PLACARDS 4.1.2 The full placard, including the 10 mm black border (see annex B) shall be clearly visible from the roadside, whether directly fixed on the vehicle, or supported by means of a permanently fixed frame. The placard shall be clean, legible and not defaced at all times. Permanently displayed on tanker vehicles Other vehicles: Mounted using brackets (i.e. reversible) CORRECT NUMBER OF PLACARDS TO BE DISPLAYED PER VEHICLE / UNIT 4.1.3 Three regular-size dangerous goods placards (see 5.2.1) shall be affixed to each cargo containment area of a rigid vehicle, semi-trailer or trailer; one at the rear and one on either side of the vehicle, so as to be clearly visible from the roadside. Vehicles with GVM less than 3 500 kg may be fitted with reduced-size placards (see 5.2.1) where space does not allow the fitting of a regular size placard. Left & Right Rear DANGER WARNING DIAMOND - FRONT 4.1.4 A regular-size danger warning diamond shall be so affixed to the front of a vehicle or a truck tractor as to be clearly visible from the front. Vehicles with a GVM less than 3 500 kg may be fitted with a reduced-size danger warning diamond (see 5.5) where space does not allow the fitting of a regular-size danger warning diamond. Front 250 mm x 250 mm HOT LOADS (ELEVATED TEMPERATURE LOADS) 4.1.5 Dangerous goods that are transported at a temperature in excess of 100 °C (in the case of liquids) or 240 °C (in the case of solids) shall have three elevated temperature warning triangles attached to the cargo unit, one on either side and one on the rear of the unit, so as to be clearly visible from the roadside. Left, Right and Rear BULK TANKERS - PLACARDING TO REMAIN DISPLAYED UNLESS CERTIFIED CLEAN In the case of road tankers and bulk carriers, the placards, dangerous goods declaration(s) and transport emergency card(s) shall be retained until vehicle has been certified clean. the ©Placard Rules - Dangerous Goods Brochure: Reserved to Hazcom-DGR (Pty) Ltd® - 2015 4 Page CONSTRUCTION AND SIZE OF PLACARDS B.1.1 Construction and size Any dangerous goods placard shall be constructed as follows: a) the material of construction shall be sufficiently rigid to prevent any distortion when the placard is exposed to forces encountered during transportation by the relevant mode of transport; b) the dangerous goods placard shall be of width 700 mm and of height 400 mm. c) the dangerous goods placard shall be divided into four zones by black lines of width 10 mm and shall have a black border of width 10 mm d) provision shall have been made for attachment of the dangerous goods placard to the vehicle, and the means of attachment shall be of sufficient strength to resist distortion or disruption when exposed to the forces encountered during the normal road use of the vehicle; and e) the background colour of the zones, letters, numbers and graphic designs may be of silkscreened or painted metal plate or rigid plastics, or may be formed by the application of peel-and-stick plastics material or coated paper. FREIGHT CONTAINER PLACARDS B.3 Freight container placards A freight container shall have split placards that consist of a goods identification rectangle, a hazard class diamond, or a mixed load diamond and subsidiary risk diamond(s), in accordance with B.3.1, B.3.2 and annex C OF SANS 10232-1: 2007. B.3.1 Goods identification rectangle The goods identification rectangle shall comply with the requirements given in C.4 of SANS 10232-1: 2007 and shall contain either the UN No., or the words “MIXED LOAD”, or the word "WASTE" above the UN No., as applicable. B.3.2 Split placard configuration The goods identification rectangle with the UN No. shall be placed adjacent to (on either side of) the hazard class diamond and the subsidiary risk diamond(s) (see figure B.3 and figure B.4). 2029 SINGLE LOAD MIXED LOAD DIFFERENT CLASSES MIXED LOAD MIXED LOAD SAME CLASS MIXED LOAD OBTAINING THE RELEVANT SABS - SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS The full version of SANS 10232-1: 2007 and other relevant National Standards are obtainable from the SABS in hardcopy form or in a licensed .PDF document form that can be purchased and downloaded online at: http://www.store.sabs.co.za/ DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is provided for the interest and convenience of all parties involved in the transport of Dangerous Goods by road, namely commercial vehicle operators, consignors, consignees, drivers and workplace health and safety professionals. Whilst dedicated effort is made to ensure the accuracy and current relevance of the information contained in this publication, Hazcom-DGR (Pty) Ltd, its associates, employees, servants or agents assume no responsibility for and give no guarantees, undertakings or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness or current status of the information provided herein and also do not accept any liability of any nature whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from any acts, errors or omissions committed by parties as a result of information gained from this publication. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE For assistance on any aspect of Dangerous Goods Transport by Road (ADR) please contact one our friendly consultants below: SALES & MARKETING MANAGING DIRECTOR TRAINING AND COMPLIANCE SALES EXECUTIVE Sharon Long Johan Muller Brendan Adams Sheri De Abreu 082 312 5525 083 601 4555 084 810 6984 082 857 6079 ©Placard Rules - Dangerous Goods Brochure: Reserved to Hazcom-DGR (Pty) Ltd® - 2015 sharon@hazcomdgr.co.za johan@hazcomdgr.co.za brendan@hazcomdgr.co.za sales1@hazcomdgr.co.za Page 5
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