Haryana Backward Classes & Economically Weaker Sections Kalyan Nigam. (ONLY FOR MINORITY COMMUNITIES) LOAN APPLICATION FORM Diary No._____________ Date: _____________ Photo Sir, I/We request for a loan of Rs.__________(Rupees___________________) for _______________________________________________________________ purpose. Details of the Applicant:1. Name ___________________________ 2. Father/Husband’s Name ___________________________ 3. Caste ___________________________ 4. Age ___________________________ 5. Name of Minority community ___________________________ 6. Educational Qualification 7. Present Address ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 8. Permanent Address ___________________________ ___________________________ Details of Occupation 9. Present Occupation ____________________________ 10. Address of work place ____________________________ 11. Annual Family Income Rs. _________________________ 12. Details of the work done by the applicant : Work Year Experience Details of Applicant’s Family Sr.No. Name Relation with applicant Age Profession Annual Income Details of Moveable/Immoveable property: Details Approximate Cost House Shop Plot Land Others Details about the Loan Proposal: 1. Availability of means of Loan Proposal Shop/ Plot/ Land/Machinery etc _________________ Detail of Items to be purchased with Loan Amount:Particulars Machinery Raw Material Animals Others Estimated Cost Details of Guarantor 1. Name ______________________ 2. Father/Husband’ Name 3. Address _____________________ ______________________ ______________________ 4. Occupation 5. Annual Income ______________________ _____________________ Details of Moveable/Immoveable property: Particulars Estimated Cost Machinery Raw Material Animals Others Details Loan Already Taken:- Purpose Amount Institution Details of repayment of loan Declaration: a) I/We have gone through the details of scheme carefully. I have acquaint my self with the terms & conditions of the schemes and keeping in view these conditions I/We solemnly declare that the above details are true and correct to the best of my knowledge & belief. b) If any information given above is found false I/We will repay full loan with interest in lumpsum. c) I/We are ready to give required security money/margin money, surety bond & hypothe document etc to the Nigam. d) I will utilize the loan as per above mentioned purpose. e) I will not take any loan for any institution till this loan is repaid is full. f) I will abide by all the rules/regulations which ever will be enforced by the Nigam/Bank from time to time. Signature of Applicant / Thumb impression ___________________________________ Date: Certificate relating to Caste, Age, Income, Minority Community I personally know Sh./Smt______________Son of Shri_____________Resident of ________________ District _______________________ & that he/she is bonefide resident of Haryana State & he belongs to _______________caste. His/her annual family income is Rs.________________& he belongs to _____________ community. Date _____________ Place _____________ Stamp_____________ Signature __________________ Name and Designation___________________ Note: The above certificate will be singed with office seal by MP/MLA/Panch/Sarpanch/ Municipal Commissioner, First Class Magistrate/ City Magistrate of Area to which applicant belongs before the issue of the certificate caste/ annual income of applicant may be verified. Recommendation of the District Manager. Haryana Backward Classes & Economically Weaker Sections Kalyan Nigam. LOAN APPLICATION FORM FOR PEOPLE BELONGING TO BACKWARD CLASSES . Diary No._____________ Date: Photo _____________ Sir, I/We request for a loan of Rs.__________(Rupees___________________) for _______________________________________________________________ purpose. My Particulars are as under:1. 2. Name ________________________ Father’s name ________________________ 3. Caste _______________________ 4. Age _______________________ 5. Correspondence Address _______________________ _______________________ 6. Permanent Address: _______________________ ______________________ 7. Present Occupation _______________________ 8. Annual Income _______________________ 9. a) 10. 11. Purpose of loan ______________________ b) Amount required _______________________ Applicant’s Educational Technical/Occupational Qualification _______________________ Assets to be purchased under the scheme _______________________ 12. Assets available for the scheme i.e. – Shop Land etc. ______________________ 13. Particulars of Surety 1. Name of Surety ______________________ 2. Father’s Name ______________________ 3. Full address _____________________ _____________________ 4. Occupation ______________________ 5. Annual Income ______________________ Details of Moveable/ Immoveable Property Details Approximate Cost House Shop Plot Land Others Declaration a) I/We have gone through the loan schemes of the Nigam/Bank carefully. I have learnt about the terms and conditions of the schemes and keeping in view these conditions, I/We solemnly declare that the above details are true and correct to the best of my knowledge & belief. b) I/we agree to provide surety money/margin money ,surety bond and Hypothecation deed and other loan documents under the scheme to the Nigam as per requirement. c) I will utilize the loan for the purpose mentioned above. d) I will not get loan from any other institution till loan is fully repaid with interest. e) I will abide by the terms and conditions settled by the Nigam/Bank from time to time. f) My/our annual family income is Rs. ________ Date _____________ Place ___________ Signature __________________ Name and Designation___________________ Stamp_____________ Certificate of Caste & Income I, personally know Sh./Smt____________________________Son/wife of Sh. ________________Resident of____________ District ________________ He is permanent resident of Haryana state & he belongs to ________________ caste. His family annual income is Rs.________________ & he belongs to _____________ community. Date _____________ Signature ___________________ Place _____________ Name and Designation____________ Stamp_____________ Note: The above certificate will be singed with office seal by MP/MLA/Panch/Sarpanch/ Municipal Commissioner, First Class Magistrate/ City Magistrate of Area to which applicant belongs. Before the issue of the certificate caste/ annual income of applicant may be verified. Report of District Manager of the Nigam a) I have verified the facts given by the applicant. I sanction a loan/subsidy to the applicant amounting to Rs.________________ in which Nigam’s share is Rs. ___________, Banks share is Rs. ______________ and Loanee share is Rs._________ under the scheme. b) I recommend to sanction on loan/subsidy to the applicant amounting to Rs.________________ in which Nigam’s share is Rs. ___________, Banks share is Rs. ________________ , Loanee share is Rs.__________ and subsidy under the scheme. Date _____________ Signature __________________ Place _____________ Name and Designation_____________ Stamp_____________ NATIONAL HANDICAPPED FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RED CROSS BHAWAN, SECTOR 12, FARIDABAD- 121 007 COMMON APPLICATION FORM FOR A : Loan for Self-Employment (Upto Rs. 2.50 Lakhs) B : Loan for Agricultural Activities (Upto Rs.5.0 Lakhs) C : Loan for Self- Employment Amongst persons with Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy and Autism (Upto Rs. 2.50 Lakhs) CHECK LIST 1.0 Please submit the application form in two copies along with all required documents to the Channelising Agency of your State. 2.0 The following documents are essential, please ensure that they are attached. 2.1 40% disability certificate from medical board of Central/State government. 2.2 Income declaration certificate ( on application form itself). 2.3 Birth/Age Certificate from panchayat /Municipal/ School certificate. 2.4 Education Qualification Certificate. 2.5 Caste Certificate for SC/ST/OBC. 2.6 One passport size photograph and one full size photograph. 2.7 Affidavit stating that no loan has been availed from any other Govt. agency for the same purpose. All clearances required has been obtained from respective Central/State Govt. agencies including clearance from State Pollution Control Board if applicable. Note : Each column of the application format alongwith attached performas should be properly filled up giving appropriate information/suitable remarks. No column should be left blank, instead write “NA” (not applicable) in the blank column. Haryana Backward Classes & Economically Weaker Sections Kalyan Nigam. (ONLY FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS) LOAN APPLICATION FORM Diary No._____________ Date: Photo _____________ Sir, I/We request for a loan of Rs.__________(Rupees___________________) for _______________________________________________________________ purpose. 1. PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT 1. Name _____ ________________ 2. Father / Husband’s Name ______________________ 3. Details of disability & percentage disability, (attach attested photocopy of certificate from competent authority). ______________________ 4. Family details. ______________________ 5. Annual income of individual. If depend, please give income of family/spouse, (attach attested copy of income certificate). ______________________ 6. Date of birth and age on Ist of the following month during which the application is submitted (attach attested copy of certificate) ______________________ 7. Educational and technical background, particularly ______________________ Related to the proposed project/scheme. 8. Employed/self-employed/unemployed. Give details if Employed or self-employed. ______________________ 9. Whether belong to SC/ST/OBC/Others. ______________________ 10. Existing activities and financial status including land holding, fixed assets in the name of applicant. ______________________ ______________________ 2. PROPOSED ACTIVITY (a) Name of the Scheme/Project. ______________________ (b) Detail of the project or proposed activity ______________________ (c) i) ______________________ 3. Location of Unit ii) Whether confirming or non-confirming (Please Specify if location confirms to location policy of the authority.) ______________________ COST OF THE PROJECT (Rs. in Lakhs) Sr. No. 1. Items Miscellaneous Fixed Assets 2. Preliminary & preoperative expenses 3. Contingencies & cost escalations 4. Others if any (Please specify) 5. Working Capital State govt./local Cost Total Note :- 4. a) Furnish details of (I) obove. b) Working capital amount may be included as part of cost of project, where total cost of the schemes does not exceed Rs. 50,000/- MEANS OF FINANCE Sr. No. 1. Source 2. Subsidy, if any 3. Team Loan 4. Banks/other Fls 5. Other, if any specify Promoter’s Contribution Total Amount & % of Total cost 5. TECHNICAL DETAILS & ECONOMIC OF PROJECT 6. MANPOWER REQIREMENT Sr. No Source 1. Managerial 2. Supervisor 3. Skilled 4. Unskilled Average salary p.m. Total 7. MARKETING ARRANGEMENTS (a) 8. Note: Demand and Supply position in the area Selling Arrangements REPAYMENT SCHEDULE (a) Please indicate Moratorium Period needed; With justification. (b) Repayment in terms of quarter/half yearly/ yearly installments (maximum repayment period is 7years including moratorium period) For loans for agricultural activities, the Repayment has to made in yearly installments. 9. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE 10. WORKING CAPITAL REQUIREMENT 11. OTHERS i) Government consents. ii) Environmental clearance. iii) Other Govt. clearance, if ant etc. CERTIFICATE I/We certify that all information furnished by me/us is true; that i/we have no borrowing arrangements for the unit with any bank/financial institutions, expect as mentioned above; that no legal action has been/is being taken against me/us; That I/we shall furnish all other information that may be required by you in connection with my/our application; that this may also be exchanged by you with any agency you may deem fit; and that you , your representative of RBI of an application; that this may also be exchanged by you with any agency you may deem fit; and that you , your representative of RBI of any other agency authorized by you may at any time, inspect/verify our assets. Of account, etc. in our factory and business premises. 2. I/We further certify that I/We do not have any overdues in respect of any financial assistance I/We have availed so far. Place : ________________ Date : _________________ Signature of applicant For Office Use Only 1. Name of official who interviewed the applicant 2. Remarks a) Repayment Programme b) Repayment capacity Monthly surplus (term 1(c) Rs._______________ Monthly installments proposed Rs._______________ Monthly installments for existing term Loan and other obligation (to be specified) Rs._______________ Total monthly/ obligations Rs._____________(F) Debt Service ratio (F:F)= a) Comments b) Remarks of the technical report, if obtained c) Loan sanctioned d) Other remarks Place _________________ Date__________________ B: ______________________ Remarks of Recommending authority. Place: ____________ Date: _____________ Appraising official NO Haryana Backward Classes & Economically Weaker Sections Kalyan Nigam. (ONLY FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS) LOAN APPLICATION FORM 1. Name of Applicant ________________________ 2. Father/Husband’s Name ________________________ 3. Caste ________________________ 4. Age ________________________ 5. Present Address ________________________ ________________________ 6. Education Qualification ________________________ 7. Permanent Address ________________________ ________________________ 8. Purpose ________________________ 9. Amount of Loan ________________________ DETAILS OF THE SURETY 1. Name _________________________ 2. Father’s/Husband’s Name _________________________ 3. Caste 4. Age ________________________ 5. Present Address ________________________ ________________________ 6. Permanent Address ________________________ ________________________ 7. Occupation ________________________ 8. Annual Income _______________________ DETAILS OF THE IMMOVABLE ASSETS OF THE APPLICATION AND SURETY Property APPLICANT Description SURETY Estimated Value Description Estimated Value House Shop Plot Land Others CERTIFICATE I personally know Sh./Smt.________________________ S/o /W/o Sh.____________________ R/o ________________________who is permanent resident of Haryana, is ____________years old & that annual income of the family from all sources is Rs.______________. Place : ______________ Signature ____________ Date : ______________ (Name & Designation) Stamp REMARKS This certificate is to be issued by MP/MLA/ Sarpanch/Panch/Muncipal Commissioner/Ist class magistrate/City Magistrate belonging to the resident area of the applicant. REPORT BY DISTRICT MANAGER, HBC & EWSKN I have verified all the contents given by the application from & certify the correctness of the facts given therein Loan of Rs.________________________ for the purpose of __________is recommended. Place: Date: (District Manger) Stamp
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