AMC Rating : AM2- by JCR-VIS FUND MANAGER’S REPORT (Conventional Funds) April 2015 Disclaimer: Past results are not indicative of future performance. This report should not be considered an offer to buy or sell, or solicitation. The information contained herein has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable. This information is being circulated for information purposes only and may not be copied or distributed to any other person without the prior written permission of HBL Asset Management Co. Fund's Manager's Report Apr 2015 30-Apr-15 Fund Manager's Commentary During the month under review, HBL MMF Fund posted a return of 8.06% (MoM) against the benchmark return of 6.82% thereby outperforming the benchmark by 24bps. On YTD basis the fund outperformed its benchmark by 10 bps by posting a return of 8.35% against the benchmark return of 8.25%. During the month the fund reduced its exposure in TDRs from 30.86% to 5.84%. By the end of Apr'15, the total T-bills exposure stood at 82.15%. The fund's weighted average maturity at the end of month stood at 68.23 days as compared to 76.24 days in Mar'15. Fund Returns (%) 0.03% 0.03% 8.08% 9.28% 11.53% n/a 0.02% 0.00% 8.46% 8.49% 8.49% n/a n/a n/a Daily Average Return (Since Inception) Standard Deviation (Since Inception) Annualized Return FY-14 Annualized Return FY-13 Annualized Return FY-12 Annualized Return FY-11 Net Assets Rs. 8.363 billion (30-Apr-15) NAV Launch Date Management Fee PKR 107.3742 12-Jul-10 1% p.a Listing Lahore Stock Exchange * Returns have been calculated as per MUFAP's formula Trustee Central Depository Co. of Pakistan HBL Money Market Fund Vs Benchmark (MoM Returns) Auditor Benchmark Type Category Front end Load Back end Load AMC Rating KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. 50% 3M PKRV & 50% 3M Deposit Open End Money Market Scheme Nil Nil AM2- ( by JCRVIS) Annualized Return FY-10 Investment Committee Rehan N. Shaikh, Amir Khan Naseer Ladhani, Fahad Aziz Provision against WWF liability * The scheme has maintained provisions against Worker Welfare Fund's liability to the tune of PKR 77.973 mn if the same were not made, the NAV per unit/return would be higher by Rs. 0.96/0.88%. Asset Quality Portfolio (As at 30-Apr-15) AA+ 2.52% AA 3.61% Apr-15 Nov-14 Oct-14 Benchmark Sep-14 Aug-14 Jul-14 Jun-14 Apr-14 May-14 Mar-14 Jan-14 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM (Mon-Fri) Forward Pricing AA(f) (JCR VIS) Credit Rating Company Limited Leverage Nil Weighted Average time to Maturity 68.23 Days HBL-MMF Feb-14 Dealing Days Cut off time Price Mechanism Fund Stability Rating 10.0% 9.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% Mar-15 Fund Facts Benchmark 9.29% 8.25% 7.49% 6.82% 7.20% 7.86% 8.34% Feb-15 Competitive returns No front end or back end load HBL-MMF* 11.89% 8.35% 7.85% 8.06% 7.50% 8.13% 8.43% Jan-15 Investment Features Hassle-free investment Annualized Return Since Inception Year to Date Annualized Return Calendar Year to Date Annualized Return 1 Month Annualized Return 3 Month Annualized Return 6 Month Annualized Return 1 Year Annualized Return Dec-14 Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to seek high liquidity and comparative return for investors by investing in low risk securities of shorter duration and maturity Asset Allocation (% of Total Assets) Apr'15 Mar'15 Cash T-Bills Term Deposit Receipts Others Including receivables Investment in Reverse Repo 10.95% 82.15% 5.84% 1.07% 0.00% 1.76% 67.18% 30.86% 0.20% 0.00% Risk Level (Low) AAA 10.65% Non Rated 1.07% MODERATE LOW HIGH Government Securities 82.15% MUFAP's Recommended Format Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on forces and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Fund's Manager's Report Apr 2015 30-Apr-15 Fund Manager's Commentary During the month under review HBL Income Fund generated a monthly annualized return of 15.93% against the benchmark return of 7.88% outperforming the benchmark by 8.05%. The Fund's YTD return through April stood at 13.38% against the benchmark return of 9.40% showing an outperformance of 3.98%. During the month the fund reduced its exposure in PIBs from 35.67% in Mar'15 to 22.67% by the end of Apr'15. The Fund also reduced its exposure in T-bills from 51.88% in Mar'15 to 42.89$ in Apr'15. By the end of Apr'15, weighted average maturity of the fund stood at 1.42 Years. Fund Returns (%) Daily Average Return (Since Inception) Standard Deviation (Since Inception) Annualized Return FY-14 Annualized Return FY-13 Annualized Return FY-12 Annualized Return FY-11 0.03% 0.21% 9.91% 7.70% 12.34% 13.44% 0.03% n/a 9.82% 9.92% 12.37% 13.18% Annualized Return FY-10 13.60% n/a 12.44% n/a Net Assets Rs. 4.186 billion (30-Apr-15) NAV Launch Date Management Fee PKR 112.6193* 15-Mar-07 1.5% p.a Listing Lahore Stock Exchange * Returns have been calculated as per MUFAP's formula Trustee Central Depository Co. of Pakistan HBL Income Fund Vs KIBOR 6 Month (MoM Returns) Auditor Benchmark Type Category Front end Load Back end Load AMC Rating KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. 6 Month KIBOR Open End Income Scheme Nil Nil AM2- ( by JCRVIS) Name of Non-Compliant Investment (In Millions PKR) New Allied Electronics New Allied Electronics Agri Tech Limited Saudi Pak Leasing Company Ltd. Worldcall Telecom Limited Type of Investment Apr-15 Mar-15 Jan-15 Sep-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Jun-14 May-14 Apr-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Jan-14 0.00% 0.00% Agri Tech Limited 0.00% New Allied Electronics 0.00% 0.54% 0.78% Value before Provision provision Held New Allied Electronics SK AA+ 0.15% Below Investment Grade 0.54% Risk Level (Moderate) MODERATE Saudi Pak Leasing Co. Ltd. Government Securities 65.55% Maple leaf Cement Fact.-SK AA 4.06% Engro Chemical. Pakistan Ltd-PII Non Rated 5.19% 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.80% AAA 15.19% Top Ten TFC Holding (% of Total Assets) Bank Al Habib Limited A0.00% 1.26% 0.00% 8.48% 35.67% 51.88% 0.00% 2.70% 2.10% A+ 0.00% Mar'15 21.62% 0.00% 7.64% 22.67% 42.89% 0.00% 5.19% 0.95% AA9.32% Apr'15 WAPDA Asset Quality Portfolio (As at 30-Apr-15) KIBOR 6 Month Asset Allocation (% of Total Assets) Standard Chartered Bank Pakistan Ltd. * The scheme has maintained provisions against Worker Welfare Fund's liability to the tune of PKR 29.406 mn if the same were not made, the NAV per unit and return would be higher by Rs. 0.79 and 0.69% respectively. HBL-IF Cash Term Deposit Receipts TFC's PIBs T-Bills Ijara Sukuk Others Including receivables 2.48% Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM (Mon-Fri) Forward Pricing A(f) (JCR VIS Credit Rating) Company Limited) Leverage Nil Weighted Average time to Maturity 1.42 Years Investment Committee Rehan N. Shaikh, Amir Khan Naseer Ladhani, Fahad Aziz Provision against WWF liability Engro Chemical. Pakistan Ltd-PI Dealing Days Cut off time Price Mechanism Fund Stability Rating 20.0% 18.0% 16.0% 14.0% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% Feb-15 Fund Facts Benchmark 11.11% 9.40% 8.44% 7.88% 8.19% 8.89% 9.53% Dec-14 Optimum returns No front end and back end load HBL-IF* 15.14% 13.38% 13.28% 15.93% 11.29% 14.73% 13.11% Oct-14 Investment Features Easy encashability Annualized Return Since Inception Year to Date Annualized Return Calendar Year to Date Annualized Return 1 Month Annualized Return 3 Month Annualized Return 6 Month Annualized Return 1 Year Annualized Return Nov-14 Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide a stable stream of income with moderate level of risk by investing in fixed income securities Value of Investment after Provision LOW HIGH MUFAP's Recommended Format Total percentage of top 10 TFCs is 7.64% % of Net Assets % of Gross Assets TFC Sukuk TFC 19.02 44.15 9.99 19.02 44.15 9.99 1 1 - - - TFC TFC 5.55 47.77 5.55 47.77 - - - Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on forces and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Fund's Manager's Report Apr 2015 30-Apr-15 Fund Manager's Commentary in PSMC and INDU which rallied by 24% and 20% respectively driven by outstanding earnings growth due to the weaker JPY. Additional outperformance came from positions in the cement sector, market may behave volatile in tandem with news flow related to FY16 budget-related proposals. Fund Returns (%) 0.03% 0.96% 23.75% 37.60% 12.67% 23.55% 0.04% 0.60% 25.49% 31.06% 11.41% 20.86% Return FY-10 19.17% 24.09% Net Assets Rs. 765.075 million (30-Apr-15) NAV Launch Date Management Fee PKR 99.0427* 14-Dec-07 2% p.a Listing Lahore Stock Exchange * Returns have been calculated as per MUFAP's formula Trustee Central Depository Co. of Pakistan HBL Multi Asset Fund Vs Benchmark MoM Returns Auditor Benchmark Type Category Front end Load Back end Load AMC Rating KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. 50% KSE100 & 50% 6Month KIBOR Open End Balanced Scheme 2.0% Nil AM2- ( by JCRVIS) Dealing Days Cut off time Price Mechanism Fund Stability Rating Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM (Mon-Fri) Forward Pricing A(f) (JCR VIS Credit Rating Company Limited Nil Rehan N. Shaikh, Amir Khan, Samia Aslam, CFA Naseer Ladhani Provision against WWF liability * The scheme has maintained provisions against Worker Welfare Fund's liability to the tune of PKR 9.152 mn if the same were not made, the NAV per unit and return would be higher by Rs. 1.18 and 1.17% respectively. Sector Allocation (% of Total Assets) Power generation & dist. Commercial Banks Cement Fertilizers Others Food & Personal Care Products Automobile Assembler Mar'15 3.29% 5.91% 11.70% 11.75% 13.17% 9.51% 8.76% 7.86% 6.99% Saudi Pak Leasing Company Ltd. Dewan Cement Limited Benchmark 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% -2.00% -4.00% -6.00% Type of Investment TFC TFC Apr-15 Mar-15 Feb-15 Jan-15 Aug-14 Jul-14 Jun-14 May-14 Apr-14 Mar-14 Feb-14 -8.00% Asset Allocation (% of Total Assets) Apr'15 Mar'15 Cash TFCs Stock/Equities T-Bills Others Including receivables Investment in PIBs 2.33% 5.55% 68.20% 15.19% 1.86% 6.88% 0.84% 6.09% 61.58% 17.26% 7.06% 7.16% Top Ten Holding (30-Apr-15) Apr'15 8.41% 11.07% 7.62% 9.17% 14.56% Name of Non-Compliant Investment (In Millions PKR) HBL-MAF 8.00% Jan-14 Leverage Investment Committee 10.00% Dec-14 Fund Facts Daily Average Return (Since Inception) Standard Deviation (Since Inception) Return FY-14 Return FY-13 Return FY-12 Return FY-11 Nov-14 Diversified Balanced Portfolio No minimum holding period Benchmark 112.34% 10.79% 3.89% 6.11% -0.01% 7.74% 13.10% Oct-14 Investment Features Easy encashability HBL-MAF* 89.59% 3.76% 2.83% 7.94% -1.39% 2.77% 2.17% Cumulative Return Since Inception Year to Date Return (Cumulative) Calendar Year to Date Return (Cumulative) 1 Month Cumulative Return 3 Month Cumulative Return 6 Month Cumulative Return 1 Year Cumulative Return Sep-14 Investment Objective The objective of the Fund is to provide long-term capital growth and income by investing in multiple asset classes such as equity, equity related instruments, fixed income securities, Continuous Funding System, Derivatives and money market instruments etc Engro Corporation Limited National Foods Habib Bank Limited Synthetic Products Enterprises Limited Pak Suzuki Motor Co. Limited Engro Foods Indus Motor Company Ltd Hub Power Company Limited Kot Addu Power Company Limited Maple Leaf Cement Factory Risk Level (Moderate/High) 5.85% 5.60% 5.18% 4.17% 4.12% 3.91% 3.74% 3.55% 3.52% 3.46% MODERATE LOW HIGH MUFAP's Recommended Format Value before provision Provision Held Value of Investment after Provision 15.20 25.00 15.20 25.00 1 0 % of Net Assets 0.00% 0.00% % of Gross Assets 0.00% 0.00% Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on forces and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Fund's Manager's Report Apr 2015 30-Apr-15 Fund Manager's Commentary Our overweight position in EFOODS paid off well as the stock gained 29% MTD on the back of substantial recovery in earnings during 1QCY15 driven by weak milk powder prices combined with related proposals. Investment Objective Fund Returns (%) The objective of the Fund is to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in a diversified pool of equities and equity related instruments. Investment Features Easy encashability Diversified Equity Portfolio No exit load Fund Facts Cumulative Return Since Inception Year to Date Return (Cumulative) Calendar Year to Date Return (Cumulative) 1 Month Cumulative Return 3 Month Cumulative Return 6 Month Cumulative Return 1 Year Cumulative Return HBL-SF 110.18% 7.57% 3.99% 11.94% -1.85% 7.04% 4.82% Benchmark 176.15% 13.75% 4.98% 11.56% -2.07% 11.04% 16.66% Daily Average Return (Since Inception) Standard Deviation (Since Inception) Since Inception (CAGR) Return FY-14 Return FY-13 Return FY-12 0.05% 1.03% 10.17% 27.40% 44.42% 11.00% 0.06% 1.21% 14.16% 41.16% 52.20% 10.45% Return FY-11 Return FY-10 28.19% 19.52% 28.53% 35.74% Net Assets Rs. 4.390 billion (30-Apr-15) NAV Launch Date Management Fee PKR 113.1796* 27-Aug-07 2% p.a Listing Trustee Lahore Stock Exchange Central Depository Co. of Pakistan * Returns have been calculated as per MUFAP's formula Auditor KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. HBL Stock Fund Vs KSE 100 Index (MoM Returns) Benchmark Type Category Front end Load Back end Load AMC Rating KSE 100 Index Open End Equity Scheme 2.5% Nil AM2- ( by JCRVIS) 15.00% KSE 100 Index HBL-SF 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% -5.00% -10.00% Apr-15 Mar-15 Jan-15 Feb-15 Dec-14 Nov-14 Oct-14 Sep-14 Aug-14 Jul-14 Jun-14 May-14 Apr-14 Mar-14 Feb-14 -15.00% Jan-14 Dealing Days Monday-Friday Cut off time 9:00 AM-3:00 PM (Mon-Fri) Price Mechanism Forward Pricing Leverage Nil Investment Committee Rehan N. Shaikh, Amir Khan, Samia Aslam, CFA Naseer Ladhani Provision against WWF liability Asset Allocation (% of Total Assets) Apr'15 Mar'15 * The scheme has maintained provisions against Worker Welfare Fund's liability to the tune of PKR 52.767 mn if the same were not made, the NAV per unit would be higher by Rs. 1.36/1.18%. Cash Stock/Equities T-Bills Others Including receivables 3.12% 95.96% 0.91% 2.50% 93.07% 4.42% Sector Allocation (% of Total Assets) Oil & Gas Marketing Co. Commercial Banks Fertilizers Power Generation & Dist. Other Equities Food & Personal Care Products Cement Automobile Assembler Apr'15 6.30% 15.03% 11.31% 16.86% 13.84% Mar'15 7.21% 7.70% 12.99% 15.17% 11.18% 12.57% 13.64% 9.60% 10.46% 15.54% 9.64% Name of Non-Compliant Investment (In Millions PKR) Dewan Cement Limited Type of Investment TFC Top Ten Holding (30-Apr-15) % Habib Bank Limited Engro Corporation National Foods Hub Power Company Limited Engro Foods Pak Suzuki Motor Co. Limited Indus Motor Company Ltd Maple Leaf Cement Factory Kot Addu Power Company Limited Pakistan State Oil 8.23% 7.05% 6.97% 6.74% 5.60% 5.25% 5.21% 4.76% 4.45% 4.39% Value before provision Provision Held Value of Investment after Provision 25.00 25.00 0 Risk Level (High) MODERATE LOW HIGH MUFAP's Recommended Format % of Net Assets 0.00% % of Gross Assets 0.00% Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on forces and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Fund's Manager's Report Apr 2015 30-Apr-15 Fund Manager's Commentary easing on the cards. However, towards the end of next month the market may behave volatile in tandem with news flow related to FY16 budget-related proposals. Investment Objective Fund Returns (%) The primary objective of HBL - MSF 1 is to protect the Initial Investment Value of investors at maturity with secondary objective of providing growth over the period Investment Features 100% Capital preservation if held till maturity Competitive/Stable Returns Fund Facts Cumulative Return Since Inception Year to Date Return (Cumulative) Calendar Year to Date Return (Cumulative) 1 Month Cumulative Return 3 Month Cumulative Return 6 Month Cumulative Return 1 Year Cumulative Return Daily Average Return (Since Inception) Standard Deviation (Since Inception) Return FY-14 Return FY-13 Return FY-12 Return FY-11 HBL-MSF 1 0.84% 0.84% NA 0.62% NA NA NA Benchmark 2.29% 2.29% NA 2.15% NA NA NA 0.03% 0.06% n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.09% 0.21% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Net Assets Rs. 1.932 Billion (30-Apr-15) NAV Launch Date Management Fee PKR 100.8398 27-Mar-15 1.50% p.a YTD & MTD return as of Since inception of fund Listing Lahore Stock Exchange * Returns have been calculated as per MUFAP's formula Trustee Central Depository Co. of Pakistan HBL Mustahekum Sarmaya Fund Vs benchmark (MoM Returns) Auditor Benchmark Type Category Front end Load Back end Load AMC Rating KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. MSF 1* Open End Capital Protected Scheme 2.0% 3.0% AM2- ( by JCRVIS) Dealing Days Cut off time Price Mechanism Fund Stability Rating Leverage Investment Committee Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM (Mon-Fri) Forward Pricing N/A Nil Return FY-10 Rehan N. Shaikh, Amir Khan Naseer Ladhani, Emmad Hashmi Provision against WWF liability * The scheme has maintained provisions against Worker Welfare Fund's liability to the tune of PKR 0.27 mn if the same were not made, the NAV per unit/return would be higher by Rs. 0.014/0.01%. 2.5% HBL-MSF 1 Benchmark 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% Mar-15 Apr-15 0.0% Asset Allocation (% of Total Assets) Apr'15 Mar'15 Cash Term Deposit Receipts Others Including receivables Investment in Equities 3.22% 89.23% 0.84% 6.71% 10.06% 89.71% 0.22% 0.00% MSF1* = Weighted Average Daily Return of KSE-100 Index and Three (3) Months Deposit Rate of Double A minus (AA-) or above rated Banks Asset Quality Portfolio (As at 30-Apr-15) Risk Level (Low) AA+, 0.30% Equities, 6.71% Non Rated, 0.84% AAA, 92.15% MODERATE LOW HIGH MUFAP's Recommended Format Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on forces and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Fund's Manager's Report Apr 2015 30-Apr-15 Fund Manager's Commentary DF: In the prevailing context of falling yields, we remained intact with the strategy of staying invested in government securities. At the end of month Fund investment in government Securities stood at 84.01% of the fund size. The Fund's return for the month of Apr'15 stood at 22.59% p.a. MMF: The fund's monthly return stood at 7.05% p.a. We remain intact with the strategy to stay invested in government securities in the prevalent environment of declining yields. At the end of the month Fund investment in government securities stood at 92.44% of the fund size. SF: However, towards the end of next month the market may behave volatile in tandem with news flow related to FY16 budget related proposals. Investment Objective Fund Returns (%) To provide a secure source of savings and regular income after retirement to the Participants Return Since Inception Year to Date Return Calendar Year to Date Return 1 Month Return 3 Month Return 6 Month Return 1 Year Return Investment Features Hassle-free investment Competitive returns Flexible allocation schemes Daily Average Return (Since Inception) Standard Deviation (Since Inception) Return FY-14 Return FY-13 Return FY-12 Return FY-11 Fund Facts Launch Date 16-Dec-11 Management Fee Trustee Auditor 1.5% p.a Central Depository Co. of Pakistan KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. Type Category Open End Pensions Scheme * Returns have been calculated as per MUFAP's formula **Equity fund returns are cumulative Front end Load Max 3% Credit Quality-Debt Debt p.a 10.64% 13.55% 12.66% 22.59% 12.83% 14.16% 12.02% **Equity 190.95% 30.14% 11.51% 14.42% 3.20% 17.92% 28.36% MM p.a 8.37% 7.27% 6.95% 7.05% 6.39% 7.20% 7.30% 0.04% 0.07% 7.44% 8.91% n/a n/a 0.13% 0.96% 25.56% 45.43% n/a n/a 0.03% 0.07% 7.13% 7.92% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Return FY-10 Back end Load Nil AMC Rating AM2- ( by JCRVIS) Dealing Days Monday-Friday Cut off time 9:00 AM-3:00 PM (Mon-Fri) Price Mechanism Forward Pricing Investment Committee Credit Quality-Money Market AAA 11.10% TFCs 3.63% AAA 6.51% Non Rated 1.26% AA0.01% AA 0.00% Rehan N. Shaikh, Amir Khan, Samia Aslam, CFA Naseer Ladhani Fund Size (million) as at 30-Apr-2015 Money Market Debt Equity 131.72 142.58 125.25 NAV (PKR) 128.6160 136.3673 290.9517 Leverage Nil AA 0.02% Government Securities 84.01% Non Rated 1.01% Government Securities 92.44% Provision against WWF liability PKR 1.04mn, PKR 0.501 mn, and PKR 0.445 mn respectively. If the same were not made, the NAV per unit/return of ESF, DSF, and MSF would be higher by Rs. 2.45/0.82%, Rs. 0.48/0.35% and Rs. 0.44/0.33% respectively. Risk Level Sector Allocation Equity Power Generation & Distribution Automobile Assembler Commercial Banks Fertilizers Oil & Gas Marketing Companies Cement Chemicals Jute Other Equities % 15.54% 11.98% 10.39% 8.70% 8.31% 6.58% 5.70% 4.61% 13.22% % Top 10 Equities Engro Corporation Hub Power Company Limited Pak Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd. D.G.K.Cement Company Limited Pakistan State Oil ICI Pakistan Limited Kot Addu Power Company Limited Indus Motors Co. Ltd Thal Limited Synthetic Products Enterprises Limited 8.70% 7.49% 6.73% 6.58% 6.34% 5.70% 5.31% 5.25% 4.61% 4.02% Asset Allocation HBL Money Market 30-Apr-15 31-Mar-15 HBL Debt 30-Apr-15 Govt. Securities Others Cash TDR's 92.44% 1.01% 6.54% 0.00% 92.76% 0.10% 7.13% 0.00% Govt. Securities Commercial papers Others TFCs Cash Returns (%)* Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 HBL-PF MMF* HBL-PF Debt* HBL-PF Equity** 7.54% 8.13% -0.79% 6.75% 7.77% 3.65% 7.07% 8.64% -6.61% 7.07% 13.14% 8.09% 31-Mar-15 84.01% 91.58% Equities Others Cash 1.26% 3.63% 11.10% 1.01% 4.43% 2.98% Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 7.29% 17.11% 5.49% 8.20% 19.66% 4.28% 6.80% 13.10% 1.41% 8.45% 11.81% 8.05% Feb-15 HBL-Equity 30-Apr-15 31-Mar-15 85.02% 10.52% 4.46% 91.85% 1.71% 6.44% Mar-15 Apr-15 6.17% 5.85% 7.05% 7.57% 7.82% 22.59% -0.50% -9.35% 14.42% MUFAP's Recommended Format Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on forces and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. HOW TO INVEST? Invest as low as Rs. 5,000/= in our Conventional funds Rs. 500/= in our Pension funds Three Simple Steps to Invest: 1. Make payment through cheque / demand draft in favor of “CDC-Trustee HBL (Name of fund)” E.g: CDC-Trustee HBL Money Market Fund 2. Attach the documents as specified in the Account Opening Form 3. Submit the required documents along with payment at our Karachi office, Lahore Office or Islamabad Office Karachi Head Office Address Lahore Office Address Islamabad Office Address Tel: (92-21) 111-425-262 Fax: (92-21) 35240634 Tel: (92-42) 36281610 Fax: (92-42) 36281686 Tel: (92-51) 2821183 Fax: (92-51) 2822206 24-C, Khayaban-e-Hafiz, Phase VI, D.H.A, Karachi 102-103, Upper Mall, Lahore HBL Corporate Center, HBL Building, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad Disclaimer : This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on forces and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
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