FOOTBALL CAMPS Youth is for rising 1st – 5th Graders Middle School is for rising 6th – 8th Graders Session I: June 15th, 16th, and 17th Session II: July 20th, 21st, and 22nd 9:00 AM — 12 Noon Both sessions will be held at Atlee High School’s Athletic Complex. COST One Session $50 per camper ($45 before May 18th) Both Sessions $90 per camper ($85 before May 18th) A $5.00 credit will be given for each additional sibling attending the camp. Each camper will receive a T-shirt. The camp T-shirt will give the camper free admittance into Atlee’s second home game on September 11th vs. Mills Godwin. THINGS TO BRING Cleats, Gym Shoes, Sun Screen, T-shirt, and Shorts. Water and Gatorade will be provided! CAMP FORMAT Players are divided into different groups and are taught the fundamental skills relating to every offensive and defensive position as well as kicking and punting. After rotating through each position players will participate in a variety of football games. INCLEMENT WEATHER In the event of inclement weather the camp will be held indoors. We are excited about having you at our camp and look forward to introducing YOU to Raider Football!! ATLEE RAIDERS VARSITY 2015 GAME SCHEDULE DATE OPPONENT 9/3 9/11 9/18 9/25 10/2 10/10 10/16 10/23 10/30 11/6 11/13 11/20 11/27 12/5 12/12 (Thursday) Deep Run Mills Godwin @Douglas S. Freeman @Hanover @Highland Springs (Saturday) Lee Davis @Henrico Patrick Henry (Ashland) Varina @Armstrong Conference Playoffs Conference Playoffs State Playoffs State Playoffs State Championship TIME 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM TBA* 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Questions? Contact… Roscoe Johnson Head Football Coach Atlee High School Phone: 804-723-2138 Email: *25TH ANNIVERSARY HOMECOMING ATLEE RAIDERS 2015 YOUTH AND MIDDLE SCHOOL FOOTBALL CAMPS RISING 1ST-8TH GRADERS 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM SESSION I JUNE 15TH, 16TH, AND 17TH SESSION II JULY 20TH, 21ST, AND 22ND ATLEE HIGH SCHOOL 9414 ATLEE STATION ROAD MECHANICSVILLE, VA 23116 REGISTRATION — PLEASE PRINT CAMP DETAILS Please join us for either our youth or middle school camp that will specialize in the teaching to the specific needs of your child. Kids have different developmental needs as football players and we will focus on 6 areas to develop the young football player. 1. Discipline. We will focus on the discipline of being a football player. We will teach young men and women how to be a “coachable player”. 2. Team. Each player will be put on a team and will play games throughout the camp with their team. Special emphasis will be placed on team concept: each player on the team must do his or her part to be successful. 3. Fundamentals. The basic fundaments will be taught to give these kids a solid foundation on which to go forward. Our fundamentals include, but are not limited to: Blocking Tackling Passing Receiving Running Skills Simple Agilities 4. Running Program. The focus will be on teaching the techniques that will help improve the speed of each camper. This program is the same used by the Raiders football program. 5. Competition. All campers will compete in all areas of this camp. We will challenge each camper to improve every minute he or she is in camp. 6. Fun. While one goal of the camp is to improve each camper’s football skills, emphasis will also be placed on having a fun 3 days. Send completed registration (including Medical Release) and check made payable to Atlee Gridiron Club to: Atlee Raiders Football 9414 Atlee Station Road Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Early Registration Deadline: May 18, 2015 Register by June 1st to ensure your child has a camp t-shirt on the 1st day of camp. CHECK ONE: Youth (Rising 1st-5th) Middle School (Rising 6th-8th) SESSION (CIRCLE) I T-SHIRT SIZE (CIRCLE) Youth: S M L II I & II Adult: S M L XL XXL ____________________________________________ Camper’s Name (Last, First) ______ _______________ ___________________ Age Grade 2015-2015 School Address____________________________________ City_________________________ Zip__________ Home Phone______________ Cell _____________ ____________________________________________ Email Address ______________________ Emergency Contact #1 ______________________ Emergency Contact #2 ______________________ Phone Numbers ______________________ Phone Numbers MEDICAL RELEASE I certify that the named Camper is physically fit for playing football and other related activities and has my permission to participate in the camp program. In case of an emergency, I understand that every attempt will be made to contact me. If contact is unsuccessful, I authorize the Atlee Football Camp Staff to perform immediate medical care, which includes but is not limited to the referral of other appropriate health care professionals, for any injury / illness that may occur while my child is participating in camp activities. Any expense incurred from such injury is the responsibility of the person signing below. I authorize the Atlee Football Camp Staff to provide any care or medical treatment as deemed necessary to my minor son / daughter. __________________________________________ Print Name of Camper Please list below any medications currently being taken or any allergies and / or medical conditions that might restrict this individual from participating in any camp activities: __________________________________________ ADDITIONAL SIBLINGS ATTENDING __________________________________________ ____________________________________________ I understand that the Atlee Football Camp does not provide medical insurance and that my son / daughter is insured on a medical policy with: Camper’s Name (Last, First) Youth Middle School SESSION: I II I & II Youth: S M L Adult: S M L XL XXL (T-SHIRT SIZE) NOTICE: I, _____________________________________, (full name of parent/guardian) hereby authorize and consent to the use of my child’s visual image by ATLEE RAIDERS 2015 YOUTH AND MIDDLE SCHOOL FOOTBALL CAMPS for appropriate purposes, including but not limited to: still photography, video, electronic and print publications, and web sites. __________________________________________ Insurance Company’s Name __________________________________________ Policy # / Group # __________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature and Date Check #________ Date Received: ______ Total Amount: _____________
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