Hamilton County Reading Council Charter #17290 A local council of the International Reading Association and the Indiana State Reading Association Back to School, 2014 are ending the year with author Peter Brown. Check out the program flyers for more information on Morris liked to share the books with others. Sometimes it was a dates and locations. From the President’s Desk: favorite that everyone loved, and other times he found a lonely little volume whose tale was seldom told. “Everyone’s story matters,” said Morris. And all the books agreed. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore The Indiana State Reading Association has chosen “Today a Reader – Tomorrow a Leader” as its theme for this year. The annual ISRA conference will be on Sunday, September 21st, and Monday, September 22nd. The list of speakers includes Donalyn Miller, Ian Byrd, Lester Laminack, Doug Fisher, Penny Kittle, Avi, Jane Feber, and more! By William Joyce It’s that time of year again. Fresh displays on bulletin boards. Brand new school supplies in student desks. Nervous looks on the faces of this year’s students. Parents happy to see their children out of the house. The whole year is before us. This is our chance to influence the next generation of readers, not just teaching them to be good readers, but to share the love of reading with them. Take time this year to share your love of books with your students. Check out http://2014isra.weebly.com/ for information about the conference and registration. There is still time to fill out an application for the Dave Wallace Scholarship to help pay the costs of the conference. An applications is attached to this newsletter and can be found on page five. We look forward to seeing you there. Best wishes for the upcoming year, We have some great meetings lined up for you Don Koewers this year. We begin our year with another great presentation from Kristina Smekens, one of our most 2014-15 HCRC President popular meetings. Lori Silbert, media specialist at Lantern Road Elementary, will talk about using reading to learn about other cultures. Barnes and Noble will host their annual book talk in February, and we 2014-15 HCRC Executive Board President: Don Koewers President-Elect: Vice-President: Kristin Patrick Treasurer: Kristen Hall Co- Secretaries: Amy Catania and Maribeth Sellers Membership Director: Lauren Driskell Newsletter: Valerie Miklozek Historian: Darlene Trusty ISRA State Coordinator: Maribeth Sellers Council Advisor: Lauren Detrick HCRC in Action!! You may remember that our 2013-2014 Vice President, Julie McKinney, spearheaded our book donations, and HCRC provided books for preservice educators from Purdue University who traveled to Tanzania last May. As you can see in the pictures, the children enjoyed the books, and we are proud and honored to continue this long tradition of providing books to children. Thank you, Julie, for coordinating this awesome project!! Love of Reading Grants You could win a $200 grant for your classroom! The Love of Reading Grant offered by HCRC is given for the purpose of promoting the love of reading among the students in Hamilton County. Two $200 grants will be announced at the February meeting. See page six for an application! How To Join HCRC!! All members will need to renew or join online and will have the option of paying via PayPal or a check. New members click here: http://hcreadingcouncil.org/membership/ registration.php Renewing members, click here: http://hcreadingcouncil.org/members/ renew_membership.php Payment Information: Membership dues are $15.00 per year. There are two ways to pay: 1. Pay by check- Make it out to HCRC. Put your building name on the memo line and give it to your building representative. (If you are not associated with a building, mark "other" on the memo line and mail to Kristen Hall, 7275 Wolffe Dr., Fishers, IN 46038) 2. Pay Pal: use your PayPal account to pay your membership dues. Questions about membership? Contact Lauren Driskell at ldriskell@hse.k12.in.us Mark Your Calendars! Save the Date! Thursday, September 18 2014 Indiana State Reading Kristina Smekens Hilton Indianapolis North 8181 Shadeland Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46250 Association Conference September 21-22, 2014 4:00 Networking 4:30 Business meeting 4:45 Featured speaker Wednesday, November 12 Lori Silbert presents Global Readers, Global Leaders Lantern Road Elementary 10595 Lantern Road, Fishers, IN 46038 4:00 Networking 4:15 Business meeting 4:30 Featured speaker Saturday, February 21 Barnes and Noble Inspiring Books Preview Barnes and Noble 17090 Mercantile Blvd. , Noblesville, IN 9:00 Refreshments 9:15 Business meeting 9:30--10:30 Book talks by Barnes & Noble April, 2015 Author Peter Brown (Details will be announced!!) Celebrating 50 Years of Literacy Excellence In Indiana! For more information, visit: http://2014isra.weebly.com/ Interested in attending the May, 2015 Young Authors’ Conference (Details will be announced!) ISRA Conference? Apply for the Barnes and Noble Book Fair Scholarship 17090 Mercantile Blvd. , Noblesville, IN Applications are now being accepted for the 2014 Dave Wallace Scholarship. If selected, the recipient will attend the 2014 ISRA Conference on September 20-21 at the Indianapolis Marriott East See page five in this newsletter for the application. Saturday, August 30 If you visit Barnes and Noble in Noblesville during the long weekend, be sure to mention HCRC, and we will receive a percentage of the sales for that day! 2014 Dave Wallace T HE H AMILTON C OUNTY R EADING C OUNCIL P RESENTS … KRISTINA SMEKENS S EPTEMBER 18, 2014 AT H ILTON I NDIANAPOLIS N ORTH 8181 S HADELAND A VE , I NDIANAPOLIS , IN 46250 We are excited to once present Kristina Smekens to our HCRC members! This year Kristina will share her expertise on planning and facilitating close reading. Her fast paced and enthusiastic presentations have helped motivate teachers for more than 10 years. We look forward to seeing you at the Hilton! Schedule 4:00 Networking 4:30 Swearing in of new HCRC Officers & council business 4:45 Kristina Smekens Give Aways Four $25 gift cards for Smekens’ product of your choice Earn 1 PGP point The HCRC has been working since 1989 to provide professional development to Hamilton County educators. Your continued membership is appreciated! Be sure to apply for free money for your classroom through the Love of Reading grant! Hamilton County Reading Council Dave Wallace Scholarship Application Form Today A Reader, Tomorrow A Leader Indiana State Reading Association Conference Indianapolis Marriott East September 21 & 22, 2014 Purpose of Scholarship: To provide an HCRC member the opportunity to attend the Indiana State Reading Association annual conference. Requirements: Must become an HCRC member for the 2014-15 school year Must be a staff member in any Hamilton County school Return the application by the due date: Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Mail to (postmarked by September 2, 2014): Lauren Detrick Stony Creek Elementary 1350 Greenfield Ave. Noblesville, IN 46060 Directions: Complete the information below. On a separate piece of paper, write a brief summary telling why you want to attend the ISRA Conference and attach it to this form. Include an explanation of how attending the conference will increase your professional growth and how you will share your professional learning with others. Name Home Address City ZIP Code Home Phone Number School Phone Number Preferred Email Building Name If awarded the scholarship, will your district provide you the time off with sub coverage? Have you attended ISRA previously? YES NO YES NO Hamilton County Reading Council Love of Reading Grant Purpose of Grant: The Love of Reading Grant offered by the Hamilton County Reading Council is given for the purpose of promoting the love of reading among the students in Hamilton County. Two $200 grants will be announced at the February meeting. To qualify for the grant, you must fulfill the following: Requirements: Must be a current HCRC member Must be a staff member in any Hamilton County school Return the application by the due date: Monday, December 1, 2014 Mail to (postmarked by Monday, December 1, 2014): Lauren Detrick c/o Stony Creek Elementary 1350 Greenfield Pike Noblesville, IN 46060 Directions: Please answer the following question in half a page or less and attach it to this form. Please do not mention your name or your school’s name in your answer, as the grant committee will review these anonymously. If you were to receive a grant for $200, how would you spend it to promote a love of reading with your students? Complete the information below—Please print legibly: Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________ Zip Code: ____________________ Home Phone Number: ______________ School Phone Number: _________________ Preferred Email: _____________________________________________________________
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