#24926 HAAO Antibod A dy Size: 100μg Orders: order@signa alwayantibody y.com Concentratio on: 1mg/m ml Support: tech@signa alwayantibody.com Storage: -20℃ one year Web: ww ww.signalway yantibody.com m T Tested Applic cation Species Rea activity Ho ost E, WB, IH HC H, M, R Rab bbit Molec cular Wt. B Background : HAAO (3-H Hydroxyanthrranilate 3, 4--dioxygenase e) is a mono omeric cytoso olic protein of o the family of in ntramolecular dioxygenasses containin ng non-heme e ferrous iron n. It is widelyy distributed in periphera al organs, succh as liver and kidney, k and is present in n low amoun nts in the cen ntral nervouss system. Th his enzyme participates in ne cofactor, iron. HAAO catalyzes th he synthesiss of quinolinic acid (QUIN N) trryptophan metabolism. Itt employs on frrom 3-hydroxyanthranilicc acid. QUIN N is an exccitotoxin who ose toxicity is mediated d by its ability to activa ate glutamate N-methyl-D-asspartate recceptors. Inccreased cerebral levelss of QUIN may partic cipate in th he ammatory dissorders. HAA AO has been n suggested to play a role in disorde ers pathogenesis of neurological and infla w altered tissue levelss of QUIN. Furthermore e, recent study shows that HAAO are excelle ent associated with andidate biomarkers for detecting ovarian cancerr. ca P Purification: Affinity chromatography purified via peptide column Im mmunogen: 17 amino accid peptide near n the amin no terminus of human HA AAO. A Application: HAAO antib body can be used for dettection of HA AAO by Westtern blot at 1 - 2 ug/mL. S Synonyms: 3 3-hydroxyant thranilate 3, 4-dioxygena ase, 3-hydrox xyanthranilate oxygenase e, 3-HAO, HA AD, HAO P Protein_GI_N No.:188497 7625 P Protein_Acce ession_No.::NP_036337 7 R Reference: D Decker RH, Kang K HH, Le each FR, et al. a Purificatio on and prope erties of 3-hyydroxyanthra anilic acid ox xidase. J. Bio ol. C Chem.1961; 2 236:3076-82 . H Huang YW, Jansen J RA, Fabbri E, et e al. Identificcation of candidate epig genetic biom markers for ovarian o canccer detection. Oncol. Rep.200 09; 22:853-61. W Western blot analysis of HAAO in Mouse M liver tiissue Immu unohistochem mistry of HA AAO in huma an liver tissu ue lyysate with HA AAO antibody at 1 ug/mL L. with HAAO antibo ody at 2.5 ug g/mL. s know. Iff you publish research ussing #24926,please let us This produc ct is for in vitro o research use only and is no ot intended for use in humans s or animals.
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