Attachment A RULES & SAFETY REGULATIONS For health and safety reasons, the counselors must ensure that all conference participants are aware of and abide by all of the Rules and Safety Regulations as stated below: Pets and animals are prohibited throughout all residential and dining facilities. Breach of this provision will result in a $50.00/day/room charge for cleaning and fumigation beginning the 1st day of the conference and ending on the day the animal is removed from UC SAN DIEGO’s premises. o Exception: Service animals for individuals with disabilities (as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act) are permitted in the residential and dining facilities. Cooking is prohibited in the residential halls. Misuse of fire safety equipment, such as pulling the fire alarms and pranks involving the fire hoses and fire extinguishers, are prohibited. Such misuse of the fire safety equipment is a felony and will result in the removal of the involved party(s) from UC SAN DIEGO, and UC SAN DIEGO may seek legal action. Acts that are a threat to safety i.e. setting fires in trash cans, using lighter fluid in a prank, open flames, using charcoal grills, using candles, and water fights are prohibited in all housing areas. Such behavior will result in the removal of all parties involved from UC SAN DIEGO, and UC SAN DIEGO may seek legal action. UC SAN DIEGO is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which all people who participate in programs and activities at UC SAN DIEGO can work together in an atmosphere free of all forms of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation. Specifically, every program participant should be aware that UC SAN DIEGO is strongly opposed to any acts of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, and political beliefs, and we will confront and appropriately respond to such acts. Physical abuse, threats of violence, harassment, or any conduct that threatens the health and safety of any person is strictly prohibited. The use of foul language is prohibited. UC SAN DIEGO, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse service to any Organization or individual whose actions are deemed inappropriate. Throwing any object (includes water balloons) from the windows or balconies of the halls, apartments or dining facilities is prohibited and will result in fines as well as removal of all party (s) involved from UC SAN DIEGO campus/conference. Posting on exterior balconies or railings of apartment rooms or residence hall suites is prohibited. Chalking is restricted to residential areas and extra cleaning fees will apply. The possession or discharge of firearms, fireworks, or other explosive substances is prohibited. The possession of BB guns, pellet guns, air guns, sling shots, M80's, or lethal weapons of any form, (martial arts equipment included), is prohibited. Dart throwing inside or within the vicinity of the housing and or dining facilities is prohibited. Such possession is a felony and will result in the removal of the party(s) involved from UC SAN DIEGO and UC SAN DIEGO may seek legal action. Destructive and/or dangerous horseplay which could result in injuries or damage to the facilities or furnishings is prohibited. Chemicals are not permitted to be stored in the housing facilities. Chemicals must be stored in a lab. Under no circumstances may the room or apartment to which a conference participant is assigned be used by any other person without the prior approval of the Conference Service Coordinator. Radios may be played only in a conference participant’s room at a reasonable volume so as not to disturb the other participants. No amplified instruments and/or musical instrument without a volume control may be played in the housing facilities. Alcoholic beverages are only allowed in private rooms if ALL occupants and parties present are 21 years or older. Campus policy further prohibits the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages in the public areas of campus at any time, without prior UC SAN DIEGO approval. No large volume containers of alcohol such as kegs or pony kegs are allowed. The use of alcohol or drugs shall in no way limit the responsibility of individuals for their actions. Smoking is strictly prohibited in any indoor or outdoor spaces, including parking lots, private residential space, the Medical Center campuses, and all UC Facilities. Keep doors locked at all times. Attendees must carry their room keys or access cards with them when away from their rooms. Quiet hours are mandatory between 11:00pm and 6am. Attachment A - Page 1 RESIDENTS LIVING IN THE HALLS AND APARTMENTS ARE EXPECTED TO CONDUCT THEMSELVES IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH UC SAN DIEGO, LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL LAWS. o UC SAN DIEGO Reference Links: UC San Diego Principles of Community, UC San Diego Policy and Procedures Manual 510 - Use of University Property: ) UC San Diego Student Conduct Code: Attachment A - Page 2 Attachment B UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO CONFERENCE SERVICES EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CAMPUS EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS Campuswide Emergency Information For more in depth information regarding emergency preparedness on campus please visit the campus emergency website: For information regarding the emergency status of UC San Diego please visit or call (888) 308 – UCSD (8237) Emergency Phone Numbers Fire Police Medical (Paramedic) First-Aid (Student Health) Poison Control Campus Phone 911 or 4-HELP 911 or 4-HELP 911 or 4-HELP x43300 (800) 876-4766 Cell Phone (858) 534-HELP (4357) (858) 534-HELP (4357) (858) 534-HELP (4357) (858) 534-3300 (800) 876-4766 If a campus phone is available to you, do not dial 8 for an outside line. Simply dial 911 which will connect directly with the Campus Police dispatcher from any campus telephone. From a pay telephone, or cell phone (858) 534-HELP will connect directly to the Campus Police dispatcher. Opening cover door of Emergency Call Box Stations will also put you in communication with the dispatcher. There are two dozen such call boxes found on the campus. They are bright yellow in color with a red light attached on top. The light is illuminated at night for easier identification. Remain calm while waiting for assistance. The Campus Police dispatcher will contact the necessary emergency services. Stay off the phone – the only exception being a case of poisoning when you would receive instructions from the Poison Control Center. When you report the emergency, tell the operator “THIS IS AN EMERGENCY.” CALMLY STATE: * * * * * * Your name The building and room location of the emergency The nature of the emergency – fire, flooding, etc. Whether injuries have occurred Hazards present that may affect responding emergency personnel A phone number near the scene where you can be reached Attachment B, Page 1 BUILDING EVACUATION Evacuation will result in all persons leaving the building and moving to a designated assembly area outside. Evacuate the building if the fire alarm system has been activated and/or after there is a strong earthquake. Proceed to the area indicated on the attached map. General guidelines for managing an orderly and safe evacuation include: * * * * * * * * Keep yourself and others calm. Exit locations and gathering areas are indicated on maps posted on the back of the door. Announce the situation loudly and clearly to all individuals. Give clear directions – direct persons to nearest exits, stairwells – remind individual NOT to use elevators during evacuation. Take your keys, and close your doors. Keep existing groups together. Contact people should lead their group out of the structure. Assist persons with disabilities. Use a pre-assigned “buddy system.” Quickly check all rooms and corridors and stairwells to ensure that all individuals are leaving the area. Account for all evacuees – key personnel from each group should quickly ascertain that all individuals have safely reached the assembly area. WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS. DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING UNTIL EMERGENCY PERSONNEL ANNOUNCE THAT IT IS SAFE TO DO SO. CONSIDERATIONS FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Group coordinators will be aware of persons with disabilities in the group and will ensure that all disabled persons are successfully evacuated during an emergency or drill. Appropriate evacuation procedures should be prearranged between the disabled individuals and the people assigned to assist them. NOTE: Individuals may have an unobservable disability and may or may not self-identify before an emergency. Such disabilities may include arthritis, a cardiac condition, chronic back problems, asthma, a learning disability, etc. These persons may need additional help during emergency situations. Request that all persons who feel that they may need special assistance notify the group contact so that arrangements can be made in advance to meet their needs. GENERAL GUIDELINES All exit corridors and smoke tower stairwells are protected by self-closing doors. These are the safest areas during an emergency. Disabled persons are advised to proceed to them immediately. The group coordinator is asked to check all exit corridors and exit stairwells first for any stranded persons. If there is no imminent danger and there are no special problems evacuating the person, place him/her into or next to the stairwell. Be certain someone stays with the person. No one should attempt to use an elevator to evacuate during an emergency – use the available stairs. Attachment B, Page 2 SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS Visually Impaired Persons Tell the person the nature of the emergency and offer your arm for guidance. This is the preferred method when acting as a “sighted guide.” As you walk, tell the person where you are and where obstacles are located. When you reach safety, orient the person where you are and where obstacles are located. When you reach safety, orient the person to the location and ask if further assistance is needed. Hearing Impaired Persons Campus buildings are equipped with audible fire alarms, which should be activated during an emergency; however, persons with impaired hearing may not receive the audible signal. Use an alternative warning system. Several methods can be used, including: Write a note to tell the person of the situation, the nearest evacuation route and where to meet outside. Sample script: “FIRE – Go out the rear door on your right. NOW. Meet outside on the front lawn.” OR: Turn the light switch on and off to gain their attention, then indicate through gestures or in writing what is happening and what to do. Do not use this technique with the light switch if you smell natural gas in the area. Persons Using Crutches, Canes, or Walkers In evacuations, these individuals should be treated as if they were injured. Carrying options include using a two-person, lock-arm position or having the individual sit on a sturdy chair (preferably with arms), which is then lifted and carried. People Who Use Wheelchairs (Non-ambulatory) Most non-ambulatory persons will be able to exit safely without assistance if they are on the group floor. If you are assisting a non-ambulatory person, be aware that some people have minimal ability to move and lifting them may be dangerous to their well-being. Some individuals have very little upper trunk and neck strength. Frequently, non-ambulatory persons have respiratory complications – remove them from smoke and vapors immediately. Some people who use wheelchairs may have electrical respirators; they should be given priority assistance, as their ability to breathe may be seriously in danger. Non-ambulatory persons’ needs and preferences vary. Always consult with the person as to his/her preference regarding: * * * * * * Ways of being moved. The number of people necessary for assistance. If carrying a person more than three flights, a relay team will be needed. Whether to extend or move extremities when lifting because of pain, braces, etc. Whether a seat cushion or pad should be brought along. Being carried forward or backward on stairs. After-care if removed from the wheel chair. Attachment B, Page 3 Remember to check the intended route for obstructions before transporting the individual. Delegate others to bring the wheelchair. When the wheelchair is left behind, remove it from the stairwell and place it so it does not obstruct the egress of others. Reunite the person with their wheelchair as soon as it is safe to do so. Wheelchairs have many movable or weak parts, which were not constructed to withstand the stress of lifting (i.e., the seat bar, foot plates, wheels, movable armrests, etc.). If the chair is battery-powered, remove the batteries before moving it. Make sure that the foot rests are locked and that the motor is off. If a seat is available, secure the person in the chair. FIRE RESPONSE PROCEDURES * * * * * * * * * * * * Alert all persons in the area that a fire exists. Small fires can be extinguished without evacuation of personnel. However, an immediate readiness to evacuate is essential if the fire cannot be easily controlled. Group coordinators direct the evacuation of the building quickly. Stay low to the floor to avoid breathing smoke. Feel all of the doors at the top for heat. DO NOT open the door if it feels warm to the touch. Activate the nearest fire alarm pull box. Call the Campus Police at 911 or 534-HELP. Report the exact location of the fire including information on injuries and/or flammable materials present in the area. Close (do not lock) all doors and windows in the area to confine the fire and smoke. Quickly move to the designated assembly area outside. Group coordinators should account for everyone’s presence. Report anyone missing to emergency response personnel immediately. Remain away from the building until directed by emergency response to return to your work area. Assist arriving emergency response personnel, as required. Clothing on Fire - Drop the person on the floor and roll to smother the flames or Drench with water if safety shower is immediately available. Obtain medical help – call 911 or 534-HELP. FIRE PREVENTION MEASURES Some of the most frequently violated fire codes on campus include: * * Propping fire doors open to stairwells – they must remain closed at all times. Obstruction of extinguishers, alarm pull boxes and ceiling sprinklers. Become familiar with the location and usage of fire extinguisher and fire alarm pull boxes. If you have questions, ask Conference Services. Report unsafe fire conditions to your Conference Services or to the Fire Safety Division at EH&S (534-3660) for prompt assistance. Attachment B, Page 4 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS * * Do not use a fire extinguisher unless the fire is small and you are familiar with its operation and have a clear path of escape behind you. Check label on the extinguisher to make certain the extinguisher type can be safely used on the type of material burning. Class A extinguisher – Used on wood or paper fires Class B extinguisher – Used on burning liquids (chemicals, grease, etc.) Class C extinguisher – Used on energized electrical equipment fires * * (NOTE: It is unsafe to use an “A” extinguisher on burning liquids or electrical fires) Operation Instructions Grab the nearest extinguisher off the wall Pull the pin in the handle Aim the nozzle at the base of the flames Squeeze the handle while sweeping the nozzle back and forth Report the empty extinguisher to Conference Services or the Housing & Dining Services Maintenance Department for replacement. EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE MEASURES * * * * * * * * * * When strong shaking is felt, get under a desk table, door arch or stairwell. If none are available, move against an interior wall and cover head with your arms. Remain under cover until the movement subsides. Stay away from large windows, shelving systems or tall room partitions. After the shaking has stopped, survey your immediate area for trapped or injured persons and ruptured utilities (water, gas, etc.). If minor damage has occurred in your area, inform Conference Services immediately. If severe building damage has been sustained, evacuate the structure immediately. Use the stairs, not the elevators. Provide CPR and first-aid to seriously injured persons, if trained. Move to the assembly area indicated on the attached map and await instructions from emergency response personnel. Injured persons may be taken to the two-triage areas – Student Health and Internal Medicine Group (refer to Disaster Plan Maps). Minor injuries will be treated at regional first-aid locations. Emergency personnel will distribute food, water, first-aid supplies, etc., as part of the campuswide response program. Personnel designated to provide emergency response services for the campus will report to their prearranged area to await instructions from the campus Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Information on missing persons and/or ruptured utilities must be reported to the appropriate personnel immediately. Attachment B, Page 5 FIRST AID STATION STAFF ASSEMBLY LOCATION RESIDENTS ASSEMBLY LOCATION SUPPLY CONTAINER HOUSING A F CILITIES DINING SERVICESACILITIES F CAMPUS LOOP ROAD G enesee Torrey Pines Center No rth Nor thview Dr Torrey Pines Center South Tennis Cour ts N. Point D r. Village West Torrey ScenicPines Dr. Track and Field Campus Loop Road Village East Café Ventanas Supercomputer Center Parking RIMA C Hopkins Parking Structure Pangea Dr. Goody’s P310 THURGOOD MARSHALL COLLEGE OceanView Terrace Marshal l Field JOHN MUIR COLLEGE Dr. Parking Student Health Center Canyonview UC310 r M yers D Cashier Gilman Parking Structure Admissions & Registra r SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Club Med Mesa Apar tments Meteor Information Booth REVELLE COLLEG E Rita Atkinson Residences To In terstate 5 Gilman Dr . Holiday C ourt Nobel Dr . La Jo lla ic D n e c S d. r. Mandel We iss Center Lebon D r. Beagl e Pines R Birch um n e h use tep To S a rium M A qu VA Medical Center Argo Discover y CLICS Library Galathea Challenger Torrey Exp Pepper Canyon Apartments P406 Parking Office La Jolla V illage Dr . ay Sixth College Resident Dean‘s Office SIXTH COLLEGE VA Parking Scholars Drive South nW o i t i ed Sixth College Residence Halls Why Not Here? Atlantis Thornton Hospital Wa rren Fields Parking Revelle Resident Dean’ s Offic e Blake Shiley Eye Center P402 Student Account and University Billing Services G il Muir Field Center Hall Lane vil l e e d n Ma ma n Off Campus Housing University Center Dr h Schola rs Drive Sout Mai n Gym Roger’s Place & Market & Plaza Caf e Revelle Apt Basebal l Field Parking Mandeville Center Housing Office Dining Plan TritonPlus Account Offic e r. Matthews Apartments Sixth P&M Foodworx Tamarack Apt HDH Admin D Voig t Pool Campus Polic e . Photo I.D Dr. EARL WA RREN COLLEG E Price Center (Bookstore) Pines Restaurant Natatoriu m Wa rren College Residence Halls & Apar tments Geise l Library Faculty Club Tioga Stewar t Commons To Coas t Apar tments & Scripps Institution of Oceanography Warren Field Parking Enchanted Forest Tenaya Muir Resident Dean’s Office Muir Apar tments Parking Parking Library W alk Nor th Torrey Pines Road Muir C ollege Dr. LJ P502 Thurgood Marshal l College Apar tments UCS D Extension Sh Voi g t Wa rren Resident Dean’ s Offic e Interstate 5 P304 Scholars Dr . Thurgood Marshall College Residence Halls Canyon Vista & Earl's Place To S a n Die go Thurgood Marshall College Resident Dean’ s Offic e Villa La Jolla Dr . ELEANOR ROOSEVELT COLLEGE UCSD Ecological Reserve Hopkins Dr. No rth Campus Recreation Area � s ore To Del M a r N or th Information Booth Scholar s Dri ve Salk Institute Rd. A venue La Jolla Del Sol Apts
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