2015 National HDT Rally October 11 – 17, 2015 Kansas State Fairgrounds RV Park 2000 N. Poplar Street Hutchinson, Kansas 67502 Steve & Gail Dixon 101 Dixon View Lane Unicoi, TN 37692 Phone: 800-362-3247 or 620-669-3608 e-mail HDTGail@gmail.com 423-743-0062 The National HDT Rally is a Social and Training Event for HDT Owners and Prospective HDT Owners. There will be Fun and Educational Seminars to better Familiarize an Owner with his or her rig. (Please Print)Name First Last Spouse’s Name Last First Address City Phone State Zip E-mail Address Forum Name(s) Name Tag name if different from above. Please indicate Number of Participants. Prices are per person Registration Fee per Person over age 17 required $92.00 x______$_______ Additional T-Shirts (One per registered person FREE) $12.00 x______$_______ Late Fee 15.00______$_______ (For registrations received after 9/05/15) Park Fees: $132.00 for the week of Oct. 11 - 17, 2015 This includes full hookups/ 50 or 30 amps for 6 nights. (__) Check here if staying in a Hotel (No Park Fee) (__) Check if Handicap Site needed. Must have placard. $ 132.00 Total $_______ You will receive one free T-shirt for each person on your registration.Please indicate number of shirts for each size required. We need this information by September 5, 2015 to give us time to have t-shirts made in time for the rally. IF YOU DON’T HAVE THE REGISTRATION IN BY SEPTEMBER 5th, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A T-SHIRT. We may have a few extras available, but don’t count on it. T-Shirt Sizes XXXL____ XXL____ XL____ L____ M____ NOTE!! All T-shirts are MENs Sizes. You may buy extra t-shirts for $12.00 ea. Number of additional shirts Will be arriving in... S____ ____ x $12.00 Total__________ (__)HDT (__)MDT How many times have you attended the National HDT Rally? (__)First Time (__)Second Time (__)Three or more (__)PickUp (__)Other______________ Make checks payable to: Gail Dixon. Put HDT Rally on the memo line. MAIL TO: Gail Dixon, 101 Dixon View Lane, Unicoi, TN 37692 Please send your check for the total due with the completed registration form. Rally Registration Deadline: Check and Registration forms must be received by September 5, 2015 IF YOU WISH TO ARRIVE EARLY OR DEPART LATE All Rally fees are to be paid directly to Gail Dixon. If you wish to arrive early or depart late, please contact Gail at HDTGail@gmail.com or call 423 743-0062 for additional information. HDT Rally Refund Policy: The Rally Organizer shall upon request, refund all monies to the individual requesting same. There will be a $30.00 cancelation fee for any cancelations received after September 5, 2015. There will an additional fee of $15.00 for all registrations received after September 5, 2015 Signatures are required from all persons attending the 2015 HDT National Rally I/We agree that we shall not hold The Kansas State Fairgrounds or any organizer of the 2015 HDT Rally responsible for any personal injury of any kind and includes, without limiting it, whether injury is caused by a condition of the premises, another rally attendee, or any other person. I/We recognize that in signing this paper, we are waiving a legal right to recover damages. Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Signature: Date:
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