O S UB S H A UB O LF C L OGATE & D RR O LF C L FG A FG ICT UNIO TR N IS O OGATE & D RR ICT UNIO TR N IS H HARROGATE AND DISTRICT UNION OF GOLF CLUBS E AND DISTRICT UNION OF G Bedale | Harrogate | Ilkley | Knaresborough | Masham | Oakdale | Otley | Pannal | Ripon City | Romanby | Rudding Park | Thirsk and Northallerton sborough | Masham | Oakdale | Otley | Pannal | Ripon City | Romanby | Rudding 2015 YEAR BOOK HARROGATE AND DISTRICT UNION OF GOLF CLUBS (Formed 29 January 1943) “…to promote golf in Harrogate and District and to foster the best possible spirit among clubs forming the Union.” Dr IAN SMITH (Bedale Golf Club) President 2015 - 2016 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2015 - 2016 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Officers of the Union 1-3 Past Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers and Competition Secretaries Information about the Clubs affiliated to the Union 4-7 8-19 Rules of the Union 20-23 Competition Rules 23-35 Inter District Union Results and League Table 2014 IDU Junior Team Results and League Table 2014 Inter Club League Tables 2014 35 36-37 38 Results of Men’s, Mixed and Winter Alliance Competitions 2014 38-40 Results of Ladies’ Competitions 2014 40 Results of Juniors’ Competitions 2014 40-41 Inter Club League Fixtures 2015 41-42 Inter Club Junior League Fixtures 2015 42-43 Important Events at Clubs – Golfing Events and Dinners 44-46 2015 – 2016 HDUGC fixtures 2015 - 2016 46-48 Ladies’ Winter League 2015 - 2016 48 Courtesy of Courses 49 Inter Club Visiting Scheme 49 Sponsors 49 Website: www.hdugc.co.uk Dr IAN SMITH Ainderby Cottage, Warlaby Lane, Ainderby Steeple, Northallerton DL7 9JX 01609 773404 07860 899623 ian@fisec.co.uk PRESIDENT ELECT ROBIN ELIAS 5 Stocks Lane, Darley, Harrogate HG3 2PF 01423 780080 07753 660130 robin.elias@btinternet.com IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT JEREMY DEXTER 3 Richmond Close, Harrogate HG2 9AW 01423 504618 07977 565040 dexter@redroofs24.freeserve.co.uk HONORARY SECRETARY DAVID LAMB 31 Whinney Lane, Harrogate, HG2 9LS. 01423 523107 d1lam@btinternet.com HONORARY TREASURER ROGER KNIGHT 40 White Rose Way, Thirsk YO7 1JZ 01845 524850 07767 784892 HONORARY COMPETITION SECRETARY Dr ALASTAIR J DAVIDSON 39, Almsford Avenue, Harrogate, HG2 8HE 01423 872754 07743 646436 alastair.davidson1@ntlworld.com 1 TEAM CAPTAIN MARKETING OFFICER KEVIN J WARD 21 Quaker Lane, Northallerton DL6 1EE 01609 772230 (W) 01609 778736 (H) 07905 257673 kjwarchservices@aol.com BARRY HARRIS 6 The Gables, Queen Parade, Harrogate HG1 5QG 01423 508036 07836 566664 barrytharris@hotmail.com JUNIOR CO-ORDINATOR JUNIORS’ SECRETARY TIM BLEASDALE 23 Pannal Ash Drive, Harrogate, HG2 0JA 01423 502720 t.bleasdale@ntlworld.com JOE TRAYNOR 97 Arthurs Avenue, Harrogate, HG2 0EB 01423 523236 07525 761457 jtraynor2@me.com JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT OFFICER VINCE J KANE 28 Carr Close, Ripon HG4 2LU 01765 606248 vjandcj@talktalk.net PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER GORDON CARR 4 Mallinson Close, Harrogate HG2 9HW 01423 870326 07950 127368 agmcarr@aol.com HONORARY ASSISTANT SECRETARY DAVE BROWN Halcyon House, Aiskew, Bedale DL8 1DF 01677 424692 07740 644248 brownwalker@btinternet.com HONORARY ASSISTANT COMPETITION SECRETARY ROBIN ELIAS 5 Stocks Lane, Darley, Harrogate HG3 2PF 01423 780080 07753 660130 robin.elias@btinternet.com 2 VICE PRESIDENTS Alex D Reevey (Oakdale) David E Bode (Bedale) J Graham Freeman (Pannal) Bernard Ellse (Otley) Tony Clarke (Otley) Graham E Reed (Knaresborough) Bob Mayo (Harrogate) Bill Caw (Pannal) Geoff Batterbee (Thirsk & Northallerton) Roger Knight (Thirsk & Northallerton) 01423 771549 01677 422781 01423 439620 0113 318 2434 01132 269172 01423 797988 01423 879218 01423 329156 01609 770735 01845 524850 ELECTED MEMBERS FROM CONSTITUENT CLUBS CLUBCAPTAIN REPRESENTATIVE DEPUTY Bedale Harrogate Ilkley Knaresborough Masham Oakdale Otley Pannal Ripon City Romanby Rudding Park Thirsk & Northallerton David M Munton Stan Fearnley J Robbie Downs John Martin Graham Lawson Martin Fountain Stephen Jex Ian Shay David Lupton Dr Rob Bailey Matthew Jackson David Brown Stewart Winship Peter Nelson Paxton Dewar Graham Oxley Andy Binks David Reeves Simon Bradley TBA Nigel Pickard Andrew Foster David Fletcher Ian Warnock DEPUTY Tony Howard TBA John R Robinson Malcolm Sage Peter C Walker Robert G Lambert Ian Pickles Mark Taylor N Hutchinson Barry Stead Chair of MembershipChair of Comps David Payne David Normington Jonathan Clayton Neil Douglas Tony Magrs Micky Doig MBE Andy Langford TBA Peter Whiteley Allan Boyd Trevor Bennett Maggie Griffin 3 PAST PRESIDENTS 4 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 F Selkirk R H Locke H E Ellis R S Chisholme R S Chisholme C H Crabtree E Nash H F Dawson J C Scales T A Atkinson S M Morrison J C Roadhouse Dr N G Lindsay T A Atkinson R S Chisholme H N Green S Josephs W R Barton J S Wertheimer W Maylott Eccles W Maylott Eccles H Oldfield R C Calvert R C Calvert C Donovan S T V Chadwick A D Reevey F W Spence J G Freeman W J Worrell P Hanby D R Hindley D E Bode R J Wilson T Cochrane A S Black (Harrogate) (Pannal) (Oakdale) (Knaresborough) (Knaresborough) (Harrogate) (Pannal) (Oakdale) (Knaresborough) (Harrogate) (Pannal) (Oakdale) (Knaresborough) (Harrogate) (Pannal) (Oakdale) (Knaresborough) (Oakdale) (Oakdale) (Ripon City) (Ripon City) (Knaresborough) (Pannal) (Pannal) (Harrogate) (Pannal) (Oakdale) (Ripon City) (Pannal) (Harrogate) (Masham) (Knaresborough) (Bedale) (Pannal) (Oakdale) (Harrogate) PAST PRESIDENTS (Continued) 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 H Nutter (Ripon City) V R Rawlings (Thirsk & Northallerton) C F Clemmet (Bedale) W B Stead (Pannal) W L Dobson (Masham) E Pullan (Thirsk & Northallerton) B L Ellse (Otley) A R Hutchinson (Oakdale) P Dalton (Harrogate) R C Richardson (Ripon City) G Hirst (Ilkley) C G Struthers (Knaresborough) Dr I H Lewis (Pannal) R A Mayo (Harrogate) J F Walker (Bedale) E J Moore (Oakdale) D McGee (Masham) G W Forster (Otley) G S Batterbee (Thirsk & Northallerton) J S Waring (Ripon City) G E Reed (Knaresborough) I Chippindale (Pannal) D Simpson (Harrogate) W J Boddy (Ilkley) J Shaw (Bedale) D Broadbent (Oakdale) R Stebbing (Masham) T Clarke (Otley) M J Balsdon (Knaresborough) V J Kane (Ripon City) R H W Helliwell (Thirsk & Northallerton) Dr G P Kerr (Pannal) D R Helme(Harrogate) P G Richardson (Ilkley) M Mayman(Bedale) J Dexter(Oakdale) 5 VICE PRESIDENTS This title commenced in 1960 and is conferred on any member of the Union as a recognition of any outstanding services such a member has given for the benefit of golf and the well being of the Union 1960-1980 1960-1988 1961-1980 1963-1970 1964-1996 1975-1979 1981-2000 1981-1991 1981-1996 1989-1991 1992-1999 1992 1996 1996 1997 2001-2014 2001-2008 2008 - 2008 - 2008-2015 2010 - 2010 - 2011 2011 - R S Chisholm (Knaresborough) J Cameron Scales (Knaresborough) H F Dawson (Oakdale) S A Morrison (Pannal) Dr N Gordon Lindsay (Knaresborough) T B Wyse (Knaresborough) R C Calvert (Pannal) J S Wertheimer (Oakdale) W J Worrell (Harrogate) W B Stead (Pannal) H Nutter (Ripon City) A D Reevey (Oakdale) D E Bode (Bedale) J G Freeman (Pannal) B L Ellse (Otley) J F Walker (Bedale) M Scholes (Oakdale) T Clarke (Otley) G E Reed (Knaresborough) J Shaw (Bedale) R A Mayo (Harrogate) W M Caw (Pannal) G Batterbee (Thirsk & Northallerton) R Knight (Thirsk & Northallerton) PAST HONORARY SECRETARIES 6 1943-1946 1946-1951 1951-1954 1954-1959 1959-1959 1959-1975 1975-1980 1980-1982 R S Chisholm T A Atkinson E O Scurrah W R Barton H N Green T B Wyse W J Worrell D R Hindley 1982-1983 1983-1988 1988-1991 1991-1997 1997-2003 2003-2005 2005-2009 2009- 2015 2015- E Hopper A Griffiths I J Bennett M Scholes R A Mayo G E Reed G P Kerr G E Reed D Lamb PAST HONORARY TREASURERS 1943-1967 1967-1971 1971-1980 1980-1994 1994-1995 1995-1998 1998-2003 2003-2013 2013- H F Dawson R C Calvert A D Reevey E J Moore N M Iveson E J Moore R Knight M Mayman R Knight PAST HONORARY COMPETITION SECRETARIES 1943-1946 1974-1977 1977-1980 1980-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1988 1988-1991 1991-1997 1997-2002 2002-2003 2003- R S Chisholm D Luty E J Moore E Wharton J Robinson C Wray M Robson L S Harper J Shaw T Clarke T Burns Dr. A J Davidson 7 CLUBS AFFILIATED TO THE UNION HARROGATE GOLF CLUB Founded: 1892 Incorporated within the Union: 1943 Yardage: 6198 yds Standard Scratch Score: 70 BEDALE GOLF CLUB LTD Founded: 1894 Incorporated within the Union: 1970 Yardage: 6580 yds Standard Scratch Score: 72 Address: Club Tel: Office Manager: Email: Website: Bedale Golf Club Ltd, Leyburn Road, Bedale, DL8 1EZ 01677 422451 Club Fax: 01677 427143 Mike Mayman Tel: 01677 422451 secretary@bedalegolfclub.com www.bedalegolfclub.com Captain David M Munton 6, South Parade Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 8SE david@dmunton.fsnet.co.uk Tel: 01609 777415 Mob: 07595 751171 President David R Brown Halcyon House Aiskew, Bedale DL8 1DF brownwalker@btinternet.com Tel. 01677 424692 Mob: 07740 644248 Vice Captain Stewart Winship The Old Byre Throstlenest Barns Tel: 01609 625247 Mill Lane, Leyburn DL8 4HF Mob: 07881 922766 Union Rep Vice Captain Lady Captain Mrs. Jean Court Portland House 20 Bedale Road, Leeming Bar Northallerton DL7 9AY jcourt@btinternet.com Junior Coordinator Jonathan Weighell, Welham House, Exelby Road, Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2ES weighelly@btinternet.com Professional Richard Wood proshopl@bedalegolfclub.com Tel: 01609 770410 Mob; 07803 425129 Tel:01677 424999 Mob: 07946 615366 Tel: 01677 422443 Food & Beverage Andrew Bickerton Tel: 01677 422451 Managerandy@cuzins.co.uk 8 Address: Club Tel: Secretary/Manager: Email: Website: Forest Lane Head, Harrogate, HG2 7TF 01423 862999 Club Fax: 01423 789310 Mrs Ruth Skaife-Clarke Tel: 01423 862999 secretary@harrogate-gc.co.uk www.harrogate-gc.co.uk Men’s Captain Stan Fearnley Oak View, Lower Dunsforth Tel: 01423 323460 Boroughbridge YO26 9RZ Mob: 07977 268595 stan.fearnley@btopenworld.com Men’s President Peter Watson 4 Castle Close, Spofforth Harrogate HG3 1DA peteandsheila@gmail.com Tel: 01937 590319 Mob: 07718 168649 Men’s Captain Elect Peter Nelson 60 Woodlands Drive Harrogate HG2 7BE nelsonptr7@aol.com Tel: 01423 544024 Mob: 07982 016524 Union Rep The Mens Captain Elect Lady Captain Mrs Christine Calvert-Brown 216 Low Lane Horsforth Leeds LS18 5QL info@payfocus.co.uk Tel: 01132 390990 Mob: 07770 477552 Junior Coordinator Ken Ward 1 Woolwich Cottages Brearton Tel: 01423 864868 Harrogate HG3 3BU Mob: 07767 886097 kenward679@btinternet.com Professionals Gary Stothard and Sam Everson Tel: 01423 862547 hgcproshop@hotmail.co.uk Bar Steward Steven Brown Caterer John Roberts Tel: 01423 863158 Tel: 01423 860278 9 ILKLEY GOLF CLUB THE KNARESBOROUGH GOLF CLUB Founded: 1890 Incorporated within the Union: 1981 Yardage: 6276 yds Standard Scratch Score: 70 Address: Club Tel: Secretary: Email: Website: Nesfield Road, Myddleton, Ilkley, LS29 0BE 01943 600214 Club Fax: 01943 816130 Robert G Lambert Tel: 01943 600214 honsec@ilkleygolfclub.co.uk www.ilkleygolfclub.co.uk Founded: 1920 Incorporated within the Union: 1943 Yardage: 6780 yds Standard Scratch Score: 73 Address: Club Tel: General Manager: Email: Website: Butterhills, Boroughbridge Road, Knaresborough, HG5 0QQ 01423 862690 Mark Taylor Tel: 01423 862690 Ext. 1 secretary@kgc.uk.com www.knaresboroughgolfclub.co.uk Captain J Robert Downs The Chestnuts 9 Wheatley Road Tel: 01943 601770 Ilkley LS29 8TS Mob: 07712 772122 robert@westlane.co.uk President Peter C Walker 6 Marton Close Gargrave, Skipton Tel: 01756 748670 North Yorkshire BD23 3PG Mob: 07711 341429 pcw@walkerfoster.com Captain John Martin Flat 5, Huntcliffe House 25 Otley Road Harrogate HG2 0DJ jmripon@talk21.com Vice Captain E Paxton Dewar OBE 8 Willow Springs 6a Gilstead Way Ilkley LS29 0DB epdewar@hotmail.com Vice Captain Graham Oxley 46 Hall Orchards Avenue Wetherby LS22 6SN graham_oxley@sky.com Union Rep Tel: 01943 430349 Mob: 07850 432779 The Vice Captain Lady Captain Mrs Angela Harrison Stonecroft, 2 Lakeside Close Ilkley Tel: 01943 603525 West Yorkshire LS29 0AG aharrison111@btinternet.com Junior Coordinator James A. A. Downs Cranford, 100 Station Road Burley-In-Wharfedale Tel: 01943 862700 Ilkley LS29 7NS Mob: 07967 037975 jamesd@flexiform.co.uk Professional John Hammond Tel: 01943 607463 Bar Steward Caterer Simon Ellum Joe McDermott Tel: 01943 607277 Tel: 01943 607277 10 Tel: 01423 509702 Mob: 07530 228319 President John Bradley West View, Thistle Hill Tel: 01423 861261 Knaresborough HG5 8JW Mob: 07703 504890 jandlbradley@virginmedia.com Tel: 01937 581114 Mob: 07810 485260 Union Rep The Vice Captain Lady Captain Mrs Sue Ibbotson Wharfedale, Arkendale Road Tel: 01423 340775 Staveley HG5 9JX Mob: 07964 804206 kgc.ladycapt@gmail.com Junior Coordinator Paul Seal 26 Pinfold Green, Staveley Knaresborough HG5 9LR sealpaul49@gmail.com Professional Andrew Turner Tel: 01423 864865 knaresboroughproshop@hotmail.co.uk Club Steward Peter Rabbitt Tel: 01423 863219 Caterer Jade Clark Tel: 01423 863219 Tel: 01423 340490 Mob: 07766 578151 11 MASHAM GOLF CLUB Founded: 1895 Incorporated within the Union: 1968 Yardage: 6204 yds Standard Scratch Score: 70 Address: Swinton Road, Burnholme, Masham, Ripon HG4 4NS Clubhouse Tel: 01765 689379 Secretary: Andy Binks Tel: 01765 688054 (Office 9am - 1pm)) Email: info@mashamgolfclub.co.uk Website:www.mashamgolfclub.co.uk Captain Graham Lawson The Rookery, Red Lane Masham HG4 4HH grahamjlawson@aol.com Tel: 01765 688532 Mob: 07836 320752 President The Countess of Swinton – does not take an active part in the Club Vice Captain Barry Stead Stores Cottage, Moor Road, Bellerby, Leyburn DL8 5QY Mob: 07712 514937 bazstead@gmail.com Union Rep Andy Binks 55 Leyland Road Harrogate HG1 4RU andy@binxinc.co.uk Tel: 01423 886080 Mob: 07723 045302 Lady Captain Mrs Ros Casson Swallows Barn Studdah Close, Bellerby Leyburn DL8 5RB roscasson@gmail.com Junior Coordinator Peter Harling Tel: 01969 625828 Mob: 07889 922341 Tel: 01765 635362 Mob: 07977 428885 Professional Andy Marshall Caterer Pam Short Tel: 01765 689379 Bar Steward Julia Baker Tel: 01765 689379 12 OAKDALE GOLF CLUB (HARROGATE) LTD Founded: 1914 Incorporated within the Union: 1943 Yardage: 6484 yds Standard Scratch Score: 71 Address: Oakdale Glen, Harrogate HG1 2LN Club Tel: 01423 567162 Club Fax: 01423 536030 Secretary/Manager: Alan Purdie Tel: 01423 567162 Ext 1 Email: manager@oakdalegolfclub.co.uk Website:www.oakdalegolfclub.co.uk Captain Martin Fountain 15 North Lodge Avenue Tel. 01423 565442 Harrogate HG1 3HX Mob: 07767 686542 martin.fountain@cardale-am.co.uk President Jeremy Dexter 3 Richmond Close Tel: 01423 504618 Harrogate HG2 9AW Mob: 07977 565040 dexter@redroofs24.freeserve.co.uk Vice Captain David Reeves 23 Rutland House Mansfield Court Harrogate HG1 2QR dhpreeves@yahoo.com Union Rep Mob: 07903 275020 Vice Captain Lady Captain Mrs Jane Henderson Glenesk 78 Pannal Ash Road Tel: 01423 530252 Harrogate HG2 9AB Mob: 07803 145212 j_e_henderson@hotmail.com Junior Coordinator John Robson 19 Coniston Road Harrogate, HG1 4SL Tel: 01423 887078 john.robson31@btinternet.com Professional Clive Dell Tel: 01423 567162 Ext 2 Bar Manager Caterer Joe Docherty Artisan Cooks Tel: 01423 567162 Ext 4 Tel: 01423 567162 Ext 3 13 OTLEY GOLF CLUB Founded: 1906 Incorporated within the Union: 1981 Yardage: 6237 yds Standard Scratch Score: 70 THE PANNAL GOLF CLUB (HARROGATE) LTD Founded: 1906 Incorporated within the Union: 1943 Yardage: 6614 yds Standard Scratch Score: 72 Address: West Busk Lane, Otley, West Yorkshire LS21 3NG Club Tel: 01943 465329 Secretary/Manager: Peter J Clarke Tel: 01943 465329 ext 1 Email: office@otleygolfclub.co.uk Website:www.otleygolfclub.co.uk Address: Follifoot Road, Pannal, Harrogate, HG3 1ES Club Tel: 01423 872628 Club Fax: 01423 870043 Secretary/Manager: Neil G Douglas Tel: 01423 872628 Ext 1 Email:secretary@pannalgolfclub.co.uk Website: www.pannalgolfclub.co.uk Captain Stephen Jex 1 The Haywain Ilkley LS29 8SL s.jex@btinternet.com Men’s Captain Ian Shay 9 Warwick Crescent Harrogate HG2 8JA ian.shay@yahoo.co.uk President David Payne 29 Stockhill Fold Greengates Bradford BD10 9AY david.payne99@virgin.net Vice Captain Simon Bradley Orchard Cottage Towngate Guiseley LS20 9JA bradleys40@yahoo.co.uk Union Rep Tel: 01943 600883 President Tel: 01274 611601 Tel: 01943 877845 Lady Captain Mrs Jane Hawke Byfield 18, Back Lane Guiseley LS20 8EB Tel: 01943 870635 janehawke1988@btinternet.com Tel: 01943 465329 Ext 3 Professional Steven Tomkinson Tel: 01943 465329 ext 3 Bar Steward Will Gill Tel: 01943 465329 ext 5 Caterer Tim Youlden Tel: 01943 465329 ext 4 14 The Right Honourable The Earl of Harewood Men’s Vice Captain Jonathan Clayton 3 Cedar Grange Harrogate Tel: 01423 874185 HG2 9NY Mob: 07592 594490 jonclayton@virginmedia.com Union RepTBA Vice Captain Junior Coordinator The Professional Tel: 01423 523496 Mob: 07740 565705 Ladies Captain Ms Susan Rutherford Craigens Dawcross Rise Off Hillfoot Lane Harrogate Tel: 01423 815377 HG3 1NU Mob: 07904 067662 susan.rutherford1@btopenworld.com Junior Coordinator Ronnie Caldwell 137 Tennyson Avenue Tel: 01423 521300 Harrogate HG1 3LE ronaldcaldwell@btinternet.com Professional David Padgett Tel: 01423 872628 Ext 2 Bar Services Manager Mrs Jaine Collington Caterer Marc Presswell Tel: 01423 872628 Ext 3 Tel: 01423 872628 Ext 4 15 RIPON CITY GOLF CLUB ROMANBY GOLF CLUB Founded: 1994 Incorporated within the Union: 2002 Yardage: 6663 yds Standard Scratch Score: 72 Founded: 1908 Incorporated within the Union: 1949 Yardage: 6084 yds Standard Scratch Score: 69 Address: Club Tel: Honorary Secretary: Tel: Email: Website: Palace Road, Ripon, HG4 3HH 01765 603640 Club Fax: 01765 692880 Michael (Micky) James Doig MBE 01765 603640 Ext 1 secretary@riponcitygolfclub.com www.riponcitygolfclub.com Captain David Lupton Watsons Farm Risplith HG4 3EP Tel: 07801 333514 davidlupton007@gmail.com President John Waring Westlands Dishforth Y07 3LP Tel: 01845 578283 johnwaring807@btinternet.com Vice Captain Tony Magrs 10 Highfield Road Ripon HG4 2JZ tonytaxi2@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 07725 416373 Tel: 01423 500901 Junior CoordinatorTBA Professional David Fountain Tel: 01765 600411 ripongolfpro@gmail.com Steward & Caterer 16 Vice Captain Mr Andrew Foster 47 The Close Romanby Northallerton DL7 8BL andy.foster@abagri.com Union Rep Union Rep Nigel Pickard 2 The Mews, Princess Road Ripon HG4 1JX Tel:01765 605588 nigel.pickard@sky.com Lady Captain Mrs Ann Shepherd St Peter’s Vicarage 12 Beech Grove Harrogate HG2 0ET Address: Yafforth Road, Northallerton, DL7 0PE Club Tel: 01609 778855 Club Fax: 01609 779084 Website:www.romanby.com Club Secretary: Andy Langford andy.langford@gmail.com Club Captain Dr. Rob Bailey Brekkagarth, Winton Northallerton DL6 2TB Tel 01609 882808 rob.s.bailey@googlemail.com Emma & Dan Hainsworth Tel: 01765 603640 Ext 4 Tel 01609 771796 The Vice Captain Lady Captain Mrs Julie Cooke 6 Spring Hill Welbury Northallerton DL6 2UU julienz10@hotmail.co.uk Tel 01609 882947 Junior Coordinator Mrs Dorothy Edwards 4 Regency Court Northallerton DL6 1RX daandrmedwards@gmail.com Professional Rob Lilley Tee bookings Pro shop rob.lilley@romanby.com Tel: 01609 778855 Ext 1 Tel: 01609 778855 Ext 4 Country Club Manager Craig Beadling Tel: 01609 778855 Ext 3 Business Edward Craven Development Manager edd.craven@romanby.com Tel: 01609 778947 Tel: 01609 778855 Ext 5 17 RUDDING PARK GOLF CLUB Founded: 1995 Incorporated within the Union: 2004 Yardage: 6883 yds Standard Scratch Score: 73 THIRSK AND NORTHALLERTON GOLF CLUB Founded: 1914 Incorporated within the Union: 1970 Yardage: 6533 yds Standard Scratch Score: 72 Address: Rudding Park Golf, Rudding Lane, Harrogate, HG3 1JH Club Tel: 01423 872100 Golf Manager: James King Tel: 01423 872100 Option 1 E-Mail: james.king@ruddingpark.com Website:www.ruddingpark.com Address: Club Tel: Secretary / Manager: E-Mail: Website Captain Matthew Jackson Rudding Park Golf Harrogate, HG3 1JH jackson.matthewa@gmail.com Gentlemans Captain David Brown 44 Kirkby Lane Great Broughton Stokesley TS9 7HG brownie@btinternet.com Mob: 07740 605440 President Mr Simon Mackaness Rudding Park Golf Harrogate, HG3 1JH simon.mackaness@ruddingpark.com Vice Captain Allan Boyd Rudding Park Golf, Rudding Lane Harrogate HG3 1JH Mob: 07730 781195 allan.boyd@talktalk.net Union Rep David Fletcher Rudding Park Golf, Rudding Lane, Harrogate HG3 1JH Mob: 07850 328502 DSHAF@btinternet.com Lady Captain Mrs Sandra Taylor Rudding Park Golf, Rudding Lane Harrogate HG3 1JH Mob: 07787 528793 bluelady5443@hotmail.co.uk Junior Coordinator Brian Mclelland Rudding Park Golf, Rudding Lane Tel: 01423 545518 Harrogate HG3 1JH Mob: 07714 591317 brian.mclelland@santander.co.uk Head Professional Craig Jones Rudding Park Golf Rudding Lane Harrogate, HG3 1JH craig.jones@ruddingpark.com 18 Tel: 01423 872100 option 2 Thornton-le-Street, Thirsk, North Yorkshire YO7 4AB 01845 525115 Club Fax: 01845 525119 Robert Garner Tel: 01845 525115 Ext. 4 proshop@tngc.co.uk www.tngc.co.uk Tel: 01642 711821 President Richard Helliwell South Cottage, Warlaby Lane Ainderby Steeple Northallerton DL7 9JX Tel 07801 948573 richardhelliwell@btconnect.com Gentlemans Ian Warnock Vice Captain 40 Cocked Hat Park Sowerby, Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 3HB warnock.i@sky.com Union Rep Tel: 01845 574343 The Vice Captain Ladies Captain Ms Dee Naughton 33 Cleveland Way Carlton Miniott, Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4LN jomaji@btinternet.com Tel 01845 524819 Junior Coordinator Paul Fawcett paulanddens@yahoo.co.uk Tel 01845 522768 Professional Robert Garner Tel: 01845 525115 Ext. 4 Bar Steward Andrew Hilton Tel: 01845 525115 Ext. 2 Caterer Tracey Hilton Tel: 01845 525115 Ext. 2 19 HARROGATE AND DISTRICT UNION OF GOLF CLUBS RULES 2015 7. Revision Approved by the Annual General Meeting on 2nd April 2015. 1. The Union shall be called the ‘Harrogate and District Union of Golf Clubs’. The Union is a non profit-making organisation and the assets and income, including any surpluses, shall be used to maintain and implement the objectives of the Union. On a winding up of the Union, no surplus shall be distributed other than to other non profit-making or charitable body or bodies to be nominated by the Executive Committee. 2. It shall consist of the following clubs, Harrogate, Pannal, Oakdale, Knaresborough, Ripon City, Masham, Thirsk and Northallerton, Bedale, Ilkley, Otley, Romanby and Rudding Park. The Executive Committee shall have discretionary powers of electing other clubs which intimate a wish to join the Union. 3. The objective of the Union shall be to promote Golf in Harrogate and District, and to foster the best possible spirit among the clubs forming the Union. 4. Officers of the Union The Officers of the Union shall be a President, a President-Elect, a President Elect Designate, the Immediate Past President, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer, an Honorary Competitions Secretary, a Team Captain, a Junior Coordinator, a Junior Development Officer, a Public Relations Officer, an Honorary Assistant Secretary, a Marketing Officer, an Honorary Assistant Competitions Secretary and Juniors’ Secretary who shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting, and shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting when they shall retire but be eligible for reelection from year to year. 5. Vice Presidents The Union may confer the title of Vice President on any member of the Union as recognition of any outstanding services such a member has given for the benefit of golf and the well being of the Union. A Vice President elected before 1 January 2008 shall be a member of and have a vote on the Executive Committee. A Vice President elected after 1 January 2008 shall also be a member of the Executive Committee but shall not be entitled to a vote. All Vice Presidents shall not be subject to re-election at the Annual General Meeting. 6. 20 Nominations (a) The President and President-Elect and President Elect Designate shall be nominated by the Past Presidents who will meet annually for that purpose. (b) The Officers, except the Team Captain, Junior Co-ordinator and Juniors’ Secretary, shall be nominated by the Executive Committee. (c) The Team Captain, Junior Co-ordinator and Juniors’ Secretary shall be nominated by the Management team. (d) The Vice Presidents shall be nominated by the Executive Committee following receipt of advice from the existing Vice Presidents. Control of the Union The control of the Union shall be in the hands of the Executive Committee, consisting of the Officers and those Vice Presidents entitled to a vote, together with two elected members from each of the constituent clubs forming the Union. Each member from a constituent club shall serve for one year unless re-elected for a further period by his club. The President Elect Designate and Juniors’ Secretary are non-voting Officers. The Executive Committee shall meet at least quarterly and at such other times as may be necessary, due notice in writing having been given to all members of the Executive Committee. Ten members shall form a quorum. The President shall have a casting vote. All surviving Past Presidents who wish to do so may also be members of the Executive Committee but will not be entitled to a vote. Management Team The general administration of the Union shall be undertaken by a Management Team of eight members comprising the President, President-Elect, President Elect Designate, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Competition Secretary, Team Captain and Junior Co-ordinator. Other Officers may be invited to attend as and when necessary. Their role shall be to manage: (a) The First Team Matches and Junior Team Matches following approval of the programme by the Executive Committee. (b) The Fixture List of Competitions following approval by the Executive Committee. (c) The Union’s Annual Budget following its approval by the Executive Committee. (d) All other matters which are presented to the Union for consideration by submitting their report and recommendation to the Executive Committee for a decision. (e) Any urgent business or emergency by taking a decision and reporting it to the next meeting of the Executive Committee. 8. 9. The financial year shall run from the 1st day of January in each year to the ensuing 31st day of December. The Annual General Meeting of the Union shall be held in each year during the period 1st April - 31st May at such time and place as the Executive Committee may determine. All members of constituent clubs are entitled to attend but only Executive Committee members shall be entitled to vote. 10. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened when deemed necessary by the President and Secretary and they shall proceed to convene one within 7 days of receiving a written request to that effect from any one constituent club in the Union, and only such business shall be transacted thereat as is specified in the notice of the meeting. 11. At least 21 days notice of the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting specifying the date, place and hour of the meeting shall be sent by letter to every constituent club and all members of the Union Executive Committee. 12. The Annual Subscription shall be such sum as the Executive Committee shall from time to time decide and shall be due on the 1st January in each year. 21 13. The President shall (a) Chair all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Management Team, any General or Extraordinary Meetings of the Union, and the Annual Dinner. He shall be a guest at the Past Presidents’ Meeting. (b) Carry out those other duties within the Union set out in the President’s Guidebook. Should the President be unable to carry out any of the duties in (a) above, he should arrange for the Immediate Past President to deputise or, failing him, the previous Past President. Should the President be unable to carry out any of the duties in (b) above, he should arrange for the President Elect to undertake them. If the President Elect is unable to do so, the President Elect Designate should be invited to carry them out. 14. The President Elect shall (a) Act as a substitute for the President if he is unable to attend any Yorkshire Inter District Union (YIDU) Meeting, Team Match or Competition or any Union Competition. (b) With the President’s agreement, attend and support him at some of the YIDU Team Matches. (c) Support the President at Union competitions and events to gain experience of the duties of the President. (d) Act as a substitute for the President if he is unable to attend the Yorkshire or a District Union Dinner. 14a. The President Elect Designate shall (a) Support the President and President Elect at Union competitions and other events to gain experience of the duties of the President (b) Act as substitute for the President or President Elect as and when necessary. 15. The Honorary Secretary shall (a) Keep in a book correct minutes of all proceedings of the Executive Committee and the Management Team, and shall produce such a book at all meetings. (b) Prepare Agendas for and summon all meetings giving due notice. (c) Circulate the minutes of all meetings to all members of the Executive Committee, the Management Team and the Secretaries of the constituent clubs. (d) Arrange the Annual General Meeting and all associated processes, and produce the minutes. (e) Arrange the venues of all First Team and Junior matches and make the necessary arrangements for the day. (f) Liaise with the Yorkshire Inter-District Union and effect the resultant actions. (g) Make all arrangements for the timely and cost-effective publication of the yearbook. (h) Conduct any further duties determined by the Executive Committee and Management Team. (i) Delegate any duties as appropriate to the Honorary Assistant Secretary and be accountable for their execution. 22 16. The Honorary Assistant Secretary shall (a) Organise the Annual Dinner, the Meet the President’s Day, the Executive Committee Cup day, the Founders’ Dinner and the End of Year Dinner in consultation with the President. (b) Deputise when appropriate for the Honorary Secretary. (c) In all these activities, the Honorary Assistant Secretary shall be accountable to the Honorary Secretary. 17. The Honorary Treasurer shall: (a) Keep all accounts and pay all bills. (b) Prepare a budget of the following year for submission to the Executive Committee for approval before January 1st. (c) Prepare a yearly financial statement to be circulated with the Agenda at least 21 days before the Annual General Meeting to the Secretary of each of the constituent clubs and to all members of the Executive Committee. (d) Conduct any further duties determined by the Executive Committee. 18. No rule of the Union shall be repealed or altered and no new rule shall be made save by a majority of two-thirds of the voting members present at any Annual General Meeting of the Union of which 21 days notice of such proposed alteration or addition shall have been given to each constituent club. 19. Each of the constituent clubs shall have the right to fill a vacancy on the executive Committee occurring in their representation during the year. Similarly, any vacancy occurring among the officers may be filled by the Executive Committee at its discretion; any officer so appointed shall retire from that post at the next ensuing Annual General Meeting. Each club may nominate deputies for their two elected members. They shall be members of their club’s committee or one may be their club secretary. The names of the deputies shall be notified to the Union’s Honorary Secretary prior to the Union’s AGM. COMPETITION RULES (Revised 2015) 1. All Championships, Competitions and Matches shall be played according to the Rules of Golf as approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews, CONGU and the local rules of the club at whose course the event is being played, in so far as they do not contravene the Rules of Golf and have the approval of the Competition Committee. The Competition Committee shall be composed of the President, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Competition Secretary and the Captain of the Host Club. In the event of a dispute relating to the Rules of Golf or to a competition organised by the Union, the Competition Committee shall arbitrate. Two members of the committee shall form a quorum. 2. Except where otherwise stated the competition shall be open to playing members of member clubs and junior members, as appropriate. Such members shall play under their correct names and must: 23 (a) Conform to the definition of Amateur Status as laid down by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews. (b) Be in possession of a competition CONGU handicap. (c) Be in possession of insurance covering public liability. Where a member is a member of two clubs within the Harrogate Union, the member can only play in all types of competitions for the club which is the Home Club for handicap purposes at the time. (d) A member may not represent more than one Union club in Team competitions, including the Leagues, in a calendar year. 3. The Union has the right to refuse an application for entry for whatever reason it deems fit and shall not be required to disclose such reason. 4. Entry Fees/Prizes for all competitions shall be approved by the Executive Committee. 5. The use of motorised ride-on buggies is generally prohibited in competitions. However, competitors will be permitted to use a ride-on motorised buggy in competitions upon the prior production of a medical certificate signed by a medical practitioner, certifying that the competitor is a disabled person within the meaning of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and by reason thereof the competitor is unable to play golf without the use of a motorised ride-on buggy. The use of a motorised ride-on buggy is also subject to the approval of the club hosting the competition, under general health and safety grounds. The use of motorised ride-on buggies will be permitted without a medical certificate by players in the Inter Club League 4 ball matches, subject to the above approval by the host club. Any buggy whenever used must be properly insured. 6. A player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only. If, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g. gradient, windspeed, temperature, etc.), the player is in breach of Rules of Golf (2014/15) 14-3, for which the penalty is disqualification, regardless of whether any such additional function is actually used. 7. 8. 24 Entry on a start sheet commits a player/players to payment of the Entry Fee. If a member is unable to play, he or she must organise a replacement. Any member failing to do this will be reported to his or her club by the Honorary Competition Secretary. The defaulting member(s) will be liable to pay the entry fee due and their club will be liable to a fine corresponding to the entry fee, both to be paid within one month of the date of the competition. The fine will be placed in a fund, administered by the Honorary Treasurer, for Junior Golf Development. Failure to pay the entry fee and fine will result in the member/members being banned to play in any further competition and not be eligible to represent the Union for a period of 12 months from the date of failure to pay the appropriate fees. Ties. In match play competitions, a match which ends all square should be played off hole by hole until one side wins a hole. The play off should start on the hole where the match began. In stroke play competitions, matching score cards shall be used and ties shall be decided over the last eighteen, last nine, last six, last three and last hole, with the exception of the Union Strokeplay Championship, which shall be decided by sudden death play-off. If this method does not produce a winner, then the tie shall be decided taking the last nine, last six, last three and last hole of the first nine holes. (See Appendix 1 part C, rule 33-6 of the Decisions on the Rules of Golf (2014-15). 9. Abandoned competitions. A competition will be considered complete if all the competitors have completed at least half the scheduled holes. The competition will then be scored over the number of holes all the competitors have completed. This will be a condition of all competitions. Entry monies will be retained and prizes awarded. If the competition cannot be declared complete, the following procedure will apply, viz a) The start time for the last completed returned card will be the cut-off point for the competition. b) If less than 30% of the field have completed their rounds then the competition shall be declared void, no prizes will be awarded and all players will be entitled to a refund of entry fees. c) Where more than 30% of players have completed their rounds, all players with cards issued up to the cut-off point will be deemed to have taken part in the competition and prizes will be awarded pro rata to the number of players on the start list. d) Players with cards issued after the cut-off point will be entitled to a full refund of entry fees. e) Players with cards issued prior to the cut-off point will not be entitled to a refund if they do not return their cards or do not complete their rounds for any reason. f) Trophies will not be awarded in the case of abandoned competitions. g) Payment to Clubs for use of the course will be made as follows: Completed competition – Full amount Less than 30% players completed – No Payment More than 30% players completed – Pro rata to the number of players completing the course. 10 Competitions played in conditions of poor visibility. In conditions of poor visibility, the starter shall close the first tee if visibility is reduced to 200yds or greater if the starter considers it unsafe for the players to tee off. All players on the course must adopt the same criteria and cease play if they consider conditions are dangerous. GENTLEMEN’S COMPETITIONS 1. INTER CLUB LEAGUE The format for even numbered years is as follows: Round 1 AvB; HvF;IvE;JvD; KvC; GvL Round 2 CvA; DvK; EvJ; FvI; GvH;LvB Round 3 AvD; BvC; IvG;JvF;KvE; HvL Round 4 DvB; EvA; FvK; GvJ; HvI;LvC Round 5 AvF; BvE; CvD; JvH; KvG:IvL Round 6 EvC; FvB; GvA; HvK; IvJ:LvD Round 7 AvH; BvG; CvF; DvE; KvI;JvL Round 8 FvD; GvC; HvB; IvA; JvK;LvE Round 9 AvJ; BvI; CvH; DvG; EvF;KvL Round 10 GvE; HvD; IvC; JvB; KvA;LvF Round 11 BvK; CvJ; DvI; EvH; FvG;AvL For all odd numbered years, the format for determining home and away teams will be a mirror image of the above. 25 A draw for letters will take place at an Executive Committee meeting, every two years. (a) Each club in the Union shall play against each other club in the Union, during the period May to August (on dates approved by the Honorary Competition Secretary). (b) A club team shall consist of four singles players playing their matches from scratch, and four pairs playing off three quarters difference in handicap, the Club Captain and Professional being the first pair. In the event of the absence of the Club Professional or the assistant professional, it is recommended that their place in the pairs shall be taken up by the lowest handicap player of the pairs, playing off handicap. A handicap limit of 18 shall apply to the pairs except for the Club Captain. (c) Results shall be forwarded to the Honorary Competition Secretary: Singles Win – 2 pts Half – 1 pt Pairs Win – 2 pts Half – 1 pt Team Win – 2 pts Half – 1 pt (d) In the event of a tie at the end of the season, the total match points scored by the tying teams shall be used to determine the winner. (e) The Inter Club League Trophy shall be presented to the Captain of the winning club at the Annual Dinner. 2. INTER CLUB SCRATCH LEAGUE (a) The four singles players playing their matches in the Inter Club League shall simultaneously be playing in an Inter Club Scratch League. (b) The scoring shall be the same as that in the Inter Club League: Singles Win – 2 pts Half – 1 pt Team Win – 2 pts Half – 1 pt (c) In the event of a tie at the end of the season, the total match points scored by the tying teams shall be used to determine the winner. (d) The Inter Club Scratch League Trophy shall be presented to the Captain of the winning club at the Annual Dinner. 3. MATCHPLAY CHAMPIONSHIP (a) This is a knockout competition with the field limited to 64. If the entry exceeds this number, higher handicaps shall be balloted out. (b) The handicap eligibility is 12. (c) All matches shall be played off scratch. (d) The draw shall be “seeded” by handicap. (e) The Honorary Competition Secretary shall randomly assign the home based player for each match prior to the start of each round. (f) The home-based player shall arrange the match by the specified date, offering three dates one of which shall be on a weekend, otherwise the away player shall go through. (g) In the event of a tie in any match after 18 holes, play shall continue until one player wins the hole. (h) The semi-finals and final shall be played on the home course of the President of the District Union. (i) The Matchplay Trophy shall be presented to the winner on the day and at the Annual Dinner. 26 (j) The prizes shall be presented to the winner, losing finalist and losing semi-finalists on the day of the final. 3 a. SENIORS MATCHPLAY CHAMPIONSHIP (a) This is a knockout competition with the field limited to 64. If the entry exceeds this number, higher handicaps shall be balloted out. (b) Players must be at least 55 years of age on January 1 of the current year. (c) The handicap eligibility is 16. (d) All matches shall be played off scratch. (e) The draw shall be “seeded” by handicap. (f) The Honorary Competition Secretary shall randomly assign the home based player for each match prior to the start of each round. (g) The home-based player shall arrange the match by the specified date, offering three dates one of which shall be on a weekend, otherwise the away player shall go through. (h) In the event of a tie in any match after 18 holes, play shall continue until one player wins the hole. (i) The final shall be played on the home course of the President of the District Union. (j) The Matchplay Trophy shall be presented to the winner on the day. (k) The prizes shall be presented to the winner, and losing finalist on the day of the final. 4. STROKEPLAY CHAMPIONSHIP (a) The competition shall be played over 36 holes off scratch. (b) The handicap eligibility is 12. (c) In the event of a tie after 36 holes, the winner shall be determined by sudden death playoff over hole(s) specified by the Competition Committee on the day (d) The Jack M. Ogden Memorial Trophy shall be presented to the winner on the day and at the Annual Dinner. (e) There shall be prizes for the first three places, the best morning and afternoon rounds, and one nett prize. 5 & 6. SENIORS’ CHAMPIONSHIP (a) The competition shall be played over 18 holes Stableford . (b) Players must be at least 55 years of age on the date of the competition. (c) The handicap eligibility shall be 27. (d) The Seniors Championship Trophy shall be awarded to the player with the best gross Stableford score. (e) The Otley Trophy shall be awarded to the player with the best Stableford score off full handicap. (f) There shall be prizes for 1st and 2nd best gross, 1st, 2nd and 3rd best handicap and prizes for 1st, 2nd in the following age groups: 55-59 yrs; 60-64 yrs; 65-69 yrs; 70-74 yrs; and 75yrs and over. 7. PRESIDENT’S PRIZE (a) The competition shall be played over 18 holes in a competition of the President’s choice. (b) The handicap eligibility shall be 28 (c) There shall be handicap limit of 24 with full allowance. 27 (d) The President shall present the Masham Centenary Trophy and his personal prize to the winner on the day. (e) There shall be five other nett prizes and one gross prize. 8. FIRST DIVISION TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (a) (b) (c) (d) The competition shall be played off scratch over 18 holes medal play. Each club may enter a maximum of two teams of four players. The handicap eligibility shall be 12 maximum. The Studley Royal Golf Club Challenge Cup shall be presented to the winning team on the day. (e) There shall be prizes for the winning team and runners-up, and a prize for the best gross score on the day. (f) In the event of a tie, the trophy and prizes shall be shared. 9. SECOND DIVISION TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (a) (b) (c) (d) The competition shall be played off scratch over 18 holes medal play. Each club may enter a maximum of two teams of four players. The handicap eligibility shall be 13-20. The trophy, presented by Harrogate Golf Club, shall be presented to the winning team on the day. (e) There shall be prizes for the winning team and runners-up, and a prize for the best gross score on the day. (f) In the event of a tie, the trophy and prizes shall be shared. 10. THIRD DIVISION TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (a) (b) (c) (d) The competition shall be played off scratch over 18 holes medal play. Each club may enter a maximum of two teams of four players. The handicap eligibility shall be 21-28. The trophy, presented by S T V Chadwick, shall be presented to the winning team on the day. (e) There shall be prizes for the winning team and runners-up, and a prize for the best gross score on the day. (f) In the event of a tie, the trophy and prizes shall be shared. 12. AUTUMN GREENSOME (a) The competition shall be played over 18 holes medal play. (b) The handicap eligibility shall be 28. (c) There shall be a handicap limit of 24 for each player. 3/5th of lower handicap shall be added to 2/5th of higher handicap, rounded up or down to the nearest whole number. (d) The George Holroyd Trophy shall be presented to the winners on the day. (e) There shall be prizes for the first five best scores together with a prize for the best gross score. 13. UNION GOLFER OF THE YEAR (PRESENTED BY THE ACKRILL PRESS) Events counting: (a) H & D U FIRST DIVISION TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS 1st – 60 pts; 2nd – 50 pts; 3rd – 40 pts; 4th – 30 pts; 5th – 20 pts; 6th – 10 pts (Points awarded for the 6 individual scores) (b) H & D U INTER CLUB LEAGUE MATCHES Singles win – 10 pts; Singles half – 5 pts; loss – No pts. (c) YORKSHIRE INTER UNION TEAM MATCHES Singles win – 20 pts; half – 10 pts; loss – No pts. (d) H & D U MATCHPLAY CHAMPIONSHIP Winner – 100 pts; Runner-up – 80 pts; Losing semi-finalists – 60 pts each. Quarter Finalists – 40 pts each; 3rd round – 20 pts each; 2nd round – 10 pts each (e) H & D U INDIVIDUAL STROKEPLAY (OGDEN TROPHY) 1st – 100 pts; 2nd – 80 pts; 3rd 60 pts; 4th – 50 pts; 5th 40 pts; 6th – 30 pts; 7th – 20 pts; 8th – 10 pts (f) YORKSHIRE INTER DISTRICT 6 MAN TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP Best gross over 2 rounds (Harrogate Players) – 60 pts. 2nd – 50 pts; 3rd – 40 pts; 4th – 30 pts; 5th - 20 pts; 6th – 10 pts. 14. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CUP The Executive Committee Cup is a Stableford competition played annually by members of the Executive Committee, playing off full handicap from the Yellow Tees. 11. SPRING GREENSOME (a) The competition shall be played over 18 holes Stableford. (b) The handicap eligibility shall be 28. (c) There shall be a handicap limit of 24 for each player. 3/5th of lower handicap shall be added to 2/5th of higher handicap, rounded up or down to the nearest whole number. (d) The Bill Dobson Trophy shall be presented to the winners on the day. (e) There shall be prizes for the first five best scores together with a prize for the best gross score. 28 15 & 16. MIXED TEAM AM-AM (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) The competition shall be played over 18 holes, Stableford scoring. Each team shall consist of four players, two ladies and two gentlemen. One lady and one gentleman’s score to count on each hole. The handicap eligibility shall be 28 for men and 36 for ladies. The handicap limit for men shall be 24, and 30 for ladies, full allowance. The Club with the highest Stableford points from 2 teams of four shall win the Oakdale Jubilee Trophy, which shall be presented on the day. (g) In the event of a tie, the Club with the best team score, of those tied, shall win. 29 Otherwise the trophy shall be shared. (h) There shall be prizes for the three best team scores (i) Teams can be comprised of members of several Union Clubs, but these team scores shall not count for the Oakdale Jubilee Trophy. 17 & 18. WINTER ALLIANCES (a) These shall be played over 18 holes better ball Stableford. (b) The handicap eligibility shall be 28. (c) The handicap limit is 24, with a 3/4 allowance. (d) Prizes shall be presented to the 6 best nett scores, with the prize fund determined by the level of entry. (e) The Knaresborough Trophy shall be played on the last pre-designated Winter Alliance each year in March. (f) Each Club shall choose three pairs to form their team in the Knaresborough Trophy Competition. The three pairs shall be nominated to the Honorary Competition Secretary before or on the day of the competition before the first of their pairs has commenced play. (g) The Knaresborough Trophy is awarded to the Club team with the highest combined score. (h) In the event of a tie, the trophy and prizes shall be shared. (i) The Trophy shall be presented at the Alliance event. (j) In the event of a postponement, the host club shall use its best endeavours to find an alternative date for the alliance. (k) When more than four temporary greens are in operation, the entry fee shall be reduced by £5 , the course facility fee by £100 and the prize money by 20%. (l) Places in the Winter Alliances shall be allocated as follows (1) - Six Union Officers. (2) - The balance of entry places shall be divided by the number of clubs in the Union and the resulting share allocated to each club. (The club shall allocate places to the Captain and Professional as required from their share.) (3) - Following the above calculation, a pool shall be formed comprising any remaining entry places and any places not taken up by a club from their allocation. (4) - If the pool is of sufficient size it shall be divided by the number of clubs requesting places in excess of their allocation from b) above, and clubs shall be equally allocated further places. (5) - If there are any places remaining from the calculation in d) above, these places shall be distributed one per club, in an order commencing with the club requesting the highest number of entry places. (6) - Should the pool be of insufficient size to be divided by the number of clubs requesting places in excess of their allocation, the places in the pool shall be distributed one per club, in an order commencing with the club requesting the highest number of entry places. 30 LADIES’ COMPETITIONS 19 & 20. SILVER DIVISION TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP (a) The competition shall be played from scratch over 18 holes medal play. (b) Each club may enter a maximum of two teams of four players each, plus any number of individual entries. (c) The handicap eligibility shall be 20 maximum, but team members with higher handicaps may be accepted but such players must play off 20 handicap. (d) Prizes: 1. The team with the lowest total of three gross scores shall win the trophy. In the event of a tie the score of the fourth team member shall be added. If there is still a tie, the trophy shall be shared. 2. The team with the lowest total of three nett scores shall be the runners-up. In the event of a tie, the same rules apply. 3. Best gross and 2nd best gross(individual). 4. Best nett and 2nd best nett(individual). (e) All team members automatically entered as individuals. (f) The best gross score of the day shall be presented with the Individual Championship Trophy. 21 & 22. BRONZE DIVISION TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP (a) The competition shall be played over 18 holes Medal Play. (b) Each club shall enter a maximum of two teams of four players each, plus any number of individual entries. (c) The handicap eligibility shall be 21-36. (d) Prizes: 1. The team with the lowest total of three gross scores shall win the trophy. In the event of a tie the score of the fourth team member shall be added. If there is still a tie, the trophy shall be shared. 2. The team with the lowest total of three nett scores shall be the runners-up. In the event of a tie, the same rules as 1 above apply. 3. Best gross and 2nd best gross (individual). 4. Best nett and 2nd best nett (individual). (e) All team members are automatically entered as individuals. (f) The player with the best gross score of the day shall be presented with the Individual Championship Trophy. 23. MATCHPLAY CHAMPIONSHIP (a) This is a knockout competition with the field limited to 64. If the entry exceeds this number, higher handicaps shall be balloted out. (b) The handicap eligibility is 20. (c) All matches shall be played off scratch. (d) The draw will be “seeded” by handicap. (e) The Competition Secretary shall randomly assign the home based player for each match prior to the start of each round. 31 (f) The home-based player shall arrange the match by the specified date, offering three dates one of which shall be on a weekend, otherwise the away player shall go through. (g) In the event of a tie in any match after 18 holes, play shall continue until one player wins the hole. (h) The final, over 36 holes, shall be played on the home course of the President of the District Union on the same day as the men’s matchplay semi-finals and final. (i) The matchplay trophy & prizes shall be presented on the day. 24. SENIORS’ CHAMPIONSHIP (a) The competition shall be played over 18 holes Stableford . (b) Players must be at least 55 years of age on the date of the competition. (c) The handicap eligibility shall be 35. (d) The Trophy shall be awarded to the player with the best Stableford score off full handicap. (e) There shall be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall and prizes for 1st, 2nd in the following age groups: over 70 yrs; 65-69 yrs; 60-64 yrs; 55-59 yrs. 24a. PRESIDENT’S DAY FOR LADIES (a) (b) (c) (d) The competition shall be played over 18 holes better-ball Stableford . The handicap eligibility shall be 36. The handicap limit is 36, with a ¾ allowance The President’s Prize shall be awarded to the leading pair with four runner-up prizes. 25. WINTER LEAGUE (a) The twelve member clubs play six Foursomes Stableford competitions per winter from October to March. (b) Each club is represented by 3 pairs, playing off half aggregate handicap. (c) The pairs can change with each competition. (d) The aggregate handicap limit is 60. (e) The winning club is that with most stableford points for the three pairs over all six competitions. (f) The winners will be presented with the Winter League tray. (g) Prizes will be presented to the first, second and third per Alliance. JUNIORS’ COMPETITIONS Junior Captain: George Muscroft (Otley G.C.) GENERAL – A Junior is a player who is under 18 years on the 1st January in the current year, and age category will apply as of that date. Caddies are not allowed in Junior League matches or in Junior Competitions. 26. JUNIOR INTER CLUB LEAGUE (a) Each club in the Union shall play against three other clubs in the Union on a home and away basis during the period April to August on dates arranged between the Clubs. 32 (b) A Club Team shall consist of 6 players, playing singles off handicap in ascending order. (c) In the top 4 games, 2 points shall be awarded for a win and 1 point for a halved game. In the last two games, 1 point shall be awarded for a win and half a point for a halved game. The Club winning most game points wins the match and is awarded 2pts for the League. The Clubs are awarded 1 point each for a halved match. The matches shall be arranged as follows: A vs B C D E vs F B G H vs D G C B vs E A I J vs K D G F vs E K I C vs H A I I vs C B F G vs J E H D vs A H J K vs F J ?? The President shall draw the teams at the AGM every third year to decide the matches for the following three years. Clubs shall not be drawn against the same Club within each 3 year cycle. Two Clubs will be drawn to give home and away matches against team K, with all Union Clubs taking turns to perform this role. Ties in League points will be determined by total game points. After all matches have been completed, a finals day will be held amongst the leading four clubs to contest for the Dorothy Calvert Trophy, at a neutral course, preferably the President’s course, or as the Management Team decide. The morning semi-finals will be matches between the 1st and 4th placed in the League and the 2nd and 3rd placed in the League. The afternoon will consist of a final and a playoff for 3rd and 4th. Points for Junior Golfer of the Year will not be awarded from finals day matches. In the event of a tie in a semi-final match, the team with the higher total of holes won over the six games will go through to the final. If the semi-final teams are still tied, there will be a three man sudden death play off between the first three players who played in the semi-final, still playing in handicap order, over holes to be determined by the Management team, and if there is still a tie it will be decided by the drawing of lots. (d) If a Club does not field 6 players, it will forfeit the points for those matches for which it has not provided a player. If both Clubs are in this position, such matches will be treated as halved matches. (e) Strokes shall be taken from the lower handicap player using full handicap difference. (f) There shall be a handicap limit of 28. (g) Girls may play off a maximum handicap of 36. They shall play from Ladies tees and before the full stroke allowance is calculated shall have their handicaps increased by the difference between the Gents and Ladies SSS. (h) The Dorothy Calvert Trophy shall be awarded to the winners of finals day. In the event of a halved match the trophy shall be shared. (i) Arranged matches shall not be postponed other than due to inclement weather or the condition of the venue following inclement weather or other exceptional circumstances. The non-availability of players is not an exceptional circumstance. Should a club make a request for postponement, agreement on the request must be made by both clubs and one of the following Union Officers:- the Junior’s Coordinator, the Junior’s Secretary or the Hon. Secretary. Within 3 working days of such agreed postponement, the home club shall offer the visiting club alternative dates to play the match at the earliest opportunity. 33 Failure to do so may result in loss of the points. In the event that a match cannot be rearranged following a postponement due to inclement weather, the points shall be shared. In the event of a postponement for any other reason and the match not being rearranged the club that requested the postponement shall forfeit the points. (j) In the event a Club defaults their match against another Club, the non-offending team will be awarded match points and their average game points from their other home/away matches as appropriate. The defaulting team will have the same game points deducted. 27 & 28. JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP (a) The competition shall be played over 18 holes medal play. (b) There shall be a handicap limit of 36 for both Boys and Girls. (c) Prizes: Gross 16-17 years; 14-15 years; under 14 Nett 0-12 handicap; 13-20; 21-28; 29-36 (d) The Junior Championship trophy (presented by A.R. Hutchinson) shall be presented for the best gross score on the day. The Kerr Quaich, (presented by Mrs P Kerr) shall be presented for the best gross score by a junior under the age of 16 on 1st January of the current year. (e) The Bedale Bowl shall be presented to the club with lowest total of three gross scores (f) In the event of a tie for the Bedale Bowl, the trophy and prizes shall be shared 31. JUNIOR GOLFER OF THE YEAR (NORMAN WHITEHEAD TROPHY) Events counting: (a) Junior Inter Union Team Matches Foursomes Win – 1 pt; Singles Win – 2 pts; (b) Junior Inter Club League Singles Games 1-4, Win – 2 pts; Games 5-6, Win – 2 pts; (c) Junior Championship 6 best gross scores (d) Ilkley Centenary 6 best gross scores (e) YIDU Junior Team Champs. H&DU players gross scores over 2 rounds 34 The competition shall be played over 18 holes Better Ball Stableford. Each club may enter any number of pairs. Handicap limit is 28 for boys and 36 for girls. With ¾ handicap allowance. The Club represented by the winning pair shall receive the Thirsk Shield. Prizes shall be awarded to the best five scores. 6 pts to 1 pt 6 pts to 1 pt 6 pts to 1 pt. This award shall be made to the junior player who has achieved the biggest improvement in exact handicap in the year from the second Friday of September of the previous year to the second Friday of September of the current year. This is determined by calculating the number of shots below CSS required to achieve that reduction. RESULTS OF 2014 EVENTS HARROGATE UNION MATCH RESULTS HARROGATE RESULTS - (H&DU Scores First) 18th May Hx/Huddersfield @ Crossland Heath G.C. 13 8th June Teesside Union @ Blackwell Grange G.C.22 22nd June Sheffield Union @ Oakdale G.C. 06 13th July Leeds Union @ Garforth G.C. 08 3rd August York Union @ Romanby G.C. 08 17th August East Riding Union @ Rudding Park G.C 18 7th September Bradford @ West Bradford G.C 11 Total 86 30. JUNIOR JAMBOREE (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Half – 1 pt Half – 1 pt 32. MOST IMPROVED PLAYER (JOHN PARRY TROPHY) 29. ILKLEY CENTENARY JUNIOR TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (a) The competition shall be played over 18 holes medal play off scratch. (b) Each club shall enter two teams of four players, at least two players per team aged 15 or below, age as determined at 1st January in the current year (c) Prizes shall be awarded to all members of the winning and runner-up teams, the winners presented with the Ilkley Centenary Junior Championship Trophy, and prizes also awarded to the best individual gross scores in each age group. (d) In the event of a tie, the trophy and prizes shall be shared. (e) The Club with the lowest nett team score shall qualify for the Yorkshire Inter District Union Junior Team Championship. In the event of a tie, the club with the lowest gross score of those tied shall qualify. Half – ½ pt Half – 1 pt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Union York Sheffield East Riding Bradford Leeds Hx/H’field Teesside Harrogate FINAL LEAGUE POSITIONS Won Halved Lost 7 0 0 5 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 0 5 1 1 5 1 1 5 +/- +58 +48 +18 -8 -8 -4 -24 -80 23 14 30 28 28 18 25 166 Points 14 11 9 6 6 4 3 3 35 YORKSHIRE INTER DISTRICT UNION TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP at The Cookridge Hall Golf Club on 14th September, 2014 RESULT TABLE & HARROGATE PLAYERS SCORES 1 Sheffield 881 Jack Lampkin +1 69 76 145 2 York 890 Dan White Scr 72 74 146 3 Bradford 903 John Macnamara1 76 76 152 4 Harrogate 905 Chris Atkins 1 72 80 152 5 East Riding 907 James Gaskell 1 80 75 155 6 Leeds 914 George Muscroft1 75 80 155 7 Hx/Hudd 916 8 Teesside 928 Total H&DU 444 461 905 UNION PRESENT TEAM vs PAST TEAM PLAYERS Year Venue WinnersScore 2014 Not Played YORKSHIRE INTER DISTRICT UNION JUNIOR MATCHES HARROGATE RESULTS (H&DU scores first) 14th April v Bradford Union at Thirsk & N’allerton 16th April v Teesside Union at Bishop Auckland 4th May v H’fax/Hudd Union at Ilkley 30th May v York Union at Masham 27th July v Sheffield Union at Ripon City 8th August v East Riding Union at Brough 20th August v Leeds Union at Moor Allerton Total 17 15 20 23 05 15 16 111 19 21 16 13 31 21 20 141 FINAL LEAGUE POSITIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 36 Union Sheffield Leeds East Riding H’fax/Hudd Teesside Harrogate Bradford York Won 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 Halved 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 Lost 1 0 3 2 3 5 5 6 +/- +122 +42 +24 -6 -12 -30 -60 -86 Points 12 12 8 8 7 4 3 2 YORKSHIRE INTER DISTRICT UNION JUNIOR TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS at Eaglescliffe Golf Club on 28th August 2014 RESULT TABLE & HARROGATE PLAYERS SCORES Player Hcp Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Total Winner Leeds 914 Ollie White Scr 74 73 147 Second Sheffield 916 George Muscroft2 71 76 147 Third Harrogate 924 Tom Caton 3 75 78 153 Fourth H’fax/Hudd 937 Sean Naylor 2 81 73 154 Fifth Teesside 952 Robert Nesbitt 2 82 79 161 Sixth East Riding 957 Will Caldecott 4 81 81 162 Seventh York 969 464 460924 Eighth Bradford 986 YORKSHIRE INTER DISTRICT UNION JUNIOR CLUB TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP at The Willow Valley Golf Club on 13th July 2014 Pts Player HcpPoints Winner Bingley St Ives (Bradford) 72 Liam Lidster 8 WD R’up Huddersfield (H’fax/Hudd) 64 Lorcan Gallagher14 25 Third Wakefield (Leeds) 61 Joe Bramley 23 31 Fourth Ripon City (Harrogate) 56 Score * 56 Fifth Pike Hills (York) 54 Two scores to count Sixth Hickleton (Sheffield) 52 Seventh Saltburn by Sea (Teesside) 49 Eighth Boothferry (East Riding) 45 UNION TEAM vs JUNIOR TEAM (The Graham Hill Trophy) YEARVENUE 2014 Not Played WINNERS SCORE 37 HARROGATE & DISTRICT UNION COMPETITIONS 1. INTER CLUB LEAGUE Club P Ripon City11 Ilkley11 Otley11 Rudding Park11 Pannal11 Knaresborough11 Oakdale11 Thirsk & Northallerton11 Bedale11 Harrogate11 Romanby11 Masham11 GENTLEMEN W 8 7 6 7 5 5 5 4 5 4 2 2 D 1 1 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 L 2 3 2 4 5 6 6 5 6 7 7 7 Pts Match Pts 17 106 15 101 15 99 14 103 11 99 10 92 10 90 10 81 10 80 8 76 6 66 6 63 2. INTER CLUB SCRATCH LEAGUE Rudding Park11 8 1 2 17 61 * Ilkley11 8 1 2 17 61 * Otley11 7 1 3 15 57 Pannal11 7 0 4 14 52 Ripon City11 4 6 1 14 52 Knaresborough11 4 4 3 12 46 Bedale11 5 2 4 12 40 Oakdale11 4 3 4 11 41 Harrogate11 2 3 6 7 36 Masham11 3 1 7 7 33 Thirsk & Northallerton11 1 1 9 3 30 Romanby11 1 1 9 3 19 * League Tied 3. MATCHPLAY CHAMPION Mark Buckley (Ilkley G.C.) 3a. SENIORS MATCHPLAY CHAMPION John Webster (Bedale G.C.) 4. HARROGATE & DIST UNION STROKEPLAY CHAMPION THE JACK M OGDEN MEMORIAL TROPHY John Macnamara (Rudding Park G.C.) 5. SENIORS CHAMPION (Nett) & THE OTLEY TROPHY Paul Nee (Pannal G.C.) 6. SENIORS CHAMPION (Gross) Ken Bell (Bedale G.C.) 7. PRESIDENT’S PRIZE Simon Clemerson (Oakdale G.C.) 38 8. FIRST DIVISION TEAM CHAMPIONS Rudding Park G.C. 9. SECOND DIVISION TEAM CHAMPIONS Otley G.C. 10. THIRD DIVISION TEAM CHAMPIONS Ripon City G.C. 11. SPRING GREENSOME & BILL DOBSON TROPHY Clive Swiers & Bill Scarratt (Ripon City G.C.) 12. AUTUMN GREENSOME & HOLROYD TROPHY Colin Baines & Dave Hennessey (Bedale G.C.) 13. UNION GOLFER OF THE YEAR ‘ACKRILL GROUP OF NEWSPAPERS TROPHY’ Jack Lampkin & Mark Buckley (both Ilkley G.C.) tied. 14. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CUP Ian Smith (Bedale G.C.) 15. MIXED AM-AM Ivor Roy, Brenda Moore, Phil Curry & Sue Ibbotson (Knaresborough G.C.) 16. 17. OAKDALE JUBILEE TROPHY Knaresborough G.C. WINTER ALLIANCES 2013 – 2014 SEASON Tue 18th Mar Wed 26th Mar Wed 2nd Apr Fri 11th Apr Wed 16th Apr Bedale Pannal Ripon City Knaresborough Harrogate I Smith & D Munton (Bedale) 42 pts A Thirkell & S Wilton (Rudding Park ) 45 pts B Kennerley & A Lawrence (Bedale) 47 pts M Nicholson & M Cressey (Thirsk & Nall) 43 pts A Thirwell & S Wilton (Rudding Park) 45 pts Wed 24th Sep Wed 1st Oct Mon 6th Oct Wed 15th Oct Mon 20th Oct Wed 29th Oct Wed 5th Nov Wed 12th Nov Wed 19th Nov Wed 26th Nov Thu 4th Dec Wed 21st Jan Wed 28th Jan Masham Knaresborough Pannal Ripon City Harrogate Rudding Park Otley Bedale Romanby Ilkley Thirsk & Nall Oakdale Pannal E Falshaw & H Falshaw (Masham) 43 pts P Curry & A Turner (Knaresborough) 45 pts Postponed to 15th April P Bettridge & A Blackburn (Ripon City) 47 pts T Magrs & R Stockdale (Ripon City) 44 pts M Sage & P Watson (Harrogate) 44 pts M Pearson & R Aitken (Ripon City) 45 pts I Smith & D Munton (Bedale) 43 pts R Helliwell & R Barrigan (Thirsk & Nall)46 pts S Richardson & G Whittington (Oakdale)43 pts A Kelledy & A Blackburn (Ripon City)44 pts Postponed to 8th April Cancelled 2014 – 2015 SEASON 39 Wed 4th Feb Wed 11th Feb Wed 18th Feb Wed 25th Feb Wed 4th Mar Wed 11th Mar Knaresborough Ripon City Harrogate Rudding Park Otley Bedale D Midgley & D Pickles (Otley) 43 pts M Doig & T Mulligan (Ripon City) 44 pts P Smith & R Turner (Thirsk & Nall) 42 pts S Richardson & G Whittington (Oakdale) 45 pts P Darby & W Darby (Otley) 48 pts S Gaskell & B Kennerley (Bedale) 45 pts 18. KNARESBOROUGH TROPHY WINNER Rudding Park G.C. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 24a. 25. LADIES TEAM CHAMPIONS – SILVER DIVISION Rudding Park G.C. LADIES CHAMPION – SILVER DIVISION Olivia Jackson (Pannal G.C.) LADIES TEAM CHAMPIONS – BRONZE DIVISION Bedale G.C. LADIES CHAMPION – BRONZE DIVISION Laura Shaw (Thirsk & Northallerton G.C.) LADIES MATCHPLAY CHAMPION Alice Boothroyd (Rudding Park G.C.) LADIES SENIOR CHAMPION Moira Rusling (Pannal G.C.) PRESIDENT’S DAY FOR LADIES Sandra Taylor & Jean Lamb (Rudding Park G.C.) LADIES WINTER LEAGUE Knaresborough G.C. 26. LEAGUE CHAMPIONS - THE DOROTHY CALVERT TROPHY Otley G.C. LADIES JUNIORS 26a. QUALIFYING LEAGUE 2014 CLUB P W H Harrogate 6 5 0 Otley 6 4 1 Ripon City 6 4 1 Thirsk & Northallerton 6 3 1 Romanby 6 3 1 Rudding Park 6 3 0 Bedale 6 2 2 Ilkley 6 2 0 Knaresborough 6 1 2 Oakdale 6 1 1 Pannal 6 1 1 40 LPts 1 10 1 9 1 9 2 7 2 7 3 6 2 6 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 27 JUNIOR CHAMPION - THE A R HUTCHINSON TROPHY George Muscroft (Otley G.C.) 27a. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 THE KERR QUAICH Nathan Seal (Knaresborough G.C.) JUNIOR CLOSED TEAM CHAMPIONS – BEDALE BOWL Otley G.C. ILKLEY CENTENARY JUNIOR TEAM CHAMPIONS Otley G.C. JUNIOR JAMBOREE TEAM TROPHY – THIRSK SHIELD James Garner & Tom Hogg (Thirsk & Northallerton). JUNIOR GOLFER OF THE YEAR - THE NORMAN WHITEHEAD TROPHY George Muscroft (Otley G.C.) JOHN PARRY TROPHY Matthew Grouse (Rudding Park G.C.) INTER CLUB LEAGUE FIXTURES 2015 Round 1 28 Apr 4:00 Romanby v Ripon City 28 Apr 4:00 Pannal v Thirsk/N’ton 30 Apr 4:00 Knaresboro’ v Harrogate 30 Apr 3:30 Bedale v Ilkley 30 Apr 4:00 Oakdale v Otley 30 Apr 4:00 Rudding Park v Masham Round 2 5 May 4:00 Ripon City v Oakdale 5 May 4:00 Ilkley v Harrogate 7 May 4:00 Otley v Pannal 7 May 4:00 Romanby v Knaresboro’ 7 May 4:00 Thirsk/N’ton v Rudding Park 7 May 4:00 Mashamv Bedale Round 3 12 May 4:00Pannal v Ripon City 14 May 4:00Knaresboro v Ilkley 14 May 4:00Bedale v Thirsk/N’ton 15 May 4:30Oakdale v Romanby 15 May 4:00Rudding Park v Otley 28 May 4:00Harrogate v Masham Round 4 18 May 4:30 18 May 4:00 19 May 4:30 20 May 4:00 21May 4:30 21 May 4:00 Oakdale v Knaresboro’ Ripon City v Rudding Park Romanby v Pannal Thirsk/N’ton v Harrogate Mashamv Ilkley Otley v Bedale Round 5 2 Jun 4:30 Pannal v Oakdale 2 Jun 4:30 Ilkley v Thirsk/N’ton 2 Jun 4:00 Harrogate v Otley 4 Jun 4:30 Bedale v Ripon City 4 Jun 4:30 Knaresboro v Masham 5 Jun 4:30 Rudding Park v Romanby Round 6 8 Jun 4:30 9 Jun 4:00 11 Jun 4:30 11 Jun 4:30 11 Jun 4:30 11 Jun 4:30 Oakdale v Rudding Park Ripon City v Harrogate Pannal v Knaresboro’ Otley v Ilkley Romanby v Bedale Thirsk/N’ton v Masham 41 Round 7 15 Jun 4:30 Rudding Park v Pannal 15 Jun 4:30 Knaresboro’ v Thirsk/N’ton 16 Jun 4:30 Harrogate v Romanby 18 Jun 4:00 Ilkley v Ripon City 18 Jun 4:30 Masham v Otley 18 Jun 4:30 Bedale v Oakdale Round 8 25 Jun 4:30 Rudding Park v Knaresboro’ 29 Jun 4:30 Oakdale v Harrogate 29 Jun 4:00 Ripon City v Masham 30 Jun 4:30 Romanby v Ilkley 1 Jul 4:00 Otley v Thirsk/N’ton 2 Jul 4:30 Pannal vBedale Round 9 6 Jul 4:30 Masham v Romanby 7 Jul 4:30 Knaresboro’ v Otley 7 Jul 4:30 Ilkley v Oakdale 7 Jul 4:30 Harrogate v Pannal 8 Jul 4:30 Thirsk/N’ton v Ripon City 9 Jul 4:30 Bedale v Rudding Park Round 10 13 Jul 4:30 Oakdale v Masham 14 Jul 4:00 Ripon City v Otley 14 Jul 4:30 Romanby v Thirsk/N’ton 14 Jul 4:30 Pannal vIlkley 16 Jul 4:30 Bedale vKnaresboro’ 17 Jul 4:30 Rudding Park v Harrogate Round 11 20 Jul 4:30 Masham v Pannal 21 Jul 4:30 Harrogate v Bedale 23 Jul 4:00 Otley v Romanby 23 Jul 4:30 Knaresboro v Ripon City 23 Jul 4:30 Thirsk/N’ton v Oakdale 23 Jul 4:30 Ilkley v Rudding Park Yorkshire Divisional Champioships 6 May 6th Kirkbymoorside 20 May 5th Catterick 10 June 4th Bridlington 17 June 3rd Cookridge Hall 22 July 2nd Wakefield 30 July 1st Hessle Home captains are requested to inform visiting captains of the arrangements for dining, dress code etc and where singles matches start later, to ensure tee times are agreed. JUNIOR INTER CLUB LEAGUE FIXTURES 2015 Date 18 April 18 April 25 April 3 May 9 May 9 May 10 May 16 May 17 May 42 Match Bedale v Ripon Rudding v Oakdale Thirsk v Knaresborough Ripon v Knaresborough Thirsk v Ripon Oakdale v Rudding Ilkley v Bedale Thirsk v Harrogate Rudding v Romanby Time 1.00 2.15 12.00 11.00 12.00 2.00 2.00 12.00 2.30 21 May 23 May 24 May 24 May 28 May 31 May 31 May 7 June 12 June 14 June 20 June 20 June 21 June 22 June 26 June 28 June 29 June 3 July 9 July 11 July 11 July 25 July 25 July 9 Aug 16 Aug Pannal v Harrogate Romanby v Rudding Harrogate v Bedale Ripon v Thirsk Romanby v Otley Ripon v Bedale Otley v Romanby Harrogate v Thirsk Pannal v Otley Harrogate v Rudding Bedale v Harrogate Knaresborough v Ilkley Oakdale v Romanby Otley v Ilkley Otley v Pannal Knaresborough v Thirsk Ilkley v Otley Oakdale v Pannal Pannal v Oakdale Knaresborough v Ripon Romanby v Oakdale Rudding v Harrogate Bedale v Ilkley Rudding v Pannal Ilkley v Knaresborough 5.00 ** 1.00 11.00 11.00 1.00 11.00 10.00 11.00 5.00 11.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 4.30 5.00 2.00 4.30 4.30 4.45 2.00 1.00 2.30 1.00 2.30 ** 2.00 ** Harrogate do not earn any points from this match *** Rudding do not earn any points from this match All Clubs will play 6 matches (3 Home and 3 Away), with the exception of Rudding Park and Harrogate who will play 7. 43 IMPORTANT EVENTS BEING HELD AT THE CONSTITUENT CLUBS 2015-2016 Club Dinner Captains Invitation DaysDays Bedale 04/12 Ladies 07/07 Mens 17/05 Mixed 08/07 Ladies 03/07 Men’s 09/07 Open Days Mixed Open Am-Am 12/04 Men’s Seniors 1st 24/04 Team Open 30/05 Ladies Texas Scramble 10/06 Bedale Open Am-Am 04/07 Men’s Seniors 2nd Open 28/07 Rabbits Open 28/08 Ladies Tri Am 04/09 Men’s John Smith’s 05/09 Open Scramble 06/09 Harrogate 11/03/2016 Ladies 30/06 Men’s 13/06 Rabbit’s 29/05 1st Senior’s Open 08/06 Men’s 11/07 Ladies 16/06 The Vardon Grip 01/07 Men’s 10/07 2nd Seniors 03/08 Mixed Open 16/08 Ladies Open 27/08 Ladies Turkey Scramble 29/10 Ilkley 04/03/2016Ladies 09/06 Men’s 20/06 Men’s Spring Seniors 13/04 Men’s 04/07 Ladies Spring Open Day 27/04 Men’s 01/06 Lady President Mixed 13/09 Mixed Opens 29/06& 17/08 14/07 Men’s Summer Seniors 13/07 Ladies 22/09 Ladies Autumn Open 07/09 Men’s Autumn Seniors 14/09 Knaresborough26/02/2016Ladies 16/06 Club 09/05 Seniors 11/05 Men’s 27/06 Men’s 08/08 Rabbits 23/05 Ladies 11/08 The Castle Trophy 07/06. (36 Hole Scratch Open) Ladies Texas Scramble 24/07 Mixed 02/08 Senior’s 20/08 Ladies Am-Am 03/09 Men’s 02/10 44 Club Dinner Captains Invitation DaysDays Open Days Masham 03/10 Mixed 26/06 Ladies 01/08 Rabbits 09/05 Ladies 27/06 Men’s 02/08 Ladies 05/06 Men’s 28/06 Mixed 07/06 Men’s 14/06 Senior’s 17/06 AM/AM 03/07 Ladies Greensome 11/09 Mixed Greensome 13/09 Men’s Greensome 27/09 Oakdale 22/01/2016 Mens 13/06 Men’s 11/07 Mens 02/07 Ladies 23/06 Ladies 21/07 Ladies 09/07 Mens 2nd 12/09 Acorn 15/07 Seniors 23/07 Mixed 27/08 Otley 09/10 Mens 20&21/06Mixed 12/07 Rabbits 17/05 Seniors 1st 27/05 Ladies 30/06 Mens 08/08 Mixed 07/06 President’s Ladies 08/09 Day 18/07 Ladies 1st 02/07 Lady President’s Seniors 2nd 05/08 Day 28/07 Ladies 2nd 03/09 Pannal 20/11 Men’s 20/06 Men’s 01/06 Men’s 1st 06/06 Ladies 01/09 Ladies 14/07 Mixed 16/08 Rosebowl 17/06 Men’s 2nd 05/09Seniors 1st 20/07 Junior’s 05/08 Ladies 13/08 Seniors 2nd 07/09 Open AM-AM 16/09 Men’s Autumn 12/10 Ripon City 23/10 Ladies 23/06 Men 1st 30/05 Open W/E Seniors’ 14/05 Mens 25/07 Ladies 18/08 ‘’ Ladies 15/05 Mens 2nd 26/09 “ Mens 16/05 “ Mixed 17/05 Men’s Am-Am 27/04 & 06/07 2nd Open W/E Seniors 30/07 Ladies AM-AM 31/07 Men’s Open 01/08 Mixed Open 02/08 Rabbit’s Open 06/09 Men’s Am-Am 13/09 45 Club Dinner Captains Invitation DaysDays Open Days Romanby 05/02/2016 Ladies 11/06 Men’s 21/06 Mixed 25/05 Mens 09/08 Seniors 11/08 Ladies 13/08 Rudding 18/03/2016 Joint 27/06 Inv. Day 22/08 Park Senior’s Summer 17/06 Senior’s Autumn 30/09 Ladies Charity Day 08/10 Thirsk & Northallerton27/11 Ladies 31/05 Ladies 01/07 Men’s 26/07 Men’s 23/08 Ladies Texas Scramble 13/05 Am-Am Stableford 25/05 Men’s Senior AmAm 04/06 Men’s Open Scramble 28/06 Senior’s Open 02/07 Mixed Team Stableford 19/07 Men’s Am-Am 02/08 Ladies Open 09/09 Champagne Mixed 13/09 2nd Seniors Open 24/09 HARROGATE AND DISTRICT UNION OF GOLF CLUBS FIXTURES 2015-2016 April Thu Apr 02 Sun Apr 5 * Wed Apr 08 * Wed Apr 08 Fri Apr 10 Wed Apr 15 Thu Apr 16 Wed Apr 29 * May Sun May 03 Sun May 10 * Sun May 17 * 46 AGM – Bedale G.C. Union Junior Team v Yorkshire Girls – Ripon City Union Junior Team v Teesside Union – Otley rearranged Alliance - Oakdale Union Junior Team v Bradford Union – Northcliffe rearranged Alliance - Pannal Meet the President - Bedale Spring Greensomes – Masham Union Junior Team v Halifax/Hudd – Halifax West End Third Division Championship – Harrogate Union Team v Bradford Union – Pannal Wed May 20 First Executive Meeting - Oakdale Tue May 26 * Ilkley Centenary Juniors – Romanby Thu May 28 * Senior Championship – Knaresborough Sun May 31 * Second Division Championship - Ilkley June Sun Jun 07 * President’s Day - Bedale Sun Jun 14 * Union Team v Halifax/Hudd Union – Ripon City Sun Jun 21 * Strokeplay Championship (Ogden Trophy) – Thirsk & Northallerton Sun Jun 28 * Union Team v Teesside Union - Bedale July Sun Jul 05 * First Division Championship - Oakdale Sun Jul 12 Union Team v Sheffield Union – Worksop Sun Jul 12 YIDU Junior Club Team Championship – Rudding Park Thu Jul 16 * Ladies Team and Individual Championship Bronze Division - Otley Tue Jul 21 Union Junior Team v Sheffield Union – Dore & Totley Mon Jul 27 * Union Junior Team v Leeds Union – Oakdale Thu Jul 30 * Ladies Team and Individual Championship Silver Division - Oakdale August Sun Aug 02 * Union Team v Leeds Union - Harrogate Mon Aug 03 * Union Junior Team v East Riding – Knaresborough Sun Aug 09 * Mixed AM-AM – Pannal Tue Aug 11 Union Junior Team v York Union - Scarthingwell Sun Aug 16 Union Team v York Union – York Wed Aug 19 Second Executive Meeting – Harrogate Thu Aug 20 * President’s Day for Ladies – Bedale Sun Aug 23 Matchplay Final’s Day - Bedale Mon Aug 24 * Summer Scramble – Ripon City Tue Aug 25 Junior League Finals Day – Bedale Thu Aug 27 YIDU Junior Team Championship – Pike Hills September Wed Sep 02 * Junior Championship – Rudding Park Sun Sep 06 Union Team v East Riding Union – Hull Sun Sep 13 YIDU Team Championship – Bingley St Ives Thu Sep 17 * Ladies Senior Championship – Thirsk & Northallerton Sun Sep 20 * Autumn Greensome – Romanby Thu Sep 24 Executive Committee Cup - Bedale Wed Sep 30 Masham Alliance - Masham October Fri Oct 02 Annual Dinner - Pannal Wed Oct 07 Alliance 1 - Ilkley Thu Oct 15 ‘b’ Alliance – Thirsk & Northallerton 47 Wed Oct 21 Mon Oct 26 Wed Oct 28 November Wed Nov 04 Wed Nov 11 Wed Nov 18 Wed Nov 25 Wed Nov 25 December Wed Dec 02 Mon Dec 21 January 2016 Wed Jan 27 Sat Jan 30 February Wed Feb 03 Wed Feb 10 Wed Feb 17 Wed Feb 17 Wed Feb 24 March Wed Mar 02 Thu Mar 10 Wed Mar 16 Wed Mar 23 Wed Mar 30 April Wed Apr 06 Thu Apr 07 Alliance 2 – Oakdale Junior Jamboree – Ripon City ‘b’ Alliance – Pannal Alliance 3 - Knaresborough ‘b’ Alliance – Ripon City Alliance 4 - Harrogate ‘b’ Alliance – Rudding Park Third Executive Meeting – Rudding Park If convenient, 3 Starting Times (12 players) will normally be made available by each of the other clubs to members of a Club hosting a Union or Inter District Union Competition (EXCEPT WINTER ALLIANCES) where the first tee is required for longer than 3 hours during the day. Alliance 5 - Bedale Shotgun Alliance - Knaresborough Member wishing to avail themselves of this facility MUST first obtain a Courtesy of Course card from their own Club Secretary. The Secretary will then contact the Secretary of the Club concerned to seek permission for courtesy and a convenient starting time. ‘b’ Alliance - Otley Founder’s Dinner – Venue TBC The card must be surrendered to the Secretary/Professional of the club visited, before commencing play. Each card will cover 4 named players. Alliance 6 - Romanby Alliance 7 - Thirsk & Northallerton Alliance 8 - Pannal Fourth Executive Meeting - Pannal ‘b’ Alliance – Knaresborough Alliance 9 – Ripon City ‘b’ Alliance - Harrogate Alliance 10 – Rudding Park ‘b’ Alliance - Bedale Alliance 11 (Knaresborough Trophy) - Otley ‘b’ Alliance - Romanby AGM – Masham * Denotes courtesy event. LADIES WINTER LEAGUE 2015-16 Date Mon Oct 05 2015 Mon Nov 02 2015 Mon Dec 07 2015 Mon Jan 04 2016 Mon Feb 01 2016 Mon Mar 05 2016 48 COURTESY OF COURSES Venue Harrogate Bedale Ripon City Ilkley Rudding Park Oakdale INTER CLUB VISITING SCHEME (ICVS) Club members may purchase books of tickets from their Secretaries, price £7-50, to permit them to play one weekday round of golf on each of the courses within the Union, at half the normal green fee. This is an attractive proposition to players wishing to play practice rounds for Union events. SPONSORS OF THE HARROGATE AND DISTRICT UNION OF GOLF CLUBS The Harrogate and District Union of Golf Clubs would like to acknowledge sponsorship from the following companies and thank them for their generous support. Sponsorship from all sources is welcome as we prepare our teams to be a credit to our union. YORKSHIRE BANK IT’S CLEAN LTD FRIENDS OF HARROGATE HOSPITAL THE HARROGATE BRASSERIE FASTFLOW PIPELINE SERVICES LIMITED SYDNEY PACKETT & SON LTD. 49 Friends of Harrogate Hospital Professional cleaning you can trust. Harrogate 01423 566 785 Leeds 0113 816 0033 Harrogate Brasserie boutique•hotel Fastflow Pipeline Services Limited Neil Armstrong and his team Are pleased to support The Junior Team From The Harrogate & District Union of Golf Clubs We wish them well in the 2015 Season 26/30 Cheltenham Parade • Harrogate • North Yorhkshire • GH1 1DB T 01423 50 50 41 E info@harrogatebrasserie.co.uk W www. harrogatebrasserie.co.uk Fastflow Pipeline Services Limited 11-12 Parsons Road Washington NE37 1HB Telephone 0191 4157744 ® Conduct Authority
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