Ministry of Higher Education Sultanate of Oman Student Guidebook for International Qualifications Holders Applications to Higher Education for the Academic Year 2015/2016 Undergraduate Programs 1 Higher Education Admission Center (HEAC) Ministry of Higher Education Sultanate of Oman Postal address: PO Box 1079, PC 111, Seeb, Sultanate of Oman. Phone: 24340999 Fax: 24340702/24340717 Website address: : @HEAC_INFO : HEAC.OMAN : Working hours: 7:30am to 2:30pm – Sunday to Thursday. 2 Table of Contents Introduction Definitions How to calculate competitive score? Definitions – Tie Breaker Registration and admission procedures Admission system general procedures Who can benefit from the HEAC admission system? Registration requirements Students who re-sit final examinations and who hold GCE certificates Converting Scores of International Certificates Holders Students with disabilities Students holding certificates equivalent to GED or international qualifications Board of appeals First Stage: registration period from 01/04/2015 to 01/06/2015 Steps which must be followed before starting registration Steps which must be followed during registration in the system First Step: Ordering your program preferences Second stage: making changes in program preferences 11 steps must be followed during the process of making changes in the program preferences (after results of the General Education Diploma Exams) Third: offer of seats stage (first allocation) 4 steps you must follow in the offer of seat stage Programs requiring interviews and/ or admission tests Confirmation of offer and registration process Documents Fourth: vacancies and new programs (second allocation) Fifth: the release of second allocation results Notes Programs 3 Page 4 5 to 8 10 11 12 to 13 12 13 14 to16 16 16 17 18 to 20 21 20 to 24 25 26 27-32 33 34 35 to 36 37 38 to 39 40 to 42 42 43 to 44 45 46 47 to 241 Introduction We are pleased to present you with the 2015/16 edition of the Higher Education Admission Center (HEAC) Student Handbook for International Qualifications (GCE, APID, IBD) which has been designed to help you to apply online to higher education institutions through the HEAC electronic system. The Student Handbook provides you, in its first part, with guidelines, an explanation of the relevant procedures, advice on how to register online, information on how to select the preferred courses or programs at the higher education institutions, external and internal scholarships and grants. We also stress the importance of following up with the stages in the admission process. The second part provides you with the admission requirements and the terms & conditions for the academic year 2015/2016 programs. Applying through the HEAC electronic admission system starts with online application and registration. The first registration period starts well before you sit for your final exams. We believe that during this period (April and May) you will be in a better position to make well-informed decisions when it comes to ranking your course or program preferences as you are not facing a lot of stress over final examinations while there is still enough time to seek advice and assistance from your advisers. During this first registration period, we advise you to select as many courses or programs you are eligible to competitively apply for based on the subjects you took at school and regardless of your (future) exam results. You will be given an opportunity to make changes in your choice of programs and the ranking of your program preferences after the final exam results are announced. It is crucial for you to follow up with updates and messages which are sent through the HEAC system. The admissions timetable providing information about important dates and admission/application deadlines will be publicized before the results of the first allocation round is announced. You should read this timetable carefully and comply with its content. It is crucial for applicants after each allocation to timely accept the admission offers and complete the registration procedures before the relevant deadlines. Best Wishes, The Higher Education Admission Center staff Website: For any clarification, please refer to the Arabic Version which is the Legal Version of the Student Guidebook. 4 Definitions The following concerns a brief definition of some of the terms used in this handbook to help you better understand the application and admission process. Ministry: Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) The HEAC The Higher Education Admission Center (HEAC) is one of the Directorates of the Ministry of Higher Education. The Centre’s main responsibilities include coordinating with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the external scholarship department regarding the admission requirements of each HEI according to the different areas of discipline. HEAC receives, reviews, and registers all student applications through an electronic system that can be used online and/or with the support of an SMS service and smart phone applications. It regulates the admission of General Education Diploma and its equivalents graduates according to their preferences and grades in relation to the admission terms of the HEIs in question. General Education Diploma Certificate (GED-certificate): The General Education Diploma qualification awarded by the Ministry of Education to any student who has successfully completed his or her general education (completed grade 12). Certificates Equivalent to (GED): These are the certificates issued inside or outside Oman, and are equivalent to the General Education Diploma according to the Ministry of Education categorization. Student: Male or female student awarded with a General Education Diploma Certificate or its equivalent and who has been registered in the Higher Education Admission System in accordance with the terms and conditions. Guardian/sponsor: The person responsible for the student and who sponsors him/her. Social Welfare Students: Students who have been classified by the Ministry of Social Development as social-welfare students and who are entitled to government (financial) support and have a valid Social Security Number. 5 Low-income Students: Those students whose sponsor’s monthly income does not exceed R.O. 600. A student with a disability: A student with physical or mental condition which limits his/her mental, physical, or sensory activities, and affects his/her performance. It might be caused by a hereditary factor, or an illness, or an accident. Second Round Students: Students who do not pass the first round examinations in certain subjects. Electronic Admission System: The HEAC’s electronic system has been designed to receive, review, and register all students applications to higher education institutions, external and internal scholarships and grants for undergraduate level and competitively select students who meet the admission criteria. Application form: It is the e-application submitted by the student, including his / her program preferences and is available in the Admission System at HEAC Website (see also the sample form on page 186). Higher Education Institutions: These consist of the public and private higher education institutions (HEIs) including public universities (seats), public colleges (seats), private universities (internal scholarships), Private Colleges (internal scholarships), Vocational Training institutes (seats), and Fishermen Qualifying institutes (seats). The overseas HEIs (grants or external scholarships)- when it comes to the external scholarships, the HEIs are selected by the Ministry of Higher Education after a student has been competitively selected for a certain program in a certain study destination and are represented by the external scholarship department and its overseas representatives. A Program of Study (Subject/Course): This is defined as the degree or program offered at a higher education institution which includes the specialization, place of study, source of finance, etc. Admission or Entry Requirements: These are the conditions stipulated by each higher education institution and/or by the Ministry of Higher Education including the relevant subjects and minimum grades and sometimes additional requirements that have to be satisfied by the candidates in order to be eligible to competitively apply for a specific program or course. 6 Qualification: It is the degree (Bachelor degree or diploma) which is granted to the student on completion of an undergraduate program at a HEI. Ranking of program preferences: A candidate can select up to 40 choices of programs offered by either the public HEIs (seats), private HEIs (internal scholarships) or at overseas HEIs (external scholarships and grants), Vocational Training Institutes, the Fishermen Training Institute and the Military Technical College (seats). These scholarships and programs could be either fully funded by the Government which means that all tuition fees and living expenses are covered by the Government, or partially funded which means that only the tuition fees are covered, or they might be grants sponsored by private sector institutions. In the latter case, student should ensure his/her ability to cover the basic living expenses. For further clarification, see the types of Scholarships, Seats and Grants in the Arabic version of the student handbook (44, 89). Important Note: A student should select at least 12 and maximum 40 courses or programs and arrange them according to preference. Order of a program according to student’s preferences: Referring to the order of student’s course or program preferences, ranking should be based on your preferences; i.e. the first choice should be the program you prefer the most (provided that you meet the minimum entry or admission requirements) followed by the second preference and so on. This ranking is important since it determines your chances to receive the offer with the higher preference. List of Candidates: This is the list of students who competitively apply for a certain scholarship, grant or seat and meet the minimum admission requirements. The system orders the candidates according to their competitive scores in descending order. Ranking of Students in Order of Academic Merit: This is the list of students who competitively apply for a certain scholarship, grant or seat and are ranked by the system based on their academic merit. The applicant with the highest “score” or grades will automatically be placed (by the system) at the top of the list followed by the one with the second highest score and so on. Applicants who are eligible to apply for a specific program are ranked according to their competitive scores from the highest to the lowest. This list is called “Order of Academic Merit”. In other words, admission offers will be made to applicants who are on the top of this list for the program based on the allocated number of seats. For example, if the list of academic merit for a specific program consists of 135 applicants while there are 100 seats available for that program (or group of programs under one code) then these seats will be allocated to the first 100 applicants in the list. The rest of the applicants (35) will be in the waiting list of the program. 7 Competitive Score: It is the criterion that defines a student’s seat allocation based on (his/her) scored marks (grades) in the General Education Diploma exam or its equivalent before conducting the first electronic allocation. The competitive score may vary for the same student from one program to another based on his/her marks in the subjects required for the program (specialization). The arithmetic formula to calculate competitive score is as follows: Competitive score= (total marks of subjects required for a specialization) x60%or "0.06"+ (total marks of subjects taken by the student) x 40% or 0.04 Completion of the Registration Procedures: Referring to the period during which candidates who have received and accepted admission offers through the HEAC system will register and submit the required documents to the concerned. 8 How to Calculate the Competitive Score? STEP 1 (Total average of all the subjects taken by a student) Result 1 ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Number of all subjects STEP 2 Result 1x0.4 Result 2 STEP 3 Total grade of the subjects required for the program ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Number of required subjects 5 Steps for Calculating Competitive Score Figure 1 Result 3 STEP 4 Result 3x0.6 Result 4 STEP 5 Result 1 9 + Result 2 Competitive Score Tie Breaker: It is the criteria as provided by the higher education institutions and/or the Ministry of Higher Education to ‘break the tie’ between students who have equal competitive scores. For example, if the last 5 students who have competitively applied for the Engineering program have equal competitive scores; and there is one vacant seat left, then the Tie Breaker in this program is the one with the highest grade in Pure Mathematics, followed by the highest grade in English Language. Therefore, the student who scores the highest grade in Pure Mathematics will be accepted. In case two students scored equal high grades in Pure Mathamatics, the result of the English Language will be the tie breaker. Confirmation of the Admission Offer: It is the acceptance by the student of a program offered to him/her through the HEAC electronic system via (Internet) or a SMS or Smart Phone Application. Accepting and confirming offers: an action taken by a student to accept an offer (scholarship, seat or grant) received through HEAC electronic system before the relevant deadline. If the student, however, fails to confirm the acceptance before the relevant deadline, then this will be considered as a rejection of the offer and therefore he/she shall have no right to claim it at any later stage. Waiting List: This is the list of students who have competitively applied for specific program (scholarship, seat or grant) and who satisfy the minimum admission requirements but who have not received any offers for that particular program and/or any other better programs. Example: Figure2 10 Registration and Admission Procedures (Table 1) Stage Procedure Registration Period Registration (applying through the HEAC electronic system) Making changes in program preferences* First allocation round Deadline Students will be given an opportunity to make changes in their program preferences for a period of two weeks after examination results have been announced. The exact closing date will be advertised on the HEAC website. Course or Program Preferences 1.Program offers: Announcement of the results of first allocation round One week after the deadline to make changes in the program or course preferences Accepting offers** For a period of maximum one week fo llo win g the announcement of the results of the first allocation round Registration at the HEIs or external scholarship department** 2. Programs requiring interviews and admission exam Announcement of candidates to set for admission tests, interviews and medical checks. Admission offers Registration at the higher education institution and/or scholarships department Announcement of new and vacant programs (if available) Applying for new and/or vacant programs Second allocation round Announcement of allocation results Deadline (to accept an offer) for the second allocation and complete the registration procedures Allocation of vacant seats 1st April 2015 to 1st June 2015 For a period of two weeks following the results of the first allocation round When the results of the first allocation round are announced Before the end of the period of first allocation round registration one week after the first allocation process ends One week after the announcement of new and vacant programs Two weeks after the announcement of new and vacant programs Five days after the results of second allocation round are announced The allocation of vacant seats will be based on the waiting list and will take p lace after the second allocation round *All students who wish to make changes in their course or program preferences must do so during the two weeks period after the examination results of the General Education Diploma are released. This date shall also apply to those who will be re-sitting their examinations, and student of International Certifictes. Such students will NOT be allowed to make changes in their choices after the results of the re-sit examinations are announced. **Students who do not accept offers and complete registration procedures before the due deadline will lose their offers after 2:00 pm in the deadline day because their offers will immediately go to applicants on the waiting list. 11 Admission system general procedures You must read this Guidebook carefully since it contains all information a student needs to know, as well as, frequently asked questions and their answers. You may try to call the center, but we do not recommend this because a lot of people, undoubtedly, will be trying to contact us, and you would have difficulty reaching us due to busy telephone lines, so the best way to contact us is through e-mails (, or social media websites (Facebook – Twitter), through which we can receive as many messages as possible at the same time and answer them. HEAC will obtain necessary personal details of students sitting for GED exams directly from the Ministry of Education, including student’s name, address, National Civil Number, date of birth, sex, school and any other information that HEAC may require. You can log in to ( in order to get registration number and password. You can also use SMS text messages or mobile admission application for this purpose. The HEAC will rank students according to their course or program preferences and based on their final examinations grades (academic merit). A committee will be formed to verify the qualifications other than General Education Diploma. Based on the Committee’s decision, the levels of these certificates and grades will be specified so that choices of applicants can be ranked according to their levels. Non- Omani students of parents who have an Omani passport or students who have an Omani mother but who do not hold an Omani passport should provide evidence from the Ministry of Interior proving their eligibility to competitively apply for the government seats a n d / o r i n t e r n a l s c h o l a r s h i p s offered through the HEAC. This category of students is not eligible to competitively apply for the external scholarships. Admission applications for the Academic Year (2015/16) will be treated in accordance with the procedures and timetables described in this Guidebook. Students will be notified of any subsequent changes through the HEAC website, as well as, through the various media. It is, therefore, the students’ responsibility to be absolutely aware of these updates. It is also their responsibility to check their eligibility ( = w h e t h e r t h e y m e e t t h e m i n i m u m r e q u i r e m e n t s ) to competitively apply for any program they choose. The various HEAC procedures are designed specifically to ensure that all applicants are treated fairly. However, bear in mind the following: 1. Fairness means treating ALL applicants equally; it does not mean making special arrangements for some a p p l i c a n t s who have ignored the rules and instructions. You must realize that your actions may also have an impact on other applicants who have equal rights. 2. If you have followed the procedures correctly, you will not be deprived of any place to which you are entitled based on the competitive selection procedures 12 You will be informed of any scholarship, seat or grant you have been offered either through HEAC website or through SMS message which will be send to the mobile telephone number which you have registered in the system. You should, therefore, frequently login to HEAC admission system to check whether there are any updates and keep your mobile phone switched on at all times. Travelling abroad is not an excuse for students who did not take actions required by HEAC before the relevant deadlines. The HEAC admission system does not allow students to change their program or their higher education institution and certainly not during the first semester, unless the student receives another offer from the HEAC through the electronic system. A student who wishes to request for a change a f t e r t h e f i r s t s e m e s t e r should a l w a y s coordinate directly with his/her higher education institution (seats) or the concerned MoHE department (in case of an internal or external scholarship and not with HEAC). Who can benefit from the HEAC admission system for Undergraduate Level? The following categories of students are eligible to competitively apply for scholarships, seats or grants through the HEAC system: 1. Omani students who are sitting for the Omani General Education Diploma Examination in the school year 2014/2015. 2. Omani Students who obtain qualifications that are equivalent to General Education Diploma in the 2014/15 school year. This category includes, for example, students of the Royal Oman Guard Technical College, Islamic Institutes, Private Bilingual Schools, Community Schools and Private Schools offering international certificate programs within the Sultanate of Oman. 3. Omani students studying outside Oman who are sitting for school examinations which are considered to be equivalent to the Omani General Education Diploma Examination in the school year 2014/15. 13 Registration requirements A student must meet all of the following conditions to be eligible to apply to government funded scholarships, seats or grants: 1. Student must be an Omani national. 2. Student must pass the General Education Diploma examination or its equivalent in the current school year (recent graduate). 3. Student should not be older than 25 years or younger than 16 years by the 1st of October in the current school year (born after 1/1/1989). 4. Student should currently not be studying at any higher education institution financed by the government. 5. Student must meet the minimum admission requirements and conditions as mentioned in the academic programs and requirements section (following section). 14 Converting Scores of International Certificates Holders IB GCE High Level 7 Standard Level 6 7 A Level A AS level B A AP 5 Proposed Scores 100 97 94 5 6 C B 4 91 88 4 5 85 C 3 4 3 D 82 79 76 2 3 73 E 1 D 2 70 67 64 1 E 61 This table is subject to alteration due to changes occurring in the curricula of the International Certificates Higher Education Institutions have the right to set the admission conditions and requirements in their programs which they find appropriate for the International Qualification holders. (A- AS Level) students whose results are released after the first allocation will be treated as those students who have GED second round students in case 15 there are no seats available in the list of programs they are eligible for, they will be offered another program selected by them, or wait until the next year to be offered the same program to which they are entitled. Student shall obtain a converted certificate from the Ministry of Higher Education to compete on the programs of HEIs. Students studying (IB Diploma) who do not fulfill the Diploma Certificate requirements can compete on the programs that do not require Diploma Certificate. Additional grades will be scored with the competitive score For: 1. Score A* for A-Level students. 2. The subject (TOK) for IB students. Student shall send his/her certificate or transcript to the HEAC and the deadline is 20/7/2015. Students who re-sit final examinations and who hold GCE certificates Students shall apply for programs and register through the system during the indicated registration period, regardless of the first term exam results. Any student who fails in one subject or more in the first term exams has to choose and change his/ her choices of programs at the given dates, in order to avoid losing his /her right to compete with other students if he/she succeeds in the second round exams. HEAC will determine such student’s entitlement for his/her chosen programs after the results of the second round exams are released. Student have the right to claim a program he/she is entitled to the next academic year, if all program’s seats have been occupied and there are no vacant seats after the first allocation for that specific program or 1st semester has started, or the institution does not accept new student after a certain date. 16 Students with disabilities Students with disabilities should not choose programs that are not suitable to their type of disability. For example: a student with a physical disability should not apply for programs that require physical fitness. The following are the types of disabilities according to the Ministry of Social Development: 1. Blindness. 2. Hearing impairment. 3. Speech. 4. Motor Neurons diseases (Difficulties in holding objects) 5. Hearing and Speech impairment. 6. Learning Difficulties. 7. Moving from one place to another. 8. Body movement disorders. When a student chooses his/her type of disability, the system will identify for what program he/she is eligible in order to competitively apply. 17 Students Holding Certificates Equivalent to GED or International Qualifications The following students should upload their personal details through the registration screen in HEAC online system: Omani students who obtain certificates equivalent to GED from outside Oman, Omani students who obtain international qualifications from outside Oman, and Omani students who obtain certificates equivalent to GED from the communities’ schools inside Oman. Failure to upload the details accurately may deprive students from getting their entitled seats. Moreover, those students will not be eligible to compete for the offered scholarships, seats or grants or their registration will be cancelled unless they send a copy of their transcripts, and National Civil Number either by fax or upload them into HEAC system within the specified timeframe as soon as their final results become available. Students who hold certificates equivalent to GED, international qualifications, vocational certificates or specialized secondary school certificates should register and select programs during the specified period – regardless of the their results in the first semester if available – and they will not able to register or change their choices of programs after the release of their final exam results. HEAC will allocate students with International Qualifications and certificates equivalent to GED after they receive their results and after comparing their competitive scores with the score of the last student accepted in each program they have already chosen in their applications. A qualified committee will be assigned to sort and verify the certificates equivalent to GED. Upon this committee’s decisions, the application will be processed. Students holding certificates equivalent to GED and international qualifications from inside and outside Oman should upload the following documents to HEAC system through the specified link: 1. Copy of the certificate or transcript (immediately after the release of final results) 2. Copy of the Civil Card or Passport. 3. Equivalence certificate from the Ministry of Education (if needed). Note that certificates awarded by public school at GCC countries, or private schools which apply the educational system of the Ministries of Higher Education in the GCC countries do not require an equivalence certificate from the Omani Ministry of Education. 18 Students who study subjects with results issued in alphabets shall provide a transcript from the issuing authority, otherwise, their results will be converted according to GED results in which the average will be calculated for each value. HEAC shall coordinate with the HEIs in order to consider the applications of Vocational and Specialized Secondary School Certificates holders who are not able to select programs at HEAC system because of their different study nature. HEAC will not consider any application unless the student is already registered in the system (has a User Name and Password Number) in due time. Student can upload the required documents as illustrated in the following steps provided that documents are uploaded in PDF format only and the size should not exceed 512 KB: 1- Log in to the sytem using your uername and password. 2- Click on the link of uploading the required documents 3- upload the required documents in the appropriate place for each document seperately Figure 3 4- make sure that you have saved the documents by loging into the system again and click on (VIEW) In case you failed to upload the required documents, you can: 19 1. Deliver them to HEAC by hand, or through the Department of Customer Service. Make sure that you receive a receipt from the employee to whom you delivered the documents. 2. Send them via Fax, and make sure you keep the Fax receipt with you. 3. Send them via e-mail, and make sure you save the reply of HEAC which confirms receiving your documents. Board of Appeals 20 The independent Board of Appeals is responsible examining the complaints submitted by students during the three main stages of the admission process. The Board consists of experts from outside the Ministry of Higher Education who are assigned by a Ministerial Decree to consider complains filed by applicants who claim that the HEAC has treated them unfairly or who believe that their complaints have not been settled by the HEAC. The appeal process is intended to ensure transparency and fair treatment for all applicants. It is important to realize, however, that it is not designed to make special rules, exceptions or arrangements for some applicants. The rules and procedures of the system have been designed in order to ensure that all applicants are treated equally. Because all applicants are aware of the rules in advance, therefore, the rules must apply to everyone. They cannot be changed afterwards just for some applicants. In case of any appeal, you are advised to follow the following procedures so that your appeal can be considered: S Type of Appeal (Table 2) Submission Period 1 Appeal in regard to registration in the HEAC system Within ten (10) days after the period specified for registration and application submission period 2 Appeal concerning preferences Within ten (10) days after the period specified for making changes in program preferences 3 Appeal concerning admission offers of the first allocation round Appeal concerning admission offers of the second allocation round 4 change in the program Within ten (10) days after the release of the first allocation round results Within ten (10) days after the release of the second allocation round results A written appeal should be submitted by filling a form available on HEAC’s website by the appellant. A verbal appeal will not be considered. Appeals should be sent to the Appeals Board by fax No.24340717 or through the following e-mail The appellant will be informed with the board decision through a phone call or an SMS message. 21 First: registration period from 01/04/2015 to 01/06/2015 The first registration period will take place during the period from the 1st of April to the 1st of June 2015. You can make changes in your program preferences after the final examination results have been announced. You are, therefore, advised to include your program preferences in the form included in this handbook and keep it so you can remember your choices of programs. Registration procedures: 1. Carefully read through the student guidebook guidelines and procedures and decide which programs of study you wish to select. 2. Watch presentations on “How to register using the HEAC electronic admission system” available on the HEAC website. 3. You can submit your application (register) through HEAC website, SMS or mobile admission application. You may apply for up to 40 choices of programs for which you are eligible to competitively apply. Your 40 choices may include different programs in public and private HEIs, and external and internal scholarships and grants in the HEIs inside and outside the Sultanate. 4. All students must register and choose programs within the given period and they have to meet the registration deadline (01/06/2015) – regardless of the outcome of the first semester term exams. There will be no opportunity for students who re-sit the GCE examinations to register or change their program preferences after the results of the second round have been announced. 5. Students should verify their personal details (name, date of birth, Gender, National Civil Number, etc.). If there is any mistake, they should refer to the Directorate General of Educational Assessment at the Ministry of Education on the following numbers: ( 88255399 – 88339299-83535566-88258558 88938559- 83599229) 6. Social security students should verify their details as provided by the Ministry of Social Development and indicate the department or center from which they have obtained their Social Security Card. In case of discrepancy, they should contact the following numbers: (24604623-24694552) and inform the HEAC accordingly before 30th of July 2015. To contact the Social Development Offices in the governorates you may access the HEAC website to obtain their phone numbers. 7. All Social Security cases should be verified by the Ministry of Social Development to be eligible to compete on Social Security seats. 22 8. Complete the required details and make sure that you provide your phone numbers and e-mail which would enable the HEAC to contact you for seat offering. It is, therefore, necessary to provide us with your correct mobile phone number so that you can receive important messages from the HEAC such as an offer of a seat, scholarship, grant or a change in the admission requirements. It is always preferred that the mobile phone should be your own and is not used by any other person in order for you not to miss important information from the HEAC which may affect your future. If you are using another person’s mobile phone, then you should have full confidence that the person concerned will provide you with the exact information received in the mobile phone in due time. 9. The system will send a short text message to your mobile phone to inform you of any change or update in your personal data, for example: "phone number". 10. Higher Education Institutions and the Ministry of Higher Education (external scholarships) specify the minimum admission requirements for each program. You should, therefore, carefully read these requirements before competitively applying for a specific program. Hence, when you competitively apply for any program you should ensure that you satisfy the minimum entry requirements for that program. For example, if Biology is a part of the requirements of a particular program, you should use your common sense and refrain from applying to such program unless Biology was one of the subjects you took at school. Otherwise, you will lose one of your choices of the programs based on not satisfying one of the competitive conditions for that program, i.e. in this case because you did not take Biology as a subject at school. 11. You should rank your programs in order of preference. The Electronic Admission System aims to competitively select you for one of your preferred programs provided you meet the requirements and depending on the competition (other candidates) and available seats. Avoid selecting programs based on your expected exam results only. Also, avoid guessing and assumption and do not pay attention to rumors. Our advice to you is to keep in touch with the Career Guidance Specialist at your school or region or contact the HEAC if you have any doubt or query. 12. Students are advised to apply for the maximum number of preferred programs for which they are eligible, and not just for programs with high requirements in order to have more chances of receiving a seat offer. 13. You should communicate with the HEAC if you are not able to apply for at least the minimum number of (12) programs in order to reduce the required minimum number of programs. 14. Some programs require the applicant to have an IELTS or TOEFL certificate especially for those who wish to competitively apply for the external scholarship programs. 23 15. You can competitively apply for the program you prefer the most, even if you think you might not get the required grades during the final exam. You do not have to worry in such a situation because the system is flexible; meaning that even if you cannot be competitively selected for your preferred program then you will automatically compete for your next preferred option (based on your list of ranked preferences) provided you meet the minimum requirements. 16. We advise you to select your programs based on your preference. There is a common mistake whereby many students rank their preferences based on their expected final examination results. For example, some students may hope to study Medicine, but feel they would not qualify. They might, therefore, put Medicine as their fifth preference and another subject as their first. However, you may get the grades required to study Medicine, but by then, it would be too late to do anything if you have already been offered a scholarship, seat or grant in one of your first 4 preferences, and you will not be offered a lower preference (which in this case would be Medicine). 24 Steps must be followed before starting registration 4 Steps which must follow before starting registration in the electronic admission system. Figure 4 1. Read the students handbook carefully 2. Look for additional information about the programs you choose 3. You can see a video on how to register through the link" Student Services “on the Center's Website 25 4. Arrange your programs in order of preference and consult your parents Figure 5 Steps which must be followed during registering in the system: 1. Register in HEAC 8. Log in again into the system before logging off to make sure your registration is correct. 7. Make sure you rank your choices in order of preference admission system during the period from 01/4 to 01/6/2014 8 Steps you must follow in the electronic admission system at the stage of registration 2- Click on "new register "on "Undergraduate" Square 3. Select what applies to you if you are one of the students studying inside or outside the sultanate. 6. Enter your choice of academic programs in the electronic form. 5. Keep the "password" 26 4. Make sure your personal information is correct and if there is an error, please contact the "Educational Evaluation Department" at the Ministry of Education. First Step: Ordering your program preferences: 1. In what order do you arrange your program in the order of preference? Programs of study should be placed based on the order of your preferences, the highest preference first and so on. The HEAC system has been designed to give you the best of the program preferences for which you are eligible. Experiences from previous years indicate that most students prefer the following order for higher education institutions: List of public programs (Figure 6) 40 choices Public HEIs in the Sultanate, external scholarships and full grants Internal scholarships with paid tuition fees only for both genders (Bachelor) Internal scholarships with paid tuition fees only for female students (Bachelor) Full internal scholarships for Social Welfare students in private HEIs (Diploma) Or internal scholarships for low-income students in private HEIs (Diploma) Partial grants (outside Oman) Vocational Training and Fishermen Training Institutes 27 The following table is an illustrative example. It contains the first ten options of choices entered by ‘Khalid’ and are arranged in order of preference, and the programs for which he is eligible. The data mentioned in the table is hypothetical. Khalid was excluded from these choices as he got a better offer Khalid’s score in his subjects as per program conditions Program Codes Specialization Type of program 1 LA020 Medicine Government program 50 99.6* 96.3 2 YG004 Engineering Full external scholarship 100 94.6 95.4 **Not accepted accepted 3 4 5 6 RC105 ML067 TF125 CL019 Management Engineering Management Engineering General internal grant Full external scholarship General internal grant Full external scholarship 80 80 50 40 97.2 98.3 93.2 87.6 92.3 96.3 93.9 95.2 - 7 RT032 Trade General internal scholarship 30 89.8 96.3 - 8 ND002 Trade Full external grant 30 83.4 96.3 - 9 10 KC602 CD193 Educational Trade Government program Partial external grant 50 50 77.5 97.4 96.3 94.0 - choice Khalid Choice Minimum "competitive score " accepted for the program Number of seats available in each program Khalid’s status in each program (Table 3) * The minimum competitive average score is obtained by the student who is in the 50th place in the list of students who are eligible for this program. ** Not accepted: means that Khalid’s score "96.3" is (too low); i.e. it is lower than the score "99.6" of the last applicant ( n r 5 0 ) who is offered a place in this program, therefore, Khalid will be in the waiting list for this program. - From the above table, it is obvious that there are 100 seats available for the second program (YG004) and 50 seats for the fifth program (TF125) and so on. - The program (YG004) comes in the second place in Khalid list of programs preferences; he will be offered this program (YG004). All the programs that were ranked lower than his second choice will be deleted as the system has given him the best option he is entitled to in his list of programs preferences. It is not expected from Khalid to demand a program that is lower in his list of program preferences (TF125). Khalid's "competitive average" 28 in his first choice (LA020) is lower than the last student accepted in this program; therefore, Khalid will be in the waiting list for this program. In case of vacancy in this program latter on and Khalid is on the top of the waiting list, he will be offered this program (LA020) in the second allocation. (Table 4) In the case of the withdrawal of (5) students from this program (LA020) Khalid will be within students who will be offered (LA020) in the second allocation, and if we assume that he has already accepted program (YG004), it is up to him, now to stay in this program or to accept the second offer and in latter case, someone else on the waiting list of the program (YG004) will be offered the seat. Option Khalid is in the waiting list for this program 1 Program code Specialization LA020 Medical Type of program The specific number of seats in each program The lowest competitive score" was accepted into the program "Competitive score" of Khalid According to his subjects grades for this program Government program 50 99.6* 96.3 Order Khalid on the waiting list 5 As an illustrative example, the following table shows how the electronic admission system compares between applicants. It contains a list of five programs for 4 students (Nasser, Fatima, Ahmed, Aliaa). Each has different preference of programs. Nasser has (LA001) as a first choice in his list because his dream is to study this despline. Fatima has the same program (LA001) as third choice, because she wishes to study (ML067) most and if she is not offered this program, her second best preference is (YG004) and if she is not offered this either , then she prefers (LA001) as a third best. It is the same case with Ahmed and Aliaa, the programs are arranged in the order of preference. 29 (Data contained in the hypothetical tables for illustrative purposes only): (Table 5) Student NO.CHOICE Nasser Program Fatima Ahmed Aliaa Competitive score Competitive score program Competitive score of program program of student of student student 1 LA001 85 ML067 87 RC105 92 2 YG004 97 YG004 99 LA001 90 3 RC105 90 LA001 80 TF125 81 4 ML067 88 TF125 82 ML067 85 5 TF125 80 RC105 95 YG004 98 .. 40 30 Competitive score of student RC105 87 ML067 83 YG004 90 LA001 78 TF125 90 The following table illustrates the applicants order in "order of merit" and the number of available seats in each program listed. (Table 6) Order of students in the program LA001 Order of students in the program ML067 Order of students in the programYG004 Order of students in the program TF125 Order of students in the program RC105 Number of seats available (2). Number of seats available (1). Number of seats available (4). Number of seats available (5). Number of seats available (1). Student name Competitive No. of Competitive No. of Competitive No. of Competitive No. of Competitive No. of Student Student Student Student score of student's score of student's score of student's score of student's score of student t's name name name name student choice student choice student choice student choice student choice Ahmed* 90 2 Nasser* 88 4 Fatima* 99 2 Aliaa* 92 5 Fatima* 95 5 Nasser* 85 1 Fatima 87 1 Ahmed* 98 5 Fatima* 82 4 Ahmed 92 1 Fatima 80 3 Ahmed 85 4 Nasser* 97 2 Ahmed* 81 3 Nasser 90 3 Aliaa 78 4 Aliaa 83 2 Aliaa* 90 3 Nasser* 80 5 Aliaa 87 1 * Students who may be accepted in the program according to number of seats. Since the system gives the student the best option, after the ordering of all applicants in the" order of merit". The result of allocation will be as follows: Sort: LA001 - available seats (2) Seat (1): Ahmed will be offered the first seat in (LA001) because he scored the highest competitive average Since this program is his second choice, he will be on the waiting list of his first choice (RC105) and the programs ranked lower than his first or second choice (LA001) will be deleted (ML067 ,YG004,TF125). Seat (2): -Nasser will be offered the second seat in the same program (LA001) because he is the student who follows Ahmed in the" competitive average" for this program. Since Nasser got his first choice, (Table 4) all the programs following his first choice would be cancelled: (ML067, YG004, TF125, RC105). This means that Nasser will not be in any waiting list of any other program in other allocations because he got his first and best choice. Sort: ML067 - seats available (1): Seat (1):Due to the availability of only one seat in the program (ML067) and Nasser has been cancelled from its waiting list since he got his first choice, therefore , this seat will be offered to the next student in the list of "order of merit" .Therefore, Fatima will be offered the seat in this program (ML067) which is her first choice, and consequently, she would be cancelled in the list of "order of merit" in all programs ranked lower than that ( ML067, YG004, TF125, RC105) in other words, Fatima will not be in any waiting list as she got her first choice. 31 Allocation of program :( YG004)-available seats (4), and the program TF125-available seats (5) -Due to the availability of four seats in the program (YG004), and five seats in the program (TF125), (Nasser, Fatima, Ahmed) have been cancelled from their "order of merit lists” because they have been offered programs of a higher preference in their programs list. Aliaa will be offered her third choice (YG004), and since there is no student in the list of “order of merit” for the program (TF125), seats will remain vacant and will be announced to students in the next allocation. Sort: RC105-available seats (1) Seat (1): -Due to the availability of one seat only in the program (RC105) and Fatima has been cancelled from the" list of merit" in this program because she was offered her first choice, this program will be offered to the second student in the "list of merit". -Ahmed is still in the waiting list of this program as this program is his first choice; the system will offer Ahmed the program (RC105) in the next allocation, to replace his previous offer (LA001). -If Ahmed accepts the new offer (RC105), he will be immediately withdrawn from program (LA001) and the seat will be offered to the first student in the waiting list for this program. - Aliaa will remain in the waiting lists of the programs (RC105) and (LA001), which are her first and second choices. The higher education institutes can add more requirements for the applicants concerning the priority or eligibility of competing on an available seat. For instance, there are some programs related to health sciences for which seats are allocated according to student’s governorate. This means that eligibility for these programs will be only for students who live in that governorate as long as they fulfill the minimum requirements of these programs. On the other hand, programs that require Fine Arts or Physical Education, the eligibility of available seats may require exams and/or interviews set by the institution and the students eligible for these programs will be allocated on this basis. 32 Second: Making changes in program preferences: In July 2015, students will be given a chance to make changes in their program preferences selected during the first registration period (from 01/04/2015 until 01/06/2015). This will be the final chance for students to make any changes in their preferred programs before the first allocation round (final application). Students who re-sit the GCE examinations, and those students whose final results are issued later than July must make changes in their program preferences, if they wish to do so, in this period (July) because there will not be able to change after the results of the re-site the GCE examinations. Students must follow up with HEAC updates before they choose programs. All updates are published in the local newspapers, as well as, on the HEAC website. In case you forget or lose your password number, you can retrieve it by sending an (SMS) from you mobile number to (90190) by typing (R) followed by your Civil Number. You will receive an SMS message from HEAC providing you with your password. Students must validate their personal data, study subjects and exam results by entering the system using their user names and passwords. Students can see their eligible programs through "the eligible programs link”. When accessing the electronic form of your choice of programs, click on “save" before making any changes. This step allows you to see the programs that you are no longer eligible for according to your final exams. Therefore, you can replace the programs for which you are not eligible by new programs. Note that these programs will be marked by RED COLOR. In case there are some programs that appear in red and you do not delete them, you will not be able to save any changes. Therefore, delete programs which appear in red and after that save the changes. You may be offered one of the programs you have listed in your program preferences which consequently leads to excluding you from the rest of programs listed below the offered program seat (whether you confirmed the offer or not). Students holding certificates equivalent to General Education Diploma from outside Oman who do not upload the required documents: (copy of the transcript, civil card, and equivalence letter from the Ministry of Education) before deadline, will not be able to compete on seats and their registration will be considered invalid. 33 11 Steps that must be followed during the process of making changes in the program preferences (after the results of the General Education Diploma exams) : Figure 7 the link to access the electronic form 4- Click on the "save" button before making any changes in your choice of programs 3. Make sure your personal data and your final exam scores are correct 5. The system will show programs you are not eligible according to your exam score and subjects. 2. Access the system using the Civil ID (user number) and HEAC pin number 6. Delete the programs for which you are not eligible 7 - Select the announced programs which you want to add to the list of your programs 8. Add new choices of programs 9- Make sure you arrange your choice of programs in order of preference 34 10 - Click on "Save" the changes. Print your preferences, and click on "exit" 11. Repeat accessing the system before the end of changing preferences stage to make sure that your registration is correct Third: Offer of Seats Stage (first allocation): After students have made changes in their program preferences (=the final application), the seats, scholarships or grants are offered to students according to the "order of merit list", eligible students will be offered the highest choice he/she is entitled to according to his/her exam results, admission requirements and the number of seats allocated to that particular area of study. Each selected student will receive an SMS in his mobile phone (registered in HEAC system) at the day of releasing the results. The message will show the students’ (Civil ID number) and the code of the program for which they have been accepted. Please note that the HEAC is not responsible in case the student does not receive the message. Student has to access the HEAC website to check for the program for which he/she has been accepted. You will be given a period of time to accept or decline the offer (you have to accept or register during the specified time). If the HEAC system does not receive your reply after 02.00pm (local time) on the last day based on the relevant deadline, you will lose your offered seat, scholarship or grant and it will automatically go to another student on the waiting list and you will have no right to claim the seat at any later time. If you do not timely confirm your acceptance of the scholarship, seat or grant (by submitting the required documents to the HEIs or the concerned MoHE department) the offer will go automatically to another eligible student on the waiting list. Make sure that you are aware of all the deadlines specified for completing procedures, if you fail to timely comply, you may lose the seat, scholarship or grant offered to you, and it will be transferred to another entitled and eligible student. After you have completed all the admission and registration procedures, you will receive a SMS informing you that you completed the procedures. Please wait for this confirmation or check your status in the admission system. If the student submitted all the required documents to the institution or concerned MoHE department before the given deadline, but the institution or department did not timely complete his or her online registration procedures, the student will lose his/her right to get the offered seat. 35 Student can view his/her position in the allocation report through the link "student allocation report" in the HEAC system. (An example is given below). (Figure 8) 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 1. Type of program chosen. 2. Order of the program in your list of programs. 8. Eligibility (Yes or No). 3. Allocation number (1, 2). 9. Your "competitive score" in the program. 4. Program code. 10. 5. Name of program The "competitive score" of last student offered a seat in the program. 6. Name of institute offering this program. 11. Your order in the waiting list. 7. Program finance type. 36 9 10 Complete the registration procedures in the institute in which you are accepted, and make sure you submit the required documents during the specified time. 4 Steps you should follow in the offer of seats stage (first allocation): You can get the result of the allocation either through HEAC website or through receiving SMS message in your mobile phone. Confirm your acceptance of the seat through SMS service or HEAC website. When you complete all registration procedures in the institute, the system will send you a short message telling you that, you have successfully completed the procedure, so do not leave the institute before receiving that SMS message. Figure 9 37 Programs requiring interviews and/or admission tests If you are called for an interview or a test, this does not automatically mean that you will be offered the program. The admission offer will depend on whether you pass the test and/or the interview and is based on 3 factors: 1. The result of the interview or test. 2. Number of available seats. 3. Your order in the merit list for that program. 38 Allocation of programs which require interviews The second case The first case Student has been offered program (B) which does not require an interview or test and at same time he is a candidate for test or interview in another program th (A) the 4 choice. Student is a candidate for an interview and/or test in program (A) and has no previous offer in any program Student goes the institution for the interview or test for program (A) Fails Sets for an interview Fails Remains on offer (B) Passes Get an offer Accepts the seat and completes the registration procedures Accepts offer and completes the registration procedures of program (B) NO seat offered and student remains in the waiting list for program (A) Passes Offered a seat Not offered a seat and remains in the waiting list of program (A) Accepts offer (A) Rejects offer (A) Withdraw from the previous offer (B) Remains in offer (B) Complete registration of the new offer Figure 10 39 Confirmation of offer and registration process If you wish to accept an offer of a seat, scholarship or grant, you should follow one of the following two steps: 1. You may accept an offer online through the website of the Higher Education Admission Centre at 2. You may also accept an offer by sending an SMS message to 90190 containing the letter A and your HEAC number. You would then receive a text message, confirming that your acceptance has been recorded. That message would provide for the following: “your acceptance of the offer is successful”. If you do not receive such message within half an hour, then you must access the HEAC’s website to check if the admission offer is valid. Notes: If you do not accept the offer before the deadline you will lose your offer. If you are a social security student and have obtained a full internal scholarship you must upload your bank account through the Personal details Link on the electronic admission system. Dear students: Bear in mind the following points: You will be offered a program based on academic merit (and competition), hence, please make sure you put the programs in an order of preference because when you are offered a seat, scholarship or grant in one of the programs you included in your list of preferences, the other options you selected below that program will be excluded and withdrawn (see Figure 11). Once you receive an offer of a program you listed in your list of preferences, you will be excluded from the other choices below this program offer (whether you confirm the offer or not). See the following example: 40 SQ050 1 SQ001 2 ER001 3 SC001 4 IS010 5 TC010 6 ... IH010 Student is in the waiting list of these programs The program in which the student is accepted These programs will be withdrawn from the waiting list ... 40 (Figure11) * In case there are some available vacancies, you might be entitled to a place in one of your programs which is higher in your list of preferences in the later allocation. However, it is important that you realize that you may not be considered for a place in any of your higher preferences. You must, therefore, look at any offer made to you as being the last chance that you may get. * If you do not respond to the offer made to you properly and within the specified timeline, you may lose the offer. You are, therefore, advised to follow up announcements and latest developments on the HEAC’s website during the months of July and August this year which is the period when admission offers are usually announced. 41 *When re-sit students and holders of international qualifications and other certificates enter into competition, the order of the previous students on the waiting list may change based on the results of those students. If you receive more than one offer in various allocation stages (due to other applicants not accepting a particular offer), you may accept offer successively. However, the acceptance of any offer shall immediately and automatically c a n c e l a n y preceding program acceptance and only one acceptance eventually remains. *The validity of any offer expires if the HEAC does not receive confirmation of your offer acceptance within the specified timeline and if you have not completed the registration procedures at the institution where you were accepted. In this way, you would have relinquished the offer made to you, and the offer will be transferred to the first applicant in the waiting list. * HEAC may, after the results of each allocation, study the application request that is received in writing reclaiming a program which was withdrawn from the applicant because he did not accept the offer, or failed to complete the registration procedures in the institution in the specified periods. The request will be studied if all of the following conditions are satisfied: Availability of vacant seats in that program. Institution does not approve the transferring of vacant seats in that program to another program There are no students in the "waiting list" of that program, or there is “a waiting list”, however, the institution decided to accept student who applied to retrieve their seats. The student is not registered in any public or private institution. Documents It is recommended that student should have the following documents when registering at the higher education institutions: 1. General Education Diploma or its equivalent. 2. A copy of the civil card or passport. 3. Recent photographs. 4. Students who are accepted in Low Income Internal Scholarships should present a proof that they belong to this category. *Any other documents that may be required by the institution. Documents confirming the status of the student as "low-income" should be submitted to the institute in which the student is accepted and not to HEAC. * Note: Higher Education Admission Centre does not receive from students any document required by the higher education institutions or the concerned MoHE department, such as the above mentioned documents. 42 Fourth: vacancies and new programs (second allocation) After offers have been made to all eligible applicants for a particular program, some seat may remain unfilled because some offers were not accepted or the number of available seats exceeds the number of eligible applicants. Also, new programs may subsequently arise, in these cases, such vacancies will be advertised on the website and through SMS messages that these seats are available to all students to apply for. You may apply for vacant seats through the admission system, whether you have registered in the system before or not .If you have not registered before, you can now register through HEAC. If you are one of those students who have already registered in the admission system, please follow the following steps: To modify your choices, you can add more programs to the first list of choices. The electronic admission system is designed so that you can increase the number of choices at this stage (the second allocation stage) to more than (40) choices. Choose from vacancies and new programs those to which you are eligible. Arrange the new programs before the one that was offered to you (if you have been offered a seat). Note that the system will not allow you to rearrange your previous choices. To enter your new chosen programs, you must press the (Insert) button where you want to insert the program in order of preference. Save your choices by pressing the button (save). Make sure you do not ignore any program code in red, you must be aware of the error and fix it, because the system will not be able to save changes you have made in case you do not delete it. Print your current page. . Note: To register during the second allocation, do not delete the programs that you have chosen during the first allocation. 43 The screen image below illustrates this: (Figure 12) If you are a student who had never apply before, follow these procedures: Register through the Higher Education Admission System. Select the programs to which you are eligible and you wish to study in the order of preference in your registration form. 44 Fifth: The release of second allocation results A student who is not offered a seat in the first allocation and offered a seat in the second allocation. Student offered a seat in the first allocation and he/she is offered another seat in the second allocation. Accepts the offer Accepts the offer Did not accept the offer Confirms the new offer Confirms the offer Does not accept the offer Stays in the waiting list of the programs arranged before the program he/she is offered Stays in the program being offered in the first allocation Withdraws his documents from the previous offer Goes to the Higher Education institute to complete registration procedures of the new offer Goes to the Higher Education institute to complete registration procedures of the offer 45 Figure (13) Notes 1- Students who have received offers in the first allocation have the right to compete in the second allocation. 2- A student who has obtained and accepted a new offer in the second allocation in another institution than the one during the first round has to withdraw his/her documents from the first institution or department and shall complete the registration procedures with the second institution or department. 3- Student being offered a new program during the second allocation round in the same institution as in the first round; shall go to the Admission and Registration Department in that institution or department and inform them about the new offer in order to complete the registration procedures for the new program. 4- HEAC may allocate the vacant seats (when available) after the second allocation to the students in the waiting list who did not obtain any offer yet. 5- In case there are new programs or vacant seats after the allocation rounds are completed, HEAC may – without announcing- contact any students eligible for a program, and who has not yet been accepted in any HEI, and who meets the requirements of that program according to the highest competitive scores. 6- Student who wishes to move to another HEI, or transfer from his allocated program to another one after finishing the first semester, he/she shall contact the institution or department concerned without referring to HEAC. 46 EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS INTERNATIONAL QUALIFICATION HOLDERS The content of this section (external scholarships, group A and B) has been researched and submitted to the Higher Education Admission Center (HEAC) by the External Scholarships Department and the Directorate-General for Scholarships in co-operation with its overseas representatives. Please note that the external scholarship eligibility criteria, in terms of required subjects and grades, are partly based on the admission requirements of the selected overseas Higher Education Institutions, as well as on the by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) developed competitive external scholarship criteria. While every effort has been made to ensure that the content of this part of the student handbook is accurate and up-to-date, changes might be periodically made. These changes will be incorporated in the online edition and will be announced in the media and uploaded to the Higher Education Admission Centre website. For specific questions about the areas of study and/or the external scholarship eligibility criteria, please write an email to 47 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITONS – EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS INTERNATIONAL QUALIFICATION HOLDERS IMPORTANT NOTICE: the following terms and conditions apply to International School leavers who want to competitively apply for an external scholarship. An external scholarship would enable them to pursue their higher studies at undergraduate level at selected overseas Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). - We divided the external scholarships into main categories/broader subject areas consisting of a number of specific courses (or programs/subjects/majors). The names of the specific courses may differ per Higher Education Institution or study destination; - These scholarships are competitive and awarded on the basis of academic merit and the HEAC electronic system will automatically nominate a number of the best candidates from the ranked list; - The scholarship eligibility criteria consists of a minimum required overall grade and a minimum grade in certain relevant subjects and your grades will be converted to percentages by the Higher Education Admissions Center (HEAC). Please note that the external scholarship criteria, in terms of required subjects and grades, are partly based on the admission requirements of selected Higher Education Institutions, as well as on the by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) developed competitive external scholarship criteria; - In order to competitively apply for a certain ‘code’ (usually consisting of a number of courses in a certain study destination), a candidate must meet the scholarship eligibility criteria (admission requirements) while sometimes additional entry requirements (such as additional tests, interviews or portfolio) as required by the selected Higher Education Institution(s) may apply – in this case, the Ministry of Higher Education cannot guarantee an acceptance by the University; - For Group A external scholarships, the Ministry aims to select ‘well-rounded’ and well-articulated students with a strong ‘multidisciplinary’ background; International Baccalaureate CERTIFICATE (instead of DIPLOMA) can only apply for Group B scholarships and GCE A level students need minimum 3 A-level passes in order to competitively apply for a group A scholarship - Group A Scholarship Recipients need to enroll in a HEI that is both recognized and recommended by the MoHE; what will be considered to be a recommended Higher Education Institution in each of the selected study destinations for Group A & Group B scholarship recipients is subject to approval by 48 the MoHE and our overseas representatives (Cultural Attaché Offices; Consulates-General or Consuls) in this particular destination as it has to concern both a recognized and recommended Higher Education Institution; for more information, please contact the external scholarship department; - Group B external scholarship recipients cannot independently select the Higher Education Institution (HEI) – the HEI will be selected by the Ministry of Higher Education; - The scholarship will cover the tuition fees, cost of health insurance, visa fees while the Ministry will pay a monthly allowance to cover basic living expenses. The Ministry will also provide an annual return ticket per academic year. As per the scholarship law, scholarship students will receive additional allowances to support their future extra-curricular activities. Group A & B scholarship recipients receive the same allowances. - Students who apply for a scholarship in New Zealand, Australia, the UK, Malta, The Netherlands or Poland will have to sit for an English proficiency test (including IELTS or TOEFL) in view of administrative and/or visa procedures and preferably before they sit for their final exams in order to facilitate the placement procedures and avoid serious delays. The Ministry of Higher Education will reimburse the costs of one English language proficiency test based on the original receipt for candidates competitively selected for a scholarship in any of these aforementioned study destinations; - Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialization or to move to another study destination - The scholarship covers the (normal) duration of the program of study which is subject to satisfactory academic progress and this will be monitored by the MoHE – the Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a scholarship in the absence of such satisfactory progress. - Applicants who have been competitive selected for a certain subject area may have to enter onto a foundation program/pathway. An applicant who managed to secure a scholarship to study a certain area of interest will have to enter onto a foundation program or pathway in order to be equipped with the right skills and knowledge that would qualify him or her to do a degree. Only upon successful completion of the Foundation Program before the relevant deadlines, students will be eligible to progress onto a specific area of study. Any applicant who is not able to successfully complete the foundation program might have to change the area of specialization and/or the University or, in some cases, even has to continue with his/her studies in the Sultanate of Oman. The decision will be made by the Cultural Attaché Office based on the final grade. - Scholarship students who take a semester or more off during an academic year and not enroll in courses are not entitled to receive an allowance, unless stated otherwise by the scholarship committee. 49 IMPORTANT SYNONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS The following applies to the eligibility criteria: ‘English’ can be ‘English’ or ‘English Language or Literature’ ‘Business’ can be ‘Business Studies’, ‘Business and Economics’ or ‘Business Management’ ‘Economics’ can be ‘Economics’ or ‘Economics and Business’ ‘Other Languages’ can be any language apart from English or Arabic ‘Design & Technology’ can be ‘D&T’ or ‘D&T’ Food Technology or ‘D&T’ Product Design or ‘Design Technology’ ‘Mathematics’ can be ‘Mathematics’ or ‘Further Mathematics’ but NOT ‘Mathematical Studies’ (treated as separate subject) ‘Arts’ can be ‘Art & Design’, ‘Dance’, ‘Music’, ‘Film’, ‘Theatre’, ‘Visual arts’, ‘Performing Arts & Drama’ or ‘Drama & Theatre Studies’ ‘Computer Science’ can be ‘Computer Science’ or ‘Computing’ or ‘Information Technology In A Global Society’ or ‘Applied Information and Communication Technology’ ‘Environmental Science’ can be ‘Environmental Management’ or ‘Environmental Systems And Societies’ ‘Physical Education’ can be ‘Physical Education’ or ‘Sports, Exercise and Health Science’ ‘Sociology’ is NOT equivalent to ‘Social Studies’ International Baccalaureate Diploma = IBD International Baccalaureate Certificate = IBC Advanced Placement = AP 50 EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS GROUP A ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/16 COLOUR CODING PER BROADER CATEGORY: HEALTH HEALTH STUDIES PROCESS & RESOURCE ENGINEERING BUILT ENVIRONMENT ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS EARTH AND/OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES PHYSICAL SCIENCES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS BUSINESS & FINANCE STUDIES TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS &/OR RELATED PROGRAMS SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES LANGUAGES 51 CATEGORY: HEALTH EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – MEDICINE CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA SE001 MEDICINE Study Destination: IRELAND Higher Education Institution: The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) CHEMISTRY + BIOLOGY + MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS SE002 SE003 MEDICINE Study destination: MALTA Higher Education Institution: the University of Malta MEDICINE Study Destination: BAHRAIN Higher Education Institution: Arab Gulf University *Selected candidates will have to meet additional (University) requirements including an interview SE004 MEDICINE Study Destination: NEW ZEALAND Higher Education Institution: the University of Higher Education Institution: Arab Gulf University Auckland IBD: 34 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in Chemistry and Biology and a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in Mathematics or Physics GCE AS/A LEVEL: minimum 3 A-level passes, including Chemistry and Biology at minimum grade A (AS) or B (A level) and Mathematics or Physics at minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) TIE BREAKER - Chemistry - Biology AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects *Selected candidates will have to meet additional (University) requirements including an interview SE005 OTHER INFORMATION MEDICINE* Study Destination: AUSTRALIA CHEMISTRY + MATHEMATICS + BIOLOGY OR PHYSICS Higher Education Institution: Monash University or Higher Educationanother Institution: HEI the University of *Selected candidates willAuckland have to meet additional (University) IBD: 36 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in all subjects GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade A The Ministry of Higher Education cannot guarantee an acceptance (AS) or B (A level) requirements including an ISAT test and an interview by a University. AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 52 - Chemistry - Math The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The MoHE reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation or to move to another study destination. Students competitively selected for a scholarship to New Zealand, UK, Malta or Australia will have to sit for an English proficiency test (IELTS) Scholarship Recipients who have been competitive selected for Medicine will have to meet additional (University) requirements which usually includes an interview and/or additional entrance tests. Hence, the MoHE cannot guarantee an acceptance by a University. Also, should a student competitively selected for this scholarship not be eligible to progress onto the Medicine program due to the competition, he/she will be offered a related course in the Health Category provided he/she meets the specific entry requirements of this particular program. 53 CATEGORY: HEALTH EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – MEDICINE CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER CHEMISTRY + BIOLOGY + MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS SE006 SE007 SE008 MEDICINE IBD: Study Destination: IRELAND 32 points, including Course: Medicine a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects Higher Education Institution: University College Cork GCE AS/A LEVEL: minimum 3 A-level passes, including a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) in all MEDICINE subjects Study Destination: IRELAND Course: Medicine AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all Higher Education Institution: University College subjects Dublin CHEMISTRY + BIOLOGY + MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS MEDICINE Study Destination: IRELAND Course: Medicine Higher Education Institution: National University of Ireland IBD: 34 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in Chemistry and Biology and a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in Mathematics or Physics GCE AS/A LEVEL: minimum 3 A-level passes, including Chemistry and Biology at minimum grade A (AS) or B (A level) and Mathematics or Physics at minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 54 OTHER INFORMATION - Chemistry - Biology The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation or to move to another study destination. Scholarship Recipients who have been competitive selected for Medicine will have to meet additional (University) requirements which usually includes an interview and/or additional entrance tests. Hence, the MoHE cannot guarantee an acceptance by a University. Also, should a student competitively selected for this scholarship not be eligible to progress onto the Medicine program due to the competition, he/she will be offered a related course in the Health Category provided he/she meets the specific entry requirements of this particular program. CATEGORY: HEALTH EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – MEDICINE CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION CHEMISTRY + BIOLOGY, MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS MEDICINE* Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM Course: Medicine Higher Education Institution: the University of St Andrews SE009 *Selected candidates will have to meet additional (University) requirements including an interview and an UKCAT test. The Ministry of Higher Education cannot guarantee an acceptance by a University. IBD: 36 points, including a minimum of 7 (SL) or 6 (HL) in Chemistry and a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in Biology, Mathematics or Physics GCE AS/A LEVEL: minimum 3 A-level passes, including Chemistry at minimum grade A (AS) or A (A level) and Biology, Mathematics or Physics at minimum grade A (AS) or B (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 55 -Chemistry - Biology, Mathematics or Physics The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of 55pecialization or to move to another study destination. Students competitively selected for a scholarship to the UK will have to sit for an English proficiency test (IELTS) Scholarship Recipients who have been competitive selected for Medicine will have to meet additional (University) requirements which usually includes an interview and/or additional entrance tests. Hence, the MoHE cannot guarantee an acceptance by a University. Also, should a student competitively selected for this scholarship not be eligible to progress onto the Medicine program due to the competition, he/she will be offered a related course in the Health Category provided he/she meets the specific entry requirements of this particular program. CATEGORY: HEALTH EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – DENTISTRY CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION CHEMISTRY + BIOLOGY + MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS SE011 DENTISTRY Study Destination: NEW ZEALAND Course: Dentistry Higher Education Institution: the University of Otago IBD: 34 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in Chemistry and Biology and a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in Mathematics or Physics GCE AS/A LEVEL: minimum 3 A-level passes, including Chemistry and Biology at minimum grade A (AS) or B (A level) and Mathematics or Physics at minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 56 Chemistry Biology The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of 56pecialization or to move to another study destination. Students competitively selected for a scholarship to New Zealand will have to sit for an English proficiency test (IELTS) Scholarship Recipients who have been competitive selected for Medicine will have to meet additional (University) requirements which usually includes an interview and/or additional entrance tests. Hence, the MoHE cannot guarantee an acceptance by a University. Also, should a student competitively selected for this scholarship not be eligible to progress onto the program due to the competition, he/she will be offered a related course in the Health Category provided he/she meets the specific entry requirements of this particular program. CATEGORY: HEALTH EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – OPTOMETRY CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE021 OPTOMETRY Study Destination: NEW ZEALAND Course: Optometry Higher Education Institution: the University of Auckland BIOLOGY + PHYSICS + CHEMISTRY OR MATHEMATICS IBD: 32 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 57 -Physics -Biology The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control This list of specific courses may still be subject to changes and availability. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to New Zealand have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) Scholarship Recipients who have been competitive selected for Medicine will have to meet additional (University) requirements which usually includes an interview and/or additional entrance tests. Hence, the MoHE cannot guarantee an acceptance by a University. Also, should a student competitively selected for this scholarship not be eligible to progress onto the program due to the competition, he/she will be offered a related course in the Health Category provided he/she meets the specific entry requirements of this particular program. CATEGORY: HEALTH EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A- BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE321 SE323 BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES* , BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Biomedical Sciences, Biomedical Engineering *Specialisation to be approved by MoHE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES*, BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Biomedical Sciences, Biomedical Engineering *Specialisation to be approved by MoHE BIOLOGY + CHEMISTRY + PHYSICS OR MATHEMATICS IBD: 32 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in Chemistry and Biology and a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in Mathematics or Physics GCE AS/A LEVEL: minimum 3 A-level passes, including Chemistry and Biology at minimum grade A (AS) or B (A level) and Mathematics or Physics at minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) BIOENGINEERING Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all SE322 (USA) subjects Courses: Biological Engineering, Biotechnology/Biomedical or Genetic Engineering 58 Chemistry Biology The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of 58pecialization (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Students competitively selected for a scholarship to the UK or Australia will have to sit for an English proficiency test (IELTS) CATEGORY: HEALTH STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A- PODIATRY, PROSTHETICS & ORTHOTICS CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS SE053 IBD: 32 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects PROSTHETICS & ORTHOTICS Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Prosthetics & Orthotics GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) Mathematics SE052 PODIATRY Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Podiatry PODIATRY Study Destination: NEW ZEALAND Physics AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects SE054 OTHER INFORMATION BIOLOGY + 1 FROM CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS IBD: 32 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects Biology GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) 1 from Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 59 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of 59specialization (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to UK and New Zealand have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: HEALTH STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS, MEDICAL PHYSICS CODE SE061 SE063 COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Medical Technology, Radiography/Medical Imaging OTHER INFORMATION MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Radiation therapy technology, Medical radiation, Medical imaging MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 32 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) SE064 TIE BREAKER MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS or MEDICAL AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects PHYSICS Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Medical/Diagnostic Imaging/Diagnostic Radiography, Medical Physics/Physics with Medical Physics 60 Physics Mathematics The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to Australia, UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: HEALTH STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A –NEUROSCIENCE OR PSYCHOLOGY CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL NEUROSCIENCE STUDIES OR PHYSICS + 1 FROM BIOLOGY SE065 Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR CHEMISTRY (USA) Mathematics or Course: Neuroscience IBD: 32 points, including Physics a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) SE066 NEUROSCIENCE Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Course: Neuroscience BSc PSYCHOLOGY Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Course: Psychology AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 2 FROM MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, PSYCHOLOGY, BIOLOGY OR CHEMISTRY SE067 Biology or Chemistry IBD: 32 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 61 2 from Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Biology, Chemistry The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to Australia, UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: PROCESS & RESOURCE ENGINEERING EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION PETROLEUM ENGINEERING SE071 Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Petroleum Engineering SE072 PETROLEUM ENGINEERING or OIL, GAS AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Petroleum Engineering; Oil, Gas and Energy Management MATHEMATICS + CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICS IBD: 32 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) Mathematics Chemistry or Physics AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects SE073 PETROLEUM ENGINEERING Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Petroleum Engineering 62 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to Australia, UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: PROCESS & RESOURCE ENGINEERING EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – CHEMICAL, MATERIALS, METTALURGICAL OR ENERGY ENGINEERING CODE SE091 SE092 COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION CHEMICAL, MATERIALS, METALLURGICAL OR ENERGY ENGINEERING Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Chemical Engineering; Materials Engineering; Metallurgical Engineering; (Renewable) Energy Engineering ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION MATHEMATICS + CHEMISTRY IBD: 32 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects CHEMICAL, MATERIALS OR ENERGY ENGINEERING GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) passes and all subjects at a minimum Courses: Chemical Engineering; Materials Engineering; Energy grade B (AS) or C (A level) Engineering AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects Mathematics Chemistry CHEMICAL, MATERIALS OR ENERGY ENGINEERING Study Destination: AUSTRALIA SE093 Courses: Chemical Engineering; Chemical & Materials Engineering; Materials Engineering; Renewable/Sustainable Energy Engineering 63 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to Australia, UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: BUILT ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A- CIVIL; ARCHITECTURAL; STRUCTURAL, CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING; CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT OR A RELATED PROGRAM CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION CIVIL, ARCHITECTURAL, CONSTRUCTION ENG OR A RELATED PROGRAM (see below) SE101 Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Architectural Engineering; Civil Engineering; Construction Engineering or Construction Management ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SeeMATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 32 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects CIVIL, ARCHITECTURAL, CONSTRUCTION, STRUCTURAL ENG OR A RELATED PROGRAM (see below) SE104 GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level Study destination: UNITED KINGDOM passes and all subjects at a minimum Courses: Civil Engineering; Construction Engineering; Construction grade B (AS) or C (A level) (Project) Management; Structural Engineering; Architectural Engineering; Architectural Technology AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects CIVIL, ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, CONSTRUCTION ENG OR A RELATED PROGRAM SE103 (see below) Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Architectural Engineering; Civil Engineering; Construction Engineering; Construction Management; Structural Engineering Mathematics Physics 64 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK or Australia have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: BUILT ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – ARCHITECTURE, URBAN PLANNING, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE OR LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE OR URBAN PLANNING Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM SE144 Courses: Architecture*, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture *Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) offering Architecture may require you to present an Art Portfolio and you may have to sit for an interview or MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS + provide them with a personal statement. 1 FROM ARTS, COMPUTER SCIENCE OR DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT OR URBAN PLANNING IBD: 32 points, including SE141 Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all Courses: Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape subjects Mathematics or Management Physics GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 Alevel passes and all subjects at a Arts minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE OR LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP Study destination: AUSTRALIA exams in all subjects Courses: Architectural Design*,Landscape Architecture, Landscape SE143 Management *Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) offering Architecture require you to present an Art Portfolio and you may have to sit for an interview or provide them with a personal statement. 65 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to NZ or the UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) offering Architecture may require you to present an Art Portfolio and you may have to sit for an interview or provide them with a personal statement. CATEGORY: BUILT ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A- SURVEYING CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION SURVEYING Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) SE151 Courses: Surveying; Quantity Surveying, Building Surveying, Property Management SE152 SE153 SURVEYING Study destination: NEW ZEALAND Course: Surveying SURVEYING Study destination: AUSTRALIA Course: Surveying ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR PHYSICS + 1 FROM BIOLOGY , CHEMISTRY, GEOLOGY/GEOGRAPHY OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Mathematics, Mathematical Studies Physics IBD: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects Biology , Chemistry, Geology/ GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level Geography or passes and all subjects at a minimum Environmental grade B (AS) or C (A level) Science AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 66 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to Australia, NZ or the UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, MECHATRONICS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, SOUND OR INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, INDUSTRIAL OR A RELATED PROGRAM (see below) SE131 Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Electrical Engineering; Electrical & Electronic Engineering ; Mechanical Engineering; Mechatronics; Industrial Engineering; Telecommunications; Sound Engineering; Fire Safety Engineering SE133 SE134 ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL OR A RELATED PROGRAM Study destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Courses: Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Study destination: SOUTH-KOREA Courses: Electrical or Mechanical Engineering Medium of Instruction: Korean ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) Mathematics Physics AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 67 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to New Zealand and UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: EARTH &/OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A - GEOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, WATER MANAGEMENT, SUSTAINABILITY, ENERGY STUDIES, GIS OR A RELATED PROGRAM CODE SE171 COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR PHYSICS + 2 FROM CHEMISTRY, Math or Math BIOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY/GEOLOGY Studies OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE EARTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (see below) Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Physics, IBD: 30 points, including Courses: Geology, Hydrogeology, Environmental Sciences, Water Chemistry, a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all Resource Management, Alternative Energy Studies, Sustainability Biology or subjects Studies Geography/ Geology GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES + 1 FROM PHYSICS OR CHEMISTRY + 1 FROM BIOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY/GEOLOGY OR Math or Math ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Studies IBD: 30 points, including EARTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (see below) SE172 Study destination: AUSTRALIA a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all Physics or Courses: Earth Science, Geosciences, Geology, Environmental Science, subjects Sustainability Chemistry GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 68 OTHER INFORMATION The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to Australia have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) SE173 EARTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (see below) Study destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Earth Sciences, Geology, Environmental Sciences, Sustainability 3 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY 2 from Math or OR GEOGRAPHY/GEOLOGY Math Studies, Physics, IBD: 30 points, including Chemistry, a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all Biology or subjects Geography/ Geology GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects SE162 SE163 GEOGRAPHY OR GIS Study destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Physical Geography, Geographical Information Systems/Science GEOGRAPHY OR GIS Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Physical Geography, Geographical Information Systems GEOGRAPHY OR GEOLOGY + MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS IBD: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects Math or Physics GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level Geography or passes and all subjects at a minimum Geology grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 69 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to Australia have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A- GEOPHYSICS, METEOROLOGY, GEOLOGICAL OR ENVIROMENTAL ENGINEERING CRITERIA ASTRONOMY ELIGIBILITY OR ASTROPHYSICS CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION SE193 ENVIRONMENTAL OR GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Courses: Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE191 SE192 METEOROLOGY OR GEOPHYSICS Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Courses: Meteorology, Geophysics GEOPHYSICS Study destination: AUSTRALIA Course: Geophysics MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 32 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) Mathematics Physics AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects SE181 ASTRONOMY OR ASTROPHYSICS Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Course: Astronomy, Astrophysics 70 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to Australia or the UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A –STATISTICS, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, BIOLOGY OR RELATED PROGRAMS CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE201 STATISTICS Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Course: Statistics MATHEMATICS + 1 FROM ENGLISH, STATISTICS, ECONOMICS OR ACCOUNTING IBD:. 32 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in Mathematics and 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all other subjects Mathematics English, Statistics, GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level Economics OR passes Accounting and Mathematics at a minimum grade A (AS) or B (A level) and all other subjects at grade B (AS) or C (A level) SE203 STATISTICS Study destination: UNITED KINGDOM Course: Statistics AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 71 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A –STATISTICS, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, BIOLOGY OR RELATED PROGRAMS CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS + ASTRONOMY OR ASTROPHYSICS BIOLOGY SE303 BIOLOGY OR A RELATED PROGRAM (see below) Study destination: UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Biology, Animal Science, Zoology, Marine Biology IBD: 30 points, including Biology a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all Mathematics subjects GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS + CHEMISTRY SE302 CHEMISTRY OR GEOCHEMISTRY Study destination: UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Chemistry, Geochemistry IBD: 30 points, including Mathematics a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects Chemistry GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS SE304 PHYSICS Study destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Courses: Physics IBD: 32 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all Mathematics subjects Physics GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 72 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS (see below) SE211 Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Network Security, Software Engineering ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION MATHEMATICS + 1 FROM COMPUTER SCIENCE, DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY, BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS (see below) IBD: 30 points, including - Mathematics Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all - 1 from subjects Courses: Computing, Computer Information Systems, Computer SE212 Computer Science, Information Technology; Software Engineering, Science, Design GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level Telecommunications/Network, Computer Networks Engineering, & Technology, passes and all subjects at a minimum Systems Engineering, Network Security, Forensic Computing/Computer grade B (AS) or C (A level) Statistics, Forensics, Business/Management Information Systems Biology, AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP Chemistry or exams in all subjects Physics SE214 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS Study Destination: SOUTH-KOREA Courses: Computer Science or IT Medium of Instruction: Korean 73 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: BUSINESS AND/OR FINANCE STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A- BUSINESS, FINANCE AND/OR RELATED COURSES CODE SE231 SE232 SE234 SE235 COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION BUSINESS &OR FINANCE STUDIES (see below) Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Accounting, Auditing, Actuarial Science, Business, Finance, Finance & Banking, Insurance & Risk Management, Management, Real Estate Management, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Marketing BUSINESS &OR FINANCE STUDIES (see below) Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Accounting, Actuarial Science, Auditing, Business, Banking, Business Enterprise, Finance/ Financial Management, Finance & Investment; Financial Services, Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing BUSINESS &OR FINANCE STUDIES (see below) Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Actuarial Studies, Accounting, Business, Banking, Commerce, Finance, Management, Marketing; Trade ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, ECONOMICS OR ACCOUNTING + 1 FROM ENGLISH, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR BUSINESS IBD: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects Mathematics, Economics or Accounting English or Business GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level or Mathematical passes and all subjects at a minimum Studies grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects BUSINESS &OR FINANCE STUDIES Study destination: SOUTH-KOREA Courses: Business, Finance Medium of Instruction: Korean 74 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS OR A RELATED PROGRAM EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A: TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT, LOGISTICS AND/OR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION SE312 LOGISTICS, TRANSPORT OR A RELATED PROGRAM (see below) Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Course: Transport (and Business) Management ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE311 SE313 LOGISTICS , TRANSPORT OR A RELATED PROGRAM (see below) Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Courses: Logistics Management, Logistics and/or Supply Chain Management MATHEMATICS + 1 FROM PHYSICS, ENGLISH, ECONOMICS OR BUSINESS IBD: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects - Math - 1 from English, GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level Physics, passes and all subjects at a minimum Business grade B (AS) or C (A level) or Economics AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects LOGISTICS, TRANSPORT OR A RELATED PROGRAM (see below) Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Logistics and/or Supply Chain Management 75 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: SOCIAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – ECONOMICS CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE241 SE243 ECONOMICS Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Course: Economics ECONOMICS Study destination: AUSTRALIA Course: Economics MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR ACCOUNTING + 1 FROM ENGLISH, ECONOMICS OR STATISTICS OR BUSINESS IBD: 30 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in Mathematical Studies or a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in Mathematics or - Mathematics or Mathematical Accounting Studies or and a minimum (5) SL or 4 (HL) in Accounting English, Economics or Statistics or Business - 1 from English GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level or Business passes and all subjects at a minimum or Economics or Statistics grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 76 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to Australia have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: SOCIAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A- LAW, SOCIOLOGY, CRIMINOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY (BSC) OR FORENSIC SCIENCE CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE251 LAW, SOCIOLOGY OR CRIMINOLOGY Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Law, Sociology, Criminology 1 FROM ENGLISH OR ARABIC OR ANOTHER LANGUAGE + 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES, BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, ACCOUNTING OR SOCIOLOGY OR LAW IBD: 30 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in English or Arabic or another language and a 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in all subjects SE252 LAW, SOCIOLOGY OR CRIMINOLOGY Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Common Law, Criminal Law, Business Law, Commercial Law or International Law, Criminology, Sociology GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade A (AS) or B (A level) in English or Arabic or language and grade B (AS) or C (A level) in all subjects AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 77 English or Arabic Mathematics, Mathematical Studies, Business, Economics, Accounting, Sociology or Law The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, NZ and Australia have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) 1 FROM ENGLISH OR ARABIC OR ANOTHER LANGUAGE + 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES, BUSINESS, ECONOMICS OR LAW SE253 COMMERCIAL LAW Study destination: NEW ZEALAND Courses: Commercial Law IBD: 30 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in English or Arabic and a 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in Mathematics, English or Mathematical Studies, Business or Arabic or another Economics or Law language GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade A (AS) or B (A level) in English or Arabic and grade B (AS) or C (A level) in Mathematics, Business, Economics or Law Mathematics, Mathematical Studies, Business, Economics, or Law AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR PHYSICS + 1 FROM BIOLOGY OR CHEMISTRY FORENSIC SCIENCE (BSc) Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Course: Forensic Science/Investigation* SE331 IBD: 30 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in Mathematical Studies or a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in Mathematics or Physics and a minimum (5) SL or 4 (HL) in Biology *This is a multi-disciplinary program, please note that Computer or Chemistry Forensics falls under IT and Biomedical Sciences with specialization in Forensics falls under Biomedical Sciences and NOT under this code GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade B (AS) or C (A level) AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 78 Mathematics or Mathematical Studies or Physics Biology or Chemistry The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) CATEGORY: LANGUAGES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP A – TRANSLATION & INTERPRETING CODE COURSE AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION ARABIC + ENGLISH SE172 TRANSLATION & INTERPRETING (ARABIC – ENGLISH) Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Course: Translation & Interpreting (Arabic – English) IBD: 30 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in all subjects GCE AS/A LEVEL:minimum 3 A-level passes and all subjects at a minimum grade A (AS) or B (A level) English Arabic AP: scores of 5 on minimum 4 AP exams in all subjects 79 The Higher Education Institution has to be both recommended and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE); The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control Please note that once a scholarship candidate has been competitively selected and has accepted a scholarship in a particular area of study and in a certain study destination, under no normal circumstances will this student be allowed to change the area of specialisation (especially if not in the same category) or to move to another study destination. Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK have to sit for an English proficiency test (preferably IELTS) Full External scholarships CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION Pure Mathematics or Mathematical Studies This scholarship is sponsored by Oman Experts Program The selected candidate should: Pass an exam and an interview; Pass IELTS exam (not less than 5.5) or TOEFL exam (not less than 550 points); the candidate will not be allowed to sit for the written exam and the interviews unless he/she provides the English exam certificate (IELTS or TOEFL). Pass the medical exam and be medically fit. Meet all terms and conditions of the (University) scholarship and it should be among the top 25 institutions teaching the major of study in that country. Student should be ready to travel abroad and adhere to the regulations of scholarships and offered programs in the program list, and sign a contract with the MoHE regarding his/her scholarship Should work for the Oman Government for at least two year for every year of studying in the program, and if she/he fails to do so, the student will have to reimburse all paid tuition fees and allowances. Based on an outstanding academic achievement at undergraduate level, the applicant MAY be considered to continue study for a graduate program. For more clarification, you can find the regulatory procedure of the Oman Expert Program on HEAC website: Subjects required for all qualifications: Pure Mathematics, Mathematical Studies, English Language, and Arabic Language. LE001 Law (males and females) IBD: 30 points out of 45, including a minimum of 5 in (SL) or 4 (HL) in Pure Mathematics or Mathematical Studies 6 in (SL) or 5 (HL) in Arabic language and English language GCE AS/A LEVEL: minimum (B) in Arabic Language and English Language. Minimum (C) in Pure Mathematics or Mathematical Studies in (A –AS Level) AP: scores of (4) points out of (5) in Arabic language and English language, minimum (3) points in Pure Mathematics or Mathematical Studies 80 EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS GROUP B ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/16 COLOUR CODING PER BROADER CATEGORY: HEALTH HEALTH STUDIES PROCESS & RESOURCE ENGINEERING BUILT ENVIRONMENT ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS EARTH AND/OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES PHYSICAL SCIENCES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR A RELATED PROGRAM TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS AND/OR A RELATED PROGRAM BUSINESS STUDIES SOCIAL SCIENCES EDUCATION MEDIA STUDIES ARTS & DESIGN TOURISM & HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT 81 IMPORTANT SYNONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS The following applies to the eligibility criteria: ‘English’ can be ‘English’ or ‘English Language or Literature’ or ‘English Language & Composition’ or ‘English Literature & Composition’ ‘Business’ can be ‘Business Studies’, ‘Business and Economics’ or ‘Business Management’ ‘Economics’ can be ‘Economics’ or ‘Economics and Business’ or ‘Microeconomics’ or ‘Macroeconomics’ ‘Other Languages’ can be any language apart from English or Arabic ‘Design & Technology’ can be ‘D&T’ or ‘D&T’ Food Technology or ‘D&T’ Product Design or ‘Design Technology’ ‘Mathematics’ can be ‘Mathematics’ or ‘Further Mathematics’ or ‘Algebra’ but NOT ‘Mathematical Studies’ (treated as separate subject) ‘Accounting’ can be ‘Statistics’ ‘Arts’ can be ‘Art & Design’, ‘Dance’, ‘Music’, ‘Film’, ‘Theatre’, ‘Visual arts’, ‘Performing Arts & Drama’ or ‘Drama & Theatre Studies’ or ‘Art History’ or ‘Music Theory’ or ‘Studio Art’ ‘Computer Science’ can be ‘Computer Science’ or ‘Computing’ or ‘Information Technology In A Global Society’ or ‘Applied Information and Communication Technology’ ‘Environmental Science’ can be ‘Environmental Management’ or ‘Environmental Systems And Societies’ ‘Physical Education’ can be ‘Physical Education’ or ‘Sports, Exercise and Health Science’ ‘Sociology’ is NOT equivalent to ‘Social Studies’ Politics can be ‘US Government & Politics’ International Baccalaureate Diploma = IBD International Baccalaureate Certificate = IBC Advanced Placement = AP 82 CATEGORY: HEALTH EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – ORAL HEALTH SCIENCES OR VETERINARY MEDICINE & SCIENCE CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE750 SE460 ORAL HEALTH SCIENCES Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Dental Hygiene & Dental Therapy, Oral and Dental Health Sciences VETERINARY MEDICINE AND/OR SCIENCE Study Destination: JORDAN Course: Veterinary Medicine and/or Science Higher Education Institution: Jordan University of Science & Technology BIOLOGY + CHEMISTRY + MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS IBD: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 32 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 3 Alevel passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of minimum 4 in the required subjects Biology Chemistry 83 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: HEALTH STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY, RESPIRATORY THERAPY, SPORT REHABILITATION, PHYSIOTHERAPY CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE400 SE401 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY OR SPEECH & LANGUAGE THERAPY Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Occupational Therapy, Speech/Communication Disorders 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES + 1 FROM BIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY, CHEMISTRY IBD: 26 points, including a minimum Mathematics or of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required Mathematical subjects Studies or IBC: 28 points, including a minimum Physics of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Biology, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 APsychology, level passes, including the required Chemistry subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) OCCUPATIONAL OR SPEECH THERAPY AP: scores of 3 or above in required Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) subjects Courses: Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy 84 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: HEALTH STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY, RESPIRATORY THERAPY, SPORT REHABILITATION, PHYSIOTHERAPY CODE SE404 SE402 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER BIOLOGY + 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Biology SPORT REHABILITATION OR PHYSIOTHERAPY IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Mathematics, subjects Courses: Sport Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy Physics or GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 AMathematical level passes, including the required Studies subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects BIOLOGY + CHEMISTRY + 1 FROM PHYSICS, MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects OCCUPATIONAL OR RESPIRATORY THERAPY IBC: 28 points, including a minimum Study Destination: INDIA of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required Courses: Occupational Therapy, Respiratory Therapy subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 Alevel passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 85 OTHER INFORMATION Biology Chemistry For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: HEALTH STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – PSYCHOLOGY, COUNSELLING CODE SE405 SE406 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION PSYCHOLOGY (BSc), COUNSELLING Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Psychology (BSc), Counselling (Mental Health) PSYCHOLOGY (BSc), COUNSELLING Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Psychology (BSc), Counselling (Mental Health) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER 2 FROM MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, BIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY OR CHEMISTRY IBD: 30 points, including a 2 from minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in Mathematics or required subjects Physics, Biology, IBC: 32 points, including a minimum Psychology, or of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required Chemistry subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 3 Alevel passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 4 in required subjects MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES + 1 FROM PHYSICS, BIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY OR Mathematics or CHEMISTRY Mathematical IBD: 30 points, including a Studies minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 32 points, including a minimum Physics, Biology, of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required Psychology, or subjects Chemistry GCE A/AS level: minimum 3 Alevel passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 4 in required subjects 86 OTHER INFORMATION For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: HEALTH STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – SOCIAL WORK (REHABILITATION) CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE407 2 FROM MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, BIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY OR CHEMISTRY IBD: 26 points, including a minimum 2 from of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required Mathematics or subjects HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE (REHABILITATION) IBC: 28 points, including a minimum Physics, Biology, Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required Psychology, or Courses: Health & Social Care/Work (Rehabilitation) subjects Chemistry GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 Alevel passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 87 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: HEALTH STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – SOCIAL WORK (REHABILITATION) CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE403 SOCIAL WORK Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Social Work 2 FROM MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, BIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY OR CHEMISTRY IBD: 28 points, including a minimum 2 from of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required Mathematics or subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum Physics, Biology, of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required Psychology, or subjects Chemistry GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 Alevel passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 88 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: HEALTH STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B - SPEECH & LANGUAGE THERAPY, DIETETICS, AUDIOLOGY CODE SE410 SE421 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION AUDIOLOGY OR SPEECH & LANGUAGE THERAPY Study Destination: INDIA Courses: Audiology, Speech Language Pathology DIETETICS (BSc) Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Dietetics (not combined with Nutrition) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR BIOLOGY + CHEMISTRY + PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Chemistry IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required Physics subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 Alevel passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR PHYSICS + BIOLOGY + CHEMISTRY IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 Alevel passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 89 OTHER INFORMATION Biology Chemistry For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: HEALTH STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B - PARAMEDIC SCIENCE, AUDIOLOGY CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE411 SE412 1 FROM MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS + 1 FROM BIOLOGY AUDIOLOGY OR CHEMISTRY Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) IBD: 26 points, including a minimum Courses: Audiology of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum Mathematics or of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required Physics subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 ABiology or level passes, including the required Chemistry subjects at minimum grade C (AS) and grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects PARAMEDIC SCIENCE Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Paramedic Science 90 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: HEALTH STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS CODE SE430 SE440 SE441 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGY OR CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNOLOGY Study Destination: INDIA Courses: Cardiovascular Technology, Nuclear Medicine Technology OTHER INFORMATION MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required MEDICAL IMAGING/RADIOTHERAPY Study Destination: INDIA subjects Courses: Medical Radiotherapy, Imaging Technology IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 3 Alevel passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 4 in required subjects DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Course: Diagnostic Radiography/Imaging Mathematics Physics 91 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: PROCESS & RESOURCE ENGINEERING EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CODE SE471 SE470 SE473 SE472 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION PETROLEUM ENGINEERING Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Course: Petroleum Engineering PETROLEUM ENGINEERING Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Course: Petroleum Engineering PETROLEUM ENGINEERING Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Petroleum Engineering, Oil, Gas and Energy Management PETROLEUM ENGINEERING Study Destination: AUSTRIA* Course: Petroleum Engineering Medium of Instruction: German ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER MATHEMATICS + CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required Mathematics subjects MATHEMATICS + CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Physics or Chemistry OTHER INFORMATION *Only candidates who graduated from a school based in the Sultanate are eligible to apply for this scholarship 92 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: PROCESS & RESOURCE ENGINEERING CODE SE482 SE480 SE481 SE483 EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – CHEMICAL OR ENERGY ENGINEERING COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION CHEMICAL OR ENERGY ENGINEERING Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Chemical Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering CHEMICAL OR ENERGY ENGINEERING Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Chemical Engineering, Energy Engineering CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Course: Chemical Engineering CHEMICAL OR ENERGY ENGINEERING Study Destination: AUSTRIA* Courses: Chemical Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA MATHEMATICS + CHEMISTRY IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects MATHEMATICS + CHEMISTRY IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION Mathematics Chemistry Medium of Instruction: German *Only candidates who graduated from a school based in the Sultanate are eligible to apply for this scholarship 93 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: PROCESS & RESOURCE ENGINEERING EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – MATERIALS OR MINING ENGINEERING CODE SE490 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION MATERIALS OR MINING ENGINEERING Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Materials Engineering, Mining Engineering ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER MATHEMATICS + CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects OTHER INFORMATION SE491 SE492 MATERIALS ENGINEERING Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Course: Materials Engineering MATERIALS OR MINING ENGINEERING Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Courses: Mining Engineering, Materials Engineering Mathematics MATHEMATICS + CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Physics or Chemistry 94 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: BUILT ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – CIVIL ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL OR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CODE SE500 SE502 SE501 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION CIVIL ENGINEERING OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Civil Engineering, Construction Management CIVIL, ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Study destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Architectural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Construction Management CIVIL, ARCHITECTURAL, CONSTRUCTION OR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Study destination: THE UNITED STATES Courses: Architectural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering, Construction Management ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION Mathematics Physics MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 95 Pure Math Physics For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria SE510 BUILT ENVIRONMENT (see below) Study Destination: MALTA Course: Built Environment (combines Architecture with Structural/Civil Engineering) Medium of Instruction: English MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Mathematics Physics 96 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: BUILT ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – CIVIL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CODE SE504 SE503 SE505 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION CIVIL OR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Study destination: IRELAND Courses: Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Construction Management MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level CIVIL ENGINEERING passes, including the required subjects at Study Destination: AUSTRIA* minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A Course: Civil Engineering level) Medium of Instruction: German AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects *Only candidates who graduated from a school based in the Sultanate are eligible to apply for this scholarship CIVIL ENGINEERING Study Destination: POLAND Course: Civil Engineering Mathematics Physics SE506 CIVIL ENGINEERING Study Destination: GERMANY Course: Civil Engineering Medium of Instruction: German 97 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: BUILT ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, URBAN PLANNING CODE SE540 SE541 SE544 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS + 1 FROM ARTS, DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE OR URBAN PLANNING TECHNOLOGY OR COMPUTER Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) SCIENCE Courses: Architecture*, Urban Planning IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects * Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) offering Architecture may require you to present an Art Portfolio and they may ask IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects for a personal statement and/or to sit for an interview GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at Mathematics or minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A Physics ARCHITECTURE OR URBAN PLANNING level) Study destination: GERMANY Arts, Design & AP: scores of 3 or above Courses: Architecture, Urban Planning Technology or Computer MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS + 1 Science FROM ARTS, DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY OR COMPUTER SCIENCE ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE OR IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Study destination: AUSTRALIA IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Courses: Architecture/Architectural Design, Landscape GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Architecture, Landscape Management passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above OTHER INFORMATION 98 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by CATEGORY: BUILT ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, URBAN PLANNING CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE542 SE543 1 FROM MATHEMATICS OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE PHYSICS + 1 FROM ARTS, DESIGN MANAGEMENT OR URBAN PLANNING Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) & TECHNOLOGY OR COMPUTER SCIENCE Courses: Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 Landscape Management Mathematics or (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Physics IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Arts, Design & GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Technology or passes, including the required subjects at Computer minimum grade C (AS) Science or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects ARCHITECTURE Study destination: IRELAND Courses: Architecture 99 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: BUILT ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – SURVEYING CODE SE551 SE550 SE552 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, BREAKER SURVEYING MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR Study destination: IRELAND PHYSICS + 1 FROM BIOLOGY, Courses: Quantity Surveying, Geomatics (Surveying & Mapping), CHEMISTRY, GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY OR Facility Management ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Mathematics, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level SURVEYING Mathematical Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) passes, including the required subjects Studies or Courses: Surveying, Building Surveying, Property Management, at minimum grade C (AS) Physics Quantity Surveying or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required Biology, subjects Chemistry, Geography/ 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, Geology or MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR Environmental PHYSICS + 1 FROM BIOLOGY, Science CHEMISTRY, GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE IBD: 28 points, including a minimum SURVEYING of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Study destination: AUSTRALIA IBC: 30 points, including a minimum Course: Surveying of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 100 OTHER INFORMATION For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: BUILT ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – SURVEYING CODE SE554 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION SE555 TIE BREAKER SURVEYING Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Course: Surveying FOR MALES ONLY SURVEYING Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Course: Surveying OTHER INFORMATION SURVEYING Study Destination: IRELAND Course: Surveying FOR MALES ONLY SE553 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR PHYSICS + 1 FROM BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY OR Mathematics, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Mathematical IBD: 28 points, including a minimum Studies or of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required Physics subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum Biology, of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required Chemistry, subjects Geography/ GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Geology or passes, including the required subjects Environmental at minimum grade B (AS) Science or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects FOR MALES ONLY - 101 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria Additional Requirements: Candidate must sit for an interview; The candidate must undergo a Military medical test CATEGORY: ENGINEERING EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED TECHNOLOGIES CODE SE520 SE521 SE522 SE523 SE524 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED TECHNOLOGIES (see below) Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Electrical and/or Electronic Engineering, Electrical and/or Telecommunications Engineering, Sound Engineering/Technology ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED TECHNOLOGIES Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA(USA) Courses: Electrical Engineering, Communications Engineering ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED TECHNOLOGIES Study Destination: MALTA Courses: Electrical & Electronic Engineering Higher Education Institution: the University of Malta Medium of Instruction: English ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED TECHNOLOGIES Study Destination: POLAND Courses: Electrical Engineering OTHER INFORMATION MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Mathematics Physics ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED TECHNOLOGIES Study Destination: IRELAND Courses: Electrical and/or Electronic Engineering 102 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: ENGINEERING EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED TECHNOLOGIES CODE SE525 SE527 SE528 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects TECHNOLOGIES GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Study Destination: THE NETHERLANDS passes, including the required subjects at Courses: Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A Engineering, Sound Engineering level) Medium of Instruction: English AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS TECHNOLOGIES IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 Study Destination: AUSTRIA* (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Courses: Electrical Engineering IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 Medium of Instruction: German (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level *Only candidates who graduated from a school based in the passes, including the required subjects at Sultanate are eligible to apply for this scholarship minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & RELATED level) TECHNOLOGIES AP: scores of 3 or above in required Study Destination: GERMANY Courses: Electrical Engineering subjects TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION Mathematics Physics Medium of Instruction: German SE526 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED TECHNOLOGIES Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 103 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: ENGINEERING EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND/OR RELATED TECHNOLOGIES CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE529 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & RELATED TECHNOLOGIES Study Destination: MALAYSIA Courses: Electrical Engineering/Electronics Medium of Instruction: English MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Mathematics Physics 104 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: ENGINEERING EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – MECHANICAL, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, MECHATRONICS CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE530 SE531 SE532 SE533 MECHANICAL, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING OR MECHATRONICS Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechatronics MECHANICAL OR INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Study Destination: MALTA Courses: Mechanical Engineering MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OR MECHATRONICS Study Destination: IRELAND Courses: Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Mathematics Physics 105 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: ENGINEERING EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, MECHATRONICS CODE SE534 SE535 SE536 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA MECHANICAL OR MECHATRONIC ENGINEERING Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION Mathematics MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Study Destination: AUSTRIA* Courses: Mechanical Engineering MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Medium of Instruction: German *Only candidates who graduated from a school based in the Sultanate IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects are eligible to apply for this scholarship GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required MECHANICAL ENGINEERING subjects Study Destination: MALAYSIA Courses: Mechanical Engineering 106 Physics For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY : EARTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – EARTH SCIENCES, GEOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE560 EARTH and/or ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (see below) Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Earth Sciences, Geosciences, Geology, Environmental Science MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES + 2 FROM BIOLOGY, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, GEOGRAPHY OR Mathematics or GEOLOGY OR Mathematical ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Studies IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum Biology, Physics, Chemistry, of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Geography or GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Geology or passes, including the required subjects Environmental at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C Science (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 107 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY : EARTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – EARTH SCIENCES, GEOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE561 EARTH and/or ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (see below) Study destination: UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Earth Sciences, Geology, Environmental Science 3 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES BIOLOGY, PHYSICS, 2 from CHEMISTRY, GEOGRAPHY OR Mathematics or GEOLOGY Mathematical IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Studies, Biology, IBC: 28 points, including a minimum Physics, of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Chemistry, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Geography or passes, including the required subjects Geology at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 108 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY : EARTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – DISASTER MANAGEMENT, EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION & PLANNING CODE SE562 SE563 SE564 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER 2 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES 2 from BIOLOGY, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, Mathematics or GEOGRAPHY OR GEOLOGY Mathematical IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Studies, Biology, DISASTER MANAGEMENT IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of Physics, Study destination: UNITED KINGDOM 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Chemistry, Courses: Disaster Management (related to environmental hazards) GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at Geography or Geology minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects EARTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (see below) Study destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Courses: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION & PLANNING Study destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Courses: Emergency Administration & Planning (related to environmental hazards) MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES + 2 Mathematics or FROM BIOLOGY, PHYSICS, Mathematical CHEMISTRY, GEOGRAPHY OR Studies GEOLOGY OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 1 from Biology, IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of Physics, 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Chemistry, IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of Geography, 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Geology or GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at Environmental minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A Science level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 109 OTHER INFORMATION For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY : EARTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CODE SE565 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Environmental Engineering ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Mathematics SE566 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Environmental Engineering MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Physics 110 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY : EARTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B –GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY CODE SE572 SE571 SE574 SE573 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS/SCIENCE Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Course: Geographical Information Science/Systems FOR MALES ONLY Additional Requirements: - Candidate must sit for an interview; - the candidate must undergo a Military medical test; GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS/SCIENCE OR PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY* Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Geographical Information Science/Systems, Physical Geography * No need for an interview; boys and girls may apply GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS/SCIENCE Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Course: Geographical Information Science/Systems FOR MALES ONLY Additional Requirements: - Candidate must sit for an interview; - the candidate must undergo a Military medical test; ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION GEOGRAPHY OR GEOLOGY + MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Geography or IBC: 30 points, including a minimum Geology of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Mathematics or passes, including the required subjects Physics at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS/SCIENCE* OR GEOGRAPHY Study destination: AUSTRALIA Course: Geographical Information Systems, Geography *No need for an interview; boys and girls may apply 111 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY : EARTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – GEOPHYSICS, METEOROLOGY OR GEOCHEMISTRY CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE580 SE581 SE583 GEOPHYSICS OR METEOROLOGY Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Courses: Geophysics, Meteorology GEOPHYSICS OR METEOROLOGY Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Geophysics, Meteorology GEOPHYSICS Study destination: AUSTRALIA Course: Geophysics MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Mathematics Physics SE760 GEOCHEMISTRY Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Course: Geochemistry MATHEMATICS + CHEMISTRY IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 112 Mathematics Chemistry For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY : EARTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – ASTRONOMY, ASTROPHYSICS CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE610 ASTRONOMY OR ASTROPHYSICS Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Astronomy, Astrophysics MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects SE611 Mathematics Physics ASTROPHYSICS Study destination: AUSTRALIA Course: Astrophysics 113 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: PHYSICAL SCIENCES CODE EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – STATISTICS COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE590 SE591 STATISTICS Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Course: Statistics STATISTICS Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Course: Statistics MATHEMATICS + 1 FROM ENGLISH, STATISTICS, ECONOMICS OR ACCOUNTING IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Mathematics English, Statistics, Economics or Accounting 114 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: PHYSICAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – BIOLOGY, ZOOLOGY, ANIMAL SCIENCE, MARINE BIOLOGY/SCIENCE CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE770 BIOLOGY + MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Biology IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of BIOLOGY* OR RELATED PROGRAMS (see below) Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Mathematics or Courses: Biology, Zoology, Animal Science, Marine GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Physics Science/Biology passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects SE771 BIOLOGY* OR RELATED PROGRAMS (see below) Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Biology, Zoology, Animal Science/Behavior BIOLOGY + MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS OR CHEMISTRY IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 115 Biology Chemistry For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B - COMPUTER SCIENCE, COMPUTER ENGINEERING, NETWORK SECURITY, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS, INFORMATION SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, I(C)T CODE SE620 SE621 SE623 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS (see below) Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Systems, Information Science INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS (see below) MATHEMATICS + 1 FROM Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) COMPUTER SCIENCE, DESIGN & Mathematics Courses: Computing/Computer Science, Information TECHNOLOGY, OR BIOLOGY, OR CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICS Technology, Computer Engineering, Management Information Computer IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 Systems, Software Engineering, Business Information Science, Design (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Systems/Technology, Network Security IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 & Technology, (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Physics, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Chemistry or passes, including the required subjects at Biology INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS (see below) Study Destination: IRELAND Courses: Computing, Computing in Systems & Networking, IT Management, Software Engineering OTHER INFORMATION minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 116 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE622 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS (see below) Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Information Technology, Computer Science, Information Science, Librarianship MATHEMATICS + 1 FROM COMPUTER SCIENCE, DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY, Mathematics OR BIOLOGY, OR CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICS Computer IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 Science, Design (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 & Technology, (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Physics, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, Chemistry or including the required subjects at minimum Biology grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 117 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B - COMPUTER SCIENCE, COMPUTER ENGINEERING, NETWORK SECURITY, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS, INFORMATION SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, I(C)T CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE624 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS (see below) Study Destination: THE NETHERLANDS Courses: Information and Communication Technology Medium of Instruction: English MATHEMATICS + 1 FROM COMPUTER SCIENCE, DESIGN & Mathematics TECHNOLOGY, BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICS Computer IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 Science, (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Design & GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Technology, passes, including the required subjects at Physics, minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) Chemistry or AP: scores of 3 or above in required Biology subjects 118 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B - COMPUTER SCIENCE, COMPUTER ENGINEERING, NETWORK SECURITY, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS, INFORMATION SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, I(C)T CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION SE625 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS (see below) Study Destination: MALAYSIA Course: Computer Science Medium of Instruction: English ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE626 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND/OR RELATED PROGRAMS (see below) Study Destination: BRUNEI Course: Computer Science Medium of Instruction: English MATHEMATICS + 1 FROM COMPUTER SCIENCE, DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY, BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICS Mathematics IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 Computer (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Science, Design IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 & Technology, (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Physics, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Chemistry or passes, including the required subjects at Biology minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 119 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS OR A RELATED PROGRAM EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS, SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT CODE SE642 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS, ENGLISH, BUSINESS OR ECONOMICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects LOGISTICS ENGINEERING GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Study Destination: THE NETHERLANDS passes, including the required subjects at Courses: Logistics Management Engineering, Logistics Engineering Medium of Instruction: English minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION Mathematics SE640 SE641 LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT OR LOGISTICS AND/OR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Logistics Management, Logistics and/or Supply Chain Management LOGISTICS AND/OR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT; TRANSPORT OPERATIONS & TECHNOLOGY Study Destination: IRELAND Courses: Logistics and/or Supply Chain Management (BSc), Transport Operations & Technology MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS, ENGLISH, BUSINESS OR ECONOMICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 120 Physics, English, Business or Economics For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria SE643 LOGISTICS AND/OR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Logistics and/or Supply Chain Management (part of Business & Management program) MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES + ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS: PHYSICS, ENGLISH, BUSINESS OR ECONOMICS Mathematics IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 or (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Mathematical IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 Studies (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Physics, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level English, passes, including the required subjects at Business or minimum grade B (AS) or Economics grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 121 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS OR A RELATED PROGRAM EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS, SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT, CIVIL & RAILWAY ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & RAILWAY ENGINEERING CODE SE644 SE645 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS, ENGLISH, BUSINESS OR ECONOMICS LOGISTICS AND/OR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Logistics and/or Supply Chain Management (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Mathematics IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 Physics, English, (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Business or GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS (see below) Economics passes, including the required subjects at Study Destination: GERMANY minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A Courses: Logistics, Transport Management/Studies, Transport level) Administration & Logistics, Logistics & Supply Chain Management AP: scores of 3 or above in required Medium of Instruction: German subjects OTHER INFORMATION SE646 CIVIL & RAILWAY ENGINEERING OR ELECTRICAL & RAILWAY ENGINEERING Study destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Civil & Railway Engineering, Electrical & Railway Engineering MATHEMATICS + PHYSICS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Mathematics Physics 122 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: BUSINESS STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – BUSINESS, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, COMMERCE, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OR A RELATED PROGRAM CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE632 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, ECONOMICS OR ACCOUNTING + 1 FROM ENGLISH, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR BUSINESS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects BUSINESS STUDIES (see below) IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 Study destination: AUSTRALIA (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Courses: Business, Commerce, Human Resource Management GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Mathematics, Economics or Accounting English, Mathematical Studies or Business 123 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria SE631 SE630 SE633 BUSINESS STUDIES (see below) Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Business, Business Management, Human Resource Management BUSINESS STUDIES (see below) Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Business, Business Administration, Human Resource Management BUSINESS STUDIES (see below) Study Destination: IRELAND Courses: Business, Business Management, Human Resource Management 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, ECONOMICS OR ACCOUNTING + 1 FROM ENGLISH, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR BUSINESS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Mathematics, Economics or Accounting English, Mathematical Studies or Business 124 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: BUSINESS STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B –COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE634 COMMERCE Study Destination: MALTA Courses: Commerce SE635 MANAGEMENT Study Destination: MALAYSIA Course: Management SE636 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Study Destination: BRUNEI Course: Business Administration 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, ECONOMICS OR ACCOUNTING + 1 FROM ENGLISH, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR BUSINESS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Mathematics, Economics or Accounting English, Mathematical Studies or Business 125 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: BUSINESS STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP/ENTERPRISE CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE654 SE651 SE653 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT STUDIES Study Destination: THE NETHERLANDS Courses: International Business and Management Studies Medium of Instruction: English INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP/ENTERPRISE Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Entrepreneurship/Enterprise, International Business INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Study Destination: IRELAND Courses: International Business 2 FROM MATHEMATICS, ECONOMICS, ACCOUNTING, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR BUSINESS IBD: 24 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 2 FROM MATHEMATICS, ECONOMICS, ACCOUNTING, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR BUSINESS IBD: 24 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 26 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 2 from Mathematics, Mathematical Studies, Accounting, Economics or Business 126 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria SE652 2 FROM MATHEMATICS, ECONOMICS, ACCOUNTING, 2 from MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR Mathematics, BUSINESS Mathematical IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 Studies, (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP Accounting, IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 Study destination: AUSTRALIA Economics or (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Courses: International Business, Entrepreneurship Business GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects SE650 FROM MATHEMATICS, ECONOMICS OR ACCOUNTING Mathematics, + 1 FROM ENGLISH, Accounting, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR Economics BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP IBD: 24 points, including a minimum of 4 Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 26 points, including a minimum of 5 (USA) Courses: International Business, Entrepreneurship (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects English, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Mathematical passes, including the required subjects at Studies, Business minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 127 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria 128 CATEGORY: BUSINESS STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – FINANCE AND/OR RELATED COURSES CODE SE661 SE660 SE662 SE663 SE664 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FINANCE AND/OR RELATED COURSES Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Actuarial Science, Accounting, Banking & Finance, Finance & Investment, Financial Service(s) (Banking, Investment, Insurance) TIE BREAKER 1 FROM MATHEMATICS OR ACCOUNTING + 1 FROM ENGLISH, ECONOMICS OR BUSINESS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 FINANCE AND/OR RELATED COURSES (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 Courses: Finance, Accounting, Insurance & Risk Management, (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Actuarial Science GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level FINANCE AND/OR RELATED COURSES passes, including the required subjects at Study destination: AUSTRALIA minimum grade B (AS) or Courses: Actuarial Studies, Finance, Accounting grade C (A level) FINANCE AND/OR RELATED COURSES AP: scores of 3 or above in required Mathematics or Study Destination: IRELAND subjects Accounting Courses: Accounting, Accounting & Finance, Finance & Investment English, Economics or 1 FROM MATHEMATICS OR Business ACCOUNTING FINANCE AND/OR RELATED COURSES Study Destination: THE NETHERLANDS Courses: Finance & Control Medium of Instruction: English + 1 FROM ENGLISH, ECONOMICS OR BUSINESS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 129 OTHER INFORMATION For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: BUSINESS STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – FINANCE AND/OR RELATED COURSES CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE665 SE666 FINANCE AND/OR RELATED COURSES Study Destination: MALAYSIA Courses: Accounting, Finance Medium of Instruction: English FINANCE AND/OR RELATED COURSES Study Destination: BRUNEI Course: Accounting & Finance Medium of Instruction: English 1 FROM MATHEMATICS OR ACCOUNTING + 1 FROM ENGLISH, ECONOMICS OR BUSINESS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 2 from Mathematics, Accounting, English, Economics or Business 130 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: BUSINESS STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – PUBLIC RELATIONS, ADVERTISING, MARKETING CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION SE740 MARKETING, ADVERTISING, PUBLIC RELATIONS Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing SE741 SE743 SE742 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 3 FROM MATHEMATICS, ECONOMICS, ACCOUNTING, ENGLISH, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR BUSINESS IBD: 24 points, including a minimum of 4 MARKETING, ADVERTISING, PUBLIC RELATIONS (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) IBC: 26 points, including a minimum of 5 Courses: Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level MARKETING, PUBLIC RELATIONS passes, including the required subjects at Study Destination: IRELAND minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A Courses: Marketing, Public Relations, Media & Public level) Relations AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects PUBLIC RELATIONS, MARKETING Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Marketing, Public Relations 3 FROM MATHEMATICS, ECONOMICS, ACCOUNTING, ENGLISH, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR BUSINESS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 131 TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION 2 from Mathematics, Mathematical Studies, Accounting, English, Economics or Business For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: SOCIAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – LAW, SOCIOLOGY, CRIMINOLOGY, PEACE & CONFLICT STUDIES CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE670 SE671 LAW, SOCIOLOGY, CRIMINOLOGY Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Law, Sociology, Criminology LAW, CRIMINOLOGY, PEACE & CONFLICT STUDIES, SOCIOLOGY Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Law, Peace & Conflict Studies (falls under International Relations), Criminology, Sociology 1 FROM ARABIC, ENGLISH OR ANOTHER LANGUAGE + 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES, BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, SOCIOLOGY, LAW OR ACCOUNTING IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in Arabic, English or another language plus 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in other required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in Arabic, English or another language plus 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in other required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade A (AS) or grade B (A level) in Arabic, English or another language plus B (AS) or C (A level) in other required subjects AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects English, Arabic or another Language Mathematics, Mathematical Studies, Business, Economics, Law, Accounting or Sociology 132 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: SOCIAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – FORENSIC SCIENCE * CODE SE603 SE602 SE600 SE601 *Computer Forensics falls under IT in group A , Biomedical Science (Forensics) falls underTIE Biomedical Sciences in group A COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION FORENSIC SCIENCE Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Courses: Criminal Justice FORENSIC SCIENCE Study Destination: IRELAND Course: Forensic Investigation & Analysis FORENSIC SCIENCE Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Course: Forensic (and Investigative) Science MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES + BIOLOGY OR CHEMISTRY IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects Mathematics, Physics or Mathematical Studies Biology or Chemistry FORENSIC SCIENCE Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Forensic Sciences 133 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: SOCIAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – ECONOMICS CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE680 SE681 SE682 SE683 ECONOMICS Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Economics ECONOMICS Study Destination: IRELAND Courses: Economics & Finance ECONOMICS Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Economics 1 FROM MATHEMATICS OR ACCOUNTING + 1 FROM ENGLISH, ECONOMICS OR BUSINESS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum Mathematics or of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Accounting IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects English, Economics GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level or Business passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects ECONOMICS Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Economics 134 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: SOCIAL SCIENCES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – PSYCHOLOGY (BA) CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE700 SE702 PSYCHOLOGY (BA) Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Psychology (BA) PSYCHOLOGY (BA) Study Destination: IRELAND Courses: Psychology (BA) 1 FROM ENGLISH, ARABIC OR ANOTHER LANGUAGE + 1 FROM BIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required English, Arabic or subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum another language of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required Biology, subjects Psychology, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Sociology passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 135 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: EDUCATION EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – SPECIAL (NEEDS) OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE710 SPECIAL (NEEDS) OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Courses: Special Education, Early Childhood Education SE711 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Study Destination: IRELAND Courses: Early Childhood Education/Studies SE712 SPECIAL NEEDS OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Courses: Special Needs Education, Early Childhood Education 1 FROM MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES + 1 FROM ENGLISH, PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY, ISLAMIC OR SOCIAL STUDIES IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of Mathematics, 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Mathematical IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of Studies 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level English, Psychology, passes, including the required subjects at Sociology, Islamic or Social Studies minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 136 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: EDUCATION EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY FOR TEACHING CODE SE713 SE714 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA PHYSICS FOR EDUCATION Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Course: Physics for Education or Teaching FOR MALES ONLY PHYSICS + MATHEMATICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects CHEMISTRY FOR EDUCATION Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Course: Chemistry with/for Education or Teaching FOR MALES ONLY CHEMISTRY + MATHEMATICS OR PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION Physics Mathematics Chemistry Mathematics or Physics 137 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: EDUCATION EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – MATHEMATICS, BIOLOGY FOR TEACHING CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE716 SE717 MATHEMATICS FOR EDUCATION Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Course: Mathematics with/for Education or Teaching FOR MALES ONLY MATHEMATICS FOR EDUCATION Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Course: Mathematics with/for Education or Teaching FOR FEMALES ONLY MATHEMATICS + 1 FROM ENGLISH, ECONOMICS, OR PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Mathematics IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects English, Economics GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level or Physics passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects SE715 BIOLOGY FOR EDUCATION Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Course: Biology with/for Education or Teaching FOR MALES ONLY BIOLOGY + MATHEMATICS, CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICS IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 138 Biology Mathematics For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: EDUCATION EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – ENGLISH FOR TEACHING CODE SE718 SE719 COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ENGLISH FOR EDUCATION Study Destination: THE UNITED KINGDOM Course: English for Teaching or Education FOR MALES ONLY ENGLISH FOR EDUCATION Study Destination: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Course: English for Teaching or Education FOR MALES ONLY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ENGLISH + 1 FROM PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY, MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in all other required subjects IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of (4) SL or 3 (HL) in other required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade A (AS) and B (A level) in English and B (AS) or grade C (A level) in other required subjects AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects TIE BREAKER English Psychology, Sociology, Mathematics or Mathematical Studies ENGLISH + MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES IBD: 28 points, including a minimum of 6 (SL) or 5 (HL) in English and 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in all other required subjects English IBC: 30 points, including a minimum of 7 (SL) or 6 (HL) in English and (4) SL or Mathematics or 3 (HL) in other required subjects Mathematical GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Studies passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade A (AS) and B (A level) in English and B (AS) or grade C (A level) in other required subjects AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects 139 OTHER INFORMATION For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: MEDIA STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – JOURNALISM, MEDIA, (MASS) COMMUNICATION STUDIES CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE720 MEDIA, COMMUNICATION, JOURNALISM Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Journalism, Media/Communication 3 FROM ENGLISH, ARABIC, ANOTHER LANGUAGE, BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY, 2 from English, POLITICS, LAW or ARTS IBD: 24 points, including a minimum of Arabic, another Language, 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Business, IBC: 26 points, including a minimum of Economics, 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects History, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Geography, passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A Geology, Politics, Law or Arts level) AP: scores of 3 or above 140 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria SE721 1 FROM ENGLISH, ARABIC OR ANOTHER LANGUAGE + 1 FROM MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES IBD: 24 points, including a minimum of English, Arabic, 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects another Language MEDIA, MASS COMMUNICATION STUDIES, IBC: 26 points, including a minimum of JOURNALISM Mathematics or 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Mathematical GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Courses: Journalism, (Mass) Communication Studies, Media Studies passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above in required subjects SE722 MEDIA, COMMUNICATION, JOURNALISM Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Journalism, Communication, Media 3 FROM ENGLISH, ARABIC, ANOTHER LANGUAGE, BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, 2 from English, HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, Arabic, another GEOLOGY, POLITICS, LAW or Language, ARTS Business, IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of Economics, 4 (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects History, IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of Geography, 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Geology, Politics, passes, including the required subjects at Law or Arts minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above 141 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: MEDIA STUDIES EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B –TV, FILM PRODUCTION, BROADCASTING, VISUAL EFFECTS, PRINT & DIGITAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGY CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE730 SE732 VIDEO, FILM PRODUCTION, PRINT &DIGITAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGY Study Destination: IRELAND Courses: Video & Film Production, Print & Digital Media Technology 1 FROM MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES +1 FROM COMPUTER SCIENCE, DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY OR Mathematics or ARTS IBD: 24 points, including a minimum of 4 Mathematical (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Studies IBC: 26 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Computer Science, passes, including the required subjects at Design & minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A Technology or Arts level) AP: scores of 3 or above on minimum 4 AP exams VISUAL EFFECTS OR TV & BROADCASTING Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Visual Effects, Television & Broadcasting 142 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria SE733 DIGITAL ARTS, TV & FILM Study destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Film & Television, Digital /Media Arts 1 FROM MATHEMATICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES +1 FROM COMPUTER SCIENCE, DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY OR ARTS IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 Mathematics or (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Mathematical IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 Studies (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level passes, including the required subjects at Computer Science, minimum grade B (AS) or Design & grade C (A level) Technology or Arts AP: scores of 3 or above on minimum 4 AP exams 143 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: ARTS & DESIGN EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – INTERIOR DESIGN/INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE, MUSEUM STUDIES CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE780 SE781 INTERIOR DESIGN/INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE* Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Interior Design/Interior Architecture 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS OR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES + Mathematics, *Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) offering Interior Design or 1 FROM ARTS OR DESIGN & Physics or Interior Architecture may require you to present an Art Portfolio TECHNOLOGY IBD: 24 points, including a minimum of 4 Mathematical and they may ask for a personal statement while you might have (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Studies to sit for an interview IBC: 26 points, including a minimum of 5 (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Design & INTERIOR DESIGN, MUSEUM STUDIES passes, including the required subjects at Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Technology or Arts minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A Courses: Interior Design, Museum Studies (focus on helping level) develop, conserve, and retrieve artifacts, exhibitions and (art) collections) AP: scores of 3 or above on minimum 4 AP exams SE782 INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE OR INTERIOR & FURNITURE DESIGN Study destination: IRELAND Courses: Interior Architecture, Interior & Furniture Design 144 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: TOURISM & HOSPITALITY EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – TOURISM, HOTEL, HOSPITALITY, EVENT MANAGEMENT CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE791 1 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES OR ACCOUNTING + 1 FROM BUSINESS, ENGLISH, ARABIC OR ANOTHER LANGUAGE + 1 FROM HISTORY, ARTS, SOCIAL Mathematics, STUDIES, ISLAMIC STUDIES OR Mathematical TRAVEL & TOURISM Studies or IBD: 24 points, including a minimum of 4 Accounting (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT IBC: 26 points, including a minimum of 5 Study Destination: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Business, English, (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects Courses: Hospitality/Event Management Arabic, another GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level Language passes, including the required subjects at minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above on minimum 4 AP exams 145 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria CATEGORY: TOURISM & HOSPITALITY EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS – GROUP B – TOURISM, HOTEL, HOSPITALITY, EVENT MANAGEMENT CODE COURSE(S) AND STUDY DESTINATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TIE BREAKER OTHER INFORMATION SE790 EVENT, HOSPITALITY OR TOURISM MANAGEMENT Study Destination: UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Courses: Events Management, Hospitality Management, Tourism Management 3 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES, BUSINESS, ACCOUNTING, ENGLISH, ARABIC, ANOTHER 2 from LANGUAGE OR TRAVEL & Mathematical TOURISM Studies, IBD: 24 points, including a minimum of 4 Mathematics, (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Business or IBC: 26 points, including a minimum of 5 Accounting, (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects English, Arabic, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level another Language or Travel & passes, including the required subjects at Tourism EVENT, HOSPITALITY OR TOURISM MANAGEMENT minimum grade C (AS) or grade D (A SE793 Study Destination: IRELAND level) Courses: Event Management, Tourism Management, Hospitality AP: scores of 3 or above on minimum 4 Management AP exams 146 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria SE792 HOSPITALITY OR TOURISM MANAGEMENT Study Destination: AUSTRALIA Courses: Tourism Management, Hospitality Management 3 FROM MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICAL STUDIES, BUSINESS, ACCOUNTING, ENGLISH, ARABIC, ANOTHER 2 from LANGUAGE OR TRAVEL & Mathematical TOURISM Studies, IBD: 26 points, including a minimum of 4 Mathematics, (SL) or 3 (HL) in required subjects Business or IBC: 28 points, including a minimum of 5 Accounting, (SL) or 4 (HL) in required subjects English, Arabic, GCE A/AS level: minimum 2 A-level another Language or Travel & passes, including the required subjects at Tourism minimum grade B (AS) or grade C (A level) AP: scores of 3 or above on minimum 4 AP exams 147 For group B scholarship recipients, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be selected by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education; The list of specific courses as printed in the HEAC guidebook may still be subject to changes and availability. The Oman Ministry of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel a course or make changes if obliged to by circumstances beyond its control; If there is more than one course or major listed under one code; the specific course will be selected after the candidate accepted his/her scholarship offer; The specific name of a (related) course may vary per HEI; Under no normal circumstances will a student be allowed to move to another study destination or to change the area of specialization, especially not if it concerns a course or major that does not fall in the same category as the original scholarship offer; Scholarship applicants who are competitively selected for an external scholarship to the UK, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland or Malta have to sit for an English proficiency test; Medium of instruction at selected HEIs: English, except for in Germany and Austria External Grants 148 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Website: Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Physics + Pure Math ) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE900 Science International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Country United Arab Emirates (Partial Scholarship) Average Total of Subjects required ( Physics + Pure Math)x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Pure Math Physics After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. Study will commence in the Spring Semester for Academic year 2014/2015 IELTS Score 5 TOEFEL 500 are required For Admission University will Provide the following : Accommodation Food Transportation Books Living Expenses will be the responsibility of the students Final Admission for the Faculty of Education will depend upon satisfactory completion of interviews after meeting the program prerequisite Note: Art and physical studies will not include in the formula of ranking. Average total of subject required 80% External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Prog. Code Program Name Website: Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( English language ) + ( 1 ) of the following subjects (Arabic Lang or Business or Social Studies or History ) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE901 Education Females only International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 5 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Country United Arab Emirates (Partial Scholarship) Study will commence in the Spring Semester for Academic year 2014/2015 Average Total of Subjects required ( English ) + ( 1 ) of the following subjects (Arabic Lang or Business or Social Studies or History)x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker English Language IELTS Score 5 TOEFEL 500 are required For Admission University will Provide the following : Accommodation Food Transportation Books Living Expenses will be the responsibility of the students Final Admission for the Faculty of Education will depend upon satisfactory completion of interviews after meeting the program prerequisite Note: Art and physical studies will not include in the formula of ranking. Average total of subject required 80% 2 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Prog. Code Program Name Website: Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math or Mathematic studies ) + (1) of the following subjects (Business or Economics or I.T. or Computer) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE902 Administration & Economics International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Country United Arab Emirates (Partial Scholarship) Average Total of Subjects required (Pure Math or Mathematic studies) +(1) the following subjects( Business or Economics or I.T. or Computer ) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Pure Math or Mathematic studies Business or Economics or I.T. or Computer Study will commence in the Spring Semester for Academic year 2014/2015 IELTS Score 5 TOEFEL 500 are required For Admission University will Provide the following : Accommodation Food Transportation Books Living Expenses will be the responsibility of the students Final Admission for the Faculty of Education will depend upon satisfactory completion of interviews after meeting the program prerequisite Note: Art and physical studies will not include in the formula of ranking. Average total of subject required 80% 3 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Prog. Code Program Name Website: Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math or Mathematic Studies + (1) of the following subjects (English language or Arabic Language or Business or Computer) SE903 Law G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Average Total of Subjects required (Pure Math or Mathematic studies) + (1) of the following subjects (English language or Arabic Language or Business or Computer) )x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Pure Math or Mathematic studies English language or Arabic Language or Business or Computer Country United Arab Emirates (Partial Scholarship) Study will commence in the Spring Semester for Academic year 2014/2015 IELTS Score 5 TOEFEL 500 are required For Admission University will Provide the following : Accommodation Food Transportation Books Living Expenses will be the responsibility of the students Final Admission for the Faculty of Education will depend upon satisfactory completion of interviews after meeting the program prerequisite Note: Art and physical studies will not include in the formula of ranking. Average total of subject required 80% 4 External Grant Scholarships:GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Physics + Pure Math) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE904 Engineering International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Country United Arab Emirates (Partial Scholarship) Average Total of Subjects required (Physics + Pure Math) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Pure Math Physics Study will commence in the Spring Semester for Academic year 2014/2015 IELTS Score 5 TOEFEL 500 are required For Admission University will Provide the following : Accommodation Food Transportation Books Living Expenses will be the responsibility of the students Final Admission for the Faculty of Education will depend upon satisfactory completion of interviews after meeting the program prerequisite Note: Art and physical studies will not include in the formula of ranking. Average total of subject required 80% 5 External Grant Scholarships:GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Chemistry + Biology) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE905 Nutrition and Agriculture International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Country United Arab Emirates (Partial Scholarship) Average Total of Subjects required (Physics + Pure Math) x 60%+ (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Biology Chemistry Study will commence in the Spring Semester for Academic year 2014/2015 IELTS Score 5 TOEFEL 500 are required For Admission University will Provide the following : Accommodation Food Transportation Books Living Expenses will be the responsibility of the students Final Admission for the Faculty of Education will depend upon satisfactory completion of interviews after meeting the program prerequisite Note: Art and physical studies will not include in the formula of ranking. Average total of subject required 80% 6 External Grant Scholarships:GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Arabic language or English Language + Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting or Statistics or Business or Sociology or Law ) SE906 Humanities & Social Sciences G.C.E. Qualification: Pass minimum 3 subjects in (A – Level) score of (A) in (AS – Level) or (B) in A -Level in Arabic Language or English Language, OR score of (B) in (AS – Level) or (C) in (ALevel) in Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting or Statistics or Business or Sociology or Law. International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 30 points, (5) points in High Level, or (6 ) points in (SL) in Arabic Language or English Language, Or score of (4) points in High Level or (5) points in (SL) in Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting or Statistics or Business or Sociology or Law. Advanced Placement ( AP ): Score of ( 5 ) points in all subjects. Average Total of Subjects required ( Arabic Language or English Language + Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting or Statistics or Business or Sociology or Law) x 60%+ (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Arabic Language or English Language Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting or Statistics or Business or Sociology or Law Country United Arab Emirates (Partial Scholarship) Study will commence in the Spring Semester for Academic year 2014/2015 IELTS Score 5 TOEFEL 500 are required For Admission University will Provide the following : Accommodation Food Transportation Books Living Expenses will be the responsibility of the students Final Admission for the Faculty of Education will depend upon satisfactory completion of interviews after meeting the program prerequisite Note: Art and physical studies will not include in the formula of ranking. Average total of subject required 80% 7 External Grant Scholarships:GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math or Mathematical Studies + (1) the following subjects ( Business or Economics or I.T. or Computer ) SE910 College of Administration and Commerce (AccountingFinanceAdministrationMarketing) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Average Total of Subjects required ( Pure Math ) +(1) the following subjects (Business or Economics or I.T. or Computer ) x 60% + Total Average of All Subjects x 40% Tie Breaker Pure Math or Mathematic studies Business or Economics or I.T. or Computer Country Qatar (Partial Scholarship) The scholarship will cover tuition fees University will Provide the following : Accommodation Transportation Books Living Expenses and air fare will be the responsibility of the students The student should pass the test in English language skills (ielts-toefl), math skills (SAT) and computer skills (IC3). If the student does not achieve the minimum required scores in the above-mentioned skills , he will get admission into Foundation Studies to improve his skills. The maximum duration for foundation program is (4) semesters. NOTE: The students with high school certificate from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot compete for grants from both Qatar and Kuwait. Note: The college allocates the student in one of its available disciplines, according to the subjects that he studied in his high school certificate Diploma year, and his score in the foundation year and according the vacancies in each major. Student should pass the foundation year I order to enter into the program. 8 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies + Social Studies ) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE911 Collage of Arts and Science (Arts) International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Country Qatar (Partial Scholarship) Average Total of Subjects required ( Pure Math or Mathematic studies) + Social Studies x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% The scholarship will cover tuition fees University will Provide the following : Accommodation Transportation Books Living Expenses and air fare will be the responsibility of the students g Expenses and air fare will be the responsibility of the students Tie Breaker Social Studies Pure Math or Mathematic studies The student should pass the test in English language skills (ielts-toefl), math skills (SAT) and computer skills (IC3). If the student does not achieve the minimum required scores in the above-mentioned skills , he will get admission into Foundarion Studies to improve his skills. The maximum duration for foundation program is (4) semesters. NOTE: The students with high school certificate from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot compete for grants from both Qatar and Kuwait. Note: The college allocates the student in one of its available disciplines, according to the subjects that he studied in his high school certificate Diploma year, and his score in the foundation year and according the vacancies in each major. Student should pass the foundation year I order to join the program 9 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Prog. Code Program Name Website: Formula for Ranking Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Chemistry + English + Pure Math or Mathematic Studies ) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE912 College of Arts and Sciences (Science) International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of (5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of (4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Average Total of Subjects required (Chemistry + English + Pure Math or Mathematic Studies) x 60%+ (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Country Qatar (Partial Scholarship) The scholarship will cover tuition fees University will Provide the following : Accommodation Transportation Books Living Expenses and air fare will be the responsibility of the students Tie Breaker Pure Math or Mathematic studies Chemistry g Expenses and air fare will be the responsibility of the students The student should pass the test in English language skills (ielts-toefl), math skills (SAT) and computer skills (IC3). If the student does not achieve the minimum required scores in the above-mentioned skills , he will get admission into Foundarion Studies to improve his skills. The maximum duration for foundation program is (4) semesters. NOTE: The students with high school certificate from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot compete for grants from both Qatar and Kuwait. Note: The college allocates the student in one of its available disciplines, according to the subjects that he studied in his high school certificate Diploma year, and his score in the foundation year and according the vacancies in each major. Student should pass the foundation year I order to join the program 10 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Prog. Code Program Name Website: Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (English + (1) of the following subjects: Arabic Language or Business or Social Studies or History) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE913 College of Arts and Sciences International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of (5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of (4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Country Qatar (Partial Scholarship) Average Total of Subjects required (English + 1 of Arabic Language or Business or Social Studies or History) x 60%+ (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker English Language Arabic Language or Business or Social Studies or History The scholarship will cover tuition fees University will Provide the following : Accommodation Transportation Books Living Expenses and air fare will be the responsibility of the students Expenses and air fare will be the responsibility of the students The student should pass the test in English language skills (ielts-toefl), math skills (SAT) and computer skills (IC3). If the student does not achieve the minimum required scores in the above-mentioned skills , he will get admission into Foundarion Studies to improve his skills. The maximum duration for foundation program is (4) semesters. NOTE: The students with high school certificate from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot compete for grants from both Qatar and Kuwait. Note: The college allocates the student in one of its available disciplines, according to the subjects that he studied in his high school certificate Diploma year, and his score in the foundation year and according the vacancies in each major. Student should pass the foundation year I order to join the program 11 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Physics + Pure Math ) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE920 Engineering International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Average Total of Subjects required (Physics + Pure Math) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Pure Math Physics Country Kuwait Al Kuwait University (Full Scholarship) The Student will be granted a monthly allowance of 30 Kuwaiti Dinars. University will Provide the following : Accommodation, Monthly Expense, annual Ticket & Tuition Fees. Disciplines are chosen by the university. Colleges of Engineering, Management Sciences & Medicine Assisting Require aptitude (Skills) test. If the student does not achieve the minimum required scores in the aptitude (Skills) test, they will be transferred into another college. Student has to bring his certificate of tenth and eleventh classes. Note: The students with high school certificate from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot compete for grants from both Qatar and Kuwait. Note: Art and physical studies are not included in the calculation of overall grade. Bachelor's degrees awarded 12 External Grant Scholarships :GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math or Mathematic Studies + (1) of the following subjects (Business or Economics or IT or Computer) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE921 Business Studies International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Average Total of Subjects required ( Pure Math or Mathematic Studies + (1) of the following subjects (Business or Economics or IT or Computer) x 60%+ (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Pure Math or Mathematical Studies Business or Economics or IT or Computer Country Kuwait Al Kuwait University (Full Scholarship) The Student will be granted a monthly allowance of 30 Kuwaiti Dinars. University will Provide the following : Accommodation, Monthly Expense, annual Ticket & Tuition Fees. Disciplines are chosen by the university. Colleges of Engineering, Management Sciences & Medicine Assisting Require aptitude (Skills) test. If the student does not achieve the minimum required scores in the aptitude (Skills) test, they will be transferred into another college. Student has to bring his certificate of tenth and eleventh classes. Note: The students with high school certificate from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot compete for grants from both Qatar and Kuwait. Note: Art and physical studies are not included in the calculation of overall grade. Bachelor's degrees awarded. 13 External Grant Scholarships :GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Subjects Qualifications Required : For All International ( Physics + Pure Math ) Qualifications : (Physics Mathematics ) G.C.E. +Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the G.C.E. Qualification: Subjects required above SE922 Science score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects International Baccalaureate ( IB ): required score of above 32 points out of the total of 45 points Average Total of Subjects required ( Physics + Pure Math ) x 60%+ (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects subjects required above. required above SE155 Science Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP( IB ): ): International Baccalaureate score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale of for32the subjects score points out ofrequired the totalabove of 45 points score of ( 4 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. score of (5 ) points in Standard Level for the subjects required above Tie Breaker Average Total of Subjects requiredPure (Physics + Math Physics Mathematics) x 60% + Total Average of All Subjects x 40% Country Kuwait Kuwait Al Kuwait University Full scholarship (Full Scholarship) The Student will be granted a monthly allowance of 30 Kuwaiti Dinars. University will Provide University will Provide the following : Accommodation, annual the Monthly followingExpense, : Ticket & Tuition Fees. Disciplines are chosen by the university. Accomodation Colleges of Engineering, Management Sciences & Medicine Assisting Require Transportation aptitude (Skills) test. If the student does notAir achieve Annual fare the minimum required scores in the aptitude (Skills) test, they will be transferred into another college. Student Allowance Student has to bring his certificate of tenth and eleventh classes. Note: The students with high school certificate from Kingdom Saudi program asignmentofwill be Arabia cannot compete for grants from both Qatar andthe Kuwait. done by universities Note: Art and physical studies are not included in the calculation overall grade. after the students selectoftheir faculty Bachelor's degrees awarded. of interest Advanced Placement ( AP ): 14 score of ( 3 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above some faculties may have their specific requirement, for example the faculty of medicine request a passing abilities tests External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math or Mathematic Studies + English language) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE923 Law International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Average Total of Subjects required ( Pure Math or Mathematic Studies + English language) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker English Language Pure Math or Mathematical Studies Country Kuwait Al Kuwait University (Full Scholarship) The Student will be granted a monthly allowance of 30 Kuwaiti Dinars. University will Provide the following : Accommodation, Monthly Expense, annual Ticket & Tuition Fees. Disciplines are chosen by the university. Colleges of Engineering, Management Sciences & Medicine Assisting Require aptitude (Skills) test. If the student does not achieve the minimum required scores in the aptitude (Skills) test, they will be transferred into another college. Student has to bring his certificate of tenth and eleventh classes. Note: The students with high school certificate from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot compete for grants from both Qatar and Kuwait. Note: Art and physical studies are not included in the calculation of overall grade. Bachelor's degrees awarded. 15 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Arabic Lang. + ( Pure Math or Mathematical Studies ) SE924 Education G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above International Baccalaureate ( IB ): SE925 Arts score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Average Total of Subjects required ( Arabic Lang. + ( Pure Math or Mathematic Studies ) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Arabic Language Pure Math or Mathematical Studies Country Kuwait Al Kuwait University (Full Scholarship) The Student will be granted a monthly allowance of 30 Kuwaiti Dinars. University will Provide the following : Accommodation, Monthly Expense, annual Ticket & Tuition Fees. Disciplines are chosen by the university. Colleges of Engineering, Management Sciences & Medicine Assisting Require aptitude (Skills) test. If the student does not achieve the minimum required scores in the aptitude (Skills) test, they will be transferred into another college. Student has to bring his certificate of tenth and eleventh classes. Note: The students with high school certificate from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot compete for grants from both Qatar and Kuwait. Note: Art and physical studies are not included in the calculation of overall grade. Bachelor's degrees awarded 16 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Arabic Lang ) + ( 1 ) of the following subjects ( Psychology or Social Studies ) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE926 Social Studies International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Country Kuwait Al Kuwait University (Full Scholarship) The Student will be granted a monthly allowance of 30 Kuwaiti Dinars. Average Total of Subjects required ( Arabic Lang ) + ( 1 ) of the following subjects ( Psychology or Social Studies ) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Psychology or Social Studies Arabic Language University will Provide the following : Accommodation, Monthly Expense, annual Ticket & Tuition Fees. Disciplines are chosen by the university. Colleges of Engineering, Management Sciences & Medicine Assisting Require aptitude (Skills) test. If the student does not achieve the minimum required scores in the aptitude (Skills) test, they will be transferred into another college. Student has to bring his certificate of tenth and eleventh classes. Note: The students with high school certificate from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot compete for grants from both Qatar and Kuwait. Note: Art and physical studies are not included in the calculation of overall grade. Bachelor's degrees awarded 17 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Prog. Code Program Name Website: Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Biology +Chemistry + Pure Math or Mathematical Studies ) SE927 College of Medicine Assisting G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Average Total of Subjects required ( Biology + Chemistry +Pure Math or Mathematical Studies ) x 60%+ (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Biology Chemistry Pure Math or Mathematical Studies Country Kuwait Al Kuwait University (Full Scholarship) The Student will be granted a monthly allowance of 30 Kuwaiti Dinars. University will Provide the following : Accommodation, Monthly Expense, annual Ticket & Tuition Fees. Disciplines are chosen by the university. Colleges of Engineering, Management Sciences & Medicine Assisting Require aptitude (Skills) test. If the student does not achieve the minimum required scores in the aptitude (Skills) test, they will be transferred into another college. Student has to bring his certificate of tenth and eleventh classes. Note: The students with high school certificate from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot compete for grants from both Qatar and Kuwait. Note: Art and physical studies are not included in the calculation of overall grade. Bachelor's degrees awarded 18 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Country Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies + English Language or Arabic Language ) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above SE930 Basic Education International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5 ) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4 ) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Average Total of Subjects required (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies+ English Language or Arabic Language ) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (Kuwait) (Full Scholarship) Tie Breaker Bachelor's degrees awarded. Note: Art and physical studies are not included in the calculation of overall grade Medium of Instruction: English foe Science Arabic for Arts Pure Math or Mathematical Studies Note: Art and physical studies are not included in the calculation of overall grade. Studying will start in semester 2 (2015/2016) Arabic Language or English Language 19 External Grant Scholarships: GCE, IB, AP Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Biology + Chemistry + Physics + Math or Mathematical Studies ) SE935 Medicine G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( C ) in A - Level for the Subjects required above Or score of ( B ) in AS - Level for the Subjects required above International Baccalaureate ( IB ): score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of ( 5) points in High Level for the subjects required above. Or score of (6 ) points in (SL) for the subjects required above Advanced Placement ( AP ): score of ( 4) points out of the ( 5 ) points scale for the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Country Average Total of 3 Subjects required from The Following : ( Biology + Chemistry + + Physics Math or Mathematical Studies ) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Kingdom of Bahrain (partial scholarship ) The scholarship will cover tuition fees Tie Breaker Living Expenses , air fare including Book charges will be the responsibility of the students students are required to pay (50) Bahraini Dinaars as exam - interview administrative fees Medium of Instruction: English Pure Math or Mathematical Studies Biology Chemistry University will Provide the following : Accommodation Transportation Medical expenses 20 External Full Scholarships (PDO): GCE, IB, AP Prog. Code EG001 Program Name Geology Subject Requirements EG006 Formula for Ranking Tie Breaker Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math + Physics + Chemistry or Geology ) GCE Certificate: A- Level: Three ‘A2’ levels from the required subjects with Minimum ‘B’ grade. EG002 Website: Petroleum Engineering IB Diploma: score of 32 points out of the total of 45 points score of (5) points in 2 subjects from above in (HL) and score of (6 ) points in 1 subject from above in (SL) Quantity Survey Males only APID score of ( 5 ) points form the subjects required above Average Total of Subjects required (Pure Math + Physics + Chemistry or Geology ) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% -Pure Math - Physics Country Applicants should be medically fit, so they have to make a medical check. Students accepted in the Petroleum Engineering program will study in USA, while those accepted in the Quantity Survey and the Geology program will study in UK. Admitted applicants will study English Program followed by a foundation year according to their levels before studying Bachelor. Applicant should be ready to study abroad and get used to the different life conditions. Applicants holding certificates equivalent to GED from KSA will not be admitted. For any enquiries, contact this email: 21 Internal Scholarships 22 Internal Scholarships These scholarships enable students to study at private universities or colleges in the Sultanate where they can obtain the following qualifications: Bachelor of General Medicine – Oman Medical College (for all students). Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Oman Dental College (for all students). Bachelor from Private Universities and colleges (for all students). Bachelor from Private Universities and colleges (for girls only). Diploma from Private Universities and colleges for (social security students and low income students only). The scholarships are divided into four Types: A - Social security scholarship (SF): This type of scholarships includes tuition fees with a monthly allowance (90) Rials , students from Social Security families can apply and compete for this scholarship who graduated with General Education Diploma or its equivalent for the school year 2014/2015. B – low- income Scholarship (SP): Students from low income families can apply for this type of scholarships who graduated with General Education Diploma or its equivalent certificates for the school year 2014/2015. The total income for the family should not exceed "600" O.R per month. The low-income students can apply and compete for this scholarship as well. The ministry will pay all tuition fees only of the Diploma Degree. C - Scholarship for Girls only (SR): This is a full paid scholarship that enables girls to get bachelor degree. The Ministry will provide tuition fees only where transportation & accommodation fees are not included. This scholarship assigned for girls who gets average grade of 80% (B) and above in The General Education Diploma examination or its equivalent certificates. 23 D - Scholarship for All Students (SA) There are full paid scholarships that enable all students (boys & girls) of all social sectors to get Bachelor Degrees from private universities and colleges. The Ministry will provide tuition fees only where transportation & accommodation fees are not included. Rules & Regulations to apply for internal scholarships: The following conditions that require students a careful observation before applying for any scholarships mentioned above. 1. Student age should not be more than 25 years old on October 1, 2015 that born on or after October 1st, 1990. 2. All students who get internal scholarships through Higher Education Admission Center (HEAC) should submit the required documents to complete their registration procedure at the private higher education institutions during the assigned date. 3. Social Security s t u d e n t s who receive full internal scholarships m u s t provide the Ministry with their bank account numbers by accessing the person data link of their personal data on HEAC website. 4. In case the Higher Education Admission Center (HEAC) detected that a Social Security student does not belong to Social Security group, his/her seat will automatically be replaced with a low-income assigned seat. 5. If a Low-Income student does not provide what shows that the total income of the family does not exceed "600" O.R per month, admitted by the administrative head of the Wilayat (the Wally) or the parent’s work place during registration date , the scholarship will be canceled. 6. Students should not apply to any scholarship programs unless they meet the above requirements. 7. The Higher Education Admission Center (HEAC) will verify your eligibility for the selected internal scholarships according to your records at the responsible ministries. If your data shows that you are not eligible for the scholarship, you will lose the opportunity to get an offer. If t h e p r ov i d e d d at a w a s f a k e or i nc o rr e c t , t he H i g h er E du c a t i o n A d m i s si o n Ce n t e r (HEAC) h a s t h e r i g h t t o raise y o u r case to the legal authorities in the Sultanate. 24 Internal Scholarships For female only For all students Program Name Website: Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications (Chemistry, Biology) Place of study: Oman Medical College 3 years in Muscat, Sohar in the last years GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum (D) grade in (A- Level) and (D) in (AS level) for the subjects required - SA001 Medical (MD) IB Score of (24) points out of the (45) points, 2 points in (HL) or 3 points in (SL) for the subjects required above APID score of (3 ) points in all Subjects Average of major subjects: (Chemistry + Biology) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% Subjects Required For All International Qualifications (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting, Biology, Chemistry) SR006 SA006 Medical and Dental Surgery GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum (D) grade in (A- Level) and (D) in (AS level) for the subjects required IB Score of (18) points out of the (45) points, 2 points in (HL) or 3 points in (SL) for the subjects required above APID score of (3 ) points in all Subjects Other Information Average of major subjects: (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + Chemistry + Biology) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% Awarded a doctorate in general medicine (seven years) Academic association with the University of West Virginia - United States - student should pass an interview - Accommodation available for girls with acceptable fees Place of study: Dental College Oman - Study for six years - Academic association with the Institute for Academic a. B Shetty Memorial Dental - Republic of India Accommodation NOT available 25 Internal Scholarships Prog. Code For female only SR011 For all students SA0011 SR012 SA012 SR013 SA013 Program Name Website: Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications (Pure Math or Mathematical Average of major Studies or Accounting and one of subjects: the following subjects: Economics (Languages) (Pure Math or or Business or Information Mathematical Studies or Technology or Computer or Language (English) and Translation Accounting + (1) of the Arabic Language or English following subjects: Language) GCE -A-Level Certificate Economics or Business Minimum (E) grade in (A- Level) or Information and (E) in (AS level) for the Technology or Computer subjects required or Arabic Language -or IB English Language) x ( Economics ) Score of (18) points out of the (45) 60% Accounting -Marketing-Recreational points, 2 points in (HL) or 3 points + average of all subjects Management-International Trade and in (SL) for the subjects required above x 40% APID Finance score of (3 ) points in all Information Systems Subjects Subjects Required For All International Qualifications (Pure Math, Chemistry OR Physics) GCE -A-Level Certificate (Engineering) Minimum (D) grade in (A- Level) Average of major - Electrical Engineering* and (D) in (AS level) for the subjects: - Computer Engineering subjects required (Pure Math + Chemistry - Civil Engineering* IB OR Physics) x 60% + - Environmental Engineering * Score of (18) points out of the average of all subjects x - Architecture (45) points, 2 points in (HL) or 3 40% points in (SL) for the subjects - Science Engineering required above APID score of (3) points in all Subjects 1. Other Information Place of study: Nizwa University - English language study for all majors except disciplines foreign language (French and German) The link with academic Sultan Qaboos University - University of Leipzig, Germany University of Exeter University of Reading University of Jordan - Origin State University - University of Porto, Portugal -University of the Algarve. - Required in the disciplines coupled with (*) health fitness - The University provides housing for students at their own expense University provides accommodation for students on their own expenses. After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 26 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only For all students Program Name Chemical & Petrochemical Engineering SR014 SR015 SA014 SA015 Interior Design & Decoration *Biotechnology SR016 SA016 *Nursing SR017 SA017 Minimum Requirement Subjects Required For All International Qualifications (Pure Math, Chemistry OR Physics) GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum (D) grade in (A- Level) and (D) in (AS level) for the subjects required IB Score of (18) points out of the (45) points, 2 points in (HL) or 3 points in (SL) for the subjects required above APID score of (3) points in all Subjects Subjects Required For All International Qualifications (Pure Math, Chemistry OR Physics) GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum (E) grade in (A- Level) and (E) in (AS level) for the subjects required IB Score of (18) points out of the (45) points, 2 points in (HL) or 3 points in (SL) for the subjects required above APID score of (3) points in all Subjects Formula for Ranking Other Information Place of study: Nizwa University Medium of study: English Average of major subjects: (Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% Subjects Required For All International Qualifications (Chemistry OR Biology + Arabic Language) GCE -A-Level Certificate Average of major subjects: Minimum (D) grade in (A- Level) and (D) ( Chemistry or Biology + in (AS level) for the subjects required Arabic Language ) x 60% IB + average of all subjects x Score of (18) points out of the (45) points, 2 40% points in (HL) or 3 points in (SL) for the subjects required above - Academic affiliation with Sultan Qaboos University University of Leipzig, Germany - University of Exeter - University of Reading - University of Jordan - Origin State University - University of Porto, Portugal University of the Algarve. Health fitness is required in the disciplines coupled with (*) The University provides housing for students at their own expense University provides accommodation for students on their own expenses. APID score of (3) points in all Subjects - After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 27 Internal Scholarships Prog. Code For female only SR021 SR022 For all students SA021 SA022 Program Name Website: Minimum Requirement Law Commercial Law Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications (Pure Math Or Mathematical Studies or Accounting, Arabic Language, English Language) Average of major subjects: (Pure Math or GCE -A-Level Certificate Mathematical Studies or Minimum (D) grade in (A- Level) and (D) Accounting + English in (AS level) for the subjects required Language + Arabic IB Language) x 60% Score of (18) points out of the (45) points, 2 + average of all subjects points in (HL) or 3 points in (SL) for the subjects required above x 40% APID score of (3) points in all Subjects SR023 SR024 SR027 SA023 SA024 SA027 Other Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications (Pure Math or Average Total of Mathematical Studies or Accounting and Subjects required English Studies one of the following subjects: Economics ( Pure Math or or Business or Information Technology or Mathematical studies or Computer or Arabic Language or English (Business) Accounting + Language Marketing ( Economics or business GCE -A-Level Certificate studies or Information Management Minimum (E) grade in (A- Level) and (E) in System Or Computer or Accounting (AS level) for the subjects required Arabic Language ) x IB Score of (18) points out of the (45) points, 2 60% points in (HL) or 3 points in (SL for the + subjects required above) (Total Average of All Administration Information Systems APID Subjects) x 40% score of (3) points in all Subjects Place of study: Sohar University - association the academic with the University of Queensland Australia Mutah University of Jordan -University provides accommodation for students on their own expenses. 28 Internal Scholarships Prog. Code For For all female students only Program Name (Engineering) Electrical & Computer Engineering Chemical Engineering Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Civil Engineering - SR026 SA026 (information Technology) Computer Sciences and Multimedia Computer Sciences and Web Engineering Networks and Database Business Administration (IT) - SR028 SA028 (Business) Management. Finance Management Information Systems. Accounting. - SR031 - SA031 - SR032 SA032 (Arts) Diploma and Bachelor Degree in English Language Diploma and Bachelor Degree in Social Work Diploma Degree in Computer science Website: Minimum Requirement Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math , Chemistry or Physics) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( D ) in the required subject above in (A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) points in (HL)or score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Other Information Place of study: Sohar University Academic Affiliation: Average of major -University of Queensland, Australia subjects: - Muta University, (Pure Math +Physics or Gordan Chemistry) x 60% + average of University provides accommodation for all subjects x 40% students on their own expenses. APID score of ( 3) points in all subjects Subjects Required For All International Qualifications (Pure Math or Mathematical studies or Accounting + 1 subject from: Economics or Place of study: Dhofar University Business studies or Information System or Average Total of Subjects Computer or Arabic Language or English required -academic Affiliation: American ( Pure Math or Mathematical University of Beirut (AUB). Language) studies or Accounting + GCE -A-Level Certificate (Economics or business studies score of ( E ) in the required subject above in ( Accommodation available for girls or Information System Or A – Level ) or (E) in (AS - Level) with acceptable fees. Computer or Arabic Language IB or English Language) x 60% score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points, + score of (2) point in (HL)or (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points out of the ( 5 ) points in subjects required above 42 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only SR033 SR034 For all students SA033 SA034 Program Name Law Minimum Requirement Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + + English Language + Arabic Language) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( D ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)or (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in all subjects Formula for Ranking Average Total of Subjects required ( Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + English Language + Arabic Language) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% (Engineering) -Diploma and Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Subjects Required For All International -Diploma and Bachelor Degree in Qualifications : ( Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) Chemical Engineering. -Diploma and Bachelor Degree in Average Total of Subjects GCE -A-Level Certificate GrAPIDhic Design. required score of ( D ) in the required subject above in ( A -Diploma and Bachelor Degree in (Pure Math , Chemistry or – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) Physics) x 60% Interior Architecture. IB + -Diploma and Bachelor Degree in Civil score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points (Total Average of All Subjects) Engineering. score of (2) points in (HL)or score of (3) points in x 40% standard level for the subjects required above -Diploma and Bachelor Degree in Mechatronics. APID Bachelor Degree in Electrical and score of ( 3) points in all the required subjects Electronic Engineering. Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications. Other Information Place of study: Dhofar University -academic Affiliation: American University of Beirut (AUB). Accommodation available for girls with acceptable fees. After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 43 Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Information Average Total of Subjects System Or Computer or Arabic Language or required English Language) (Pure Math or mathematical SR041 SA041 Place of study: Middle studies or Accounting) + East College (Muscat- Al Rusil) GCE -A-Level Certificate (Economics or Business score of ( E) in the required subject above in ( A – (Information Technology) Studies or Information Level ) or (E) in (AS - Level) - Software Technology Academic Affiliation: Coventry System Or Computer or - Internet Technology University, (UK). Arabic Language or English IB Language ) x 60% - Computer Science + - Database Management Systems University provides score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points (Total Average of All - Multimedia Technology accommodation for students on Subjects) x 40% - Computing and Information Systems score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required their own expenses. Business Administration and above Information Technology score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in all the required subjects After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 44 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only Program Name For all students - SR042 - SA042 - SR043 Construction Management and Quantity Surveying SA043 - SR051 SA051 SR053 SA053 (Engineering) Electronics and Communications Engineering Computer Components and networks Engineering Wireless Network Engineering Data Communication and Management System Engineering Civil Engineering - (Engineering) Mechanical Engineering and computer Computer Engineering Telecommunications Engineering Civil Engineering (Manufacturing) Construction Engineering Mechanical Electronic Systems Engineering Quantity Survey Engineering Electrical Power Engineering Mechatronics Engineering Process Operations & Maintenance Measurement and Cost Engineering Measurement and Electronic Devices Engineering Chemical Engineering Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Other Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( D ) in the required subject above in (A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above Average of major subjects: (Pure Math + Physics or Chemistry ) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( D ) in the required subject above in (A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) points in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above Average of major subjects: (Pure Math +Physics or Chemistry ) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% Place of study: Middle East College (Muscat- Al Rusil) Academic Affiliation: Coventry University, (UK). University provides accommodation for students on their own expenses. Place of study: Caledonian College of Engineering (Muscat- Al Hail) Academic Affiliation: -Glasgow Caledonian University in United Kingdom University provides accommodation for students on their own expenses. After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 45 - SR062 SA061 Marine Engineering* SA062 ProcessOperation OperationTechnology Technology Process Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math OR Mathematical Studies OR Accounting) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( E ) in the required subject above in (A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of (3) points in the subjects required above Place of study: International Maritime College Oman (Sohar -beside Sohar Port) Academic Affiliation with: Partnership with the STC- Group Rotterdam, Netherlands. Average of major subjects: (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting) x 60% + The College provides in campus average of all subjects x 40% accommodation for male students on their own expense depends on rooms availability. The College helps female students to find a good and safe accommodation on their own expense. There will be fitness exercises & physical examination for the Marine Officers. Required in the disciplines coupled with (*) There will be fitness exercises & physical examination for the Marine Officers. Required in the disciplines coupled with (*) After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 46 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only For all students Program Name Marine navigation* Deck Officer - SR064 SR071 SA063 SA064 SA071 Port, Shipping and Transport Management (Business & Information Systems) -Business -Human resource development -Finance and banking - Accounting Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math OR Mathematical Studies OR Accounting) GCE -A-Level Certificate Average of major subjects: score of ( E ) in the required subject above (Pure Math or in (A – Level ) or (E) in (AS - Level) Mathematical Studies or IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of (3) points in the subjects required above Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Information System Or Computer or Arabic Language or English Language) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( E ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (E) in (AS - Level) IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points, score of (2) point in (HL)or score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above Accounting) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% Other Information Place of study: International Maritime College Oman (Sohar -beside Sohar Port) Academic Affiliation with: Partnership with the STC- Group Rotterdam, Netherlands. The College provides in campus accommodation for male students on their own expense depends on rooms availability. The College helps female students to find a good and safe accommodation on their own expense. There will be fitness exercises & physical examination for the Marine Officers. Required in the disciplines coupled with (*) Average Total of Subjects required ( Pure Math or Mathematical Place of study: AlBuraimi University Studies or Accounting + College ( AlBuraimi) (Economics or Business Academic Affiliation: California State Studies or Information University, Northridge USA System Or Computer or Accommodation available for girls on their Arabic Language or English own expense Language ) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% 45 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only For all student Program Name Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Other Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) GCE -A-Level Certificate Average of major subjects: score of ( E ) in the required subject above in (Pure Math +Physics or ( A – Level ) or (E) in (AS - Level) SR072 SA072 -Computer Science. -Information System IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points, score of (2) points in (HL)or score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above Chemistry ) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math OR Mathematical Studies or Accounting + Arabic Language + English Language) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( D ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) SR073 SA073 Law Place of study: AlBuraimi University College ( AlBuraimi) Academic Affiliation: California State University, Northridge USA Accommodation available for girls at their expense fees. Average of major subjects: (Pure Math OR IB Mathematical Studies or score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points Accounting + Arabic score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects Language + English required above Language) x 60% + score of (3) points in standard level for the average of all subjects x subjects required above 40% APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above - After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 46 Internal Scholarships Prog. Code For For all female students only Program Name SR083 SA083 Bachelor Degree in Literature in the Economy SR084 SA084 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science SR085 SA085 Bachelor of Science in Accounting SR086 SA086 SR087 SA087 Bachelor of Science in Airport Management SR088 SA088 Bachelor of Science in Aviation Management SR089 SA089 Bachelor of Science in Health Safety Management Bachelor of Science in Systems. Information SR090 SA090 Bachelor of Science in Statistics SR094 SA094 Bachelor of science in Information Security SR093 SA093 Bachelor of science in Transportation and supply Management SR092 SA092 Commercial Law Website: Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Other Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Average Total of Subjects Information System Or Computer or required ( Pure Arabic Language or English Language) Math or Mathematical GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( E ) in the required subject above Studies or Accounting + (Economics or business in ( A – Level ) or (E) in (AS - Level) studies or Information IB score of 18 points out of total of 45 points System Or Computer or Arabic Language or score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects English Language ) x required above 60% + score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above (Total Average of All APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above Place of study: Modern College of Business and Science (Muscat- Bushar) Subjects) x 40 Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math OR Mathematical Studies or Average of major Accounting + Arabic Language + English subjects: Language) (Pure Math OR GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( D ) in the required subject above Mathematical Studies or Accounting + Arabic in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) Language + English IB score of 18 points out of total of 45 points Language) x 60% + score of (2) point in (HL)for the or average of all subjects score of (3) points in standard level for the x 40% subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above Academic Affiliation: -University of Missouri, St. Louis,USA Modern College Accommodation Not available 47 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only SR097 SR098 SR099 For all students s SA097 SA098 SA099 Program Name Bachelor in Accounting & Finance Bachelor in Business Management Bachelor in Finance and Banking studies. Minimum Requirement Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Information System Or Computer or Arabic Language or English Language) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of (E) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (E) in (AS Level) Formula for Ranking Average Total of Subjects required (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + (Economics or business studies or Information IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 System Or Computer or points Arabic Language or score of (2) point in (HL)for the English Language ) x subjects required above 60% score of (3) points in standard level + (Total Average of All for the subjects required above Subjects) x 40 Other Information Place of study: College of Banking and Financial Studies (Muscat- Busher) Academic affiliation with Pearon University (UK) Academic affiliation with Bradford University (UK) Accommodation Not available APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 48 Internal Scholarships Prog. Code For female For all only students SR100 SR101 SA100 SA101 Program Name Bachelor in Accounting Bachelor in Accounting and Financial Auditing Website: Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Information System Or Computer or Arabic Language or English Language) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of (E) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (E) in (AS Level) Average Total of Subjects required (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + (Economics or business studies IB or Information System Or score of 18 points out of the total of 45 Computer or Arabic Language points or English Language ) x 60% score of (2) point in (HL)for the + (Total Average of All subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level Subjects) x 40 for the subjects required above SR102 - SA102 Bachelor in Islamic Banking Other Information Place of study: College of Banking and Financial Studies (Muscat- Busher) Academic affiliation with the Arab Academy for Financial and Banking Studies – Jordan Internal Auditor Institute – USA Edexel – UK Accommodation Not available APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 49 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only For all students Program Name SR106 SA106 Computer Science SR107 SA107 English Language & Translation SR108 SA108 Graphic Design SR109 SA109 SR110 SA110 SR111 SA111 (Business Management) - Accounting. - Financial and Banking Sciences - Business Management Accounting Information Systems Management and Marketing Information Technology - Financial and Banking Sciences - SA116 Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Information System Or Computer or Arabic Language or English Language) Formula for Ranking Other Information Place of study: A'Zahra College for Women (Muscat- Airport Highest) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of (E) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (E) in (AS Level) Average Total of Subjects Academic Affiliation: Al required Ahliyya Amman University(Pure Math or Mathematical Hashemite Kingdom of Studies or Accounting + Jordan IB (Economics or business studies or score of 18 points out of the total of 45 Information System Or Computer points or Arabic Language or English Accommodation available for Software Engineering Sciences score of (2) point in (HL)for the girls on their own expenses. Language ) x 60% subjects required above + (Total Average of All score of (3) points in standard level Law for the subjects required above Subjects) x 40 (Management & Information Systems) SR116 Minimum Requirement APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above Place of study: Sur University College (Sur) Academic Affiliation: Bond University- Australia Accommodation available for on their own expenses. * Pass Engineering Foundation Program or score minimum 470 in TOEFEL or any equivalent Exam. 50 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female For all students only Program Name Minimum Requirement Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( E ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS Level) SR117 SA117 - (Engineering)* Architecture Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Management & Information Systems) SR126 SR127 SR128 SR129 SA126 SA127 SA128 SA129 - Computer Science Management Information Systems Information Technology Science - Accounting. English Language Bachelor of Psychology Bachelor of Economics IB score of 18 points out of total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + (Economics or Business Studies or Information Systems Or Computer or Arabic Language or English Language) Formula for Ranking Place of study: Sur University College (Sur) Average of major subjects: (Pure Math +Physics or Chemistry ) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% Average Total of Subjects required ( Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business GCE -A-Level Certificate Studies or Information score of (E) in the required subject System Or Computer or above in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS Level) Arabic Language or English IB Language ) x 60% score of 18 points out of total of 45 + points (Total Average of All score of (2) point in (HL)for the OR score of (3) points in standard level Subjects) x 40 for the subjects required above APID score of (3) points in the subjects required above Other Information Academic Affiliation: Bond University- Australia Accommodation available for girls at their expense fees. * Pass Engineering Foundation Program or score minimum 470 in TOEFEL or any equivalent Exam. Place of study: Mazoon College (Muscat- Airport Heights) Academic Affiliation: University of Missouri- Rolla USA Accommodation available for girls at their expense fees. . 51 Internal Scholarships Prog. Code For female For all students only SR136 SA136 SR137 SA137 SR138 SA138 Program Name - Bachelor in Graphic Design Printing Digital SA139 SR140 SA140 Bachelor in Architecture SA141 Bachelor in Photography SA142 Formula for Ranking Bachelor in Fine Arts SR139 SR142 Minimum Requirement Other Information Bachelor in Fashion Design Bachelor in Interior Design SR141 Website: Bachelor in Animation Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + (Economics or Business Studies or Information Systems Or Computer or Arabic Language or English Language) Average Total of Subjects required ( Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + GCE -A-Level Certificate ( Economics or Business score of (E) in the required subject Studies or Information above in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS System Or Computer or Level) IB Arabic Language or English score of 18 points out of the total of 45 Language ) x 60% points + score of (2) point in (HL)for the (Total Average of All OR score of (3) points in standard Subjects) x 40 level for the subjects required above APID score of (3) points in the subjects required above Place of study: Scientific College of Design (Muscat- Airport Heights) Academic Affiliation: for Fashion Design: the Higher Institute for Applied Arts – Medium of Instruction: Arabic Language Academic affiliation for other majors: the Lebanese American University (LAU) - Lebanon. Medium of instruction: English Language Note: after fulfilling foundation year, students can be accepted in Architecture and Photography Programs according to the following criteria: -Score no less than C in Design Studio 1 and Design Studio 2 - student majoring in Architecture shall provide the artistic Portfolio. - Student majoring in Photography shall provide a digital camera. 52 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female Program Name For all students only SR148 SR149 SR150 SR151 SA148 Formula for Ranking Other Information Bachelor of Science in Business Computing SA149 Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies SA150 Bachelor of Arts in Accounting Literature and Business Studies SA151 Minimum Requirement Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Computing Science Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + (Economics or Business Studies or Information Systems Or Computer or Arabic Language or English Language) Average Total of Subjects required Certificates awarded by the ( Pure Math or University of Sterling Mathematical Studies or (Duration of Program: 4 years) Accounting + ( Economics or Business University provides Studies or Information GCE -A-Level Certificate accommodation for students on System Or Computer or score of (E) in the required subject their own expenses above in ( A – Level ) or (E) in (AS - Arabic Language or English Level) Language ) x 60% IB + score of 18 points out of the total of 45 (Total Average of All points Subjects) x 40 score of (2) point in (HL)for the OR score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of (3) points in the subjects required above 53 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only SR156 SR157 SR158 For all students SA156 SA157 SA158 Program Name (Computer Applications) (Business Management) Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Other Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Information System Or Computer or Arabic Language or English Language) Average Total of Subjects required GCE -A-Level Certificate ( Pure Math or Mathematical score of ( E ) in the required subject Studies or Accounting + above in ( A – Level ) or (E) in (AS ( Economics or Business Level) Studies or Information System IB Or Computer or Arabic score of 18 points out of the total of 45 Language or English Place of study: Waljat Colleges points Language) x 60% (Muscat- Al Rusail) score of (2) point in (HL) for the subjects + required above (Total Average of All score of (3) points in standard level for Academic Affiliation: Subjects) x 40 the subjects required above - Birla Institute of Technology, India. APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects Accommodation available for girls with required above (Engineering) Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :( Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) - Computer Science Engineering - Electronics & Communication engineering - Biotechnology Engineering GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( D ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS Level) IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above acceptable fees. Social security students will be given a monthly allowance of (30) O.R. Average of major subjects: (Pure Math +Physics or Chemistry ) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above 54 Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Information System Or Computer or Arabic Language or English Language) SR166 - SA166 - Tourism & Hospitality Management (Hons) Event Management Tourism Marketing Management Average Total of Subjects required ( Pure Math or Mathematical GCE -A-Level Certificate Studies or Accounting + score of ( E ) in the required subject ( Economics or Business above in ( A – Level ) or (E) in (AS Studies or Information System Level) Or Computer or Arabic IB Language or English score of 18 points out of the total of 45 Language) x 60% points + score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects (Total Average of All required above Subjects) x 40 score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above Place of study: Oman Tourism College (Muscat- Airport Heights) Academic Affiliation: Dublin Institute of Technology – Ireland University provides accommodation for students on their own expenses. After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 55 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only SR176 Program Name SA176 - (Marketing & Design) Marketing & E- Commerce Interior Design (Business Management) Accounting Banking and Finance Studies - Management Information Systems SA177 Computer Science SR178 Formula for Ranking Other Information For all students - SR177 Minimum Requirement SA178 Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Information System Or Computer or Arabic Language or English Language) Average Total of Subjects required ( Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + GCE -A-Level Certificate ( Economics or Business Studies or score of ( E ) in the required subject above Information System Or Computer or in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) Arabic Language or English Language) x IB 60% score of 18 points out of the total of 45 + points (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40 score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in the subjects required above Subjects Required For All International Qualifications ( Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( E ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (E) in (AS - Level) IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) in the subjects required above Place of study: Oman College of Management & Technology (Barka) Academic Affiliation: Yarmuk University, Jordan. University provides accommodation for students on their own expenses. Average of major subjects: (Pure Math +Physics or Chemistry ) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% 56 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only For all students SR186 SA186 SR187 SA187 Program Name (Management & Information Systems) - Human Resource Management - Information Systems - Computer & Internet Applications - Marketing - Travel & Tourism - E-Business Computer Networks Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Other Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Average Total of Subjects Information System Or Computer or required Arabic Language or English Language) ( Pure Math or Mathematical GCE -A-Level Certificate Studies or Accounting + score of ( E ) in the required subject above ( Economics or Business Studies or Place of study: Majan College in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) Information System Or Computer (Muscat- Darsait) IB or Arabic Language or English score of 18 points out of the total of 45 Language) x 60% Academic Affiliation: points + score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects University of Bedfordshire, (Total Average of All Subjects) required above x 40 UK. score of (3) points in standard level for the University of Leeds, UK. subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in t subjects required University provides above accommodation for students on their own expenses. SR188 SR196 SA188 SA196 - Subjects Required For All International English Language Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Average Total of Subjects Information System Or Computer or required Arabic Language or English Language) ( Pure Math or Mathematical GCE -A-Level Certificate Studies or Accounting + score of ( E ) in the required subject above ( Economics or Business Studies or in ( A – Level ) or (E ) in (AS - Level) Information System Or Computer IB or Arabic Language or English English Literature score of 18 points out of the total of 45 Language) x 60% Radio and TV points + Public Relations score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects (Total Average of All Subjects) Advertise required above x 40 score of (3) points in standard level for the Writing Professional English subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in t subjects required above Place of study: Bayan College (Madenat- Al Alam) Academic Affiliation: Purdue University Calumet, Indiana State, USA. University provides accommodation for students on their own expenses. 57 Internal Scholarships Prog. Code For female For all only students SR206 Program Name SA206 BSc in Computer Science SR210 SA210 BSc in Sustainable Tourism and Regional Development SR211 SA211 SR207 SR208 BSc in Logistic Services BSc in Urban Planning and Architectural Design SA207 BSc in Applied Geosciences SA208 (Bachelor of Engineering) SR209 SA209 - Environmental Engineering - Process Engineering - Mechanical Website: Minimum Requirement Subjects Required For All International Qualifications ( Pure Mathematics) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( D ) in the required subject above in (A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) IB score of 24 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) in the subjects required above Subjects Required For All International Qualifications ( Mathematical Studies) G.C.E. Qualification: score of ( D ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) IB score of 24 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) in the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Average of major subjects: (Pure Math) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% Place of study: German University of Technology in Oman (BarkaHalban) - Medium of Instruction: English Language. Average of major subjects: (Mathematical Studies) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% *Award of the grant is subject to passing an entrance examination. *Student cannot change program after accepting the grant. Accommodation NOT available for students Subjects Required For Al International Qualifications ( Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) G.C.E. Qualification: score of (D ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) IB score of 24 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL) for the subjects required Other Information Average of major subjects: (Pure Math +Physics or Chemistry ) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) in the subjects required above 58 Internal Scholarships Prog. Code For female For all only students SR216 SA216 Program Name (Faculty of Commerce and Humanities) - Management - Funding - Accounting - Management Information Systems Website: Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Information System Or Computer or Average Total of Subjects required Arabic Language or English ( Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Language) Accounting + GCE -A-Level Certificate ( Economics or Business Studies or score of ( E ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (E ) in (AS Information System Or Computer or Level) Arabic Language or English Language) IB x 60% score of 18 points out of the total of 45 + points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40 score of ( 3) points in t subjects Other Information Place of study: A’Shsrqiyah University (Ibra) Accommodation available for girls with acceptable fees. required above . Subjects Required For Al (College of Engineering) - Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering - Electronic and Communications Engineering SR217 SA217 International Qualifications ( Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) G.C.E. Qualification: score of (D ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS Level) IB score of 24 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) in the subjects required above Average of major subjects: (Pure Math +Physics or Chemistry ) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% 59 Subjects Required For Al SR218 SA218 (Faculty of Applied Sciences) - Marine Science and Fisheries - Food Science and Nutrition International Qualifications ( Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) G.C.E. Qualification: score of (E ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (E) in (AS Average of major subjects: Level) (Pure Math +Physics or Chemistry ) IB x 60% + average of all subjects x score of 24 points out of the total of 45 points 40% score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) in the subjects required above Place of study: A’Shsrqiyah University (Ibra) Accommodation available for girls with acceptable fees. After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 60 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only SR226 SR227 SR228 - For all students SA226 SA227 SA228 Program Name - Civil Engineering - Architecture - Information & Communication - Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Nursing* Optics Science* Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For Al International Qualifications Average of major subjects: ( Pure Math + Chemistry OR Physics) (Pure Math +Physics or G.C.E. Qualification: Chemistry ) x 60% + average of score of (D ) in the required subject above in ( A – all subjects x 40% Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) in the subjects required above Subjects Required For Al International Qualifications ( Chemistry OR Physics + Arabic Language) G.C.E. Qualification: score of (D ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (D) in (AS - Level) IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) in the subjects required above Average of major subjects: (Physics or Chemistry+ Arabic Language ) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% Other Information Place of study: A’L Buraimi University (A’L Buraimi) Academic Affiliation: Vienna University of Technology, Austria - IMC University of Applied Sciences (Austria) - Campus University of Vienna Austria - University of Bradford, United Kingdom - Accommodation and Transportation available for students with acceptable fees. *Pass the entrance exam and interview successfully. ( N u r s i n g a n d Optic science) After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 61 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only SR236 SR237 Program Name For all students SA236 SA237 (Business Administration) Management – Economics – Accounting – Marketing – Systems (Information Technology and Computing) Computing – Business Management – Communication (Management) SR229 SA229 - - Export Administration Enterprise and e-business Management - Information Systems Management - Islamic and Financial Banking Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Other Information Subjects Required For All International Average Total of Subjects required Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical ( Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + Place of study: Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Information Arab Open University System Or Computer or Arabic Language or ( Economics or Business Studies or (MuscatMadenat Qaboos) Information System Or Computer or English Language) GCE -A-Level Certificate Arabic Language or English score of ( E ) in the required subject above in ( A – Language) x 60% Academic Affiliation: Level ) or (E ) in (AS - Level) + -Open University (UK) IB (Total Average of All Subjects) score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in t subjects required above x 40 Place of study: A’L Buraimi University (A’L Buraimi) - After passing the foundation year, students can apply to any program courses under the same code. 62 Internal Scholarships Website: Prog. Code For female only SR256 SR257 SR266 SR267 For all students SA256 SA257 SA266 SA267 Program Name (Management) -Business Management -Marketing Management -Tourism Management -Business Economics - Accounting -Finance Minimum Requirement Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math or Mathematical Studies or Accounting + ( Economics or Business Studies or Information Average Total of Subjects required System Or Computer or Arabic Language or ( Pure Math or Mathematical English Language) Studies or Accounting + GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( E ) in the required subject above in ( A – ( Economics or Business Studies or Information System Or Computer or Level ) or (E ) in (AS - Level) IB Arabic Language or English score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points Language) x 60% (Programming & Computer Science) score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects + required above -Computer Science score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects (Total Average of All Subjects) - Computing Science x 40 required above - Information Systems APID score of ( 3) points in t subjects required above - Mobile Computing Bachelor Degree (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering & Vehicle Technology Bachelor Degree (Hons) in Electronic & Communication Engineering Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math + Chemistry + Physics) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of ( E ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (E ) in (AS - Level) IB score of 18 points out of the total of 45 points score of (2) point in (HL)for the subjects required above score of (3) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID score of ( 3) points in t subjects required above SR268 SA268 Formula for Ranking Average of major subjects: (Pure Mathematics + Physics + English) x 60% + average of all subjects x 40% Other Information Place of study: Gulf College (Al Mubaila - South) Academic Affiliation with Staffordshire University Hal University, UK Reading University, UK Accommodation available for students at their own expense. Place of study: Global College of Engineering & Technology (MuscatBushar) Academic Affiliation with: Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Accommodation NOT available. Bachelor Degree (Hons) in Software Engineering 63 Prog. Code Program Name Internal Grant Sponsored by PDO Minimum Requirement Website: Formula for Ranking Other Information University of study: German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech) Subjects Required For All International Qualifications :(Pure Math + Chemistry + Physics) GCE -A-Level Certificate score of (D ) in the required subject above in ( A – Level ) or (C) in (AS - Level) in Pure Math, Physics, and Chemistry IB score of 24 points, SI023 Bachelor of Science in Applied Geosciences score of (3) point in (HL) for the subjects required above OR score of (4) points in standard level for the subjects required above APID Average of major subjects: (Pure Math + Chemistry + Physics) x 60% + (Average of all subjects x 40%) - Student cannot change program after accepting the grant Pass the Written Exam. - Pass the acceptance Exam in Pure Math, Physics, Chemistry, and English Language. - Grant programs include foundation year and Bachelor programs. - Grant covers tuition, textbooks and stipend. score of ( 3) points out of (5) in the subjects required above Available for all Omani students 64 Sultan Qaboos University Entry Requirements for International Qualifications Website: Applying to any of the University programs for the academic year 2015/2016 requires the fulfillment of the following: Only students with the following certificates will be admitted: General Education Diploma, General Education and Islamic Sciences Diploma, General Education Diploma for the Royal Guard of Oman Technical College(Bilingual) General Certificate and foreign certificates (IB-AP-A-AS Level). Provide evidence that shows she/he studied Islamic Culture and Hatha Watani Students with AP certificate must complete 12 years of education. IB certificate : students with an IB certificate must attain 24 points out of total of 45 points and major subjects will be counted from both levels High Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL). The certificate must be issued for the academic year 2014/2015 minimum requirement for the major subjects in each program as explained in the table below. Important Notes for SQU New Students The Foundation Program has a mandatory constituent input to the study in all colleges of Sultan Qaboos University in order to qualify the student by achieving the prescribed learning outcomes in (English Language, Mathematics, Information Technology (IT) and General Study Skills, in order to pave the way for Academic Study. (for more information about the Foundation Program, kindly check our website; . The maximum time allowed for students to complete all FP requirements is two consecutive academic years. All students admitted to the university have to sit for placement tests in English Language and Mathematics and IT. In order to meet the requirements of the FPEL (Foundation Program English Language), the student has to; Obtain at least a score of 500 in Paper-based TOEFL or at least a score of 61 in Internet–based TOEFL (IBT), or Obtain IELTS 5.0 (with a minimum band of 4.5 in each of the four areas of writing, speaking, listening and reading ), or Pass the Placement & Exit Test administered at the University, or Enroll in the courses of the area and pass them. FP students are allowed to repeat English Language Area Three times; only one time for each course. The minimum English requirement for the Mathematics Exit Test offered in English is Level 4 (i.e. student should have passed FPEL0301 as a pre-requisite for Mathematics ET). In order to meet the requirements of FPMT (Foundation Program Mathematics), the student has to pass the Placement & Exit Test administered at the University, or enroll in the courses of the area and pass them. FP students are allowed to repeat each Mathematics course\level only one time. In order to meet the requirements of the FPCS (Foundation Program Computer Science), the student has to; Pass the Placement & Exit Test administered at the University, or Obtain an equivalent recognized qualification ICDL (International Computer Driving License), or Enroll in the courses of the area and pass them. FP Students are allowed to repeat the IT Course\Area only once. English medium program require students to complete (6)credit hours in Arabic course as a mandatory University requirement . Students who fail to come out of Academic probation will be asked to withdraw by the University as per Academic regulations. 65 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code Program Name Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Other Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math, Chemistry, Physics & Biology) SQ001 College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences GCE - A-level Certificates (2) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the Alevel will be counted and (2) subject with an (B) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above or (3) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the Alevel will be counted and (1) subject with an (B) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math + Chemistry + Physics + Biology) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% APID Certificate score of ( 4 ) points from the subjects required above IB Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points. score of (4) points in Pure Math from (HL) or score of (5) points in Pure Math from (SL) and score of (4) points in 2 subjects from (HL) or score of (5) points in 2 subjects from (SL) from ( Chemistry, Physics and Biology ) Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math + (2 Scientific Subjects)) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% Majors: Animal and Veterinary Sciences Crop Sciences Food Science and Nutrition Marine Science and Fisheries Natural Resource Economics Soils, Water and Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Experiment Station Language of instruction is English. 66 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code Program Name Minimum Requirement Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math, Chemistry, Physics & Biology) GCE - A-level Certificates (2) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the Alevel will be counted and (2) subject with an (A) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above Formula for Ranking Other Information Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math + Chemistry + Physics + Biology) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% OR SQ050 College of Medicine and Health Sciences (MD) (3) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the Alevel will be counted and (1) subject with an (A) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above APID score of ( 4 ) points form the subjects required above IB Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points score of (5) points in Pure Math from (HL) or score of (6) points in Pure Math from (SL) and score of (5) points in 2 subjects from (HL) or score of (6) points in 2 subjects from (SL) from ( Chemistry, Physics and Biology ) Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math + (2 Scientific Subjects)) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% Bachelor Degree in Health Sciences is a six year program. Medical Doctor (MD) a program that may be undertaken only after successful completion of the Health Sciences Degree. Language of instruction is English. 67 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code Program Name Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Other Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math, Chemistry, Physics & Biology) GCE - A-level Certificates (2) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the Alevel will be counted and (2) subject with an (A) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above OR SQ055 College of Medicine and Health Sciences (Biomedical Science) (3) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the Alevel will be counted and (1) subject with an (A) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above APID score of ( 4 ) points from the subjects required above IB Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points score of (5) points in Pure Math from (HL) or score of (6) points in Pure Math from (SL) and score of (5) points in 2 subjects from (HL) or score of (6) points in 2 subjects from (SL) from ( Chemistry, Physics and Biology ) Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math + Chemistry + Physics + Biology) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% Language of instruction is English. Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math + (2 Scientific Subjects)) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% 68 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code Program Name Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Other Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math, Chemistry, Physics & Biology) GCE - A-level Certificates (2) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the Alevel will be counted and (2) subject with an (B) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above OR SQ100 College of Nursing (3) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the Alevel will be counted and (1) subject with an (B) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math + Chemistry + Physics + Biology) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% APID score of ( 4 ) points form the subjects required above Mission To respond to the health care needs of the community in Oman through the development and execution of the strong educational nursing programs and engage in research. Language of instruction is English. IB Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points score of (4) points in Pure Math from (HL) or score of (5) points in Pure Math from (SL) and score of (4) points in 2 subjects from (HL) or score of (5) points in 2 subjects from (SL) from ( Chemistry, Physics and Biology ) Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math +(2 Scientific Subjects)) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% 69 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code Program Name Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Other Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math, Chemistry, Physics & Biology) APID score of ( 4 ) points form the subjects required above GCE - A-level Certificates (2) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the Alevel will be counted and (2) subject with an (B) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math + Chemistry + Physics + Biology) x 60% + average sum of all subjects x 40% OR SQ150 College of Science (3) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the Alevel will be counted and (1) subject with an (B) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above IB Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points score of (4) points in Pure Math from (HL) or score of (5) points in Pure Math from (SL) and score of (4) points in 2 subjects from (HL) or score of (5) points in 2 subjects from (SL) from ( Chemistry, Physics and Biology ) Majors: Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics, Mathematics, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Physics and Statistics. - Language of instruction is English. Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math +(2 Subjects)) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% 70 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code Program Name Minimum Requirement Formula for Ranking Majors: Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Computer System and Networks), Electrical and computer Engineering (Communications and Signal Processing), Electrical and Computer Engineering (Power System and Energy), Electrical and Computer Engineering (Electronics Instrumentation and control), Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering , Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering , Chemical and Process Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering. Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math, Chemistry, Physics) GCE - A-level Certificate Minimum (C) in the above mentioned subjects OR (3) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the A-level will be counted and (1) subject with an (B) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above SQ200 College of Engineering APID score of ( 4 ) points form the subjects required above IB- Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (4) points in two subjects from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points in two subjects from (SL) form the subjects required above Other Information Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math + Chemistry + Physics) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% The College Objectives: Provide an engineering educational experience that will prepare students to become professional engineers. Provide an environment which will enable students and faculty to make lasting contributions to the advancement of knowledge and the innovative practice of engineering. Carry out services that reinforce the public understanding of technology and lead to an improvement in the quality of life. Language of instruction is English 71 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Continue Sultan Qaboos University More Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies and English Language or Economics or Business Studies ) GCE - A-level Certificate Minimum (C) in (2) of the in the above mentioned subjects from the A-level SQ250 College of Commerce and IB- Diploma Political Sciences Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (4) points from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points from (SL) form the subjects required above Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies + English Language or Economics or Business Studies) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% Majors: Accounting, Business Statistics, Economics, Finance, Information Systems Management, Marketing, and Operations Management. - Language of instruction is English APID score of ( 4 ) points form the subjects required above 72 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code Program Name SubjectContinue Requirements Formula for Ranking Sultan Qaboos University More Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies, English Language and Arabic Language ) College of IB- Diploma Commerce and Score of 24 out of 45 points Political Sciences Minimum of (4) points from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points from (SL) form the subjects required above SQ255 (Political Sciences) APID score of ( 4 ) points form the subjects required above Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies + English Language + Arabic Language) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% - Language of instruction is English GCE - A-level Certificate Minimum C grade in the subjects required above. (2) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the A-level will be counted (1) subject with an (B) grade from the AS-level form the subjects required above 73 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking More Information Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Islamic Culture, Arabic Language) SQ350 College of Education (Islamic Education) IB- Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (4) points from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points from (SL) form the subjects required above APID Minimum of (4) points in subjects required above Average sum of major subjects (Islamic culture + Arabic Language ) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% - Language of instruction is Arabic Average sum of major subjects (English Language + Arabic Language + Islamic Culture) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% - GCE - A-Level Certificate Minimum of (C) grade from (A-Level) in the subjects required above Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : ( English Language, Islamic Culture and Arabic Language) SQ500 College of Education (English) IB- Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (5) points in English Language from(HL) or Minimum of (6) points in English Language from (SL) and Minimum of (4) points in 2 subjects from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points in 2 subjects from (SL) In following subjects: ( Islamic Culture and Arabic Language) APID Minimum of (4) points in subjects required above GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum of (B) grade in English Language and (C) grade in Arabic Language and Islamic Culture 74 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code SQ300 Program Name College of Education (Science and Mathematics) Subject Requirements Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Pure Math, Chemistry, Physics & Biology) IB- Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (4) points in Pure Math from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points in Pure Math from (SL) Or Minimum of (4) points in two subjects from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points in two subjects from (SL) from (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) Formula for Ranking Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math +(2 Subjects)) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% Specializations : Biology – Chemistry – Physics – Pure Mathematics - Language of instruction is English APID score of ( 4 ) points form the subjects required above GCE - A-level Certificate (2) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the A-level will be counted (2) subject with an (B) grade from the AS-level OR (3) subjects with a minimum (C) grade from the A-level will be counted and (1) subject with an (B) grade from the AS-level from the subjects required above More Information Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math+ Chemistry+ Biology + Physics) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% 75 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code SQ550 Program Name College of Education (Arabic) ( Male only) SQ600 College of Education (Physical Education) SQ650 College of Education (Art Education) SQ660 College of Education (Instructional & Teaching Technologies) Subject Requirements IB- Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (4) points from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points from (SL) in Arabic Language and Islamic Culture APID Minimum of (4) points in Arabic Language and Islamic Culture GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum of (C) from grade (A-Level) in Arabic Language and Islamic Culture IB- Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (4) points from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points from (SL) in Arabic Language and physical Education IB- Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (4) points from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points from (SL) in Arabic Language and Fine Arts IB- Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (4) points from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points from (SL) in the following subjects: Pure Math or Mathematical Studies and Arabic Language APID Minimum (4) points in the following subjects: Pure Math or Mathematical Studies and Arabic Language GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum of (C) grade from (A-Level) in the following subjects: Pure Math or Mathematical Studies and Arabic Language Formula for Ranking More Information Average sum of major subjects (Arabic Language + Islamic Culture) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% - Average sum of major subjects (Arabic Language + physical Education ) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% (Pass the abilities test) Average sum of major subjects (Arabic Language + Fine Arts ) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% Average sum of major subjects (Pure Math or Mathematical Studies + Arabic Language) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects) x 40% (Pass the abilities test) Candidate is advised to provide a portfolio for his previous artistic works and any certificates awarded in the field of Fine Arts. Department Objectives Achieve university objectives in preparing the qualified Omani teacher. Prepare teachers specialized in ILT. Prepare specialists for the Learning Resource Centers. Contribute to training in service teachers who teach information technology and supervise learning resource centers. Language of instruction is English Language. 76 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Arabic Language and Islamic Culture) SQ670 College of Education (Early Childhood) (Female only) IB- Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (4) points from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points from (SL) in subjects required above APID Minimum (4) points in subjects required above GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum (C) grade from (A-Level) in the subjects required above Average sum of major subjects (Arabic Language + Islamic Culture ) x 60% + average (sum of all subjects) x 40% More Information Early Childhood Education Program Statement of philosophy. The philosophy of this program is based on the following beliefs: Teachers must seek knowledge continuously, including updating their knowledge to coincide with what is new in the field, and to model the importance of lifelong learning. Teachers of the future must be prepared for utilizing the skills of creative thinking, problem solving, and decision making and the development of these skills must be an integral part of the teacher training. Teachers must understand and value diversity of both individual and groups, including sensitivity for addressing the needs of special children. Teachers must develop a high level of professionalism and a commitment to excellence in teaching. Teachers should care about all children and show a genuine dedication to working with children, their families, and the community in large. This program is for Female only - Language of instruction is English 77 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking More Information The College offer the following majors in Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Arabic Language and Islamic Culture) SQ700 College of Arts and Social Sciences (General Arts) IB- Diploma Certificate Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (4) points from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points from (SL) in subjects required above APID Minimum (4) points in subjects required above GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum (C) grade from (A-Level) in the subjects required above Average sum of major subjects (Arabic Language + Islamic Culture ) x 60% + average (sum of all subjects) x 40% the Bachelor degree: Arabic Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, Geography, History, Information Studies Social Work Sociology. Media Translation Tourism Student fulfilling admission requirement and officially enrolled in the College are assigned to the majors according to : 1- Student choice 2- Number of seats available in each program. 3- Score in the English placement and exit test. In order to specialize in Translation, student should first be in the English language and literature program, and apply for transfer to Translation once they have fulfilled its minimum requirements. Enrollment into music and musicology requires a skill test. Student can take course in their program only prior to the completion of all Foundation Year courses. 78 Sultan Qaboos University Prog. Code SQ780 Program Name Continue Sultan Qaboos University Subject Requirements IB- Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points College of Arts and Minimum of (4) points from (HL) or Social Sciences Minimum of (5) points from (SL) in: Arabic (Music and Musical Language and Music Sciences) (Pass the abilities test) Formula for Ranking More Information Average sum of major subjects (Arabic Language + Music ) x 60% + (average sum of all subjects )x 40% Priority will be given to students who score the highest marks in the Exit Test based on limited number of seats - Language of instruction is Arabic and some courses are taught in English Average sum of major subjects (Arabic Language + Islamic Culture) x 60% + average (sum of all subjects) x 40% - Language of instruction is Arabic and some courses are taught in English Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (Islamic Culture, Arabic Language) SQ800 College of Law IB- Diploma Score of 24 out of 45 points Minimum of (4) points from (HL) or Minimum of (5) points from (SL) in subjects required above APID Minimum (4) points in subjects required above GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum (C) grade from (A-Level) in the subjects required above 79 Entry Requirements for Colleges of Applied Science for International Certificates Entry Requirements for Colleges of Applied Science for the Academic Year 2015/2016: 1- International Certificate must be issued in 2014/2015 2- Getting (C) as Minimum Requirement in Subjects Required for (A-Level) GCE). 3- Getting (B) as Minimum Requirement in Subjects Required for (AS-Level) GCE). 4- Getting at least 24 points of 45 points for (IBD) 5- Score of (4) point in High level (HL) for the subjects required for IBD. 6- Score of (5) point in standard level (SL) for the subjects required for IBD. 7- Getting (4) Points in Subjects Required for (APID Level). 8- Student should be medically fit. 80 Colleges of Applied Science Website: Prog. Code AS001 Bachelor of Applied Biotechnology (Sur College) AS002 Bachelor of Engineering (Sohar College) AS003 AS004 AS005 81 Program Name Subject Requirements - Pure Math - Biology - Chemistry - Pure Math - Physics - Chemistry Formula for Ranking (Pure Math + Biology + Chemistry) x60% + (Total Subject)×40% (Pure Math + Physics + Chemistry.) x 60% + ( Total Subjects) x 40% Tie Break Highest Grades in : - Pure Math - Biology - Chemistry Highest Grades in: - Pure Math - Physics - Chemistry Information Technology Sohar College Information Technology Ibri College AS006 Information Technology Rustaq College AS016 Information Technology Salalah College Arabic language Pure Math Program Majors:*Marine Biotechnology. *Food & Agriculture Biotechnology. *Environmental Biotechnology - Program Majors: *Chemical Eng. *Electrical Eng. * Mechanical Eng. Program Majors : *Computer Networks *Software Development *Information Technology Security *Data Management Information Technology Sur College Average Total of Subjects required (Arabic language + Pure Math) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% More Information Highest Grades in : - Arabic language - Pure Math -Admission to program AS016 is limited to female applicants from Dhofar Governorate only, while male applicants from all Governorates can be admitted. Colleges of Applied Science Website: Prog. Code AS007 Program Name Subject rquirements International Business Adm Rustaq College -Arabic language AS008 International Business Adm Salalah College -Pure Math or Mathematical studies -Social Studies or Business Studies or Economics AS015 AS009 AS010 AS011 82 International Business Adm Nizwa College Mass Communication Studies Sur College Mass Communication Studies Salalah College Mass Communication Studies Nizwa College Arabic language Formula for Ranking ( Average Total of Subjects required (Arabic language + Pure Math or mathematical studies + Social Studies or Business Studies or Economics ) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% ( Average Total of Subjects required (Arabic language) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% Tie Breaker Highest Grades in : - Arabic language - Pure Math or mathematical studies - Social Studies or Business Studies or Economics Highest Grades in : - Arabic language More Information Program Majors :*International Business *Tourism Management. *Accounting *hospitality Management. *Supply Chain Management. * Marketing *Banking and Finance Services *Insurance Admission to program AS016 is limited to female applicants from Dhofar Governorate only, while male applicants from all Governorates can be admitted. Program Majors :*Digital Media, *International Communication *Public Relations *Media Management *Journalism *Advertising Admission to program AS016 is limited to female applicants from Dhofar Governorate only, while male applicants from all Governorates can be admitted. Colleges of Applied Science Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject rquirements Pure Math or Mathematical studies AS013 Design Nizwa College Arabic language Art or Graphic Design AS014 83 English Language Rustaq College English Language Arabic Language Islamic Studies Formula for Ranking ( Average Total of Subjects required (Arabic language + Pure Math or mathematical studies + Art or Graphic Design) x 60% + (Total Average of All Subjects) x 40% ( English Language + Arabic Language + Islamic Studies) x60% + (Total Subject)×40% Tie Breaker Highest Grad in : - Pure Math or mathematical studies - Arabic language - Art or Graphic Design Highest Grad in : - English language - Arabic language Islamic Studies More Information Program Minors - Digital Design - Graphic Design - Spatial Design - Military Technological College (MTC) MTC Entry Requirements: To enter MTC, students must: 1. Complete the 2014/2015 general diploma or its equivalent. 2. Pass the English entry test, medical examinations and interview. 3. Fulfill the program's requirements, including the competitive average and seats available in each program. 4. Undergo military training during the period of study at MTC. 5. Complete the foundation program's requirements (within 2 years at maximum), plus 5.0 in the IELTS at minimum. 6. After completion of the foundation program, students will be distributed to their main specializations according to their choice, average and service requirements. 7. After completion of the advanced diploma or BEng , students will be committed to a service contract (For further information about the length of service, please log in to 8. Students are not allowed to withdraw from the college, unless this withdrawal is attributed to serious circumstances, such as illness or other personal issues supported by the MTC admin. 9. Students whose their names appear in the first list will only be accepted. 10. 84 The 2015/2016 academic year will be restricted to male students only. The MTC Academic Programs Prog. Code Program Name Minimum Requirements Formula of Ranking Students, after graduation, will be awarded internationally recognized advanced diploma/BEng. Systems Engineering MT001 Other Information BEng. Is awarded as per service requirement, academic average, and military discipline (this applies to all concerned services without exception). Office of COSSAF Civil Engineering and Quantity Survey IB Diploma 21 points out of 45. 3 points at minimum in the Higher Level or 4 points at minimum in the Standard Level in physics and pure math. MTC has an academic collaboration with a Average sum of major number of worldwide engineering institutions such as ICE, RAes, IMechE, BCS,IMarEST,EI. subjects (Pure Math+ physics ) x Students attending Aeronautical Engineering program (Mechanics&Electronics) will be awarded 60% + EASA part 66 after graduation. + average sum of all subjects x 40% Systems Engineering Advanced diploma graduates will be recruited at MOD and SAF, and awarded a sergeant rank with a monthly salary of 800 OMR. Advanced diploma graduates, based on their Service agreement, may continue their study to obtain a BEng. certified by the University of Portsmouth, after they join service. MT002 Each student will receive a monthly grant of 100 OMR with 10 OMR as an annual increment, as well as a laptop and WIFI service. Royal Army of Oman Civil Engineering and Quantity Survey Free food, accommodation, laundry and military and sports dress. Free risk insurance within the campus. For sub-specializations and medical requirements, please visit 85 The MTC Academic Programs Prog. Code Program Name Minimum Requirements Formula of Ranking Other Information Students, after graduation, will be awarded internationally recognized advanced diploma/BEng. Aeronautical Engineering MT003 Royal Air Force of Oman BEng. Is awarded as per service requirement, academic average, and military discipline (this applies to all concerned services without exception). Systems Engineering MTC has an academic collaboration with a number of worldwide engineering institutions such as ICE, RAes, IMechE, BCS,IMarEST,EI. Civil Engineering and Quantity Survey IB Diploma 21 points out of 45. Marine Engineering MT004 Royal Navy of Oman Systems Engineering Students attending Aeronautical Engineering Average sum of major program (Mechanics&Electronics) will be awarded EASA part 66 after graduation. subjects Advanced diploma graduates will be recruited at (Pure Math+ physics ) x MOD and SAF, and awarded a sergeant rank with a 3 points at minimum in the Higher 60% + monthly salary of 800 OMR. Level or 4 points at minimum in the Standard Level in physics and + average sum of all Advanced diploma graduates, based on their pure math. subjects x 40% Service agreement, may continue their study to obtain a BEng. certified by the University of Portsmouth, after they join service. Each student will receive a monthly grant of 100 OMR with 10 OMR as an annual increment, as well as a laptop and WIFI service. Civil Engineering and Quantity Survey Free food, accommodation, laundry and military and sports dress. Free risk insurance within the campus. For sub-specializations and medical requirements, please visit 86 87 The MTC Academic Programs Prog. Code Program Name Minimum Requirements Other Information Formula for Ranking Students, after graduation, will be awarded internationally recognized advanced diploma/BEng. Civil Engineering BEng. Is awarded as per service requirement, academic average, and military discipline (this applies to all concerned services without exception). and Quantity Survey MT005 MTC has an academic collaboration with a number of worldwide engineering institutions such as ICE, RAes, IMechE, BCS,IMarEST,EI. MODES Systems Engineering IB Diploma 21 points out of 45. Aeronautical Engineering Royal Court Affairs Systems Engineering 3 points at minimum in the Higher Level or 4 points at minimum in the Standard Level in physics and pure math Average sum of major subjects Students attending Aeronautical Engineering program (Mechanics&Electronics) will be awarded EASA part 66 after graduation. Advanced diploma graduates will be recruited at (Pure Math+ physics ) x MOD and SAF, and awarded a sergeant rank with a 60% + monthly salary of 800 OMR. + average sum of all subjects x 40% Advanced diploma graduates, based on their Service agreement, may continue their study to obtain a BEng. certified by the University of Portsmouth, after they join service. Each student will receive a monthly grant of 100 OMR with 10 OMR as an annual increment, as well as a laptop and WIFI service. MT006 Marine Engineering Free food, accommodation, laundry and military and sports dress. Free risk insurance within the campus. For sub-specializations and medical requirements, please visit 88 The MTC Academic Programs Prog. Code Program Name Minimum Requirements Formula for Ranking Students, after graduation, will be awarded internationally recognized advanced diploma/BEng. Systems Engineering MT007 Other Information BEng. Is awarded as per service requirement, academic average, and military discipline (this applies to all concerned services without exception). Royal Guard of Oman MTC has an academic collaboration with a number of worldwide engineering institutions such as ICE, RAes, IMechE, BCS,IMarEST,EI. Civil Engineering and Quantity Survey IB Diploma 21 points out of 45. Aeronautical Engineering Royal Oman Police Systems Engineering 3 points at minimum in the Higher Level or 4 points at minimum in the Standard Level in physics and pure math. Students attending Aeronautical Engineering Average sum of major program (Mechanics&Electronics) will be awarded EASA part 66 after graduation. subjects Advanced diploma graduates will be recruited (Pure Math+ physics ) x at MOD and SAF, and awarded a sergeant rank with 60% + a monthly salary of 800 OMR. + average sum of all subjects x 40% Advanced diploma graduates, based on their Service agreement, may continue their study to obtain a BEng. certified by the University of Portsmouth, after they join service. Each student will receive a monthly grant of 100 OMR with 10 OMR as an annual increment, as well as a laptop and WIFI service. MT008 Marine Engineering Free food, accommodation, laundry and military and sports dress. Free risk insurance within the campus. For sub-specializations and medical requirements, please visit 89 The MTC Academic Programs Prog. Code Program Name Minimum Requirements Other Information Formula for Ranking Students, after graduation, will be awarded internationally recognized advanced diploma/BEng. BEng. Is awarded as per service requirement, academic average, and military discipline (this applies to all concerned services without exception). IB Aeronautical Engineering MT009 Oman Aviation Diploma 21 points out of 45. 3 points at minimum in the Higher Level or 4 points at minimum in the Standard Level in physics and pure math. MTC has an academic collaboration with a number of worldwide engineering institutions such as ICE, RAes, IMechE, BCS,IMarEST,EI. Average sum of major Students attending Aeronautical Engineering subjects program (Mechanics&Electronics) will be awarded (Pure Math+ physics ) x EASA part 66 after graduation. 60% + + average sum of all subjects x 40% Advanced diploma graduates will be recruited at MOD and SAF, and awarded a sergeant rank with a monthly salary of 800 OMR. Advanced diploma graduates, based on their Service agreement, may continue their study to obtain a BEng. certified by the University of Portsmouth, after they join service. Each student will receive a monthly grant of 100 OMR with 10 OMR as an annual increment, as well as a laptop and WIFI service. Free food, accommodation, laundry and military and sports dress. Free risk insurance within the campus. For sub-specializations and medical requirements, please visit 90 MINISTRY OF HEALTH CRITERIA FOR ADMISSION IN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES FOR INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATES In order to apply to any of the educational programs offered by the Ministry of Health for the academic year 2015/2016, the applicant should meet the following requirements: 1. Graduate of the academic year 2014/2015 and have completed 12 years of schooling as per MOE requirements. 2. Age not less than 17 years and not more than 25 years on the date of admission. 3. Medically fit. 4. Applicant with any form of disability or special needs must contact institute for suitability before selecting any program. 5. Height not less than 140cm. 6. Meet the admission requirements for a specific program. Remarks: 1. These programmes start with the foundation programme, in addition to the other academic years according to specialization. 2. Studies in educational institutes and training in the hospital is in a mixed gender environment. 3. The student’s admission shall be null and void after 2 weeks from the date of start of the study, if he/she did not join the study. 4. The following documents should be submitted on enrollment of the student: - Original and a copy of Educational certificate attested by the concerned authorities at the Ministry of Education. - A certificate of good conduct from the last school attended. - 8 recent passport sizes colored photographs. - Copy of identity card and valid passport. 91 Oman Assistant Pharmacy Institute . Website: The aim of Pharmacy program is to educate and train students for a period of four years after Foundation Program leading to a Bachelor in Assistant Pharmacy. Students must successfully complete professional courses such as pharmacy practice, dosage forms, applied therapeutics, pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry and other non-professional courses. Graduates qualify to work as a Pharmacist in the Ministry of Health’s pharmaceutical services immediately after successful completion of the programme according to the service requirements and in any governorate in Oman based on geographic allocation. High performing graduates have an opportunity for further studies. Prog. Code Program Name Bachelor in PI005 Assistant Pharmacy Minimum requirements Subjects required: Chemistry, Biology, Physics GCE Certificate: A- Level: - Two ‘A’ levels from the required subjects with minimum ‘D’ grade - One ‘AS’ level from the required subjects with minimum ‘C’ grade IB Diploma / Certificate: - Must obtain minimum of 24 points. - Minimum of 3 points on required subjects. APID: Must obtain a minimum of 3 points on required subjects. 92 Basis for offer places (Chemistry + Biology + Physics ) x60% + (all courses x 40%) Tie Breaker 1. Chemistry 2. Biology 3. Physics Other information Places are offered to applicants from all governorates of Oman according to Positions available for the governorate. Institute of Health Sciences Website: The Medical Laboratory Sciences (MLS) Program at the Institute of Health Sciences is a four years Bachelor after Foundation Program. This program trains young Omani in medical laboratories to perform scientific studies of blood, body fluids and body tissues which help clinicians diagnose and treat patients in the health services. Graduates qualify to work in the Ministry of Health services immediately after successful completion of the programme according to the service requirements and in any governorate in Oman based on geographic allocation. High performing graduates have an opportunity for further studies. Prog. Code Program Name Bachelor IH001 in Medical Laboratory Sciences Minimum requirements Subjects required: Chemistry, Biology, Physics GCE Certificate: A- Level: - Two ‘A’ levels from the required subjects with minimum ‘D’ grade - One ‘AS’ level from the required subjects with minimum ‘C’ grade IB Diploma / Certificate: - Must obtain minimum of 24 points. APID: Must obtain a minimum of 3 points on required subjects. 93 Basis for offers of places Tie Breaker (Chemistry + Biology 1. Chemistry + Physics) x 60% + 2. Biology (all coursesx40%) 3. Physics Other information Places are offered to applicants from all governorates of Oman according to Positions available for the governorate. Institute of Health Sciences Website: The Medical Imaging program at the Institute of Health Sciences is a four years Bachelor after Foundation Program. Medical Imaging is the practice of using various forms of radiation to produce high-quality images, which aid in the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of injury and disease. It is a technology dependent discipline, which combines medical science and technology in medical care. 56% of learning period of the program is based in hospitals. Graduates qualify to work in the Ministry of Health services immediately after successful completion of the programme according to the service requirements and in any governorate in Oman based on geographic allocation. High performing graduates have an opportunity for further studies. Prog. Code IH002 Program Name Minimum requirements Subjects required: Chemistry, Biology, Physics GCE Certificate: A- Level: - Two ‘A’ levels from the required subjects with minimum ‘D’ grade Bachelor in - One ‘AS’ level from the required Medical subjects with minimum ‘C’ grade Imaging IB Diploma / Certificate: - Must obtain minimum of 24 points. APID: Must obtain a minimum of 3 points on required subjects. 94 Basis for offers of places (Chemistry + Biology + Physics) x 60% + (all coursesx40%) Tie Breaker 1. Physics 2. Biology 3. Chemistry Other information Places are offered to applicants from all governorates of Oman according to Positions available for the governorate. Institute of Health Sciences Website: The Physiotherapy program at the Institute of Health Sciences is a four years Bachelor after Foundation Program. Physiotherapy comprises the care and services provided by the physiotherapist. It includes the assessment of patients who have health related conditions, physical and/functional impairments, or disabilities to determine the physical diagnosis, with a view to alleviating the impairments and functional limitations, and promoting and maintaining good health and quality of life. Physiotherapy education incorporates humanistic principles, scientific enquiry and service to society. The aim of our physiotherapy program is to graduate physiotherapists who have the knowledge, professional skills and attitudes necessary to play a full role in health education, provide competent care and treatment of patients, evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy applied and modify the same where appropriate. Graduates qualify to work in the Ministry of Health services immediately after successful completion of the programme according to the service requirements and in any governorate in Oman based on geographic allocation. High performing graduates have an opportunity for further studies. Prog. Code Program Name Minimum requirements Basis for offers of places Tier Breaker Other information Subjects required: Chemistry, Biology, Physics IH003 Bachelor in Physiotherapy GCE Certificate: A- Level: - Two ‘A’ levels from the required subjects with minimum ‘D’ grade (Physics + Biology+ - One ‘AS’ level from the Chemistry) x 60% + required subjects with minimum (all courses x 40%) ‘C’ grade IB Diploma / Certificate: - Must obtain minimum of 24 points. APID: Must obtain a minimum of 3 points on required subjects. 95 1. Biology 2. Physics 3. Chemistry Places are offered to applicants from all governorates of Oman according to Positions available for the governorate. Institute of Health Sciences Website: The Institute of Health Sciences offers a four years Bachelor program for Oral Health after Foundation Program. This program aims to prepare students to function in Oral Health and be member of the dental team, and work with a dentist to perform a wide variety of patient care, dental health education, administrative and clinical duties. Graduates qualify to work in the Ministry of Health services immediately after successful completion of the programme according to the service requirements and in any governorate in Oman based on geographic allocation. High performing graduates have an opportunity for further studies. Prog. Code Program Name Minimum requirements Basis for offers of places Tie Breaker Other information Subjects required: Chemistry, Biology, Physics GCE Certificate: IH004 Bachelor in Oral Health A- Level: - Two ‘A’ levels from the required subjects with minimum ‘D’ grade - One ‘AS’ level from the required subjects with minimum ‘C’ grade IB Diploma / Certificate: - Must obtain minimum of 24 points. APID: Must obtain a minimum of 3 points on required subjects. 96 (Chemistry + Biology+ Physics) x 60% + (all courses x 40%) 1. Biology 2. Chemistry 3. Physics Places are offered to applicants from all governorates of Oman according to Positions available for the governorate. Nursing Institutes Website: Diploma of General Nursing There are 9 nursing Institutes under MOH. Oman Nursing Institute in Muscat. Sohar and North Batinah Nursing Institutes in North Batinah. Rustaq Nursing institute in South Batinah, Dakhiliya Nursing Institute in Al-Dakhiliya, Dhahira Nursing Institute in Al-Dhahira, Ibra Nursing Institute in North Sharqiya, Sur Nursing Institute in South Sharqiya and Salalah Nursing Institute in Dhofar. The aim of the General Nursing Program at the Nursing Institutes is to prepare motivated young Omanis towards a professional career in Nursing for a period of a four years Bachelor after Foundation Program followed by a six months internship. Graduates qualify to work in various health care facilities immediately after completion of the program. Graduates are employed to any governorate in Oman according to the requirement of health service. High performing graduates have an opportunity for further studies. Prog. Code Program Name NM001 NH001 NI001 NU001 97 Bachelor in General Nursing Minimum requirements . Subjects required: Chemistry, Biology, Physics GCE Certificate: A- Level: - Two ‘A’ levels from the required subjects with minimum ‘D’ grade - One ‘AS’ level from the required subjects with minimum ‘C’ grade IB Diploma / Certificate: - Must obtain minimum of 24 points. APID: Must obtain a minimum of 3 points on required subjects Basis for offers of places Tier Breaker Other information Students from Governorate of Muscat, Wilayat of Barka, Bidbid and Masira to apply in these institutes (Chemistry + Biology + Physics ) x 60% + (all courses x 40 %) 1. Biology 2. Chemistry 3. Physics Students from Al-Dhahira region and Governorate of Buraimi to apply in AlDhahira Nursing Institute. Students from North Shargiya region to apply in Ibra Nursing Institute. Students from South Shargiya region except Wilayat Masira to apply in Sur Nursing Institute Nursing Institutes Prog. Code Program Name NS001 NR001 NN001 NA001 98 Bachelor in General Nursing Website: Diploma of General Nursing Minimum requirements . Subjects required: Chemistry, Biology, Physics GCE Certificate: A- Level: - Two ‘A’ levels from the required subjects with minimum ‘D’ grade - One ‘AS’ level from the required subjects with minimum ‘C’ grade IB Diploma / Certificate: - Must obtain minimum of 24 points. APID: Must obtain a minimum of 3 points on required subjects Basis for offers of places Tier Breaker Other information Students from North Batinah region and Governorate of Musandam to apply in North Batinah and Sohar Nursing Institutes. (Chemistry + Biology + Physics) x 60% + (all courses x 40 %) 1. Biology 2. Chemistry 3. Physics . Students from South Batinah region except Wilayat Barka to apply in Rustaq Nursing Institute Students from Al-Dakhiliya and AlWosta regions except Wilayat Bidbid to apply in Dakhiliya Nursing Institute Students from Dhofar region to apply in Salalah Nursing Institute Nursing Institutes Website: Diploma of General Nursing Oman Health Information Management Institute Website: The intent of this program is to grant a four years Bachelor in Health Information Management after Foundation Program to young Omani human resources. The program has theory and practicals which incorporates basic skills and information required to qualify students in the field of Electronic Health Records. The graduates are qualified to work in the Ministry of Health institutions after successfully completing the program according to the service needs. The graduates who attain excellent marks have the opportunity to continue their higher studies abroad. Prog. Code Program Name Bachelor in HM001 Health Information Management Minimum requirements Subjects required: Chemistry, Biology, Pure Mathematics GCE Certificate: A- Level: - Two ‘A’ levels from the required subjects with minimum ‘D’ grade - One ‘AS’ level from the required subjects with minimum ‘C’ grade IB Diploma / Certificate: - Must obtain minimum of 24 points. APID: Must obtain a minimum of 3 points on required subjects. 99 Basis for offers of places (Pure mathematics + Biology + Chemistry) x 60% + (all courses x 40%) Tier Breaker 1. Biology 2. Pure Mathematics 3. Chemistry Other information Places are offered to applicants from all governorates of Oman according to Positions available for the governorate. Colleges of Technology Prog. Code TC001 TC002 TC006 Program Name Website: Subject Requirements Engineering Information Technology Photography GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum (E) grade in one subject from A2 and one subject from AS level for the subjects required IB Score of (18) points out of the (45) points TC004 100 Business Studies APID Score of (2) points in all Subjects. Formula for Ranking Tie Breaker (Pure Math + Physics + Chemistry) x 60% + (all courses x 40 %) Highest Marks in: - Pure Math -Physics (Pure Math + Physics) x 60 % + (all Courses x 40 %) Highest Marks in: -Pure Math - Physics (Pure Math or Mathematical studies) + Social studies) x 60% + (All courses x 40 % Highest Marks in: - Pure Math (Pure Math or Mathematical studies + Arabic + Social studies or History or Geography) x 60% + (All courses x 40 %) -Highest Marks in: -Arabic Language More Information - The student should be medically fit. - Students will be allocated to colleges by region with respect to their capacities. - The student is supposed to do a Foundation Program in English. Those who complete the program successfully will join the specialization programs admitted to which lead to qualifications at the level of certificate and diploma and in some specializations to Higher Diploma and B.Tech. - Only Diploma certificate for programs TC005-TC006-TC007, other programs award Bachelor degree in case student scored the required GPA. Colleges of Technology Website: Prog. Code TC005 Program Name Pharmacology Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Tie Breaker Subjects Required For All International Qualifications (Pure Math + any 2 of the following (Chemistry, Biology, Physics)) GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum (E) grade in one subject from A2 and one subject from AS level for the subjects required TC003 Applied Science IB Score of (18) points out of the (45) points. APID score of (2) points in all subjects. 101 (Pure Math + (2) of the following (Physics or Chemistry or Biology)) x 60% + (all courses)x 40 % Highest Marks in: Pure Math More Information The student should be medically fit. - Students will be allocated to colleges by region with respect to their capacities. - The student is supposed to do a Foundation Program in English. Those who complete the program successfully will join the specialization programs admitted to which lead to qualifications at the level of certificate and diploma and in some specializations to Higher Diploma and B.Tech. - Only Diploma certificate for programs TC005-TC006-TC007, other programs award Bachelor degree in case student scored the required GPA. Colleges of Technology Website: Prog. Code Program Name Subject Requirements Formula for Ranking Tie Breaker Subjects Required For All International Qualifications : (( Pure Math or Mathematical studies) + Social studies + Arabic + History or Geography or Art) TC007 Faison Design (Females only) GCE -A-Level Certificate Minimum (E) grade in one subject from A2 and one subject from AS level for the subjects required IB score of (18) points out of the (45 ) points APID score of (2) points in all subjects (AP). 102 Pure Math or Applied Math + Social studies + Arabic or History or Geography or Art) x 60% + (All courses x 40 %) Highest Marks in: Art More Information - The student should be medically fit. - Students will be allocated to colleges by region with respect to their capacities. - The student is supposed to do a Foundation Program in English. Those who complete the program successfully will join the specialization programs admitted to which lead to qualifications at the level of certificate and diploma and in some specializations to Higher Diploma and B.Tech. - Only Diploma certificate for programs TC005-TC006-TC007, other programs award Bachelor degree in case student scored the required GPA. (SMS Services (Higher Education Admission Center) Send SMS message with one of these services from your mobile phone to this number (90190) # THE MESSAGE 1 H 2 I GH xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx HEAC No PI xxxxxxxxx HEAC No Social No AS xxxxxxx xxxxx 4 5 Help I Information GH Get HEAC Number 7 8 9 10 11 12 HEAC No Prg Co RP xxxxxxx, xxxxx,xxxxx,,.. HEAC No Prg Co Prg order IP xxxxxxx xxxxx 103 This service to get HEAC number AS S View Social Sec DS Delete Social Sec Add Low income View Low income Delete Low income Change GSM number This service will be used to delete the social security number Register Programs To enter program choices AL VL DL CG RP #2 This service will give list of SMS services which are available in t h e system This service will give the information about Higher Education Admission Center Personal Information Add Social security number PI HEAC No S xxxxxxxxxxxx HEAC No DS xxxxxxxxxxxx HEAC No AL xxxxxxxxxxxx HEAC No VL xxxxxxxxxxxx HEAC No DL xxxxxxxxxxxx Civil No HEAC No GSM No CG xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx 6 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION H Civil No set No GSM No 3 13 CODE IP Insert Programs The student will get his personal information (Name, Date, Gender…etc) which is available Student can add Social security number This service will make the student view the social security number which he/she added before This service to add the low income data In this service student can view his/her low income status To delete the low income data To change the GSM (Mobile phone) number with new GSM number to use it for the services This Service to insert programs to the list, so the student will text code (IP) with HEAC number followed by program code and then (#) and the order of program and send to 90190 14 HEAC No Delete Prg Co DP xxxxxxx xxxxxxx 15 HEAC No Old prg New prg CP xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx 16 Civil No R xxxxxxxxxxxx DP CP Registration number Programs HEAC No P xxxxxxxxxxxx P 18 HEAC No VS xxxxxxxxxxxx VS 19 HEAC No G xxxxxxxxxxxx G 20 HEAC No O xxxxxxxxxxxx HEAC No A xxxxxxxxxxxx 22 Prg Co C xxxxxxxxxxxx O This service to delete program from registered list so the student will text code (DP) with HEAC number and the code of program Service fifteen is to change the programs in the registered programs list, the student will type a message having code (CP) with HEAC Change Programs number and the old program code, after it the new program code R 17 21 Delete Programs Social security status Grades Offered program A Accept offer C Criteria This service is to provide the student with Higher Education Admission Center number (HEAC number), the code (R) with ID number to 90190. The system will send HEAC number to GSM number which is available in the Admission Center database This service will give the programs list which student had chosen, the student should send code (P) with HEAC number The student can through this service to know about his Social Security situation. He/she should send the code (VS) with HEAC number The student will inquire about his grades list which is obtained from Ministry Of Education. He/she should send code (G) with HEAC number The student can know the result of offer through SMS by sending code (O) with HEAC number In this service the student will send message wich included code (A) with HEAC number to confirm The Acceptation of offer To inquire about the criteria of any program is possible through this service, that the student will send code (C) with the code of program Important Note: Student must use the same GSM phone which has been registered in database for any requirement or details. When you write SMS messages you should leave one space between each code or details as they are in the above table. The student will receive a message for each message he sends if it's correct or not after few minutes, If he doesn’t receive any message then this means that the system didn't get his message and he should try again. The cost will be between 100 to 75 Baisa per one message. You will be informed when the services are active 104 Addresses of the Higher Education Institutions LOCATION AlKhoudh INSTITUTION Sultan Qaboos University CODE WEBSITE Tel FAX SQ 39952222 39952965 Airport Heights Military Technical College MT 33285555 33285292 Alkhwair College of Shariaa Science IS 39282955 39282925 Ministry of Higher Education Institutions Rustaq College of Applied Science Rustaq SR 36996323 36999236 Sohar College of Applied Science Sohar SH 33256822 33259225 Nizwa College of Applied Science Nizwa SN 35925922 35925523 Ibri College of Applied Science Ibri SB 35682558 35685686 Sur College of Applied Science Sur SS 35599552 35599955 Salalah College of Applied Science Salalah SL 32336655 32335632 SE 24340798 24340789 24340774 Airport Heights Directorate of External Scholarships 105 Airport Heights Directorate of Internal Scholarships SF-SP SA-SR 24340817 24340838 24340825 24340815 Ministry of Manpower Institutions Muscat Higher Technical College TC 39992633 39999925 Musun’ah Technical College Musun’ah TC 36995222 36968359 Shinas Technical College Shinas TC 36953955 36999936 Nizwa Technical College Nizwa TC 35996555 35925232 Ibraa Technical College Ibraa TC 35599922 35598232 Salalah Technical College Salalah Ibri Technical College Ibri TC TC 32332925 35682669 32336369 35698932 North Hail Vocational Training Center A’Seeb VT 39592869 39525933 Bathaa Alashkhar Vocational Training Center Saham VT 36959599 36959562 Alrabya Vocational Training Center Ibri VT 35698396 35698235 Almurtafa’a Vocational Training Center Sur VT 35592563 35592563 Alaqar Vocational Training Center Shinas VT 36999935 36999935 Alaqad Vocational Training Center AlBuraimi VT 35665565 - 106 Abbasa Raisoot Fishermen Traning Institute of Alkhaboura Fishermen Traning Institute of Salalah FT 36925892 36925828 FT 32358659 32358652 Ministry of Health Institutions 39562295 39562299 Alwataiya Health Science Institute IH Alwataiya Oman Assistant Pharmacy Institute PI Alwataiya Oman Nursing Institute NM Rustaq Rustaq Nursing Institute NR 36999595 36993559 Sohar North Batinah Nursing Institute NS 36992583 36995955 Nizwa Al Dakhelya Nursing Institute NN 35355952 35355852 Al Dhahirah Al Dhahirah Nursing Institute NH Ibraa Ibraa Nursing Institute NI 35686552 35592295 35686559 35592296 Sur Sur Nursing Institute NU 35592823 35599362 Salalah Salalah Nursing Institute NA 32356992 32356298 5523 Extension 39569225 24564112 3522 Extension 39569293 39565998 107 Muscat Oman Health Information Management Institute HM 24563957 24561747 39523399 24505787 24505832 39523535 39525898 Tel FAX 36952522 36932523 39922922 39922932 39922939 39922982 Central Bank of Oman HEI Boushar College of Banking and Financial Studies BF Private Higher Education Institutions LOCATION Sohar INSTITUTION Sohar University CODE SU WEBSITE Ruwi Majan University College MJ m Boushar Modern College of Business and Science MO 39592592 39592592 39592599 A’Seeb Calidonian College of Engineering CC 39526565 24535675 Airport Heights Al Zahraa College ZH 39553999 39555582 Airport Heights Mazoon College MM m 39552222 39552222 39552269 35565555 35565556 35565559 35565555 35565565 Sur Sur University College SC 108 Rusail Waljat Collge for Applied Science WS Al Buraimi Al Buraimi University College BC 39998589 24446660 24446337 69994442 24449197 35659666 35659622 24513233 24513251 24513232 24513213 36982266 36982222 36982269 36982328 Airport Heights Scientific College of Design SD Barka Oman College for Management and Technology OC Boushar Muscat College MC om 39589992 39589296 39529859 A’Seeb International College for Engineering and Management FS 39553232 39535255 32329999 32329952 Salalah Dhofar University DH 32329293 32329292 32329299 Al Maabila Gulf College GC 39969666 39969622 Sohar International Marine College of Oman IM 26827777 26827744 Boushar Oman Medical College OM 39529629 39529932 109 39685593 39685592 39685599 39682255 AO 24699444 24699669 Al Sharqiya University AU 35562922 88982892 35562923 Al Buraimi University of Buraimi BU 25655509 35655365 Boushar Global College for Engineering and Management GE Nizwa Nizwa University NU Barka - Halban German University of Technology GU 22061111 22061000 Airport Heights Oman College for Tourism OT 24512345 39553298 Madinat AlIlam Al Bayan College BA AlQurum Arab Open University Ibra 39339822 39339822 35996329 35996295 39339825 35996229 110
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