Health Screening Schedule This schedule is a recommended timeline for routine health screenings. It does not replace the care of your doctor or guarantee insurance coverage. Please consult your physician for medical guidance, and contact your health plan for information about benefits. Preventive Service Age Frequency Bone Mineral Density (DEXA – scan) Women 65-85 Men 70+ Colonoscopy 50-75 Dental checkup Depression Screening Flu Vaccination All 18+ 6 months+ 40-49 50+ Every 10 years (sigmoidoscopy every 5 or fecal occult blood test every 3) Twice a year Regularly if at-risk Every year Doctor recommendation Every 2 years All Every year 65+ Doctor recommendation 18+ Every year 50+ Doctor recommendation 18+ 20+ High Risk of Glaucoma Diabetic patients 21-30 Once in lifetime Doctor recommendation Every 10 years Every 1-2 years Every year Every year Every 3 years 30-65 Every 3-5 years Mammogram Physical Examination (weight, height, BMI, blood pressure, etc.) Pneumonia Vaccination Preventive Labs (fasting glucose, cholesterol, etc.) Shingles Vaccination Skin Screening Tetanus Vaccination Vision Exam Well Woman Exam (breast exam, pap test and pelvic exam) Every 2 years Health First offers health care coverage options through two companies. Health First Health Plans, Inc. offers Medicare Advantage and Group HMO and POS (point of service) health plans. Health First Insurance, Inc. offers Group and Individual PPO insurance, including Exchange policies. Health First Health Plans is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Health First Health Plans depends on contract renewal. Y0089_MPINFO4049 (05/14) My Health & Preventive Screenings Record It’s so easy to forget when you had your last screening… and so important to remember when your next one is due! Use this convenient record to keep track of the dates of your health screenings. THIS RECORD BELONGS TO: _____________________________________________ Health Screenings Health Screenings Shingles Vaccination Bone Mineral Density (DEXA scan) DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE Preventive Labs (fasting glucose, cholesterol, etc.) DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE Other Pneumonia Vaccination DATE DATE DATE Other Physical Exam (weight, height, BMI, blood pressure, etc.) DATE DATE Medication Refills Mammogram DATE DATE Well Woman Exam (breast exam, pelvic exam and Pap test) Flu Vaccination DATE DATE Vision Exam Depression Screening DATE DATE Tetanus Vaccination Dental Checkup DATE DATE Skin Screening Colonoscopy DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE Health First Health Plans and Insurance does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or health status in the administration of the plan, including enrollment and benefit determinations.
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