Helicobacter pylori–binding microspheres to prevent gastric cancer Inês C. Gonçalves icastro@ineb.up.pt 16th April 2015 “Encontros com a Inovação em Saúde” Helicobacter pylori infection World population 7 billion people 50% Wroblewski et al. Clin Microbiol Rev 2010 Infected with H. pylori 3,5 billion people 1% Wroblewski et al. Clin Microbiol Rev 2010; Peek et al J. Pathol. 2006 Develop gastric cancer Have recomendation for H. pylori treatment 35 million people 20% symptomatic Malfertheiner et al. Lancet 2011 700 million people 20% H. pylori treatment is inneficient Vakil et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2006 140 million people The technology Chitosan microspheres that, after oral administration, will adhere to gastric mucosa, bind H. pylori and eliminate it through the gastrointestinal tract. Patent WO2013164652-A2 The biomaterial Chitosan NH3+ NH3+ Mucoadhesive properties • Natural polymer • Source: Squid pen (Chitin) Other sources: Mean size (m) Chitosan microspheres pH7.4 Diameter of 170 µm 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 * * 289 167 172 175 pH 7.4 pH 6.0 pH 4.0 pH6.0 pH4.0 pH 2.6 pH2.6 345 pH 1.2 pH1.2 Stable in gastric acidic pH I.C. Gonçalves*, et al. Acta Biomaterialia 9 (2013) 9370–9378 Chitosan microspheres 0,2mg Ch Mic MKN45 gastric cells Gastric retention time of 2h Not cytotoxic I.C. Gonçalves, et al. Acta Biomaterialia 9 (2013) 9370–9378 M. Fernandes*, I.C. Gonçalves*, et al. Int. J. of Pharmaceutics 454 (2013) 116– 124 Chitosan microspheres adhesion to H. pylori J99 BabA+/SabA+ 17875/Leb BabA+/SabA- 17875 babA1A2 BabA-/SabA+ 097UK BabA-/SabA- pH 6.0 pH 2.6 I.C. Gonçalves, et al. Acta Biomaterialia 9 (2013) 9370–9378 Helicobacter pylori adhesion to gastric mucosa The adhesion of H. pylori to the gastric mucosa involves specific interaction between bacteria adhesins and glycosylated receptors of gastric mucins and gastric epithelial cells. BabA SabA (blood group antigen binding adhesin) (sialic acid binding adhesin) Adapted from Magalhães A et al, 2010 binds to inflammationassociated sialyl-Lewisa and silayl-Lewis X structures [Mahdavi et al, 2002] binds to H-type 1 and Lewis b structures expressed in normal gastric mucosa [Ilver et al, 1998] GlyR-Ch Mic Ch “Click Chemistry” Ch_ Leb sLex WO2013164652-A2 (PCT/GB2013/051181). MICROSPHERES. M. Cristina L. Martins et al. H. pylori adhesion to GlyR Ch Mic Ch Ch_ Leb sLex + + + + BabA+/SabA- H. pylori BabA+/SabA- H. pylori BabA+/SabA- H. pylori BabA+/SabA- H. pylori WO2013164652-A2 (PCT/GB2013/051181). MICROSPHERES. M. Cristina L. Martins et al. In vitro gastric mucosa model Sections from paraffin embedded stomachs 160 140 120 *** *** 100 80 46% 60 60% 40 20 0 Mic Ch Mic Ch_ Mic Leb Mic sLex 180 [% in relation to the control] [% in relation to the control] 17875/Leb adhesion to mice gastric mucosa 180 17875/Leb adhesion to human gastric mucosa sections 200 200 *** 160 140 120 100 43% 80 60 40 20 0 Mic Ch Mic Ch_ Mic Leb Mic sLex Welch - ANOVA: Tamhane’s T2 post hoc test (***p<0.001; **p<0.01) Ex vivo and in vivo mouse gastric mucosa model Ex vivo In vivo fresh stomachs 0,2 mg Ch Mic 1x/day for 15 days * * 0,4 mg Ch Mic 1x/day for 15 days 63% reduction of H. pylori infection One-way ANOVA with LSD post hoc (p*<0.05) Conclusions Ch microspheres are stable in acidic pH (do not dissolve), are non-cytotoxic and are retained in mice stomachs for 2h. Ch microspheres are able to bind different H. pylori strains (unspecifically). Glycan-modified microspheres bind H. pylori specifically through carbohydrate-adhesin binding and remove H. pylori adhesion, competing with carbohydrates from the gastric mucosa. In this panorama, chitosan microspheres should be considered as alternative therapy for H. pylori infection treatment. Advantages • No problems associated resistance, side effects,…); • Huge market as H. pylori infection treatment: • All infected population (3.5 billion people) • Patients who have recommendation for treatment (700 million) • Patients that do not respond to antibiotherapy (140 million); • Chitosan microspheres may be used as unspecific treatment, while glycan coated microspheres may provide a personalized treatment for specific bacterial strains. • Could also be used as preventive treatment or in combination with other treatments, namely as local drug delivery system; with antibiotics use (bacterial Acknowledgements Cristina Martins Celso Reis Ana Margarida Costa Ana Patrícia Henriques Inês Vigário Rodrigues Mariana Fernandes Zé Ricardo Oliveira Bernardo Antunes Vanessa Graça Catarina Seabra Frederico Nogueira Paula Parreira Ana Magalhães Joana Gomes Leonor David Patrícia Castro Mário Barbosa Isabel Amaral Stefania Nardecchia Maria Oliveira Maria Lazaro João Cortez Paula Gomes Rui Fernandes Thomas Bóren Paula Sampaio Sofia Lamas Fátima Carneiro José Manuel Lopes António Gouveia Eliette Touati Paulo Costa FCT: “Glycobacter”, “Pyloricidal” and “SweetMic” projects and Post-Doc grant ON2 for project Norte-07-0124-Feder-00005
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