Algorithm for BECOMING A VALUE DRIVEN ORGANIZATION A COLLABORATIVE TRAINING PROGRAM TO IMPROVE HEALTH CARE VALUE COMMUNICATE the need for CHANGE STRUCTURE to promote VALUE VOICE of the CUSTOMER defines value Establish MEASURES of VALUE Focus on PROCESS: Value Framework VISIT US ONLINE AT: BECOMING A VALUE DRIVEN ORGANIZATION At University of Utah, becoming a value driven organization required retooling our system towards successful execution of the value equation—where all efforts are focused on improving quality and service while reducing our costs. We’ve learned that the transformation from volume to value based health care is not a “one-size-fits-all” proposition. Relying on external consultants, emulating the practices of high performing peer groups and industry lean leaders only gets us so far. Every health care system, hospital, clinic, and individual private practice has a unique culture, patient population, and geographic and fiscal constraints requiring custom solutions to deliver high-value patient care. Transformation comes from within—when leadership and frontline care teams generate improvements at the local point of care, measurable and sustainable progress occurs. To this end, University of Utah has been awarded funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to develop and pilot a national training program to engage 10 teams from different health care organizations (five regional, five national) to learn and share ways to create more efficient, less costly, and higher-value processes within their institutions. The program consists of case-based online learning modules, an in-person training session at University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah, and follow-up remote coaching sessions. The program is designed to facilitate local value improvement work for each of the 10 participating teams. Our goal is to translate vision and theory into actionable local improvements and promote transparency and peer networking around value. ELIGIBILITY Participation is limited to five (5) health care organizations from within the intermountain western region (Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming and parts of Colorado and Nevada) and five (5) national health care organizations, for a maximum of 10 participant sites. This program has been designed to support multidisciplinary leadership teams (4 persons per team) with representation from executive and operational leadership, physician and/or clinician champion, and quality improvement lead. BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATION • On-demand targeted and personalized value-based education • Paid travel expenses for leadership teams to attend the 2-day live session • Dedicated improvement coach and custom project implementation plan • CME and Performance Improvement (PI) CME credit for participation ENROLL TODAY Participation is limited. To enroll your organization for consideration in this collaborative program, please submit an online application at Applications must be received by May 1, 2015 to be considered for participation. To learn more about this program and application criteria, please visit our website: ONLINE LIVE APPLIED Online Learning In-Person Training Improvement Project (1 hour, CME) (2-day workshop, CME) (90-day VDO Sprint, PI CME) STEP 1: Complete Online Learning (pre-live session) STEP 2: Attend a 2-day In-Person Training (Salt Lake City, Utah) STEP 3: 90-day VDO Sprint Cycle + 3 Report Outs Participants explore a sneak peek of four (4) interactive University of Utah online case-studies that examine each step of the Problem, Solution, Reflection, and Action taken in the algorithm for becoming a value driven organization: This summer, we will host five (5) national Leadership Teams in an intensive value-based workshop. Building on concepts introduced in the online case studies, this workshop provides one-on-one expert coaching designed to result in a custom value improvement project for each participant team. Teams leave the in-person training session equipped to conduct a 90-day Value Driven Outcomes (VDO) Sprint improvement cycle, followed by 9-months of monitoring, to result in a total of 12-months improvement data. Follow-up remote coaching sessions are held at quarterly intervals to address barriers and maintain peer networks to ensure project success. • • • • Communicating Change Structure to Promote Value Voice of the Patient Measures of Value This innovative learning experience will be made widely available—open access and free of charge —beginning August 2015. Held at the Eccles Health Sciences Library on the University of Utah campus in Salt Lake City, Utah, this workshop promotes team-building, provides personalized instruction and project planning and development assistance. Learning content is enriched by project peer discussions, and benefits from ample time for Q&A and sharing of best practices among attendees. AMA CREDIT: The University of Utah School of Medicine designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. AMA CREDIT: The University of Utah School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 10 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Content engages national and local thought leaders in translating theory and vision into improvements that result in high value health care. LEARN COLLABORATE Teams will use the Value Framework, a custom web-based tool that provides a secure online portal for managing and reporting project progress. Drawing from Lean, Six Sigma, and PDSA business process improvement methodologies, the Value Framework guides teams in development of improvement work that emphasizes quality, service and cost/efficiency as balanced measures of value. AMA CREDIT: The University of Utah School of Medicine designates this PI CME activity for a maximum of 20 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. IMPROVE APPLICATION OVERVIEW: BECOMING A VALUE DRIVEN ORGANIZATION—Value Collaborative Training Program Apply online today What does the application process entail? Who is eligible to apply? What does participation in this program entail? What are the benefits of participation? What is the selection process and timeline for determination? Applications must be submitted online at: 6-part online Application + Letter of Support due by Friday May 1, 2015: • PART 1: Organization profile • PART 2: Proposed project • PART 3: Identification of project team (4 persons max) • PART 4: Confirm availability of team members to attend live session • PART 5: Consent to submit a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement • PART 6: Leadership letter of support For this pilot initiative, University of Utah will enroll 10 Sites comprised of multidisciplinary Leadership Teams of 4: (40 individuals max) • Regional: five (5) health care organizations from within the intermountain west region (Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming and parts of Colorado and Nevada) • National: five (5) national health care organizations Multidisciplinary team members (4 persons per team max.) should include representation from: • Executive leadership • Operational leadership • Physician and/or Clinician champion • Quality improvement lead Leadership teams commit to the following deliverables: • Complete 1-hour of self-directed online learning prior to live session • Attend in-person training session in Salt Lake City, UT • Conduct a 90-day post program rapid improvement cycle (Sprint) • Participate in 3 follow-up remote coaching report out sessions at quarterly intervals for 9-months monitoring and 12 months total data capture University of Utah commits to provide the following: • On-demand targeted and personalized online value-based education • Paid travel expenses for leadership teams to attend the 2-day workshop (up to 4 individuals per site), which includes: ▫ Lodging (up to 2 nights) ▫ Round-trip Airfare (out of state participants) • All beverages, meals and snacks will be provided during the workshop • Dedicated improvement coach and custom project implementation plan, which includes a 90-day sprint rapid improvement cycle and 3 follow-up remote coaching sessions (60-min. each, conducted via conference call) • CME and PI CME credit for physician participants The Review Process, outlined on pages 2-3, is conducted by a team of multidisciplinary health care professionals from University of Utah Health Sciences with input from program officials from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Completed applications (online application + letter of support) must be received by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Friday, May 1, 2015. All applicants receive email notification of final determination on Friday, May 15, 2015. Support for this program was provided by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 1 of 5 REVIEW Program Application and Participation Criteria IMPORTANT DATES: Friday, March 27, 2015 National application portal OPENS Friday, May 1, 2015 National application portal CLOSES a 5:00 p.m. (EST) Friday, May 15, 2015 All applicants receive determination email announcing selected sites and live session date Friday, June 12, 2015 HIPAA BAAs due from selected participant sites ELIGIBILITY: For this pilot initiative, participation is limited to a maximum of 10 participant sites from: • Five (5) regional health care organizations from within the intermountain west (Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming and parts of Colorado and Nevada) and • Five (5) national health care organizations (all other states) This program has been designed to support multidisciplinary leadership teams (4 persons per team max) with representation from: • Executive leadership • Operational leadership • Physician and/or Clinician champion • Quality improvement lead DEADLINE: Enrollment applications, including Letter of Support, must be received by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Friday, May 1, 2015. APPLICATION CRITERIA: The following requirements must be satisfied in order for an organization to be considered for participation in this program: • Applicant organizations must be located in the United States • Submission of a complete Enrollment Application, including Letter of Support, by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on May 1, 2015 • Letter of Support demonstrates sufficient sponsorship from leadership to ensure project success • Commitment from Team Members to participate in all three (3) program elements is required: complete online learning, attend in-person training session held in Salt Lake City, Utah, and conduct a local value improvement project that includes a 90-day improvement sprint with 12 months total data capture. • Project focus must be dedicated to improving health care value, defined in this context by quality, service, and cost/efficiency • Accepted applicants must consent to submit a BAA if selected PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: • Strong preference for this program will be placed on applicant teams who reflect multidisciplinary representation from executive, operational, clinician/physician and quality leadership • Projects that reflect the greatest potential for spread or that can be easily reproduced by others to generate large-scale improvements • An effort will be made in final site selection to achieve geographic diversity among participant organizations REVIEW PROCESS: 1. Eligibility Screen: Upon submission, applications are pre-screened to ensure enrollment criteria are met. Incomplete applications will not undergo further review. 2. Review Process: Applications undergo priority scoring based on the following elements (20 points possible): [ ] Applicant has a clearly defined value improvement problem or project focus and a well articulated vision for how the project may be a catalyst for greater value spread within their organization (2 points) [ ] Project is aligned with organization’s mission and/or operational goals (2 points) [ ] Project is applicable to a broader audience (2 points) 2 of 5 REVIEW PROCESS, CONT.: [ ] Leadership Team includes multidisciplinary representation from Executive, Operational, Clinical and Quality leadership (4 points). If “OTHER” alternative roles are listed, rationale is provided (1 point) [ ] Application reflects team member confirmation, including dates of availability, and commitment to complete online learning (1 point), attend in-person session (1 point), and complete improvement project work (1 point) [ ] Letter of Support (attachment) 1) Drafted by an individual from organizational leadership with adequate sponsorship authority to ensure successful completion of all program deliverables (1 point) 2) Acknowledges the individual strengths of identified team members that will contribute to overall project success (1 point) 3) Outlines organization’s commitment to improve health care value (5 points) 3. Selection Process: In order to structure the program to maximize overall success for all sites, we will attempt to group cohorts according to complimentary learning and project interests, as well as dates of availability. Selection of final five (5) sites based on: [ ] Strongest candidates (priority score) [ ] Best fit (complementary project focus) [ ] Availability (dates) [ ] Geographic diversity Site Selection Announced: Friday, May 15, 2015 All submitted applications will be kept on file for a period of 1-year from the date of receipt. In the event a site fails to submit a BAA on time, applicant sites not initially selected will be contacted to participate if interested. NATIONAL APPLICATION PREPARATION: The application process involves submission of a 6-part National Application ( and Letter of Support (via email/mail) by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Friday May 1, 2015: PART 1 Organization Profile: 1. NAME OF ORGANIZATION 2. ADDRESS 3. CITY/STATE/ZIP 4. FIRST/LAST NAME OF APPLICATION PRIMARY CONTACT (Note: all electronic notifications issued during enrollment process will be sent to this individual) 5. PRIMARY CONTACT PREFERRED PHONE NUMBER 6. PRIMARY CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS 7. ORGANIZATION’S MISSION STATEMENT: 8. PLEASE TELL US HOW YOU HEARD ABOUT THE PROGRAM? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) [ ] AAMC [ ] ABMS Multispecialty Portfolio Program Approved Sponsor Entity [ ] Robert Wood Johnson Foundation [ ] LinkedIn Leadership Network [ ] University of Utah colleague [ ] Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement [ ] Other 9. PLEASE RANK THE FOLLOWING FROM GREATEST (1) TO LEAST (8) IMPORTANCE TO BEST REFLECT WHAT YOUR ORGANIZATION HOPES TO GAIN BY PARTICIPATING IN THIS PROGRAM (drag and drop text) [ ] New insights in health care value [ ] Peer networking around value [ ] Improve value-based competencies (knowledge, skill, ability/behavior) [ ] Tools for application of value-based principles (process, costing) [ ] Transparency/sharing of best practices (collaboration) [ ] One-on-one project coaching [ ] Custom value-based quality improvement project [ ] CME/PI-CME credit for physicians QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PROGRAM? Please visit for the most up-to-date information, or contact the program manager, Kim Mahoney, at 801-587-2157 or email 3 of 5 PART 2 Proposed Project: 10. THIS PROGRAM IS STRUCTURED TO SUPPORT VALUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WORK THAT REFLECTS A BALANCED SET OF MEASURES EMPHASIZING QUALITY, SERVICE, AND COST/EFFICIENCY. PLEASE RANK THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) AREAS OF FOCUS FROM GREATEST TO LEAST INTEREST FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION’S PRIMARY PROJECT FOCUS (drag and drop text) [ ] Quality - project that improves quality and/or safety outcomes [ ] Service - project that improves the patient experience [ ] Cost/Efficiency - project that improves health care cost and/or efficiency 11. PLEASE PROVIDE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF A SPECIFIC PROBLEM OR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT THAT YOUR ORGANIZATION WOULD LIKE TO FOCUS ON (Please limit response to 150 words or less) 12. HOW DOES THE PROBLEM/PROJECT YOU HOPE TO WORK ON ALIGN WITH YOUR ORGANIZATION’S OVERALL MISSION AND/OR OPERATIONAL GOALS? (Please limit response to 150 words or less) 13. HOW WILL YOU SPREAD WHAT YOU LEARN ABOUT YOUR PROJECT, AND ABOUT WHAT YOU LEARN FROM THE VALUE DRIVEN ORGANIZATION CURRICULUM, WITHIN YOUR ORGANIZATION (please limit response to 150 words or less) 14. BRIEFLY DISCUSS HOW YOUR PROJECT MIGHT BE APPLICABLE TO—OR REPLICATED BY—OTHER HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATIONS (150 words or less) PART 3 Identify Leadership Team: 15. LEADERSHIP TEAM MEMBER #1 (FIRST/LAST NAME) TITLE EMAIL ADDRESS IDENTIFY TEAM ROLE: EXECUTIVE OPERATIONAL CLINICIAN CHAMPION QUALITY LEAD OTHER QUALITY LEAD OTHER QUALITY LEAD OTHER QUALITY LEAD OTHER IF SELECTED “OTHER” PLEASE PROVIDE RATIONALE: 16. LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP TEAM TEAM MEMBER MEMBER #2 #1 (FIRST/LAST (FIRST/LAST NAME) NAME) 16. TITLE EMAIL ADDRESS IDENTIFY TEAM ROLE: EXECUTIVE OPERATIONAL CLINICIAN CHAMPION IF SELECTED “OTHER” PLEASE PROVIDE RATIONALE: 17. LEADERSHIP TEAM MEMBER #3 (FIRST/LAST NAME) TITLE EMAIL ADDRESS IDENTIFY TEAM ROLE: EXECUTIVE OPERATIONAL CLINICIAN CHAMPION IF SELECTED “OTHER” PLEASE PROVIDE RATIONALE: 18. LEADERSHIP TEAM MEMBER #4 (FIRST/LAST NAME) TITLE EMAIL ADDRESS IDENTIFY TEAM ROLE: EXECUTIVE OPERATIONAL CLINICIAN CHAMPION IF SELECTED “OTHER” PLEASE PROVIDE RATIONALE: QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PROGRAM? Please visit for the most up-to-date information, or contact the program manager, Kim Mahoney, at 801-587-2157 or email 4 of 5 PART 4 Leadership Team Confirmation and Commitment to Participate: 19. ONLINE LEARNING: Teams must confirm their commitment to complete online learning (4 modules, 60 minutes total) prior to attending the in-person training session in Salt Lake City, Utah (check box) 20. IN-PERSON TRAINING: (Note: if site is selected, travel expenses will be covered for up to 4 individuals to attend the live session) ALL Team Members must confirm availability to travel and attend the in-person training session in Salt Lake City, Utah for at least one (1) of the following target program dates: (check all that apply) [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] June 18-19 (Thursday/Friday) June 25-26 (Thursday/Friday) July 6-7 (Monday/Tuesday) July 9-10 (Thursday/Friday) Aug 3-4 (Monday/Tuesday) Aug 6-7 (Thursday/Friday) IMPORTANT: Only one (1) 2-day program date will be selected based on overall site availability. As this program accommodates 5 sites (20 people), multiple dates are provided to expand opportunity for participation. The final program date will be determined based on overall availability of applicant sites 21. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: Teams must commit to conduct a 90-day Sprint improvement cycle and participate in three (3) follow-up remote coaching calls at quarterly intervals (60-minutes per session), for a total of 12 months improvement data capture and reporting (check box) PART 5 Consent to Submit HIPAA Business Associate Agreement (BAA): 22. BAA CONSENT: (Note: A copy of the required University of Utah HIPAA BAA is available online at If selected as a participant site, a HIPAA Business Associated Agreement (BAA) will be signed and submitted to University of Utah within 30 days of notification of application approval PART 6 Organizational Leadership Letter of Support: A letter from organizational leadership indicating awareness and support of team participation in this collaborative program is required. 23. LETTER OF SUPPORT: Please select your preferred method of submission: [ ] A letter of support from leadership will be emailed to: Kim Mahoney, Program Manager, at [ ] A letter of support from leadership will be mailed to: University of Utah Health Care Attn: Kim Mahoney, Program Manager 50 N. Medical Dr., Trailer 953 Salt Lake City, UT 84132 Please note the following review criteria when drafting your letter of support: • Letter should be drafted by an individual from organizational leadership with adequate sponsorship authority to ensure successful completion of all program deliverables • Letter should acknowledge the individual strengths of identified team members that will contribute to overall project success • Letter addresses organization’s commitment to improve health care value QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PROGRAM? Please visit for the most up-to-date information, or contact the program manager, Kim Mahoney, at 801-587-2157 or email 5 of 5 HEALTH PROFESSIONAL VALUE TRAINING ABOUT UTAH Few places in the world boast landscapes as dramatic and diverse as Utah’s. Our natural assets—ranging from 10,000-foot peaks to breathtaking desert scenes—are legendary. And you don’t need to be an outdoor enthusiast to appreciate them. Wide-open spaces and expansive horizons beckon big ideas. Nature restores and refocuses the mind. Put simply, the world looks different from here. Value University is a big idea born from the need to centralize improvement science training and provide competency-based education that promotes the mastery of value at University of Utah Health Sciences (UUHS). The only university health care system in the state of Utah, UUHS is comprised of University of Utah Health Care Hospitals and Clinics (4 hospitals, 10 community clinics), University of Utah Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, as well as the Colleges of Health, Nursing and Pharmacy. We provide patient care for the people of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and much of Nevada and also serve as the training ground for most of Utah’s physicians, nurses, pharmacists, therapists, and other health care professionals. We look forward to hosting colleagues from across the nation in an innovative collaboration that promotes transparency and peer networking around value. ACCREDITATION The University of Utah School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. DISCLOSURE: None of the faculty or planners or anyone in control of content for this continuing medical education activity have any relevant financial relationships since the content does not cover any products/services of a commercial interest; therefore, there are no relevant financial relationships to disclose. NONDISCRIMINATION AND DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION STATEMENT: The University of Utah does not exclude, deny benefits to or otherwise discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, veteran’s status, religion, gender identity/expression, genetic information, or sexual orientation in admission to or participation in its programs and activities. Reasonable accommodations will be provided to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request, with reasonable notice. Requests for accommodations or inquiries or complaints about University nondiscrimination and disability/access policies may be directed to the Director, OEO/AA, Title IX/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 201 S President’s Circle, RM 135, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, 801-581-8365 (Voice/TTY), 801-585-5746 (Fax). SPONSOR Support for this program was provided by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
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