Spring 2015 Service Corps Opportunities

USF Health Service Corps Sponsored Events & Projects
Spring 2015 Edition!
Prepared by Ellen Kent, MPH, CPH, Coordinator, USF Health Service Corps (Updated: 5/19/15)
INTRODUCTION: These community service projects and events are sponsored/approved by the USF Health Service Corps.
You can view the different categories of service opportunities within the following sections: (I) Health Fairs; (II) Health Clinics for
Medically Underserved Populations; (III) Special Events; (IV) Fun Fundraising Events; (V) Teaching and Mentoring Opportunities;
(VI) Camps for People with Special Health Needs and (VII) Collection Drives. These events are also listed in the Service Corps
Calendar. You can view photos of our students having fun and making a positive difference in the community at the Service Corps
Photo Gallery and you can check out our accomplishments at Annual Reports.
NOTE TO UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY PARTNERS: If you have questions about these service opportunities or if you wish to
collaborate with the Service Corps, please feel free to contact the Coordinator for the Service Corps, Ellen Kent, MPH, CPH at
ekent@health.usf.edu or (813) 974-6622 and she will be happy to help you.
IMPORTANT NOTES TO STUDENTS REGARDING SIGN-UP POLICIES: Thank you so much for your interest in participating in
these service opportunities! Please carefully review these important policies pertaining to signing for events. These policies have
been designed to streamline the sign up process and make it easier for everyone. Please feel free to contact the Coordinator, Ellen
Kent, MPH,CPH at ekent@health.usf.edu or 813-974-6622 or in room 1058 of The WELL (USF Health Shared Student Services
Center) if you have any questions and Mrs. Kent will be happy to help you.
Please do NOT miss scheduled classes/labs/clinical assignments to participate in these service activities.
Some events listed below may have the name and email for a student leader of a specific student organization (so that you can
have a contact person/liaison with whom you can sign up) but this does not limit participation to only the members of that
organization. The only events which have specific participation requirements are the clinical events listed in Sections I & II
below. All other non-clinical service events and projects listed in Sections III – VIII are open to any interested USF Health
student or USF pre-health professional student. Remember: the Service Corps is designed to facilitate opportunities for
students to participate together in a wide variety of rewarding and fun health-related community service activities!
Please sign up yourself, via email or telephone with the student liaison/contact person listed in the event description. Please do
not rely upon someone else to sign you up.
When you sign up, please specify your academic program…e.g. ' I am a CON student, second semester', or 'I am a COM
student in the PhD program', or ‘I am an undergraduate Public Health student’, etc.
After you sign up via email or phone, please be sure to make a note of the event in your own personal calendar. Remember, if
you sign up for a service event, we are all depending on you to come!!! If an emergency arises and you cannot attend,
please inform both the student liaison and Mrs. Kent so we can plan accordingly. This is a matter of professional courtesy that
we expect of our students. Thank you!
IMPORTANT! A few days before the event, you will receive an email from Mrs. Kent, USF Health Service Corps Coordinator,
with detailed information pertaining to: what you will be doing; when to arrive; what to wear; driving directions, and where to go
once you arrive at the community service site. Mrs. Kent will send this ‘pre-event’ email to all volunteers, the student leader, the
clinical supervisor, and community partners, in order to ensure a clear chain of communication.
Please be sure to dress and act professionally and appropriately. Remember- When we volunteer in these community service
events, we are all serving as ambassadors for USF Health and USF. Thank you!
We sincerely hope that you will have a fantastic time, learn a lot and make life better for our community while you participate in
these service activities! 
I. Health Fairs & Health Screenings (note: some health fairs also include non-clinical health
education activities for children)
Please review this document Important Information about USF Health Service Corps Health Fair Policies and Advisory Committee
and please note these two very important key points:
(A) Health fairs/screenings and other clinical events (e.g. flu shot drives) that are posted on the USF Health Service Corps Events and
Projects website and Service Corps Calendar are considered sanctioned/approved by USF Health. Students who are enrolled in USF
Health clinical programs who have received appropriate training and who participate in clinical procedures at these events will be
clinical volunteer opportunities; some health fairs offer non-clinical activities).
for liability
 (B) University and community partners should make the requests for USF Health students to participate in health fairs directly to Ellen
Kent, MPH, CPH, Coordinator, USF Health Service Corps. If a student receives a request for a health fair from a community/university
partner, the student should forward the request to Ms. Kent so that she can verify that there will be appropriate clinical supplies and
clinical supervision and that the event is accurately listed on the Service Corps website. Likewise, if a student group has an idea/
proposal for a health fair for a specific population, they should FIRST contact Ellen Kent, MPH, CPH, Coordinator for the USF Health
Service Corps. This system has been established to avoid confusion and duplication of efforts and has been proven to be quite
effective. Thank you for your consideration!
Wednesday, February 11 , 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Health fair for the race track employees at Tampa Bay Downs, Oldsmar.
Clinical activities: Trained USF medical and nursing students (ONLY) can assist with blood sugar, blood cholesterol and blood
pressure screenings with clinical supervision provided by Catholic Mobile Medical Services. Up to 10 COM and CON students can
sign up with Audrey Hopkins (audreyhopkins@health.usf.edu). (FILLED)
Trained USF Physical Therapy students can assist with musculoskeletal screenings and can sign up with Clair Millman
(cmillman@health.usf.edu) with Association of Physical Therapy Students. Clinical supervision provided by School of Physical
Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences faculty. (FILLED)
Spanish speaking COPH students can sign up with Ellen Kent (ekent@health.usf.edu) to serve as translators.
Friday, February 13 , 6:30 am- 1 pm. Health Screenings at Florida Hospital Pepin Heart Institute.
Benefits of participation in this health fair include: the opportunity to provide health screenings for the community; enjoy delicious
refreshments; and make a positive difference while having fun!
Clinical activities: Trained medical and nursing students (ONLY) may assist with health screenings/assessments for
adults, with clinical supervision provided by USF Health clinical faculty. COM and CON students can sign up with
Johnathon Tyler Guess (jguess@health.usf.edu with College of Nursing Student Council. Please note:
(1) When you sign up, please specify if you have participated in a Florida Hospital screening event in the past.
(2) Please specify if you can volunteer for (a) the entire event (b) the early shift (6:30-10 am) or (c) the later shift (9:30 am – 1 pm).
(3) COM & CON students (only) are required to attend a brief 40 minute training session at Florida Hospital Pepin Heart Institute
on February 12 at either 11 am or 12 noon. Those COM & CON students who have already participated in a previous
health fair at Florida Hospital (July 2012, April 2013, or February 2014) do NOT need to attend this training.
Non-clinical activities: Any other interested USF Health student can assist with registration, meet and greet, and other activities.
Please sign up with Cody Cardin (ccardin@mail.usf.eu) with Undergraduate Public Health Student Association (UPHSA) and
specify if you can volunteer for (a) the entire event (b) the early shift (6:30-10 am) or (c) the later shift (9:30 am – 1 pm).
Saturday, February 21 , 10 am – 2 pm. USF Health Service Corps/Asian Pacific American Medical Student
Association Health Fair (APAMSA) at the Chinese New Year Festival at Largo Central Park. A partnership between USF
Health Service Corps, Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA) & USF Health International!!
Clinical activities: Trained USF medical, nursing and pharmacy students (ONLY) can assist with blood pressure, blood sugar, and
blood cholesterol screenings, with clinical supervision provided by USF Health clinical faculty. COM, CON and COP students can
sign up with Jennifer Le (jle3@health.usf.edu), MCOM 2017 & APAMSA. (FILLED)
Vision screening: Medical students who have completed the Prevent Blindness Florida training program can sign up with Jennifer
Le (jle3@health.usf.edu), who is also a certified PBF vision screener.
Friday, March 6th, 9 am -12 pm. Health screenings at Lightfoot Senior Center. College of Pharmacy (COP) students will
assist with BP and BS checks with clinical supervision provided by COP faculty. For additional information, please contact Dr.
Carol Fox, College of Pharmacy. (FILLED)
Saturday, March 7th, 9 am – 2 pm. USF Health students can participate in the Men's Health Forum presented by the
Florida Prostate Cancer Network at USF Marshall Center.
Clinical activities: Trained USF medical, nursing & pharmacy students (ONLY) can assist with blood cholesterol screenings and
patient education, with clinical supervision provided by USF Health clinical faculty. Up to 8 COM, CON & COP students can sign up
at this Google Doc or with Kennedy Aikins (kaikins@health.usf.edu), MCOM 2017.
Friday, March 20th, 4-8 pm. Special Olympics Florida Healthy Community Tampa Bay MedFest. The USF Health Service
Corps is now partnering with Special Olympics Florida Healthy Community Tampa Bay. USF Health students can participate in a
special MedFest event which provides free sports physical for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities so that they
can participate in Special Olympics.
Clinical activities: Trained medical, nursing and pharmacy students can assist in the following roles: Ten (10) USF medical and
nursing students can assist with height, weight, vision, blood pressure, vital signs, patient counseling and vision; four (4) upper level
pharmacy students can assist with medication checks; and up to four 3rd and 4th year medical students and graduate nurse
practitioner students can assist USF Health clinical faculty with sports physicals. Clinical volunteers can sign up with Paul Insley
(pinsley@health.usf.edu), MCOM class of 2018 Co-Service Chair and please be sure to specify your academic program and year.
Supervision will be provided by USF Health clinical faculty.
Non clinical activities: Up to 6 public health students can assist with meet and greet registration and check out activities;
please sign up with Paul Insley (pinsley@health.usf.edu) and specify that you are a COPH student.
All volunteers are asked to please complete this VOLUNTEER FORM and bring it on the day of the MedFest.
Saturday, March 28th, 9:30 am- 2 pm. Migrant Family Festival and Health Fair in Wimauma.
Clinical activities: Trained USF medical, nursing and pharmacy students (ONLY) can assist with blood sugar, blood cholesterol and
blood pressure screenings; clinical supervision provided by Catholic Mobile Medical Services Up to 12 COM, CON and COP students
can sign up with Rashida Tharpe (rtharpe@health.usf.edu) MSIV, Caribbean Outreach through Medical Missions Association (COMMA).
Saturday, March 28th, 1 – 3 pm. Haitian Health Fair in Tampa.
Clinical activities: Trained USF medical, nursing and pharmacy students (ONLY) can assist with blood sugar, blood cholesterol
and blood pressure screenings and health education stations with clinical supervision provided by USF Health clinical faculty. Up to
15 COM, CON or COP students can sign up with Andrew Kowalski (akowals1@health.usf.edu) COP 2017, AphA, Diabetes Leader.
Pharmacy education: Up to 6 pharmacy students can lead medication safety and poison prevention education stations for adults
and children; please sign up with Kristin-Lee Berretta, kberrett@health.usf.edu , COP, APhA-ASP Generation Rx leader.
Non-clinical activities: Fun fitness and safety activities for children: Up to 12 USF Health or USF pre-health professional students
can lead children through fun interactive health education stations, please sign up with Danny Ramon (ramond@health.usf.edu),
with Global Health Student Association (GHSA). Any interested students who can speak Creole can serve as translators; please
sign up with Ellen Kent (ekent@health.usf.edu).
Sunday, April 12th, 10 am -4 pm PhilFest 2015 ! Help with health screenings at this amazing festival organized by the
Philippine Cultural Foundation.
Clinical activities: Trained USF medical, nursing and pharmacy students (ONLY) can assist with blood pressure, blood sugar, and
blood cholesterol screenings, with clinical supervision provided by USF Health clinical faculty. COM, CON and COP students can
sign up with Timothy Juwono (tjuwono@health.usf.edu) with Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA).
Thursday, May 14th, 10 am – 1 pm. American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Luncheon.
Clinical activities: Trained medical and nursing and pharmacy students may assist with health screenings for adult women with
clinical supervision provided by USF Health clinical faculty. Up to 10 COM, CON or COP students can sign up with Cheslea
Ruehling (cruehlin@health.usf.edu) with Nursing Student Association.
Benefits of participation include the opportunity to contribute to a free community health screening, learn more about the American
Heart Association’s Go Red for Women initiatives, and attend a classy event with a free lunch at the A La Carte Event Pavilion!
Saturday, May 16th, 3:30 -7 pm. Health Fair in East Tampa at the Calvary Community Clinic
Clinical activities: Trained USF medical, nursing and pharmacy students (ONLY) can assist with blood sugar, blood
cholesterol and blood pressure screenings and health education stations with clinical supervision provided by USF Health clinical
faculty. Up to 12 COM, CON or COP students can sign up at this East Tampa Health fair Google Doc . Student leader - Jose LeonBurgos (jleonbur@health.usf.edu) COP class of 2016, with Hispanic Association of Pharmacists.
Saturday, May 23rd, 9 am – 1 pm. Health Fair at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Wimauma
Clinical activities:
Cardiovascular screenings: Trained USF medical, nursing and pharmacy students (ONLY) can assist with blood sugar, blood
cholesterol and blood pressure screenings (for adults only) with clinical supervision provided by Catholic Mobile Medical Services.
Up to 12 COM, CON or COP students can participate.
Vision screening: Up to 8 medical students who have completed the Prevent Blindness Florida training program can assist with
vision screenings for adults and children. Eligible students can sign up for this health fair at: Hispanic Health fair google doc .
Health fair student leader: Yohan Perera MCOM 2018 (yperera@health.usf.edu) with Latin Medical Student Association and
Student Interest Group in Ophthalmology (SIGIO)
Friday, June 5th, 12:30 pm -3 pm. Health Fair at JL Young Community Center, with Tampa Housing Authority.
Clinical activities: Trained USF medical, nursing and pharmacy students (ONLY) can assist with blood sugar, blood cholesterol,
blood pressure screenings and health education stations with clinical supervision provided by USF Health clinical faculty. Up to
10 COM, COP and CON students can sign up at Health fair with Tampa Housing Authority Google Doc . For additional information,
please contact Ellen Kent (ekent@health.usf.edu).
II. Health Clinics for Medically Underserved Populations (primarily clinical volunteer opportunities,
with opportunities for pre-health professional students to assist with interpreting)
Catholic Mobile Medical Services:
Clinical component: Trained bilingual medical and nursing students can shadow and assist residents/volunteer physicians at
primary care clinics for the Hispanic community, including:
San José Mission in Dover (every Monday, 5-9 p.m. and the first Friday of the month, 3-7 p.m.)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Wimauma (every other Sunday, 10 am -12 pm)
Esparanza clinic in Wimauma (every Tuesday, 6-8 pm)
Non-clinical components: Bilingual USF Health/pre-health professional students can assist as interpreters in the San Jose
Mission waiting room on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.
For either component, students can sign up with Sister Sara Proctor, PA, at (813) 690-7467 at least one week in advance.
Red Crescent Clinic: Clinical component: USF MCOM students can gain clinical experience at the Red Crescent Clinic on
Tuesdays and Thursdays (9 am - 12 noon) and Saturdays from 9:30 am -1 pm. Trained USF medical student volunteers can assist
with blood pressure measurements, taking histories, and other clinical activities. Please sign up with Muhammad Jaffer
(mjaffer@health.usf.edu), MCOM 2017, Muslim Student Doctor Association.
Public Sector Medicine Program: Judeo Christian Health Clinic (JCHC) and Brandon Outreach Clinic (BOC)
Clinical component: During the academic year, second, third and fourth year medical students are assigned to JCHC and BOC
through their Doctoring Clinical Experience (DCE), third year clerkship, and PSMP/family medicine electives. In addition,2nd, 3rd & 4th
year medical students can volunteer at JCHC at the monthly USF evening clinic, held on the 2nd Wednesday evening each month
In addition, MCOM 2018 students can volunteer at these clinics between May – July, during the break between their first & second
year of medical school. MCOM students (only) can sign up at this Google Doc: PSMP summer 2015 . After you sign up, please
also email Ellen Kent (ekent@health.usf.edu) so that she can send you the appropriate information and materials.
Non-clinical component: Bilingual USF Health and pre-health professional students can volunteer as interpreters at the JCHC
and can sign up by contacting Ellen Kent (ekent@health.usf.edu).
The BRIDGE Healthcare Clinic is a student-run free clinic held on Tuesday evenings at USF Morsani Center and one Thursday
evening a month at Florida Hospital.
Clinical component: Medical, Pharmacy and Physical Therapy students can serve as clinical volunteers. To sign up, Click here.
Non-clinical components: Spanish-speaking USF students can assist as interpreters. For additional information, contact Michelle
Hummel (mhummel1@health.usf.edu).
NEW! Public Health students can contact Melina Santos (msantos4@mail.usf.edu) if they would like to contribute to the HIV Testing
and Counseling Program. See announcement and BRIDGE Public Health Application.
Ronald McDonald Care Mobile - Kids Klinic
Clinical component: USF MCOM students can assist USF Pediatrics faculty with height and weight, vision screening, blood
pressure screenings, etc. on the USF Pediatrics Ronald McDonald Care Mobile at Metro Ministries on Tuesday afternoons and/or
Salvation Army on Tuesday evenings. Students can sign up at the Kids Klinic Google sign up sheet, which is updated each month
with the locations/times for the RMCM visits. Medical student volunteers can contact Camille Imbo (cimbonlo@health.usf.edu),
MCOM 2017, Student Physicians for Social Responsibility, for additional information.
Tampa Bay Street Medicine is a student-run organization at USF Morsani College of Medicine that is dedicated to improving the
medical care of the homeless in the Tampa Bay-St. Petersburg metropolitan area through outreach on the streets and in shelters.
By providing medical services on site and connecting homeless individuals with medical resources for longitudinal care, we seek to
improve the health of some of the most vulnerable members of our community. We conduct "Street Runs” with Project Downtown, a
student group that provides food to the homeless in Tampa Heights. Each Street Run is conducted by 2 teams, each comprised of
2-3 medical student volunteers and supervised by a volunteer physician or nurse practitioner. We provide basic primary care and
wound care to homeless patients, and offer guidance and resources for them to establish longitudinal care within the area. This link
provides a Google sign-up sheet for MS2-4s: TBSM sign up document. Student contact: Shawna Foley (sfoley1@health.usf.edu)
The Ybor Youth Clinic (YYC) provides health care and social services for youth and young adults in Tampa area at low/no cost.
Clinical component: USF medical students can assist as clinical volunteers under supervision of USF Pediatrics physicians, sign
up with Jeremiah Kerr (jkerr1@health.usf.edu), 813-396-9137.
Non clinical components: Any USF Health student enrolled in the CON, COM, DPT, COP, COPH and the COM graduate school
can contribute to a variety of clinical, behavioral and community research studies, sign up with Jeremiah Kerr (jkerr1@health.usf.edu) .
(a) Any USF Health student can assist in fundraising and capacity building projects; please sign up with Jeremiah Kerr
(jkerr1@health.usf.edu). (b) HIV Testing and Counseling Program. Any USF Health student can volunteer with this program; new
student participants will complete a 3 day training course to become certified in HIV testing. Please click here to sign up for HIV
testing and counseling opportunities or contact Bernard Washington (bwashin1@health.usf.edu).
III. Special Events (non-clinical volunteer opportunities)
Thursday, February 12th, 8:30 pm-12 midnight. National Condom Awareness Day - Outreach and education event in the
Ybor Community with Youth Education Services; see also flyer at CondomAwarenessOutreachevent. Volunteers will receive
free t-shirts and refreshments! USF Health students can sign up with Bernard Washington (bwashin1@health.usf.edu).
Thursday, February 19th, 12 – 2 pm. SPSR "Harvest Day" at Patel Elementary School! The Student Physicians for Social
Responsibility group is looking for enthusiastic USF Health volunteers who are interested in teaching good nutrition to K-2nd
graders. We will be harvesting vegetables from the school vegetable garden, making healthy wraps, and teaching a short lesson on
eating healthy and food safety. All volunteers are asked to please complete this form:
http://serve.mysdhc.org/text/SERVE%20Vol%20App%2014-15%20first%20page.pdf, and email it to Jennifer Le
(jle3@health.usf.edu). Thank you!
Saturday, February 21st, 10:00am – 11:30am. Nutrition puppet show at the Children’s Cancer Center! Share your creativity
by teaching kids about nutrition through a puppet show! Up to six USF Health students can assist with this special event that was
suggested by the Association of Medical Science Graduate Students (AMSGS). We will be doing this puppet show for the super
kids served by the S.A.I.L. (Students Achieving through Interactive Learning) program which serves children diagnosed with cancer
or chronic blood diseases and their siblings. Students can sign up with Stephanie Davis (sdavis2@health.usf.edu) with AMSGS.
Thursday, February 26th. The Homeless Coalition of Hillsborough County’s 2015 Homeless Count. Students can:
(1) Volunteer as a counter - Volunteers will go out in teams, wearing bright colors, with incentives in hand. Volunteers will conduct
a brief interview with homeless people they encounter during their shift, and record answers on a survey sheet. Available shifts
include: 5:30 am – 10:30 am, 9:30 am – 230 pm, 4 pm – 9 pm.
(2) Volunteer as a data entry expert - Available shifts include: 11 am – 2 pm, 2 pm- 5 pm, 5 pm-8 pm.
Sign-up process for USF Health students:
(1) Please email Matt Mancao (mmancao2@health.usf.edu) with Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA).
You can also sign up at 2015 Homeless Count Sign Up
(2) All NEW volunteers are required to attend a mandatory training session Monday, February 16 from 5-6 pm in room 2003. During
this session, you will learn about homeless issues and tips pertaining to the homeless count and safety considerations.
(3) After the training you will receive an email from the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless initiative with a volunteer assignment form
which will enable you to sign up for your preferred shift/ area of responsibility (counter or data entry)
Saturday, March 14th, 8:30 am–5 pm. Special Olympics Florida Healthy Community Tampa Bay Health Promotion event
at USF! Up to 25 USF Health students will be able to participate in a Health Promotion Screening & Education Event which helps
people with intellectual disabilities learn about healthy eating, physical fitness; tobacco avoidance; sun safety; and other healthy
lifestyle choices that will improve their long-term health. Please sign up with Paul Insley (pinsley@health.usf.edu),MCOM 2018 CoService Chair and indicate your college so the Special Olympics staff can place you at a fun & meaningful health education station.
Tuesday, March 17th, 6:45 pm - 8:30 pm. Hope Lodge Saint Patrick’s Day Dessert Party! USF Health students are invited to a
fun dessert party with the residents at the American Cancer Society's Benjamin Mendick Hope Lodge who are being treated for
cancer at Moffitt and other area hospitals. Up to 25 student volunteers can sign up at this link DESSERT PARTY or with Abby
Pribish (apribish@health.usf.edu) with American Medical Women's Association (AMWA).
Friday, March 20th, 5 pm – 8 pm. Walk Like MADD at USF! This is a fun family and student orientated fundraising event to benefit
Mothers against Drunk Driving. Our efforts will help us eliminate drunk driving in our community, prevent underage drinking and
provide support to victim survivors. Our Service Corps volunteers can volunteer at either the Florida Poison Control Center table or
the Safe Kids table. We are looking for 3-4 student volunteers per table. Please sign up with Kristina Harand (kharand@health.usf.edu)
with Toxicology Student Association and indicate which table you prefer.
Saturday, March 21st, 10:30 am -1:30 pm. Fun Fitness Fest for Kids at the second annual celebration of the Tampa Bay
Gardens Refugee Agricultural Partnership at St. Mary’s Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Students can lead health and fitness activities
for kids! Up to 10 students can sign up with Brian Brijbag (bbrijbag@health.usf.edu) with Public Health Student Association.
Thursday evening, March 26th, 6-8 pm. Advocates for World Health (AWH) Sorting Party (with free refreshments!)
Student volunteers will sort and inventory surplus medical supplies that are donated to AWH, prior to redistribution around the world
for humanitarian and disaster relief efforts. Up to 20 interested students can sign up with Ian Dollman (iandollman@health.usf.edu)
with Global Health Student Association (GHSA).
Saturday, March 28th, 8:30 am- 12 noon. Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful Trash Free Waters Great American Clean Up at
Hillsborough River State Park! Interested students can sign up with Steven Burd (sburd@health.usf.edu), MCOM 2017.
Sunday, March 29th, 1-4 pm. Food Rally for the West River community in Tampa. USF Health student volunteers are invited to
assist Feeding America with their Mobile Food Pantry distribution, as part of an exciting class project designed to increase access to
healthy foods. Up to 20 students can sign up with Calvin Robinson (crobins6@health.usf.edu), COPH graduate student.
Thursday, April 2nd, 11 am - 5 pm. Give Life Day at The COPH! (NPHW Event). See flyer at: Spring2015GiveLifeDay
You can donate blood, by making an appointment online at OneBlood - USF Health Blood Drive or visiting the bloodmobile.
You can register for the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) http://www.marrow.org/ and you can register to become an
organ, tissue and/or eye donor through Donate Life Florida http://www.donatelifeflorida.org/. You can even learn how to save a life
by performing Citizen CPR! For more information, visit: www.redcross.org/prepare/hands-only-cpr. We also need enthusiastic
volunteers! Up to 10 students can assist with the NMDP & Donate Life registration tables; you can sign up at
Give Life Day Google Doc or with Will Jin, wjin@health.usf.edu with Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA).
Saturday, April 4th, 8:30 am – 3 pm. Summer Splash Fair at Tampa Bay History Center (This is a National Public Health
Week (NPHW) event) USF Health students can assist Safe Kids Tampa with a variety of fun interactive, land-based learning
activities related to water safety. The purpose of this special event is to provide parents with information about fun, safe and
adventurous summer activities, and Safe Kids Tampa is adding in a water safety component! These safety activities will take place
on land, and not in the water. Up to 6 students can sign up for the 8:30 am-12 pm shift and 6 students can sign up for the
11:30 am-3 pm shift with Danielle Rankin (drankin@health.usf.edu) with Infectious Disease Association.
Wednesday, April 8th, 9 am – 4 pm. Benito Middle School Health Expo (NPHW Event). Students can lead a variety of
interactive and FUN learning stations, including themes of ‘fun and fit’, ‘delicious and nutritious’, ‘international health’, environmental
health, and ‘It is actually cool to NOT smoke, drink or do drugs!’ Health education materials will be supplied, we just need energetic
volunteers! Up to 20 COPH and other USF Health students can sign up with Ellen Kent (ekent@health.usf.edu).
Thursday, April 9th, 11 am – 2 pm. ‘Safety on the Move’ Day! (NPHW Event) The HCSO team will bring the BATmobile to the
COPH to demonstrate the importance of not driving under the influence of alcohol. Other themes for interactive health education
stations will include: distracted driving/ walking/ skateboarding; seat belts and the new booster seat law; bike helmets/bike
safety; student safety on campus; and safe roadways/ bike and walking paths. COPH students can sign up with Ellen Kent.
Friday, April 10th, 3-7 pm. Special Olympics Florida Healthy Community Tampa Bay Health Promotion event (NPHW event)
Up to 25 USF Health students can participate in a Health Promotion Screening & Education Event which is designed to help people
with intellectual disabilities learn about healthy eating, physical fitness; tobacco avoidance; sun safety; and many other healthy
lifestyle choices that will improve their long-term health. Please sign up with Emily Rizzo (erizzo@health.usf.edu) with Maternal and
Child Student Organization (MCHSO) and indicate your academic program. There will be a volunteer training provided the day of
the event, and Mrs. Kent will send you details ahead of time. All volunteers are asked to complete this VOLUNTEER FORM .
Friday, April 10th, 9 pm-12 midnight. National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day in Tampa with Youth Education Services.
USF Health student volunteers will provide education/prevention services to at risk youth in the Tampa community. USF Health
students can sign up with Bernard Washington (bwashin1@health.usf.edu), please indicate your academic program.
Saturday, April 11th, 9:30 am – 2 pm. Safe Kids Day Celebration at St Joseph’s Hospital North in Lutz! USF Health volunteers
can lead kids in a variety of interactive health & safety education activities, including a terrific tricycle/scooter safety rodeo!
Students can sign up with Raven Burrell with Preconception Peer Educators.
Saturday, April 11th, 11 am - 3 pm. REACHUP, Inc. ‘It’s a Family Affair’ Community Health Fair. (NPHW Event). USF Health
students can have a great time leading fitness and health education activities with children! Up to 10 students can sign up with
Aviance Smith (aviancesmith@mail.usf.edu) with Preconception Peer Educators.
Saturday, April 11th, 8 am – 1 pm. Pasco County Schools Food & Nutrition Department’s 1st Annual Community Health Fair
& 5K run/walk at Sunlake HS in Land O’ Lakes. Volunteers can assist with taste tasting, entertainment, family activities & the run.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email COPH Team Nutrition intern Catherine Villegas at cvilleg1@health.usf.edu or
Amanda Musick at amusick@pasco.k12.fl.us .
Saturday, April 18th, 8:30 am – 2 pm. Paint Your Heart Out Tampa! Come have a heart and join the USF Health Service Corps
student team for ‘Paint Your Heart Out’ Tampa. You can have fun while you brighten the homes of low-income elderly homeowners
in Tampa! Interested students can sign up with Myles Johnson (mjohns16@health.usf.edu) with Infectious Disease Association.
Saturday, April 18th, 10 am - 2 pm. Drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention and medication safety health education stations at
Clair Mel Community Fair. Up to six pharmacy students can lead medication safety and poison prevention education stations for
adults and children; please sign up with Kristin-Lee Berretta, kberrett@health.usf.edu, COP, APhA-ASP Generation Rx leader.
Monday, May 11th, 3:30 pm – 6 pm. Baby Shower at Alpha House of Tampa! (Alpha House provides homeless pregnant
women and mothers with young children with safe housing and other resources they need to become self-sufficient parents).
Please contact Raven Burrell (ravenburrell@health.usf.edu) with Preconception Peer Educators if you would like to join in the fun!
(You do not need to bring anything; you can just help out at the event!)
Friday, May 15th, 10:30 am – 5:30 pm and/or Saturday May 16th, 8:00 am –5:30 pm. Special Olympics Florida State Summer
Games. Up to 15 USF Health students are invited to participate in a Health Promotion Screening & Education Event which is
designed to help people with intellectual disabilities learn about healthy eating, physical fitness; tobacco avoidance; sun safety; and
many other healthy lifestyle choices. Please sign up at Special Olympics May 15-16 State Games Google Doc or email Ellen Kent.
Friday, May 15th, 6 pm - 10 pm. Tobacco education at Middleton High School Relay for Life. Up to 5 USF Health students
can assist with The AHEC tobacco prevention and cessation information table. Please sign up with Alexa Bryant with the USF
AHEC office at 974-3507 or asbryant@health.usf.edu.
Saturday, May 16th, Rotary’s Largest Traveling Book Event at the Fairgrounds! The local district of Rotary International is
creating the Largest Traveling Book in the World and will be breaking the Guinness World Record! Along with unveiling the world’s
largest book there will be a 10,000 book giveaway to the general public. We have been invited to participate in this free family
friendly event by one of our favorite community partners, Faces of Courage. To reserve your spot, please email Peggie D. Sherry at
psherry@Facesofcourage.org and copy in ekent@health.usf.edu and indicate in the subject line - ‘USF student signing up for
book event on May 16’. When you sign up, please indicate your preferred shift: 1st shift 10:30am ~ 12:30pm; 2nd shift 12:30pm ~
2:30pm; 3rd shift 2:30pm ~ 4:30pm. Don’t miss out on this great event!
Wednesday, May 20th, 9:30 am -12:30 pm. Special Olympics Florida Healthy Community Tampa Bay Health Promotion
Event - Macdonald Training Center - James Ranch in Plant City. Up to 20 USF Health students can participate in a Health
Promotion Screening & Education Event designed to help people with intellectual disabilities learn about healthy eating, physical
fitness; tobacco avoidance; sun safety; and many other healthy lifestyle choices that will improve their long-term health. Please sign
up at May 20 Special Olympics Google Doc and indicate your academic program so that the Special Olympics staff can place you
at a fun & meaningful health education station. There will be a volunteer training provided the day of the event, and Mrs. Kent will
send you details ahead of time. All volunteers are asked to complete this VOLUNTEER FORM and bring it on the day of the event.
Friday, May 22nd, 12 pm – 3 pm. Sligh Middle School Health Expo. Share your enthusiasm and your experience as health
professional students with youth! USF Health students can lead 5-10 minute interactive lessons on a variety of topics (e.g. summer
safety; nutrition/fitness equation; tobacco, drug and alcohol prevention; and health careers.) Up to 20 USF Health students can sign
up with Ellen Kent (ekent@health.usf.edu).
Sunday, May 24th, 10:30 am – 1:30 pm. USF Health students are invited to share information about Florida Covering Kids &
Families at the Tampa Bay Rays baseball game! Florida Covering Kids & Families will be hosting the Community Corner
education event and invites 15 USF Health student volunteers to assist with distributing educational materials. The game begins at
1 pm and volunteers are asked to arrive 2.5 hours prior to the game. Volunteers can watch the baseball game (for free) after the
Community corner event. Students are encouraged to carpool, as 4 free parking passes are available. Please sign up at this
Florida Covering Kids google doc. Contact: Joel Velasco (jvelasc1@health.usf.edu); we will send you details prior to the event.
Fridays, May 29th, June 26th, July 31st, 8:30 am-12 pm. Special Olympics Florida Healthy Community Tampa Bay Special
Smiles Screenings. For each event, up to 5 USF Health students can participate in a Special Smiles Screening which is designed
to help people with intellectual disabilities learn what they can do to keep their teeth clean and how their diet affects their health.
USF Health students will assist with nutrition education and a dental hygienist will focus on dental education and screening.
Students can sign up at Special Olympics Special Smiles Google Doc. There will be a volunteer training on the day of the event
and all new volunteers are asked to complete this VOLUNTEER FORM and bring it on the day of the event.
Saturday, May 30th, 8 am – 12 noon. Assist with delivery of Hurricane Packs to the Meals on Wheels (MOW) recipients!
June 1st marks the start of the hurricane season in Florida. Since our MOW recipients cannot leave their homes to buy hurricane
food and supplies, MOW will deliver 5 shelf stable packs to each of our recipients on Saturday May 30th. To sign up to, please
contact Andrea Brogen (a.brogen@mowtampa.org ) and specify that you are a USF Health Service Corps volunteer.
Sunday May 31st, 12:30 pm-3 pm. World No Tobacco Day Youth Summit at McFarlane Park. The AHEC tobacco cessation
program is seeking 5 USF Health students to share their knowledge about tobacco related diseases with youth in a panel
discussion format. Please sign up with Alexa Bryant with the USF AHEC office at 974-3507 or asbryant@health.usf.edu.
IV. Fun Fundraising Events (non-clinical volunteer opportunities)
Saturday, February 7th at 9 AM. Family friendly UNDY 5000 5K Run/Walk at Al Lopez Park, Tampa, benefiting The Colon
Cancer Alliance and the BRIDGE Healthcare Clinic. This important partnership between the BRIDGE clinic and the Colon Cancer Alliance
has provided funding for colonoscopies for BRIDGE Clinic patients who otherwise would not have access to this care. See Bridge Clinic team
website. You can also volunteer at the run/walk on the 7th; please send an email to bridgehealthcareclinic@gmail.com.
Thursday, February 12th, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. LUNAFEST Film fundraiser at the College of Public Health auditorium to benefit Girls
on the Run scholarship fund and Breast Cancer Fund the entry fee is only $10 (cash or credit only). This will be a fun fundraiser!
Saturday, March 21st, 9 am -12 pm. Sertoma- USF Celebrate Sound, "Don’t Walk in Silence" fundraising/awareness walk for
hearing health. This walk also benefits USF’s Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders - www.mycelebratesound.org/tampa
You can serve as an event volunteer and help with registration & kids’ activities or register as a walker. If you wish to volunteer,
please contact Diane Warholic at celebrate_sound@yahoo.com and specify that you are a USF student.
Saturday, March 21st, 1 pm. Ybor Youth Clinic’s Second Annual Slam Dunk Scavenger Hunt ! USFCOM’s Pediatric Interest
Group is heading up a USF Health student team.The scavenger hunt ticket fee is $35 per team member, which includes entry to the
awards reception and the after party. If you don't want to do the Scavenger hunt, you can sign up as an event volunteer! You can
visit this Slam Dunk sign up chart; For additional information, contact Nicholas Plimpton nplimpton@health.usf.edu MCOM 2018.
Saturday, March 28th, 7 am- 12 noon. Cycling Out Autism. Rotary Pavilion, Spring Hill. See also event website You can
serve as a volunteer and help with registering riders, providing support along the trail and leading kid’s activities at the main pavilion.
You can also register as a bike rider, or form a USF Health team! Please contact Christine (crover@usf.edu) with the Center for
Autism and Related Disabilities at USF (CARD) if you wish to volunteer/bicycle and specify that you are a USF Health volunteer.
Saturday, April 11th, 4 pm – Midnight! 2015 Tampa Bay Heart Ball at the A La Carte Event Pavilion. Student volunteers can
assist with the logistics of this classy gala with dining, dancing, silent and live auctions benefitting the American Heart Association.
Up to 10 students can sign up with Corin Agoris (cagoris@health.usf.edu), MCOM 2018, with Cardiology Interest Group.
Saturday, April 11, 9 am at USF ! Moving Day® is the National Parkinson Foundation’s annual fundraising walk/run. You can
sign up as an individual walker at the USF Moving Day website or you can join our USF Parkinson's Posse team! This is a
wonderful way to support our own USF Byrd Parkinson's Disease Disorders Center!
Sunday, April 12th. The American Diabetes Association’s Tour De Cure Bike Ride in Lakewood Ranch.
To sign up as cyclist: Visit our USF Diabetes Center team website. Cyclist Registration fee: $25 (includes full route support,
refreshments, etc). Cyclists must meet the minimum fundraising amount of $200 in order to participate and will receive a Tour de
Cure T-shirt. Contact: Amanda Vasquez, LCSW, Clinical Social Worker with USF Diabetes Center, avasque2@health.usf.edu .
To sign up as a first aid volunteer: Students who are certified in first aid and CPR can assist with the first aid stations. Interested
students can send the following information to Jalyssa Elleby at jelleby@diabetes.org: Name, email, phone number, preferred time
(7 am – 10 am, 10 am - 1 pm, 1 pm – 5 pm) and scanned in copies of your first AID and CPR certification cards.
Friday, April 17th, 6 – 9:30 pm. Fiesta by the Bay, Ybor Museum Garden, see http://card-usf.fmhi.usf.edu/community/fiesta/
Here is a unique opportunity for students to assist with a fundraiser for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities at USF
(CARD) and have a great time as well! Students will be able to purchase tickets for a discounted rate of only $10. Please contact
Christine Rover (crover@usf.edu) if you wish to volunteer and specify that you are a USF Health volunteer.
Saturday, April 18th at 4 pm – Sunday, April 19th at 6 am. American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life at USF!
College of Public Health Captain: Sara Preston (sepreston@health.usf.edu)
Prescription Strength Captain: Matt Schneller (mschnel1@health.usf.edu)
Association of Medical Sciences Graduate Students Captain: Audrey Wadood (awadood@health.usf.edu)
Saturday, May 2nd, 8:30 am -10 am. March of Dimes 'March for Babies' walk at the Amalie Arena. To sign up as walkers/
donors, please visit our team website http://www.marchforbabies.org/team/USFHealthServiceCorps. Feel free to contact team
captain Ellen Kent at ekent@health.usf.edu if you would like to assist with our fundraising & awareness events this semester.
We are planning two healthy fundraisers for April 30, from 11 am - 2 pm; see also MOD fundraiser flyer.
(1) At the COPH, led by Maternal and Child Health Student Organization (contact: Maryouri Avendano, mavendan@health.usf.edu)
(2) At the WELL, led by the CON Bulls for Babies Student Organization (contact: Chelsea Ruehling at cruehlin@health.usf.edu)
Saturday, May 2nd, 9 am. Girls on the Run Tampa Bay 5k-HCC - Dale Mabry Campus. Join us for the third annual race and help
us celebrate the achievements of our Girls on the Run as they cross the finish line! See: http://www.girlsontheruntampabay.org.
Saturday- Sunday, May 2nd-3rd. USF Health Cycling Team for the Bike MS Citrus Tour 2015 - See USF Health team.Contact:
Adam Schwartz MCOM 2015 (aschwart@health.usf.edu).The ride benefits the National MS Society and starts at Fantasy of Flight in
Polk City, FL with an overnight stop at Caribe Royale Resort in Orlando, FL and back. Route options: 50, 75 or 100 miles for day
one OR 50 or 75 miles for day two. This is a ride, not a race; you do not need to be a competitive rider to participate.
The registration fee schedule and benefits is provided at this website. Age Minimum: 12 years, fundraising minimum: $250.
Thursday, May 21st, 6:30– 8:30 pm. Second Annual Strokes for Stroke Art Show in Ybor City! This fundraiser will showcase
art created by stroke survivors and stroke advocates, raise awareness about stroke, and contribute to research & education
programs supported by the American Heart and Stroke Associations. There will be artwork, entertainment, heart-healthy hors
d'oeuvres, music, and testimonials by stroke survivors. Students are invited to participate in this unique event by (a) Serving as an
event volunteer (as a meeter/greeter or assisting senior citizens and stroke survivors) and/or (b) Submitting artwork.
If you wish to participate, please sign up at this Strokes for stroke google doc or contact Ellen Kent or Jennifer Waite .
V. Teaching, Mentoring and Advocacy Opportunities (non-clinical volunteer opportunities)
Teaching in the Schools! This program provides a great deal of flexibility! You can teach students at local schools in
Hillsborough County about health issues and inspire them to become a health professional! You can do this on a one time basis, or
more! This teaching opportunity can serve as an individual service project or as a group project that students can plan and
implement with student organizations/courses. To sign up, please contact Ellen Kent at ekent@health.usf.edu or 813-974-6622 and
specify: (1) Your academic program; (2) The grade level(s) you wish to teach; (3) Possible dates/times you are available to teach; (4)
The topic(s) you plan to discuss and activities you plan to lead; (5) If you would like Mrs. Kent to provide you with health education
materials and suggestions for learning activities. Mrs. Kent can then ‘match’ you with one of our Service Corps partner schools at
your preferred date and time, and provide you with age-appropriate teaching ideas and resources!
USF Health Service Corps Has Adopted a Meals on Wheels (MOW) Tampa Route! Would you like to make a positive difference
in the life of seniors or persons with special needs who may be home bound? MOW sends volunteers to deliver hot, nutritious meals
to people who have difficulty shopping for/or preparing meals. As a volunteer, you will pick up 10-12 meals in a cooler at a site near
USF, deliver the meals to individuals on our route, and return the cooler to the pickup site. This process takes 60- 90 minutes to
complete and you will be provided with directions. To sign up for our Service Corps route on alternate Friday mornings, visit this
Google document & download this information packet. For additional information, please contact Ellen Kent (ekent@health.usf.edu).
A New MCOM and COPH health education partnership to benefit the USF Patel Elementary School! The USF Health chapter
of Student Physicians for Social Responsibility (SPSR) has established a successful gardening partnership with the Patel
Elementary School on the USF campus. SPSR is seeking COPH students with backgrounds in health education and environmental
health to create a curriculum for K-2nd graders at USF Patel Elementary school about environmental responsibility and the benefits
of staying active and eating well. Students who wish to contribute to this interdisciplinary initiative are encouraged to contact
Jennifer Le (jle3@health.usf.edu), MCOM 2017.
Girls on the Run of Greater Tampa Bay is a positive youth development program for young girls that combines training for a 5k with
an interactive curriculum to develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles in pre-teen girls. The 12 week curriculum addresses physical,
social, emotional, and mental well-being. The 24 lessons provide the girls with tools to make positive decisions to avoid risky
behaviors. To learn more, see volunteer descriptions or contact girlsontheruntampabay@gmail.com.
Children’s Cancer Center - Students Achieving through Interactive Learning (S.A.I.L.) (SAIL) is an interactive tutoring
program offered weekly at the Children’s Cancer Center. Are you interested in tutoring school age children with cancer or chronic
blood disorders and their siblings? Do you have a special talent/skill that you would like to share with kids, such as art, music,
cooking, or sports? Then this is a great opportunity for you! We just ask you to come once or twice a month to make it more
meaningful for you and the kids. For more information, please contact Katie Genrich (kgenrich@childrenscancercenter.org).
The USF Health Mentoring Group. This initiative, which is a collaborative effort of the Office of Student Diversity and
USF Health students, is dedicated to developing best practice models with regards to mentor training, community
assessment/engagement, program evaluation, and science/wellness curriculum development. A summary of each
program can be found below. All new mentors are required to attend a mentor training session. For additional information,
please contact: Kevin Casey (kcasey@health.usf.edu), Office of Student Diversity and Enrichment.
BEST Program. The Brain Expansion Scholastic Training (B.E.S.T) Program works with minority students to provide academic
support and health career exploration. Volunteers will lead experiments or group discussions with a small group of students. All
materials and supplies will be provided by the site coordinators. After the experiment/discussion you will help the students complete
any homework assignments or lead them through a study session. We also discuss the immense opportunities available to students
in the healthcare field. The goals of these sessions are to ignite interest in science technology and health and emphasize that
success in school can contribute to success in life. Contact: Dr. Ron Anderson BEST Administrator rjanderson45@yahoo.com
Where: Mount Calvary Academy (3111 East Wilder Ave., 15 min from USF)
When: 3:30-5:00PM Monday and Wednesday afternoon (every other week at minimum)
Exploring USF Health. Exploring USF Health connects local high school students interested in a career in healthcare with
professional students from USF Health. Volunteers serve as mentors and role models for students while leading them through a
curriculum that explores a public health topic and related professions. Additional leadership opportunities are available for
volunteers who want to sustain and expand the program.
Where: Morsani College of Medicine campus (group learning rooms) When: 8:30-1:00PM, one Saturday/month
Boys and Girls Club. We are partnering with the staff and administrators at the Wilbert Davis Boys and Girls Club in the East
Tampa area to provide after school enrichment for youth in grades 6-12. During our sessions, we address a variety of health topics
through fun activities and small group work. The program meets one Friday afternoon a month.
Where: Wilbert Davis Boys and Girls Club (3515 Sarah St) When: one Friday afternoon/month
PACE Center for Girls. Practical Academic Cultural Education Center (PACE) works to provide girls and young women an
opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy. PACE is a nationally recognized program that
features a balanced emphasis on academics and social service with a focus on the future for girls and young women ages 12 to 17.
The mission is to provide young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy.
Where: PACE Center for Girls Hillsborough (1933 E. Hillsborough Ave. Suite 300, Tampa, FL 3610)
When: TBD (2-3 hours once a month)
Plexus Program. The USF Health Plexus Program links at-need pre-health undergraduate students with current graduate students
(MD, DPT, etc.) who provide continued support, guidance and assistance both on a one-to-one basis and as a network to facilitate
the development of the professional behaviors and attitudes necessary for a successful health career.
When: Mentors will be required to provide their USF Health email address to their mentee(s). Mentors should respond quickly and
accurately to mentee’s concerns and consult with faculty when needed. One meeting every month with mentees will be suggested.
This may be on an individual basis, in a group, or at a workshop.
YMCA. This is the 3rd year of our partnership with the YMCA and Teen Achievers Program. Teen Achievers Program is dedicated
to helping high risk teens graduate from high school prepared for a successful future. The sessions focus on relevant medical topics
and promoting interest in health education and careers. This year the program is expanding to include exercise and sports topics as
a way to promote interest in health life choices.
Where: Teen Achievers Program (Bob Gilbertson Central City Family YMCA 110 E. Palm Ave. Tampa 33602)
When: TBD (3-4 hours once a month)
VI. Camps for People with Special Health Care Needs
Camp Boggy Creek is a year-round camping facility for children, ages 7-16, who have chronic or life-threatening illnesses (e.g.
heart disease, HIV, sickle cell anemia, and cancer). Boggy Creek programs include week long summer sessions and weekend
programs throughout the school year. See: http://www.boggycreek.org/volunteers/get-involved/. For additional information, call
toll-free at 866-462-6449 ext. 4293, or email volunteer@campboggycreek.org and say that you are a USF Health student.
March 13th and 14th, Women of Color Camp at Rotary Camp Florida in Brandon, led by Faces of Courage. On Friday
evening, March 13th, student volunteers can help with welcoming the women to the camp, e.g. Parking (5-7pm), luggage (5-7pm),
set up (4-7pm) and kitchen (3-8pm). On Saturday, March 14, volunteers can assist with cooking and more! Please sign
up with Candace Haddox (chaddox@health.usf.edu), MCOM 2015 and Interdisciplinary Oncology Interest Group.
April 11th– 12th. Florida Diabetes Camp. Bring a Friend Weekend at Rotary Camp Florida in Brandon, see
http://www.floridadiabetescamp.org/events/. Contact: Gary Cornwell at (352) 334-1321 or volunteers@floridadiabetescamp.org
to sign up as a volunteer counselor.
VII. Collection Drives
January 5th – March 12th. Wonderful Winter Book Drive to benefit both the USF Reach Out and Read Program and the USF
Bay Area Early Steps Program. See also book drive flyer. We are looking for new and almost new books for children (in English &
Spanish). If you have a large quantity of books to donate or wish to help with the pick-up of collection boxes, please contact Ellen
Kent (ekent@health.usf.edu). Collection boxes are located in: The WELL lobby; COPH lobby; Chiles Center lobby; CON student
area; COM lobby outside Student Affairs office; COP lobby; DPT lobby; Shimberg Health Sciences Library; USF Health Faculty
Office building; College of Education lobby; USF Marshall Center; ACH 8th floor resident work room; lobby of Tampa General
Hospital building at 606 W Kennedy Blvd, Tampa General Hospital cafeteria next to the ATM, and staff rooms at USF Health
South Tampa Center 2nd floor and USF Pediatrics 17 Davis & Health Park clinics.
January 7th - February 19th. Love Your Genes Collection Drive and Health Awareness Event. See Love Your Genes flyer.
USF Health invites students, faculty, and staff to donate gently used jeans that no longer fit, into collection boxes in the following
locations: The WELL lobby, COPH lobby; COM - lobby outside Student Affairs office; and COP lobby. Between February 18th -19th,
in MDC South Courtyard, the donated jeans will be displayed to help raise awareness about eating disorders and help remind
students to love their body at any size, and the jeans will then be donated to Metropolitan Ministries.
February 2nd- 6th, Collection Drive of feminine hygiene items and socks to benefit the homeless in Tampa, sponsored by
the American Medical Women's Association (AMWA). During AMWA's Women's Week, a large collection box will be located in
the MCOM Office of Student Affairs lobby. Donations of tampons, pads, and unopened packages of men's or women's socks will be
distributed to the homeless in Tampa Bay by the MCOM Tampa Bay Street Medicine student organization.
February 2nd - February 25th. Hygiene Supplies Collection Drive. See hygiene collection flyer. We will be collecting soaps,
shampoos, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. for USF Health students who will travel on international service projects during spring
break, and then the students can give these items to families whom they will meet. If you have a large quantity of hygiene items to
donate, please contact Ellen Kent (ekent@health.usf.edu). Thank you! Collection boxes will be located throughout USF Health.
February 16th- 27th. Professional Clothing Drive to benefit homeless youth, see also Professional Clothing Drive flyer
Some of our College of medicine students are also involved with the USF Kosove Society’s homeless youth initiative and
contribute to peer mentoring, career prep, and interview and resume skills with homeless youth in Tampa Bay who have aged-out
of the foster care system. The students are planning a March career fair for homeless youth, where the youth can meet
representatives of local businesses and select professional outfits. We are collecting new and gently-used professional clothes to
donate to the youth so that they can select a professional outfit to use for job interviews. Collection boxes are set up in the Office
of Student Diversity and Enrichment and in the MCOM Office of Student Affairs where students and faculty can drop off donations.
For questions or to make large donations, please contact Kelsey Hundley (khundley@health.usf.edu), MCOM 2018.
NEW! April 22nd - May 6th. End of the Semester Spring Cleaning/Moving Collection Drive! See also flyer. Are you a USF
Health student who would like to donate your extra clothing or canned/boxed food items to help others? Then all you need to
do is to bring these items to the lobby areas of the College of Public Health or the WELL by May 6. Clothing items will be donated to
San Jose Mission & food will be donated to Tampa Jewish Family Services Food Bank. Co-sponsored by USF Health Service
Corps, Public Health Student Association, and MCOM Nutritional Wellness Council. For additional info, contact: Ellen Kent, USF
Health Service Corps Coordinator, Aldenise Ewing, COPH Doctoral Student, or Michelle Lyman, MCOM 2018 SELECT Program.