Phone Numbers 2720 Club (Lakeland) (863) 668-0462 Fellowship Hall (Winter Haven) (863) 291-4949 Detox Center (Bartow) (863) 533-4139 Heartland Intergroup, Inc. 4204 S. Florida Avenue, Suite H Lakeland, FL 33813-1669 District III, Area 15 (863) 688-0211 Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Email Address: Web Address: 24 HOUR AA HOTLINE: Answering Service: (863) 687-9275 Highlands County: (863) 382-2694 DISTRICT III MEETING SCHEDULE Serving Polk, Highlands, and Hardee Counties REVISED: July 1, 2015 Meeting Codes God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. O....Open (All Welcome) C.....Closed (AA’s Only) 24 HR......24 Hour Book ABSI........As Bill Sees It Ask It Basket.............Ask BB..............….Big Book BEG................Beginners Cdl................Candlelight D…................Discussion DR.......Daily Reflections LS..............Living Sober Med...............Meditation S….....................Speaker ST.............….Step Study BBSIT...........Babysitting AL….Al-Anon Available ALT..Ala-Teen Available W.Wheelchair Accessible For meeting information or directions, contact Heartland Intergroup (863) 688-0211. The listing of a group in the “Meeting Schedule” does not imply or constitute endorsement by Heartland Intergroup. City Auburndale City Avon Park City Babson Park City Bartow Location Auburndale Group St. Alban's Episcopal Church 202 Pontotoc St. (Off Main St.) Location Back To Basics Group Resurrection Lutheran Church 324 E. Main St. Easy Does It Group Church Of The Nazarene Fellowship Hall 707 W. Main St. Life And Praise Iglesia Cristiana 301 S. DeSoto Ave. Piece of Serenity Our Lady of Grace Catholic Parish 595 E. Main St. Sober on the Beach Donaldson Park East Main Street Across From City Hall Location Scenic Sobriety Group Babson Park Community Church 700 N. Scenic Hwy. (Alt. 27 S.) Location Ashbury Evening Ashbury United Methodist Church 1650 S. Jackson Ave. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Sunday Monday Tuesday City Davenport City Frostproof City Haines City Open Discussion Meeting Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 500 W. Stuart St. Location 4 Corners Group The Ridge Mobile Home Park 49473 Hwy 27 (Club House at back of park) Davenport Out To Lunch Bunch First Baptist Church 110 W. Maple St. Friends Of Bill W. Community Faith Methodist Church 9120 Teacher Lane Rule 62 Group Cornerstone Baptist Church Island Club Resort 3104 Sand Mine Rd. Location Friday Night Group First Presbyterian Church 101 N. Palm Ave. Location Haines City 5:30 Group White House 122 11th St. N. Heart Of Florida Group St. Mark's Episcopal Church 102 9th St. N. Friday Saturday 8:00 PM OD Last O S 8:00 PM C ST Wednesday 12:00 Noon C D (AL) Thursday Friday 12:00 Noon C D (AL) Saturday 12:00 Noon CD 8:00 PM OS 7:00 PM 6:00 PM CD Women's 8:00 AM OD Sunday Monday Tuesday 5:30 PM BB Sunday Monday Tuesday 6:30 PM OD Wednesday 8:00 PM OD Last O ABSI Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Thursday Friday Saturday 6:30 PM OD Bartow Thursday Night Group Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 500 W. Stuart St. Detox Unit Primary Receiving Center 2725 State Road 60 E. Thursday 8:00 PM OD 6:30 PM OS Women's 2:00 PM OD 8:00 PM CD 6:30 PM OS Men's 6:00 PM OD Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 7:00 PM CD 9:30 AM OSD Friday Saturday 7:00 PM OD 8:00 PM OD 7:00 PM OD Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:00 PM OD Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 5:30 PM OD Thursday Friday Saturday 5:30 PM OD 8:15 PM CD 8:15 PM CD City Haines City Continued Location Grupo: 20 De Agosto 706 US 17/92 N., Suite B Sunday 6:00 PM Español Grupo Camino a la Libertad St. Ann's Catholic Church 1311 Robinson Dr. Monday 8:00 PM Español Tuesday 8:00 PM Español Wednesday 8:00 PM Español Thursday 8:00 PM Español City Indian Lakes Estates City Lake Alfred City Lakeland Location 8:15 PM OD Sunday Dew Drop Inn Blue Barn House 5367 9th St. SE Location Just For Today Indian Lakes Estates Club House 7510 Red Grange Blvd. (Terrace Room) Location Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4:00 PM OD 4:00 PM OD 4:00 PM O BB 4:00 PM OD 4:00 PM OD Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Monday Sunday Monday Acceptance Group Trinity United Methodist Church 715 Cornelia Ave. 8:00 AM O D (W) 8:00 PM O D (W) Men's Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:00 PM Women's (W) BBSIT 6:00 PM O S (W) 8:00 PM O S (W) BBSIT Saturday 12:00 Noon O D (W) 6:00 PM O D (W) BBSIT Anniversary Group Intergroup Office 4204 S. Florida Ave., Suite H 10:00 AM O D (W) Better Nooner Than Later Christ the King Church 6400 N. Socrum Loop Rd. 12:00 Noon O D (W) Come and See Group Harvest Assembly of God 2120 Airport Rd. 6:00 PM O S (W) Dixieland Steps And Traditions New Beginnings Baptist Church 404 W. Belmar St. 8:00 PM O ST (W) 6:30 PM C ST (W) 8:00 PM C D (W) 8:00 PM O S (W) Early Bird Special 2720 Club 2720 E Main St. 7:00 AM (W) 4:00 PM Español 7:00 AM (W) 7:30 PM Español 7:30 PM Español Friday Night Beginner’s Meeting College Heights Methodist Church 1001 Success Ave. 6:00 PM O D (W) Good Orderly Direction Group St. Stephens Episcopal Church 1820 CR 540A Happy Hour Meeting 2720 Club 2720 E. Main St. Higher Powered Group Grace Lutheran Church 745 S. Ingraham Ave. Intense Big Book Workshop First Presbyterian Church, Rm 91 175 Lake Hollingsworth Dr. J.U.G.S - Just Us Girls Sober Adjacent Bldg to Fire Station 8936 N. 98 Saturday 8:00 PM CD Location Fe Y Esperanza 2931 Universe Way Saturday 6:00 PM OD Lake Alfred Group First Presbyterian Church 515 E. Haines Blvd. Downtown Group Impact Community Center 618 N. Massachusetts Ave. Saturday 8:00 PM Español 8:00 PM Español Rainbow Group St. Ann's Catholic Church 1311 Robinson Dr. City Highland City Friday 8:00 PM Español 6:30 PM CD 5:30 PM O ABSI (W) 5:30 PM O ABSI (W) 5:30 PM O ABSI (W) 5:30 PM O ABSI (W) 5:30 PM O ABSI (W) 8:00 PM O D (W) 7:00 PM O BB BBSIT (W) 6:30 PM CD City Lakeland Continued Location Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Just Show Up Group Intergroup Office 4204 S. Florida Ave., Suite H 8:00 PM OD Just Us Northside Church 240 Fernery Rd. 6:30 PM O BB Keep It Simple Christ the King Church 6400 N. Socrum Loop Rd. 6:00 PM O S (W) Ladies of the Lake Study Group First Presbyterian Church 175 Lake Hollingsworth Dr. (Scout Building) 6:30 PM C ST/BB (W) Lake Morton Meeting First United Methodist Church 72 Lake Morton Dr. (Main Bldg. E22) Lakeland Highlands BB Study St. Stephen's Episcopal 1820 CR 540A 8:00 PM C ST AL ALT 6:00 PM O BB (W) Language of the Heart 2720 Club 2720 E. Main St. 12:00 Noon DR O (W) Monday Night Ladies Group 2720 Club 2720 E. Main St. 8:00 PM O D (W) Women's Monday Night Men's Group 2720 Club 2720 E. Main St. 8:00 PM C D (W) Men's New Hope Study Group of Lakeland Christ the King Church 6400 N. Socrum Loop Rd. 12:00 Noon DR O (W) 12:00 Noon O D (W) 12:00 Noon DR O (W) 12:00 Noon DR O (W) 8:00 PM OD Palmetto Group St. David's Episcopal Ch. 145 E. Edgewood Dr. Phoenix Group Aldersgate House 722 E. Walnut St. 12:00 Noon DR O (W) 8:00 PM OD Last. OS 8:00 PM O BB Northside Group N. Lakeland Presbyterian Church. 6725 N. Socrum Loop Rd. (Youth Building) Pathfinder's Group 2720 Club 2720 E. Main St. Saturday 8:00 PM O S (W) 11:00 AM O D (W) 7:00 AM O D (W) 7:00 AM O D (W) 7:00 AM O D (W) Saturday Night Speaker's Meeting 2720 Club 2720 E. Main St. 8:00 PM O S (W) Saturday Night Speaker Meeting Shepherd’s Community U.M. Ch. 2165 Shepherd Rd. 8:00 PM O S (W) Shepherd Road Serenity Group Shepherd Road Presbyterian Ch. 1217 Shepherd Rd. Sober Lunch Bunch Grace Lutheran Church 745 S. Ingraham Ave. 8:00 PM OD Last OS 12:00 Noon C D (W) Tuesday Noon Literature Study Christ the King Church 6400 N. Socrum Loop Rd. Wilson House One 510 Wildlife Trail 12:00 Noon C D (W) 12:00 Noon C D (W) 12:00 Noon C D (W) 12:00 Noon O D (W) 12:00 Noon C D (W) 6:00 PM O ST (W) 6:00 PM O ST (W) 6:00 PM O ST (W) City Lakeland Continued City Lake Placid Location Sunday Winners Circle First Presbyterian Church 175 Lake Hollingsworth Dr. Location Back To Basics St. Francis Assisi Church 43 Lake June Rd. (Screen room in rear of church) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 12:00 Noon OD 12:00 Noon O BB 12:00 Noon O ST 12:00 Noon OS 12:00 Noon OD Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 12:00 Noon C D (W) 12:00 Noon C D (W) 8:00 PM C ST Big Book Study Group St. Francis Assisi Church 43 Lake June Rd. (Screen room in rear of church) 8:00 PM O D (W) 8:00 PM O D (W) Big Book Study Group First Presbyterian Church 118 N. Oak Ave. 8:00 PM CD Las Latinos Um dos Meeting Santiago Apostle Church 685 County Rd. 621 E. 7:00 PM OS Español Men's Meeting St. Francis Assisi Church 43 Lake June Rd. (Screen room in rear of church) 7:30 PM O BB (W) Men's We Care Group First Presbyterian Church 118 N. Oak Ave. 8:00 PM O ST 1st O S Women's Meeting Lake Placid Health Care 125 Tomoka Blvd. S. (Conference Room) Location 7:00 PM O D (W) Women's Sunday Monday Back To Basics Christ Central Church 1396 State Rd. 60 E. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00 PM BB Gratitude Group Church Of Good Shepherd 200 S. 4th St. Apt. 7 (across the street from church) 12:00 Noon C BB W Location 10:30 AM CD Last O S (W) 6:30 PM OSW 6:30 PM OD W 8:00 PM OD W Tuesday Night Big Book Study 330 E. Park Ave. City Mulberry 7:00 PM C ST W 5:30 PM OD W Friday Saturday 8:00 PM C BB Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Mulberry Group Mulberry United Methodist Ch. 306 N. Church Ave. 8:00 PM O D (AL) Saturday Night Speaker Meeting Shepherd’s Community U.M. Ch. 2165 Shepherd Rd. 8:00 PM O S (W) Shepherd Road Serenity Group Shepherd Road Presbyterian Ch. 1217 Shepherd Rd. City Polk City Location Downtown Polk City Group First Baptist Church 408 Arbor Vitae Lane Saturday 6:30 PM C ST Big Book Study First Presbyterian Church 16 N. 3rd St. Key To Sobriety Church Of Good Shepherd 200 S 4th St. Apt 7 (across the street from church) Saturday 12:00 Noon C D (W) Anniversary Group First Presbyterian Church 118 N. Oak Ave. City Lake Wales Saturday 8:00 PM OD Last OS Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 8:00 PM O D (W) City Sebring Location Sunday Monday Tuesday Broken Glass Group Rainbow Plaza 4678 US 27 S. Candlelight Group DeSoto City Community Center 6305 County Road 17 S. 11:00 AM O 24 HR 12:00 Noon C DR 12:00 Noon OD 12:00 Noon C BB 6:30 PM O BEG 8:00 PM C D 8:00 PM C ST 8:00 PM C BB 4:00 PM OD City Wahneta City Winter Haven 1:00 PM OD How It Works First Christian Church 510 Poinsettia Ave. 10:00 AM OD One Day At A Time Covenant Presbyterian Church 4500 Sun N Lake Blvd. 9:30 AM CD The Sebring Group Sebring Church of the Brethren 700 S. Pine St. 8:00 PM CD 4th O S Last O D Eating Mtg. Saturday 12:00 Noon OD 6:00 PM CD Womens 8:00 PM O LS 12:00 Noon C ST 12:00 Noon OD 8:00 PM OD 8:00 PM O ABSI 10:00 AM OD 9:30 AM CD 10:00 AM C BB 9:30 AM CD Location 24 Hour Group Grace Fellowship 131 S. 8th St. Sunday Location Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 7:00 PM OD Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Grupo Guadalupe 2150 Bomber Rd. Location Abby Group Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. Sunday 8:00 PM C ABSI (W) Beginners Meeting Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. 6:30 PM O ST (W) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:00 PM O D (W) Cypress Gardens Noontime Group St. Matthew's Catholic Church 1991 Overlook Dr. E. 12:00 Noon O D (W) Friday Saturday 7:00 PM Español 7:00 PM Español Friday Saturday 8:00 PM O D (W) 12:00 Noon O D (W) Fidelity Big Book Work Group St. Joseph's Catholic Church 532 Avenue M. NW (Entrance on 6th St. NW) 8:00 PM O BB 2nd O ST 4th O S High Noon Meeting Holy Cross Episcopal Church 3600 Cypress Gardens Rd. 12:00 Noon CD Lakeside Noon Meeting Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. 12:00 Noon O D (W) Mid-Week Reflections Group Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. Positive Attitude Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. Friday 6:00 PM OS Facing Changes Volunteers of America Hall 1427 Queen Palms Ave. Women's Meeting Veteran Beach 215 Lakeview Dr. Thursday 7:00 PM OD The Joy Of Living 4541 Thunderbird Rd. City Wauchula Wednesday 12 On 2 (12 Steps On 2 Wheels) First Presbyterian Church 319 Poinsettia Ave. 12:00 Noon O D (W) 12:00 Noon O D (W) 7:30 AM O D (W) 9:00 AM O D (W) 12:00 Noon C ST Last Trad. 12:00 Noon OS 12:00 Noon O D (W) 12:00 Noon O D (W) City Winter Haven Continued Location Saturday Solutions Group St. John's Methodist Church 1800 Cypress Gardens Blvd. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:30 AM O BB & 12 and 12 Women's Sisters In Serenity Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. 6:00 PM C D (W) Last C ST Women's Sisters In Sobriety Hope Presbyterian Church 2110 Cypress Gardens Blvd. Spirit On the Hill Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. Sunset Serenity Meeting Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. The Way Out Young People's Group Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. 8:00 AM O ST (W) 5:30 PM O BB (W) 5:30 PM O D (W) 5:30 PM O D (W) 4:30 PM O BEG (W) 8:00 PM C D (AL) 9:00 AM O D (W) 10:30 AM O BB (W) 12:00 Noon O D (W) 8:00 PM O D (W) Winter Haven Men's Group St. John's Methodist Church 1800 Cypress Gardens Blvd. Location Hardee County Welcome Group First Baptist Church 320 E. Fourth St. 5:30 PM O D (W) 8:00 PM O S (W) Turning Point Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. YANA Group St. Matthew's Catholic Church 1991 Overlook Dr. E. City Zolfo Springs 5:30 PM O ST (W) 10:00 PM O D (W) Traditional Anniversary Group Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. Weekend Serenity Group Fellowship Hall 401 Lake Howard Dr. E. (ASL Interpreter Avail) Saturday 12:00 Noon CD 6:00 PM CD Men's Sunday Monday 4:00 PM OD Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 7:00 PM O BB/ST The Promises If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves. Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us— sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them. Alcoholics Anonymous pg. 83 & 84Information Friday Saturday INTERGROUP REP MEETING: 6:00 PM Second Monday of each month 4204 S. Florida Ave., Suite H Lakeland, Florida 33801 (one-half miles south of the Polk Parkway) GSR – DISTRICT III MEETING: 2:00 pm, Third Sunday of each month Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 500 W. Stuart Street Bartow, Florida 33830 DISTRICT III BREAKFAST: Held each month with Speaker with a time and location TBA: Please contact your groups GSR for more information. Notify us of meeting changes at: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Web Address: Get Active! Volunteer at Heartland Intergroup, Inc. "Our Natural Resource" PHONE NUMBERS
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