Data Capability Benefits Level 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Characteristic Our organisation understands the value of data, and is therefore making far better use of it. Business change always forms part of our data improvement strategy so all change is positive. Our long term view of potential changes makes implementing business change low cost and low risk. Our capabilities around modelling ensure business change and development are simplified and delivered at the lowest possible cost. Our data management capability visibly adds value to our services and products, and forms the basis for new ones. Our data capability and understanding of the value of our data asset has led us to create sophisticated analytical models. We can scale up and scale out data services at understood costs and timescales. (Research) Provides opportunities for collaboration with other researchers within your discipline, or even with other disciplines. (Research) Attracts new collaborators and research partners. Our data supply for all statuary returns and external obligations including course accreditation is optimised and efficient. Group Improving Student Experience Category Org and Culture Owner Head of institution Improving Quality Activities Increased Accessibility Practices and Technique Improving Quality Deliverables Chief technology/systems officer Chief technology/systems officer Chief operating officer Improving Student Experience Deliverables Chief operating officer Increased Accessibility Practices and Technique Chief operating officer Increased Accessibility Org and Culture Chief operating officer Increased Accessibility Org and Culture Head of academic area Increased Accessibility Org and Culture Head of academic area Reducing the Burden Deliverables Chief operating officer 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Characteristic The HEAR record is created and maintained by an accountable body/team and trusted throughout the institution. By modifying our business processes and data activates, we can be ready for in year collections (HESA CACHED). Everyone who is involved with data is providing an excellent service to the rest of the organisation. Our trusted, respected and efficient data management team deliver operational and strategic outputs. Business change is understood, analysed, managed and implemented without issue or delay. Our collection costs are efficient, minimised and appropriate. Resolving operational issues form part of a data improvement strategy and we don't make the same mistakes twice. Our operational efficiency and rigorous business process ensure the majority of the DM work is around development and improvement. Increase flexibility to cope with external requests earlier (and easier). Confidence in the institutional data assets being fit for purpose, accurate and timely. Realise the value of participating in a shared data landscape with the rest of the HE Sector. By documenting business process, our data management staff are efficient, effective and experts for the organisation. We have sufficient capacity to deal with unplanned change. We have far fewer data silos meaning our staff work with data and not on it. Group Reducing the Burden Category Deliverables Owner Chief operating officer Improving Quality Deliverables Chief operating officer Reducing the Burden Org and Culture Head of institution Improving Quality Roles and Responsibilities Operational/data leader Increased Accessibility Practices and Technique Reducing the Burden Deliverables Chief technology/systems officer Chief financial officer Reducing the Burden Practices and Technique Chief operating officer Improving Quality Deliverables Chief technology/systems officer Increased Accessibility Activities Head of institution Improving Quality Activities Reducing the Burden Practices and Technique Chief technology/systems officer Head of institution Reducing the Burden Practices and Technique Chief operating officer Increased Accessibility Practices and Technique Reducing the Burden Activities Chief technology/systems officer Chief technology/systems officer Page 2 of 5 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Characteristic To add value to our data, we allocate and ring fence data analyst resource to ensure timeliness and quality of outputs. Roles and responsibilities for data ownership are well understood, and there is accountability for decisions and actions. As the state is stable more focus, resource and investment can now be devoted to adding value to our data across the whole organisation. (Research) increased researcher profile through data dissemination and re-use. By training and developing our staff, their motivation and effectiveness are very high. We have low turnover. By securing our data in line with published policies, we are confident our statutory and other obligations are always met. Our data governance gives us good oversight or risks, issues and prevents surprises. We have confidence that our regulatory and statutory obligations are being consistently met. Confidence in the return / response to FOI requests. We resolve data issues quickly, efficiently and in line with well understood principles and governance. By investing in our data architecture function, we understand the impact of change before committing to it. The quality, accuracy and timeliness of our data outputs provides significant decision support for operational and strategic questions. Data is accessible and understood and can therefore be used to support day to day decisions. We can exceed our customer expectations In terms of operation, efficiency, cost effectiveness and decisions support. Group Improving Quality Category Roles and Responsibilities Owner Chief technology/systems officer Improving Quality Roles and Responsibilities Chief operating officer Improving Student Experience Activities Chief technology/systems officer Increased Accessibility Deliverables Head of academic area Improving Quality Org and Culture Head of institution Improving Quality Org and Culture Chief financial officer Improving Quality Practices and Technique Improving Quality Deliverables Chief technology/systems officer Chief operating officer Increased Accessibility Reducing the Burden Deliverables Org and Culture Chief financial officer Chief operating officer Improving Quality Roles and Responsibilities Increased Accessibility Practices and Technique Chief technology/systems officer Chief technology/systems officer Improving Quality Org and Culture Head of institution Improving Student Experience Deliverables Head of institution Page 3 of 5 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Characteristic Our data capability is at a level where we can provide real time MI and dashboards for all levels of management. Confidence in the use of the data supply (including secondary?) (clarity around data sharing) /Meta Data/Master. (Research) Facilitates the sharing and re-use of research data for future research. (Research) Enhances the visibility of your research data and increases the number of citations. We have confidence that our data assets are well understood and will operate within the business continuity framework/event. By setting metrics for our datasets, we can track and demonstrate their cost, value and other performance metrics. Managing the business better through a single, trusted set of operational data. Better decision making through a trusted set of linked data covering all the business units. Group Increased Accessibility Category Deliverables Owner Chief operating officer Improving Quality Practices and Technique Chief operating officer Increased Accessibility Deliverables Head of academic area Increased Accessibility Deliverables Head of academic area Reducing the Burden Deliverables Chief operating officer Improving Quality Practices and Technique Chief operating officer Improving Quality Deliverables Head of institution Improving Quality Deliverables Chief operating officer Page 4 of 5 Page 5 of 5
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