Board Meeting Meeting Date Report Title 19 May 2015 Integrated Performance Report (IPR) Executive Summary – Quarter 4. Mandate Delivery Tracker – March 2015 Paper Number Report Author Lead Director FOI Status Report Summary Zaheer Mohammed, Business Intelligence Manager Nicki Latham, Chief Operating Officer Integrated Performance Report – Quarter 4 The Integrated Performance Report (IPR) is provided in two sections and provides the HEE Executive Team with: An Executive summary of HEE’s progress against 163 deliverables mapped against the 2014/15 HEE Business Plan and HEE Mandate, including exception reports where risks have been identified to delivery by the due date. The complete IPR is available on-line and accessible using AspireView. Since Q1, Health Visiting and Apprenticeship data has been added to the Benchmarking Dashboards on AspireView. The validated Quarter 3 EDCOM is also available on AspireView, and the Performance & Development Directorate is currently analysing the Q4 EDCOM Returns. Mandate Delivery Tracker – March 2015 HEE has a commitment to inform the DH of any slippage against Mandate delivery dates within two days of the month end, followed by exception reports. Of the Mandate 13 deliverables with a due date at the end of March 2015, 9 have been delivered, and 4 have reported some slippage. Timeline Purpose (tick one only) Recommendation The Quarterly Integrated Performance Reports are submitted to the Board Approval To Note Decision The HEE Board is asked to approve the Quarter 4 Integrated Performance Report and March 2015 Mandate Delivery Report. 1 Strategic Objective Links The development of the Integrated Performance Report is aligned with the 2014/15 Business Plan and HEE Mandate, using the HEE’s Business Plan domains as the common thread for aligning and developing performance reporting. Identified risks and risk management actions There are no Red-rated deliverables, however, exception reports have been provided for 31 deliverables rated Amber for those IPR deliverables which have experienced slippage past the due date. Resource implications Cross Directorate work continues to maximise resources and facilitate reporting. Support to NHS Constitution This report assists HEE to understand its performance in addressing its objectives, including those within the Constitution. Legal implications including equality and diversity assessment HEE will be considered as a failing organisation if it does not perform well against The Mandate deliverables, this includes addressing equality and diversity within the Widening Participation domain. 2 Mandate Delivery Report March 2015 Mandate Delivery Tracker Mandate Delivery Report 1 March 2015 Mandate Delivery Report March 2015 1. Purpose This monthly report provides the HEE Board and the Department of Health with an update on delivery of the 2014-15 Mandate commitments. 2. Background HEE has used AspireView to deliver the Integrated Performance Report (IPR) since July 2014. To complement the quarterly IPR and to ensure active monitoring of all of HEE’s deliverables, a mandate delivery tracker has been developed (see appendix 1). HEE has committed to informing the Department of Health within two days of the month end where slippage has occurred. Exception reports are provided by the Senior Responsible Officer to ensure that the impact and reasons for the delay are understood and managed (see appendix 2). 3. Progress Overview Of the 49 mandate deliverables, 30 (61.2%) have been delivered by the original/revised due date, 10 (20.4%) deliverables are on track to deliver, with a further 8 (16.3%) rated as amber (with some risk to delivery) at Quarter 4. 1 deliverable has been reported as grey, which indicates that the programme of work is on hold. Of the 13 deliverables due by the end of March 2015, 9 have been delivered, but 4 have reported some slippage. These 4 are: EC1_043 - Paramedic Evidence-based Education Project (PEEP) review, EC3_091 - Minimum standards for mandatory training, EC3_083 - Reducing attrition in undergraduate nursing and midwifery courses, EC1_056 - Capability of MoD Medical Workforce. The exception reports for these deliverables can be found in Appendix 2. Full details are shown in Appendix 1: Click here to access the 2014-15 Mandate Tracker HEE Mandate Developing people for health and healthcare Mandate Delivery Report 2 March 2015 Mandate Delivery Report March 2015 4. Appendix 2 - Exception Report The following table provides the IPR detail for Mandate commitments where slippage has been identified for deliverables due at the end of February 2015, and where a revised dates have been set. Title RAG Start Date Delivery Date Implications of nonachievement EC1_043 Paramedic Evidencebased Education Project (PEEP) review Amber 01 Apr 2014 31 Mar 2015 EC1_056 Capability of MoD Medical Workforce Amber 01 Apr 2014 28 Feb 2015 Description of issues Details of action being taken Comment Paramedic is currently a high profile area of work with increasing ministerial interest, HEE is at risk of reputational damage if it is unable to meet its mandate commitment. Delivery of this mandate commitment has required a subgroup to oversee the development of a workforce modelling commission. This requires a great deal of data collection and refinement from the Ambulance Services and some testing with Human Resource Directors to ensure the assumptions are correct. This tool will inform the financial modelling. It has also been necessary to ensure we are aligned to the Urgency and Emergency Care Review and working closely with Ambulance Chief Executives. HEE is working very closely with stakeholders to ensure we are able to make recommendations to the March 2015 PEEP steering group. The Education Modelling subgroup are the main driver in developing the education models with financial costings. The workforce modelling piece is underway and the development of a transition plan and assurance framework. The subgroups continue to progress the options on programme delivery and funding support, developing the education models and a transition plan for the workforce. A Workforce modelling piece has been commissioned to determine under different future scenarios, a plan for training commissions in line with service model and affordability. Final recommendations will be discussed at the next Steering Group meeting in March 15 before going to the HEE Board in July. The Mandate commitment will not be delivered. Competing demands causing some national and local capacity issues and challenges in knowledge access across teams. Consultation complete and draft comments returned on the strategy from MoD colleagues. Comments to be incorporated into the final version and shared again with colleagues prior gaining SRO approval, and sign off by HEE Executive Team. Draft comments returned on the strategy from MoD colleagues. Final version to be shared with workforce planning colleagues and SRO prior to sign off by HEE Executive Team. Not likely to be ready until end June 2015. Developing people for health and healthcare Mandate Delivery Report 3 March 2015 Mandate Delivery Report March 2015 4. Appendix 2 - Exception Report The following table provides the IPR detail for Mandate commitments where slippage has been identified for deliverables due at the end of February 2015, and where a revised dates have been set. Title EC3_083 Attrition in undergraduate nursing and midwifery courses RAG Amber EC3_091 Minimum Amber standards of mandatory training for health and care Start Date Delivery Implications of nonDate achievement 01 Apr 2013 31 Mar 2015 01 Mar 2014 31 Mar 2015 Description of issues Details of action being taken Comment Considerable work has been carried out by individual LETBs to develop approaches to reducing attrition. This should allow slippage to be recovered early in 2015/16. There should be no overall impact on the end date target to reduce avoidable attrition from training programmes by 50% by 2017. The change of SRO arrangements in December 2014 has in part contributed to slippage and an amended Mandate requirement also necessitates some further work on defining avoidable attrition. Additional Programme support is being recruited and the first action will be to develop a project delivery plan for 2015/16. A request has gone to all LETBs asking for details of actions they are currently taking to reduce attrition. The Executive Team has approved a definition of Attrition, which reflected the requirements of the 2014/15 HEE Mandate. The Mandate requirement was to reduce unnecessary attrition from training programmes by one third over 3 years (to March 2017). The first step in this process was agreed to be to arrive at an agreed defininition of Unnecessary Attrition by March 2015, after which work will focus on developing and piloting approaches to reducing attrition in undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery courses. However, the Mandate requirements for 2015/16 reflect the need for the definition to be revised to comply with the refreshed Mandate requirement to 'Reduce Avoidable Attrition from training programmes by 50% by 2017. This initially requires a review of the definition to define 'avoidable' attrition. Delay to deliverable. HEE is still developing the work programme for this deliverable. HEE is seeking guidance with the HEE is seeking guidance from DH to agree the DH to define the parameters to this parameters to this deliverable. HEE has a suite work. of statutory training content which is mapped to the Common Core Skills Framework and Safeguarding Children and Young people and Safeguarding Adults. The content includes PowerPoint, a workbook and e-learning sessions. The e-learning programme is available through the ESR OLM e-learning platform and the National e-learning repository to all NHS organisations. Developing people for health and healthcare 4 Mandate Deliverables by Month Mandate Ref Mandate Topic No 2.14 Children and young people’s health 4.2 Mental Health 5.7 Public Health 6.42 Competent and Capable Staff 6.23 Excellent Education 6.29 Excellent Education 3.16 Integrated Care 6.34 Excellent Education 6.43 Competent and Capable Staff 3.17 Long‐term conditions 6.3 Values and Behaviours 6.5 Values and Behaviours 6.36 Excellent Education 6.69 Widening Participation 6.33 Excellent Education 2.7 Maternity workforce 2.4 Maternity Workforce 3.13 Integrated care 4.1 Mental Health 6.39 Competent and Capable Staff 6.53 Developing a Workforce skilled for Research and Innovation DH Date key: Spring = June Q1, Summer = Sept Q2, Autumn = Dec Q3, Winter = Mar Q4 Mandate Deliverable Identify by April 2014 a senior national clinical lead for maternity, children and young people’s health Identify by April 2014 a senior national clinical lead for mental health to co‐ ordinate education, training and workforce development Work with regulators and royal colleges to conduct a review of the qualifications required for non‐surgical cosmetic procedures and the qualifications required to be responsible prescribers, reporting by the end of April 2014, and making recommendations on accreditation of qualifications and course delivery Ensuring by April 2014 there is a strategy for a robust career development framework for this sector, linked to simplified job roles and core competencies Provide an action plan setting out how it is going to tackle historical shortages in doctors working in emergency medicine and report regular progress to DH: a further joint report from HEE and the College of Emergency Medicine on progress should be submitted in June 2014 Work with partners, including the GMC, BIS and other UK health departments, to set out proposals for reform of the point of full medical registration and develop robust plans for implementation of an agreed way forward by June 2014 Develop a bespoke older persons’ nurse post graduate qualification training programme, with the first cohort of students commencing in September 2014 Work with partners to support ‘return to practice’ initiatives, with a specific emphasis on nursing and general practice by September 2014 developing the training and education of this part of the workforce, especially setting the induction standards which will be embodied in the Care Certificate, with pilots in spring/summer 2014 and roll out to new care assistants from March 2015 Assess the extent to which existing education, training and ongoing development enables staff to support self‐care and self‐management and report on the current position and any changes needed by October 2014 Oversee delivery of a national values based recruitment framework and associated tools and resources by October 2014 and ensure that selection into all new NHS funded training posts incorporates testing of value based recruitment by March 2015 continue to work with the NMC, professional leaders and trades unions to develop and implement the two current pre‐degree care pilots (autumn 2013 and spring 2014) and introduce two further pilot cohorts of similar numbers – one in October 2014 and the second in February 2015 Due date Apr‐14 Apr‐14 Link to IPR Deliverable Future workforce strategy for children and young people Identification of clinical workforce lead for mental health Review of non‐surgical cosmetic qualifications Apr‐14 Q3 IPR RAG Q4 IPR RAG Delivered by revised date? Y/N or n/a n/a Blue Blue Blue n/a n/a n/a Blue Blue Blue n/a Yes n/a n/a Blue Blue Blue n/a Vanessa Convey Yes n/a n/a Blue Blue Blue n/a Wendy Reid Jo Marvell Yes n/a n/a Blue Blue Blue n/a EC3_095 Wendy Reid Andrew Matthewman Yes n/a Blue Blue Blue n/a EC1_014 Elaine Readhead Claire Ward Yes n/a n/a Blue Blue Blue n/a EC2_082 Janice Stevens Janice Stevens Yes n/a n/a Blue Blue Blue n/a EC2_080 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Simon Young Yes n/a n/a Blue Blue Blue n/a CE1_006 Wendy Reid Nicola Skinner Yes n/a n/a Green Blue Blue n/a HC3_023 Nicki Latham Sally Prus Yes n/a n/a Green Blue Blue n/a EC2_075 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Simon Young Yes n/a n/a Green Blue Blue n/a EC1_063 Laura Roberts Vanessa Convey Yes n/a n/a Green Blue Blue n/a HC2_014 Laura Roberts Mike Farrell Yes n/a n/a Green Blue Blue n/a EC1_007 Wendy Reid Renee Knopp No Yes Nov‐14 Amber Blue Blue Yes EC1_012 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Barbara Kuypers No Yes Nov‐14 Amber Blue Blue Yes EC1_032 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Barbara Kuypers No Yes Dec‐14 Amber Blue Blue Yes EC1_015 Wendy Reid Patrick Mitchell Yes n/a n/a Amber Blue Blue Yes EC1_023 Wendy Reid Claire Heaney Yes n/a n/a Amber Amber Blue n/a EC1_069 Wendy Reid Louise Southern No Yes Feb‐15 Amber Amber Blue Yes II3_011 Wendy Reid Terri Hobbs No Yes Feb‐15 Amber Green Blue Yes Updater EC1_001 Wendy Reid Wendy Reid Yes n/a EC1_006 Wendy Reid Sue Ambler Yes EC1_065 Julie Screaton Carol Jollie EC1_060 Stephen Welfare EC1_039 Emergency Medicine Workforce Mandate: Jun‐14 BP: Mar‐15 Reform of full registration for medical students Jun‐14 Older persons' nurse post‐graduate training Sep‐14 Return to Practice Sep‐14 Sep‐14 Oct‐14 Pilot the Care Certificate to include embodied induction standards Assess the extent to which existing education, training and ongoing development enables staff to support self‐care and self‐management Delivery of VBR Oct‐14 Pre Degree Care ‐ second cohort Oct‐14 31/07/2014 Evaluate the current provision of midwives with additional skills in supporting Substance misuse training for midwives women with substance misuse by July 2014 and set out plans to increase the Revised to 31/10/2014. Then to 30/11/2014 skills and knowledge across England Work with NHS England to establish the vision for personalised maternity Personalised maternity services 30/09/2014 care by 2022, describing the workforce needed to deliver it and gaining Revised to 30/11/2014. Then to agreement by September 2014 on the contributions needed from the key 31/12/2014 organisations in order to meet the vision by 2022 develop training programmes that will enable health and care employers to ensure that all staff have an awareness of mental health problems and how they may affect their patients by January 2015 Q2 IPR RAG SRO HCA Strategy Apr‐14 Support staff who wish to train on a part time basis in order to meet family Part‐time training in nursing needs or working patterns, continuing its work with education providers to establish a course to support staff to enter the nursing workforce through Oct‐14 this route. HEE is committed to completing this work by October 2014, to have enrolled up to 100 staff on this course and subject to evaluation, look to roll it out across the NHS 30/04/2014 Revised to Access to higher education Work with partners in the education sector as they develop a shared strategy 31/10/2014 for promoting access to higher education by April 2014 On‐going development of workforce Work with stakeholders to review the incentives, accountabilities and 30/09/2014 transparency for employers in supporting the ongoing development of the Revised to 31/10/2014. Then to existing workforce, making recommendations to DH by Summer 2014 30/11/2014 Deliver the workforce development commitments required of it in Transforming Primary Care, working with the appropriate health and care organisations to act upon the workforce implications of the ambition for out‐ of‐hospital care, with rapid progress to be made during 2014 If No, Delivered by has an exception If No, please state original due date? revised due date report been Y/N completed? IPR Ref No Transforming Patient Care commitments Dec‐14 Mental health training programmes Jan‐15 Support NHSE in the development of clinical audit Work with NHS England to support the systematic development of clinical 30/09/2014 audit and patient‐report outcome and experience measures, ensuring that Revised to 30/11/2014 then to implications for staff awareness and training can be addressed and reporting 28/02/2015 back by summer 2014 Driving improvement and developing the current Assess the extent to which existing education, training and ongoing 01/10/2014 workforce development equips staff across the range of professional groups with the right skills in quality systems management and outcomes to enable them to Revised to 31/01/2015. Revised to 28/02/2015 drive improvement, reporting on the current position and any changes needed by October 2014 Page 1 of 3 Mandate Ref Mandate Topic No 6.5 Values and Behaviours 4.12 Dementia 6.3 Values and Behaviours 6.24 Excellent Education 6.43 Competent and Capable Staff 2.6 Maternity workforce 6.21 Excellent Education 7.2 Value for money, transparency and reforming education and training funding 6.35 2.8 Excellent Education Health Visitors 6.49 Developing a Workforce skilled for Research and Innovation 4.6 Mental Health 6.23 Excellent Education 6.60 Developing a Workforce skilled for Research and Innovation 6.16 Excellent Education 2.11 Children and Young People's Health 2.6 Maternity workforce Mandate Deliverable Due date Link to IPR Deliverable Continue to work with the NMC, professional leaders and trades unions to Extending pre degree care across other professions develop and implement the two current pre‐degree care pilots (autumn 2013 and spring 2014) and introduce two further pilot cohorts of similar numbers – 28/02/15 revised to 31/03/15 one in October 2014 and the second in February 2015 Provide Tier 1 training to a further 250,000 staff by March 2015, ensuring that the tools and training opportunities are available to all staff by the end of 2018 Oversee delivery of a national values based recruitment framework and associated tools and resources by October 2014 and ensure that selection into all new NHS funded training posts incorporates testing of value based recruitment by March 2015 Take forward the reform programme for pharmacist education following the consideration and consultation on the Impact Assessment on the preferred option during 2014/15 and submit proposals to Ministers by March 2015 Developing the training and education of this part of the workforce, especially setting the induction standards which will be embodied in the Care Certificate, with pilots in spring/summer 2014 and roll out to new care assistants from March 2015 Develop pre‐registration and post‐registration training in perinatal mental health, and support continuing professional education for the maternity and early years workforce by March 2015 Effective workforce planning should reduce the number of health roles on the Home office's Shortage Occupation list by March 2015 From April 2014, oversee the introduction of transitional tariffs for postgraduate medical training programmes in secondary care Work with the RCN and universities to ensure that nurses currently working in the acute sector and wishing to work in the community, have ready and easy access to conversion courses to enable them to do so and are supported to making this switch by March 2015 Commission sufficient training places to ensure the additional staff are available to meet the commitment for an additional 4,200 FTE health visitors by April 2015. Work with PHE and NHS England to ensure sustainable development of the health visitor workforce beyond April 2015 ensuring workforce planning addresses issues such as attrition rates, current staff retirement plans, continuing professional development etc Work with partners to explore the scope for creating (or enhancing a current NHS product) an online repository that can fast track the sharing of good practice and knowledge amongst clinicians, including trainees and students, reporting on progress by the end of December 2014 By January 2015, work with partners to develop an e‐learning package to support continuing professional development for GPs in mental health Review the potential benefits of up‐skilling and training paramedics to allow them to deliver more treatment in the community, as well as better deliver on‐site triage and treatments in emergencies, where clinically appropriate, reporting back in January 2015 Work with the MoD to develop a plan by summer 2014 to support activity to enhance the existing capability of the Defence Medical Service either through up‐skilling of the existing workforce or by supporting the training of new entrants Reduce unnecessary attrition from training programmes by a third over the next 3 years, initially piloting approaches in undergraduate nursing and midwifery courses and reporting back in winter 2014/15 on early progress work with partners to develop a bespoke training course to allow GPs to develop a specialist interest in the care of young people with long‐term conditions for introduction by September 2015 Develop pre‐registration and post‐registration training in perinatal mental health, and support continuing professional education for the maternity and early years workforce by March 2015 If No, Delivered by has an exception If No, please state original due date? revised due date report been Y/N completed? Q2 IPR RAG Q3 IPR RAG Q4 IPR RAG Delivered by revised date? Y/N or n/a Mar‐15 Green Green Blue Yes n/a n/a Green Blue Blue n/a Yes n/a n/a Amber Amber Blue n/a Sue Ambler Yes n/a n/a Amber Blue Blue n/a Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Simon Young Yes n/a n/a Green Green Blue n/a EC1_010 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Claire Heaney Yes n/a n/a Amber Amber Blue n/a EC2_081 Rob Smith Patrick Mitchell Yes n/a n/a Green Green Blue n/a CE3_037 Steve Clarke Steve Clarke Yes n/a n/a Green Green Blue n/a EC1_033 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Sharon Harrison Yes n/a n/a Green Green Blue n/a EC1_035 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Pat Saunders Yes n/a n/a Green Green Green n/a II3_010 Wendy Reid Alan Ryan Green Green Green EC1_027 Wendy Reid Claire Heaney No Yes May‐15 Amber Amber Amber EC1_043 Wendy Reid Sharon Harrison No Yes Jun‐15 Green Green Amber EC1_056 Steve Clarke Sue Ambler No Yes Jun‐15 Amber Amber Amber EC3_083 Paul Holmes John Clark No Yes Aug‐15 Amber Amber Amber EC1_041 Wendy Reid David Boyce Green Green Green EC1_009 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Claire Heaney Amber Green Amber IPR Ref No SRO Updater EC2_078 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Simon Young No yes EC1_016 Paul Holmes Debi Carpanini Yes HC3_025 Nicki Latham Sally Prus EC1_044 Wendy Reid EC2_079 Tier 1 dementia training to new and existing staff Mar‐15 Delivery of VBR Mar‐15 Pharmacy student numbers Mar‐15 Roll out of care certificate to HCAs Mar‐15 Mar‐15 Perinatal mental health CPD for existing maternity workforce Reducing the shortage occupation list Mar‐15 Mar‐15 Recommendations developed for tariff implementation in 16/17 Development of community nursing Mar‐15 Increase Health Visitor workforce Apr‐15 Sharing good practice and knowledge May‐15 CPD for GPs in Mental Health 31/01/2015. Revised to 31/05/15 PEEP review 31/01/2015. Revised to 31/03/15. Revised to 30/06/15 Capability of MoD Medical Workforce 30/09/2014 Revised to 31/12/2014 Revised to 28/02/2015 Revised to 31/03/2015. Revised to 30/06/15 31/03/2015. Revised to 31/08/2015 Pilot approaches to reducing attrition rates in undergraduate nursing and midwifery courses Training for GPSI in care of young people with LTCs Sep‐15 Perinatal mental health training for student midwives 31/03/2015 Revised to 30/09/15 Page 2 of 3 No Yes Sep‐15 Mandate Ref Mandate Topic No 3.6 6.15 Integrated Care Excellent Education 3.8 Integrated care 3.22 Improving Veterans’ Health Mandate Deliverable Work with partners to review undergraduate and postgraduate curricula and training pathways by summer 2015 to identify ways to support the development of a more flexible workforce with greater generalist skills work with the LETBs and healthcare providers to ensure that trainers and educators have access to the necessary support and professional development to allow them to provide excellent education and training (6.15). Work with higher education institutions and placement providers to ensure that, by September 2015, all pre‐registration nursing students in training experience an assessed and dedicated period of time in a community placement setting Ensure that training is available so that there can be a specialist GP in each CCG trained in the physical and mental health needs of armed forces veterans by summer 2015 work with partners to seek to develop a bespoke mental health postgraduate nursing programme for introduction in September 2015, focusing on mental health awareness and the skills required in A&E nursing (4.7). Due date Sep‐15 30/09/2014 Revised to 30/09/2015 Green Green Green Amber Amber Grey Lynne Hall Green Green Green Steve Clarke Sue Ambler Green Green Green EC1_029 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Claire Heaney Amber Amber Amber EC1_017 Paul Holmes Pat Saunders Green Green Green EC3_084 Wendy Reid Andrew Matthewman Amber Amber Amber EC1_036 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt Pat Saunders Green Green Green EC3_086 Wendy Reid Andrew Matthewman Green Green Green EC2_066 Wendy Reid Jonathan Howes Green Green Green EC3_091 Wendy Reid Alan Ryan Green Amber Amber Q2 IPR RAG Q3 IPR RAG 9 0 17 23 0 49 20 0 11 18 0 49 EC3_085 Wendy Reid Andrew Matthewman EC3_088 Wendy Reid Janet Flint EC1_034 Lisa Bayliss‐Pratt EC1_030 Delivered by revised date? Y/N or n/a No Yes Sep‐15 Training for GPSI in Veteran health Sep‐15 Mental health training for A&E nursing Dementia Work with bodies that set curricula to seek to ensure that all undergraduate courses include training in dementia by September 2015 Sep‐15 6.28 Excellent Education Work with DH, take the lead in England on the response to the Shape of Training review, liaising with the GMC, the Devolved Administrations and other key stakeholders by Summer 2015 Sep‐15 2.9 work with PHE to support the smooth transfer of commissioning of health From pregnancy through to adulthood visiting services to local authorities from 1 October 2015 Oct‐15 6.30 Excellent Education 6.32 Excellent Education Competent and Capable Staff Q4 IPR RAG Updater Develop education training for trainers and educators by scoping and producing an action plan Sep‐15 4.13 6.40 Q3 IPR RAG SRO Community placements for nursing students Mental Health Help support a culture of safety by reviewing provision of mandatory training and ensuring minimum standards are set for training across different aspects of health and care, completing this work by November 2014 Q2 IPR RAG IPR Ref No Review undergraduate and postgraduate curricula and training pathways 4.7 Engage with the GMC and other key stakeholders to enhance competence in GP training by the end of 2015, with the first new programmes beginning in summer 2016 Work with NHS Employers and the trades unions to support efforts to improve recruitment and retention of staff, providing broad recommendations by winter 2015/16 Link to IPR Deliverable If No, Delivered by has an exception If No, please state original due date? revised due date report been Y/N completed? Sep‐15 Undergraduate courses to include dementia training Lead the response to the Shape of Training review for England Transfer of health visiting to public health Enhance competence in GP training Dec‐15 Mar‐16 30/11/2014. Revised to 31/03/2015. Revised to 31/03/2016 Recruitment & retention of medical, dental & science training programmes Reviewing provision of mandatory training and ensuring minimum standards are set for training No Yes Mar‐16 Blue Red Amber Green Grey TOTAL Page 3 of 3 Q4 IPR RAG 30 0 8 10 1 49 61.2% 0.0% 16.3% 20.4% 2.0% 100.0%
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