ave h u o y t g tha n i w o n k It's o r 5hrs 15mins a l www.helilioutrigger.com.au Wentworth Reef 5hrs 00mins © Copyright 2015 Hekilioutrigger PO Box 191, Yorkeys Knob, QLD 4978 S a Alexandra Reefs 4hrs 30mins 4hrs 15mins M ow bra y R iv e Egmont Reef 4hrs 45mins Korea Reef Cut Off 4hrs 15mins er Yule Reef 4hrs 00mins 3hrs 45mins All craft MUST pass between the two support boats. 3hrs 30mins Garioch Reef Oak Beach E K A T O READY T ? E G ! N S E E L K L A A T H C T I E TH WHAT C PORT DOUGLAS 3hrs 15mins 3hrs 00mins 2hrs 45mins Bla ck Rex Lookout M nt ou 2hrs 30mins ain Unity Reef Cut Off 2hrs 45mins Wangetti 2hrs 15mins 2hrs 00mins ou R an Australia's Longest Distance Downwind Ocean Race 45km Yorkeys Knob to Port Douglas 1hr 45mins 1hr 30mins ge t r oin te ps on P l is ug A D nt ac M M Sim 1hr 15mins Double Island Ell is Be ac h Haycock Island 1hr 00mins PALM COVE IRON! 45mins Ra in y Mo un 30mins tain Taylor Point 15mins Barron River 0 1.25 2.5 0 0.450.9 5 1.8 2.7 7.5 10 Kilometers 3.6 Nautical Miles YORKEY'S KNOB GIS & Mapping by Cairns Charts & Maps, info@cairnscharts.com.au This product incorpates data licensed under Creative commons Licences; © Commonwealth of Australia, © Queensland State Government. COURSE MAP Hekili Great Barrier Reef Ocean Challenge 2015 To register your interest please email hekilioutriggers@gmail.com To keep up to date with latest news check out our web page www.hekilioutrigger.com.au Like us on Facebook HEKILI OUTRIGGER CANOE CLUB Is GBROC really "the best race in Australia"? www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiMbqHXURIA SUNDAY 7th JUNE 2015 RACE PROGRAM & IMPORTANT INFORMATION Hekili Outrigger Canoe Club Cairns proudly present RACE REGISTRATION & SUPPORT CREW NOTIFICATION THE 5th HEKILI GREAT BARRIER REEF OCEAN CHALLENGE Challenge yourself physically and mentally in this unique adventure race that will see Yorkeys Knob come alive as the starting line for this 45km ocean race. Set against the stunning backdrop of the Far Northern Coastline, will see OC6, OC2, OC1, Surf skis and SUP Boards battle it out in the mother of all surf legs. Heading North with the wind, do you have what it takes to make it to the finish line on picturesque Four Mile Beach, Port Douglas. The GBROC is part of the 2015 CAIRNS AIRPORT ADVENTURE FESTIVAL. Commencing Sunday 7th June culminating on Sunday 14th June with the Cairns Airport IRONMAN CAIRNS Triathlon. This is an action packed sporting event festival featuring some of the world's most elite sportsmen and women. ....If it was easy, everyone would do it! SATURDAY 6th JUNE - 2.00pm - 6.00pm RACE BRIEFING COMPETITORS & SUPPORT CREW SUNDAY 7th JUNE 8.30am RACE START: 9.30am DIVISIONS OC6 - Open Men/Women/Mixed* Master Men/Women/Mixed* Senior Master Men/Women/Mixed* Golden Master Mixed* (*Max 3 Men) OC1 & OC2 - Open Men/Women/Mixed Master Men/Women/Mixed Senior Master Men/Women/Mixed Golden Master Men/Women/Mixed Double Ski - Open Men/Women/Mixed Ocean Ski - Open Men/Women & Spec Ski Master Men/Women Senior Master Men/Women Golden Master Men/Women SUP Board - Open Men/Women Master Men/Women Senior Master Men/Women NOMINATION FEES $70.00 AOCRA Paddler $78.00 NON AOCRA Paddler (incl. $8 AOCRA sports insurance fee) by FRIDAY 15th MAY 2015 PLEASE NOTE: Electronic equipment will be used to increase safety to competitors and ensure reliability of race results. All competitors MUST register the day before the event (Saturday 6th June) in order to allocate electronic timing anklets to each team. Additionally, your team captain MUST sign in/have your anklet number ticked off on the morning of the race so officials know that you/your team are a race starter. Teams from local clubs - if you are intending to arrive the morning of the race, you will still need to have 1 of your team members register your team on Saturday 6th. If your club has several teams competing, one person may sign in for the timing anklet for all of your club's teams. You MUST provide the canoe number and the names of each team member otherwise you will be deemed NOT signed in. All clubs must lodge a CLUB NOMINATION with payment performed online at www.aocra.com.au by FRIDAY 15TH MAY 2015. Individuals & NON AOCRA Members must lodge an INDIVIDUAL NOMINATION with payment via credit card to www.aocra.com.au by FRIDAY 15th MAY 2015 NB: International outrigger competitors who can confirm they hold travel insurance, will not need to pay the additional $8 AOCRA sports insurance fee.
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