Anthropometric Flight Safety Federal Aviation Administration Body Dimensions Paquette S, Gordon C, Bradtmiller B, (2009). Anthropometric Survey (ANSUR) II Pilot Study: Methods And Summary Statistics Final Report June 2006 – September 2008. NATICK/TR-09/014. Robert. E. “Buck” Joslin, Ph.D. Chief Scientific & Technical Advisor Flight Deck Technology Integration HAI-RSC, March 2015 Gould, B. A. (1869). Investigations in the military and anthropological statistics of American soldiers (Vol. 2). US sanitary commission. The helicopter lost power while in cruise flight at 1000' AGL and the student pilot landed hard collapsing the landing skids of the helicopter. It was determined the a/c lost rotor speed due to the fact that the female occupant slipped her left arm out of her shoulder strap to be able to reach forward to make a GPS range adjustment. as she slipped her arm out of the left shoulder strap, the strap caught the idler pulley/clutch Thandle (located between the two seats at shoulder height) when she leaned forward this caused the rotor to become disengaged by pulling the T-handle forward. thus disengaging the clutch. (Rpt#20050924021629I, 24 September 2005) HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 2 Regulations (Part 27/29-Helicopters) CAR 7.353(b) Controls.(Aug 1, 1956-Rotorcraft Airworthiness) (c) The controls shall be so located and arranged with respect to the pilots' seats that there exists full and unrestricted movement of each control without interference from either the cockpit structure or the pilots' clothing when seated. This shall be demonstrated for individuals ranging from 5' 2" to 6' 0" in height. Recodified as 14 CFR §27/29.777(c) CAR: Civil Air Regulations (re-codified to FAR in 1965) HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 3 HISTORICAL REGULATIONS Regulations (Part 25-Airplanes) CAR 4b.353(c) Controls. (Nov 1, 1953-Airplane Airworthiness-Transport Category) (c) The controls shall be so located and arranged with respect to the pilots' seats that there exists full and unrestricted movement of each control without interference from either the cockpit structure or the pilots' clothing when seated with the seat belt fastened. This shall be demonstrated for individuals ranging from 5' 2" to 6' 0" in height. Recodified as 14 CFR 25.777(c) Amdt 25-46 increased stature from 6’0” to 6’3”, 10/30/1978 CAR: Civil Air Regulations (re-codified to FAR in 1965) HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 4 *NPRM-1975 Regulations (Part 25-Airplanes) Explanation. The flight stations of modern transport category airplanes have been designed for the 5th to 95th percentiles of pilot stature. Because the average human height continues to increase, the proposed change to Sec. 25.777(c) would increase the maximum flight crewmember height to be considered from 6'0" to 6'3" for the design of cockpit controls. Ref. Airworthiness Review Program, 40 Federal Register 112 (10 June 1975), p. 24808 HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 5 Percentile of Pilot Stature Percentiles 95th percentile in height(stature) means that 95% of the “population” is shorter than you PERCENTILE 5th 95th 5th percentile in height (stature) means that 5% of the “population” is shorter than you HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 6 Regulations HISTORICAL REGUL (Europe-Part 27/29) EASA CS 27/29.777 Cockpit controls (b) Located and arranged with respect to the pilot’s seats so that there is full and unrestricted movement of each control without interference from the cockpit structure or the pilot’s clothing when pilots from 1.57 m (5ft 2in) to 1.8 m (6ft) in height are seated. • Ref: European Aviation Safety Agency, Certification Specifications For Large Rotorcraft CS-29/Small Rotorcraft CS-27 HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 7 Regulations HISTORICAL REGUL (Europe-Part 25) EASA CS 25.777 Cockpit controls (c) The controls must be located and arranged, with respect to the pilots' seats, so that there is full and unrestricted movement of each control without interference from the cockpit structure or the clothing of the minimum flight crew (established under CS 25.1523) when any member of this flight crew from 1.58 m (5’ 2“) to 1·91 m (6’ 3”) in height, is seated with the seat belt and shoulder harness (if provided) fastened. Ref: European Aviation Safety Agency, Certification Specifications For Large Aeroplanes CS-25 HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 8 HISTORICAL REGULATIONS Regulations (Part 23-Airplanes) • … 14CFR 23.777(b) addresses the capability to • operate a control through its full range of motion, considering potential interference from clothing and cockpit structures. It is important that evaluations be conducted using individuals representing a range of potential user physical dimensions and includes tests with users wearing different apparel, such as long sleeved shirts, jackets and gloves. Ref: FAA Public Statement Number PSACE100-2001-004 on Guidance for Reviewing Certification Plans to Address Human Factors for Certification of Part 23 Small Airplanes • ”. (Part 23 does not specify a pilot population.) To show compliance with this aspect of the regulation (14CFR 2X.777), show that all positions of the control fall within the reach envelopes of the intended pilot population. Ref: FAA Advisory Circular 20-175- Controls for Flight Deck Systems§2.2(c). Appropriate Representation of Pilot Population. HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 9 HISTORICAL Target REGULATIONS Population (Regulations) Design Requirements Aircraft Minimum Stature Maximum Stature Transport Airplanes 5 ft. 2 in. 6 ft. 3 in. (1.58 m) (1.91 m) Intended Users Intended Users 5 ft. 2 in. 6 ft. 0 in. (1.57 m) (1.80 m) Small Airplanes Helicopters 14CFR §25.777; §29.777; §27.777; EASA CS §25.777 HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 10 Randall, F. E., Damon, A., Benton, R. S., & Patt, D. I. (1946). Human body size in military aircraft and personal equipment (No. AMC-AF-TR-5501). AIR MATERIEL COMMAND WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OH. Relevant Body Measurements (Stature?) Randall, F. E., Damon, A., Benton, R. S., & Patt, D. I. (1946). Human body size in military aircraft and personal equipment (No. AMC-AF-TR-5501). AIR MATERIEL COMMAND WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OH. HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 11 Relevant Body Measurements (Stature?) HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 12 Relevant Body Measurements HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 13 Relevant Body Measurements Ref: Dod Hdbk 743A-Anthropometry of U.S Military personnel, 13 Feb 1991 HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 14 Relevant Body Measurements Those that directly affect the operator’s ability to: -See/Read aircraft instruments -View the world outside the cockpit - Manipulate switches and knobs - Move the aircraft flight controls. HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 15 Relevant Body Measurements HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 16 Relevant Body Measurements (Design Eye Reference Point) Good: Typically achieved by adjusting the cockpit seat position (vertically and horizontally) to set a common “sitting eye height” for all operators in order to fulfill regulatory field of view requirements for primary/secondary instruments and external view. “Not so Good” Does not provide any design assurance for the ability of the operator’s arms or legs to effectively reach and operate cockpit controls and switches HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 17 Relevant Body Measurements (Sitting Eye Height) Gordon, C. C., Churchill, T., Clauser, C. E., Bradtmiller, B., & McConville, J. T. (1989). Anthropometric survey of U.S. army personnel: methods and summary statistics 1988. Anthropology Research Proj.-Yellow Springs OH HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 18 Relevant Body Measurements (Sitting-Eye Height) ….. The altitude reminder/warning system did not give the aural horn when went through 29300+/- 100 and the warning light was located just under the glareshield out of my 6' 1" tall view. (ASRS-ACN 147677) Captain reported mistakenly selecting Flaps 10 when Flaps 5 were called for, leading to an overspeed. I cannot see gate settings from Captain’s seat and must have moved the handle too far into the gate for Flaps 10, when Flaps 5 was called for. (ASRS ACN 1097211) HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 19 Relevant Body Measurements (Thumb-tip Reach) Gordon, C. C., Churchill, T., Clauser, C. E., Bradtmiller, B., & McConville, J. T. (1989). Anthropometric survey of U.S. army personnel: methods and summary statistics 1988. Anthropology Research Proj.-Yellow Springs OH HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 20 Relevant Body Measurements (Thumb-Tip Reach) The helicopter lost power while in cruise flight at 1000' AGL and the student pilot landed hard collapsing the landing skids of the helicopter. It was determined the a/c lost rotor speed due to the fact that the female occupant slipped her left arm out of her shoulder strap to be able to reach forward to make a GPS range adjustment. as she slipped her arm out of the left shoulder strap, the strap caught the idler pulley/clutch Thandle (located between the two seats at shoulder height) when she leaned forward this caused the rotor to become disengaged by pulling the T-handle forward. thus disengaging the clutch. (Rpt#20050924021629I, 24 September 2005) HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 21 Relevant Body Measurements (Buttock-Knee Length) Gordon, C. C., Churchill, T., Clauser, C. E., Bradtmiller, B., & McConville, J. T. (1989). Anthropometric survey of U.S. army personnel: methods and summary statistics 1988. Anthropology Research Proj.-Yellow Springs OH HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 22 Relevant Body Measurements (Buttock-Knee Length) ….the student's knee touched the gear handle while he was operating the rudder pedals. The gear handle switched into the up position…… If the pilot is tall enough, the right knee could easily touch the gear handle from below. (ASRS-ACN 1109789) HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 23 Relevant Body Measurements (Sitting Eye Height & Buttock-Knee Length) In the far aft and down [seat] position, his eyes were level with the top of the windows and he could not see one third of the engine instrument gauges. Also, he had to spread his knees apart to keep the control yoke from hitting them during full aileron deflection. His eye line was above the Design Eye Reference Point (DERP) sight line and he could not get it to go lower. The problem exists among most pilots who are 5 feet 9 inches or taller. (ASRS-ACN 999078/999052) HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 24 Relevant Body Measurements (Functional Leg Length) Gordon, C. C., Churchill, T., Clauser, C. E., Bradtmiller, B., & McConville, J. T. (1989). Anthropometric survey of U.S. army personnel: methods and summary statistics 1988. Anthropology Research Proj.-Yellow Springs OH HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 25 Relevant Body Measurements (Sitting Height) Gordon, C. C., Churchill, T., Clauser, C. E., Bradtmiller, B., & McConville, J. T. (1989). Anthropometric survey of U.S. army personnel: methods and summary statistics 1988. Anthropology Research Proj.-Yellow Springs OH HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 26 Relevant Body Measurements (Hand Measurements) Gordon, C. C., Churchill, T., Clauser, C. E., Bradtmiller, B., & McConville, J. T. (1989). Anthropometric survey of U.S. army personnel: methods and summary statistics 1988. Anthropology Research Proj.-Yellow Springs OH HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 27 Percentiles 5th Percentile Female (in) 95th Percentile Male (in) ANSUR I (1988) ANSUR I (1988) Stature 60.15 (≈ 5 ft) 73.48 (≈ 6 ft 1.5 in) Sitting-Eye Height 24.95 33.39 Thumb-Tip Reach 26.64 34.14 Buttock-Knee Length 21.34 26.28 Functional Leg Length 34.71 46.02 Body Dimension Gordon, C. C., Churchill, T., Clauser, C. E., Bradtmiller, B., & McConville, J. T. (1989). Anthropometric survey of U.S. army personnel: methods and summary statistics 1988. Anthropology Research Proj.-Yellow Springs OH Gordon, C. C., Blackewell, C. L., Bradtmiller, B., Parham, J.L., Barrientos, P., Paquette, S. P.,…Kristensen, S. (2014). 2012 Anthropometric survey of U.S. army personnel: methods and summary statistics . Anthrotech.-Yellow Springs OH HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 28 Multivariate Anthropometry HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 29 Multivariate Anthropometry (e.g. 90% of target population contained within the ellipse) Thumb Tip Reach Boundary Cases Sitting Eye Height Aeronautical Systems Center-Crew Systems Bulletin (2009). Aircrew Accommodation Requirements/Verification (ENFC-CSB-08-01-Chg 1). (2009). ASC/ENFC: WPAFB, OH. HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 30 Multivariate Anthropometry 2 body measurements = ellipse 3 body measurements = ellipsoid >3 body measurements = hyper-ellipsoid Use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) statistical techniques to combine related measurements into a smaller set of factors, or components, based on correlation or covariance Zehner, G. F., Meindl, R. S., & Hudson, J. A. (1993). A multivariate anthropometric method for crew station design. Kent State University, OH. HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 31 Multivariate Anthropometry In a three-component example, the extreme individuals are positioned exactly at the mid-surfaces of each of the eight octants of each accommodation ellipsoid . Therefore, a cockpit design, which is compatible with these extreme individuals should also accommodate all of the individuals who are closer to the multivariate mean. Meindl, R.M., G.F. Zehner, and J.A. Hudson. A Multivariate Anthropometric Method for Crew Station Design, Technical Report AL-TR-1993-0054, Crew Systems Directorate, Human Engineering Division, Armstrong Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, 1993 HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 . Federal Aviation Administration 32 Multivariate Anthropometry (F22-Aeronautical Systems Center-Crew Systems Bulleting (2009). Aircrew Accommodation Requirements/Verification (ENFC-CSB-08-01-Chg 1). (2009). ASC/ENFC: WPAFB, OH. HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 33 Multivariate Anthropometry (JPATS-Aeronautical Systems Center-Crew Systems Bulleting (2009). Aircrew Accommodation Requirements/Verification (ENFC-CSB-08-01-Chg 1). (2009). ASC/ENFC: WPAFB, OH. HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 34 Multivariate Anthropometry (JSF)-Aeronautical Systems Center-Crew Systems Bulleting (2009). Aircrew Accommodation Requirements/Verification (ENFC-CSB-08-01-Chg 1). (2009). ASC/ENFC: WPAFB, OH. HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 35 Multivariate Anthropometry (Draft) Aircrew Sizing Survey 2011 711th Human Performance Wing, Human Systems Integration, Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 36 Multivariate Anthropometry (Digital Human Modeling) . The applicant may choose to use analytical methods, such as computer modeling of the flight deck and the pilots, for early risk reduction and to supplement certification evaluations using human subjects. Computer modeling allows for more control over the dimensions of the pilot model, and thus, may allow the assessment of otherwise unavailable combinations of body dimensions. PS-ANM111-1999-99-2 Guidance for Reviewing Certification Plans to Address Human Factors for Certification of Transport Airplane Flight Decks 9/29/99 HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 37 Multivariate Anthropometry Digital Human Modeling May • • • • not effectively account for : Posture (slouch) Soft Tissue Characteristics Seat compression Range of Motion when wearing required clothing/equipment Aeronautical Systems Center (2008). Aircrew Accommodation Requirements/Verification (ENFC-CSB-08-01). (2008). ASC/ENFC: WPAFB, OH. HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 38 Anthropometric Databases (Examples) Database Aircraft Civilian American and European Surface Anthropometry Resource Project (CAESAR) Part 25-Transport Civilian American and European Surface Anthropometry Resource Project (CAESAR) Military Fighter Jet 1988 Anthropometric Survey of U.S. Army Personnel (ANSUR) Part 25-Business Jet 1988 Anthropometric Survey of U.S. Army Personnel (ANSUR) Part 29-Helicopter 1988 Anthropometric Survey of U.S. Army Personnel (ANSUR) Part 29-Helicopter 1988 Anthropometric Survey of U.S. Army Personnel (ANSUR) Military Trainer Sample of Anthropometric Databases used in recent aircraft designs HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 39 Recent Aircraft Design (ANSUR) (Stature) 5’0” 5’2” 6’1½” 6’3” HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 40 Recent Aircraft Designs Anthropometric Databases (Stature) (U.S. Army) 1988 U.S. Army Anthropometric Survey (1988) HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 US Army Anthropometric Survey Database: Downsizing, Demographic Change & Validity of the 1988 Data in 1996 (1996) Anthropometric Survey (ANSUR) II Pilot Study: Methods And Summary Statistics Final Report June 2006 – September 2008 (2009) Federal Aviation Administration 41 MIL-STD-1472D Department of Defense Design Criteria Standard: Human Engineering • Anthropometry – Reach, Clearance and Vision • The design of operator consoles will provide adequate reach to controls, appropriate clearances, and visual access by the operator, for the full range of required anthropometric personnel attired in all required personal and protective, clothing and equipment and for all necessary body postures in accordance with MIL-STD-1472G and with Chapter 3.2 of this document. MIL-STD-1472D was promulgated in March 1989, and updated in 1992 (Notice 2-1992) with anthropometric body dimension data using the 1988 U.S. Army Survey. MIL-STD-1472G (2012). Department of Defense Design Criteria Standard: Human Engineering HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 42 Recent Aircraft Designs 1998-2001 Civilian American and European Surface Anthropometry Resource (CAESAR) 4,431 subjects characterizing NATO countries as a whole for ages 18-65. (U.S. only report matched to NHANES survey) 100 measurements (40 1-D and 60 extracted from 3-D body scanning). 3-D scans of three postures & 3-D coordinated for 73 prespecified landmarks “CAESAR” like follow-on for an expanded demographic, sponsored by a consortium (Asian/Australian/European) HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 43 Determine if demographic matched U.S. population Recent Aircraft Designs 5000 subjects-National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted every 2 years; 8 measurements (1-D) NHANES U.S.Census (All ethnicities/races) Validate Match CAESAR (NATO) CAESAR (all U.S. ethnicities/races?) Robinette K, Blackwell S, Daanen H, Boehmer M, Fleming S, Brill T, Hoeferlin D, and Burnsides D (2002). Civilian American and European Surface Anthropometry Resource (CAESAR), Final Report, Volume I: Summary. AFRL-HE-WP-TR-2002-0169. Robinette, K. M., Daanen, H., & Paquet, E. (1999). The CAESAR project: a 3-D surface anthropometry survey. In 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 1999. Proceedings. Second International Conference on (pp. 380-386). HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 44 Recent Aircraft Design (CAESAR) (Stature) 5’0” 5’2” 6’3” HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 45 Recent Anthropometric Surveys 2008-2013 USAF Aircrew Sizing Survey (ACSS) 700 subjects (640 male of which 625 were Caucasian) Representative of the 2011 age/weight/stature USAF Personnel Center at Randolph AFB. 60 traditional body dimensions measured , along with 3-D body shape scans ACSS designed to replace 1967 USAF Anthropometric Survey, however there were insufficient female and non-Caucasian subjects in this survey. Additional survey in 2015? HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 46 Recent Anthropometric Surveys 2010 Anthropometric Survey of U.S. Marine Corps Personnel 1,921 subjects representative of the USMC Defense Manpower Data Center census counts from 31 March 2010 94 measurements (1-D) + 41 derived measurements + 3-D head, foot, & wholebody scans 2010 USMC ANSUR replaced 1988 U.S. Army ANSUR I HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 47 Recent Anthropometric Surveys 2010-2012 U.S. Army Anthropometric Survey (ANSUR) II 12,000 subjects that matched the component, sex, age, and racial/ethnic group of the Army demographics as of March 2012 94 measurements (1-D) and 3-D head, foot, & whole-body scans ANSUR II replaces 1988 Anthropometric Survey of U.S. Army HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 48 Percentiles 5th Percentile Female (in) 95th Percentile Male (in) ANSUR I (1988) ANSUR II (2012) ANSUR I (1988) ANSUR II (2012) Stature 60.15 (≈ 5 ft) 60.04 73.48 (≈ 6 ft 1.5 in) 73.62 Sitting-Eye Height 24.95 27.48 33.39 33.86 Thumb-Tip Reach 26.64 26.54 34.14 34.88 Buttock-Knee Length 21.34 21.30 26.28 26.34 Functional Leg Length 34.71 37.80 46.02 48.19 Body Dimension Gordon, C. C., Churchill, T., Clauser, C. E., Bradtmiller, B., & McConville, J. T. (1989). Anthropometric survey of U.S. army personnel: methods and summary statistics 1988. Anthropology Research Proj.-Yellow Springs OH Gordon, C. C., Blackewell, C. L., Bradtmiller, B., Parham, J.L., Barrientos, P., Paquette, S. P.,…Kristensen, S. (2014). 2012 Anthropometric survey of U.S. army personnel: methods and summary statistics . Anthrotech.-Yellow Springs OH HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 49 Good News! World Engineering Anthropometry Resource (W.E.A.R.) HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 50 W.E.A.R. HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 51 W.E.A.R. HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 52 Fatigue Valid Anthropometric Data for Aircraft Design Contributes to Aviation Safety HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 53 HAI-Rotor Safety Challenge Orlando FL, March 2015 Federal Aviation Administration 54
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