Summer 2013 Publications Catalog Check out our line of eBook pediatric resources. Look for this icon throughout the catalog. Ready to AAP mobile apps! See details inside. PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES AAP APP PLATFORMS FEATURING NEW MOBILE APPS! Content from the AAP, where you want it—when you need it! AAP Platform App FREE Easy-to-use home for AAP apps, articles, calculators (Apple only), and tools AAP Red Book® App $124.99 (FREE with subscription to Red Book® Online.) Quickly access the gold-standard infectious disease problem-solver, with search, updates, and news. KidsDoc (Symptom Checker) $1.99 Symptom checker to make smart decisions on what level of care (if any) is needed IronKids App $3.99 45-minute workout by Jordan D. Metzl, MD, FAAP, nationally recognized sports medicine physician Nelson's Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy App $29.99 Pediatric Care Online™ App HealthyChildren App Free AAP eBook App Car Seat Check App $1.99 FREE with subscription Multiple evidence-based Practical, evidence-based recommenresources at the point of care dations from the leading experts in pediatric antimicrobial therapy ADHD Tracker App FREE Track behavior patterns and ADHD symptoms using the NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Follow-up. Free app, eBooks for purchase Build your own electronic library of AAP eBooks; more than 125 titles and growing. Includes hundreds of articles, a Healthy Children e-magazine, and many other resources Quickly learn what car seat is right for your child based on age, height, and weight. AAP eBook Library—Ready Access. Instant Answers. AAP eBook features • Full texts, images, figures, video, audio, and tables. • Single-page, 2-page spread, and zoom viewing. • Personal “virtual bookshelf” to speed access to favorite titles. • Find-it-fast keyword searching within and across titles. • iPad version included with purchase. • Titles may be purchased individually or subscribe to the AAP eBook Collection. Visit or e-mail to learn more. Look for these symbols throughout the catalog! 2 Available as an eBook, Up to 50% off quantity discounts! See for details. Doody’s Core Title Doody’s Book Reviews™ Award-Winning Title Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Your satisfaction is guaranteed with any purchase from the American Academy of Pediatrics. NEW CONTENT FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS! Greetings! We invite you to browse the full range of our offerings and take advantage of easy ordering at the AAP online Bookstore: (If you prefer hard-copy ordering, please click “Print Blank Order Form” on the Bookstore home page.) NEW! Caring for the Hospitalized Child A Handbook of Inpatient Pediatrics AAP Section on Hospital Medicine Editors: Daniel A. Rauch, MD, FAAP; Jeffrey C. Gershal, MD, FAAP Experienced pediatric hospitalists provide proven how-tos for dozens of patient problems—from anaphylaxis, supraventricular tachycardia, and gastrointestinal bleeding to urinary tract infections and nephrolithiasis as well as sedation and surgery. Look up alphabetically ordered conditions and symptom sets for expert help with • Clinical presentation • Differential diagnosis • Lab tests; imaging • Treatment • Indications for specialist consult • Disposition • Discharge criteria • Follow-up • Pearls and pitfalls • Coding Softcover, 2013—732 pages MA0652 Price: $69.95 Member Price: $59.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-754-8 eISBN 978-1-58110-810-1 NEW! Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines & Policies Book and CD— 13th Edition A Compendium of Evidencebased Research for Pediatric Practice AAP Policy Manual. Keep up with current practice guidelines and policies with the latest, most up-to-date edition of this clinical reference classic. This evidencebased decision-making tool for managing common pediatric conditions has been revised and updated for 2013, with the latest clinical practice guidelines for more than 30 conditions, plus every AAP policy statement, clinical report, and technical report through December 2012. Softcover with CD, available April 2013— 1,050 pages MA0663 Price: $124.95 Member Price: $99.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-766-1 eISBN 978-1-58110-822-4 NEW! Challenging Cases in Pediatric Ophthalmology Editors: David B. Granet, MD, FAAP, FACS, FAAO; Shira L. Robbins, MD, FAAP, FAAO; Leslie Julia Baber, MD This all-new clinical resource and learning tool brings you 88 high-interest case studies based on actual cases. Topics include red eye, teary eye, eyelid and orbit conditions, abnormal red reflex, abnormalities of the anterior segment, abnormalities of the retina and optic nerve, trauma, abnormal eye movements, decreased vision, systemic disease, reading problems, and other incidental findings. Each case provides background, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, when to refer, treatment, discussion, and key points. Softcover, 2013—632 pages MA0449 Price: $82.95 Member Price: $74.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-305-2 eISBN 978-1-5811-621-3 PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES We hope you enjoy looking through the AAP Publications catalog. Here you’ll find all the newest AAP resources, along with a selection of popular favorites. We’re continually updating our content and making it available in multiple formats for your practice or library— apps...Web sites...and more! NEW! Medical Genetics in Pediatric Practice Editor: Robert A. Saul, MD, FAAP, FACMG AAP Policy Manual. Embodying current policy of the American Academy of Pediatrics, this allnew resource provides practicefocused help for addressing virtually any genetics-related issue you’re likely to confront. It’s replete with expert insights, pediatric-specific solutions, and quick-access aids you won’t find anywhere else. Consult this one-stop problem-solver for • Must-know basics on genetic processes, inheritance patterns, and genetic testing • Concise summaries of common genetic disorders • Recognition, evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment how-to’s • Illuminating images of anomalies that may indicate genetic conditions • Case-based examples of ethical issues…plus much more! Softcover—400 pages available May 2013 MA0565 Price: $79.95 Member Price: $69.95 Order online at and 3 2012 RED BOOK® PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES NEW! Red Book® Atlas Newly expanded coverage…new images…new clinical solutions... of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 2nd Edition American Academy of Pediatrics; Editor: Carol J. Baker, MD, FAAP Incorporating key content from the AAP Red Book , this newly updated edition provides must-know information for diagnosing, evaluating, and treating more than 100 pediatric conditions. Look here for all the essentials on everything from actinomycosis to amebiasis to anthrax…hepatitis to herpes to hookworm… tuberculosis to tularemia to typhus. A peerless pictorial resource Some 800 finely detailed clinical photos and radiographs illustrate disease features. Succinct captions illuminate crucial aspects of patient presentation and disease processes and offer valuable insights for differential diagnosis. A super-efficient ready-reference and learning tool Concise text descriptions step you through diagnosis, evaluation, and management essentials for each condition. • Clinical manifestations • Etiology • Diagnostic tests • Epidemiology • Treatment • Incubation period ® Available May 2013 Hardcover—680 pages MA0651 Price: $114.95 Member Price: $99.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-753-1 eISBN 978-1-58110-426-4 The 2nd edition features 27 all-new chapters—with 300+ new images— focusing on conditions including • Astrovirus • Burkholderia • Human Calicivirus • Clostridium perfringens • Coronavirus • Cryptosporidiosis • Dengue • Fusobacterium Infections • Hepatitis D • Hepatitis E • Human Herpesvirus 8 • Legionella • Human Metapneumovirus Infections • Microsporidia Infections • Parasitic Diseases • Prion Diseases • Rickettsial Diseases...and more! “This is an essential reference for practicing pediatricians and pediatric ID specialists. The AAP COID has done an exceptional job of keeping it timely and updated, evidence-based, and comprehensive, while also rendering it accessible and engaging in format and style. As a single reference, it is unmatched in the field in terms of practical applicability and usefulness.” –Doody’s Book Review’s™ 5-STAR DOODY’S REVIEW Red Book® 2012 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases—29th Edition Editor: Larry K. Pickering, MD, FAAP Associate Editors: Carol J. Baker, MD, FAAP; David W. Kimberlin, MD, FAAP; Sarah S. Long, MD, FAAP AAP celebrates Red Book® 75th anniversary in 2013! Extending a 7-decade tradition of excellence, the 2012 Red Book® provides page after page of must-know information and practice-proven guidelines for state-of-the-art pediatric care. Turn here for today’s most up-to-date, reliable, clinically useful findings on the manifestations, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of more than 200 childhood infectious diseases. ENGLISH Softcover, 2012—1,058 pages MA0625 Price: $129.95 Member Price: $104.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-703-6 eISBN 978-1-58110-735-7 NEW Spanish Edition! Softcover, 2013—approx 1,000 pages MA0658 Price: $129.95 Member Price: $104.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-757-9 4 SAVE $25! 2012 Red Book® Atlas Package! Includes 2012 Red Book® print plus Red Book® Atlas, 2nd Edition. MA0671 Price: $245 Member Price: $180 Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. RED BOOK® ONLINE Red Book® Online takes infectious disease references into an entirely new dimension. This next-generation subscription service is the quickest, easiest way to keep pace with all the latest infectious disease developments and AAP clinical guidelines—right from your desktop, laptop, or mobile device. Red Book® Online helps you •K eep current with fast-moving infectious disease developments as they emerge. NEW MOBILE ACCESS! Now included with your subscription! • Practice state-of-the-art prevention with continuously updated immunization and vaccine status data. • Simplify diagnosis and management with authoritative, fully illustrated information and recommendations. • Work more effectively in a mobile health care environment. • Earn AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™! Red Book® Online is an approved source that may be searched through the AAP PediaLink Internet Point of Care Search CME activity. Red Book® Online is your direct connection to •T he complete text of the current Red Book® print edition— with embedded links that update and enhance content between print editions • Context-sensitive pop-up images—corresponding to specific text passages • Downloadable mobile app—for your Android or iOS smartphone and tablet—includes complete text, selected Visual Library images, tables, and other resources • Expanded Visual Library of more than 2,500 full-color images • Powerful text and image searching • Current immunization schedules • Influenza resource page • Regularly updated and enhanced vaccine status tables: BLA submissions, FDA approvals, and AAP and ACIP recommendations • Special vaccine shortage updates • Infectious disease presentation slides for teaching or printing • A AP policies and related online content— with special implementation guidance • Infectious disease news and eAlerts…and other dynamic resources! AAP Red Book® App available; see page 2. Free with Red Book® Online subscription. PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES More powerful—and mobile —than ever! Red Book® Online Instant 24/7 access to current Red Book® content…plus a whole lot MORE! SAVE $25! 2012 Red Book® Package! Includes 2012 Red Book® print (page 4) plus a 1-year subscription to Red Book® Online. MA0659 Price: $240 AAP Member Benefit All AAP Members receive Red Book® Online as their enhanced Red Book® member benefit. Red Book® Online now includes online access and mobile downloads to your smartphone and tablet—and is more effective than ever in keeping you current in infectious disease developments and vaccine status data. For more details, go to and click on “MyAAP” or visit SUBSCRIBE TODAY— Satisfaction guaranteed! For individual (single-user) annual subscription, order item #ON2006. Price: $135 SAVE with a Red Book® Online site license subscription! Health care professionals throughout your organization will consult Red Book® Online often for expert, AAP-endorsed recommendations. Keep your entire institution or practice on the cutting edge—at a low per-user cost! For more information, contact Scan this code with your smartphone to find AAP Red Book® on Facebook! Order online at and 5 PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES ★★★★ 4-Star Review “T his is an excellent reference for antimicrobial therapy. The new rating system for strength of recommendation and level of supporting evidence that is new to this edition is very useful and assists in the decision-making process in the clinical setting.” –Doody’s Book Reviews™ NEW MOBILE ACCESS SAVE $15! 2012 Red Book® Print and Nelson’s Package Includes 2012 Red Book® print (page 4) and Nelson’s Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy (above). MA0654 Price: $150 Member Price: $120 Practical, evidence-based recommendations from the experts in antimicrobial therapy NEW! 2012–2013 Nelson’s Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy—19th Edition Developed by a distinguished editorial team! Editors in Chief: John S. Bradley, MD, FAAP; John D. Nelson, MD, Emeritus Contributing editors: David W. Kimberlin, MD, FAAP; John A.D. Leake, MD, MPH; Paul E. Palumbo, MD; Pablo J. Sanchez, MD; Jason Sauberan, PharmD; William J. Steinbach, MD This best-selling and widely used resource on pediatric antimicrobial therapy provides instant access to reliable, up-to-the-minute recommendations for treatment of all infectious diseases in children. For each disease, the authors provide a commentary to help health care providers select the best of all antimicrobial choices. Drug descriptions cover all antimicrobial agents available today and include complete information about dosing regimens. In response to growing concerns about overuse of antibiotics, the program includes guidelines on when not to prescribe antimicrobials. Softcover, 2012—247 pages MA0619 Price: $36.95 Member Price: $29.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-654-1 eISBN 978-1-58110-705-0 Nelson’s Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy App available; see page 2. Atlas of Pediatrics in the Tropics and Resource-Limited Settings Editors: Jonathan M. Spector, MD, MPH, FAAP, and Timothy E. Gibson, MD, FAAP Handbook-sized text focuses exclusively on pediatric tropical disease. More than 200 full-color images accompany concise diagnostic, treatment, and prevention guidance. Softcover, 2009—343 pages MA0447 Price: $79.95 Member Price: $74.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-303-8 eISBN 978-1-58110-427-1 Shop for all of our great Red Book® and infectious disease resources. NEW! Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools A Quick Reference Guide—3rd Edition Edited by Susan S. Aronson, MD, FAAP, and Timothy R. Shope, MD, MPH, FAAP Completely revised and updated, the new third edition of this award-winning quick reference guide provides the latest information on the prevention and management of infectious diseases. Presented in an easy-to-use format, this must-have guide provides: • Content from the premier AAP source of information on infectious diseases, the Red Book® • Quick reference fact sheets on more than 50 common infectious diseases and symptoms that occur in children in group settings • Easy-to-read explanations on how infectious diseases spread • Strategies for limiting the spread of infection • W hen exclusion is and is not indicated See page • Guidance about which situations require immediate help • Immunization schedules 13 for other • Ready-to-use sample letters and forms for parents or referrals child care Softcover, available July 2013—200 pages MA0662 resources. Price: $49 Member Price: $45 ISBN 978-1-58110-765-4 6 Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. PEDIATRIC CARE RESOURCES Pediatric Environmental Health PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES AAP Policy Manual by the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Environmental Health; Editor: Ruth A. Etzel, MD, PhD, FAAP; Associate Editor: Sophie J. Balk, MD, FAAP This comprehensive AAP guide to the identification, prevention, and treatment of pediatric environmental health problems has been fully revised and substantially expanded in this 3rd edition. Softcover, 2011—934 pages MA0457 Price: $49.95 Member Price: $44.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-313-7 eISBN 978-1-58110-653-4 On-the-Spot Access to Clinical Solutions! AAP Quick Reference Guide to Pediatric Care Here’s the first place to turn for practical, actionoriented clinical solutions—whenever and wherever you need them. Custom-built for the busy practitioner, this guidebook lets you immediately zero in on the precise information and advice you’re looking for. It’s the perfect resource to use during or between patient encounters. Softcover, 2010—1,581 pages MA0530 Price: $109.95 Member Price: $99.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-371-7 eISBN 978-1-58110-622-0 Doody 5-Star Review Berkowitz’s Pediatrics A Primary Care Approach—4th Edition Designed for efficient primary care problemsolving, it provides concise, practice-oriented guidance on all the most common issues, clinical and psychosocial, you’re likely to encounter. Here’s hands-on help on topics ranging from temper tantrums and thumb-sucking to childhood cancer, kidney disease, and diabetes. Updated edition features 13 all-new chapters including • Global Health • Pediatric Pain and Symptom Management • Complementary and Alternative Medicine • Pediatric Radiology • Genomics • Emerging Infections Softcover, 2011—977 pages MA0615 Price: $84.95 Member Price: $79.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-635-0 eISBN 978-1-58110-652-7 PREP® The Curriculum Pediatrics Review and Education Program • PREP® Self-Assessment (print, online, & CD-ROM) • 12 monthly issues of Pediatrics in Review® (print & online) Approved for 20 points by the ABP for MOC Part 2: Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment. Nonmember: $447 Member: $327 AHP/In Training: $234 AAP National Affiliate Member: $199 Visit or call 866/843-2271 to order. PREP® Audio Online Listen to expert panel discussions of critical, relevant topics. Earn CME with 12 monthly audio issues in portable MP3, podcast, and/or CD formats. Nonmember: $295 Member: $247 AHP/In Training: $217 Visit for more details and a FREE trial. Hospital Pediatrics PREP Subspecialties ® Prepare for MOC, earn CME, and review for exams with the PREP line of subspecialty selfassessments. Nonmember: $213 Member: $193 AAP National Affiliate Member: $138 Section Member: $172 AHP/In Training: $162 Visit for more details and a FREE trial! Now you can get original research and peer-reviewed articles. 1-Year Print + Online: $79 2-Year Print + Online: $149 Visit or call 866/843-2271 to order. Call 866/843-2271 for more information on AAP journals & professional periodicals. Order online at and 7 PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES THE S.T.A.B.L.E. PROGRAM NEW! The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program—6th Edition Kristine A. Karlsen, PhD, NNP-BC, Author/Founder, National Program Director Post-resuscitation/pre-transport stabilization care of sick infants S.T.A.B.L.E. is the most widely distributed and implemented neonatal education program to focus exclusively on the post-resuscitation/pre-transport stabilization care of sick infants. Based on a mnemonic to optimize learning, retention, and recall of information, S.T.A.B.L.E. stands for the 6 assessment and care modules in the program: Sugar, Temperature, Airway, Blood pressure, Lab work, and Emotional support. NEW! The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program Learner Manual Post-resuscitation/ Pre-transport Stabilization Care of Sick Infants Guidelines for Neonatal Healthcare Providers— 6th Editon Student handbook for self-study of the S.T.A.B.L.E. Learner/Provider Course Slides on CD-ROM (CD sold separately) or for instructor-led presentations. Comprehensively reviewed by highly regarded neonatologists, nurses, and respiratory therapists, the S.T.A.B.L.E. Program is considered by neonatal educators to be the follow-up, complementary program to resuscitation education. ENGLISH Softcover, 2012—220 pages ST0012 Price: $44.95 ISBN 978-1-937967-02-4 SPANISH ST0010 Price: $41.95 ISBN 978-0-9791801-0-1 eISBN 978-1-937967-01-7 NEW! The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program Instructor Manual Post-resuscitation/ Pre-transport Stabilization Care of Sick Infants Guidelines for Neonatal Healthcare Providers— 6th Edition Instructor’s guide for use during the S.T.A.B.L.E. Program learner/ provider course. Introductory section in the beginning of the manual provides detailed background information about the S.T.A.B.L.E. Program, testing, course renewal, and instructor classifications and qualifications. Case vignettes introduce each module and several case studies are provided for discussion. Binder, 2012—200 pages ST0013 Price: $85 ISBN 978-1-937967-03-1 8 NEW! The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program Learner/ Provider Course Slides on DVD—6th Edition Fully animated and beautifully designed PowerPoint slides for instructor-led presentations or self-study. The full renewal program slides are also included on the CD. ENGLISH DVD, 2012 ST0014 Price: $350 ISBN 978-1-937967-04-8 SPANISH CD-ROM, 2007 ST0011 Price: $295 ISBN 978-0-9791801-1-8 NEW! The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program Physical Exam/ Gestational Age Assessment Slides DVD— 2nd Edition Helps neonatal caregivers learn everything from Ballard gestational age assessment to a head-to-toe physical examination and immediate stabilization of neonates with various surgical, cardiac, and medical conditions and more. DVD, 2013 ST0015 Price: $150 ISBN 978-1-937967-05-5 New! The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program Quick Reference Bedside Card Set—4th Edition Seven S.T.A.B.L.E. Program modules summarized in this 4.5" x 7" laminated card set attached by a ring. ST0016 Price: $24.95 ISBN 978-1-937967-08-6 New! The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program Blood Gas Interpretation Chart—3rd Edition This handy chart allows you to comfortably interpret a neonatal blood gas result in seconds. ST0017 Price: $6 ISBN 978-1-937967-06-2 Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. The S.T.A.B.L.E. Cardiac Module Award-winning handbook provides guidelines for the assessment and stabilization of neonates with suspected congenital heart disease. Cardiac Module Student Handbook Kristine A. Karlsen, PhD, NNP-BC, with cardiology technical advisor Lloyd Y. Tani, MD Recognition and stabilization of neonates with severe CHD. Handbook may be used alone for self-study or with the cardiac module CD-ROM that animates all of the cardiac lesions discussed in the handbook. This is an excellent teaching tool for nurses, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and respiratory therapists involved with neonatal stabilization and care. Spiral-bound, 2006—124 pages ST0007 Price: $36.95 ISBN 978-0-9758559-0-4 Cardiac Slide Program on CD-ROM*— Regular Version Information is presented in a highly visual, fully animated PowerPoint slide presentation. Divided into 3 sections, the first reviews the physical examination of neonates with suspected CHD. 169 full-color slides, 2006 ST0008 Price: $295 *Not Macintosh compatible. Cardiac Slide Program on CD-ROM*— Intranet Version Intranet version includes unlimited use of the slide presentation and subfolders. CD-ROM, 2003 ST0009 Price: $395 *Not Macintosh compatible. PCEP: PERINATAL CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM Developed by a distinguished editorial board! John Kattwinkel, MD, FAAP, Editor; Christian A. Chisholm, MD, Associate Editor, Obstetrics; Robert J. Boyle, MD, FAAP; Susan B. Clarke, MS, RNC-NIC, CPN; Brenda P. Daugherty, MSN, NNP-BC; Victoria Flanagan, RN, MS; Martha D. Mullett, MD, MPH; Susan Niermeyer, MD, MPH, FAAP; Barbara O’Brien, RN, MS; E. Rebecca Pschirrer, MD, MPH; Roger E. Sheldon, MD, MPH, FAAP; Gautham K. Suresh, MD, FAAP; Sarah Wilson, RN, BSN ★★★★★ 5-Star Review “PCEP offers a unique course in perinatal care and there is no comparable published material. The books are easy to read and each section is well organized as a self-contained unit.” – Doody’s Book Reviews™ ABOUT THE PCEP PROGRAM PCEP is a comprehensive educational program designed to be offered as outreach education by regional medical centers to participating hospitals in their geographic regions or network of affiliated hospitals. In addition, regional medical centers often use PCEP within their own institutions. It has a nearly 30-year history of providing practical, useful, cost-effective perinatal education to hospital-based care providers. PCEP 2ND EDITION The PCEP 2nd Edition workbooks have been brought up to date with leading-edge procedures and techniques. These information-rich volumes are filled with clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, and practice-focused exercises. They offer time-saving, low-cost solutions for self-paced learning or as adjuncts to instructor-led training. NEW! Book I: Maternal and Fetal Evaluation and Immediate Newborn Care—2nd Edition Features 8 units covering obstetric evaluation, updated Neonatal Resuscitation Program® information and skills, as well as units on thermal care and neonatal hypoglycemia. Softcover, 2012—352 pages PC0009 Price: $59.95 Member Price: $54.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-657-2 eISBN 978-1-58110-709-8 PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES NEW! PCEP: Perinatal Continuing Education Program—2nd Edition NEW! Book II: Maternal and Fetal Care—2nd Edition Features 10 units containing information and skills essential for the recognition and initial management of high-risk and sick pregnant women and their fetuses. Softcover, 2012—381 pages PC0010 Price: $59.95 Member Price: $54.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-658-9 eISBN 978-1-58110-710-4 NEW! Book III: Neonatal Care—2nd Edition Includes 10 units covering information and skills for assessment and initial management of frequently encountered neonatal illnesses, plus the comprehensive unit review: Is the Baby Sick? which ties all neonatal therapies and skills together for management of sick and at-risk newborns. Softcover, 2012—381 pages PC0011 Price: $59.95 Member Price: $54.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-659-6 eISBN 978-1-58110-711-1 NEW! Book IV: Specialized Newborn Care—2nd Edition Includes 6 units dealing with complex neonatal therapies, such as assisted ventilation, as well as a unit on continuing care for at-risk babies and those with special problems, following intensive care. Softcover, 2012—154 pages PC0012 Price: $59.95 Member Price: $54.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-660-2 eISBN 978-1-58110-712-8 NEW! PCEP Implementation CD—2nd Edition Gives you all the information that you need to use PCEP in your regional hospitals or your own hospital. CD-ROM, 2012 PC0018 Price: $99 Member Price: $94 ISBN 978-1-58110-715-9 Self-paced CME Credit Hours or Contact Hours AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or contact hours are available from the University of Virginia. For more information, visit SAVE 25% WITH PCEP VALUE SETS! COMPLETE PCEP SERIES SET The 4-book Complete Series Set of books I, II, III, and IV is intended as a comprehensive, easy-to-use reference source for all hospitals with a delivery service. PC0017 Price: $180 Member Price: $164.95 SPECIALIZED NEONATAL SET The 3-book Specialized Neonatal Set of books I, III, and IV is designed to serve the needs of providers working in neonatal special care units. PC0016 Price: $135 Member Price: $119.95 Perinatal Set The 3-book Perinatal Set of books I, II, and III is ideally suited to providers working in labor, delivery, recovery, and postpartum facilities. PC0015 Price: $135 Member Price: $119.95 Neonatal Set The 2-book Neonatal Set of books I and III is ideally suited to neonatal and delivery room care providers. PC0014 Price: $90 Member Price: $79.95 Order online at and Maternal and Fetal Set The 2-book Maternal and Fetal Set of books I and II is ideally suited to obstetric and delivery room care providers. PC0013 Price: $90 Member Price: $79.95 9 LIFE SUPPORT NEONATAL RESUSCITATION PROGRAM Neonatal Resuscitation Program®—6th Edition Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation & DVD— 6th Edition NRP® Instructor DVD Includes interactive multimedia DVD! Active learning features on the DVD include multi–decision-point scenarios and randomly generated clinical problems and outcomes. The DVD also includes dynamic video footage of actual resuscitations, laryngoscopic camera footage, and animated 3-D demonstrations. Softcover, 2011—328 pages, DVD English NRP301 Price: $60.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-498-1 eISBN 978-1-58110-630-5 Spanish NRP302 Price: $60.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-500-1 eISBN 978-1-58110-629-9 QUANTITY DISCOUNTS! 10–49 Copies Price: $54.83 50–99 Copies Price: $53.71 100+ Copies Price: $52.59 NRP® Textbook Plus Developed by the AAP and Laerdal Medical, a self-directed educational tool for health care professionals that teaches hands-on resuscitation skills. Includes a 40-minute DVD that instructs the learner through the equipment check, initial steps, positive-pressure ventilation, and chest compressions. Dark-skinned Kit NRP314 Price: $149 Light-skinned Kit NRP322 Price: $149 Instructor Manual for Neonatal Resuscitation The Instructor Manual for Neonatal Resuscitation has been completely revised for NRP® hospital-based instructors and regional trainers who wish to present high-quality simulationbased NRP® courses. The manual features information relevant to NRP® instructors of all experience levels. Spiral-bound—390 pages NRP303 Price: $64.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-501-8 eISBN 978-1-58110-638-1 NRP® Instructor Manual Plus Save money and get all the advantages of the new 6th edition NRP® textbook with DVD in print and eBook formats! Softcover, 2011—330 pages with DVD English NRP312 Price: $115 ISBN 978-1-58110-599-5 Spanish NRP320 Price: $115 ISBN 978-1-58110-674-9 10 An Interactive Tool for Facilitation of Simulation-based Learning This flexible, interactive learning tool features 21 video clips that demonstrate how to perform various resuscitation interventions, including how to use a pulse oximeter and laryngeal mask airway. Each current and future NRP® instructor will be required to purchase their own DVD, which will offer 4 continuing education credit hours. DVD, 2010 NRP300 Price: $74.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-460-8 Simply NRP® This multimedia product includes NRP® instructor manual print + instructor manual eBook. NRP316 Price: $120 Infant CPR Anytime™! Infant CPR Anytime is an “all-in-one” learning kit for families that teaches the basic skills of Infant CPR, infant choking relief and calling for help in approximately 20 minutes. MA0617 Light-skinned “baby” with English and Spanish DVD Price: $34.95 MA0618 Dark-skinned “baby” with English and Spanish DVD Price: $35.95 SAVE More Than 10%! NRP® Instructor Packages! NRP® Instructor Economy Package Includes NRP® Instructor DVD, Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, and NRP® instructor manual. NRP318 Price: $200.85 Special Price: $160 Deluxe NRP® Instructor Package Includes NRP® Instructor DVD, new NRP® Textbook Plus, Instructor Manual Plus, and simulation poster. NRP317 Price: $332.90 Special Price: $285 Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. PERINATAL CARE Quick, one-stop guide to neonatal resuscitation steps. Choose from 3 convenient formats. Wall Chart (22" x 34") Printed on flexible plastic with self-adhesive mounting strips. NRP304 Single Purchase Price: $22.95 10 or More Price Each: $20.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-502-5 Code Cart Card (8½" x 11") Self-adhesive strips ease on-cart mounting. NRP305 Single Purchase Price: $6.95 NRP306 ISBN 978-1-58110-504-9 Pack of 5 Price: $27.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-503-2 Pocket Card (4" x 6") Great take-along for students. NRP307 Single purchase price: $4 ISBN 978-1-58110-505-6 NRP308 Pack of 10 Price: $27.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-506-3 NRP® Simulation Poster Enhance trainee skills during simulation and debriefing. Review with your trainees the key behavioral skills that contribute to enhanced communication, teamwork, and resuscitation performance. Printed on flexible plastic with adhesive mounting strips. Size: 17" x 22" NRP311 Price: $22.95 NRP® Instructor Pin NRP309 Price: $5 NRP® Provider Pin Pack of 25 NRP310 Price: $49.95 NEW! APLS Course Manual This revised 5th edition is the definitive pediatric emergency medicine resource from the AAP and American College of Emergency Physicians. Published by Jones and Bartlett Softcover, 2012—535 pages MA0623 Price: $78.95 Member Price: $75 ISBN 13: 978-1-44963-777-4 Shop for additional emergency resources—search “life support”. The gold-standard guide from the AAP and ACOG—newly updated and more valuable than ever! PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES NRP® Reference Charts NEW! Guidelines for Perinatal Care—7th Edition AAP Committee on Fetus and Newborn ACOG Committee on Obstetric Practice Editors: Laura E. Riley, MD, FACOG; Ann R. Stark, MD, FAAP; Associate Editors: Sarah J. Kilpatrick, MD, PhD, FACOG; Lu-Ann Papile, MD, FAAP Gives you a single place to look for the most recent and trustworthy recommendations on quality care of pregnant women, their fetuses, and their neonates. Jointly developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), this unique resource addresses the full spectrum of perinatal medicine from obstetric and pediatric standpoints. • Proven policies, procedures, and best practices for community programs, community and regional hospitals, and medical centers • One-stop access to the latest AAP/ACOG recommendations – Evidence-based recommendations for safe, effective diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in maternal-fetal medicine and neonatology • Recent developments in quality optimization... newborn care...interhospital coordination... antepartum care...postpartum care...obstetric complications...neonatal complications... and more Softcover, 2012—576 pages MA0627 Price: $99 Member Price: $89 ISBN 978-1-58110-734-0 eISBN 978-1-58110-771-5 Order online at and 11 PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES PEDIATRIC PRIMARY CARE RESOURCES Pediatric Dermatology— 2nd Edition A Quick Reference Guide By the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Dermatology Editors: Daniel P. Krowchuk, MD, FAAP, and Anthony J. Mancini, MD, FAAP Here’s the first place to look for practical, concise, abundantly illustrated guidance on the recognition and treatment of more than 100 pediatric and adolescent skin conditions. More than 250 full-color images aid in accurate visual diagnosis. 2nd edition includes • New chapter on morphea • Expansion of the popular “lookalikes” differential diagnosis tables throughout • Expanded section on acne therapy • Expanded discussion of bacterial skin infections • Updated section on lice therapy • …and much more! Softcover, 2011—647 pages MA0597 Price: $86.95 Member Price: $79.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-605-3 eISBN 978-1-58110-645-9 12 Pediatric Pulmonology By the American Academy of Pediatric Section on Pediatric Pulmonology Editors: Michael J. Light, MD, FAAP; Carol Jean Blaisdell, MD, FAAP; Douglas N. Homnick, MD, MPH, FAAP; Michael S. Schechter, MD, MPH, FAAP; Miles M. Weinberger, MD, FAAP This all-in-one resource expertly guides you through the diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing management of virtually every pulmonary issue you’re likely to encounter. Softcover, 2011—1,181 pages MA0562 Price: $89.95 Member Price: $79.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-492-9 eISBN 978-1-58110-493-6 NEW! Pediatric Otolaryngology By the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery; Editors: Scott R. Schoem, MD, FAAP, and David H. Darrow, MD, DDS, FAAP Otolaryngologic disorders account for a large share of pediatric visits. And now there’s an ENT ready-reference created expressly for pediatric primary care providers. Pediatric Otolaryngology is the first place to turn for expert help with the myriad ear, nose, and throat disorders you’re seeing every day. From adenopathy to ankyloglossia…ear infection to epistaxis… stridor to speech disorders, look here for the state of the art across the length and breadth of pediatric ENT. Softcover, 2012—485 pages MA0596 Price: $84.95 Member Price: $79.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-604-6 eISBN 978-1-58110-727-2 AAP Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics By the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Editor in Chief: Robert G. Voigt, MD, FAAP; Associate Editors: Michelle M. Macias, MD, FAAP, and Scott M. Myers, MD, FAAP Clinical competence in child development and behavioral/ mental health is vital to the success of every pediatric health care encounter. Developmental disorders are the most prevalent chronic conditions seen in day-today practice. Softcover, 2011—590 pages MA0414 Price: $74.95 Member Price: $64.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-274-1 eISBN 978-1-58110-550-6 Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. Pediatric Obesity Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment Strategies for Primary Care By Sandra G. Hassink, MD, FAAP Expressly designed to help you address these critical issues in your daily encounters with patients and family members. Softcover, 2007—358 pages MA0355 Price: $64.95 Member Price: $54.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-221-5 eISBN 971-1-58110-418-9 Pediatric Obesity Clinical Decision Support Chart 5210 This chart offers the tools and practice recommendations you need to tackle childhood obesity. Includes the “Expert Committee Recommendations on the Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity” developed by the CDC. Flip Chart, 2008 MA0423 Price: $44.95 Member Price: $39.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-279-6 eISBN 978-1-58110-421-9 CLINICAL TITLES SAVE $10! When you order Preparticipation Physical Evaluation—4th Edition and a Pack of 50 Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Forms. MA0551 Price: $69.90 $59.90 Member Price: $59.90 $49.90 NEW! Preventing Childhood Obesity in Early Care and Education Programs, 2nd Edition American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education Provides the new set of national standards describing evidencebased best practices in nutrition, physical activity, and screen time for early care and education programs. The standards are for all types of early care and education settings—centers and family child care homes Softcover, 2012—72 pages MA0626 Price: $34.95 Member Price: $29.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-714-2 eISBN 978-1-58110-773-7 Managing Chronic Health Needs in Child Care and Schools A Quick Reference Guide Editors: Elaine A. Donoghue, MD, FAAP, and Colleen A. Kraft, MD, FAAP This guide provides resources and strategies to help caregivers and teachers face the challenges of caring for children with chronic medical conditions and special health care needs. It covers a spectrum of chronic illnesses, acute situations, selected developmental and behavioral problems, and special health care needs. Softcover, 2009—214 pgs MA0443 Price: $49 Member Price: $45 ISBN 978-1-58110-299-4 eISBN 978-1-58110-454-7 NEW! Home Strength Training for Young Athletes—DVD and Flash Cards By Jordan D. Metzl, MD, FAAP Here’s a close-up view of the who, why, when, and how of safe, smart training that keeps young athletes on the playing field. Features step-by-step demonstrations of performance-maximizing exercises led by nationally recognized sports medicine physician Jordan D. Metzl, MD, FAAP. Interactive, live-action video spotlights proper exercise technique for improving strength, fitness, flexibility, balance, and endurance using only motivation and hand weights— no gym membership required. DVD, 2012—2 hours CD0076 Price: $54.95 Member Price: $44.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-716-6 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Your satisfaction is guaranteed with any purchase from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Sports Medicine in the Pediatric Office By Jordan D. Metzl, MD, FAAP A single pediatric sports medicine resource teams a practical skillsfocused text with full-motion video clips that show you exactly “how it’s done.” You can view step-by-step demonstrations of the examination and evaluation techniques described and illustrated in the text. Softcover with DVD, 2008— 238 pages MA0380 Price: $84.95 Member Price: $79.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-246-8 eISBN 978-1-58110-424-0 Pediatric Orthopaedics and Sports Injuries A Quick Reference Guide Edited by John Sarwark, MD, FAAP, and Cynthia LaBella, MD, FAAP Features information and practical tips to help pediatricians and other pediatric health professionals diagnose and treat pediatric orthopaedic disorders and injuries. Includes many illustrations, clinical photographs, and radiographic images to demonstrate physical examination techniques and pathologic physical findings, as well as tables and figures to aid in diagnosis. Softcover, 2010—650 pages MA0428 Price: $82.95 Member Price: $78.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-284-0 eISBN 978-1-58110-516-2 PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES BACK Preparticipation Physical Evaluation American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Sports Medicine, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine; Edited by David T. Bernhardt, MD, FAAP, and William O. Roberts, MD, MS The explosive growth of children’s athletics makes the preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) an important part of many pediatric practices. This 4th edition guides health professionals through the PPE process for young athletes from middle school through college. Softcover, 2010—167 pages MA0537 Price: $47.95 Member Price: $42.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-376-2 eISBN 978-1-58110-488-2 Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form Designed for use with Preparticipation Physical Evaluation, 4th Edition (above) HE0503 (Sold in packs of 50) Price: $21.95 Member Price: $16.95 Order online at and 13 AUTISM/ADHD ★★★★★ PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 5-Star Review 100 Score! –Doody’s Book Reviews™ SAVE $20! Deluxe Autism Resource Package NEW! Autism: Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders A Resource Toolkit for Clinicians, 2nd Edition With autism spectrum disorder (ASD) rates on the rise, every pediatric care provider needs to be prepared for the complex challenges these conditions pose. The newly updated, extensively revised toolkit has been developed to assist clinicians in the recognition, diagnosis, and management of children with ASDs across the life span. Powerful practice tools you’ll use again and again • Expert guidelines and recommendations • Developmental screening and surveillance tools • Visit preparation and tracking aids • Family handouts • Clinician fact sheets New addition and updates include • New clinical report • New interactive algorithms • New CDC developemental milestone fact sheets • New family handouts in Spanish and English • New clinical fact sheets CD-ROM, 2013 CD0064 Price: $94.95 Member Price: $84.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-586-5 Addressing Mental Health Concerns in Primary Care A Clinician’s Toolkit Ready-to-use resources and tools on one instant-access CD-ROM. Look here for screening and assessment instruments…quickreference care management advice…step-by-step care plans… time-saving documentation and referral tools…coding aids… billing and payment tips…parent handouts…and much more. CD-ROM, 2010 CD0056 Price: $199.95 Member Price: $174.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-348-9 Caring for Children With ADHD A Resource Toolkit for Clinicians, 2nd Edition Bring the latest ADHD recommendations to your practice with this updated toolkit including a full set of problem-solvers for • Assessment and diagnosis • Treatment and medication • Monitoring and follow-up • Parent education and support • Coding and payment • Includes English and Spanish tools • And much more CD-ROM, 2011 CD0063 Price: $94.95 Member Price: $84.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-578-0 Package includes •A utism: Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Resource Toolkit for Clinicians, 2nd Edition •U nderstanding Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) booklets (pack of 10) •A utism Spectrum Disorders: What Every Parent Needs to Know (page 29). CD0082 Price: $144.90 $124.90 Member Price: $129.90 $109.90 SAVE $50! Deluxe Mental Health Toolkit Package Package includes •A utism: Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Resource Toolkit for Clinicians, 2nd Edition •C aring for Children With ADHD: A Resource Toolkit for Clinicians, 2nd Edition •A ddressing Mental Health Concerns in Primary Care: A Clinician’s Toolkit CD0083 Price: $389.85 $340 Member Price: $344.85 $295 Vanderbilt Assessment ADHD Forms (not shown) Available in pads of 50 forms. Price: $21.95 Member Price: $16.95 NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale: Teacher Informant HE0516 Pack of 50 NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale: Parent Informant HE0517 Pack of 50 NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Follow-up: Teacher Informant HE0519 Pack of 50 SAVE 20%! ADHD Forms Package! Package includes 1 pack of 50 of each form. HE0523 Price: $87.80 $70 Member Price: $67.80 $54 NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Follow-up: Parent Informant HE0518 Pack of 50 For institution or practice-wide site licenses, contact 14 Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. PEDIATRIC CARE RESOURCES Editors: Alain Joffe, MD, MPH, and Margaret J. Blythe, MD Devoted to issues that adolescent medicine specialists are likely to encounter on any given day, it includes material gathered from a variety of sources including textbooks, classic review articles, insights of colleagues, and more. Find answers fast with this valuable quick reference guide. Topics covered include • Adolescent Health Statistics • The Adolescent Office Visit • Endocrine/Metabolic • Gynecology • Contraception • Infectious Diseases Softcover, 2009 MA0479 Price: $59.95 Member Price: $54.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-334-2 eISBN 978-1-58110-405-9 AM:STARs Trustworthy guidance spanning every aspect of adolescent health care American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Adolescent Health Care Guided by a distinguished editorial team: Martin M. Fisher, MD, FAAP; Elizabeth M. Alderman, MD, FAAP; Richard E. Kreipe, MD, FAAP; Walter D. Rosenfeld, MD, FAAP Poised to become the standard reference in adolescent health care. • Broad scope • Adolescent-focused • Evidence-based approach • Excellent study tool Hardcover, 2011—2,010 pages MA0403 Price: $169.95 Member Price: $154.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-269-7 eISBN 978-1-58110-565-0 Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews is the official publication of the AAP Section on Adolescent Health. Published 3 times per year, it offers adolescent medicine specialists and other primary care physicians who treat adolescents timely information on all matters relating to adolescent health and wellness. Each issue centers on a specific topic area with expert advice. Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews is a rolling subscription. Annual 3-edition subscription begins with the next available issue after payment is processed. SUB1006 Price: $124.95 Member Price: $114.95 Student Price: $63 Medicolegal Issues in Pediatrics— 7th Edition This manual provides guidance on a wide range of medicolegal topics that affect the practice of pediatrics from residency through retirement. Highlights include • Telephone and on-call care • Legal issues relating to e-mail, Web sites, and telemedicine • Documentation of pediatric care • Liability for vaccine administration • And more Softcover, 2011—283 pages MA0591 Price: $59.95 Member Price: $54.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-584-1 eISBN 978-1-58110-701-2 Upcoming Publication Schedule What’s New in Subspecialties Within Adolescent Medicine MA0648–Available April 2013 Volume 24, Issue 1 Editors: Donald Greydanus, MD; Dilip R. Patel, MD; Hatim A. Omar, MD Psychopharmacology MA0649–Available August 2013 Volume 24, Issue 2 Editors: Robert Hendren, DO; Alya Reeve, MD Young Adult Medicine MA0650–Available December 2013 Volume 24, Issue 3 Editor: Alain Joffe, MD, MPH Practice Management Consultant PRACTICE MANAGEMENT Handbook of Adolescent Medicine— 2nd Edition This guide is an extensive collection of practice management resources to help manage the business of a practice. Softcover, 2010—257 pages MA0534 Price: $59.95 Member Price: $54.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-374-8 eISBN 978-1-58110-489-9 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Your satisfaction is guaranteed with any purchase from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Available as an eBook! AM:STARs back issues are available as stand-alone volumes and as eBooks at Adolescent Gynecology–MA0593 April 2012, Volume 23, Number 1 978-1-58110-601-5 Case Studies in Adolescent Health– MA0594 August 2012, Volume 23, Number 2 978-1-58110-602-2 Nutrition and Physical Activity–MA0595 December 2012, Volume 23, Number 3 978-1-58110-603-9 Price: $59.95 Member Price: $54.95 For a complete list of AM:STARs back issues, visit Order online at and 15 PEDIATRIC CARE ONLINE™ PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES “A must-have tool for the busy pediatrician. I use PCO every day.” Instant Access to Must-Have Pediatric Resources! Comprehensive Reference Library –Ramon Fonseca, MD Point-of-Care Quick Reference—hundreds of topics from the award-winning AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care and other AAP resources, condensed and formatted for efficient clinical use AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care—full-text electronic edition Red Book®—the renowned AAP infectious disease problem-solver Bright Futures—guidelines for health supervision of infants, children, and adolescents Performing Preventive Services—evidence-based guidance on the most effective way to deliver well-child care ediatric Drug Lookup—essential dosing and P administration guidelines One convenient resource—immediate expert help with your primary care information needs Antimicrobial Therapy Guide—recommendations based on your patient’s diagnosis Pediatric Care Online™ provides access to clear answers from your desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. It presents the action-oriented information and recommendations you want, right at the point of care. Pediatric Care Online™ is continually enhanced, with regular updates to book chapters, reference topics, and drug information…and even more new content is being added all the time! Visual Library—complete guide to images in the AAP textbook Pediatric Care Online™ helps you research patient-related topics; consult quick reference content; employ algorithms for clinical decision-making; utilize calculators, forms, charts, and tools; provide patient education; stay current with the latest policies, recommendations, guidelines, and news; bookmark and organize the information you use most often; and earn CME. Pediatric Care Online™ is an approved source that may be searched through the AAP PediaLink Internet Point of Care Search CME activity. AAP Policy—user-friendly browse or search subscriBE today— Satisfaction guaranteed! For individual (single-user) annual subscription, order item #PCO at or call 888/227-1770. Price: $299 Member Price: $259 SAVE with a Pediatric Care Online™ site license subscription. Provide multiple essential pediatric resources to all staff members of your organization at a lower per-provider cost than individual subscriptions. Contact for more information. 16 Find Pediatric Care Online™on Facebook: Webinars—archived to view at your convenience Pediatric Care Updates—regularly added to provide the most current information Time-saving Clinical Tools Interactive Periodicity Schedule—age-specific recommendations for pediatric well-child visits Signs & Symptoms Search—enter patient symptoms to access a list of relevant point-of-care quick reference topics Algorithms—for high blood pressure...neonatal jaundice… ADHD…and much more Patient Handouts—links to hundreds of education tools Forms & Tools—hundreds of resources to help screen, track, and record clinical information Clinical Calculators—BiliTool…BMI Calculator for Children and Teens…Extremely Preterm Birth Outcome Data…Milestones Checklist…Quality Dividend Calculator… and more! MEDLINE Search—access to more than 20 million medical journal articles with citations, abstracts, related articles, and links to the publisher’s full text Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. PEDIATRIC CARE RESOURCES American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care Editors: Thomas K. McInerny, MD, FAAP; Henry M. Adam, MD, FAAP; Deborah E. Campbell, MD, FAAP; Deepak M. Kamat, MD, PhD, FAAP; and Kelly J. Kelleher, MD, MPH, FAAP • Comprehensive scope • Practical focus • Essential clinical guidance • Evidence-based approach • Topical coverage • Integrated companion resource Hardcover, 2009—2,935 pages MA0402 Price: $174.95 Member Price: $159.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-268-0 eISBN 978-1-58110-641-1 Download to your smartphone and tablet— for clinical solutions to go! Take Pediatric Care Online™ with you by using the mobile-optimized site or by downloading selected content and tools to your mobile device—included with your subscription at no extra charge. Downloadable modules include • Point-of-Care Quick Reference • Bright Futures Guidelines • Bright Futures Pocket Guide (visit-by-visit summaries) • Bright Futures Performing Preventive Services • Interactive Periodicity Schedule • Pediatric Drug Lookup • Antimicrobial Therapy Guide • Pediatric Care Updates PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES “Having Pediatric Care Online on my mobile and laptop makes me more efficient. All the tools you need are comprised in a single resource.” –Ingrid Hansen, MD American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care Tools for Practice save $75! Deluxe Pediatric Care Package Order the Deluxe Pediatric Care Package (AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care, below; a 1-year subscription to Pediatric Care Online,™ page 16; and Tools for Practice, below). MA0483 Price: $568.95 $493.95 Member Price: $493.95 $423.95 Editor in Chief: Thomas K. McInerny, MD, FAAP Use Tools for Practice as… …practical clinical tools that help you save time and deliver comprehensive, coordinated care. Features contributions from experienced clinicians nationwide. …and a valuable companion manual to the AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care (above). Softcover, 2009—485 pages MA0426 Price: $114.95 Member Price: $99.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-282-6 American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Global Child Health Editors: Deepak M. Kamat, MD, PhD, FAAP, and Philip R. Fischer, MD, FAAP • News Pediatric Care Online™ App FREE with subscription See page 2 for more information. Interest in global health is increasing. Fifty-two percent of residency programs offer an elective in global health, and it has even been recommended that the ABP require a global health module in pediatric residency. The AAP Textbook of Global Child Health is a comprehensive reference that combines travel medicine, practicing medicine in other countries, and in-depth review of diseases endemic in the tropics and resource-limited areas. Hardcover, 2012—856 pages MA0573 Price: $69.95 Member Price: $64.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-523-0 eISBN 978-1-58110-524-7 Order online at and 17 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT TELEPHONE CARE NEW! Pediatric Telephone Protocols: Office Version—14th Edition Barton D. Schmitt, MD, FAAP “Pediatric Telephone Protocols is a book I use every day for current, accurate, understandable advice for parents. It’s an indispensable phone triage tool in our practice.” —Susan Steck Fleming, RN, MSN Health Care for Kids, St. Louis, MO Pediatric Telephone Protocols provides proven solutions for consistently high-quality telephone care. This popular AAP resource features more than 125 tested decision-support protocols spanning 98% of common pediatric complaints—everything from abdominal pain and anaphylaxis to sore throat, tick bite, and trauma. New 14th edition—updated and revised from cover to cover NEW look and feel for streamlined triage NEW content updates—more than 90% of all protocols revised, many extensively NEW critical protocols include • Food Reactions • Influenza Exposure • Rash, Amoxicillin or Augmentin • Vomiting With Diarrhea NEW robust index—for quicker, easier searching NEW sharpened symptom definitions Spiral-bound, 2013—421 pages MA0634 Price: $99.95 Member Price: $89.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-742-5 NEW! Breastfeeding Telephone Triage and Advice Maya Bunik, MD, MSPH, FABM, FAAP This all-new decision-support tool helps nurses, lactation professionals, and other medical staff confidently advise breastfeeding mothers. Created by a leading breastfeeding and phone care practitioner, it is an ideal companion to the best-selling Pediatric Telephone Protocols. Sixty practice-tested protocols are grouped by topic area for quick, convenient access. Contents include •Milk Expression •Mother •Baby, Later •Baby, Early •Special Circumstances Spiral-bound, 2013—94 pages MA0636 Price: $69.95 Member Price: $64.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-744-9 eISBN 978-1-58110-763-0 SAVE $30! Deluxe Pediatric Telephone Triage Package Package includes Pediatric Telephone Protocols, 14th Edition; Pediatric Nurse Telephone Triage; and Breastfeeding Telephone Triage and Advice. MA0638 Price: $239.85 $209.85 Member Price: $219.85 $179.85 SAVE $30! Pediatric & Adult Telephone Protocols Package Package includes Pediatric Telephone Protocols, 14th Edition, and Adult Telephone Protocols, 3rd Edition. MA0637 Price: $199.90 $169.90 Member Price: $179.90 $149.90 18 NEW! Adult Telephone Protocols: Office Version—3rd Edition David A. Thompson, MD, FACEP This powerful decision-support tool helps busy family practice and internal medicine offices handle a wide array of adult phone inquiries. It guides triagers through each call with the same step-by-step algorithmic organization as its companion resource, Pediatric Telephone Protocols. Time-saving, care-enhancing features include highlighted triage assessment questions...practical home care instructions…call prioritization guide…over-thecounter medication advice…and much more! Includes more than 100 protocols covering 95% of the most common adult complaints. Spiral-bound, 2013—450 pages MA0635 Price: $99.95 Member Price: $89.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-743-2 Pediatric Nurse Telephone Triage A Companion to Pediatric Telephone Protocols Andrew R. Hertz, MD, FAAP Provides trustworthy clinical recommendations to help your staff deliver superior results call after call. It combines the latest evidence-based data with the author’s broad pediatric care experience to help nurses better understand “the medicine behind the guidelines.” Makes more effective use of Pediatric Telephone Protocols. Divided into 5 parts • Nurse Telephone Triage • Illness Calls • Newborn Calls • Trauma Calls • Behavior and Development Calls Spiral-bound, 2011—193 pages MA0578 Price: $69.95 Member Price: $64.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-530-8 eISBN 978-1-58110-664-0 Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. AAP PEDIATRIC CODING WEBINARS Convenient, cost-effective coding education Register today at! The AAP Pediatric Coding Webinar series brings your entire staff 1-hour live events filled with pediatric-specific insights, tips, and strategies from leading coding experts. Each 60-minute webinar will include time for questions and answers. Not available to attend the live event? Each registration includes access to an archived webinar for 3 months after the live event. Price: $134.95 (Registration fee before the live event) $149.95 (Registration fee after the live event) Archived Pediatric Coding Webinars Available on CD-Rom! 2013 Coding Webinar Schedule Visit for more details. Pediatric encounters have become increasingly more complex. To relay that to payers, modifiers must be used and used appropriately to get paid for services rendered. This webinar will detail the most commonly used modifiers in pediatrics. Presenter: Joel Bradley, MD, FAAP / Date: February 5, 2013 NOW ARCHIVED How to Code When the Kid Isn’t There: Non–Face-to-Face Coding CD-ROM, 2011 CD0067 Price: $149.95 Member Price: $134.95 Addressing Carrier Repayment Demands CD-ROM, 2011 CD0073 Price: $149.95 Member Price: $134.95 Strategies for Implementing Internal Coding Audits and Addressing Payer Audits CD-ROM, 2011 CD0074 Price: $149.95 Member Price: $134.95 The Future Is Bright! Know How to Code for Bright Futures and Other Concurrent Services CD-ROM, 2012 CD0086 Price: $149.95 Member Price: $134.95 The “Ex” Factor: Working With Physician Extenders and Other Nonphysician Providers in the Pediatric Office Setting CD-ROM, 2012 CD0087 Price: $149.95 Member Price: $134.95 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT AAP Pediatric Coding Webinars Modify This! Understand How and When to Use Modifiers Appropriately Coding for Pediatric Hospital Services: The Old and the New When coding for pediatric hospital services, it can be confusing to navigate all of the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) guidelines. This webinar will provide you with an overview of guideline changes that affect newborn coding, review the differences between intensive and critical care, discuss the issue of same-day admission, and much more. Presenter: Richard Molteni, MD, FAAP / Date: March 26, 2013 Pediatric Cardiology Coding: Navigating Your Way Through Common Issues Coding for pediatric cardiology services can be confusing. Cardiac coding is extremely complex. It is vital to understand the guidelines to increase compliance and revenue flow as well as reduce the burden of payer denials. This webinar will provide an overview of evaluation and management services relevant to pediatric cardiologists, including consultations and prolonged services; discuss cardiovascular monitoring services and coding; and much more. Presenters: Ken Shaffer, MD, FACC, FAAP, and David Kanter, MD, FAAP Date: May 14, 2013 ICD-10-CM: Postponed, Not Canceled! The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) code set will no longer be in use in the United States once International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) is implemented. ICD-10-CM and its applicable guidelines are the required diagnosis reporting code set for all health care providers and covered entities under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It is key that coders and physicians alike understand the changes because this will affect diagnosis reporting and health care quality metrics. Presented by Jeffrey Linzer Sr, MD, FAAP, FACEP / Date: June 25, 2013 Order online at and 19 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT PEDIATRIC CODING RESOURCES NEW! Coding for Pediatrics 2013—18th Edition Coding for Pediatrics is the first place to turn for the know-how you need to bill accurately, minimize payment problems, and maximize practice profitability. This AAP exclusive complements standard coding manuals with proven pediatric-specific documentation and billing solutions. Practice-tested coding and compliance guidelines from AAP pediatric coding professionals NEW CPT and ICD-9-CM codes and revisions—plus guidelines for applying them NEW Newborn Coding Decision Tool— simplifies coding for the neonate NEW Coding examples and vignettes— to illustrate correct coding strategies… plus much more! Spiral-bound—434 pages MA0628 Price: $119.95 Member Price: $99.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-736-4 eISBN 978-1-58110-756-2 NEW! Principles of Pediatric ICD-10-CM Coding Get set for your migration to ICD-10-CM with this all-new AAP resource. It provides pediatric-specific knowledge and know-how for successfully implementing the new code set as soon as it goes “live.” Includes • Guideline instructions— step-by-step ICD-10-CM coding how-tos • Coding scenarios— illustrations of real-life applications for the new codes • Review of what you have learned— to reinforce new knowledge and skill sets Key terms and important differences between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM code structures and applications are highlighted in the text. Spiral-bound—278 pages MA0630 Price: $89.95 Member Price: $79.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-738-8 eISBN 978-1-58110-759-3 SAVE 20%! 2013 ICD-10-CM Pediatric Coders Package Includes Principles of Pediatric ICD-10-CM Coding and Pediatric Code Crosswalk: ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM, plus FREE 2013 quick reference coding card. MA0642 Price: $139.90 $112 Member Price: $124.90 $100 CPT® 2013 Professional Edition Published by the American Medical Association Spiral-bound—883 pages MA0639 Price: $109.95 Member Price: $104.95 ISBN 978-1-60359-684-8 ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2, 2013 Published by Optum (formerly Ingenix) Spiral-bound—Vol 1, 350 pages; Vol 2, 350 pages MA0640 Price: $99.95 Member Price: $94.95 ISBN 978-1-60151-618-3 HCPCS Level II Professional 2013 Published by Optum (formerly Ingenix) Spiral-bound—308 pages MA0641 Price: $79.95 Member Price: $74.95 ISBN 978-1-60151-671-8 NEW! Pediatric Code Crosswalk: ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM Here’s a time-saving tool for integrating the ICD-10-CM nomenclature and code set into your practice. Includes all ICD-9-CM codes for easy identification and reference. Lists ICD-9-CM codes for the most common pediatric diagnoses right alongside their ICD-10-CM counterparts— so you can convert codes quickly and accurately. All codes are indexed by diagnosis and organized alphabetically for easy identification. Spiral-bound—152 pages MA0629 Price: $49.95 Member Price: $44.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-737-1 eISBN 978-1-58110-772-2 20 Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. PEDIATRIC CODING RESOURCES Quick Reference Card for Pediatric Coding and Documentation, 8th Edition Time-saving 8½" x 11" card puts the most common pediatric CPT codes at your fingertips. Laminated for extra durability. MA0631 Price: $19.95 Member Price: $16.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-739-5 AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter™ Be sure you’re always current with the latest coding and compliance changes. Month after month, AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter™ helps you maximize payment, save time, and implement best business practices to support quality care. Look here for print and online access to clear guidance and field-tested strategies, tips, and techniques you won’t find anywhere else. • Peer-reviewed, AAP-endorsed coding solutions • Annual CPT and ICD-9-CM code releases • Transition to 10 column • Timely updates and alerts on coding changes and evolving compliance guidelines Valuable “extras” come with your subscription • Instant-access online edition Visit • FREE AAP Coding Hotline to preview a complete issue • Hands-on tools and techniques or subscribe online! • Convenient CEUs 1-year subscription SUB1005 Price: $219.95 Member Price: $199.95 For institution or practice-wide site licenses, contact SAVE 15%! 2013 Deluxe Pediatric Coding Newsletter Package A $480 value—as low as $378! All the basics for pediatric coding excellence! • A AP Pediatric Coding Newsletter™ 1-year subscription • Pediatric Code Crosswalk: ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM • CPT® 2013 Professional Edition • ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians 2013 • Plus…2013 Quick Reference Card for Pediatric Coding and Documentation, 8th Edition MA0646 Price: $479.80 $408 Member Price: $444.80 $378 100% PRACTICE MANAGEMENT SAVE with 2013 AAP Pediatric Coding Packages and receive a FREE quick reference card with any coding package—a $19.95 value! AAP Pediatric Coding Packages Save 15%! 2013 Deluxe Pediatric Coding Package • Coding for Pediatrics 2013 • Pediatric Code Crosswalk: ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM • CPT® 2013 Professional Edition • ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians 2013 • PLUS FREE Quick Reference Card for Pediatric Coding and Documentation, 8th Edition MA0645 Price: $379.80 $323 Member Price: $344.80 $293 Save 20%! 2013 Deluxe AAP Pediatric Coders Package • AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter™ 1-year subscription • Coding for Pediatrics 2013 • Pediatric Code Crosswalk: ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM • PLUS FREE Quick Reference Card for Pediatric Coding and Documentation, 8th Edition MA0644 Price: $389.85 $312 Member Price: $344.85 $276 SAVE 20%! 2013 AAP Pediatric Coders Package • Coding for Pediatrics 2013 • Pediatric Code Crosswalk: ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM • PLUS FREE Quick Reference Card for Pediatric Coding and Documentation, 8th Edition MA0643 Price: $169.90 $136 Member Price: $144.90 $116 Satisfaction Guaranteed Your satisfaction is guaranteed with any purchase from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Order online at and 21 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT BRIGHT FUTURES “...These guidelines represent the standard of care in general pediatrics....” —Doody’s Book Reviews™ Includes important guidelines related to the Affordable Care Act Bright Futures Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents—3rd Edition Editors: Joseph F. Hagan Jr, MD, FAAP; Judith S. Shaw, RN, MPH, EdD; and Paula M. Duncan, MD, FAAP Now the authoritative AAP Guidelines for Health Supervision III you’ve relied on for years is combined with the practical approach Bright Futures delivers. The result: an updated, highly efficient system to help you provide better health care, save time, and keep up with changes in family, communities, and society that impact child health. Softcover, 2008—616 pages BF0026 Price: $64.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-223-9 eISBN 978-1-58110-518-6 Bright Futures Guidelines—3rd Edition Pocket Guide The pocket guide summarizes each visit—developmental observation, physical examination, medical screening, immunizations, and anticipatory guidance. Softcover, 2008—65 pages BF0027 Price: $14.95 BF0031—Set of 5 Price: $64.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-224-6 eISBN 978-1-58110-634-3 Bright Futures Nutrition—3rd Edition Katrina Holt, MPH, MS, RD; Nancy H. Wooldridge, MS, RD, LD; Mary Story, PhD, RD; and Denise Sofka, MPH, RD Provides a thorough overview of nutrition supervision during all stages of childhood. Each chapter contains current information on the nutritional needs of infants, children, adolescents, and their families. 8½" x 11", full-color manual. Softcover, 2011—278 pages BF0037 Price: $54.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-554-4 eISBN 978-1-58110-624-4 For practice and institutional licensing information for more than 3 users, contact 22 Bright Futures Nutrition—3rd Edition Pocket Guide Katrina Holt, MPH, MS, RD The pocket guide accompanies and summarizes Bright Futures Nutrition, 3rd Edition. 7"x 4" manual. Softcover, 2011—79 pages BF0038 Price: $14.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-555-1 eISBN 978-1-58110-625-1 Bright Futures Tool and Resource Kit The national standard for wellchild care, the toolkit is intended to make available to pediatric providers an organized compilation of current forms and materials that relate to preventive health supervision and health screening for infants, children, and adolescents. The purchase price cited includes a license for use for up to 3 users for the purpose of providing health care services. Full terms are included with the product. CD-ROM, 2009 BF0028 Price: $325 SAVE $5! Bright Futures Nutrition softcover and Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition BF0039 Price: $69.95 $64.95 SAVE $5! Bright Futures Guidelines softcover and Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition BF0030 Price: $79.90 $74.95 SAVE $50! Bright Futures Guidelines and Bright Futures Tool and Resource Kit Package Includes Bright Futures Guidelines softcover and Bright Futures Tool and Resource Kit on CD-ROM. BF0035 Price: $389.95 $339.95 Save $10! Bright Futures Guidelines and Spanish for Pediatric Medicine Package Includes Bright Futures Guidelines softcover and Spanish for Pediatric Medicine spiral-bound. MA0538 Price: $109.90 $99.90 Member Price: $104.90 $94.90 Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. NEW! Performing Preventive Services: A Bright Futures Handbook Editors: Susanne Tanski, MD, FAAP; Lynn C. Garfunkel, MD, FAAP; Paula M. Duncan, MD, FAAP; and Michael Weitzman, MD, FAAP Provides effective ways to deliver preventive services. Ideal for pediatric practice professionals and as a teaching tool. Softcover, 2011—196 pages BF0036 Price: $49.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-522-3 eISBN 978-1-58110-569-8 Includes Audio Program! Spanish for Pediatric Medicine: A Practical Communication Guide— 2nd Edition By Edward Machtinger, MD, and Peter A. Nigrovic, MD Editor: Janice A. Lowe, MD Here’s the easy-to-use manual you need to communicate with Spanish-speaking patients and parents more efficiently and effectively. Spiral-bound, 2010—273 pages MA0446 Price: $46.95 Member Price: $41.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-302-1 eISBN 978-1-58110-455-4 AAP PRACTICE MANAGEMENT FORMS WHO Growth Charts— 0 to 24 Months HE0328 HE0329 HE0330 HE0429 HE0471 HE0483 HE0484 HE0485 HE0486 HE0487 HE0488 HE0489 HE0490 HE0491 HE0492 HE0493 HE0494 HE0495 HE0496 HE0497 HE0498 HE0499 CDC Clinical Growth Charts— 2 to 20 Years The Pediatric Visit Documentation Forms are designed to provide health care practitioners the resource they need to appropriately document activities within the typical well visit, support proper coding, and secure appropriate payment for performed services. Initial History Questionnaire Medication Record Problem List Problem Visit Well Child/2 to 5 Days (First Week) Well Child/1 Month Well Child/2 Months Well Child/4 Months Well Child/6 Months Well Child/9 Months Well Child/12 Months Well Child/15 Months Well Child/18 Months Well Child/2 Years Well Child/2.5 Years Well Child/3 Years Well Child/4 Years Well Child/5 to 6 Years Well Child/7 to 8 Years Well Child/9 to 10 Years Well Child/11 to 14 Years Well Child/15 to 21 Years Each Visit Documentation Form, pack of 50 Price: $21.95 Member Price: $16.95 Short Medical Record The Short Medical Record tracks a patient’s health and medical history. Covers information on birth data, growth, development, examinations, immunizations, and illnesses. Foldable, passport-sized design slides into the durable 3" x 5" plastic jacket for safekeeping and easy transport. Pack of 100 HE0020 Price: $55 Member Price: $49 Your Child’s Health Record From Birth to Age 21 Your Child’s Health Record offers parents a clear, concise method for tracking and recording their child’s pertinent health information from infancy through adulthood. Includes easy-to-follow forms and records for birth data, physical examinations, landmarks, immunizations, illnesses, and dental visits. Growth charts provide reference information addressing specific data for various ages. 24 pages. HE0482 For 100 copies Price: $79 Member Price: $69 Growth charts consist of a series of percentile curves that illustrate the distribution of selected body measurements in children. Separate curves for boys and girls describe weight for age, height for age, weight for length/height, and body mass index for age. Consistent With Bright Futures Guidelines! The CDC and AAP recommend that health care providers continue to use the 2000 CDC clinical growth charts for children and adolescents ages 2 to 20. Each sheet for girls or boys contains 3 charts: Weight for Age, Stature for Age, and BMI for Age. 2000—8½" x 11" sheets. Sold in packs of 100. Price: $21.95 Member Price: $16.95 HE0511 WHO Growth Chart HE0306 CDC Growth Chart HE0510 WHO Growth Chart HE0304 CDC Growth Chart PRACTICE MANAGEMENT AAP Pediatric Visit Documentation Forms Girls 0–24 Months Girls 2–20 Years Boys 0–24 Months Boys 2–20 Years Vaccine Administration Record This heavyweight 8½" x 11” card is designed to be adaptable to your practice and to keep track of all pertinent data. Three-hole punched. Includes space to record the following information for 12 different immunizations: • Date given (month/day/year) • Age and injection site • Source of vaccine (federal, state, or private) • Vaccine manufacturer and lot number • Vaccine information materials publication date • Initials of vaccine administrator • Initials of parent or legal guardian HE0116 For 100 copies Price: $27.50 Member Price: $22 SPECIAL OFFER! Order the Economy Pack and SAVE more than 40%, plus receive 10 copies of Your Child’s Health Record FREE! A $483 VALUE—AS LOW AS $222! Economy pack includes all 22 documentation forms in convenient packs of 50, plus one 10-pack of Your Child’s Health Record. HE0500 Price: $289 Member Price: $222 SPECIAL OFFER—SAVE 20%! Starter Kit of All 4 Pediatric Growth Charts Includes 100 each of the 2 charts for girls and 100 each of the 2 charts for boys. HE0512 Price: $69.95 Member Price: $53.95 NEW LOWER PRICE, PLUS ADDED VALUABLE FEATURES! Order online at and 23 PARENT RESOURCES TIPP®: THE INJURY PREVENTION PROGRAM Packs of 100—8½" x 11" sheets Price: $24.95 Member Price: $19.95 Safety Sheets In-depth, age-specific information on common injuries in simple, easy-tounderstand terms. Birth to 6 Months—Covers newborn safety and security, car injuries, falls, burns, and choking. HE0021-A Spanish HE0021-E 6 to 12 Months—Covers falls, burns, car safety, drowning, poisoning, and choking. HE0021-B Spanish HE0021-F 1 to 2 Years—Covers newly active child injury prevention, firearms, poisoning, burns, and drowning. HE0021-C Spanish HE0021-G 2 to 4 Years—Covers increasing activity, including running, jumping, tricycle riding, and tool usage. HE0021-D Spanish HE0021-H 5 Years—Covers bicycle, street play, water play, and fire, car, and firearm safety. HE0064-A 6 Years—Reinforces previous safety information and includes special safety issues game. HE0064-B Spanish HE0064-J 8 Years—Reinforces bicycle, water, automobile, firearm, and sports safety. HE0064-C 10 Years—Recognizes increased independence, reinforces safety issues, and includes 3 puzzles. HE0064-D 24 Packs of 100—8½" x 11" sheets Price: $24.95 Member Price: $19.95 Packs of 100—5½" x 8½" sheets Price: $24.95 Member Price: $19.95 Packs of 100—8½" x 11" sheets Price: $24.95 Member Price: $19.95 Safety Surveys Safety Slips Bicycle Safety Program The First Year of Life—Includes baby care, fire prevention, household safety measures, and car seat usage. HE0022-A HE0030Infant Furniture: Cribs Parent Counseling Sheets HE0075 About Bicycle Helmets HE0031 Babysitting Reminders Parent Counseling/Child Activity Sheets HE0081Safe Bicycling Starts Early Multiple-choice questions make it simple to assess safety knowledge of parents and patients older than 10 years. From 1 to 4 Years (Part 1)— Includes proper supervision, handling of medicines, and safety precautions. HE0022-B From 1 to 4 Years (Part 2)— Includes water, fire, electrical, and automobile safety issues. HE0022-C Brief handouts focus on frequent causes of childhood injuries and simple ways to prevent them. Available in English only. HE0032Safety Tips for Home Playground Equipment HE0038Safe Driving... A Parent’s Responsibility HE0039Protect Your Home Against Fire... Planning Saves Lives HE0129Water Safety for Your School-aged Child From 5 to 9 Years—Includes fire safety/prevention, general safety habits, and home environment. HE0067-A HE0130 Lawn Mower Safety From 10 to 12 Years—Includes firearms, bicycle/car safety habits, and playing near water. HE0067-B Spanish HE0067-H HE0133Life Jackets and Life Preservers SAVE 20% TIPP® Safety Program Economy Pack 100 copies each of all 8 Safety Sheets and all 5 Safety Surveys. HE0013 Price: $259 Member Price: $207 HE0132Pool Safety for Children HE0212 When Your Child Needs Emergency Medical Services HE0322Four Steps to Prepare Your Family for Disasters HE0033 P rotect Your Child... Prevent Poisoning Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. Parent and child resources that reinforce the importance of injury prevention. Available in English only. Save more than $25! New Parent Library Includes 6 key titles for new parents! • Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5—5th Edition • New Mother’s Guide to Breastfeeding • Heading Home With Your Newborn: From Birth to Reality—2nd Edition • Mommy Calls: Dr. Tanya Answers Parents’ Top 101 Questions About Babies and Toddlers • Your Baby’s First Year—3rd Edition • Dad to Dad: Parenting Like a Pro CB0072 Price: $59.95 PATIENT EDUCATION PARENT RESOURCES Vaccine Information Statements Connected Kids Resources These statements cover vital data in strict compliance with the law, which states that anyone in the United States who administers vaccines must provide parents with information on the potential side effects and benefits of these immunizations before they are given. Each topic is sold in pads of 100. Price: $21.95 Member Price: $16.95 Inactivated Influenza Vaccine Information Statement HE0300 Live, Intranasal Influenza Vaccine Information Statement HE0432 DTP/DTaP Vaccine Information Statement HE0113 Hepatitis B Vaccine Information Statement HE0269 Polio Vaccine (IPV) Information Statement HE0115 Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (Hib) Vaccine Information Statement HE0268 Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Information Statement HE0114 Chickenpox Vaccine Information Statement HE0270 Tetanus, Diphtheria (Td) or Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine Information Statement HE0481 Meningococcal Vaccine Information Statement HE0301 Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Information Statement HE0344 Rotavirus Vaccine Information Statement HE0451 Safe, Strong, Secure—Violence intervention and prevention program that consists of child and adolescent violence prevention resources and handouts. HE50381 HE50382 HE50383 HE50384 Patient Education for Children, Teens, and Parents—4th Edition This extensively updated resource brings you a comprehensive collection of more than 170 AAP patient education handouts—spanning infancy through young adulthood. With these convenient English and Spanish compendiums, you’ll have all the materials you need right at hand, all the time. ENGLISH—MA0583 Softcover, 2011 Price: $119.95 Member Price: $99.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-566-7 SPANISH—MA0584 Softcover, 2011 Price: $119.95 Member Price: $99.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-567-4 elcome to the World of Parenting! W Parenting Your Infant How Do Infants Learn? Your Child Is on the Move: Reduce the Risk of Gun Injury HE50385 Teaching Good Behavior: Tips on How to Discipline HE50386 Playing Is How Toddlers Learn HE50387 Pulling the Plug on TV Violence HE50388 Young Children Learn a Lot When They Play HE50400 Teen Dating Violence: Tips for Parents Price Per Pack—Sold in packs of 50. Price: $22 Member Price: $20 Get OUR KidsDoc Symptom Checker on YOUR Web site. Save up to $20! Order the English and Spanish editions of Patient Education for Children, Teens, and Parents together and save. MA0588 Price: $219.95 Member Price: $177.95 Our popular KidsDoc Symptom Checker is now available to license via an iFrame. For pricing and more information, contact Hepatitis A Vaccine Information Statement HE0431 Order online at and 25 PARENT RESOURCES PATIENT EDUCATION BROCHURES BEST SELLERS! Newborn, Infant, & Toddler NEW 2013! Car Safety Seats: A Guide for Families 2013 This edition includes • Up-to-date information on weight limits for rear-facing and forward-facing seats • A n expanded at-a-glance guide to seats by age group •Format changes for easier reading Updated annually, this guide helps parents make informed decisions about car seat selection and use. Includes information on booster seats, the LATCH attachment system, air bags, car seat recalls, installation tips, and built-in seats offered by auto manufacturers. HE50275-13 Pack of 50 Price: $22 Member Price: $20 Car Seat Check App available; see page 2. E50515 Safe Sleep and Your Baby: H How Parents Can Reduce the Risk of SIDS and Suffocation HE50476 Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play HE50074 BEST SELLER! Toilet Training HE50175 BEST SELLER! Circumcision: Information for Parents E50472 Crying and Your Baby: How H to Calm a Fussy or Colicky Baby HE50233 REVISED! Thumbs, Fingers, and Pacifiers Common Illness HE50193 Acute Ear Infections and Your Child HE50106 Allergies in Children HE50450 Anaphylaxis HE50236 Anemia and Your Young Child HE50177 Asthma and Your Child HE50235 Bronchiolitis and Your Young Child HE50209 Common Childhood Infections HE50408 Constipation and Your Child HE50200 Croup and Your Young Child HE50195 Diarrhea and Dehydration HE50455 Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) HE50318 REVISED! Fever and Your Child HE50365 Head Lice HE50182 BEST SELLER! Jaundice and Your Newborn Family HE50167 Divorce and Children HE50347 Protecting Your Baby From Abuse HE50085 A Guide to Children’s Dental Health Childhood Development HE50063 Learning Disabilities: What Parents Need to Know HE50258 Discipline and Your Child HE50380 Is Your Toddler Communicating With You? HE50448 A Parents’s Guide to Complementary and Integrative Medicine HE50071 BEST SELLER! Temper Tantrums: A Normal Part of Growing Up HE50153 Single Parenting HE50203 Sibling Relationships HE50057 BEST SELLER! Your Child’s Growth: Developmental Milestones HE50015 Television and Your Family HE50202 Bedwetting HE50373 Your Child’s Mental Health: When to Seek Help and Where to Get Help HE50234 BEST SELLER! Starting Solid Foods E50028 Choosing Quality Child H Care: What’s Best for Your Family? 26 HE50051 Diaper Rash Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. HE50027 You and Your Pediatrician HE50414Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual Parents: Information for Children and Parents PATIENT EDUCATION BROCHURES HE50087 Acne—How to Treat and Control It HE50059 Alcohol: Your Child and Drugs HE50128 Deciding to Wait HE50107 Important Information for Teens Who Get Headaches HE50055 Making Healthy Decisions About Sex HE50207 The Pelvic Exam HE50208 BEST SELLER! REVISED! Puberty—Ready or Not, Expect Some Big Changes HE50065 The Risks of Tobacco Use Safety & Injury Prevention Nutrition & Healthy Living HE50419 Choking Prevention and First Aid HE50168 Dangers of Secondhand Smoke HE50237 Protect Your Child From Poison HE50409 Antibiotics and Your Child HE50181 Fun in the Sun: Keep Your Family Safe HE50149 A Parent’s Guide to Toy Safety HE50411 A Parent’s Guide to Insect Repellents HE50198 A Parent’s Guide to Water Safety HE50295 Keep Your Family Safe: Fire Safety and Burn Prevention at Home HE50324 Calcium and You HE50460 Your Family’s Mental Health: 10 Ways to Improve Mood Naturally patient education Fact Sheets HE50379 Medicines for ADHD: Questions From Teens Who Have ADHD Sold in pads of 100 sheets. Price: $19.95 Member Price: $16.95 HE50345 Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) HE50178 Chickenpox HE50120 Hepatitis B HE50371 BEST SELLER! Immunizations: What You Need to Know HE50095 Right From the Start HE50234 Starting Solid Foods HE50088 Tobacco: Straight Talk for Teens Immunization E50096 Growing Up Healthy: Fat, H Cholesterol, and More HE50435 Food Allergies and Your Child HE50176 Tips for Parents of Adolescents HE50378 What Is ADHD? Questions From Teens E50097 Feeding Kids Right Isn’t H Always Easy E50368 Encourage Your Child to Be H Physically Active HE50046 Teen Suicide, Mood Disorder, and Depression HE50374 Students With Chronic Health Conditions New brochure includes important information from the AAP about managing blood glucose levels and creating plans for healthy living. E50094 What’s to Eat? Healthy Foods for H Hungry Children E50204 BEST SELLER! Talking H With Your Teen About Sex HE50165 Sleep Problems in Children HE50527 NEW! Type 2 Diabetes: Tips for Healthy Living PARENT RESOURCES Adolescent HE0273 Home Safety Checklist 3-in-1 First Aid, Choking, CPR Chart Every facility or home with children should have this helpful chart. This quick guide helps you respond rapidly and effectively in emergencies. Large wall chart includes first aid guidance on one side—choking/CPR guidance on the other. Topics include burns, scalds, fractures, sprains, head injuries, poisons, skin wounds, stings and bites, and infant/child CPR. Chart, 2011—11" x 17" HE0418 Pack of 100 Price: $55 Member Price: $49 PATIENT EDUCTATION BROCHURES BUY MORE & SAVE! Sold in packs of 50 brochures, any titles Price: $22 Member Price: $20 SAVE 10% when you purchase 2–9 packs SAVE 20% when you purchase 10–50 packs CALL 800/433-9016, ext 4837, for pricing when you purchase 50+ packs. E0276 BEST SELLER! Car Safety H Seat Checkup patient education BOOKLETS Price: $35 Member Price: $30 Understanding ADHD: Information for Parents About Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder HE0169 English—Sold in packs of 50. HE50377 Spanish—Sold in packs of 50. BEST SELLER! Breastfeeding Your Baby: Answers to Common Questions HE0261 English—Sold in packs of 50. HE0261-SP Spanish—Sold in packs of 50. BEST SELLER! REVISED! Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) Developed by the AAP Autism Expert Panel HE0413 English—Sold in packs of 10. HE0526 Spanish—Sold in packs of 10. For quantity discounts, visit for details. Order online at and 27 PATIENT EDUCATION ONLINE PARENT RESOURCES Bring the complete AAP print-ondemand patient education library to your practice or organization! Patient Education Online HEALTH CARE ADVICE FOR CHILDREN, TEENS, AND PARENTS Patient Education Online puts more than 350 pediatric health care handouts right at your fingertips. This comprehensive, easy-to-read collection spans birth through young adulthood and includes brochures, Bright Futures well-child visit handouts, CDC Vaccine Information Statements, TIPP—The Injury Prevention Program, Connected Kids violence prevention handouts, and more. Most ready-to-print materials are available in English and Spanish. Patient Education Online is available as an individual, single-user subscription, or as a site license subscription, optimal for most practices or organizations. With a Patient Education Online site license, you can… •P rovide current, trustworthy, prevention-focused advice to patients and parents. AAP resources incorporate peer-reviewed guidelines and leading-edge clinical research. • Immediately access new and revised handouts. • Save money—print handouts as needed, and never run out. Provide access to all staff members at a lower per-provider cost than individual subscriptions. • Save time—no need to search, inventory, reorder, and restock. Eliminate sign-in—site license access is authenticated by IP address or referring URL. • Post links to Patient Education Online on your own Web site: search box, direct handout links, or syndication. Patient Education Online may help meet the Professional Meaningful Use Requirement for patient-specific education resources. To view a site tour, sample handout, and listings of available materials, or to purchase an individual subscription, visit For institution or practice-wide site licensing, please contact For individual (single-user) annual subscription, order Item #ONPE. Price: $250 Member Price: $225 28 SAVE $60! Patient Education Deluxe Set Take advantage of special package pricing on AAP patient education solutions in multiple media. The Deluxe Set includes • A 1-year subscription to Patient Education Online—instant access to the complete, continuously updated AAP patient education handout library • The new editions of the Patient Education for Children, Teens, and Parents English and Spanish print compendiums—each providing 170+ reproducible brochures in a single volume Your savings total 25% off the regular prices of these 3 superb resources! MA0589 Price: $429.95 Member Price: $339.95 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Your satisfaction is guaranteed with any purchase from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Order toll-free at 888/227-1770 or fax 847/228-1281. PARENTING BOOKS PARENT RESOURCES NEW! Sleep What Every Parent Needs to Know— 2nd Edition By the American Academy of Pediatrics; Editor: Rachel Moon, MD, FAAP Pediatricians usually find that the sleep problems parents are concerned about are often ones that could have been avoided. The AAP and this book’s editor, sleep expert Rachel Moon, MD, FAAP, aim to offer suggestions for how to fix and even avoid these problems. This book provides information that is reliable, up-to-date, and authoritative so you can make smart decisions that will help your child— and, in turn, your entire family—sleep in a healthier, happier way! Softcover, available July 2013—250 pages CB0073 Price: $14.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-781-4 eISBN 978-1-58110-806-4 NEW! Retro Baby How to Cut Back on Infant Gear, Media, and Smart Toys and Boost Your Baby’s Development With Time-tested Activities By Anne Zachry, PhD Avoid being drawn in by the marketing and advertising hype from baby product manufacturers. Instead, use the strategies and suggestions provided in this book to help you get “back to basics” when caring for your little one. By limiting equipment use, avoiding media during the first 2 years, and having fun with activities included in this book, you’ll guide your child’s development in a healthy way. Softcover, available August 2013—225 pages CB0074 Price: $16.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-811-8 Heading Home With Your Newborn Caring for Your Baby and Young Child By Laura A. Jana, MD, FAAP, and Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP By the American Academy of Pediatrics; Editor in Chief: Steven P. Shelov, MD, MS, FAAP; Associate Editor: Tanya Remer Altmann, MD, FAAP From Birth to Reality—2nd Edition Now in a fully updated second edition, Heading Home With Your Newborn has everything new and expectant parents need to know about caring for baby in the first few months after birth. Softcover, 2011—372 pages CB0060 Price: $15.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-444-8 eISBN 978-1-58110-537-7 NEW! Autism Spectrum Disorders What Every Parent Needs to Know By the American Academy of Pediatrics; Editors: Alan I. Rosenblatt, MD, FAAP, and Paul S. Carbone, MD, FAAP This new resource is invaluable for parents and caregivers of children who have been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Prepared under the editorial direction of 2 distinguished pediatricians who are experts on ASDs, this book helps you understand how ASDs are defined and diagnosed and provides you with information on the most current types of behavioral and developmental therapies. Also included are inspirational and supportive stories from the field that will help parents recognize that they are not alone on this journey. Softcover, 2012—320 pages CB0070 Price: $14.95 ISBN 978-1-58110-651-0 eISBN 978-1-58110-758-6 Birth to Age 5—5th Edition With more than 4 million copies in print, this flagship AAP consumer title has shaped the health and well-being of children for nearly 20 years. 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