HENFIELD PARISH COUNCIL PLANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Plans Advisory Committee held on Thursday 5th March 2015 at 7.00 pm at the Henfield Hall PRESENT: 1. Mrs E Taylor (Chair) Mr T Duggan Mr D Hodgkin Dr R Norman Mr R Osgood Mr A Rickard Mr A Sharp Mr N Stevens DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS There were no declarations of Members’ interests. 2. APOLOGIES There were no apologies. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 19th FEBRUARY 2015 The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed by the Chair. 4. MATTERS ARISING The Chair raised the issue of the Notice of Appeal re DC/14/0588 (Sandgate Nurseries). The Committee agreed that with minor amendments the response, with relevant documents attached, should be sent after the Parish Council meeting on 10th March 2015. The Chair also updated the Committee on issues relating to the old Bell Public House. 5. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no Chairman’s announcements. The Chair adjourned the meeting OPEN FORUM Mr Martin Kelland spoke regarding DC/15/0353 (Land west of Shoreham Road, Shoreham Road, Small Dole). He stated that Small Dole has limited facilities and is a category 2 settlement with limited housing needs, which this application exceeds. He said that it is in conflict with Localism and is not included in the Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan Vision Statement, which is supported by residents of Small Dole, has been ignored by the applicant and the application is in breach of this statement. The application site is within 200 metres of the South Downs National Park Authority boundary. He believed that views into and from the site will be compromised. He also informed the meeting that the field is Grade 2 agricultural land. Mr Kelland further commented that increased traffic would impact on highway safety at Small Dole and that the proposal will have a negative impact on adjoining properties. He informed the meeting that the last three applications for this site were refused, the final one being refused on appeal in May 1991. The applicant had distributed 300 leaflets to properties in Small Dole. Mr Alan Brown supported Mr Kelland, also saying that the present vehicular exit from the site into New Hall Lane is dangerous, and that the new proposed exit, onto the 1 Shoreham Road will exacerbate the issue. He also drew attention to the fact that documentation on the Horsham District Council Planning Website seemed incomplete. The Chair reconvened the meeting 6. CONSULTATION ON PLANNING APPLICATIONS DC/15/0268 (Full Planning) Reserved matters application for 102 residential dwellings together with associated landscaping, open spaces and access (pursuant to outline DC/13/1266) Land East of Manor Close, Henfield Deferred, pending sub-committee review. DC/15/0302 (Listed Building Consent) And DC/15/0298 (Full Planning) To replace a 15 year old gas central heating boiler with a more efficient one and resite the flue to a safer area Lavender Cottage Henfield Common North Henfield No objection, all agreed DC/15/0353 (Outline) Erection of up to 60 dwellings, provision of a new vehicular access from Shoreham Road and stopping up of existing access, together with associated open space, parking and landscaping Land West of Shoreham Road, Shoreham Road, Small Dole Deferred DC/15/0436 (Tree Works in a Conservation Area) Fell 1 x Betula, and surgery to 2 x Fagus, 1 x Chaemocyparis, 1 x Bay, 1 x Robinia and 1 x Leylandii Chattels, Cagefoot Lane, Henfield No objection, all agreed DC/15/0397 (Tree Works in a Conservation Area) Fell 1 x Silver Birch 14 The Hooks, Henfield Objection, majority 5:3 7. HORSHAM PLANNING AUTHORITY DECISIONS DC/15/0156 Non material minor amendments to Planning Permission DC/14/1031 consisting of minor changes to fenestration and door positions and some minor internal alterations. Henfield Business Park, Shoreham Road, Henfield PERMITTED 8. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Mr Osgood reported that the Interim and Final Report from NPIERS had been received. The Report was positive in that it stated the Henfield Neighbourhood Plan was well-presented and constructed and set out a positive, realistic basis for the planning of the Henfield Neighbourhood Plan area. The policies were well2 coordinated and served to protect the Plan area from inappropriate development whilst at the same time promoting sustainable development for both housing and employment. He recommended some minor amendments and alteration, but was supportive of the Plan. He also recommended that the Sustainability Appraisal could be strengthened by further minor supporting evidence from the Henfield Neighbourhood Plan. Both Mr Osgood and Mr Stevens attended a meeting at Horsham on 5th March with Strategic Planning Officers of Horsham District Council to discuss the healthcheck and review the comments. The officers had no fundamental changes to recommend and were supportive of the Report. The Henfield Neighbourhood Plan has now been amended where it was considered appropriate by the authors, taking on board most of the recommendations and has now been submitted to rCoH for scrutiny. The Henfield Neighbourhood Plan is still on course for adoption by Henfield Parish Council on 10th March. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Mr M Morgan - re DC/15/0268 Land East of Manor Close 2. Sarah Deelman – re DC/15/0268 Land East of Manor Close 3. Horsham District Council – Local Enforcement Plan (draft) 4. Henfield Parish Council – letter to Director of Planning re DC/14/1517 request for update 5. West Sussex County Council – Rampion re discharge of requirement 6. Objections regarding DC/15/0353 (Wates site at Small Dole) M Dark L Vercoe P Fisher J & S Corcoran A Banks R Vercoe S Birch H Kidd R Rosenfeld R McMillan C Trace I Hack 7. Horsham District Council – Arboricultural Officer re: tree at 9 Cedar Way 8. West Sussex County Council – Draft Local List for the Validation of Planning Applications (minerals, waste and Regulation 3 developments) 10. ENFORCEMENT MATTERS NEW EN/15/0087 T and H Tyres Limited Pear Tree Farm Furners Lane CLOSED EN/14/0504 Parsonage Farm Deer Park Alleged breach of Part (i) (working hours) of LDC decision of HF/103/02 Alleged breach of condition 1 of DC/11/0787 (landscaping- particular reference to hedge planting) It has been reported that two mobile homes have been installed at Hascombes Farm, Horn Lane, and the site is currently lit up at night. Committee requests that this is brought to the attention of the Planning Compliance team at Horsham District Council. 3 Committee also asks that the Clerk request an update on outstanding enforcement issues for Henfield. 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business 12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Thursday 19th March 2015 at 7.00 pm, The Henfield Hall Meeting ended at 8.05 pm. 4
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