the April 2015 Issue of InSpire

April 2015
Here We Grow!
8:00 – 8:30 AM
Sabbath Beginnings
8:30 – 9:30 AM
Sacred Journey
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Traditional Worship
Let’s Continue Our “Missional Parking” Efforts
Pastor Nate Melcher
To be an inviting congregation and
welcome people on our campus, we
need to continue being missional about
how we park at Hennepin. This is a
good Lenten practice as we approach
Easter Sunday, a morning when we see
many guests!
Please prioritize the parking lot for
new guests, people with mobility
issues, and families with infants and
young children. We ask all able-bodied
members and longtime guests to
please park in the Architectural Alliance
lot, use street parking, or use the
underground Walker ramp (paid
vouchers available at Reception).
Offer the kindness of Christ to a stranger; put others first through your parking
Worship “Dance Cards” Are Here!
New Schedule Allows Attendance at All Services
One of the gifts of shifting the times of all four Sunday morning worship
services is now one can attend all four in one Sunday. Choose the Sunday that’s
right for you to experience all four diverse worship services at HAUMC and join
the ranks of your fellow worship superstars!
Here’s how it works:
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Sunday School
Adult Education
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Many Voices
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Breakfast at Hennepin
1. Pick up your Dance Card at our first
service, the 8:00 AM Sabbath
Beginnings worship service in the
Border Chapel.
2. Have a clergy/worship leader sign
your Dance Card at all four worship
services that day.
3. Turn in your completed Dance
C a rd t o a H o s p i t a l i t y Te a m
member and get your picture
taken for the Worship Superstars
avenue united methodist
511 groveland avenue
minneapolis, mn 55403 phone 612-871-5303
Coming Events Sabbath Beginnings – 8:00 AM Worship
March 29
12 Noon Church Conference
Palm Sunday Worship/Concert
April 1
Free Commuter Coffee Day (p.5)
April 2
Mental Illness Forum (p.2)
Holy Thursday Worship (p.8)
April 3
Good Friday Worship (p.8)
April 5
Easter Sunday Worship (p.8)
April 8
Pub Theology (p.7)
8:00 AM – April 12, 19, 26 (No Sabbath Beginnings Service on Easter)
April 12 – John 20:19-31
April 19 – John 21:1-14
April 26 – John 21:15-25
In April, we’ll explore the resurrection of Jesus according to the Gospel of John.
This 30-minute, intimate worship service features a scripture reading with group
reflection time led by Pastor Nate, lifting up our prayers, and communion each
week. It is the perfect way to begin your Sunday Sabbath.
New Member Class
Class from 11:00 AM – 1:30 on April 19
Join on April 26 at the 10:00 AM Service
We’ll share a meal together, learn about the history of
the church and where it’s heading next, United Methodism,
and engagement in the life of the church and community.
We’ll take questions and explore the membership vows
together. RSVP with Rev. Nate Melcher at 612-435-1301 or
April 12 Update from Missionary Mozart Adevu
Hal Taussig at Hennepin (p.4)
Knotty Quilters Display/Sale (p.6)
April 17
Life Adventures - Food Trends (p.5)
UMW Spring Cleaning Drive (p.6)
April 19
Soul Cafe (p.4)
April 23-26
Men’s Walk to Emmaus (p.6)
April 26
Young Adult Study Group (p.3)
April 30-May3
Women’s Walk to Emmaus (p.6)
May 1
Mozart Adevu, GBGM (General Board of Global Ministries) Missionary for
Sustainable Agriculture and Development has recently returned to Ghana after an
itineration in the US that included a Hennepin visit in late October. In his February
• He thanks Hennepin for its hospitality and support (Hennepin provides a small
portion of his salary) and a chance to share his message about the improved
health and livelihoods of the peasant farmers and their families that result
from the farming practices they are taught and which they teach to others.
• He reports on the far reaching economic effects of the Ebola crisis on farmers
in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Women farmers suffered huge economic losses as
a result of the government’s protective ban on movement and periodic
markets. And because the crisis peaked at a time when farmers had already
made large investments of their income they had little in reserve for food and
basic needs of their families. Over 75% of the population in these countries is
peasant farmers, and food security and production have been compromised.
• He shares anecdotal reports that the use of moringa (a fast-growing tree whose
highly nutritious leaves have made tremendous differences in the health of
people across Africa) may have played a part in the prevention of Ebola in
communities where moringa is part of the diet. Both that and the practices for
sanitation and hygiene learned through UMCOR’s Sustainable Agriculture
Program may have been factors in better resistance to the disease.
Scholarship Deadline (p.4)
May 16 Listen to Mental Illness
Sofas & Spokes (p.5)
August 2-5
Barbara Taylor & J. Philip Newell (p.4)
7:00 PM, Thursday, April 2 – Social Hall
Everyone is affected in some way by mental illness. Come be a part of the
solution in an open forum. Air your grievances, your hopes, and possibly even
your praises for the mental health system. Please park at the Walker Center Ramp.
Women’s Retreat a Success
Sally Johnson
On the first weekend of March, women gathered at
Koinonia Retreat Center for A Time Apart, a retreat that
focused on the women who have helped shape us,
encouraged us to stand strong and those that have
inspired us to reach beyond ourselves. Holding the
biblical stories of Ruth, Mary and Martha, we also
named and held among us our mothers and
grandmothers, teachers and mentors.
Focusing on the senses, we learned the art of hand
massage and the ancient gift of aromatherapy, practiced
yoga, baked bread, sang, worshiped, read, did
needlework and ate well. And we laughed!
Thanks to Koinonia for being our home away home
and for being the nest in which we were able to connect
with long time friends and make new ones.
The Retreat That Wouldn’t End
Mark Peterson
Last month thirty men gathered at Koinonia for the
first men’s retreat in a very long time. One guest
commented, “I’ve attended Hennepin Avenue
Methodist for twenty years and I don’t remember
anything like this!”
Inter-Gen-Men brought guys of all ages together to
consider their roles as father, son, friend and church
member. Steve Robach, Christian Educator, led the
group through a series of exercises based on the
Parable of the Prodigal son, inviting each man to
consider – how am I like the son who leaves? The son
who stays? The Father?
On Sunday, March 8th many of these men, and a few
newcomers, decided to meet for Breakfast. They agreed
this men’s meeting should occur on the second Sunday
of every month at 11:00 AM in HAUMC’s Social Hall.
Our next gathering is April 12. Join us! (Note: the May
meeting will be on the 17th due to Mother’s Day).
Young Adult Study Group
Animate: Bible
Sundays April 26 - June 7 at 11:00 AM
Our weekly young adult study group returns this spring
with Animate: Bible. Pastors and scholars speak about
how to read, wrestle with, and find meaning in scripture.
See sample videos at
There’s no homework, no expectation to attend all
seven weeks. The rule is: you’re in town, come
Sessions will end in time for parents to pick up children
from Sunday School programming and eat Breakfast in
the noon hour. Please contact Pastor Nate to sign-up or
to learn more: or
April 26 – Canon: Mining for the Word | Eric Elnes
May 3 – History: Parchment to Pixel | Phyllis Tickle
May 10 – Testaments: One Story, Two Parts | Rachel
Held Evans
May 17 – Gospels: Unexpected Good News | Nadia
May 24 – Genre: Rhythm of the Text | Jose Morales
May 31 – Interpretation: Scripture Reads Us | Will
June 7 – Grace: Love Is the Bottom Line | Jay Bakker
Here We Grow! New Sunday Schedule Continues
Soul Cafe
Twin Cities District UMW
7:00 PM, April 19 – Art Gallery
9:00 AM, Saturday, April 11 at Fairmount UMC
Mark your calendars now so you don't miss our Spring
performance on April 19 in the Art Gallery. More details
to follow.
Rev. Rachel Morey, keynote, will explore “Is the Golden
Rule – “treat others how you want to be treated” really
the same as “Love your neighbor as yourself”? Cost
($10) includes lunch, due April 6. Questions: Suzanne
Mattison 612-987-3336.
Foundation Scholarships
Application Deadline is May 1, 2015
Hennepin Foundation is inviting applications for 20152016 scholarships. Awards in amounts up to $3,000 are
for students pursuing seminary, college/university degree
programs. Highest priority for consideration is given to
Hennepin members attending seminary, followed by
students preparing for other church-related work, for
careers in other non-profit human services fields, and
Hennepin-connected students, including employees,
but not necessarily members, pursuing programs other
than those noted above. See application materials for
more information. Applications due May 1, 2015, with
awards announced late May. Application and guidelines
available at the reception desk, or by contacting Jack
Fistler at jack.fistler@ 612-435-1321.
Remarkable Generosity
Jack Fistler, Legacy Giving
“Remarkable” may be the best word
to describe the love and legacies
provided by Hennepin members over
the years through their estate gifts. We
benefit each day, often more than we
realize, from their heartfelt and
generous planning. In 2014 alone
Hennepin received estate proceeds
from four individuals totaling nearly
$200,000. We remember with deep gratitude Edith
Perren, Marjeanne Sunde, Fern Sahr and John Coe.
Their gifts were directed to Foundation and Trustees
unrestricted funds, Koinonia building project,
Foundation Scholarship Fund, and the Foundation’s
Music Ministry Fund and Raines Fund for seniors
ministries. That’s remarkable generosity; we are blessed
by their gifts.
Each legacy gift is a story, a testament of faith in God’s
blessings and in Hennepin’s future. To explore how you
may leave an imprint on Hennepin, contact Jack Fistler,
d i re c t o r o f L e g a c y G i v i n g , 6 1 2 - 4 3 5 - 1 3 2 1 o r Legacy Giving –
touching lives, fulfilling dreams.
Hal Taussig at Hennepin
Sunday, April 12. 10 AM Preacher. 11:15 AM Speaker.
Author and New Testament scholar,
Rev. Dr. Hal Taussig will be in the Twin
Cities to speak at Hamline University
at the Mahle Lecture in Progressive
Christian Thought. Through our
relationship with Hamline we are
blessed to have his presence as
preacher at the 10:00 Traditional
worship service and for an adult forum
at 11:15 AM. Hal Taussig is visiting professor of New
Testament at Union Theological Seminary in New York
City and co-pastor of the Chestnut Hill United Methodist
Church in Philadelphia.
As part of the Mahle Lectures, he will also be
presenting “Are the Gospels of Mary, Thomas, and Truth
Scripture?” at 7 PM in the Anderson Center, Room 112
at Hamline.
Barbara Brown Taylor and
John Philip Newell
Seeking the Sacred Thread. August 2 – 5
With an emphasis on the essential
sacredness of God’s creation we will
re-awaken our hunger for wholeness
and vitality in our faith journeys. We
will explore how the great spiritual
traditions can access the well of
imagination and thus deepen and renew the blessings
that we carry in our lives individually and together!
Barbara Brown Taylor and John Philip Newell, both
treasured for their ability to illuminate with clarity and
grace the questions and hopes we carry, will weave
together sacred threads of the Christian household and
other wisdom traditions as we focus on the healing of
God’s people and all creation.
This event is co-sponosored by Wisdom Ways Center
for Spirituality and Hennepin Church.
Life Adventures – Food Trends
What’s New in the Library
Hennepin Seniors and friends,
come to learn about the
history and growth of food coops in the Twin Cities from
Josh Resnick, CEO of The
Wedge Co-op. He will also discuss the changing trends
in what people are eating today and The Wedge's role
in building a vibrant local food system. Lunch will be
catered by the Wedge's Deli. Prepaid reservations are
due by mid-morning on April 15. Cost is $12.
Books have the unique ability to educate, entertain
and transport to places we have never been before
without leaving the comfort of an easy chair. I am sold. I
have over 4000 books and the journeys I have taken and
will take are phenomenal. Why not take a literary
journey today.
A MAN OF GOOD HOPE by Jonny Stenberg. In Jan.
1991 civil war broke out in Mogadishu (capital of
Somalia) and 2/3 of the population left. This is the
story of eight-year-old Asad Abdullahi. To understand
what is going on today you need to read this book.
LIGHT YEARS by James Satter. A PEN/Faulkner winner
this is a classic novel of an entire generation that
discovered the limits of happiness. A brilliant portrait
of contemporary marriage.
GALILEO’S DAUGHTER by Dava Sobel. This is a totally
fascinating book based on Galileo’s daughter the nun,
Suor Maria Celeste. It was nominated for a 2000
Pulitzer Prize.
MISS MAPLE’S SEEDS by Eliza Wheeler. A picture book
that introduces the kind, nature-loving Miss Maple
who celebrates the miracle in each seed.
THE YEAR OF BILLY MILLER by Kevin Henkes. This
Newberry award winning author offers a short laughout-loud story of family and school. Billy Miller even
visits the statue of the Jolly Green Giant!!
DARIUS AND TWIG by Walter Dean Myers. He is a
Printz award winner and this book connects teenagers
with a novel about friendship and the need to live
one’s dream.
FLORA AND ULYSSES by Kate Dicamillo. Winner of the
2014 Newberry Medal. Holy unanticipated
occurrences! A cynic meets a super hero.
12 Noon, Friday, April 17
Sofas & Spokes
May 16 Furniture and Bicycle Drive
Do you have an unused adult bike in your garage? Do
you have furniture you are no longer using? The
Downtown Congregations to End Homelessness invites
you to donate Adult Bikes and gently used furniture for
our neighbors in need!
“Sofas & Spokes” was established in 2009 by the
Downtown Congregations to End Homelessness Direct
Service Providers (DCEH/DSP) committee. The Direct
Service Provider congregations (St. Olaf Catholic,
Central Lutheran, Basilica of Saint Mary, and the Dignity
Center of Hennepin Church) serve those in need with
prayer, listening, and a variety of services including
furniture and bicycles to get to work or search for work.
The St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store serves as the
distribution partner for the furniture component of
“Sofas & Spokes” – the congregations provide eligible
Participants (who cannot afford furniture) vouchers which
are taken to the store to be redeemed for items such as
sofas, dressers, and dining room table/chairs.
Project Lifecycle serves as the distribution partner for
the bicycle component of “Sofas & Spokes” –
congregations interview Participants, asses their need
for a bicycle, and distribute bicycles along with a helmet
and lock at one of the DCEH/DSP bicycle distribution
events. Participants also receive a bicycle safety/
maintenance training to better understand rules of the
road and learn basic repair skills.
Your used gently used furniture and adult bikes can be
given for good! Donate them on Saturday, May 16th at
Hennepin Church Parking Lot between 9 AM – 12 Noon.
Adult bikes only. All donations are tax deductible.
Larry Olson, Book Addict
Free Commuter Coffee Day
No Fooling! April 1 from 7:30 – 8:30 AM
There’s nothing better than a hot cup
of Joe in the morning…unless it’s free!
Free Commuter Coffee Day is back! We
need help from friendly souls like you to
hand out free hot cups of coffee and a
postcard with information on Holy Week
and Easter morning worship services.
Come help this fun way to reach out to
our neighbors. Contact Nate Melcher at or 612- 435-1301.
Walk to Emmaus
Knotty Quilters
Men – April 23-26. Women – Apr. 30-May 3
Quilt Display and Sale – April 12 & 19
Ponder your Spiritual Journey and
consider joining in an Emmaus Walk at
Camp Koronis in Paynesville, MN. This
is a special time to experience the love
of Christ which lives in our heart daily. For information
and assistance, contact Nancy Sjoquist at 612-741-1872.
Brochures and info in Carlson Hall.
April 12 & 19 the Knotty Quilters will have their
quilts on display during Sunday brunch, many items
will be available for purchase. All proceeds help to
support this ministry.
The Knotty Quilters is a caring outreach ministry that
utilizes the gifts of quilting; cutting, piecing and
handwork, to help people in need. The group makes
baby quilts, lap robes, single, double, and queen
sized quilts, and Teddy Bears Two special projects
have ben to provide Teddy Bears for baby baptisms
and to give a quilt to each graduate of MNIC
(Minnesota Internship Center), the charter high school
housed in Hennepin. The group meets each
Wednesday morning in the Dorcas Alcove of the
lower level Social Hall. Newcomers always welcome!
UMCOR Mission Team Returns
Janelle Vaubel
50 years after the birth of UMCOR (United Methodist
Committee on Relief) and 19 years after the opening of
UMCOR’s Disaster Relief Depot in Baldwin, Louisiana,
fourteen Hennepin members and friends returned in
late January from HAUMC’s 18th annual work/fellowship
trip to the UMCOR Depot and surrounding community.
For two weeks they worked, played, worshipped,
laughed, ate and stayed together on the UMCOR Sager
Brown campus. They processed health and school kits
and created cleaning supplies buckets in the Depot,
sewed bags for UMCOR school kits, repaired damaged
floors of a local homeowner’s trailer, did light
housekeeping for seniors, and volunteered in the local
elementary school and women’s shelter.
Donations move in two directions! Through their
monetary and material donations and hands on efforts,
many people of all ages who never left Hennepin also
participated in the UMCOR ministry by creating 400
school kits, two dozen layette kits, and 35 sewing kits.
Those kits, along with 200+ yards of flannel and fleece
for layette kits were taken by the team to the UMCOR
Depot. (Note: Too many to transport, a few remnant
boxes remain for delivery via the upcoming annual
conference.) Conversely, when the team returned home
they brought with them eight boxes of hand towels
which had not met Depot criteria, but which will now be
“reloved” by many of Hennepin’s Dignity Center
participants and Community Meals guests.
The many, young and old, who participated in many
different ways to the success of the UMCOR Sager Brown
mission trip can indeed rejoice in knowing that their
efforts contributed to the help and healing of hurting
brothers and sisters all around the world and in the
neighborhoods of Sager Brown and of Hennepin Church!
FYI: Watch for Hennepin’s 2015 school supplies drive
in late July and take advantage of back to school sales
to purchase and donate items to be used for more
UMCOR school kits, for Dignity Center participants and
for other Hennepin programs.
UMW Spring Cleaning Drive
Jennifer Hipple, President United Methodist Women.
Collection Through April 17
Ah, spring. Time to throw open the
windows, clear away the dust and
dreariness of winter, and clean the
house! Our sisters in Christ who reside
at Emma Norton Residence in St. Paul
and Emma’s Place in Maplewood also
are eager to spring clean their living
spaces. They’ve got the elbow grease but could use a
hand with gathering cleaning supplies. You can help!
From now until Friday, April 17, Hennepin’s United
Methodist Women will collect a variety of cleaning
products and tools. Look for the cardboard collection
tote in the East Entry. Emma Norton Residence is a
national mission of United Methodist Women and they
thank you for your support!
cleaner*, Window cleaner*, Hardwood and/or tile floor
cleaner,Carpet cleaner, Bathroom and toilet cleaner*,
Dish detergent, Liquid laundry detergent, Laundry
baskets, “Rubber” gloves (all sizes), Food service-style
vinyl gloves (no latex), Paper towels, “Handiwipes” or a
similar cleaning cloth, Sponges, Toilet bowl brushes,
Dishwashing brushes, Mops and mop head refills,
Swiffer and Swiffer refills, Brooms, Plastic bags (all sizes).
For a larger donation: Vacuum cleaner (any style with
extra vacuum bags).
*Emma Norton Residence prefers products that do
not contain alcohol. They cannot accept partially used
cleaning products. Brooms, Swiffers, laundry baskets,
and vacuums can be gently used.
Hennepin Community News
Pub Theology
It seems the new schedule is really
working! At least it looks like more folks
are attending Sunday Worship. That is a
hurrah! And we are awaiting news of a
new senior minister. The new schedules
let all the ministers attend each service,
and we are glad to have them.
The congregational care committee chairs, Ann Smith
and Mary Ann Murray have been working to improve
the homebound member list along with Jim McChesney.
Linda Blaisdell is co-ordinating the delivery of Easter
Lilies to the homebound this year. Thanks all!
We miss our snowbirds and await their return. We
pray Martha Glass, Ritajean Lyell and Susan Dunlop will
be comforted in the death of their loved ones. I am sure
they have lots of good memories. New to Walker Care is
Gerhard Weiss who took a bad tumble. Eva Wall, also at
Walker, thinks she may be going home soon. Holli
Roseberg also took a tumble and broke her elbow.
Among the fun facts: Kay Nelson is traveling, Dennis
Behl is taking students to London to see at least five
shows, and Nancy Gale went to Cuba with her sister for
Spring Break. A very Happy Birthday to Wheeler Smith
who celebrates his 96th birthday!
We certainly do thank Greg Pinney for his seven years
of volunteering. Greg made sure those of us who need
help hearing the Sunday worship service were able to
use the Hearing aids. Thanks, Greg.
This drop-in group gathers to discuss faith, life, stress,
family, and so on with a tasty beverage. Bring a friend;
new faces are welcome. RSVPs are helpful for saving
tables (contact Pastor Nate). Join us April 8 from 6-8
PM at Harriet Brewing (3036 Minnehaha Ave. Mpls).
They have a food truck on-site, and happy hour ends at
6:00 PM so show up a little early!
Rachel Elliott
March Hunger Drive Update
Mary Martin
Thank you to all who participated in our March Hunger
Drive! There was an out-pouring of non-perishable food
and non-food items! Because of your generous giving
the Groveland Food shelf and our own direct service
ministries of Community Meals and Dignity Center will
be able to assist many of our neighbors to make ends
meet. Our Easter Outreach Offering will support the
Groveland Food Shelf. Envelopes will be in the Easter
Bulletin, and donations can also be made online.
Hennepin is truly committed to helping others. Your
One Great Hour of Sharing offering raised almost
$1,000! It is through our efforts of working together with
programs that address hunger, advocating for policies
to end the systems that create poverty and
homelessness. and by addressing global issues of
sustainability and appropriate technology that effective
change can happen.
6-8 PM, April 8 at Harriet Brewing
Fashion Show to Benefit DC
Mount Olivet Lutheran Church (5025 Knox Ave. S. Mpls)
11 AM – 1 PM, Saturday, April 25
The 43rd Annual Mount Olivet Church Women
(MOCW) Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon will be
staged at the church’s Fellowship Hall on Saturday, April
25. The Dignity Center will be the beneficiary of this
event! This year’s theme is “Generation Fashionation:
Where Style and Family Come Together.”
MOCW has partnered with The Galleria shopping
center in Edina in producing this year’s fashion show.
Models will be featuring the latest fashions, some of
which will also be available at the Silent Auction that
directly benefits the Dignity Center. You are invited to
attend! Tickets cost $18 and usually sell out quickly.
Contact Mary Martin or John Cole to obtain your tickets.
The !nSpire is a monthly newsletter for members and
friends of Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church.
10:00 AM, Wednesday, April 15 is the deadline for the
May 2015 InSpire. Articles may be emailed to or dropped off at church, attn:
Daniel Pederson, 612-435-1320.
Sign Up to Receive InSpire by Postal Mail
You May Always Get InSpire Electronically
or Pick Up a Copy at Church
We encourage you to receive the newsletter electronically,
or pick up at church. We are mailing only to those who
request it. We will send an eNewsletter to all whose email
address we have. If we don’t have yours, please contact
Daniel.Pederson@ to be added to our
email list. To get the InSpire Newsletter by mail contact
Daniel.Pederson@ or 612-435-1320.
Holy Thursday
April 2, 2015
12:00 Noon in the Chapel
7:00 PM in the Art Gallery
Good Friday
April 3, 2015
12:00 Noon in the Chapel
7:00 PM in the Sanctuary
Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015
7:00 AM – Sunrise Service
in East Entry
8:30 AM – Festival Worship
in the Sanctuary
10:00 AM – Festival Worship
in the Sanctuary
5:00 PM – Sunday at Five
in the Chapel
Easter Sunday and Every Sunday in the Walker
Art Center Ramp and Architectural Alliance Lot
April 12
10:00 AM – Guest Preacher
Rev. Dr. Hal Taussig
11:15 AM – Adult Forum
Lent 2015: The Slow Work of God
Sunday Worship at Hennepin Church
Worship Leaders at 10:00 AM in April
April 5 – Rev. Kent Millard, preaching
8:00 AM – Sabbath Beginnings in the Chapel
8:30 AM – Sacred Journey in the Art Gallery
10:00 AM – Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
11:15 AM – Many Voices in the Chapel
5:00 PM – Sunday at Five in the Chapel
10:00 AM -12:30 PM – Breakfast at Hennepin
11:00 AM – Sunday School for Children/Youth
11:00 AM – Adult Education
April 12 – Rev. Dr. Hal Taussig, guest preaching
April 19 – Rev. Nate Melcher, preaching
April 26 – Rev. Nate Melcher, preaching
Upcoming Preachers at 10:00 AM Worship
May 3 - Kent Millard
May 17 - Nate Melcher
May 31 - Paula Colton
June 14 - Kent Millard
June 28 - Nate Melcher
May 10 - Kent Millard
May 24 - Nate Melcher
June 7 - Kent Millard
June 21 - Nate Melcher
July 5 - New Pastor