20 1 5 H O R E ARITY SHO H C W S Sunday 5th July 2015 Grove Farm Equestrian Milton Hill, Harwell, Nr Didcot, Oxfordshire OX13 6AD www.grovefarmequestrian.co.uk CLASSES FOR EVERYONE ADVANCE SHOW PROGRAMME HEROS reserves the right to make changes to the schedule according to demand The Swallows, North Farm Stud, Fawley, Wantage, Oxfordshire OX12 9NJ Phone: 01488 638820 (Mon-Fri) or 07770 877543 Schedules are also available from our website: www.heroscharity.org • e-mail: info@heroscharity.org Ring 1 show jumping Grass Arena Commencing 10am Class 1 NURSERY JUMPING (may be led) Riders 10 years and under., ponies 13.2 hh and under. Height approx. 1’6”. Judged under Table A7 Class 2 MINIMUS JUMPING Open to all ages and heights. Height approx. 2’0”. May be assisted but not led. Judged under Table A7 Class 3 NOVICE OPEN JUMPING Height approx. 2’3”-2’6”. Judged under Table A7 Class 4 INTERMEDIATE OPEN JUMPING Height approx. 2’6”-2’9”. Judged under 2 Phase Rules Class 5 OPEN JUMPING Height approx. 2’9”-3’0”. Judged under 2 Phase Rules Class 6 TOP SCORE Take your own line. Run under Top Score Rules -- 2 -- Ring 2 showing Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Grass Arena Commencing 9am VETERAN – IN HAND To be judged on soundness, condition, turnout and way of going. Open to horses or ponies 18 years and over – any height. Special award for best veteran TB. EX-RACEHORSE/TB BEST CONDITION – IN HAND For TBs of any age. To be judged on turn out. Special Award for best HEROS horse (a horse re-homed by HEROS or North Farm Stud). Scars and blemishes to be disregarded. MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND – IN HAND Any pure breed, reg. or un.reg. Ponies any age. Class 10 COLOURED/ODD-COLOURED – IN HAND Open to piebald, skewbald, roan, dun, spot and palomino horses and ponies of any height.To be judged on conformation, turn out and way of going. Any age. Class 11 BEST CHILD HANDLER Exhibitors: 10 years and under. To be judged on ability and turnout. May be accompanied by an adult in the ring for minimal assistance, extra marks will be awarded for child’s competence. Rosettes to all. RING 2 IN-HAND CHAMPIONSHIP (Sash to winner – Reserve Rossette) Open to 1st & 2nd from classes 7-11 -- 3 -- Ring 2 showing Grass Arena Continued... Class 12 LEAD REIN PONY (Lead reins must be attached to the noseband) NOT judged on conformation but on suitability as a genuine child’s pony. Riders 4 years and over and under 10, ponies 13hh and under. Any breed/type. Plaited or un-plaited. SNAFFLE BITS ONLY Class 13 CHILD’S PONY – RIDDEN For Ponies 4yo and over Riders 16 years and under, ponies 14.2 hh & under. Any suitable bit. Will be expected to canter in the go round. Class 14 EX-RACEHORSE/TB – RIDDEN For TBs of any age. To be judged on condition and way of going. Special Award for best HEROS horse (a horse re-homed by HEROS or North Farm Stud) and Special Award for best TB Veteran over 18 years. Scars and blemishes to be disregarded. Class 15 VETERAN – RIDDEN To be judged on soundness, condition, turnout and way of going. Open to horses or ponies 18 years and over. Class 16 COLOURED/ODD-COLOURED – RIDDEN Open to piebald, skewbald, roan, dun, spot and palomino horses and ponies of any height. Riders any age. To be judged on conformation, turnout and way of going. Any age. Class 17 MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND – RIDDEN Any age, pure breed, reg or un-reg. 4yo and over. RING 2 RIDDEN CHAMPIONSHIP (Sash to winner – Reserve Rosette) Open to 1st & 2nd from classes 12-17 A large format print will be awarded to the winner of the championships. Kindly donated by Royal Photography www.rpeevents.co.uk / info@rpeevents.co.uk HEROS SUPREME SHOW CHAMPIONSHIP – BEST IN SHOW Three Champions and three Reserves from three Championships to be held in Ring 2 -- 4 -- Ring 3 ridden & working hunter Grass Arena Commencing 9.30am Class 18 NOVICE RIDDEN HUNTER Not to have won a hunter class before 30th June 2015. Will be required to do a freestyle show. Class 19 RIDDEN HUNTER Open to all. Will be required to do a freestyle show. Class 20 BEGINNERS WORKING HUNTER PONY Riders 12 years and under. Ponies 14.2hh and under. Jumps no higher than 1’6”. On or off the lead rein. Class 21 NOVICE WORKING HUNTER PONY Not to have won a working hunter before 30th June 2015. Reg. or un-reg. Riders any age. Ponies any breed and 14.2hh & under. Jumps approx. 2’3”. Class 22 NOVICE WORKING HUNTER Horses over 14.2hh. Riders any age. Not to have won a Working Hunter class before 30th June 2015. Jumps approx 2’6”. Class 23 OPEN WORKING HUNTER Horses over 14.2hh. Riders any age. Jumps approx. 2’9”-3’3”. RING 3 CHAMPIONSHIP (Sash to winner & Rosette to reserve) Open to 1st & 2nd from classes 18 -23 A large format print will be awarded to the winner of the championships. Kindly donated by Royal Photography www.rpeevents.co.uk / info@rpeevents.co.uk Ring 4 dressage Indoor Arena AW surface Commencing 9am Entries to be in by Monday 29th June, 2015. Times will be posted on the HEROS website www.heroscharity.org by Thursday 2nd July or contact Belinda Shaw on 07768 174075 for details Class 24 WALK,TROT INTRO TEST A (British Dressage 2008) Class 25 PRELIM 14 (British Dressage 2006) Class 26 NOVICE 25 (British Dressage 2005) Ring 5 clear round jumping Outdoor Arena AW surface Commencing 9am Heights will start at 1’6” and increase throughout the day – £2.00 per round Entries at the ringside only – Rosettes for every clear round RULES I agree to comply and abide by the Rules of the 2015 HEROS show available on the website or posted on the day and itemised below. 1. The Judge’s decision is final in all situations. 2. All entries are non-refundable. 3. The Judge will not ride the horses in any classes. 4. Any horse that appears to be unsound will be asked to leave the arena with no return of entry fee. 5. Hard hats must always be worn when mounted. 6. Lead reins must be attached to the noseband in ridden classes. 7. All dogs must be kept under control and on leads at all times – please clean up after your dog(s). Dogs MUST NOT be left tied up in the lorry park or left in cars. 8. Muck from lorries is NOT to be left in the lorry park. 9. Litter to be put in the bins provided. 10. R estrictions may be made on individual classes depending on number of entries. Please enter early to avoid disappointment. 11. We reserve the right to refuse entry, with no reason given. 12. No responsibility will be taken for classes clashing, we apologise in advance if they do. 13. HEROS or Grove Farm Equestrian cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, or injury incurred by any competitor / spectator / horse or pony, however caused. 14. All entrants MUST have their own public liability insurance cover. 15. Any accidents must be reported to the secretary’s tent immediately. 16. First aid is provided on site. 17. Fire Extinguishers can be found in the yard. 18. A ges of all horses and ponies will be taken as of 1st January 2015. 19. ALL ridden horses and ponies MUST be four years old and over. 20. Rider’s age will be as of the age on the day of the show. 21. F or safety reasons horses and ponies must NOT be left unattended at any time. 22. No galloping on showground. 23. Stallions and colts should be in a bridle/chiffney at all times and only handled by people 16 years and over. 24. No artificial aids to be worn in Ring 2. 25.The use of studs is strongly advised especially when jumping on grass. Photography by: Royal Photography www.rpeevents.co.uk • info@rpeevents.co.uk Kevin: 07801 353274 HEROS CHARITY SHOW ENTRY FORM Please complete in CAPITALS and return with remittance. ENTRIES £9.00 per class in advance. DRESSAGE ENTRIES need to be in by Monday June 29th 2015. Times will be issued by Thursday 2nd July. To be posted on www.heroscharity.org Other Advance entries close Wednesday 1st July 2015. Entries after this date and on the day £12.00 per class. Debit and credit cards taken on the day. NO ENTRIES TAKEN ON THE DAY BEFORE 8.30am PLEASE USE ONE SHEET PER HORSE and RIDER RING No(s) CLASS No(s) Name of RIDER Age of RIDER (if 16 or under) Name of HORSE Height of HORSE Age of HORSE (if 18 or over) No. of classes @ £9 per class (£3 extra on the day) Total: £ Please make cheques payable to HEROS and post to: HEROS (SHOW), The Swallows, NORTH FARM STUD, FAWLEY, WANTAGE, OX12 9NJ or to pay by debit or credit card CALL 01488 638820 I have read and agree to comply and abide by the Rules of the 2015 HEROS SHOW available from the website and posted on the day. NAME: SIGNED: ADDRESS: POST CODE: Email: Tel No: SIGNATURE (of parent or guardian if under 18yrs): Please note that entry fees are non-refundable. HEROS, The Swallows, North Farm Stud, Fawley, Wantage, Oxfordshire OX12 9NJ Tel: 01488 638820 • Email: info@heroscharity.org • www.heroscharity.org • Charity No: 1115174 • Company No: 5679136
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