May 5, 2015 Great News From HOLY FAMILY REGIONAL CATHOLIC 2477 Trenton Road, Levittown, PA 19056-1486 215-269-9600 (p) • 215-269-9609 (f) • Wednesday 5/06/15 ‘B’ DAY Thursday 5/07/15 Friday 5/08/15 ‘C’ DAY ‘D’ DAY May Procession 1:15 pm Mother’s Day Flower Sale PK3 Mother’s Day Tea 10:45 am—12:00 pm Mother’s Day Flower Sale Saturday 5/09/15 Sunday 5/10/15 6th Sunday of Easter Mother’s Day Monday 5/11/15 Tuesday 5/12/15 ‘E’ DAY ‘A’ DAY Breakfast with the Principals 8:15 am Principals’ Desks Dear Parents and Guardians, Extended Parking Lot As you have surely noticed, a section of the field in front of the school has been bulldozed. Queen of the Universe Parish is extending their parking lot to accommodate 80 additional parking spaces. The plan, which can be found in the vestibule of the Church and in the school office, includes water basins, electrical lighting and sidewalks. The lot will be up to the 4th tree along the fence and not beyond the front of the parish center, and the children will still have field space for physical education, recreation and sports. The cost is being borne by the parish. More information will be forthcoming on the parish website. Congratulations! Congratulations to our First Communicants and their families from St. Francis Cabrini Parish. The following children received First Holy Eucharist on one of three Sundays: April 19, April 26 and May 3: Ava Mueller, Olivia Odimara, Luke Ryan, Olivia Tees, Julia Temple, Alexa Atkinson, Steven Harris, Olivia Milano, Ryan O’Neill, Ryan Rutledge, Jared Swope, Ryder Benjamin, Rylee Brennan, Stanislao Lanzetta, Brianna McFadden, Brooke McFadden, and Keira O’Brien. Congratulations! Congratulations to our First Communicants and their families from Queen of the Universe Parish. The following children received First Holy Eucharist on Saturday, May 2: Caitlyn Affleck, Shayna Blackford, Jack Brennan, Natalie Broskley, Alexandra Campbell, Emma Candy, Monica Cunningham, Harlei Deamer, Ardyn Gaber, Jason Guyon, Jessica Hilton, Ava Irizarry, Daniel Kinniry, William Krall, Kera Leahy, Kaylee McCann, Dylan Monte, Layla Monte, Jacob Morozin, Madisyn Raike, Betsabe Rodriguez, Jake Seiler, Isabel Stepp, Madison Stout, Nathan Sturgis, Miabella Vinciguerro, and Stephen York. May Procession Our annual May procession will be held Thursday, May 7 at 1:15 pm. All are welcome to attend and pray the rosary with us. May Calendar The May calendar is posted under the Parents tab. Breakfast with the Principals If you are interested in an informal chat with the principals, make plans to join us for coffee/tea and pastry on Tuesday, May 12 at 8:15 am. RSVP to Mrs. Eileen Doyle at 215-269-9600 or at by the end of the school day Monday, May 11. Fund Raiser Krispy Kreme is coming! See page 3 of this newsletter for ordering details. Spirit Day Shirts If you wish your child to wear a special shirt (grey or maroon) for Spirit Day (June 5), Kampus Klothes will be taking orders beginning today until May 15. Go to and click on Holy Family Spirit Day Sale. Your child has been assigned to either the grey or maroon team. May God bless all our teachers during National Teacher Appreciation Week– and always! Thank you for teaching and loving our children! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!! Mrs. Linda Robinson Mrs. Kara Haggerty 8th Grade Car Wash May 16th 12:00 —4:00 pm $10.00 per car All money goes to the construction of the new school gym set. Thanks to everyone for your help and support of this year's Bingo Day! MAY’S SPECIAL LUNCH PLEASE REMEMBER Observe the 5 mph speed limit in carline. Student safety is our first priority! For May the Special Lunch is going to be a hoagie from Joe’s Pizza Due date Thursday Thursday, May 21st MAY 7TH The lunch will cost $4.00 and include: Your choice of either a steak or cheesesteak, juice, and chips. Order Form Order form Holy Family Regional Catholic School Mother’s Day Flower Sale May 7th – May 8th Each child is guaranteed one flower. The cost is $2.00 per flower. Additional flowers can be purchased after every class on Friday, May 8th. Flyer Looking Ahead June 2 and June 5 ar e two days that students MUST bring in a lunch. There will be no lunch provided on those days. Orders are due by MAY 21 Order Form HFRCS’ May Procession This year our May Procession will be held on May 7th at 1:15. The procession will start at the back lot of HFRCS. From there the students will process to church. After the crowning the students will again assemble on the back field to recite the rosary. Please join us as we honor Mary on her special day. SAVE THE DATE The Brian F. David Memorial Golf Tournament Saturday, June 6, 2015 Northampton Country Club Shot Gun start 1:30 Proceeds will Benefit Holy Family Regional Catholic School For information call: Matt Burns 310-982-0923 Brian’s Story: Brian David was a lifelong member of St. Frances Cabrini Church who attended St. Frances Cabrini School from k-8, and then attended Conwell-Egan Catholic High School. As a member of the Parish community, Brian volunteered his time throughout the first annual Brian F. David memorial Golf Tournament on June 6, 2014 with all proceeds benefitting Holy Family Regional Catholic School. Golf registrations, tournament challenges and raffle proceeds exceeded $9,000 in its first year. We hope that this year’s tournament will be even more successful. We Need your Help! We are asking our school families to consider participating in the tournament as golfers, or by donating raffle baskets. Gather a foursome and join us for a great day of golf at Northampton Valley Country Club. For information, contact Karen David at 215-946-4040. Look for more information in the coming weeks. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attention All Families! We recently became aware that the Bridge Educational Foundation is accepting requests directly from families through15th. This process differs from the current Bridge program in that families work directly with Bridge rather than the school. It is a competitive process so we suggest you use the attached template and submit to Bridge as soon as feasible. Please note, you must submit the attached statement in order to receive consideration. For information and go to the parents tab for information. The spring Bridge application process remains the same. The applications will be available in the Advancement Office for the spring cycle. As soon as they are received, we will let you know. Call Mary Ann Conway at 215-269-9600, Ext 208questions. Application National Teacher Appreciation Week May 4th- May 8th Important Dates for June 2015 June 2 – Brown Bag Lunch Dare Graduation 7pm H&S will be providing the following special treats to our teachers this week: June 3 – Closing Ceremonies; PK3, PK4 and Kindergarten PK3: 9 am PK4: 10 am Kindergarten: 6pm (Church) June 5 – Spirit Day Brown Bag Lunch Lets join together this week to thank all our teachers at Holy Family!!!!!! Monday-chocolate treat Tuesday-breakfast Wednesday-dress day down for teachers ONLY Thursday-Sweet treats Friday-token of appreciation June 7 – Salute to the Eighth Grade 2pm June 8 – Special Lunch June 9 – No School; Grades 5-8 Special Lunch June 10 – No School; Grades 1-4 Special Lunch Eighth Grade Graduation June 11 – 11:30 Dismissal Award Ceremony No Afternoon Transportation for Pennsbury and Neshaminy bus riders June 12 – 11:30 Dismissal; last day of school Closing Mass at 8:30 No Afternoon Transportation for Pennsbury and Neshaminy bus riders Graduation Dance Ice Cream Social Flyer Parish News SAINT FRANCES CABRINI PARISH COMMUNITY POT OF GOLD LOTTERY May 5, 2015 Grand Prize Winner – NONE Consolation Prize Winner – NONE Next Week’s Jackpot Prize: $58,000 SCRIP IS AVAILABLE 7 DAYS A WEEK! The Scrip Program is moving to the St. Frances Cabrini rectory. The hours for Scrip purchases will now be Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM, Saturday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM and Sunday, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. For more information, please call 215-9464040 or visit our website at Scrip order form SAINT FRANCES CABRINI ANNUAL MAY PROCESSION On Tuesday evening May 5th at 7:00 PM, the Saint Frances Cabrini Parish Community will be gathering for the annual May Procession in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At this time, Saint Frances Cabrini Parish Community is especially inviting their students at Holy Family Regional Catholic School to join in this special evening. The Parish Community’s Eighth graders are asked to wear their graduation gown, the Confirmation students are asked to wear their Confirmation robe, and the First Communion students are asked to wear their First Communion outfits and the fifth and seventh grade altar servers are asked to wear their alb. All other students are asked to join in the procession wearing their Holy Family Regional Catholic School winter uniform. The annual May Procession provides a wonderful opportunity for all our parishioners to give public witness of our love and devotion to the Blessed Mother. Our Regional School students are all asked to join our Parish Religious Education Program students by gathering in the Father Laut School Building by 6:40 PM. In the event of bad weather, we ask that you go directly to church, and follow the direction of the ushers. Our May procession is a unique and fitting way to acknowledge and honor the special role of Our Blessed Mother in the life of Church and in the lives of our families, please plan on joining the Parish Community for the Annual May Procession. Registration Form for Camp Cabrini ALL REGISTRATION FORMS ARE DUE TO THE RECTORY NO LATER THEN JUNE 1ST SO SUPPLIES CAN BE ORDERED – NO EXCEPTIONS
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