Tennis Leaders hale - Hale Gardens Tennis Club

Hale Gardens Tennis Leaders
Wednesday 8th April
The Tennis Leaders course is aimed at 13 years plus who are
starting out on their tennis coaching journey. (Well received on
CV’s). Upon completion coaching certificate and t shirt awarded
For further information contact: 01590 676236
Or Email:
What does the course involve?
 Knowledge of the basics of tennis; strokes, game
formats and variations of the sport
 Understanding how these variations of the game are
used to introduce tennis to people of all ages and
 Learn about effective communication and
organisation skills
 Put your skills into practice on court – in warm up
activities and on court drills
Please return form to Hale Gardens Tennis Club, Hale Gardens, New Milton, Hampshire
BH25 6HA. Cheques payable to Xcel Tennis.
Name (s):……………………………………………………………. Age(s) …………
Tel no:……………………………Emergency no:………………………………………………
Medical conditions:………………………
Amount paid: £………. Date:……………………… Signed:…………………………………..