Campus Ministry - His House Christian Fellowship

Campus Ministry
Spring 2015
It’s just like
riding a bike!
Cycle the Campus is a unique fundraising opportunity to help
the ministry of His House Christian Fellowship. Cyclists ride either
10 (family ride), 25, or 50 miles along a bicycle trail to help raise
support for the ministry. To date, Cycle the Campus has raised
over $450,000 for the ministry.
This year you and your family can raise support and ride 10
miles enjoying special family-friendly stops along the way or
you can individually raise support for the “traditional” Cycle the
Campus rides of either 25 or 50 miles. Ride in either Midland (on
May 30) or Maruqette (on June 6). Register today or support a
rider at
Cycle the Campus-Midland
Cycle the Campus-Marquette
May 30
June 6
According to statistics, at least 1,453 of the 6,976
students on the Michigan Technological University
(MTU) campus have suffered sexual abuse before
even setting foot on campus. Sexual abuse, no
matter how small or large has a profound impact on
a person’s self-image. These students are not only
struggling with school, but with a great deal of shame
and other emotions.
This semester, His House Christian Fellowship
at MTU and women’s coordinator, Megan Smith,
were able to take the lead of a multi-organization,
campus-wide event. In late February, we hosted a
sexual abuse survivor support training that over 30
students attended. We were able to distribute over
600 of Nicole Bromley’s book Hush, which addresses
childhood sexual abuse and points the reader to a
relationship with Jesus Christ. On March 28, Nicole
filled MTU’s largest lecture hall giving her key-note
message entitled “Our Little Secret,” where she
shared her own story of surviving childhood sexual
abuse. In a later question and answer session, she was
able to directly address how she had dealt with pain
and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Altogether we
partnered with 15 different organizations on campus
and raised nearly $10,000, which mostly came from
our campus. It was amazing to see how God could
bring so many different groups together to address
such a sensitive topic. Although we will probably
never see the full impact of the event, we have
confidence that this event will lead to change for
MTU students.
TO GOD BE THE GLORY—Thank you Gary!
If you missed Gary Hawes’ “Celebration of 45 Years of Ministry at His House”
event on March 21, you missed a great time! The speeches, music and
presentations made up the lively, God-honoring evening that focused on
also thanking and honoring Gary and Carole Hawes, for investing their lives
in students for the past 45 ½ years while starting and expanding campus
ministry to twelve campuses in Michigan. About 250 former and current staff,
board members, and students, as well as many friends, came together from
seven states to celebrate what God has done in their lives, through Gary’s
influence. It was a joy to see old friends, vintage pictures and God-honoring
testimonies. People talked and reminisced with the Hawes family after the
program until almost midnight, as the Kellogg Center staff set up around us
for the next event! Thank you Gary and Carole!
2015 Winter Retreats
At the beginning of February, 318 students and staff
traveled to the Upper Peninsula over two weekends for the
His House Winter Retreat. The theme this year was “Build Up
or Shut Up,” based on Ephesians 4:29. The entire weekend
of worship, messages, workshops, campus times, and
quiet times centered on the power of our words on others
and ourselves. Students were challenged to recognize,
reclaim, and refocus their words for God. As they returned
to campus, many students immediately began to put what
they learned into practice. During the weekend, 10 students
were baptized. Praise God for changed hearts!
This spring, 284 students left campus and criss-crossed the country to serve, share, assist, build, and help those in
need of the Gospel message. Students were the hands and feet of Christ in 17 cities, 13 different states, and 2
countries. These short trips often open the eyes of those participating to future life-long ministry possibilities.
Monthly Budget Amount:
Total General Fund Balance:
Miles traveled for Spring Break Trips:
2015 Spring Break Snapshots
Top: SVSU in Fort Pierce, Florida
Middle (L-R): NMC in Topeka,
Kansas, NMU in Juarez, Mexico,
and CMU in Jacksonville, Florida
Bottom (L-R): WMU in Detroit,
Michigan, and GVSU in Ft. Meyers,
Campus house residents: 72
Baptisms this school year: 58
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Church Insurance/Brotherhood Mutual
Michigan Christian Campus Ministries
His House Christian Fellowship
1171 Trowbridge Road
East Lansing, MI 48823
Nonprofit Organization
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East Lansing, MI 48823
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Ministry Messenger electronically? Please
e-mail Michelle at To
date, 251 have switched, why not you?
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Please clip and return to: His House Christian Fellowship--1171 Trowbridge Rd.--E. Lansing, MI 48823
Name Address Would you consider making a special
gift today to help the ministry of
His House Christian Fellowship start
the summer on a positive financial
Enclosed is my gift of: $
Please designate my giving towards (campus or staff):
Please contact me about planned giving options like stock,
real estate, bequests, and other charitable contributions.