ECAN Application - Hudson Highlands Nature Museum

Hudson Highlands Nature Museum
Early Childhood Action in Nature (ECAN) Project
Early Childhood Program Application
1. Contact Information
School Name: _______________________________________________________________________
School Address: ____________________________________ _________________________________
City, State:__________________________________________________ Zip:____________________
Main phone number: ____________________
Main fax number: ________________________
School website: _________________________________________________
School Director:
Name______________________________ Phone:___________________
Primary contact (if different from director):
Name______________________________ Phone:___________________
2. Our school would prefer to participate in the ECAN project:
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Either Fall 2015 OR Spring 2016
3. Does your school follow a specific curriculum or combination of curriculum influences? (Montessori,
Reggio Emilia, High/Scope, etc.?) Please tell us about your curriculum.
[Note: If curriculum is described on your school’s web page, you may simply direct us to that part of your site.]
Hudson Highlands Nature Museum
PO Box 451, Cornwall, NY 12518
(845) 534-5506
4. Have you taken your students on field trips? _________________________
If no, why not? ________________________________________________________________________
If yes, how are your students transported on field trips? _______________________________________
Outdoor Play
5. How much time do you usually spend outdoors with your students daily?
10-20 minutes
20-30 minutes
More than 30 minutes
6. What types of outdoor spaces do you have access to on or near your school property? (check all that
An open field
Blacktop/concrete or parking lot
Grassy slope or hill
Playground (no trees/plants/grass)
Playground with trees/shrubs/grass
We can observe local wildlife when we are outdoors
We go for walks in the neighborhood around our school
We have access to a body of water (pond, creek)
We have our own nature play area (please describe): _______________________________
Wooded areas
Other: __________________________________________________________________
Hudson Highlands Nature Museum
PO Box 451, Cornwall, NY 12518
(845) 534-5506
7. Which activities do your students predominately engage in while outdoors (check all that apply):
Playing/Digging in dirt/sand
Balance activities (walking on fallen logs, raised surfaces)
Climbing activities (jungle gym, etc.)
Water play (stream/puddle/water table)
Playing in seasonal elements (leaves, snow)
Exploration of environment
Group hike/exploration
Playground equipment (swings/slides, etc.)
Balls, ropes
Ride-on Toys
Teacher-organized group games
Other: ________________________________________________________________________
8. What types of situations prevent you from taking your students outdoors? (Check all that apply)
Cold weather (temperatures under _____________)
Warm weather (temperatures above ____________)
Icy conditions in outdoor play space
Lack of availability of outdoor space
Concern about safety/liability
Concern about ticks
Other: ________________________________________
9. Has your school ever participated in any programs conducted by the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum?
(yes/no) _________
If yes, what program (s)?:___________________________________________________________
If yes, where did the program (s) take place (check any that apply):
In-school program at our location
Wildlife Education Center
Outdoor Discovery Center
Grasshopper Grove
10. Have you been to Grasshopper Grove, the HHNM’s Nature Play Area? (yes/no) _____________
Hudson Highlands Nature Museum
PO Box 451, Cornwall, NY 12518
(845) 534-5506
1. Please tell us about your own childhood experiences outdoors (Where did you often play? What
were your favorite outdoor play experiences? )
2. Have you ever led a workshop or spoken at a conference? ___________
If yes, who was the audience attending the conference(s) or workshop(s)? (check all that apply)
Teacher Education students
Open to the Community
3. What would you like to gain from the experience of participating in the Early Childhood Action in
Nature project?
Hudson Highlands Nature Museum
PO Box 451, Cornwall, NY 12518
(845) 534-5506