Issue One - 15 May 2015 ! ZAMBIA FORWARD ! UPND NEWSLETTER Welcome This issue… • Welcome • Lead Article on Freedom of Information • 5 Minutes with… Dr Beyani • Government Watch ! • UPND Updates About the UPND The United Party for National Development (UPND) is a truly national party that stands for progress, good governance and a united Zambia. Founded in 1998, the party believes government is responsible for creating an environment in which businesses can flourish, create jobs and drive economic growth. By focusing on economic management and expanding the size of the economy the UPND proposes to utilize the additional revenues raised to invest in raising the standard of education and healthcare. Contact us Please contacts us with your thoughts and comments at Welcome to the inaugural edition of the UPND Newsletter Zambia Forward. Every fortnight this newsletter will bring you messages from the party leadership, commentary on important policy issues, and update you on the latest party activities. This issue kicks off with an article on Freedom of Information, which sets out the UPND position on why we must enact the Access to Information bill to ensure we have a functioning democracy in which citizens are empowered to hold their government to account. Ensuring government is open and transparent and that citizens are empowered is, in our eyes, a powerful catalyst for national development. In our first 5 Minutes With… feature we interview UPND Director of Policy and Research Dr Choolwe Beyani. Meanwhile, in Government Watch we share updates and perspectives on important developments of the past two weeks. Finally, in Party Updates we present our photo highlights of the past two weeks. We hope you enjoy this inaugural edition of Zambia Forward. We encourage you to share the newsletter with friends by printing and emailing copies to you contacts and encouraging them to subscribe on Facebook at Enjoy! ! ! ! Page 1! of !8 Issue One - 15 May 2015 Access to Information Bill a Catalyst for National Development ! believe everyone has the right to access complete and accurate information in a timely manner. ! The availability of timely, complete and accurate information is a strong catalyst for the economic and political development of any nation. For us, freedom of information is a highly relevant piece of legislation that ensures responsible, accountable and responsive governance. ! Denying the Zambian people the right to access information by refusing to enact the longawaited Access to Information bill, as President Lungu has threatened this past week, impairs the democratic process of our nation and slows down economic and social development as Zambians are unable to participate effectively in the process of governance. Without accurate and complete information, citizens rely on rumours and unconfirmed reports which are a danger to the economic and political growth to maturity of our nation. This indeed is most unfortunate, and 50 years after independence it is such a shame that our nation is held to ransom by denying its citizens the ‘Right to Know’. ! Just as education and health are a priority for us, the ‘Right to Know’ is a top priority that every citizen of Zambia must have. We believe that public bodies are custodians of information not for themselves, no, but for every Zambian citizen and as such, every citizen must have the liberty to know what the Government is doing without fear of arrest, as is the current situation under the PF. For us, we hold transparency and accountability in high esteem, and we strongly The fight against corruption cannot be won if we protect those that perpetuate it through denying citizens access to complete and accurate information. We as UPND believe that a free press and a citizenry with free access to information is not a luxury, it is a right which is key for equitable and sustainable development. A free and vibrant media exposes corruption and makes leaders accountable. A free and vibrant media instills confidence in the citizens to enable them to voice their concerns and opinions, no matter how different they may be, and to us, this is what a nation like ours needs – free flowing information for flourishing ideas. The introduction of similar pieces of legislation, such as the US Freedom of Information Act, elsewhere has strengthened democracy and accountability greatly. ! The need therefore to support the enactment of the Access to Information bill into law is clear, and as such, we take very strong exception that after 13 years of the drafting of the bill, we have a head of state that fears this freedom and is unwilling to give the Zambian people what they want. It is only an oppressive, corrupt and incompetent Government that would be scared of allowing free information to the nation. An honest, transparent and effective Government, and consequently democracy, cannot exist if Government holds citizens at ransom by holding onto their right to freedom of information as is currently happening in Zambia. ! We are actually shocked that Government could go ahead and contract a loan of US$192 million without informing the nation or rather the people that are supposed to pay that loan back. This loan will be paid back by the tax payers. Why then should they not know of its existence when they are expected to pay for it? The way the PF is behaving on this one is akin to a husband who is getting things on credit and does not inform his wife, when the wife asks why there is no money for mealie meal he answers that he is paying debts. These debts that PF is contracting will constrict this country’s ability to provide key basic social services. This Government is mortgaging this country. Due to the non existence of the bill, we do not even know the terms of this new loan. ! Page 2! of !8 Issue One - 15 May 2015 How many other debts has this country contracted ‘privately’ we wonder? This particular loan is thought to be structured in such a way that Zambia will pay, but the equipment will be supplied by China the same people giving us the loan. To whose benefit is this loan? There is a similar loan that has been structured in that manner for the 650 health posts, with the materials being imported from India where we obtained the loan. Again, we ask in whose interests are we doing this? We fully back our brothers and sisters who have spoken out following comments by President Lungu that he may not enact the Access to Information Bill. The law is already long overdue and the threat to delay it, potentially indefinitely, is the latest example of betrayal of the Zambian people by the PF Government. 3. We will work with all stakeholders to increase the levels of awareness of the public about the importance of the ATI law and how they can exercise their freedoms under it to request information in their interest. For this, the media, both print and electronic will be core partners 4. We will also ensure the enactment of the new constitution that introduces other provisions that will help to better balance the power between Government and the people in the peoples’ favour. 5. We will also ensure media is given the freedom to report without pressure from Government, because we know that democracy and sustainable economic development requires that a free media is sustained. ! Let us touch a bit on the constitution so that this debate can be properly situated. If we had a constitution that compels Government to seek approval from parliament to contract loans, that would ameliorate this situation on this particular matter. But that is not happening, we do not have a constitution that protects the public from contracting loans. We would like to challenge President Lungu to tell us what security threat exists by telling the Zambians that we have obtained a loan to beef up military equipment? We are not asking President Lungu and PF to tell us how many fighter jets they are buying or how many AK47s or Light Machine Guns they are buying. We just want to know the terms of that loan, and who will supply the equipment, whether its Zambian Companies or Chinese Companies. That is not much to ask. ! Our Approach: 1. We will ensure that the ATI bill is passed into law within the shortest possible time of the UPND’s leadership. 2. W e w i l l e n s u r e t h a t a t h o r o u g h implementation plan will be laid out to ensure effective participation of all citizens and stakeholders. ! ! ! ! ! ! 6. We will make better communication by State House to the people a priority, including regular press conferences by the President that include a media Q&A. UPND will run a transparent system. We are aware that the mandate given to any Government is from the people, and that Government must be accountable to its people not only on delivery of the promises those in power make, but also on presiding over the national resource wealth. Presiding over resources means consulting on the deployment of those resources and then managing and monitoring them prudently. Clearly our friends who are in Government now want to think of governing as a secret and therefore want to hide as much as they can. We can’t say with certainty why they are behaving in this manner but we know that they are hiding something. We would like to urge everyone to join the fight for the FOI bill. ! ! Together , We Can ! Hakainde Hichilema UPND President Page 3! of 8! Issue One - 15 May 2015 5 Minutes With… Dr Choolwe Beyani ! This week we speak to Dr Choolwe Beyani, the Director for Policy and Research in the UPND. What does your position involve day to day? My position is responsible for designing new policy positions, making changes to the manifesto of the party and guiding party organs on the correct policy position of the party. When a contentious issue arises for instance like the amendments to the constitution proposed by the PF government the party takes a position and advises all concerned of the correct position. ! In your opinion what is the greatest challenge facing Zambia? The greatest challenge the country is facing is the mass poverty our people face, quite a paradox in a land of plenty. The country has abundant natural and human resources but which have not been harnessed to the benefit of its people. ! ! What do you think is the greatest opportunity open to Zambia? The greatest opportunity to Zambia lies in the industry of its people to harvest resources for the benefit of all. ! When did you become interested in politics and why? I have expressed political interest since my undergraduate days at the University of Zambia. Influenced by radical left politics of the era I was a keen student of revolutionary politics. Having studied world history and the political economy of development, I have refused to accept the condition of perpetual poverty and domination of foreign interests on our socio-economic formation. I am a keen believer in the emancipation of our people from political and economic bondage. ! What causes are you passionate about? I am passionate about liberated development anchored on our people, especially women and youth. I am a human rights advocate and campaigner, as well as an environmentalist. For the latter, I am particularly appalled by the environmental degradation that is itself a function of poor and blind governance systems. I am worried for the future of our land when I look at the pollution of our water bodies by reckless and unbridled private capital, I am appalled by the deforestation of our land which is affecting weather patterns and endangering the future of our ecosystem. ! Where do you get your inspiration from? My inspiration is garnered from that which has come before us. The rise from poverty of the peoples of Russia, China, Cuba and Eastern Tiger economies, India etc tells me that together we can change this country as others have done. The peoples of this country and their many travails inspire me to contribute to a better Zambia that will leave a legacy long after we have departed from this life. ! Tell us something about yourself that not many people know I was born in a simple village and went to school often without shoes until secondary school. People will probably not know that I do not eat junk food regularly and that I used to do Karate. People might also not know that I love cooking. ! ! ! ! ! ! Page 4! of 8! Issue One - 15 May 2015 ! ! ! ! ! ! Lifting the Wage Freeze At this year's Labour day celebrations President Lungu announced the lifting of the wage freeze. However, as UPND Chairman for Labour and Industrial Relations Percy Chanda pointed out the timelines set for wage negotiations following the announcement means that an increase is unlikely before the end of year when the freeze was due to expire in any case. As UPND a decision was taken not to join in with the Labour day celebrations in protest as Government's failure to address serious challenges facing workers across the country, including casualization, limited training and career progression opportunities, as well as low salaries but a rising cost of living. Our full statement on Why Zambian Workers Deserve Better can be read at ! Freedom of Information President Lungu has alarmed civil society and media alike by threatening not to enact the Access to Information bill that has been in the pipeline for many years now and was a 2011 PF election promise. UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has publicly called for its enactment, also reminding the PF Government of their broken promise to deliver the new constitution and the pressing need to reform the Public Order Act. ! Police Pressure During our latest tour to meet local communities and thank Zambians for their support in the 2015 presidential by-election (See Party Updates for photos and more details) we have once again come under threat from those who would see our movements restricted. We continue to support the urgent reform of the Public Order Act that has been abused in such instances. It is not only our democratic right to meet with and consult supporters and citizens across the country, but also for Zambians everywhere to meet peacefully and without fear for all manner of reasons. ! Defamation Charges to Hit Eric Chanda New Revolution Party President Cozmo Mumba is reportedly set to file criminal charges against Eric Chanda, leader of the Fourth Revolution Party, for defaming President Edgar Lungu. !! ! PARTY UPDATES ! Over the last two weeks we have been touring Chongwe, Rufunsa, Kanyama and Mandevu constituencies in Lusaka Province to meet the people, hear more about the daily challenges they face and their hopes for the future, as well as to thank many of our supporters for their goodwill and continued efforts. We plan to continue touring the country to thank as many people as possible in the coming weeks and months. During this time we have also released two weekly policy statements: Education is a right for our youths and Economic Policy Inconsistencies. If you want to know where we stand on these issues we would encourage you to read them at ! Here are some photographic highlights from the last week: Page 5! of !8 Issue One - 15 May 2015 Itope welcomes UPND President Hakainde Hichilema on Friday 8 May 2015. HH addresses crowds in Itope on Friday 8 May 2015. He delivers a message of unity, potential, and the need for Zambians to come together to deliver change. Friends and marketeers showing us around in Ntibantiba on 9 May 2015. Buying sweet potatoes at the market in Ntibantiba on 9 May 2015. Last weekend we attended Chinyunyu SDA Church service and visited St Andrews Catholic Parish Church. Greeting friends and supporters in Chinyunyu on 9 May 2015 Page 6! of 8! Issue One - 15 May 2015 Greeting congregation members after a lovely service at St Luke's Mission in Rufunsa on 10 May 2015. Taking the time to hear more from the good people at St Luke's Mission in Rufunsa on 10 May 2015. Helping out at Zambia Council for the Handicapped on 11 May 2015 we heard more about the challenges differently abled Zambians are facing... ... and discussed some of the opportunities for empowering individuals and communities to go much further. Taking the time to talk and laugh with community members in Linda Compound Kanyama on 11 May 2015. The people there shared with us some insight into the daily challenges they face... ...Unsurprisingly the need for job creation and support for local businesses and entrepreneurs came up time and time again, as well as the high cost of living. Page 7! of 8! Issue One - 15 May 2015 As well as listening we spent some time helping out in the community while we got to know some of the people and their businesses. Many small and medium sized local businesses have received no support from the PF Government, while rising fuel and food prices have made it more difficult to make ends meet. Taking the bus from Chazanga to Kabanana was a chance to discuss the just announced fuel price increases on 12 May 2015. At the market in Chazanga there was a friendly atmosphere despite the tough conditions marketeers are facing. Talking with marketeers and traders in Chazanga on 12 May 2015, where we enjoyed the company of friends, old… ! … and young. Page 8! of 8!
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