TODAY’S VOLUNTEERS: Altar Steward: Suzanne Johnston The Well Setup: Trustee: UMYF for ALL Rising 7th-12th Graders Jody Muldrow Media Operators: 8:15 & 10:30 Upcoming UMYF Schedule: TONIGHT: NO UMYF (Happy Memorial Day!) May 31: UMYF, 6-8pm in the gym. We’ll be making special June 7: June 14: June 21: deliveries to some new friends . . . and we just might eat ice cream, too! Ugandan Children’s Choir! Concert and dinner with the choir, details TBD. UMYF, 6-8pm in the gym No UMYF (Happy Father’s Day!) PROMOTION SUNDAY On Sunday, May 31 all children and their parents are invited to join us in the Chapel at 9:15am for our annual Promotion Sunday celebration. Each child will be recognized for his/her participation in Sunday school, and each class will demonstrate something they have learned this year. We will also salute our teachers for volunteering their time to guide and nurture Hibben's children. Monday, May 25 David Smith Jimmy Hinson The Well Music Leader: 10:45 Heather Caffarel Children’s Church: Helpers: Lay Readers: 8:15 10:30 Ushers: Hey Youth! Ever been curious about the belief systems of other religions? Let’s find out together this summer! Jennifer Roberts (with a little help from those of other faiths) will lead you through Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism. We’ll do a little research together one week, then visit a place of worship the next. This 8-week study starts Tuesday, June 23 @ 10:00am in the youth room and ends August 11. Join us each week, or come when you can. We begin with Islam on June 23 and visit a mosque on June 30. To sign up, or questions, contact Jennifer at or 270-1161. Team Daniel THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES: Sunday, May 24 8:15 am Early Worship 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship 10:45 am The Well Linda Abbitt Kim Dowd Ed Westwood Kim Dowd 8:15 Worship Paul Cross Cecil Mills 10:30 Worship Ron Chinness Bryant Davis Tom Garbett Kathy Huey Charles Muldrow Craig Rhyne, Sr. Acolytes: 8:15 10:30 Caitlyn Fairey CJ Hand 8:15 10:30 Kristin Fairey Jacob Hand May 24, 2015 Church Office Closed Tuesday, May 26 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Wolves Young Adults Church Council Webelos/Tigers Boy Scouts/Bears Wednesday, May 27 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 7:30 pm Evening Bible Study Men’s Bible Study Handbells Chancel Choir Thursday, May 28 5:00 pm Stephen Ministry Friday, May 29 No Scheduled Activities Saturday, May 30 8:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous Crucifer: Greeters: 10:30 David Smith Charles & Alexa Ackerman Shirley Cauthen Needed supplies include: hand towels (15"x25" to 17"x27") wash cloths combs (at least 6 inches long, no pocket combs or picks) metal nail file or clippers (no emery boards) bath-sized soap (3 oz. or larger, no Ivory or Jergens) toothbrushes (adult size only) adhesive bandages (3/4"-1" wide, common band-aids) gallon ziploc bags Donations may be left in the Narthex. Thank you for helping us provide a tangible way for children to connect the dots in sharing God's love with others in need! Your Ministry Team Rev. Dr. James C. Hunter Pastor Rev. Kathryn O. Hunter Pastor Sara Flores Missionary to Ecuador Elizabeth Connell Dir. Youth Ministry Kim Dowd Dir. Children’s Ministry Heather Caffarel Well Worship Coord. Jennifer Roberts Discipleship Director Steven Jones Media Ministry Director Candace Dellinger Business Mgr. Cheryl Cummings Executive Assistant Nancie Willett PreSchool Co-Dir. Robin Robertson PreSchool Co-Dir. H. Scott Brunson Director of Music Pam Brunson Organist Norma Taylor Pianist Frankie Lewis Sexton Joyce Baldwin Nursery Coordinator Rev. Dr. Cecil Pottieger Retired Clergy Rev. David Lupo Clergy Spiritual Reflection Transformative religion is always much more about the now than the future. How you do anything is finally how you do everything. How you do relationship is how you do relationship – with your job, your family, animals, nature, the present moment and God. As other teachers have said, “If you are here now, you will be there then.” If you can be present to love and live now, you are ready for heaven. If you do not know how to be present, how would you possibly be ready for the Real Presence? If you cannot see the good, the true and the beautiful now, how would you know how to enjoy the “Beatific Vision?” If you cannot allow the beatific embrace of God now, why would you tomorrow when you die? What you are now, what you choose now, what you say yes to now, is what you will be forever. Richard Rohr From Wild Man to Wise Man Heritage Sunday 8:15 Leslie Tanner Lou Anderson, Mike Taylor Health Kit Supply Drive Supplies for assembling UMCOR health kits by our VBS children continues. Please consider providing the items for one or more health kits. Hibben Happenings Attendance May 17, 2015 Sunday School 8:15 Worship 10:30 Worship The Well 155 55 245 76 Giving 2015 General Budget Rec’d Toward Budget Apr. 2015 Rec’d Year To Date Special Offering Rec’d Last Week: Epworth Let’s Finish It! $913,506.00 58,755.09 264,383.02 500.00 649.00 We are making our debt disappear! Our current loan balance as of 4/30/15 is $340,607. Please use the pink envelope marked “Let’s Finish It” to make your offering toward debt reduction. Today is Heritage Sunday, as set by action of the General Conference. It is set aside specifically for remembering our legacy as United Methodists. The day provides an opportunity for reflection on heritage, celebration of where the Church has been, how it understands itself as it shapes us today, and the meaning of Christian conferencing. Heritage Sunday calls the Church to remember the past by committing itself to the continuing call of God. This year’s theme is “Welcoming the Stranger,” which includes the role immigration, hospitals, homes, orphanages, the poor, the outcast, education, etc., has played in the history of The United Methodist Church. Concerns & Opportunities “Things Will Get Better– Just Hold On.” ATTENTION RISING 5th & 6th GRADERS! Are you ready to discover how Jesus Outshines Life's Trials (J.O.L.T.)? Join in the fun and learning at Camp J.O.L.T. June 15-18, 9:00 ‘til noon here at Hibben. Each day will be jammed with chances to create, play, learn, perform, and do some whacky-off-thewall stuff that will get your heart racing. Registration forms can be found on Hibben's website, in the church office, and in the children/youth ministry office. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Connell ( Invite friends! You appreciate your friend’s concern. But until things do get better, you need extra support. A Stephen Minister would like to provide that caring concern by being there to listen. Next Sunday, May 31st, at the 10:30 worship service, we will commission our new Stephen Ministers. Those who have completed 50-hours of training and are ready to serve are: Bruce Harple, Kim Brown, Cheryl Boyle, Shelia Sparks, Mary Ann Bolt, Sharon Thompson, Nancy Baker, Courtney Harlan, Guerry Taylor and Kathryn Hunter. If you are interested in knowing more about receiving care for yourself or someone else, please contact Nancy Baker ( or Kathryn Hunter ( Would you like to become a part of Hibben’s Hospitality Team on Sunday morning? Whether you worship during the 8:15, 10:30 or The Well service, this is an opportunity to help Hibben welcome guests and to extend the hand of hospitality. Mark your calendar for our Hospitality Workshop on Sunday, May 31 at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary. Learn how, by practicing hospitality, we become part of God’s invitation to new life and we offer the support of a church home. Registration for VBS is currently taking place. Registration forms are available in the children/youth ministry office, the church office, and on Hibben's website ( All children ages 3 through rising 4th grade are invited to participate June 15-18, 9:00am-12:00pm. Space in each age group is limited, so be sure to register early! For more information, contact Kim Dowd ( or 884-9761). Registration Forms Available . . . . at the side entrance to the sanctuary, The Well information table, and church office. The retreat dates are September 18-20. For more information, contact Jennifer Roberts at or (843) 270-1161. Neighborhood Gatherings Our Next Women's Gathering Mathis Ferry Neighborhood Gathering Thursday, June 11 at 6:00pm in the CLLC Bring your favorite picnic food! It can be sandwiches, side Sunday, May 31 @ 6:45pm The Palms dish or dessert. This will be a "working meeting" (see below), so we want to have foods we can eat on the go. AND . . . . We’ll meet at The Palms for a goodbye reception for the Hunters. Cookies, desserts & refreshments will be served. Questions? Contact Stephenie Hewett at HewettS@Citadel.Edu Let's help our children's ministry get ready for VBS! Vacation Bible School will run from June 15-18, and we will be helping put finishing touches on VBS preparations at the women's gathering. There will be something for everyone: Crafts to help prepare, rooms to help decorate. Some tasks will call for sitting, while others will call for moving things around the church. Wear comfortable clothes for our casual, indoor picnic, working gathering. Questions? Contact Jennifer at (843)270-1161 or Longpoint Neighborhood Gathering Sunday, June 7 @ 6:30pm Hosted by: Brian & Mary Anne Larkin 187 Revetment Lane (Battery Point-Belle Hall Subdivision) RSVP: (843) 209-9872 We provide the meat for the cookout. You bring the side dishes, dessert & beverages! Calling All Young Adults (That’s anyone college age through early 30’s) VBS Registration Women’s Retreat You are invited to join us at our weekly Young Adult Gathering in the church library on Tuesdays at 6:30pm. It’s a great way to get to know other young adults at Hibben. If you are home from college for the summer, you’re encouraged to come! Need more information? Contact Jennifer Roberts at or 270-1161. Hibben Summer School 101 ◄ June 2 – June 20 ► Tuesdays 10:00 – 11:30am Sandie Griffeth will be leading a study of selected parables of Jesus. The class is open to men, women and youth. Attend one session, or all. No study book required, just bring your Bible and join us. Contact Sandie at or 971-1266. East Cooper Faith Network Seeking New Board Member The East Cooper Faith Network (ECFN) is looking for a new Board member to work with our organization, its volunteers, churches, and schools to keep their I-BEAM, Fix-it, and Youth Summer Programs thriving. Specifically, we are recruiting for a talented and committed volunteer willing to serve in the following capacity: Marketing/PR/Communications Professional: This position will help create and lead a subcommittee to build and implement a marketing/communications plan for the EC Faith Network. Experience in (e)newsletters, graphic design, web design (WordPress) and communications is needed. We invite you to join this energized group of community volunteers and faith partners. Should you feel this faith call and/or wish to learn more about this opportunity, please contact Thom Gault at 843-300-8206 or Additional information on ECFN can be found at Hibben United Methodist Church 690 Coleman Boulevard Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 (843) 884-9761 *HYMN OF THE DAY No. 2173 (FWS) Shine, Jesus, Shine (10:30 Worship) Children age 4 – 8 years may be dismissed for Children’s Church under the direction of adult volunteers. Children will be reunited with their parents during the Hymn of Sending. SERMON TEXT HIBBEN AT WORSHIP Acts 2:1-21 May 24, 2015 Leader: People: Please refer to the overhead screen for responsive readings and unison prayers. The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. SERMON Rev. Kathryn Hunter On Fire! PASTORAL PRAYER AND LORD’S PRAYER GATHERING AND WELCOME CALL TO WORSHIP Responsive TIME OF CENTERING OFFERING All things come from you, O God, and with praise and thanksgiving we return to you what is yours. Come, Holy Spirit OFFERTORY *PROCESSIONAL HYMN Willan Holy Spirit, Light Divine No. 698 God of the Ages *DOXOLOGY *OPENING PRAYER No. 94 Unison SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Apostles’ Creed *GLORIA PATRI (8:15) No. 15 No. 881 *HYMN OF SENDING Breathe on Me, Breath of God No. 71 *BENEDICTION COVENANT OF HOLY BAPTISM AND RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS Finley James Ristau Infant son of Paul & Cherie Ristau Rev. Kathryn Hunter No. 33 *POSTLUDE Reichel A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing *If able, please stand Juel Annalyn Johnson Daughter of Julee Johnson (Congregational Hymn No. 611) PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Unison Holy Spirit, come and speak anew to us this day. May we make room in our hearts and lives for what you offer us. Amen. *GOSPEL READING John 16:4b-15 Leader: People: No. 420 The Gospel of our Lord. Praise to you, O Christ. ANTHEM (10:30) Titcomb I Will Not Leave You Comfortless ~ Sanctuary Flowers ~ The flowers have been placed on the altar today by Helen Hiser to the glory of God in celebration of the marriage of Jesse and Danielle Recinos and also in loving memory of J. Keith and Norma Hiser.
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