TEXAS A&M AGRILIFE EXTENSION March 2015, Volume 25, Issue 7 March March Inside this issue: Agent’s Corner 2 4-H Event Calendar 3 4-H News 4 Activities: Activities: March 3-7: South Texas Agriculture Round up April DateTBA : County Round Up 4-H News 5 March 5: Photography Judging 4-H News 6 March 12-22: 4-H News Rio Grande Valley Live stock Show and Rodeo 7 4-H News 8 March 24: County Council Meeting/ALPA March 28: District 12 Fashion Show 4-H Congratulations 4-H News in Agriculture Hidalgo County th 410 N. 13 Ave Edinburg, Texas 68541 Ph: 956-383-1026 Fax :956-383-1635 http://hidalgo.agrilife.org 910 April 28th: County Council & ALPA Meeting 11 Want to write about your 4-H experience? Submit your article to the 4-H Spotlight! Email joey.gutierrez@ag.tamu.edu This newsletter can be viewed online @ http://hidalgo.agrilife.org Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Hidalgo County 4-H Times March 2015 1|Page 4-H NEWS Hello 4--‐H Families and 4-‐Her, It’s that time again folks!!! Its Stockshow Season, hope everyone is ready to go and their animals as well. The South Texas Agricultural Round up is in the first week of March 3/3-3/7 look on the website for schedule of check ins and check outs. We also are fast approaching the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show there are only a few weeks left for it. I wish the best of luck to everyone, hope everyone is on the best behavior. The rest of the agents and I will be there to show our support for you all and take pictures for the next month’s newsletter. In Mid February I went to see the 4-Hers show their animals in the San Antonio Livestock show. I was very pleased with their skills of being in a major stock show. So a big thank you to the Parents and 4-Hers that represented Hidalgo County in the San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo. In other news we would like to welcome our new horticulture agent Ashley Gregory she is from Edinburg, and has been with Extension for six years, working as a program assistant for Dr. Juan Anciso in support of food safety and related programs. Most recently she took a position with the Texas Water Resources Institute working with Jaime Flores on the Arroyo Colorado and supporting BMPs such as the soil testing program and related efforts. Ashley got her Bachelor's Degree in Agribusiness from Texas State University with a concentration in Horticulture. She received her Master's Degree in Plant Science from Texas A&M – Kingsville where she did research on the ACP (Asian Citrus Psyllid), which is the vector insect for Citrus Greening. Please help us welcome her to our office. As always please feel free to contact the Extension Office if you have any questions about any of your projects. Good Luck at the Shows everyone! Sincerely, Andrea Valdez, County Extension Agent Family & Consumer Sciences Joey Gutierrez, County Extension Agent 4-H Youth Development Brad Cowan, County Extension Agent AG/Natural Resources Joanne Ureste, County Extension Agent Family Resources County Council Meeting March 24, 2014 at 6:30pm ALL 4-H MEMBERS WELCOME! Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Hidalgo County 4-H Times March 2015 2|Page 4-HNEWS NEWS 4-H Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Hidalgo County 4-H Times March 2015 3|Page 4-H News Rural Youth Loans U.S. Department of Agriculture’s/ Farm Service Agency (FSA) ———————————————————————————————————————- The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) makes operating loans of up to $5,000 to eligible individual rural youth, ages ten (10) through twenty (20) to finance income producing, agriculture-related projects. Project must be of modest size, educational and initiated, developed and carried out by rural youth participating in 4-H clubs, FFA or a similar organization. For more information and applications, contact Vidal Saenz, Extension Agent CEP (Farm Advisor) at (956)383-1026. To view the fact sheet, just follow the link: http://hidalgo.agrilife.org/4-h-youth-development/4-hnewsletters/ Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Hidalgo County 4-H Times March 2015 4|Page 4-H NEWS Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Hidalgo County 4-H Times March 2015 5|Page 4-H NEWS Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Hidalgo County 4-H Times March 2015 6|Page 4-H NEWS Claudia Martinez from Queen City 4-H had the opportunity to represent Texas in the Western National Roundup held in January in Denver Colorado. Western National Roundup provides a place for youth to compete nationally while encouraging teamwork. She was able to gain experience and meet new friends. Congratulations!!! Great Job 4 Winds!!!! On Feburary 8th,2015 the Four Winds 4-H club Members Donated items for Adult Protective Services clients in needReporter: Zachary Iglesias Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Hidalgo County 4-H Times March 2015 7|Page 4-H CONGRATULATIONS Great Job 4-Hers and Parents!!!! Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Hidalgo County 4-H Times March 2015 8|Page 4-H NEWS IN AGRICULTURE Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Hidalgo County 4-H Times March 2015 9|Page 4-H NEWS IN AGRICULTURE Message from Kylie Boykin!! Good Afternoon! I have attached some important information for ALL leaders, so please share with everyone! First: Staging Area Map/Schedule This is the new staging area information. Every chapter must report to this staging area FIRST for check in. Here is a list of reminders: 1. NO CHUTES FOR CATTLE 2. Bring copies of validation papers for backup 3. RULE 8. SUBSTITUTE EXHIBITORS: All animals must be exhibited by their owners. Exception: When an exhibitor has more than one project entered AND being judged at the same time. (Premium Book, pg. 41) 4. RULE 14. GROOMING OF ANIMALS: Only immediate family members, Ag Teachers, 4-H Club Managers, County Extension Agents, and certified 4-H Group Leaders of that group, (for all Jr. Shows) will be allowed to help/fit exhibitor’s animals on the show grounds during the 2015 Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show, March 13-22. (Premium Book, pg. 42) Kylie Jo Boykin Livestock Secretary Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show Mercedes, TX 78570 Phone: 956-565-2456 Educational programs of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. Fax: 956-565-3005 www.rgvls.com Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Hidalgo County 4-H Times March 2015 10 | P a g e
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