Journey Into Awareness

Journey Into Awareness
An Introduction to
Equine-Facilitated Learning
for Health, Counseling & Equine Professionals
Sunday, June 28, 2015 from 10-2pm
Enjoy a day of experiential learning with the horse as your
guide. Discover why Equine Facilitated Learning is gaining
popularity as a unique and effective approach in helping
individuals with emotional challenges such as trauma, anxiety
and depression.
From a Counseling Professional -“This was one of the most incredible
experiences. The horses are such
beautiful beings and transform, shift
energy in ways that are so natural.”
Horses have been described as dynamic, graceful and
gentle. We seem to be naturally drawn to their quiet
strength. It is the horses’ sensitive and intuitive nature,
which allows them to mirror the feelings of others,
providing valuable information about ourselves.
Workshop attendees will learn how the horse helps us
develop an understanding of:
Intention & Mindfulness - Self Awareness
Effective Communication - Trust-based relationships
Join us at Hidden Acres Farm, 45 Gabriel Dr., Naugatuck, CT
Experience with horses is not required. Workshop attendees will take part in hands-on ground exercises (not riding)
guided by Branwen O’Shea-Refai, LCSW and Jeanna Pellino, PATH Instructor & Equine Specialist in Mental Health &
Learning. To register, complete bottom portion & return with payment June 15, 2015. Space is limited. Session cost: $99
per person. Questions? Call 203-516-8380 or email (4 CEUs for Social Workers, LMFT, LPC,
and licensed psychologists)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Complete & return this section
Please register me for the Sunday, June 28th – Journey Into Awareness Workshop
Name:_____________________________________________________________________________tel. _________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________Zip ___________________________
Email____________________________________________________________________Occupation ________________________________________________
(select one) I have no horse experience____
Some horse experience _____ Significant horse exp._____
Please make check payable & return to: Hidden Acres TRC, PO Box 1879, Naugatuck, CT 06770