Highland Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Citrus Harvest Festival March 28, 2015 VENDOR APPLICATION Return Application To: Highland Area Chamber of Commerce PO BOX 455, Highland, CA 92346 (909) 864-4073 FAX (909) 864-4583 hcoc@highlandchamber.org 1. Name of Business or Group: 2. Contact Person: 3. Address: 4. Telephone: FAX: 5. Email Address: Website: 6. Permits Required With Application: State Board of Equalization Permit No: Highland Business License No: Exp. Date: Highland Special Event Permit Non Profit Tax ID: SB County Food Handlers Certificate/Health Permit Insurance Certificate (Food Concessions & Activities Only) Naming Highland Area Chamber of Commerce as additional insured OR 7. VENDOR TYPE: Check one Direct Sales Food Activity(Rock climb, car show, petting zoo, pony ride) Nonprofit or Government Organization Entertainment 8. Items to be sold or distributed. PLEASE INCLUDE PHOTO &/OR BROCHURE. Items not listed cannot be sold 9. Describe activity, demonstration, or entertainment to be provided: FEES: Direct Sales***************************************************** $80.00 (Chamber Members 25% off) Food*********************************************************** $200.00 Nonprofit/Government Organizations****************************** $40.00 Activity/Entertainment (contact Chamber Office)********************* Number of booths X Fees = Late FEE: add $15 if after March 9, 2015 Page 1 of 2 $ $ Total Amount $ Highland Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Citrus Harvest Festival March 28, 2015 VENDOR APPLICATION Return Application To: Highland Area Chamber of Commerce PO BOX 455, Highland, CA 92346 (909) 864-4073 FAX (909) 864-4583 hcoc@highlandchamber.org FEE Payment Information Check Enclosed Money Order Enclosed Mastercard/VISA/Discover/Amex (please circle) credit card number expiration CC ID# PO number if applicable Name on card Billing Address Registered for this Card City State Zip Code HIGHLAND AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CITRUS HARVEST FESTIVAL PERFORMANCE LIABILITY RELEASE I, (print full name)_____________________________________________________fully understand that my participation in the Highland Area Chamber of Commerce Citrus Harvest Festival (Hereinafter “special event”) exposes me to the risk of personal injury, death or property damage. I hereby acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in this event and agree to assume any and all such risks. I further acknowledge my likeness and image will be used for promotional purposes for this event. I agree to release all rights to my likeness in support of all marketing and promotion. I hereby release, discharge and agree not to sue The Highland Area Chamber of Commerce, and all event sponsors for any injury, death or damage to or loss of personal property arising out of, or in connection with, my participation in the special event from whatever cause, including the active or passive negligence of the Highland Area Chamber of Commerce, event sponsors and/or any other participants in the special event. In consideration for being permitted to participate in the special event, I hereby agree, for myself, my heirs, administrator s, executors and assigns, that I shall indemnify and hold harmless the Highland Area Chamber of Commerce and all event sponsors from any and all claims, demands actions or suits arising out of or in connection with my participation in the special event. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS AND AGREEMENT NOT TO SUE AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THAT IT IS FULL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY AND SIGN IT ON MY OWN FREE WILL. Signature (Legal Parent/Guardian signature if under 18 years of age) Page 2 of 2 Date
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