May 12, 2015 - Highlands Christian Church

Highlands Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Volume 58 Issue 19 May 12, 2015
Norm’s Nurture Notes
Highlands Christian Church has a reputation for being a
great church for a young pastor. You have helped
several pastors get off to a good start and have people
with great wisdom and wonderful encouragement to
share. When Rev. Jonathan Brink comes, you will have
another opportunity to help a bright new pastor grow in
ministry. I sense a positive attitude about this that I am
praying you’ll be able to build on in the coming years.
As a new pastor, you may feel the urge to tell Pastor
Brink, “this is the way we do things.” If you hear those
words, see if you can hold them back before you speak
them. Let him lead you into new avenues of worship,
learning and service. Try things that stretch you, even if
they mean letting go of cherished traditions and habits.
Give enough time to work with them so you get good
enough to do them well.
When I came as your interim pastor, we all knew it would
be for a short term. You have taken wonderful care of
Candy and me and made us feel not only welcome but
appreciated and very much as home. Some of the young
pastors who have served with you in the past did not
stay very long. They built up experience and reputation,
and what they gained from serving with Highlands
Christian Church went to great advantage of the larger
church. You can be justifiably proud on this contribution,
as I know many are thankful for what they have received
because of you. I am neither a prophet nor a seer, so I
don’t know what is coming around the corner you are
turning with Pastor Brink, but I do hope and pray for a
long-term and fruitful relationship.
Also, let him learn. Not only does that mean passing on
what you have learned as the people of this church
over the years, but also be willing to ride through some
bumps in the road and even some dead ends and
seeming failures with good humor and encouraging
support. As Thomas Edison answered when asked
about the hundreds of failures to find the right filament
for an electric lamp, “I have learned what doesn’t work
so I can find what does.”
One reason for this is to encourage you to adopt a longrange vision of the ministry that lies ahead of you with
Pastor Brink. Connect with him with the expectation of
permanence. Beware of unconsciously assuming he will
be moving on and thus not entrusting him with your
personal spiritual journeys and the enduring future of
Highlands Christian Church. Typically, you can expect
Jonathan to bring his church membership to Highlands
Christian Church. It is up to you to ensure that this is not
a bureaucratic transaction but that he feels you are his
spiritual community invested, not just in the work he
does for you, but also for your partnership on his faith
journey with Jesus.
By building a long-term relationship with Pastor Brink,
you help insure the stability and momentum of the
congregation and your mission in the Lake Highlands
area. It can take five years to build the kind of
foundations on which momentum can develop. The fruit
becomes evident after ten of fifteen years. This is what
Jim Collins called “the flywheel principle” in his book
Good to Best. Energy put in early may not seem to move
much, but once is becomes what Eugene Peterson calls
“a long obedience in the same direction,” the payoff is
Finally, welcoming Jonathan fully into the community of
Highlands Christian Church is also important for the
marriage relationship of Jonathan and Sara. This time
while he has been serving in Kansas while she was in
school in Texas and serving at Juliette Fowler has been
a challenge for their young marriage. They are looking
forward to being together and building their marriage
with joy. Nourishing their relationship is also part of your
role as a congregation. I do not know what direction
Sara’s ministry will take once she graduates, but I want
to remind you of a couple of important principles. One is
that when you called Jonathan, you were not getting a
two-for-one deal. Sara will have her own calling and
ministry distinct from Highlands Christian Church.
Please do not impose outdated “pastor’s wife”
expectations on her. But do let them know that the
quality of their marriage is a high priority to the church.
Love Jonathan and Sara as God’s special gifts to
Highlands Christian Church, as surely they are, and
they will discover that you are God’s gift to them as
Norman Stolpe
Interim pastor
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
9:30 a Quilters
7:30 p Choir
Saturday, May 16, 2015
9:00 a Men’s Breakfast
Sunday, May 17, 2015
9:45 a Sunday School
11:00 a Worship
1:00 p Worship at Lake Highlands Brookdale
May 15—May 29, 2015
Chris out of the office.
Coming Events
Thursday, May 21, 2015
7:00 p Blessing of the rooms affected by the 10/2/14 straight line
7:30 p Elder meeting at the church
Sunday, May 24, 2015
12:00 p Reception for Norm and Candy Stolpe
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Jonathan’s first day in the office
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Jonathan’s first day in the pulpit
Serving: Sunday, May 17, 2015
Elders at Table
and Shut-Ins:
Tom and Elena Stephens
Offering Counter:
Renee Bowen
Lead Deacon:
Cindy Whisennand
Dietrich Whisennand
Prepare Communion:
Derek Muncy
Gray Bowen
Worship Leader
Kim Brashear
Fellowship 15
May 2015
No Sunday School classes are signed up.
This Sunday Mark Read, Tom Stevens and Jim
Resinger will be providing special music for the anthem
and offertory. Jackie Brummel will be substituting for me
on the organ.
Chancel Choir, we rehearse this week on Tuesday, May
12th, at 7:30 pm, not Monday. We only have a few
rehearsals left, so please try to make it. We will not
rehearse the week of May 18th.
Highlands Bells, we will not rehearse Sunday, May
17th. We rehearse at 8:30 am Sunday, May 24th, and
will play bells in worship that morning.
All choir members, please mark on the calendar when
you will be out in June. If anyone in interested in
providing special music this summer, please let me
Health Concerns
Prayer Concerns: Sandy Borjes, Gabby Iezzi, Carol Moss,
Stan Preskitt, Tug Southwood, Marian Walker, Craig
Davidson, Mack Ortiz, Sr., Lucie Carleton, Robert
Resinger, Florence Smith, Buddy Pair, Stan Spitler,
Cindy Morrone, Mary & John Morgan, Baron Meliza,
Scott Nesbitt, Jemmy Phipps, family of Jan Blanton,
Dorothy Resinger, Austin Jones, Lee and Bill Davis,
Denise Acra, Wayne Thompson, and Irvin and Craig
Homebound: Carol Moss (Brookdale Lake Highlands)
Sandy Borjes, Marion Goodrich (Presbyterian Village
North), Mary Harris (Brookdale Lake Highlands ),
Lenora Hayes, Stan Preskitt (Fowler, Pearl Nordan),
Dorothy Smith and John Kennedy (Brookdale Lake
Highlands), and Tug Southwood (Brookdale Memory
Military: Bill Molnar (Noel Borjes’ husband)
Office Hours
M-Th 9:00 a-4:00 p, Fri. 9:00 a-2:00 p
E-Mail Address:
14 days until Jonathan is here!!
Web Page:
Despite the heavy rain on Sunday, the attendance was
good. Many brave souls showed up at church to find
their usual places. Some had Mother’s Day plans with
children and could not be in attendance. We hope all
mothers had a good day with family.
Sweet Hour of
Our music on Sunday was very good. Sharon Wood
and Rhonda Tracy sang a beautiful duet “Far Above
Riches.” The Cancel Choir’s “Peace like a River” was so
pretty, and Lori McCommons arrangement of “Spirit of
God, Descend upon My Heart” was lovely.
The Chocolate Strawberry Tea was a big success and
enjoyed by everyone. Renee Bowen and her crew did a
wonderful job. Grace Barber did the beautiful flowers in
the tea pots. Thank you to the men who served the
tea—Mark Read, Jim Resinger, Gray Bowen,
Rev.Norm Stolpe and Christopher Brashear. Gray
Bowen gave Renee a wonderful early Mother’s Day gift;
he hired two women to do the cleanup from the tea. That
was a special gift to all those working on the tea. Thank
you, Gray!
The beautiful quilt that was raffled by the Quilters was
won by Shelly Hopkins.
Pat Pittman was flying to Dallas Sunday morning from
Spokane, Washington, where she attended the Nationals
Gymnastic Championships to watch her greatgranddaughter perform. They were so pleased that she
placed second in the national meet.
LaDonna Durham announced that she is now a senior
citizen as she has just turned sixty-two. Congratulations!
Jane and Noble Cross announced that their grandson
had just graduated from law school.
George Zelios has been in the hospital following his
cruise. Rev. Stolpe reported that George is now at
home resting taking his medication, and hopes to be in
church in about two weeks.
Congratulations to Mark Lyons who was just inducted
into Phi Beta Kappa and received his associate degree.
Pat Barton showed a number of friends a baby book
which was a gift from her granddaughter. The beautiful
pictures were of the newest member of the family and
were shot by a professional. How precious were the
photos of the baby girl and four generations of the
women of the family!
Elena Stephens, Sunday school teacher for our little
ones, gave a hanging basket of pretty pink or purple
petunias for each child to present to his mother for
Mother’s Day. Thank you, Elena, for your
thoughtfulness. Kim Brashear also received a basket.
We are thrilled that Noble Cross officially joined the
church this past Sunday and Jane renewed her
commitment to Highlands. Of course, we invited them to
visit the Crusaders Class..
Irvin Lyons read this thought for the week: “I never knew
God was all I needed till God was all I had.”
Week 5 (May 10-16)
Prayer Scripture: Romans 15:5-6; 13
Our prayer focus for Week 5 is for our church
leadership and our building
Give thanks to God for the current board and their
service – elders, deacons, Sunday School
Pray for those who will be called into leadership as
ministry chairs, elders, deacons, etc.
Pray for ways to tell the story of Highlands CC –
marketing – being more visual/having more
presence in the community
Pray for the courage to listen to the Holy Spirit for
new ministry opportunities and for people to
have the courage/time to serve
Give thanks for the many different groups that
utilize our building
Give thanks to God for the repair of the church
office and children’s wing – pray for God to fill
each room with His purpose as we grow and
serve others in His name
Pray for resources needed for current ministries to
grow and for repairs/upgrades throughout the
buildings and property
Small groups have an open invitation for anyone to join
– here are the current days/times/locations:
Kathy Westfall – 7:00 p.m. Wednesday evenings in
Kathy’s home
Julie Futral – 6:30 p.m. Wednesday evenings at
Presbyterian Village
Chris Baumann – 10:00 a.m. Monday mornings in the
A Sweet “20 Minutes of Prayer” is also being
offered in the chapel on Sunday mornings at 10:30
a.m. If you come late for Sunday School or early
for church feel free to join us!
The 20th Chocolate Strawberry Tea was a huge success with 70 in attendance! The Drakes entertained us
with their voices and songs. There was tea, laughter, sandwiches and yummy chocolate dipped
strawberries! We even received over $300 from our love offering! We are so blessed and by raising
monies we can bless the lives of others! We had numerous vendors to shop with and many enjoyed
shopping and shopping! The quilt was raffled as well as two very special pillows. The winners were Shelly
Hopkins, Kaitlin Hopkins and Betty Britt. A big THANK YOU to all who helped to make the tea a huge
success because it takes a village to make it happen: Anne Price, Betty Britt, Candy Stolpe, Chris
Baumann, Debbie Resinger, Denise Turner, Grace Barber, Janelle Steen, Jo Ann Carlisle, Julie Futral,
Kathy Westfall, Laverne Lebkowsky, Michelle Hawes, Rev. Rhonda Tracy and Sue Bowen. Our servers
were Rev. Norm Stolpe, Christopher Brashear, Gray Bowen (who also made egg salad sandwiches), Jim
Resinger and Mark Read! As soon as our treasurer give me the final donated dollar amounts after expenses
to Healing Hands Ministry, Doctors Without Borders, and to Highlands (to help offset our $50,000 insurance
deductible) I will report back to you. Thank you again and as I learned this year, Pray and let God know you
accept what is his will and desire. Then watch the miracles happen!!
Please join us for a reception as
we offer our thanks and farewell
Rev. Norm Stolpe concludes his
time as interim minister to our
congregation. We will miss him
and Candy very much.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Immediately following worship.
Don’t forget the Men’s Breakfast this Saturday at 9:00 am.
Sunday School at Highlands (9:45 AM-10:45 AM)
Child Care is provided by a licensed child care professional.
Children (Ages up to 4) meet in Room 105 to learn Bible stories through active learning. Teacher: Elena Stephens
Crusaders Class meets across from the kitchen. It is one of the vital small groups of our congregation. Each gathering begins with the
group singing a hymn and praying together. Once a short business meeting is completed (which consists mostly of checking in on the
group’s members), the remaining time is reserved for a Biblical Lesson “Sermon on the Mount”. Teacher: Rev. Norm Stolpe
New Covenant Class meets across from the Fellowship Hall. This class is one of our fastest growing, and is currently studying Women
in the Torah. In addition to study and discussion, the group spends time in prayer and practicing spiritual disciplines together. Teacher:
Grace Barber
Joyful Noise Class is an adult class that meets in the nursery. The group is open for anyone who doesn’t mind a little extra toddler and
baby movement during the discussion. It’s perfect for parents who want to spend time with their children while still engaging in deep
discussions. The class is also great for people who like some little kid time each week! The discussion topics are geared toward
Christian parenting and living. Teacher: Group Discussion
Jesus in the World Today - a new discussion class led by Rev. Bill Davidson and Mark Read. This class is currently on hiatus
Choir meets in the Sanctuary. The group provide an important ministry as they lead the congregation as we all sing to God during
worship. If you enjoy singing to God, the group would be blessed by you sharing your gift of music. Director: Lori McCommons
Highlands Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
9949 McCree Rd.
Dallas, TX 75238
Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you.