Highsun Express P 1300 137 584 F 1800 644 015 info@highsun.com.au www.highsun.com.au Wednesday, 1 July 2015 Excess – stock that is available The following list is of stock anticipated to be available in the coming weeks denoted by the ship week. This stock sheet is compiled weekly and shows stock surplus to our contract orders. In the event of our contract orders being short supplied, we reserve the right to utilise the excess to fulfil our contractual obligations and to advise you accordingly. To order from this list, please return by fax or email indicating the item and quantity required. Preference will be given to fax/email orders over telephone orders so they can be processed in sequence received time and date. An Order confirmation will be remitted to you. Due to new requirements for the importation of plants into Tasmania, stock orders will need to be received by midday Friday in order for them to be shipped early the following week. If you require a specific variety or colour, we recommend that you place a contract order to avoid disappointment. Item Name Alocasia Bebe/Bambino Alocasia Calidora Dwarf Alocasia Macrorrhiza Alocasia Polly amazonica Alpinia zerumbet Variegata Dieffenbachia Compacta Dieffenbachia Compacta Dieffenbachia Compacta Dieffenbachia Etna Dieffenbachia Star Bright Dieffenbachia Star Bright Dieffenbachia Star Bright Dieffenbachia Tropic Marianne Dieffenbachia Tropic Marianne Ficus Lyrata Ficus Lyrata Peperomia Albo marginata Peperomia Jade Philodendron Hope Philodendron Hope Philodendron Imperial Green Philodendron Imperial Green Philodendron Imperial Green Philodendron Imperial Green Philodendron Super Atom Philodendron Xanadu Philodendron Xanadu Spathiphyllum Carlos Spathiphyllum Jetty Spathiphyllum Junior Spathiphyllum Stephanie Spathiphyllum Super Petite Spathiphyllum Super Petite Syngonium Arrow Syngonium Neon Syngonium Neon Syngonium Pixi Mini Syngonium Pixie Highsun Express Full Tray 1 5 1 1 4 1 6 3 2 5 7 1 1 1 4 12 2 4 5 4 1 1 3 8 3 2 1 6 1 2 Part Tray Tray Size PS72 25 PS72 PS72 PS72 PS72 PS72 36 PS72 PS72 26 PS72 25 PS72 PS72 PS72 25 PS72 36 PS72 PS72 35 PS72 PS72 PS72 25 PS72 PS72 PS72 35 PS72 28 PS72 PS72 PS72 PS72 PS72 15 PS72 PS72 PS72 36 PS72 20 PS72 18 PS72 20 PS72 25 PS72 27 PS72 35 PS72 30 PS72 P 1300 137 584 Code Valobebe-72 Valocadwar-72 Valomacror-72 Valopolly-72 Valpzevari-72 Vdiecompac-72 Vdiecompac-72 Vdiecompac-72 Vdieetna-72 Vdiestbrig-72 Vdiestbrig-72 Vdiestbrig-72 Vdietrmari-72 Vdietrmari-72 Vficlyrata-72 Vficlyrata-72 Vpepalmarg-72 Vpepjade-72 Vphihope-72 Vphihope-72 Vphiimgree-72 Vphiimgree-72 Vphiimgree-72 Vphiimgree-72 Vphisuatom-72 Vphixanadu-72 Vphixanadu-72 Vspacarlos-72 Vspajetty-72 Vspajunior-72 Vspastepha-72 Vspasupeti-72 Vspasupeti-72 Vsynarrow-72 Vsynneon-72 Vsynneon-72 Vsynpimini-72 Vsynpixie-72 Ship Week 25 23 18 14 23 20 20 25 18 16 18 23 16 20 23 25 23 27 23 27 18 23 23 27 27 23 23 12 13 10 10 18 27 27 23 27 20 25 Excess – stock that is available F 1800 644 015 E info@highsun.com.au Order # Plant Rights www.highsun.com.au Highsun Express P 1300 137 584 F 1800 644 015 info@highsun.com.au www.highsun.com.au Syngonium Roxana Syngonium White Butterfly Syngonium White Butterfly Agapanthus Charlotte Calathea Dottie Calathea Freddy Calathea Freddy Calathea Insignis Calathea Insignis Calathea Makoyane Calathea Medallion Calathea Medallion Calathea Medallion Calathea Medallion Calathea Orbifolia Calathea Orbifolia Calathea Orbifolia Calathea Orbifolia Calathea Ornata Calathea Ornata Calathea Rufibarba Calathea Rufibarba Calathea Rufibarba Calathea Zebrina Calathea Zebrina Davallia Rabbit Foot Davallia Rabbit Foot Davallia Rabbit Foot Ficus Tineke Humata White Foot Humata White Foot Humata White Foot Nephrolepis Blue Bell Nephrolepis Boston Fern Nephrolepis Kimberly Queen Nephrolepis Kimberly Queen Nephrolepis Kimberly Queen Nephrolepis Kimberly Queen Nephrolepis Macho Nephrolepis Teddy Junior Platycerium Bifurcatu Rumohra Leather Leaf Rumohra Leather Leaf Cordyline Red Star Cordyline Red Star Highsun Express 1 1 6 3 36 40 90 77 20 3 2 1 50 2 1 1 96 25 4 4 5 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 2 2 5 110 25 30 25 18 95 46 65 72 91 47 46 35 5 2 4 3 6 P 1300 137 584 70 70 40 14 30 26 50 50 PS72 PS72 PS72 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 PS102 P128 P128 Vsynroxana-72 Vsynwhbutt-72 Vsynwhbutt-72 Vagacharlo-102 Vcthdottie-102 Vcthfreddy-102 Vcthfreddy-102 Vcthinsign-102 Vcthinsign-102 Vcthmakoya-102 Vcthmedall-102 Vcthmedall-102 Vcthmedall-102 Vcthmedall-102 Vcthorbifo-102 Vcthorbifo-102 Vcthorbifo-102 Vcthorbifo-102 Vcthornata-102 Vcthornata-102 Vcthrufiba-102 Vcthrufiba-102 Vcthrufiba-102 Vcthzebrin-102 Vcthzebrin-102 Vdavrafoot-102 Vdavrafoot-102 Vdavrafoot-102 Vfictineke-102 Vhumwhfoot-102 Vhumwhfoot-102 Vhumwhfoot-102 Vnepblbell-102 Vnepbofern-102 Vnepkiquee-102 Vnepkiquee-102 Vnepkiquee-102 Vnepkiquee-102 Vnepmacho-102 Vneptejuni-102 Vplabifurc-102 Vrumleleaf-102 Vrumleleaf-102 Vcorrestar-128 Vcorrestar-128 23 25 27 27 18 18 20 16 23 27 16 18 18 25 18 18 25 27 12 23 16 18 23 23 27 8 12 18 25 8 12 20 27 12 8 16 18 27 27 27 20 18 27 23 23 Excess – stock that is available F 1800 644 015 E info@highsun.com.au www.highsun.com.au
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