Highview Christiania Lutheran Church

Highview Ch ristiania Lutheran Church
April 2015
From the Pastor:
How do we celebrate Easter? We had a beautiful worship service Easter Sunday, with wonderful music, lots of people, lots of singing, an Easter egg hunt, and a delicious breakfast, but
now what do we do?
Much of the world only celebrates Easter for one day, but in the church we observe
Easter for fifty days, from Easter Sunday until the Day of Pentecost.
We observe other seasons in the church year in various ways. During Advent, we light
candles on the Advent wreath. We mark Lent with mid-week worship services. What can we
do for Easter, the season that gives meaning to the rest of the church year? One way is to celebrate Holy Communion at every worship service throughout the season of Easter, a practice
we are introducing at Highview this year.
You can continue the Easter celebration at home, too. If you have a tradition of decorating for Easter, consider leaving the decorations up throughout the fifty days. You might also do something special for Good Shepherd Sunday, the 4 th Sunday of Easter (April 26th this
year). Kids might enjoy making sheep out of cardboard and cotton balls, and as a household
you might read Psalm 23, one of the best loved passages of the Bible.
What ideas do you have for a fifty-day Easter celebration? I would love to hear them.
See you at church,
Pastor Michael Mandsager
OFFICE HOURS CHANGED: This week I will be in all day Thur sday the 16th and not in on Fr iday the 17th. The building
will be open on the 17th from 8am-5pm. Thank you! Kara
Indoor walking: At the r equest of some of our member s, the Celebr ation Center will be open for indoor walking dur ing the
hours that the church building is open: Mondays 8:30-4:30, Wednsdays 12:30-4:30, Thursdays 9:00 to 12:00, and Fridays 8:30-4:00.
Come and enjoy some indoor exercise!
COUNCIL MEETINGS will be on the third Monday of each month. April’s meeting will be April 20th.
Attendance Registration books ar e in the pews. Please fill them out for your self and pass them down. The usher s will collect them after second service . This helps us keep track of who is worshipping, needs of members and visitors. Thank you!
Tuesday Night Bible Study resumes: Ever yone is invited to a six-week Bible study on Paul’s Letter to the Romans, The study,
written by St. Olaf College Pastor Matthew Marohl, examines questions like, “What must I do to be saved?” and “If what I do
doesn’t save me, does it matter how I live?” We will meet from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesdays, April 21 st- May 26th in Dyste Hall.
Save the Date! Family Camping is ear lier this year . We ar e going to Lake Byllesby August 21-23, 2015. We are hoping for
warmer weather and no conflicts with the Sunday school schedule! Wally Jones is the contact again this year. To reserve a campsite
with Wally please call him at 952-892-1331.
Benefit Concert, Dessert Bar and Auction for the Sather Family will be Sunday April 19th at 2:30pm at Highview Christiania Lutheran Church. Randy Fergusson will give the concert. We have a live auctioneer! Come and
enjoy fun, fellowship and a chance to give back to Lill’s family in honor of all she has given to us - her time, talents
and love. Thanks for Thrivent for their support. Proceeds will go to the Sathers, Highview Christiania, and The
ALS Association. Any questions, please talk to Kara in the office 952-469-2722. A Few Auction items include: Gift
certificates for fine dining, A Sugar Maple Tree, Twins tickets, Theater tickets, Norwegian Dinner tickets for 8.
Bev & Wes Best Bequest: The Bequest Task Force invites all congregation members with ideas for use of bequest
funds in any of the four categories: General, Benevolence, Library, and Cemetery to submit your ideas using the
form and Suggestion Box located on the usher’s table in the narthex. Your form will go to the next task force meeting. You may also e-mail ideas to Kara at highview@highview-lutheran.org to be submitted to the task force. Thank
you! The Task Force Members”
Brick Orders You can order bricks for the brick path. These new named bricks will put into place during the
summer and will replace blank ones. Orders will be taken from September through May. The cost of each brick
will be $50. If you are interested, order forms are on the office door. I will be placing the order in June. Kara 952469-2722
WELCA Spring Luncheon– Tuesday May 12th. 11a.m.-2p.m. It will be in the Valhalla Room at St. Olaf. Pricing
and more details to follow!
Highview Quilters Send Quilts to Tanzania: Highview Quilters are happy to share the news that they are sending twenty quilts to
the newly completed nursing school in Ilula, Tanzania. Glen Shirley, noted the call for quilts in the Synod news for the “Shoulder to
Shoulder” medical group. The Iringa Diocese there is our “synod sister church” we pray for each Sunday. Now we have a part in
doing something tangible for an important project there! They will get sent through a group that collects medical equipment in Fridley called Global Health or through visiting travelers to the Irina Diocese from the Synod. Kari Hurley is our Synod contact and will
receive our quilts on April 16th at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran in Apple Valley. They will be displaying quilts going to the
nursing school at an upcoming event on May 5th as part of a fundraiser display. Pastor Michael and our quilters prayed a blessing on
the stacks of lovely quilts April 9th as they left Highview on their way to Tanzania!
Jesus Christ Superstar April Friday 4/10 to Sunday 4/26,presented by The Chameleon Theatre Circle. Groups of
8 or more receive $3 off their ticket, and groups of 20 or more receive $6 off their ticket. Reserved ticket prices are
$22. Ames Center 12600 Nicollet Avenue | Burnsville, MN 55337952-895-4683 office www.ames-center.com
Senior Choir- Sr. Choir meets from 6:30 to 7:30 on Wednesdays in the Choir room starting April 8th
Thanks! Randvig
Notes from our Youth
Easter Breakfast-Youth Fundraiser Thank you for your support at the Easter Breakfast! TOTAL CASH
PARENTS/GRAND PARENTS Last day of Sunday school is May 31st. Not May 17th as previously mentioned! THANKS!
Summer VBS– reservations for summer VBS need to be in by next week, April 19th. We need to order enough
supplies and t-shirts for each child attending. The supplies are limited and are running low. If you have not
signed your child/grand-child up yet please do with Stacy Shaw. 763-221-1855
Seniors/Graduation– We are planning a recognition Sunday for all those graduating from High school, College or any post secondary education. Please let Pastor Michael or Kara know if you have someone in your house
hold graduating so we can include them. Thank you!
New Baby! Zach and Jamie Malwitz , had a little girl, Londyn Elaine, Saturday, April 4th. All is well with both
mom and baby! Congratulations!
April confirmation offerings: ELCA Malaria Campaign: in honor of World Malaria Day (April 25th), our
confirmation class is dedicating their April offering to the ELCA Malaria Campaign. The Malaria Campaign has
a goal of raising $15 million by 2015, and they are over 90% of the way there. Our confirmation students are going to help put them over the top. Please send an offering with your confirmation student. And of course, you
don’t have to have a confirmation student to contribute.
Last call for ELCA Scholarship requests: We encour age any Highview student who will be attending an ELCA college
next year to request a scholarship from our ELCA Scholarship fund by May 1 st. Scholarships from Highview will be matched by
ELCA colleges. So far, we have had one scholarship request, from Hannah Mohn, who has been accepted at Luther College.
Congratulations, Hannah! If you would like to support Hannah and other Highview students, you may make out a check to Highview with “ELCA Scholarship” in the memo line.
National Day of Prayer:
Lakeville: Thursday, May 7th, 2015 Lakeville City Hall Noon-1pm
Farmington: Thursday, May 7th, 2015
Rambling River Park 12-1pm
Northfield: Thursday, May 7th Northfield Ballroom Prayer Breakfast 6:30-8:30am “Jesus , Our First Love”
Friday, May 8th Northfield Middle School Worship & Prayer Gathering 7-8:30pm “Jesus, Our Only Hope”
Saturday, May 9th Northfield High School Prayer Walk/Drive 2-4pm “Jesus, Our City’s Redeemer”
April Mission:
World Hunger
Highview Christiania supports the ELCA world hunger project with contributions during the month of
June. This organization addresses the root causes of hunger and poverty by providing a
comprehensive and sustainable program that uses multiple strategies. These programs include relief,
development, education and advocacy.
26690 Highview Avenue
Farmington, MN 55024
Phone: (952) 469-2722
(952) 469-3212
Email: highview@highview-lutheran.org
Web address: highview-lutheran.org
Where the Gravel Meets the Gospel
April 2015
The following times listed are when the church
building will be open. It will be open at other
times, but not on a regular and predictable basis.
If you need to be in the church at other times than
those listed, please contact Kara at 952-469-2722
to set that up. The north door will be unlocked at
the stated times.
For the door unlocked at non published
times please call Nate Shaw at 763-221-1755.
MONDAY: 8:30 A.M.– 4:30 P.M.
WEDNESDAY: 12:30 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.
FRIDAY: 8:30 A.M.– 4:30 P.M.