SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: - Monday 20th April 2015 Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau, Welcome back for Term Two! We finished a busy and short term one with an awesome day of Easter bun making, see the photos further on in this newsletter. Term two is an action packed term starting with the whole school camp on Wednesday, the leaders conference in Rotorua for our year eights, cross-country, parent information evening, speeches, portfolios and reports come home before three way conferences in week ten. Whole School Camp PARENT MEETING TUESDAY 21ST APRIL – 6.00 P.M. – Parents attending camp must attend this meeting, and all other parents are most welcome to attend. Further on in the newsletter is the list of transport for camp and a gear list just in case you have lost the previous one. Please make sure you check your child’s packing and who they are travelling with to and from camp. Children and adults attending camp need to be at school by 9.00 a.m. and assembled in the hall before we get into cars. If you wish your child to be dropped at home on the return journey this must be arranged with the driver and in writing for the school please. It would be appreciated if those taking transport could bring their biggest car or ute to help with the transportation of gear, we will not be taking a trailer. We will be returning after lunch on Friday 24th April and should be back at school by 2.30/3.00 p.m. Parents and Drivers Please be aware of New Car Seat Laws; The law states ‘As the driver, you must make sure that any child under 7 years of age is properly restrained by an approved child restraint that is appropriate for the age and size of the child. They must not travel in the car if you can't put them in an approved child restraint. The weather forecast for Rotorua is for temperatures in the late teens, dropping to 10c overnight. HIKUTAIA SCHOOL WHOLE SCHOOL CAMP – PERSONAL GEAR 22nd – 24th April, 2015 PLEASE NOTE: 1. Valuables, like a camera, need to be looked after at all times by the child, not parents or the Teacher. 2. ALL items on the trip must be CLEARLY NAMED. This is very important. 3. No MP3 Players, hand held games, radios or pocket knives, no cell phones, Ipods, lollies, chips or additional food etc… allowed. There is no need for Children to have money. PACKET OF BISCUITS OR BAKING FROM EACH FAMILY AND/OR BAGS OF FRUIT FOR MORNING/AFTERNOON TEA & SUPPER TO BE TAKEN AS INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS – PLEASE TICK OFF LIST AS PACKED Children need very little more than this please make things pack compactly. Toilet gear – include soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, Pillow & Pillow slip, Sleeping shampoo, deodorant, lip balm, hairbrush and flannel bag and a blanket, and fitted sheet. Swimming togs & swimming towel 3 Woollen jerseys or sweatshirts Two pairs track pants, jeans or other long warm 1 bath towel trousers Shirts or t-shirts – (3) one per day and a spare Shorts – (3) one pair per day and a spare 1 Pyjamas - warm Waterproof raincoat and beanie Two pairs of covered foot wear such as sports shoes Underclothing – one for each day and a spare Socks (good thick socks) one pair for each day and a spare Books or comics to read, Tissues/handkerchiefs Day pack with a packed lunch, water bottle and morning tea for first day. large plastic bag for dirty washing large plastic bag for dirty washing Leak proof drink bottle/water bottle Optional; Indoor games – draughts, chess, cards Camera – if operated by child ONLY MEDICINE Medication must be marked clearly with the child's name and given to teacher to ensure dispensing. - Inhalers - antihistamine medication Whole School Camp Transport 22nd – 24th April 2015 Teachers: Jessie Cody Bailey Bevan and Olivia Robinson (0276644715) Brodie Cooper Kelly and Jamie Metekingi (0279482220) Jordyn & Natavia Korbin.I Crystal van Hellemond (0272123743) Billie Emma.B Courtney Teresa Taylor (0275651100) Isabella Charlotte.T Hayley Rodney Christensen; (021549822) Koby Hugo & Seth Pauline Kisling (0274818698) Milah Cheyenne Anahera Richard Cox (021307029) Travis & Abigail Fletcher Jake Brownyn Smith (0275462831) Jana Jaime & Georgia Kimberley Jan Stuart (02102453039) Sydney Matthew Lucas Dane (back only) Craig Bowering Jade Leila Cooper.H Angela Jones (0210327907) Grace Jesse Graham-John Jacki Davies (0272434516) Jamie-Lee & Gracie Maia Pepe Sara Elliott-Warren (0212874444) Flynn & Riley Kyra-Anne Sheryl Campbell (0211479548) Harry Kayla Pippa Karen Bowen (0273555019) Victoria Tyla-Rose Wairangi Petrina Torstonson (0274884977) Kaeden & Quinn Bella.W Royce King (0212632060) Leon Michael Cooper.M Telise (Tilly) Bjerring (0211764987) Damien Dominic Jake Perry (0276662069) Sophie Amber Breanna.I Teresa/Glen Ramsey(0272404663) Liam & Charlotte Reuben Emma.A (back only) Emmagene Harris (0272766377) Sarah Matt.C Chevy Cosima Penwarden (0276662069) Dania, Katie.J, Brodie M Sharon Austen (Only going to Camp); Dane Emma ANZAC Day and events to commemorate – Tuesday 21st April Due to camp being just before ANZAC day we will be holding a day of sharing and activities related to ANZAC day on Tuesday 21st April. This will include the remembrance of the events and sacrifices made that this day commemorates particularly being the 100th anniversary. Children are welcome to bring items of significance to them related to ANZAC such as photos of family or medals to share with their class. We are planning to create a field of remembrance on the grass in front of the Alley War memorial by the tennis and bowls club on Tuesday afternoon after lunch, we will leave from school at 1.45pm all parents and community members are welcome to attend. Thank you to Matthew Stuart and Dane Austen our School Council members who will be representing the school at the Paeroa ANZAC memorial service and presenting a wreath on behalf of Hikutaia School. The memorial service will be at 9:15am at War Memorial Hall, preceded by the Parade at 9.00am. All Hikutaia children are welcome to accompany Matthew and Dane, dressed in their school uniform. Parent Information Evening As mentioned earlier our annual parent information evening is held in term two. Over the past six years we have covered topics such as written language, mathematics (numeracy), e-learning, navigating our ultra-net site and children’s u-spaces, modern learning environments and 21st century learners, BYOD, cyber-safety, inquiry learning and reading. We would like to encourage parents to attend these and want to make them informative, engaging and relevant to what parents want to know. So we would appreciate some feedback and suggestions, please fill out the form below and return it to the office; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parent Information Evening Feedback The day of the week and time I would prefer to attend is ___________________________________ Topics I would like to see covered are… Opportunities to be shown or try… Discussions about… __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Karen Reynolds (Principal) Happy Birthday this week: Billie Van Hellemond. Room 1: Mrs Robinson & Ms Reynolds A huge welcome back to school everyone. Term 2 is looking to be an exciting one. To begin with our literacy learning will be based on the 100 year ANZAC commemoration. Please ask your children to share our new Google Anzac site with you(where all their reading and homework tasks are located). Tomorrow afternoon we are holding a small memorial service at the Alley Memorial Park, to lay a Field of Remembrance. I hope you are all looking forward to school camp at Tui Ridge in Rotorua. Please see the Camp gear list and get your bags packed tonight. Lastly, within the classroom we are implementing elearning programmes that require sound and or children to work independently on thier devices. It would be beneficial for each child to have their own set of headphones to ensure the least distraction to others in the class. Regards Mrs Robinson and Ms Reynolds. Room 2: Miss McIntosh. Welcome back to school, I hope you enjoyed your break. This week we have camp on Wednesday. Please encourage children to 'manage self' by packing their own bags (with some help of course). Please see camp notices for times we are leaving on Wednesday. Children will need to bring a drink bottle to camp please. There is no homework this week, and the routine will start next week. Netball uniforms will be given out next Tuesday also. Thanks Miss McIntosh. Room 5: Miss McNeill Welcome to Week 1 of Term 2 I trust everyone had a great break during the holidays. What an exciting week ahead with our Hikutaia School Camp on Wednesday! I know the students will have an absolute blast. School camps are a great opportunity for the children to develop their social skills and overcome personal challenges within a safe learning environment. If anyone has old shoe boxes could you please send them along to Room 5. Also if your child was given a package of books from either myself of Mrs Player for the holidays could these please be returned back to school by Tuesday. I look forward to hearing about all the adventures the children of Room 5 have had these holidays. Kind Regards, Hayley McNeill. Room 4: Mrs Cameron Welcome back to Term 2. I hope the holidays went well and you were all able to enjoy time with your families. On Wednesday we head off to whole school camp in Rotorua. On Tuesday night at 6.00 .p.m there will be a camp meeting held at school. It is important that if you are a parent helper going to camp that you attend this meeting. Obviously if you are not attending camp you are still most welcome to come to the meeting.I will be talking to the children prior to Wednesday about what we will be doing and any questions they may have concerning camp. Homework will begin next week and the class term newsletter will be sent home next Tuesday due to Monday the 27th being a holiday. Looking forward to camp. Lost your newsletter, not sure what’s for lunch on Friday? Visit: Ultranet pages have dates, previous newsletters, photo gallery of events, BOT and policy information, PTA information and events, and class information. Take a tour today. Welcome back to school everyone, I trust that you have all had a good two weeks with the children. As you can see we are away on Whole School Camp on Wednesday and Returning Friday. Just a reminder our next BOT meeting date below. Next - BOT Meeting – Wednesday 29th April – 5.30 p.m. Jake Perry (Chairperson – BOT). Bible in School – Tuesday 21st April 2015 Just a reminder to parents that Bible in School starts tomorrow at 8.45 a.m. Thank you to those parents who have confirmed that their child/ren are doing bible in school. For those students who are not doing Bible in School do not need to be at school until 9.15 a.m. Lunch Orders – Convenient Cow – Monday’s & Wednesday’s As of next week children will be able to order lunches for school from the convenient cow. Children wishing to purchase a lunch please send their order into school with payment in a named envelope and leave at the office no later than 9.15 a.m. - Pies (mince, mince & cheese, steak, steak & cheese, chicken & mushroom) $4.00 each - Toasted sandwiches (ham, cheese, pineapple, onion, tomato, Brie, cranberry & chicken) – 2 fillings $6.00. - Slice (lemon, chocolate/caramel, carrot cake, ginger) $4.50 - Hot Dog $2.00 - Fruit - $1.00 (all fruit subject to availability and season. Paeroa Junior Netball – RepYear 8’s Trials The PAEROA YEAR 8 TRIALS is this week and next week. Thursday 23rd April 2015 3.30pm to 5.00pm and Thursday 30th April 2015 3.30pm to 5.00pm (FINAL TRIAL). If all delegates can please send in names of Trialists to Rino Wilkinson by Wednesday 22nd April 2015. Dates for Thames Valley Champs are: Saturday 16th May 2015 in Te Aroha and Sunday 17th May 2015 in Matamata. They also must be available to play away at these tournaments: Sunday 24th May 2015 in Thames, Sunday 7th June 2015 in Hauraki, Sunday 14th June in Waihi and Sunday 28th June in Morrinsville. (might be some other dates added ). (Unless otherwise stated all events are held at school) Monday 20th April Tuesday 21st April Tuesday 21st April Wednesday 22nd – Friday 24th April Monday 27th April Wednesday 29th April Friday 1st May Wednesday 6th May Friday 8th May Friday 15th May Wednesday 20th May Friday 22nd May Friday 29th May First Day of Term 2 – 9.00 a.m. Bible in School – 8.45 a.m. – 9.15 a.m. Whole School Camp Meeting – 6.00 p.m. Whole School Camp ANZAC Day Observed BOT Meeting 5.30 p.m. Lunches $2.50 – Lasagne – Maria Dent P.T.A meeting 7.00 p.m. – Pioneer Tavern Lunches $2.50 – Burgers – Missy Assembly – 2.30 p.m. Lunches $2.50 – Bacon & Egg Pie – Sharon Shirley BOT Meeting – 5.30 p.m. Assembly – 2.20 p.m. Cross Country Weekly Nugget I am a PhD researcher at Massey University investigating parental attitudes towards HPV vaccination. I would be grateful if you could share this opportunity to participate in a short, anonymous online survey with your parents, by adding the following blurb to the school newsletter. This study has ethical approval from HDEC (14/CEN/176) – Kind Regards Karen Page. HPV vaccination survey – participants wanted. Parents and caregivers of children and young people aged 9 – 23 years are invited to participate in a survey investigating knowledge and attitudes around HPV vaccination. The survey is anonymous and should take 5-10 minutes. Please access the online survey at or request a hard copy by calling 04 979 3106. The researcher is a PhD candidate at the Centre of Public Health Research, Massey University. For further information please go to or contact ** Open Invitation To All ** Wee Wisdom Montessori PreSchool 2pm or 6pm, Wednesday 22nd April 2015 and 29th April 2015, 63 Belmont Road, Paeroa. Light refreshments provided, come early to take a seat, Q&A session for more information contact Kwan: 022 639 2041 Mission Statement: We offer Montessori preschool education accessible to all families regardless of your circumstances, to nurture your child to reach his or her full potential. Free Mobile Ear Clinic Service for Children Thames – Wednesday 29th April – 9.30 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. closed for lunch 12.00 – 1.00 p.m. Thames South School – Rolleston Street. Paeroa – Tuesday 5th May - 9.30 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. closed for lunch 12.00 – 1.00 p.m. – The Band Rotunda, Belmont Street, Paeroa. HAURAKI PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICES FARMERS have your HOMES or COTTAGES CLEANED (Seasonal changeover of farm hands, calving periods) Let us give you back time to do other things you would rather be doing. We are a friendly cleaning service that goes that extra mile and one you can trust. We are locally based and security checked. Call Whiona for a free quote on 021 072 5550 Hikutaia School Phone 862 4708 or Fax 862 4709 Email: Absentee Txt Number 027 286 24 70 Easter Bun Making April 2015.
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