Hillarys Primary School NEWSLETTER NO: 5 st 31 March 2015 75 Lymburner Drive | Hillarys | 6025 | Ph: 9307 6365 | Fax: 9307 8511 | Canteen: 9307 8466 www.hillarysps.wa.edu.au | email: hillarys.ps@education.wa.edu.au With just a few more days before a break, I’d like to congratulate the children on a terrific start and finish to this term. Their consistent application to work, manners and overall behaviour has been sensational. It’s always a privilege to turn up to work with such engaging students! I hope that the children have a relaxing and safe break over the next fortnight and everyone enjoys the extended weekend over Easter with family and friends. Term 2 Start A reminder that Term 2 commences for children on Monday 20th April. The designated Professional Development Day in Term 2 for teachers (no school for children) is Friday 29th May. ANZAC Service This will be conducted on Friday 24th April (our first week back). Our service will commence as close to 9:00am as possible and will be conducted outside the undercover area where we will have a new flagpole erected. Any girl guides and scouts are encouraged to wear their uniform on the day. All are welcome to attend. Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) – a snapshot of children in our community A nation-wide program called the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) will take place again in May, June and July 2015. The AEDC looks at how young children are developing in the years before they begin school. In 2009 and 2012, the AEDC was completed nationally collecting information on over 500,000 children in their first year of full-time school. The AEDC takes place every three years. In Western Australia information will be collected on pre-primary children. Pre-primary teachers will complete the AEDC Instrument (like a questionnaire) for each child in their class and enter information into a secure web-based data entry system that protects the privacy of all children. Information entered is based on the teacher’s knowledge and observations of their students and children are not required to be present while data is entered. The AEDC results are reported back to the community based on the suburb or locality where children live, so individual children cannot be identified. The results help communities understand how their children are developing and where improvements can be made to give children the best start in life. Parents of pre-primary students will receive a letter about our schools involvement in the coming weeks. You can find out more at www.aedc.gov.au Easter Bonnet Parade Our annual Easter bonnet parade will be conducted in the B Block undercover area, comencing at 9.00am . This is for Years 1 & 2 only. All welcome Assembly This Thursday, B1 – Year 2 will be conducting the final assembly of the year. We look forward to seeing you there. Happy Easter everyone!! Ron Chesny, Principal Duncraig High School Academic Extension testing change Parents of students in Year 6 please note: The date has changed for the SBAE (School Based Academic Extension) Testing for Year 7 2016. It will now be held on Friday May 22 2015. Contact Duncraig SHS (6241 5000) for further details. HELPERS NEEDED IN THE LIBRARY Can you spare some time to help in our library? There are many jobs that need to be done in our library on a day-to-day basis and we are looking for parents that can spare some time to help out. Jobs like shelving, covering, general collection checking etc. There is also the opportunity to work with our library staff to see how a primary school library works and to develop your skills in this area. If you are interested, please contact Louise Clare on 93076365. RAINBOWS Children who have experienced loss through death, family breakup or separation are invited to join the Rainbows Program in Term 2. Children with their trained facilitators will work through topics including their uniqueness, why my family?, blowups and letdowns, facing fears and worries, I am not to blame, forgiveness, step families, who can I trust?, and will finish with a ‘Celebrate Me’ day. Please email the school office should you wish your child to be included in the program. P.E. News Let’s keep moving! Our bodies are designed to move, but unfortunately more and more Australian adults and children are sitting for longer and longer periods. Physical activity is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, and being active gives us all a range of health benefits. The good news is that it doesn't have to be strenuous. Regular, moderate-intensity physical activity is good for your heart and general all round health and wellbeing. Research also proves that children who are physically active do better at school. As a general guide, the National Heart Foundation recommends that adults include at least 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity (such as brisk walking) on most, if not all days of the week. For children the recommendation is 60 minutes each day. How does your family go in reaching these targets? Following are some events and activities that maybe of interest for your family and fun ways to increase your activity levels. Great River Ride- Sunday 19 April, Sir James Mitchell Park, South Perth. What a great opportunity for families to get involved and enjoy some physical activity together in our beautiful city. Designed with children and families in mind, the Great River Ride offers a fun day out with plenty of fresh air and sunshine, healthy activity and enjoyable entertainment. This is a fun participation event and NOT a race. There will be NO timing and riders can pace themselves according to their fitness and riding ability. For more information and to register please visit www.greatriverride.com.au Total Football Academy Holiday Camp Looking for something to keep the children active during the Easter holidays? Perhaps you could consider the Total Football Academy Soccer Camp. The TFA Soccer Camp is open to all children (girls and boys) aged 5 to12 year olds, of all ability levels. Children will be placed in their own age groups. Each group will comprise of a maximum of 15 children with one coach. Limited spaces are available (100 places only). Book early to avoid disappointment. Cost: $140 per week. Where: OCEAN REEF PRIMARY - Kaufman Avenue, Ocean Reef WA 6027. When: 9am-2.30pm - Tuesday 7th April until Friday 10th April. For further details :https://www.totalfootballacademy.com.au/events/categories/perth/camps-perth/ KidSport KidSport enables Western Australian children to participate in community sport and recreation, no matter their financial circumstances. Eligible youth aged 5–18 years can apply for financial assistance to contribute towards club fees. The fees will go directly to the registered KidSport clubs through their participating local government. The primary objective of KidSport is to ensure all Western Australian children can participate in sport and recreation clubs and the secondary objective is to engage these children and their families in the community. For more information please visit www.dsr.wa.gov.au/kidsport Dolphin Shield The Dolphin Shield is in full flight this term. Students from all levels are being rewarded, for a multitude of reasons, with tokens which they are placing in their faction's box outside the library. Our faction captains count these regularly and keep a tally of the total each week. This tally is recorded in the windows of the library. It is wonderful to see the excitement and pride as the students place their tokens in the box. At this stage Pelsaert is in the lead with 700 points, followed by Lockyer with 694 and Dampier with 666. With only two days to go, the competition is hot. On Thursday the winning faction will be announced and all students in that faction will be rewarded with an icy pole. Congratulations to everyone who has been able to place a token in the box this term. Footwear Parents could you please remind your children to wear appropriate footwear to Physical Education classes and to Sport sessions. Thankfully the weather is cooling down a little now so there should be no need to wear sandals. Well fitting sneakers/runners are very important as they enable the students to participate fully and safely in all activities. Thank you for your assistance in this area. Mrs Armstrong P.E. Teacher Japanese Exchange Visit Following the success of Gnma Kokusai Academy's visit to our school last October, they have requested to visit our school again this year. Families are invited to host a student for the period from 18th October through to the 4th November. The Japanese students are around eleven years old and as GKA is an immersion school. They have a good level of English. There is a payment to families and 24 hour support is available. Please give it your consideration. More details later. The organising company, GOLD Intercultural Learning, also offer a reciprocal visit for students who host a student to visit Japan in January 2016. Wouldn't that be a great experience? Kennedy Sensei would be delighted to answer your questions. WORKING OVEN FOR SALE Hillarys Primary has a second hand heavy duty oven for sale. The oven has been removed from the school canteen. It was installed in 2011 and is being replaced with higher capacity ovens. The oven was in daily working order before being disconnected at the end of February. Can be viewed at school if needed. Sale is by ‘best price’, ending April 30th 2015. Send you ‘best price’ via email to hillarys.ps@education.wa.edu.au or by phone – 9307 6365 (Registrar) during school hours. Oven must be picked up within two weeks of sale. Easter—School Banking Day Change Due to Good Friday being a holiday we are changing our school banking day to : Thursday 2nd of April for this week only Don’t miss out on your dollarmite token come along the library from 8:15 to 8:45 am Triple P - Positive Parenting Program Coming soon to Hillarys Primary School Triple P is an internationally renowned parenting program being offered to you through our school. Parents from across the Perth Metropolitan area have given it rave reviews…..And it’s Free. If you are a Parent of a 3 to 8 year old, you are invited to: ▪Promote your child’s development and preparation for school and formal learning ▪Discuss common parenting challenges ▪Enrich your parent-child relationship ▪Explore effective behaviour management strategies. Triple P is for every parent! Program DetailsVenue: Hillarys PS Library Term: Commencing in Term 2 – starting on Monday 4th May. Dates: Mondays - 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th May. Time: 9.00am to 11.00am Creche: Provided for children 0 (3mths) to 4 (to be confirmed dependent on numbers) Morning tea will be provided. After the four group sessions there will be two follow up phone consultations & final session on Monday, 22 June 2015 (9.00 to 11.00am) To register your interest - please see the School Front Office. Hurry….registrations are limited. (You will be contacted after the registration date whether you have received a place). CANTEEN ROSTER TERM Term 1 PHONE NUMBER 9307 8466 Monday 30 March Amanda Dwyer & Deb Schroeder Tuesday 31 March Kimberly Bliss Wednesday 1 April Marnie Leon Thursday 2 April Rebecca McClean Friday 3 April EASTER FRIDAY *** Help is desperately needed throughout the term. Please volunteer if you can. Thanks. Merit Awards Congratulations to the following Merit Award recipients at the Assembly held on 20th March 2015. Leah H Jamie M Imogen W Henry H Olivia B Jordan Q Lochlain C Ava S Nicola G Narek T Bianca B Renee W G Indiana M Poppy-Ellen S Maxen H Batavia 1 Batavia 2 Batavia 4 Batavia 5 Amity 1 Amity 2 Amity 4 Amity 5 Amity 6 Cygnet 2 Cygnet 3 Cygnet 4 Japanese Duyfken 1 Duyfken 3 Ethan H Alana R Jack M Saxen K Kai F Jack P Tyler G Henry B Maya K Mia G Dylan R Abbey B Amity 1 Skye K Mana L Batavia 1 Batavia 3 Batavia 4 Batavia 6 Amity 1 Amity 3 Amity 4 Amity 5 Cygnet 1 Cygnet 2 Cygnet 3 Cygnet 5 Japanese Duyfken 2 Duyfken 3 ` Sienna L Jackson H Daniel A George N Shae S Emily W Lilit T Blythe S Bailey E Abby S JJ R Luke C Lucas S Leo H Batavia 2 Batavia 3 Batavia 5 Batavia 6 Amity 2 Amity 3 Amity 4 Amity 6 Cygnet 1 Cygnet 3 Cygnet 4 Cygnet 5 Duyfken 1 Duyfken 2 Guided Tours of Duncraig Senior High School An Independent Public School See your local high school in operation during the school day. Prospective parents and students are invited to participate in guided tours of the working school throughout 2015. Enjoy a brief discussion with the Principal and Associate Principals in the Administration and then see the school in action as you are taken on a guided tour of the school. Parents of children in Primary School have found these tours very beneficial in previous years. Year 6 students attend the school in December for an Orientation Day. Tours will be commence at 11.45am and conclude at 12.45pm on the following days: TERM 2: Tuesday 19th May TERM 3: Tuesday 18th August TERM 4: Tuesday 3rd November Parents should meet at The Administration Office via the Sullivan Road entrance to the school. Please contact Wendy Hartmann, School Liaison Officer on 6241 5016 or wendy.hartmann@education.wa.edu.au for further information. email UKULELE The 2 ukulele groups have had a fantastic start to 2015! The Senior Uke Group has already played along with the community sing-alongs at several assemblies. And the Junior Uke Group are not far off their first performance also. We are looking forward to another busy term after the break, so don’t forget to keep practising over the holidays! Year 6 Camp 2015 When I woke up I felt really excited and happy, and so were another 65 kids. As I arrived at the Commodore dorms I could see all my other friends waiting. When I got out the car I had to carry all of my heavy stuff and then we sat down waiting for the teachers to call the register. After the register our first activity was ice breakers. Alex C4 We all got out bags and put them down in front of our dorms. Unfortunately we didn’t get to get in our dorms until the afternoon. After that we went to the oval to play ice breakers. We met all our leaders and started playing. The leaders were very nice and funny. My favourite game from Ice Breakers was one where you had to find the pen. It was very hard and we all failed at it. After that we went to go have morning tea, we had fresh water melon with yummy cookies. Ashley C4 After our tasty food we got into our dorm groups. I bunked with Millie. My group and I went back into action. We walked down with Mrs French to the flying fox. We learnt how to put our harnesses on, and then Mrs French chose who went first. We went up in sixes. I was chosen to go first but I wasn’t too sure so I asked Oscar if he wanted to go first and he said yes so I went second instead. Ella C4 The 10th of March was the second day of camp, First we had breakfast. I had some toast and fruit salad. It was really good. After that, group three had the big swing. I was getting nervous but after about 45 minutes it was finally my go. It was scary as you were going up but then you dropped and got used to it. You had a lot of fun and all of our group had two goes. I was one of the only girls that went upside down with no hands. After that we had morning tea, then group three had caving. It was hot and small inside and Poppy and I did not like it so we got out and just waited for the others. When they came, we went to lunch and we had scones I think. Millie C4 When the teachers were talking to us, they said that our first activity was ice breakers and that means to make friends with people that you don’t play with that much. My favourite game was bang and I won one match but we only played one. Then the hard game \ boring game was the red pen game where you had to find the pen which the pen was in the ladies hair. Our second activity was the flying fox which everyone had one turn. Then the scary big swing but same as the flying fox only one but when it was your turn it was scary. Then it was time for the pyjama party which we watched Big Hero 6. By Harry C4 When we woke up on Day 3, we got ready and we all went fishing. At fishing we learnt how to cast, how to fish and we played a beach game where you run with the floater and the next person reals it in. After fishing we went back to Ern Halliday got our stuff and left. What a great camp it was. By Callan C4 MUSIC / DRAMA Drama is a very important aspect of the Arts. It gives students the opportunity to imagine, participate and explore real and imagined worlds. ‘Relaxation’ is an aspect of drama which also relates to many other aspects of the curriculum, especially Health and PE. It teaches students how to manage stress, increase emotional awareness and improve attention and focus. Students this term have had the opportunity to go on a ‘Cloud Ride’. As you can see here C4 fully embraced this chance to zone out! The Padbury Dental Therapy Centre The Padbury Dental Therapy Centre will be open in the April school holidays except for Monday 13th in which case if there is an emergency please phone: 9401 3731. For after hours and public holiday emergencies please phone: 9325 3452. Padbury Dental Therapy Centre, c/- Padbury Primary School, MacDonald Ave, Padbury WA 6025 School Holiday PONY RIDES Wednesday 8th April 9.30 – 12.30 Cake stalls, sausage sizzle & more Riding for the Disabled Association 77 Monyash Road, Carine Ph : 9448 6376 JUNIOR FISHING CLINIC April 2015 3 Day Clinic Cost $200 Age 9 - 16 Tuesday 7th 9:00am to 12:00pm - Learn how to rig a rod, casting practice and games, safety on the water and on boats Wednesday 8th 7:00am to 1:00pm - Boat Fishing, Sausage Sizzle. Thursday 9th 7:00am to 1:00pm - Boat Fishing, Sausage Sizzle, Weigh In Competition and prizes. Contact Mel T 9246 2833 E development@hillarysyachtclub.com.au HILLARYS YACHT CLUB 65 NORTHSIDE DRIVE HILLARYS www.hillarysyachtclub.com.au HILLARYS YACHT CLUB START SAILING SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM APRIL 2015 Start Sailing 1, Start Sailing 2, Better Sailing, Start Racing, Better Racing Tuesday 7th to Friday 10th April 2015 8:30am to 12:30pm (4 day program) $220 Monday 13th to Friday 17th April 2015 8:30am to 12:30pm (5 day program) $250 The Yachting Australia ‘Discover Sailing’ program is designed to progressively teach you how to sail dinghies, starting with the essential skills in the first course, ‘Start Sailing 1’ to more advanced skills and techniques which are gradually introduced in each of the five courses, leading to Better Racing. Contact Mel T 9246 2833 E development@hillarysyachtclub.com.au A 65 Northside Drive Hillarys W www.hillarysyachtclub.com.au Community News: Duncraig Playgroup Playgroup and Playfun 3’s Programmes at Duncraig Community Centre. Tel: 9246 2775 www.duncraigplaygroup.websyte.com.au Early Years PreSchool for 3 to 4 yr olds Now open at Sorrento Community Hall Tel: Jodie 0407 088 29 info@earlyyearspreschool.com.au Eddie Li’ Music Academy – Instrumental or Vocal Eddielis.musicstudio@yahoo.com.au Tel: 0450 107 889 Get Active Sports – Aussie Rules for Juniors At Padbury Primary School Hall, starts 3 May Tel: 1300 772 106 rego@getactivesports.com.au Poynter Farmers’ Market Fortnightly Saturdays 9am – 12 noon www.poynterfarmersmarket.com.au David Milne Golf Academy Holiday Golf Clinics Tel: 9301 2599 www.davidmilnegolfacademy.com.au Duncraig Playgroup Playgroup and Playfun 3’s Programmes at Duncraig Community Centre. Tel: 9246 2775 www.duncraigplaygroup.websyte.com.au TERM PLANNER – TERM 1 2015 MONDAY Week Nine 30 March TUESDAY 31 March WEDNESDAY 1 April THURSDAY 2 April FRIDAY 3 April Sofcrosse incursion Kapture Photos Easter Friday Newsletter Easter Bonnet Pde Assembly B1 TERM PLANNER – TERM 2 2015 Week Eleven Week Ten Week Nine Week Eight Week Seven Week Six Week Five Week Four Week Three Week Two Week One MONDAY 20 Apr TUESDAY 21 Apr 22 Apr THURSDAY FRIDAY 23 Apr 24 Apr ANZAC Service 30 Apr Gym PP - 2 1 May 6 May 7 May 8 May Edu Dance Yrs 3 – 6 Yr. 2 excursion B1 (am) B2 (pm) WAPPB Incursion and classroom visits Yr. 2 excursion B3/A6 Edu Dance Yrs 3 – 6 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 27 Apr ANZAC DAY HOLIDAY WEDNESDAY 28 Apr 29 Apr Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 School Gym PP - 2 4 May Triple P AEDC starts (PP) 5 May School Gym PP – 2 Gym PP – 2 Mothers’ Day Stall 11 May Triple P 18 May Triple P 25 May Triple P 12 May NAPLAN 13 May NAPLAN Mothers’ Day Stall 14 May NAPLAN Lang Conventions Writing Reading Numeracy Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 Gym PP - 2 Catch-up Constable Care Incursion 20 May 21 May Gym PP - 2 22 May ASSEMBLY A6 School Gym PP - 2 19 May Duncraig SHS guided tour School Gym PP – 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 – 6 STAFF MEETING (subject teams) 26 May 27 May 28 May School Gym PP - 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 Gym PP - 2 15 May NAPLAN Duncraig SBAE testing Yr 6 29 May PD DAY Moderation 2 (1-3pm) 1 June WA Day HOLIDAY 2 June 3 June 4 June School Gym PP - 2 School Gym PP - 2 5 June ASSEMBLY B4 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 LAP-A-THON 1.30 8 June Triple P 9 June 10 June 11 June 12 June School Gym PP - 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 – 6 School Gym PP - 2 REPORTS DUE 15 June Triple P 16 June 17 June HPS Cross Country 18 June School Gym PP - 2 19 June ASSEMBLY B6 24 June STAFF MEETING (subject teams) 25 June 26 June 1 July Reports sent home 2 July School Gym PP - 2 22 June Triple P 23 June 29 June Triple P 30 June Reports collected Interschool Carnival (Kingsway) Lightning 3 July ASSEMBLYB2 AEDC finishes (PP)
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