Lang & Lit Course Information - Mrs. Hingl`s Online Classroom

Language and Literature
Mrs. Hingl
Room: 260E
Classroom Website:
Phone: 633-4578
My goal is to help you achieve the knowledge, confidence, and skills necessary to succeed in English class,
high school, and life. To help the transition into high school go smoothly, I’ve listed important information
for you and your parents below.
Language and Literature is a two-semester English course required for graduation.
Visit Mrs. Hingl’s online classroom website @ This website
allows you and your parents to access weekly assignment calendars, links to copies of
assignments, technology demos, videos, review activities, and helpful web links in one easy place.
Our class set of chromebooks will assist you in your learning this year. You are expected to use
technology for educational purposes only. (Tech violations will be sent to VSW administration.)
You will become proficient at managing the following online programs:
1. Google Classroom (students receive and submit work online)
2. (differentiated and interactive online vocabulary study)
3. (provides writing feedback and detects plagiarism)
4. (differentiated online grammar study)
Please be aware of how many times you have missed Lang and Lit, and remember that there is a
strong correlation between attendance and performance in high school.
Grades are updated regularly on Infinite Campus. Log in and check grades often. The end of each
quarter marks the deadline for turning in missing work.
Students are required to have a book to read with them every day in class. Parents should expect
to see students reading at home, too. I have posted recommended reading lists on the online
classroom website for your reference.
I am always willing to go the extra mile to help students. I want you to learn, to feel good about
school, and to be successful. I expect each of you to be a self-advocate for your learning, which
means I want you to talk to me any time you have questions or concerns.
Lang & Lit Supplies
one sturdy binder
plenty of paper
pencils, pens, highlighters
sticky notes
one-subject composition notebook
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (October)
Additional supplies shared with other classes: 2 boxes of Kleenex, note cards, colored pencils, & markers
Classroom Expectations
Make-Up Work & Late Work
You are responsible for asking about work you have missed when you have an UNEXPECTED ABSENCE
from class. Remember, the online classroom website contains the weekly calendar and links to our
assignments for your reference. For each day you are absent, you will have approximately two school
nights to make up what was missed. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, then the assignment
is due the day you return. Late penalties will apply for work turned in beyond this timeframe. Quizzes and
tests are also expected to be made up in a timely manner. PLANNED ABSENCES (including school
activities, sporting events, and vacations) should be communicated with your teacher ahead of time.
Cell Phone Policy
In this class, cell phones must be “invisible.” You may not have your cell phone out or on your desk during
class. You may have it in your pocket, in your pencil case, or in a purse or bag. Your cell phone must be
turned off or have the ringer on silent. If I see your cell phone (or if the ringer goes off in class), this will be
a tech violation. I will send a referral notice to your associate principal in Infinite Campus. Administrators
will deal with consequences for excessive violations. Occasionally, I will permit limited use of cell phones
for classroom activities (technology has some great uses). I will let you know ahead of time when it is
appropriate to bring your cell phone to class.
Restroom Breaks & Tardiness
You are expected to be in your seat when the bell rings. All restroom breaks should occur during the
passing period. Students are not permitted to leave the classroom once class has started. If you are given
permission to leave (emergencies only), be sure to sign out and sign back in by the door.
Cheating Policy
Anytime you hand in work that is not your own, borrow ideas that are not your own, or share your work
with others, it is CHEATING. Students are expected to complete their own work to the best of their
individual ability. Honesty and integrity are expected at all times. If a student has cheated, a ZERO will be
given for that assignment. If two people are involved in the incident, both students will receive a
zero. Most of the time, cheating is a result of poor planning and the feeling of panic. Don’t put yourself in
that situation: PLAN AHEAD. Poor planning is not an excuse to cheat. Sometimes cheating is completely
inadvertent. However, ignorance is not an excuse to cheat either. Rarely is cheating intentional, but
regardless of the intent, CHEATING IS NOT OKAY.
This is Cheating:
Copying another person's writing (published or a classmate's) word-for-word or changing a few
words and not giving them credit (Plagiarism)
Copying off the Internet or secretly consulting the Internet during a closed-note quiz/test
“Working together” and submitting the identical or near identical answers when the assignment
asks for your own interpretation or demonstration of individual learning
Having in your possession another student's paper -- both students have then cheated
Looking at someone else's paper while taking a test or quiz to get the correct answer
Asking another student, "What's on the test/quiz?" between classes
Sharing answers for a test or quiz with a student who has not taken it
Copying someone else's homework or giving someone else your homework