HIGHWAYS INFORMATION PORTAL The one source of truth for the Highways group across New Zealand ABOUT THE HIP The Highways Information Portal is a comprehensive repository for all current standards, guidelines and processes relating to the design, assessment, operation and maintenance of state highways. It has drawn together existing guidance available on the NZ Transport Agency website and supplemented it with new material, to support the Business Case Approach. SECTIONS TECHNICAL ADVICE NOTE • Processes – you’ll find information that will guide you through the project lifecycle and the business case phases, including a list of technical requirements to consider in each of the phases The Highways and Network Operations Technical advice note (TAN) is a formal memo to ensure all relevant people are kept aware of new or updated manuals and technical information. • Technical disciplines – provides you with subject matter specific standards, guidelines and processes It will cover technical information needed to complete Highways tasks and projects, including new memos and specifications, updates to existing information, interim acceptances, etc. The Technical advice note will replace many of the existing email memos sent by individual Highways teams. • Register – takes you to a list of all NZ Transport Agency network standards and guidelines • Forms – contains all commonly used forms in one place to make them easy to find • Links – links to other websites relevant to the work the entire Highways and Network Operations group undertakes • Technical advice note – holds information about, and all editions of the HNO Technical advice note series It is sent to registered users, both internal and external of the NZ Transport Agency. You can sign up for the Technical advice note by emailing outcomeplanning@nzta.govt.nz or via the Highways information portal, where you will also find a catalogue of all prior issues of the HNO Technical advice note – the one source of truth for Highways information. • News – lists all news items about various updates on the HIP HTTP://HIP.NZTA.GOVT.NZ STANDARDS, GUIDELINES AND PROCESSES FOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THE BUSINESS CASE APPROACH INFORMATION ON CONTRACT MANAGEMENT, NETWORK MANAGEMENT AND JOURNEY MANAGEMENT TEMPLATES AND FORMS REQUIRED BY NZTA STAFF AND SUPPLIERS EASY TO NAVIGATE PAGES WITH LINKS TO OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION Contact hip.feedback@nzta.govt.nz http://hip.nzta.govt.nz
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