PROGRESS REPORT THE AAP KI SEHAT JULY - SEPTEMBER 2013 A BRIEF REPORT OF PROGRESS MADE BY AAP KI SEHAT IN IMPROVING HEALTH CONDITIONS IN RURAL PAKISTAN DURING THE PERIOD JULY 01 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 PROGRESS THIS QUARTER PROGRAM PROGRESS & DEVELOPMENT 1. Site for new units finalized In Mardan and Sahiwal, regional managements short listed two sites Mulkiyan palow & Khatako palow as site #1 and Akbar Abad, Sher poor, Fazal Abad & Nazar Abad as site # 2 in Mardan region and Chak # 60/5.L & 58/5-L in Sahiwal. The regional managements conducted several broad based community meetings to ascertain willingness of community active participation by presenting working methodology, role of the organization and role of the community etc. In these meetings community members came up with different questions and queries. All the questions were answered to their satisfaction. Respective regional managements finalized site # 1 (Mulkiyan palow & Khatako palow) as site for unit # 39 in Mardan and chak 60/5-L as site for unit # 41 in Sahiwal. 2. Graduation of a unit Graduation of units is the premise of AAP KI SEHAT i.e. to educate communities, build their capacities and let them move forward putting in practice the learnt skills with technical support of AAP KI SEHAT and replace them with new communities to be benefited by the AAP KI SEHAT program interventions to complete project cycle of three years. Regional managements of Mardan and Sahiwal regions conducted several trainings and meetings with communities of unit # 30 & 31 and unit # 31, 32, 33 & 34 respectively before finally graduated out AAP KI SEHAT program at different times during the quarter under reporting, after completing three year project cycle. AAP KI SEHAT staff shared achievements of community in the shape of improvement in health indicators and positive change in behavior of community members through health education and participation of the community. The communities were given training on sustainable development techniques of community development. Communities were assured of AAP KI SEHAT technical support & assistance including training facilities for the communities on request to learn new and contemporary information and skills for not only maintaining but also improving health and development indicators of their own. They really appreciated the change but at the same time staff was a bit apprehensive about their jobs. It was made clear to them AAP KI SEHAT takes into account collective benefits and bigger task of community development. 3. Baseline survey completed In Sahiwal and Mardan, field staff of unit # 40 and unit # 38 started collecting data on demographics and knowledge and practices of health indicators for the baseline survey after receiving appropriate training in AAP KI SEHAT baseline survey methodology and project interventions. The baseline survey of unit 40 of Sahiwal region was started on June 17 and completed on August 28, 2013. Baseline survey of unit # 38 of Mardan region started on June 24 and completed on September 7, 2013. The supervisory staff remained around not only to help the surveyors on difficult situations but also to correct for their mistakes and error/omission. Regional supervisory staff validated the baseline survey data by taking 5% random sample. In Sahiwal, there were 4083 people residing in 778 households in unit # 40 and there were 4388 people inhabiting in 707 households. 4. PHC interventions started In Sahiwal, baseline survey of unit # 40 has been completed on August 28, 2013. After receiving a five-day refresher training on AAP KI SEHAT PHC and Community Development interventions the field staff started out AAP KI SEHAT PHC and Community Development interventions on September 13, 2013 under direct supervision of supervisory staff who remained there to rectify any problem arose during field work through motivation, knowledge sharing and re-training. 5. Data digitization completed In Mardan, process of digitization of baseline survey data of unit # 38 has been completed during the quarter under reporting. The regional supervisor checked out all survey forms for errors/ omissions and then handed over to Admin and Finance assistant for data entry. All 707 forms fully digitized during the month under reporting. 6. Data digitization underway In Sahiwal, process of digitization of baseline survey data of unit # 40 remained underway during the quarter under reporting. Till filing of this report, data of 100 households have been digitized. 7. Campaign against Dengue In Sahiwal, field staff launched a campaign against Dengue fever during the month under reporting. The field staff educated community members on its mode of spread and vector of the disease which breeds and nurtures in fresh water. The field staff also educated them on prevention of the disease as there is no treatment available yet. Field staff provided information on protection from dengue as to keep water pots covered, do not keep water in open pots, keep the plant pot dry, in and around houses, keep room coolers devoid of water, keep body covered at dawn and dusk, keep garbage away and do not let water to accumulate in things like old tyres etc. 8. Training Coordinators - first level referral In Mardan and Sahiwal, Training Coordinators carried out monitoring of AAP KI SEHAT field interventions alongside other supervisory staff at household level in all operational units. Training Coordinators also provided consultative services during field visits to the referred cases especially on maternal and child health. Training Coordinators conducted examinations of all those referred to her. They not only educated the community members but also motivated them and encouraged them to keep on practicing newly learnt positive healthy behaviors. They also referred all high risk cases to nearby government health facility for more elaborate examination and health care. They went over household and unit records and checked them for accuracy and completeness. They also took skills and knowledge test of field staff and conducted handson training on topics need retraining. They assessed knowledge of respondents at household level by using AAP KI SEHAT monitoring tool. Training Coordinators at both places also helped Regional Supervisor in monitoring baseline surveys going on in unit # 38 and unit # 40 respectively. 9. Scarcity of vaccine The problem with availability of vaccine, especially of TT, BCG, Penta and Measles, continues to hamper getting vaccinations targets achieved in both regions. Reason being previously Federal government used to provide all kind of vaccine but due to devolution now purchase of vaccine is a provincial matter. Regional managements are working in close contact with district health officials and are endeavoring hard to get their target achieved. 2 10. Follow-up of graduated out units In Sahiwal, regional management continued to provide technical support and services to the communities of graduated units. Supervisory staff visited graduated unit # 9 and 32 during the month under reporting. AAP KI SEHAT supervisory staff worked together with Unit Committee and discussed matters of development and other issues of community interest especially registration of the Unit Committee as Community Citizen Board. Regional supervisory staff provided technical support and guidance to the community on the subjects/ area selected/ identified by the community structure. 11. Continuous Education of Medical Practitioners and Barbers AAP KI SEHAT field workers continue to coordinate and educate local barbers and medical practitioners on the mode of transmission of Hepatitis B & C, AIDS and other communicable diseases and methods to avoid them along with their critical role and even bigger responsibilities. Field staff also educates community members about the mode of transmission and their role and responsibilities in avoidance of the diseases. Communities and health care providers and barbers are continuously educated on the importance of using new syringe for every injection, using new needle for ear and nose pricks, and other piercing instrument to avoid direct implant of blood. Both communities as well as care providers are being educated on importance of using disposable razor to avoid such deadly diseases. Now a visible change can be seen especially in service providers. At least they have started talking about hazards of used syringes and razors. 12. Health education in Schools In Mardan and Sahiwal, AAP KI SEHAT field staff conducted health education sessions for schools teachers and students in the project areas. In the health education sessions, during the month of August 2013, field staff educated on the themes like prevention of Malaria; Dengue; importance of Personal Hygiene; Potable water; Balanced Diet and causes of Diarrhea and making ORS & role of ORS in dehydration. 13. Monitoring of field activities In Mardan, Regional Supervisor checked and verified household records of 135 households and Training Coordinator monitored 179 households of all operational field units during the quarter under reporting. During household visits, household records of Growth Monitoring and EPI were checked for accuracy and completeness. Training Coordinator also monitored knowledge of women at household level. All the mistakes/ weakness found in records/ knowledge were got corrected on the spot through instructions and short hands-on training. Also deficiencies found in knowledge of field staff were made up through monthly hands-on training of field staff. In Sahiwal, Regional Supervisor visited 130 households and Training Coordinator monitored 150 households for checking and verification of records in all operational units during the quarter under reporting. During the monitoring visits, supervisory staff checked field records for completeness and accuracy. Any deficiency/ mistakes found in the records were made up through instructions and hands-on trainings. The supervisory staff also monitored knowledge at household level. Field equipment was also checked for their functional orderliness and found in good working order. All regional supervisory staff used AAP KI SEHAT monitoring tool to assess knowledge of beneficiaries at household level. 14. Field staff congregations Field and managerial staff congregated in corresponding regions to discuss progress and problems pertaining to implementation during the month under reporting and finalized work plans for the forthcoming month. Field staff spoke about shortage of vaccine which is impeding achieving immunization objectives. 3 SOCIAL MOBILIZATION & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1. Citizen Community Board registration In Mardan, organized communities of unit # 27, 30 and 34 got their Unit Committees registered as Citizen Community Board with Social welfare Department Mardan as a result of their concerted efforts. The Unit Committee of unit # 27 registered under registration # DO/SW/864, Unit Committee of unit #30 under registration # DO/SW/ 863 and Unit Committee of unit # 34 registered under registration # DO/SW/868. Now the communities will get development funds to take local development initiatives and have been made them more independent. 2. Cleanliness campaign In Mardan, organized community of unit # 33 carried out a cleanliness campaign on August 17, 2013 in the wake of decision made in the last Unit Committee meeting. The community members brought instruments of cleaning including wheelbarrow to remove litter at a distant place out of village. The participants remove silt and solid waste including plastic bags from the drains to ensure free flow of waste water. Participants expressed gratitude over the successful endeavor and further decided to educate community other members to avoid tossing of solid waste into the streets which usually gets into the drains causing chocking. 3. COs’ meetings In both regions, members of COs’ held their meeting to discuss local problems, issues and opportunities of development available to make progress. The process of formation of community organization is underway in AAP KI SEHAT project units. Social Organizers attended several community meetings in AAP KI SEHAT units to sensitize and motivate community members to take on challenges of development once organized. 4. Formation of COs In both regions, Regional Supervisors, Female Volunteer Health Assistant and Male Volunteer Health Assistant educated on importance of community organization and Social Organizer carried out individual and corner meetings in different newly added units. Social Organizers underscoring importance of community organization and its role in getting local problem solved through concerted efforts. These meetings helped create mass awareness among villagers. Social Organizers also highlighted the need of active community participation to achieve the development goals. AAP KI SEHAT intervention regarding community organization and motivation was also discussed in detail. 5. Unit Health Committee meetings In Mardan, members of unit committee members of unit # 32 convened on September 23, 2013, at Hamza Khan Killi. The meeting discussed importance of fund raising at length with special reference to local development initiatives on self-help. It was decided to collect donations/ contribution from the members and from other motivated community members. They collected Rs. 900/- on the spot. It was also decided to keep track record of each and every penny either collected or spent. Members of unit committee of unit # 33 convened on September 23, 2013, at Palosay killi. The meeting discussed the importance of getting registered as Citizen Community Board with emphasis on members to the requirements for submission of documents. It was decided to broaden the membership of Unit Committee and make sure that every member must provide photocopies of their ID cards as well as membership fee in time to be able to submit application. Members of unit committee of unit # 34 convened on September 17, 2013, at Aziz abad killi (Fatima). The meeting discussed the current issues being faced in the unit area especially problems related to infrastructure. The meeting formulated a five-member committee to identify such problems to work on. 4 Members of Unit Committee of unit # 35 convened on September 26, 2013, at Khud-e-Noor killi. The meeting discussed the importance of registration as Citizen Community Board to carry out development work at local level. It was decided to get Citizen Community Board registration as early as possible. In Sahiwal, members of both female unit committee of unit # 35 held their meetings on August 22, 2013. The meeting discussed the importance of environmental hygiene with special reference to stagnant waste water in streets. It was further discussed that solid waste thrown into the dilapidated drains causing the issue. The meeting decided to educate people to avoid tossing of solid waste into the streets and drains which ultimately results in chocking of drains which may result in outbreak of Malaria and Dengue fever. Members of female unit committee of unit # 37 convened on August 17, 2013. The meeting discussed the importance of environmental hygiene with special reference to heaps of litter in the streets. It was observed that people tossed solid waste into the streets rather than to put aside in the house to dispose it off proper later on. It was further discussed that solid waste thrown into the dilapidated drains causes chocking of drains. The meeting decided to educate people to avoid tossing of solid waste into the streets and drains to avoid disease spread especially Malaria and Dengue. 6. Social Organization and Community Development activities round-up During the community meetings held in Mardan the participants discussed Importance of Immunization; Growth Monitoring and Promotion; potable water; Balanced Diet; Iodine Deficiency Disorder & Iodized salt; Personal hygiene; Prevention of Hepatitis and role of ORS/ ORT in management of Diarrhea. The participants also discussed developmental issues like importance of organization and CO formation in their meetings. In Sahiwal, field staff facilitated community meetings to discuss health and related developmental issues. The communities discussed importance of Balanced Diet; Potable water; Environmental hygiene; Proper disposal of solid waste; proper disposal of human waste; prevention of Dengue; Typhoid fever; Tuberculosis (TB); Diarrhea and role of ORS/ ORT in management of Diarrhea and protection from scorching heat in their meetings with special reference to health. The participants discussed thoroughly the following developmental issues like importance of organization; AAP KI SEHAT; cleaning & construction of drains and village profile in the meeting. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 1. Training on data compilation In Sahiwal and Mardan, regional managements conducted one-day training of field staff of unit # 39 and 40 and unit # 38 respectively on baseline data compilation during the quarter under reporting. The trainings were conducted in respective regional office buildings. Regional Supervisors and Training Coordinators were the trainers. The trainers went over all segments of baseline survey form and how to extract information from these forms. They also emphasized importance of data collection, recording, accuracy and its timely reporting for decision making. They also highlighted how to fill out data collection tools according to different target populations. This improved dexterity of the field staff and they filled out all target populations on different data collection tools after extracting relevant information from baseline survey forms. 2. Refresher initial training In Mardan and Sahiwal, five-day refresher trainings of field staff of unit # 38 and unit # 39 respectively have been conducted during the quarter under reporting, after completion of baseline surveys. The purpose of the trainings were to refresh field staff knowledge and skill before start of activities at household level. The trainings were held at respective regional office buildings and Regional Supervisors and Training Coordinators were the trainers. They went over all the topics/ interventions to refresh trainees’ knowledge and skills acquired during initial training conducted before start of baseline surveys. 5 3. Community training for recruitment In Mardan and Sahiwal, , regional managements conducted three-day community trainings for recruitment of field staff of unit # 38 from September 12 through 14, and for unit # 41 from September 16 through 18, 2013 respectively. The community trainings were held in field settings. In Sahiwal, out of the twelve participants three were male and nine were female and in Mardan out of seven participants four were female and 3 were male. The trainers went over importance of primary health care, role of field workers, AAP KI SEHAT field interventions. Before start of the training, selection criteria and methodology was explained. All the topics covered one by one. At the end of the training participants were asked to present topic of their choice and evaluated for different skills of communication. One male and two female candidates with highest scores at each place were offered jobs and they accepted it. 4. Initial training In Mardan and Sahiwal, regional managements started two-week initial training of field staff on AAP KI SEHAT interventions and baseline survey of unit # 39 and unit # 41 respectively. The trainings were held in respective AAP KI SEHAT regional offices from September 10 and 19, 2013 respectively. Regional Supervisors and Training Coordinator were the lead trainers and used mixed methodology partly didactic and partly participatory. Before start of the trainings a pre-test was taken. Every participant was provided with writing materials as well as hands/ training manual. The trainers apprised the participants of AAP KI SEHAT goals and objectives and their importance. The trainer also explained importance and execution of each and every intervention and its contribution of realizing objectives and goals. At the end of the training a post-test was taken to assess the dexterity of the field staff which came out to be satisfactory. 5. Training attended In Sahiwal, AAP KI SEHAT supervisory staff attended a short First Aid training organized by Rescue 1122 at PTCL training hall on September 19, 2013. The participants were apprised of how to stop internal and external bleeding. The trainers also acquainted participants with how to check vital signs (heart and respiratory rate) and resuscitation procedure in case of cardiac standstill and /or holding of breath. Regional Supervisor also requested training team of Rescue 1122 to organize the same short training for whole AAP KI SEHAT field staff and the team assured of conducting such training in near future. 6. Refresher training In Mardan, regional management conducted one-day refresher training of all field staff on importance and methods of family planning. The training was held on August 5, 2013, at regional office building and Training Coordinator was the resource person. The trainer discussed importance of family planning in connection with the current situation in Pakistan, different temporary and permanent child spacing methods, their efficacy and side effects as well as motivational themes. 7. Refresher training In Mardan, regional management conducted one-day refresher training of all field staff on filling out Monthly Health Summaries. The training was held on July 5, 2013, at regional office building and Regional Supervisor and Training Coordinator was the resource person. The trainers discussed guidelines for filling out the reporting form and provided support to prepare first report under direct supervision. Now both of trainers as well as trainees are confident that field staff would prepare progress report independently. 8. Training workshop attended In Mardan, Regional Supervisor attended five-day training workshop jointly organized by National Disaster Management authority Pakistan, Provincial Disaster Management Authority Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Humanitarian Country Team Pakistan. The training workshop was held in a local hall from July 1 through 5, 6 2013. Total of 38 participants from 7 different NGOs and GOs attended the training workshop. The trainer highlighted the role of different Humanitarian groups in man-made as well as natural disasters. The coordinator discussed in detail procedure, planning, coordination and implementation process of the networks in disasters. He further elaborated on coordination mechanism between these networks and government agencies during and after the disasters and role of Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) which is responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors in Pakistan to ensure a coherent response to emergencies and to assist people when they most need humanitarian assistance. He also highlighted funds generation mechanism of UN agencies for meeting emergencies and disasters throughout the world. Every day is marked with group work. Group Leader presented his group work. Other participants asked questions of their interest which were replied. At the end of the worked DCO distributed training certificates among participants. 9. Community capacity building In Mardan, regional management of AAP KI SEHAT Mardan region conducted community capacity building trainings of unit committees of unit # 32 (Hamza Khan killi), Unit # 33 (Palosay) unit # 34 (Azizabad), unit # 35 (Khud-e-Noor killi) and unit # 36 (Gala Dhier) in respective unit offices on during the qurter under reporting. The trainings were conducted in the field settings on the topic of Fundraising, Planning and Management. Total 52 unit committee members participated in the trainings. The Regional Supervisor and Social Organizer were the trainers. In Sahiwal, two trainings of male and female Unit Committees of unit # 40 were conducted on August 20, 2013 in field the backdrop. Total of 19 participants attended the trainings on ‘Fund Raising’ and Regional Supervisor and Assistant Social Organizer were the trainers. Mixed approach was adopted which was partly didactic and partly participatory. Now communities look more confident after attending the training workshops. 10. Hands-on trainings In both regions, regional managements conducted hands-on training of field staff on issues came into notice while monitoring of field activities during the month under reporting. These focused trainings were conducted on need basis within the units. The deficiencies in knowledge or skill or queries of field staff were taken care of. This was further strengthened with one day short training on the day field staff congregated for monthly meetings. 11. Field staff knowledge test Field staff knowledge and skill test was carried out by regional managements at respective regional offices during the month under reporting. The random questions from almost all interventions were included in the written test to assess the dexterity of the staff. After that a hands-on training was conducted on the basis of result of the test. INTERACTIONS/COLLABORATIONS 1. Polio Day (SNID) In Sahiwal, AAP KI SEHAT participated in Special National Immunization Day (SNID) as a part of Polio Eradication Campaign observed in collaboration with WHO, UNICEF and other allied donors. The National Immunization Day was observed from July 1 through 3, 2013. AAP KI SEHAT Sahiwal field staff participated enthusiastically along with public sector Polio teams. During the SNID campaign, AAP KI SEHAT teams tried their level best to ensure administering polio drops to each and every child in project areas. 7 2. Coordination meeting with regard to NID In Sahiwal, Regional Supervisor attended meeting with district health authorities on August 5, 2013. The meeting was called upon by district health authorities and was held in the DCO office Sahiwal. Purpose of the meeting was to finalize the National Immunization Day (NID) plans schedule on August 19 through 21, 2013. The meeting was chaired by DCO and told that special teams of officers’ grade 17 and above had been established to monitor the performance of Polio teams. The meeting was also attended by representatives from UNICEF, religious scholars and line departments and NGOs. EDO (H) and DO (H) briefed the meeting on current situation and told that 791 teams would be constituted along with 109 teams stationed at fixed places and 70 teams would be on the move at bus terminal/stops and Railway station to give out Polio drops to commuting children and a few teams to would visit brick kilns and nomad communities. For all these activities to be carried out in smoothly and effectively a total of 2080 workers would participate in the NID activities. All the participants attending the meeting pledged to participate enthusiastically in the campaign. 3. Polio Day (NID) In Sahiwal, AAP KI SEHAT participated in Special National Immunization Day (SNID) as a part of Polio Eradication Campaign observed in collaboration with WHO, UNICEF and other allied donors. The National Immunization Day was observed from August 19 through 21, 2013. AAP KI SEHAT Sahiwal field staff participated enthusiastically along with public sector Polio teams. During the SNID campaign, AAP KI SEHAT teams tried their level best to ensure administering polio drops to each and every child in project areas. 4. Measles Day meeting In Sahiwal, Regional Supervisor attended a coordination meeting called upon by District health authorities in DCO office on September 2, 2013. The meeting was held in connection with upcoming vaccination against Measles campaign from September 5 through 14, 2013. In the meeting EDO (H) and DO (H) gave presentation on the current situation. During the last year 615 cases of Measles were reported but was no casualty taken place. This year no case of Measles has been reported this year. In the briefing it was told that Sahiwal was included in the 12 District of Punjab province where the campaign had been announced. All children from age 6 months through 10 years will be vaccinated during the campaign. 5. Campaign against Measles In Sahiwal, the recent Measles outbreak claimed death of huge number of children on one hand and scores of children affected and hospitalized on the other hand. During the quarter under reporting, AAP KI SEHAT participated in campaign against Measles in collaboration with District health authorities in project areas from September 5 through 14, 2013. Children of age between 6 months to 10 years were vaccinated in the project area during the campaign. AAP KI SEHAT field staff also educated community members to isolate affected children from healthy ones and sought medical help. They also educated on importance of vaccination in this regard and motivated community to get their children vaccinated as soon as possible. VISITORS 1. Functionary from AWAZ Welfare 2. PEACE Coordinator visited 8 IV. STATUS OF ONGOING ACTIVITIES Table A (ANTENATAL CARE) The following table showing distribution of pregnant women during current month & last month by number, new pregnancies added to Maternal Care Program for antenatal examination, the % of them examined and their pregnancy status in each region during September 2013. Unit # Region Mardan Sahiwal New Pregnancies 1-31 32-37 1-33 34-40 Total Pregnancies Current month Last month 28 72 75 39 118 108 Status Examined % Green Graduated units 100 26 Graduated units 98 45 Weight gain Yellow Red <1 Kg % ≥1 Kg % 62 12 0 100 55 0 0 86 Table B (Pregnancies Outcome) The following table showing distribution of pregnancies outcome registered with Maternal Care Program, number of antenatal examinations done, number of TT inoculation before termination of pregnancy and complications developed during delivery in each region during September 2013. Unit Region Ende d# Live % Still % Abort % 32-37 1-33 30 100 2 0 34-40 45 99 0 6.01504 # Mardan Sahiwal Antenatal examinations Pregnancy outcome Twin % 1-31 <2 % ≥2 % Tetanus Toxoid Complications <2 % ≥2 % % 0 100 0 17 83 6 Graduated units 3 0 100 Graduated units 5 20 80 Table C (Postnatal & Neonatal Care) The following table showing distribution of pregnancies ended by number, distribution of delivery assistants by category and distribution of place of delivery in each region during September 2013. Region Mardan Sahiwal Delivery Assisted by Pregnancies ended # Untrained % 32-37 1-33 30 0 34-40 45 30 Unit # 1-31 None Trained % % Graduated units 100 0 Graduated units 70 9 0 Home % Place of Delivery Hospital MCHC % % Others % 70 30 0 0 34 52 14 0 Table D (Postnatal & neonatal care) The table showing distribution of pregnancies ended, postnatal care provided, neonatal care and initiation of breast feeding reported in each region during September 2013. Birth Weight Region Mardan Sahiwal Pregnanci es ended # Postnatal Examined % Birth defects % Live birth # 32-37 1-33 30 100 0 30 34-40 45 100 0 38 Unit # < 2.5 kg % 1-31 ≥ 2.5 kg % Initiation of BF <½ Hour 1-4 Hour >4 Hour None 0 100 0 0 29 39 32 0 Graduated units 6 94 Graduated units 29 71 Table E Morbidity The table showing distribution of number of illness reported in each region by probable cause during September 2013. Region Mardan Sahiwal Unit Total DIA EPI ARI Hepatitis TB Maternal Others # # # # # # # # # 0 0 72 1 0 228 1-31 Graduate out 32-37 1-33 218 69 0 34-40 440 74 2 76 1 Graduate out 114 21 Table F Mortality The table showing distribution of deaths reported in each region by probable cause during September 2013. Region Mardan Sahiwal Unit Total DIA EPI ARI Hepatitis TB Maternal Others # # # # # # # # # 32-37 1-33 3 0 0 1 0 0 2 34-40 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 1-31 Graduate out 10 0 Graduate out 0 Table G Children Immunization The following table showing distribution of number of < 1 children population, immunization activity done and comparison of fully immunized children in project units with baseline in each region during September 2013. Region Total kids <1 Last month # Kids <1 Included this month # Kids <1 Excluded this month # 32-37 1-33 345 32 38 339 490 Graduated units 34-40 405 41 27 419 Unit # Total Kids <1 This month 1-31 Mardan Sahiwal Shots given # Shots due # Fully Immunized kids % Baseline % 19 95 12 280 69 49 Graduated units 1130 Table H Women Immunization The following table showing distribution of WRA population, fully immunized WRAs and their comparison with baseline in each region during September 2013. Region Mardan Sahiwal Total WRA last month # WRA included this month # WRA excluded this month # 32-37 1-33 2568 32 1 34-40 2847 5 0 Unit # 1-31 Total WRA this month # Fully immunized % Baseline % 40.35 4.37 57.34 29.91 Graduated units 2599 Graduated units 2852 Table I Growth Monitoring & Promotion The following table showing distribution of population < 3 children registered with Growth Monitoring & Promotion, % examined and their status in each region during September 2013. Unit Total Examined Green Yellow Red III Grade # <3 Kids # % % % % % 32-37 1-33 1309 91 4 1 34-40 1372 98 9 1 Region Mardan Sahiwal 1-31 Graduated units 61 35 Graduated units 71 11 23 Table J Child Spacing The following table showing distribution of eligible couples, type of method under use and comparison of current CPR with baseline figure in each region during September 2013. Region Mardan Sahiwal Total eligible couples last month # Eligible couples included this month # Eligible couples excluded this month # 32-37 1-33 2568 32 1 34-40 2844 5 1 Unit # Total eligible couples this month # Permanent method % Total CPR % Baseline % 2599 19.1 Graduated units 1.9 21.0 6 2848 4.8 14.9 7 1-31 Temporary method % Graduated units 10.1 Table K Water & Sanitation The following table showing distribution of number of baseline and current water sources and access to potable water as well as distribution of baseline and current number of latrines and their access to latrines in each region during September 2013. Region Mardan Sahiwal Unit # Tot al HH # Potable Water Sources # Baseline Survey Current HH with Access to Potable Water # Baseline Survey Current 1-31 32-37 1-33 34-40 % Increase in Water Access Latrines # Baseline Survey HH with Access to Latrines # % Increase in Latrine Access Current Baseline Survey Current 1788 1786 1788 0 3178 3174 3183 0 Graduate out 31 87 2287 42 59 4119 2291 2341 2344 0 1780 Graduate out 4122 4228 4259 1 3174 Table L Health Education to Men and on Iodized salt The following table showing distribution of male population, married population, health education given to married population along with availability of Iodized salt at local shops in each region during September 2013. Region Mardan Sahiwal Last month total >15 Population added Excluded 32-37 1-33 5602 0 2 34-40 7319 0 5 Unit # Current month total >15 population 1-31 Total married male Population # Health Edu given # Iodized Salt available Total Shops # I. Salt Available # 961 53 41 1105 105 51 Graduated units 5600 2599 Graduated units 7314 12 2300 Table M Health Education to local opinion leaders The following table showing distribution of local opinion leaders, topics discussed in health education sessions and their response to health education in each region during September 2013. Imam Masjid Region Unit # Total Topic discussed Local Leaders Health Education given # Response # Sahiwal Topic discussed Participants # Response # 1-31 Mardan Total Graduate out 32-37 1-33 25 19 34-40 19 14 34 Graduate out 31 45 33 Table N Boys’ school health education The table showing distribution of total numbers of teachers and boy students and number of teachers and boy student attended health education sessions in each region during September 2013. Region Mardan Sahiwal Unit # Teachers Total # participants # Boys Students Topic discussed 1-31 Total # participants # Topic discussed Graduated out 32-37 1-33 18 16 123 Graduated out 102 34-40 55 48 357 563 Table O Girls’ school health education The table showing distribution of total number of COs, meetings planned and meetings held and number of participants in each region during September 2010. Region Mardan Sahiwal Unit # Total Schools # HE Sessions held # 1-31 32-37 Graduated units 4 3 62 1-33 34-40 Participants # Graduated units 17 14 552 13 Topic discussed Table P Care providers The following table showing distribution of local medical practitioner and barbers and number health education sessions conducted in each region during the month of September 2013. Total practitioners # Educated # 32-37 1-33 16 11 34-40 28 20 Unit # Region Total Barber # 1-31 Mardan Sahiwal Educated # Graduate out 15 Graduate out 11 45 29 Table Q Community Organization The table showing distribution of total number of female and male COs, meetings held and number of participants attended the meetings in each region during September 2013. Region Unit # Mardan Sahiwal Female Cos Total Cos # Meetings held # Male Cos Participants # 1-31 Total Cos # Meetings held # Participants # 19 172 5 55 Graduated units 32-37 1-33 10 0 80 34-40 54 0 87 35 Graduated units 44 Table R Trainings of Cluster Organizations The table showing distribution of total number of trainings conducted on different topics for female and male COs, number of participants attended the trainings in each region during September 2013. Female cluster organizations Trai ning # Region Unit Mardan 1-31 Sahiwal 32-37 1-33 0 0 34-40 10 119 Participants # Male cluster organizations Conducted by Topic/s Training # Participants # Graduated out units 0 Graduated out units 7 PH = Personal hygiene BF = Breast feeding TB = Tuberculosis ORS = Oral rehydration solution VR = Village review WD = Proper disposal of waste MC = Maternal Care Hep = Hepatitis EH = Environmental hygiene Diar = Diarrhea Org = Importance of organization 14 0 66 Topic/s Conducted by EPI = Expanded program of Immunization GMP = Growth Monitoring & promotion Wat = Potable water IS = Iodized salt Table S Trainings of Unit Committees The table showing distribution of total number of trainings conducted on different topics for female and male unit committees, number of participants attended the trainings in each region during September 2013. Female Unit committee Region Mardan Sahiwal Unit 1-31 32-37 1-33 34-40 Trai ning # Participants # 0 0 0 0 Male unit committee Conducted by Topic/s Training # Graduated out units 3 Graduated out units 0 Participants # Topic/s Conducted by 33 0 Prepared and submitted by Dr. Shafique-ur-Rehman, MBBS, MPH Chief Executive Officer 15
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