F DF 20 411 CE R T IF IC AT E II IN W INE INDUS T RY OPER AT IONS C OURSE C ON T E N T A general qualification for the Hospitalty/Wine Industry. This program has been developed to provide jobseekers in the hospitality and wine sales industry with the latest skills, knowledge and thinking to expand their capabilities. Units from within the program have been designed for application in both a service and sales environment. It also contains of a set of competencies high performing hospitality staff should possess. Hands-on course includes face to face training sessions where students will learn about best-practice in the hospitality and wine sectors as well as engaging in practical service tasks S TA NDA RD U NI T OU T L INE C ORE U NI T S FDFFS2001A FDFOHS2001A FDFOP2063A FDFOP2064A MSAENV272B Implement food safety program and procedures Participate in OHS processes Apply quality systems and procedures Provide and apply workplace information Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices E L EC T I V E U NI T S FDFCD2002A FDFCD2003A FDFCD2005A FDFCD2006A SITHFAB201 SITHFAB204 SITHFAB206 SITXFIN201 SITXFSA101 SIRXCCS202 SITHFAB202 SITXCOM201 Promote wine tourism information Evaluate wines (standard) Sell cellar door products and services Conduct a standard product tasting Provide responsible service of alcohol Prepare and serve espresso coffee Serve food and beverage Process financial transactions Use hygienic practices for food safety Interact with customers Operate a bar Show social and cultural sensitivity PRE REQUISI T E S There are no pre-requisites or entry for this program. The target audience for this qualification is jobseekers in the food production and packaging industry Entry does require basic language, literacy and numeracy competence This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding For full details on pricing please visit our website hivized.com.au. You may be eligible for funding - See back 1|1- 3 W E S T P O O L D R I V E H A L L A M V I C 30 8 3 P H : 0 3 8795 796 4 E : I N F O @ H I V I Z E D.C O M . AU COMPLETE IT R T O I D 4 079 3 People with disabilities are encouraged to apply INDUSTRY TRAINING R E F : T L I 2 01 3 07 F DF 20 411 CE R T IF IC AT E II IN W INE INDUS T RY OPER AT IONS DE L I V E R Y A ND A S SE S SME N T HiViz Ed programs are designed to be flexible, interactive and engaging. Face to face classroom training is complimented with relevant and current theory and practical hands on experience at the workplace or simulated environments T OPIC S INCL UDE D IN T HE IN T E NSI V E T R A INING C OURSE Workplace Health and Safety Food Safety and Hygiene Responsible Service of Alcohol Wine Evaluation Customer Service Wine Tasting Cellar-door/Sales T R A INING FACIL I T IE S HiViz Ed can provide access to training space and facilities dedicated to hospitality and wine industry training, complete with fully stocked bar that includes all wines, coffee, equipment PPE and consumables relevant to wine operations, as well as Standard Operating Procedures for bar activities to give learners a real life learning experience. This option is useful when training jobseekers or new workers A DDI T ION A L C OMPE T E NCIE S Additional competencies can be included in this qualification to maximise work placement opportunities. Your trainer will discuss this program in more detail at your induction. Successful completion of this qualification will allow you to demonstrate that you have achieved the additional units that can be recognised as part of a cross-industry learning pathway YOU M AY BE E L IG IBL E F OR F UNDING E L IG IBIL I T Y CRI T E RI A To be eligible for funding, applicants must be an Australian Citizen or permanent resident with no prior equivalent or higher qualifications A PPL IC AT ION E L IG IBIL I T Y The Certificate II in Wine Industry Operations is tailored to meet the needs of those interested in an entry level qualification A PPL IC AT ION PROCE DURE S Contact HiViz Ed today to receive further information on course application and related fees 1|1- 3 W E S T P O O L D R I V E H A L L A M V I C 30 8 3 P H : 0 3 8795 796 4 E : I N F O @ H I V I Z E D.C O M . AU COMPLETE IT R T O I D 4 079 3 INDUSTRY TRAINING OFFERING TRAINING IN: R I C H M O N D V I C 31 21 R I N G W O O D V I C 313 4
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